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GRANT COUNTY HERALD TWICE A WEEK Entered April 30. 1103. at Lancaster, Wis. as second class matter under act oi Cong ress of March 8, 1879. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER. Ball Pbome No. 12. Farmer'* Phone No. 49. B. J. LOWREY, Editor and Prop. Subscription Price, 11,50 Per year. CLBERT HUBBARD DIAGNOSES THE TATTUNG HABIT. The person plays pitch and toes with your good name is not necessarily yonr enemy. .Probably if you go to him quietly agd ask a favor, he will be glad to £3&nt it, and will consider it an honor to exert himself in your be half. His unkind remarks are the result of the Gossip-Habit. He talks to hear himself talk —nothing is quite so pleasing to h?s ears as the sound of his own bazoo, and to have others listen to his vaporings is gratifying to his vanity. He dissects the life and belittles the motives of anybody and every body who are not present. Should the person reviled sudden ly appear upon the scene, the theme quickly changes, and the newcomer is treated with kindly deference, and is regaled by hearing the char acter of some one else ripped up in to carpet rags. The Gossip Microbe is born of Vacuity and breeds in idle minds. If you do not hear the scandal monger says, you are not banned. As for those who hear him, they are not influenced against you by what he says, and for the. most part his words die on the «mpty air. fle injures no one but himself. However, the person who comes to you and tells you what the loquacious one says about you, is a positive pest. His action is unfor givable and unpardonable. He robs you of your peace of mind. The idle charges when told over again .take on a different color and be rcomes realities. So to repeat: The individual who rails on me behind my back is very seldom my enemy; the person who comes to me and '-tells me what he says, is. first-I’ll pardon, the latter forever is tabu—let his name be •anathema. He is the one who mangities idle nothings and vacuous vaporings until they become noxious gases. The man who talks gossip Is a fool; but the one who repeats it is a rogue. Your friends are those who tell you of the kind things that are said of you; your enemies are those who, in the holy name of friendship, come to you and poison your atmosphere by the other thing. That plan of the king in the olden time T ho killed the messenger who brought him bad news, has my ap proval. Blessed are the feet of those who bring glad tidings.—The Philis tine. Many of the industries that slowed down on account of the recent financial flurry are now working fall time again to keep their stocks from running out. ▲ return of 'Confidence seemed to be about all shat was needed. Uncle Sam is now in a position to his own in the Pacific, and <as a result the jingo there steps <down and out. CHECKS. Every time the second hand of "your watch goes around during business hours some one files one of our checks and passes it to some one else to cancel an obligation. It is system to use a checking: ac count. Nothing helps your busi ness like system. We invite you to start a checking account with us. We offer excep tional advantages for both large and small accounts. First National Bank, Lancaster, Wis. Humorous Robbers. After holding up five men In a sa loon in Chicago recently, several young desperadoes forced their vio tims into an ice-box and turned on a talking machine to drown the sound r of their cries. They then made their and left the phonograph play ing Been Here but Gone.”— The Musical Age. Plants That Arc Poisonous. Many harmless plants contain poison. Daffodil and narcissus pick ers are troubled with a skin disease known as “daffodil poisoning.” Gath erings form under the fingernails. They are caused by minute crystals in the juice of the stems. The bulbs of the white Roman hyacinth have similar unpleasant properties. Auction Bulletin. JOSEPH PINK’S SALE. The undersigned, having sold his arm known as the old Jim Staok farm, three miles southwest of Hurricane and 8 % miles southwest of Lancaster, will offer for sale at auction, commenc ing at 10 o’clock a. m. on TUESDAY, MARCH 3, ’OB, The following described property: Six Horses—One bay horse 11 years old, weight lloO; one bay mare 8 yrs. old, weight 1200; one bay mare 7 yrs. old with foal, weight 1300; one bay mare 5 yrs. old, with foal, weight 1300; one horse colt coming 2 yrs. old, sired by Boxer; one bay Alley coming 2 yrs. old, sired by Boxer; one bay coit com ing 3 yrs. old, weight 1050. 2o Head Cattle —Consisting of 15 choice milch cows, all coming fresh in spring; three heifers coming 2 yrs. old; one yearling steer; one Aberdeen Angus bull coming 2 yrs. old. 42 Sheep—Consisting of 41 ewes grade Oxford downs and one Oxford down buck; all very choice sheep. 10 Hogs—Nine brood sows and one Poland China stock hog. 100 Chickens. Foot Geese. Machinery Etc. Vehicles —One Peer ing binder; one hay rake; one check row corn planter; one Emerson corn plow; one 16-inch Emerson riding plow; one 14-inch sod plow; one 3 section steel harrow; one Superior seeder; one No. 6U. S. cream separator, good as new; one truck wagon; one high wagon; two sets wagon springs—one 3#oO and one 4000 test; two bob sleighs, one as good as new; one hay rack, one wood rack and box; two sets work harness, one as good as new; one set driving harness; one single harness; one surrey: one 2-seat open buggy; one gross seeder; hay fork, pulleys and 125 ft. rope; iron kettle; swell cart and two barrels; log chain, wire strether, and other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Terms —All sums of $lO or uuder, cash, on all sums over thie amount one year’s time will be given on bank able notes at 7 per cent interest. JOSEPH PINK. R. N. Hoskins, auctioneer. W. A. Johnson, clerk. FRANK TURNER’S SALE. The undersigned, having sold his farm, IJ4 miles west of Lancaster on the Beetown road, will offer for sale at auction, beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., WEDNESDAY MARCH 4, 1908, The following described property: 6 Head of Horses—One clack horse 9 years old, weight about 1200, good family horse in every way; one gray mare 9 years old, weight about 1450 with foal; one gray mare 12 years old, weight about 1450, with foal; one bay gelding, standard-bred, three years old coming four and well broken to all harness purposes; two 3-year olds not broken to harness. Fifteen Head of Cattle —Nine choice Jersey and one Guernsey milch cows, some with calf at side and others com ing fresh soon; one full-blood Jersey heifer, coming 1 year old; one full blood Jersey bull coming 1 year old; one grade Guernsey heifer, coming 1 year old; two yearling red heifers with calf. Eight head of Hogs— Seven Poland China brood sows and one Chester White, all with pig. About 175 Chickens - 75 of these are full-blood barred Plymouth Rocks, cockerels and pullets; 10 full-blood White Plymouth Rock hens; two hen turkeys; and three 3 ducks. Farm Machinery Etc, —One 10 ft. bay rake, good as new; one Superior Seeder, new; one 14-inch general purpose plow, new; one mower; one check row corn planter, one corn plow; one 2-horse drag; one 2 horse disc; one grass seeder; one hand garden plow; one swill cart, new; one 30-gal iron kettle; two inonbators. one 50 and one 60 hatch; one 50-chick brooder. _ Hay and Grain—About 10 tons of good hay; 150 bushels good seed oats; 15 bushels good seed barley; a quantity of alsyke clover seed. Vehicles Harness Etc.—One single buggy; two farm wagons; one cutter; one bob-sleigh; one hay rack; one set wagon springs 3000 test; one set light double, work harness; one set heavy double work harness; two single harnesses; horse blankets, one new hay-fork and rope; one new DeLaral cream separator; about 30 grain sacks; new cross-cut saw; three new milk cans; one cook stove; a quantity of household furniture; and other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Terms. —All sums of $lO and under, cash; on all sums over this amount a credit of one year’s time will be given on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. FRANK TURNER. P. A. Bishop, auctioneer. Geo. A. Moore, clerk. Unincumbered. In the course of an examination of e negro witness in the Jackson, Miss., chancery court a few weeks since, the attorney asked: “Are there any in cumbrances on your land?” ”Naw % sub,” responded the witness, "nothin’ but pines.”—Law Notes. The young men of this city will have an opportunity this spring of seeing the smartest line of spring suits at Joeckel’s Clothing store that ever landed in town. We are headquarters for cut flowers for all occasions and purposes. Show er bouquets and funeral pieces on short notice. Telegraph, telephone or mail orders promptly filled. Taylor’s Greenhouse Bell phone 1332. Lancaster, w ts. Wed. GRANT COUNTY HERALD LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, FEBRUARY, 26, 1908 Additional Local —Richard Meyer Jr., and Joseph Bock, both of the Union State bank, visited the Squirrel mine, of which they are part owners, at Linden, yesterday. —The ’Ome Band was entertain ed by Miss Helen Brooker at her home m the second ward, last even ing, with a covered dish party. Chicken pie was the “piece de re sistance.” This time “the boys” were lucky enough to be included in the invitation and the feast. —The Hibernia Lead and Zinc Co’s mine was sold by Sheriff Bud worth, at Platteville, last Friday on a mechanic’s lien for $2990.51 held by the Galena Iron Works. The costs in addition to this amount, were $117.68. The property was sold to the Homestead Mining Co., of Platteville for $5,400. —A very successful surprise party was perpetrated upon John Place, the popular salesman at the Boston Store, last Saturday evening, when about 65 of his friends dropped in and assisted him in celebrating his 28th birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent m progressive whist and refreshments followed at midnight. —George Gibbs has sold his barb er shop to Bert Shipley, of Madison, who will take possession on March 1. Mr. Gibbs will remain and assist in the shop for a month, after which he will go to North Dakota, where he has purchased a relinquishment in a homestead and will stay for a year, until he can “prove up” and then return to this eity. He makes this change for the benefit of his failing health. —As the public is interested in the work of the Hillside ceme tery association, Mrs. R. B. Sho walter, chairman of the execu tive committee reports lor the year’s work that of articles contrib uted for the rummage sale in Octo ber, the sales amounted to sl3l 85, while the total receipts of last Sat-; urday night’s entertainment were! $165 60 and net receipts $l3B To Raise Sunken Vessels. Compressed air is recommended by Cosmos, Paris, as the best means of raising sunken vessels, and the jour nal says the old methods should be abandoned. It points to a number of big boats which have been rescued from the deep this way. Reduced Colonist Rates. One-way tickets at special low rates on sale daily throughout March and April, from all points on The North Western Line to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Puget Sound points. Daily and personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North West ern Line. Double berth only $7.00, through from Chicago. For full par ticulars write S. A. Hutchison, Mana ger, Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chi cago, 111., or address nearest ticket agent. (16-t4 s) A good live town must have good trade pullers—Joeckel’s Clothing store is going to do its share in help ing to pull trade to town; none need to go away dissatisfied. jpBBOSS | WANT COLUMN | XpOR SALE OR RENT—A first class dwell- A ing house t blocks north of the depot; beautiful lawn and full grown shades trees. Can see all trains pass from three sides of the house ai,d can see for miles around, a location where a lonesome moment cannot be seen; the finest location in the city. Good well, cistern, garden and orchard. (Btf) Job Wright. TTOR SALE —The 140 acres of Northwest A quarter of Section 25, Town 6. Range 1 West, lying north of C- & N. W. Railway Co., and situated adjoining the village of Mont fort. Grant county, Wis. Call or address Btf Jos. Bock, Lancaster. Wis. pOR SALE—The 140 acres of Northwest a quarter of Section 25, Town 6, Range 1 West, lying north of C. & N. W. Railway Co., and situated adjoining the village of Mont fort, Grant county, Wis. Call or address Btf Jos. Bock, Lancaster, Wis. POR SALE—Ten head good milch cows a coming fresh in the spring, some of them sooner. Inquire of 13-ti Edward J. Eastman. Lancaster. pOR SALE:—Six room house and two lots A situated in 4th ward, city of Lancaster. Apply to J. C. welsh, sCtf Bloomington, Wis. pARM FOR SALE—I2I acres, situated five A miles west of Lancaster, Easy terms Harry F. Barnett. 103tf Lancaster, Wis. FARMS FOR SALE:—I have two good farms situated in Grant county, that I will sell on reasonable terms. 51tf Jos. H. Bennett. rpHE HERALD can place your order tor all a kinds of engraving—cards wedding stationery, announcements etc. Save your money, W ELL! WELLI WELL! It beats all. What ’ T beats all? Why the Red Trunk cigar. 44tf \\ r ANTED—Men with rigs to introduce Dr. 1 T Wasems live stock remedies, Salary or commission paid; steady employment. Ad dress Cuba City Remedy Co, Cuba City, Wis. I OST—Gentleman's tan colored kid glove a* for right hand. Reward. Leave at Her ald office. pOR SALE— Heayy work team, 12 years A old, weight about 2800; also well-broken team, four years old, weight 2200. Inquire of Harvey Abrams, half mile north of Lan caster. POR SALE—A good draft mare, coming six years oid, in foal, weight about 1400; also a double carriage, new single carriage sleigh, etc. Prices right. Inquire of John Marlow, Lancaster, Wis. ms Variety es Rubber Trees. The negro republic of Liberia has 22 species of rubber trees. BANK EEPORT. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. ) Report of the condition of the Union .State Bank, located at Lancaster, State of Wisconsin, at the cl >se of business on the 14th day of Feb., 1908. pursuant to call by the Commissioner of Banking. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $533728 03 Overdrafts 6606 49 Bonds 31300 00 Furniture and fixtures 8000 00 Due from banks . 213617 14 Checks on other banks and cash Items 181832 Cash on hand 34373 is Total 829443 16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50000 00 Surplus fund 7500 00 Undivided profits 11222 82 Individual Deposits subject to check 180337 13 Demand Certificates of Deposit 45754 76 Time Certificates of Deposit 530977 94 Cashier’s Checks outstanding 3650 51 Total 829443 16 State of Wisconsin i I, Joseph County of Grant ier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Josxph Bock, Cashier. Correct Attest: R.B. Showaltbr, j C. H. Baxter, ) Directors. Subscribed and sworn to (Notarial Seal) before me this 24th day of Feb. 1908. Walter J. Brennan, Grant County. Wls. Notary Public. Get Your MONEY’S WORTH We guarantee to give you better value to offer veu a better investment In the way of a hatcher than you can get anywhere else. That is be cause We Sell The Succesful Incubator. The Standard of the world for'ls years. We want to show you why a Successful will make much more money for you than-an.v other hatcher built. We don’t ask you to depend on “catalog claims,” we are here on the grounds to prove things. Call at my residence, two blocks east of creamery, in Lancaster, and see one of these incubators in operation. We are headquarters for the finest, most complete line of poultry supplies in the world. Everything you need at prices that are right. I also hare breeding stock tor sale:will have eggs for hatching and one-day-old chicks in season—barred and white Ply mouth Rocks and S. C. Leghorns. RALPH A. IRWIN, Both Phones, Lancaster, Wis. Wednesday, Feb. 26 Look into our show window TO-DAY — and Select a Diamond "jT ELL your friends about them, or pur «/ . chase one yourself. You cannot afford ri Ti~f!~ to *^* B o PP or t un ity pass* as from \gfe/ Wednesday until Monday we will give — you prices on Diamonds that you will not find elsewhere, and we give with each one a a guarantee of its perfection. €J <J We buy direct from the people who cut and polish the stones, hence we can sell them a great deal cheaper than those who have to pay a middle mar’s profits. Come in and be convinced that we are offering rare opportunities in both quali ty and price. :::::: - • • >*• WEBER BROTHERS Jewelers and Opticians. LANCASTER, WIS. JoeckePs Clothing Store... Change in name only It is no longer a corporation, but merely the same store op erated by one of the members. Those who have had dealings with this firm, formerly known as Joeckel Brothers, can con scientiously say that their meth ods of doing business were fair at all times. CJ The suc cessor of this store will continue to use the same methods by giving the public honest values at all times and dealing alike to all. This firm has been in this community long enough to con vince all of their upright deal - ings and has gained the confi dence of their many patrons. Thanking one and all for their liberal patronage in the past and soliciting a continuance of the same, I beg to remain . . Yours Truly W. F. Joeckel