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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
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GRANT COUNTY HERALD TWICE A WEEK Entered April 30. 1903, at Lancaster. Wis as second class matter under act ot Cons ress of March 3, 1879. OFFICIAL CITY P.APER. Bell Phone No. 12. Farmer** Pnone No. 49. B. J. LOWREY, Editor and Prop. Subscription Price, 11.50 Per year. The announcement in another column, of the coming of Uncle Tom’s Cabin show to this city, re calls the incident of a score of years ago, when Edwin Booth and Law rence Barrett the two great trage dians, were in the zenith of their world wide fame. The manager of an opera house in one of the inter-** ior cities of a western state at that time, had been bookings high-class attractions at his opera house all season, but the people were cold and unresponsive, and the box of fice receipts small and unprofitable. Ruminating one day upon the tend ency of neople in general to turn out en masse to a ’’Tom show” he got out a lot of flaming posters on which he announced with biting sarcasm: Engagement Extraordi nary. Booth and Barrett in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Immortal Story of Slavery Days—Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Edwin Booth as Uncle Tom, Law rence Barrett as Little Eva.” The claim is made that John Barnes of Rhinelander, should be opposed as a candidate for judge of the Supreme Court for the reason that he has been and still is a Dem ocrat. The remarkable thing about this claim is that it is made on be half of Mr. Bashford, who was |him •self a Democrat for nearly sixty years; then became a supporter of Governor La Follette; and then turn ed upon La Follette and attached himself to the Connor-Davidson wing of the party in 1906; and dow an nounces himself as a non-partism • candidate and claims support mainly on the ground that he is a Republi can. It has been a rule in Wiscon repeatedly approved by the peo ple, tnat politics should cut no figure in judicial elections. Mr. Bashford is not to be criticised for changing political opinions; that is the privi ege of every American citizen —but he is justly subject to criticism when he as a non partisan candidate bases his claim for support on polit ical grounds, especially in view of all the facts. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as can didate for mayor of the city of Lan caster, wvb economy, law and order as the watchword. Equal rights to all. Special privileges to none. Montgomery Mtller. — 4- Eggs For Hatching. Weber’s Rose Ccaib Rhode Island Reds. produced from three fine pens. 75 cents and 1 dollar per 15. 2o ts Walter Weber. Buy it in Lancaster. - Vj Kgp 41 feMihSSlflto j\| Clothiers and t ■ >t ?• ♦ Tailors . . . . The Grandest Invention of the Age Additional Locals —Spring plowing has begun in places in this vicinity. —E Christman and Andy Dorer, of Mt. Ida. transacted business here yesterday. —C. A. Langridge visited in Siitzer yesterday. —Nick Adams is making a busi ness trip through Minnesota and South Dakota. Miss Mary Webb entertained 8 girl friends at a party, given at her home Thursday evening. —Louis Fisher accompanied Mrs. Fisher home from Chicago, Thurs day. Mrs. Fisher has almost re covered from the effects of her recent illness. —W. A Johnson left for South Dakota, Tuesday. He was accom panied by his son Homer and daugh ters, Vesta and Susie, who will help him in the work about the place. —Virgil Piddington. pitcher on the Lancaster baseball team last summer, arrived Thursday evening for a few days visit with friends. He has signed with the Fon du Lac team in the Wisconsin state league for this year and will shortly report there. Dr. McElwee will be at the North western hotel on Thursday, April 2, from noon until 8 o’clock. The un usual opportunity offered to consult a specialist of such reputation, should not be lost by those who are out of health. The Noiseless Shooting Iron. Whether the startling new invention of young Maxim will change the con ditions of warfare must remain a sub ject for guessing until tests are made by competent judges. For most pur poses the modern high power army rifle possesses about all the advantages which could be claimed for a noiseless substitute. Smokeless powder makes a firing line practically invisible if the soldiers are properly sheltered, and the range Is so great that bullets strike the enemy’s column before the report of the volley is heard. The report when it comes discloses the direction of the hostile force, but that can also be guessed from the flight of the missiles. But for men of murderous Intent the noiseless gun will offer temptations. The report of an assassin’s pistol gives alarm, and anyway the pistol itself often turns up as a clew. The noise less dagger is a telltale, and the user of it often has trouble in getting away from the scene*before discovery. But a rifle which will send a bullet half a mile and more, giving no report and free of smoke, will place a fearful weapon In the hands of the king kill ers and the person with a private grudge to settle. The Black Hand band and all anarchists wjll surely bless Hiram Percy Maxim if his noise less gun proves to be the real thing. Within the past year timber to the value of $50,000 has been sold from a forest tract in InSand which was planted fifty years ago. Four times as much labor has been employed op, this tract as would be needed for agricul tural tillage on the same soil, and the timber venture has proved more profit able to the estate than any other crop could have been. Any speech that did not happen to get a chance on Washington’s birthday will do just aS well for the Fourth of July. For Boys from 4 to 18 yrs old, who wear Knee Trousers is this ■ Suspender—called the “KAZOO which holds up their Pants and Stockings too. For their stockings never wrinkle nor sag, neith er do their trousers hang on them like a bag. . . . . “KAZOO” Suspenders are strong and durable and just the thing for romping boys. they are the cheapest ar ticle ever offered for them. Only 50c and 75c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Parents, you can’t afford to put the garter on your boys to support the hose, for they impede the circulation of the blood which is liable to produce Rheumatism and Baralysis. This Suspender has come to your rescue. Try a pair, you will not regret it. Again this suspender acts as a brace to your youngster’s back and helps to keep him straight, but is perfectly easy on him. He has perfect freedom with his shoulders. The Snaps and Buckles work the same as on men’s sus pender, which convenience enables him to dress as quickly as a man. Sizes run 4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. Tiny adjust to intermediate Sizes. Ask to see the KAZOO SUSPENDERS. Joeckel’s Clothing House GRANT COUNTY HERALD LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, MARCH: 28, 1908 When the shah of Persia goes for an automobile ride he gets into a humble horse drawn vehicle at the rear of the procession and watches his admiring subjects throw dynamite bombs at the gayly painted gasoline chariot in which he is supposed to be sitting. Yet it is said that the east is effete. The Russian press is now demanding the trial by court martial of General Kuropatkin. Having failed to whip the Japanese, Russia evidently desires to demonstrate her ability to spank her own generals. According to a fashion note, “Easter hats will be smaller this year.” In that case the average woman will have a still harder time convincing her hus band that she got her money’s worth. A critic of Bernard Shaw says he is either wrong or right. That seems to be the general opinion of those who have read his works, but they didn’t know how to express It. About the time that both men and women are satisfied they are getting their rights predictions of the world’s end will be taken seriously. Instead of going out of business at the age of sixty Mr. Harriman is still daring his enemies to come in and put him out. _Choice== Strawberry Plants Raise your own fruits. What Is nicer than to gather vour fruits from your own trees and vines? Strawberries never taste so good as when freshly gathered and served with all their luscious and delicious flavor intact. We can sell you the follow ing varieties, all strong plants, and true to name, at 75c per Hundred plants Columbian, s Senator Dunlap, s Jessie, s Haviland, P Grandy, s Aroma—late, s Clyde—early, s Sample, p Wakefield, p Banana Flavor, s Raspberries, Strong Plants Kansas Black Capts $2 per 100 Nemaha Black Caps $2 per 100 Asparagus, Vice’s Mammoth, Q| _ a strong 2 yr old roots per 100 Also a few fine Apple and Crabapple trees, which the raboits did not eat, each 75c py-References. either bank or any busi ness firm in Lancaster. Order by mail must be accompanied by re mittance. I may be reached at any time by calling at mv residence, first house south of North School. Madison street. Visitors al ways welcome. A. J. HOWELL, (TONY) Pi r aistl r Of Fru,t and LANCASTER, WIS. Election Notice. Tq the Electors of the city of Lancas ter. Wisconmn: "IVTotice is hereby given that a city election IT will be held for the sever*! wards ot the city of La caster, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Apri . 1908. at which time the officers named below are to be chosen. One Mavor. one 'treasurer, one Assessor a- d two J - , stices of the Peace for the city a large One A derman and one Supervisor for each of the respect ve wards of the ty. Also, a petition having been filed accord 'ng to Sec. 1565 a. Statutes of 1898, and an elect on having been ordered as provided in said Sec. 1565 a. ( Notice is hereby given that an election to d*- .ide whether or n t any person shall deal or raffle tn spirituous, malt, or intoxicating liquors or drinks, as a beverage in the citv of Lancaster. Wisconsin, shall, be held at the same time and plane as the regular city elect! n. vi«t—Tuesday, April 7th. 1908 at the regular polling pla es. in the city hall, for the respective wards. The polls open at 6o’ lock a m. and close at 5 o’clock p. m. Dated March —, 1908. Attest: John M. Stone. City Clerk. WANT COLUMN TV ANTED—A girl to do general housework. ’ ’ good will be paid, two in family. Mrs. Frank Horton. T?OR SALE—Outfit for treatment of milk -T fever in cattle. Inquire of Melvin Williams, 3*4 miles southwest of Hurricane. Mail address, Potosi. 1?OR SALE, cheap—two good farm horses 6 and 7 years old; Two 2-seated car riages; Two single seated top buggies; Two sets double buggy harness; Two sets single harness. Will exenange for good livery horses. Iw W. B. Dyer. fpOR SALE—The 140 acres of Northwest quarter of Section 25, Town 6, Range 1 West, lying north of C. & N. W. Railway Co.. and situated adjoining the village of Mont fort. Grant county, Wis. Call or address Btf Jos. Bock. Lancaster, Wis. T?OR SALE:—Six room house and two lots J- situated in 4th ward, citv of Lancaster. Apply to J.C Welsh, sCtf Bloomington. Wis. TpAKM FOR SALE—I2I acres, situated five J- miles west of Lancaster, Easy terms Harry F. Barnett. 103tf Lancaster, Wis. TpOR SALE—Good bay work horse, in good J- condition; weight about 1100. Zeigler’s Livery, Lancaster, Wis. 25tf IN THE SPRING 188 fBBBI 1818 J IQSfe\\ s = OSS' W3WJk - i§®k - n -~— 'v?<? Jes The New Wall Papers Are beauties this spring; the color schemes are unusually harmoni ous and we think our variety is sufficiently large to enable every fastidious purchaser to find what pleases them. We have already supplied many early customers to their entire satisfaction and would be glad of an opportunity to show our large line to all intending users of paper this spring. Not only is our variety large but our range of prices is equally so, and you can brighten up your home at any price that best suits your desires. fl fl And don’t forget the WALL FINISHES and the WOOD STAINS and VARNISHES, of which we have a number of kinds. WE CAN ALSO PLEASE YOU IN PAINTS The f T* OrrMlKlfl*l’ Lancaster, Druggist J. 1 • 1 1 Wisconsin I7ARMS FOR SALE:—I have two good -T farms situated in Grant county, that 1 will sell on reasonable terms. sits Jos. H. Bennett. npHE HERALD can place your order tor ail 1 kinds ot engraving—cards weddinir stationery, announcements etc. Save your money. WELL! WELLI WELL! It beats all. What vw beats all? Why the Red Trunk cigar. 44tf ipOR SALE—Heavy work team. 12 years J- old. weight about 2800; also well-broken team, four years old. weight 2200. Inquire of Harvey Abrams, half mile north of Lan caster. T OAN—Any person willing to take 5 per cent interest can obtain a good $5,000.00 loan on a good farm near Lancaster bv ap plying to Chas. Klarman, 21tf Lancaster. Wis. 11TONEY to loan on real estate security in Ji sums to suit borrowers. 24-40sw. S. H. Taylor. QEED BARLEY—I have for sale some good O seed barley. Call on or address J. E. Muldoon, R. F. D. 6. 25t3p. s - Lancaster. T OST —In Lancaster, last Sunday, lady’s smalt black purse, containing about five dollars in money. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Herald office. On the famous Pikes Peak Cog Railway in Colorado, the steep grades of the mountain necessitate the use of cog wheels to control the train, and vibration often so injures ordinary watches that an expert repairman must readjust them. A conductor on the Pikes Peak road made a ninety-day test of the South Bend Watch last Summer. No adjustment of the watch was made for the whole period, but at the end oi the test, examination showed a variation of less than one-half second per day. Do you think the watch you carry could stand a test like this ? We will be pleased to show you our line of these watches at any time. For sale and warranted by F. P. BARNETT ®~F JI LANCASTER, I WISCONSIN - In the Spring a richer crimson comes Upon the robin’s breast; In the Spring the busy housewife Picks the shades that look the best, To put the house in or der for the coming of the guest.