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GRANT COUNTY HERALD TWICE A WEEK Entered April 30. 1903. at Lancaster. Wis As second class matter under act ot Cone ress of March 3, 1879 OFFICIAL CITY P.APER. Bell Phone No. 12. Farmer’s Phone No. 49. B. J. LOWREY, Editor and Prop. Subscription Price. $1.50 Per year. THE END OF THE LOVE STORY. The action of Evelyn Nesb ; t Thaw in filing suit for annulment of her marriage with Harry Thaw on the ground that he was insane at the time of tbe ceremony is still another inexplicable phase in a story of astonishing contradictions. Unques tionably it is the end of the little love story, the one feature that has redeemed the whole remarkable chain of events from sin unpalli ated and depravity unconcealed even by the glamor of gilded dis sipation. That little love story since the night of Stanford White’s tragic death has been the single element that converted public disgust into sympathy. It was the one thing that saved Evelyn Nesbit from an ancient and wholly damning social classification. It was the one thing that saved Harry Thaw from the •electric chair. In the days when destiny was Weaving the first strands of this tremendous story the figure of the girl was the one element of pathos, compassion and purity. By con trast every other character was tainted. Everything was falsehood, villainy and corruption. She made the supreme sacrifice on the witness stand. No other impulse but love could have evoked such a sacrifice The tragedy of it is that unseen forces have killed a love which seemed as potent as the very forces of nature and looked to be as stanch and enduring as life itself. —Detroit Journal. ’Have you ever investigated the |K)BBibilities of profit making in Chicken raising? A western chicken man by the name of Kellerstrauss cf Kansas City recently sold five White Orpingtons for $7,500. Only a few morths ago a Michigan firm of chicken breeders, Fillio, Williams <& Co., of North Adams, sold to Kellerstrauss a buDch of White Orpington's for SIO9O. It is alto gether likely that some of these same chickens are included in the number sold for the enormous price stated above Many people think chicken raising is too small a mat ter to bother with Others more wise realize that if properly handled there is good money in the business Have you ever noticed the wheels cf a great locomotive spinning help lessly around on a slippery track? A little sand is worth more here than much steam. The tracks leading to public confidence in busi ness are also fairly slippery. Mr. Merchant, your goods may have plenty of “steam” which is used in this metaphorical connection to G —— lIPIUPW'I Clothiers and Tailors The Grandest Invention of the Age represent quality and attractive ness, but you need advertising which is the sand that enables your merit to“oatch on.” Try the advan tages of judicious newspaper pub licity and watch results. The Her ald is prepared to serve as the medium for connecting your busi ness with the buying public. Anyway, Hicks don’t know it all yet. He predicted that March 17, 18 and 19 were likely to give us the greatest snow blockades of the win ter but they were among the most pleasant days of spring. Get thee to a hennery, Hicksie. Meanwhile the figures in the Taft column mount higher and higner. Obituary--Mrs. Mary A. Lawlor. Mrs. Mary A Lawlor, one of the early settlers of Potosi, succumbed to the inevitable decree of death Sunday evening, March 15th. Shortly after New Year she was stricken with paralysis. Her partial recovery at least was hoped for, but the Lord willed otherwise and for her life’s fi j.ul fever has ceased and she is at rest. During her long illness she was almost entirely helpless but endur ed all her ills with admirable pati ence and resignation. In 1838 her father, Thornhill Bui man, settled in Potosi and sent for his family in Ireland in 1841. They sailed from home in July and arrived here in October, traveling the greater part of the way from New York by way of the Erie Canal down the Ohio and up the Missis sippi river. Although but eleven years of age at the time, tbe hardships of the time spent on the ocean in the slow sailing vessel, and on the canal boats, and the forbidding aspect of the group of miners cabins, that the greater part of Potosi consisted of at that time, were ever fresh in her memory. For a time they lived in Van Buren in a hou.-e belonging to Mr. Madeira Mrs. Lawlor’s father started a brickyard and took up the work of stone mason and brick layer Tbe building once known as the “Cottage Hotel” is his work and •shows £8 yet but few signs of the ravages of time. After his death they moved to a farm in “Osceola” where Mrs Lawlor said her brother often stood in the door-way to short a deer and the howling of the wolves kept them awake at night. During the later years of her life she lived on a farm in “Long Branch” and in the village of Potosi. In 1848 she was married to Michael Lawlor, a pioneer settler, whose honest and upright character and kindness and gei erosity of heart are still spoken of with admiration by the few who are left who remem Per him as a friend and neighbor To her surtrjviug adopted chi d ren, Mary E. and Kate A Lawlor, Mrs L iwlor was the best of moth ers and they will ever hold her memory in grateful and loving re spect. Surviving her also are the children of her sisters, Mrs R John Tobin and Mrs.* Margaret Whitesell, of Washington, and of her brother, Robert Buimau, aud numerous oth r relatives ia different stages Her life was one that showed a strict adherence to the di-charge of duty and an integrity of character j For Boys from 4 to 18 yrs old, who wear Knee Trousers is this Suspender-called the “KAZOO'’ which holds up their Pants and Stockings too. For their stockings never wrinkle nor sag, neith er do their trousers hang on them like a bag. .... “KAZOO” Suspenders are strong and durable and just the thing for romping boys. They are the cheapest ar ticle ever offered for them. Only 50c and 75c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Parents, you can’t afford to put the garter on your boys to support the hose, for they impede the circulation of the blood which is liable to produce Rheumatism and Baralysis. This Suspender has come to your rescue. Try a pair, you will not regret it. Again this suspender acts as a brace to your youngster’s back and helps to keep him straight, but is perfectly easy on him. He has perfect freedom with his shoulders. The Snaps and Buckles work the same as on men’s sus pender, which convenience enables him to dress as quickly as a man. Sizes run 4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. Tiny adjust to Intermediate Sizes. Ask to see the KAZOO SUSPENDERS. Joeckel’s Clothing House GRANT COUNTY HERALD LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, MARCH 25, 1208 that won the respect of all who knew her. May she rest in peace in a realm where the troubles and perplexities of finite life are cleared away for all eternity. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as can didate for mayor of the city of Lan caster, with economy, law and order as the watchword. Equal rights to all. Special privileges to none. Montgomery Miller. Eggs For Hatching. Weber’s Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds. Eggs produced from three fine pens. 75 cents and 1 dollar per 15. 2o ts Walter Weber. Physical Geography. The following answer was recent ly given in a geography examination, In reply to the question: “From what direction do most of our rains come?” “Most of our rains come straight down, but some of them come side ways.”—Youth’s Companion. Notice of Election. State of Wisconsin, A County of Grant. J b * Office of County Clerk. Notice is hereby given that at the election to be held in tbe several towns, wards, villages and election districts of Grant county, on the first Tuesday in April, A. D. 1908, being the seventh day of said month, the following officers are to be elected, to-wit: Six delegates for each political party to the National Convention for each such party called for the purpose of nominating a President and Vice President of the United States; four of said delegates to be elected in the state at large and two in the third congressional district, m accordance with the provisions of chapter 512, laws of 1907. A justice of the supreme court in place of Honorable Robert M. Bash ford, appointed to fill vacancy caused by the death of Hon. John B. Cassoday, for the unexpired term ending on the first Monday ia Jan uary, A. D. 1910. Such town, city and village of ficers as are required by la w to be elected at this time. Said election shall be held and conducted, votes canvassed and re turns made m accordance with law. * Given under my hand at the court house, in the city of Lancas ter, on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1308 C. E Tuffley, County Clerk. Election Notice. To the Electors of the city of Lancas ter, Wisconsin: Notice is hereby given that a city election will he held for the several wards of the city of La; caster, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Aprl . 1908. at which time the officers named below are to be chosen. One Mavor, one Treasurer, one Assessor a d two J stices of the Peace for the city a large One A derman and one Supervisor for each of the respect ve wards of the ty. Also, a petition having been tiled accord ng to Sec. 1565 a, Statutes of 1898, and an elect on having been ordered as provided in said Sec. 1565 a. Notice is hereby given that an election to decide whether orn t any person shall deal or rattle in snirituous, malt, or intoxicating liquors or drinks, as a beverage in the city of Lancaster. Wisconsin, shall, be held at the same rime and place as the regular city clecti n. Viz:—Tuesday, April 7th, 1908 at the regular polling pla es, in the city hall, for the respective wards. The polls open at 6 o’, lock a m. and close at 5 o’clock p. m. Ilated March —, 1908. Attest: John M. Stone, City Clerk. Advertise in the Herald. ! WANT COLUMN f TX 7 ANTED—A girl to do general housework. * 7 good w*ges will be paid, two in family. Mrs. Frank Horton. TPOR SALE —Outfit for treatment of milk A fever in cattle. Inquire of Melvhi Williams. 3V4 miles southwest of Hurricane. Mail address, Potosi. IPOR SALE, cheap—two good farm horses L 6 and 7 years old; Two 2-seated car riages; Two single seated top buggies; Two sets double buggy harness; Two sets single harness. Will exchange for good livery horses. lw W. B. Dyer. C'OR SAIE: —"’’w » bed room suites, stoves, A stands, lamps, and a few other articles, Call or address Mrs. Harlan Johnson. Lancaster, Wis. I?OR SALE—The 140 acres of Northwest a quarter of Section 25. Town 6, Range 1 West, lying north of C. & N. W. Railway Co., and situated adjoining the village of Mont fort, Grant county, Wis. Call or address Btf Jos. Bock, Lancaster, Wis. I?OR SALE: —Six room house and two lots A situated in 4th ward, city of Lancaster. Apply to J. C welsh. sCtf Bloomington, Wis. FOR SALE—I2I acres, situated five A miles west of Lancaster, Easy terms Harry F. Barnett. 103tf Lancaster, Wis. Make your dollars go as far - j§S The greatest test of shoe qual- mS 1 a ity is in the work shoe —and it id rfe| ? J in this particular branch that we ] 3 : WK lead. Farmers, miners, lumber- |Sj men, mechanics, and working men in all occupations, will find H§ that they can get double the rag wear out of X/\goP\ 1 WORE SHOES 1 They are stoutly made fit i throughout of the most durable ] " upper stock and toughest sole v leather obtainable. Their y strength and wearing qualities ■ vi; gfl cannot be equaled. 11l . f, Your dealer will supply you; | 4 - if not. write to us. Look for the gp area Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. 1 , j|l Wear Honorbilt Shoes fov F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company 9 /.'* MILWAUKEE, WIS. <■£ WARMS FOR SALE:— I have two good A? farms situated in Grant county, that I will sell on reasonable verms. 51tf Jos. H. Bennett. rTHE HERALD can place your order tor all A kinds of engraving—cards wedding stationery, announcements etc. Save your money. WELL! WELLI WELL! It beats all. What ’ * beats all? Why the Red Trunk cigar. 44tf L’OR SALE—Heavy work team, 12 years old, weight about 2800; also well-broken team, four years old, weight 2200. Inquire of Harvey Abrams, half mile north of Lan caster. T OAN—Any person willing to take 5 per cent interest can obtain a good #5,000.00 loan on a good farm near Lancaster by ap plying to CHAS. KLARMAN, 21 ts Lancaster, Wis. ONEY to loan on real estate security in “A sums to suit borrowers. 24-40sw. S. H. Taylor. OEED BARLEY—I have for sale some good 0 seed barley. Call on or address J. E. Muldoon, R. F. ]). 6. 25t3p. Lancaster. T OST—In Lancaster, last Sunday, ladv’s AJ small black purse, containing about five dollars in money. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Herald office. FOR SALE—Good bay work horse, in good A conuition; weight about 1100. Zeigler’s Livery, Lancaster, Wis. 25tf as possible = TIT TAKES WORK—hard work, too to get J money. You can’t afford to give hard earned money for shoes that you don’t jjjgj know are full value. It's good work that makes good shoes. And work costs money. That’s why many manufacturers don’t put good work into their shoes. Now you can’t afford to trade money—the pro duct of your work—for shoes—the product of an other’s work, unless you know you are getting the full equivalent in quality. You can be sure of both workmanship and ma terial if you buy your shoes at Heberlein’s. HENCE THIS LITTLE SERMON ON SOLID LEATHER r WORK SHOES • Ask to see the MAYER or the AN GLEMIRE work shoes. They are both high grade goods and will give you long wear and full satisfaction We also sell the Copeland Ryder line of shoes for men, all solid and good workmanship, for $4.50 and the famous FLORSHEIM SHOE with the merits of which every good dresser is familiar. We carry patent leather, valour and gun metal finishes For ladies we call especial attention to the IRVING SHOE in all high grades, Vici and Patent Kid, both in button and lace 0. HEBERLEIN i Fitter of Feet VKV'&f LANCASTER, . WISCONSIN On the famous Pikes Peak Cog Railway in Colorado, the steep grades of the mountain necessitate the use of cog wheels to control the train, and vibration often so injures ordinary watches that an expert repairman must readjust them. A conductor on the Pikes Peak road made a ninety-day test of the South Bend Watch last Summer. No adjustment of the watch was made for the whole period, but at the end of the test, examination showed a variation of less than one-half second per day. Do you think the watch you carry could stand a test like this ? We will be pleased to show you our line of these watches at any time. For sale and warranted by F. P. BARNETT LANCASTER, WISCONSIN