Newspaper Page Text
AROUND THE COUNTY Record of a Week in the Various Sections of Old Grant County, as Gathered for The Herald its Special Correspondents. BLOOMINGTON. Special Correspondence to the Herald. The storm Friday evening wan quite severe in this immediate vici nity. In an easterly-westerly strip the fields were somewhat washed and the small ravines were flooded. The downpour did not last long enough to make a large flood, however. Another change to be recorded on our buieness street (Canal 1) is the removal of Dr. Sala s office from the Hickok building to the Beitler bulid ing. The fine large plate-glass front windows for the Ludden store are in place and they look fine. The elevator is in place in this building and the carpenter work is moving forward. Whin alterations are completed, Mr. Ludden will have a model store build ing of three floors. Cra Hatch has moved into the new space at the rear of his storeroom. The general effect of the added space makes the room appear very extensive. The elevator in the back end connects directly with the warehouse. The Bartley building, for the co operative store, will be ready fcr the tenants in about two weeks. This will make one of the best store build ings on the street, with high and wide plate windows in front. The Pennock buildng, recently bought by the promoters of the new bank, will have foil size plate windows and other improvements. The improvements in the Hickok restaurant are nearly completed. The ice cream parlor is separate and semi private for customers. The establish ment is now prepared to nandle all kinds of business. J. L. Brady & Son expect to tear ont the partition in their temperance saloon and install the tv.o additional billiard tables this week. This room will then have a frontage of forty feet —room for all visitors. Besides the above named improve ments, several other merchants are considering the idea of making altera tions and improvements in their stores. Now that Bloomington has prohibi tion in fact, the city fathers ordered the town pump at the corner of the city hall building to be put in shape for the thirsty public. Mr. Ketner is drilling the well deeper and will put in some steel tubing. Bloomington, both town and cpuntry, is sadly in need of a rail road. Besides saving much money in shipping, a road would advance the value of both farm and village property many per cent. ; and, what is more, would make a ready market for eellers. Members of the nigh school gave a play, “College Chums,” to a good house Friday night. The actors all did well. After the play there was a dance, in which quite a number participated. Clyde Suttle, Louis Mcßrien and Harry Nathan of Lancas ter were over to the high school play Friday evening. Quite a number from this city at tended the funeral of Walter Lambert at Mt. Hope Thursday. Our high school boys beat the Prairie du Chien highs a game of ball Saturday. Score 22 to 9. Vern Brookens, Gilson Tylsr and Torn Ready were out sawing lumber at Henry Fischer’s, near Brodtville, last week. Albert Kalt, accompanied by Prof. Headley and several others, went to Platteviile Friday and took part in the district speaking contest. Albert didn’t get a place, but he spoke his little piece with great credit to him self and to the school. Harry Geiger and Joe Patterson passed Saturday and Sunday in Platte ville. John Leawy, wife and son are here from Letcher, S. D., for a visit with relatives and friends. John says that everything is lovely in the Dakotas. Sabina Stockert and Grace Tubbs spent Sunday in Dubuque with the former’s sister, Mrs. Gus. Knteh. Harry Plympton of Mt. Hope was here a couple of days last week, enroute to Oakland. Montana, where he expects to locate. A. N. Crabtree, wif# and family expect to return from Montant about June Ist. They will reside temporarily in the W. J. Hatch house. While engaged in the useful and healthy exercise of following a plow on the Ora Jeidy farm one day last week, Charley Hickok was chased—-by a wolf. The wolf followed Charley three times around the field, apparent ly intent upon making a young colt which was following its mother, its individual fresh meat. Finally the wolf came so near that Charley threw clods at it; but instead of retreating, the wolf displayed its teeth and show ed a disposition to advance. Charley ran to the house and got a gun, but the wolf put for the woods before he could get a good shot at him. Hunters say that no doubt it was a female wolf with a nest of young ones in the vicinity. Guy Muager of Platteviile is visit ing friends here. ‘‘The “All Stars” of this city de feated Slabtown at that place Sunday by a score of 14 to 4. The twin Bateses were the battery for the home team. Carroll Bros., the land agents were over from Prairie du Chien Monday. LITTLE GRANT. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Carl Block and wife were guests at the Albert Brandemuhl home last week Sunday. Mrs. Geoige Day, of Bloomington, visited at Mrs. T. Webb’s a few days last week. Messrs, and Mesdames T. Metcalf and M. Kidd of Lancaster were through here Tuesday enroute tor home from Glen Haven. “Doc” Cooley of Lancaster .s painting and decorating John Cull’s residence. A few more good dry days and the corn will all be planted and the farmers will take a little rest. Henry Pink and Jonh Zenz were business visitors at Bloomington Tuesday. Fred Wilson and family visited at the home of Earl Bidwell near Glen Haven Sunday. Joe Patterson and Harry Geiger spent Saturday and Sunday in Platte ville; they are two of our faithful rural carriers. • Mesdames Wm. Heiner and Wm. Hammond of Bloomington visited thier mother, Mrs. Agnes Trainor last Sunday. Edd Jeidy was in the vicinity of Cassville Thursday; he purchased a horse while there. Chairman Wm. Leighton and wife attended the funeral of Walter Lambert at Mt. Hope. Thursday. Prot. John Wood has gone to Dakota, his mother, Mrs. Pat Wood accompanied him to LaCrosse for an extended visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Jeidy were Bloomington visitors Saturday. Mark Hoskins and Jesse Riese played ball in Cassville Sunday with the Glen Haven team against a Du buque nine. Clarence Cooley was at Blooming ton Saturday, his brother Ort returned home with him. George Adams and wife were Mt. Hope visitors Friday. Prof Haedlev, Albert Kalt and Orlo Taylor of Bloomington were through here Saturday afternoon, re turning home from the Platteviile contest. Mr. Kalt represented this league and won a good place in the contest. Jamie Sprague, Will Cooley, Gussie Tornowske and Will Field of Bloom ington were out here Saturday sorting and pileing lumber which Messrs. Sprague and Cooley will use in build ing their new houses. Mrs.* Agnes Trainor and son Dannie visited relatives in Bloomington Sat urday. Miss Edith Reynolds visited at Willis Edwards’ Saturday. Paul Smith purchased a new buggy from the Knapp agency at Lancaster. K. W. Hedeman and wife and Mesdames P. Garthwaite and F. Newman of Bloomington, and Mrs. S. Stevens of Milwaukee visited at Mrs. L. Garthwaite’s and at Mrs. L. Morrow’s Sunday. Misses Alice and Grace Pendleton of Fennimore are visiting at Hamer’s and with other friends here. A good crowd was at the social held in the Milner school house Fri day night, the storm prevented many others from going ; nine baskets were sold and a fair price was realized from the sale which will be used for the school. Rev. C. L. Hocking of Patch Grove held the services at Union church Sunday ; the sacrament of the Lord’s supper was given and a good sermon was delivered to an attentive con gregation. George Garthwaite sold one of his valuable driving horses last week. Miss Ethel Morrow was home from Bloomington Sunday. Thomas Webb was a Sunday visitor at James Addison’s; Ort Cooley visit ed his brother Clarence. James Addison has a sick horse. Doc. Kennedy of Bloomington was GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, MAY 19, 1909 called to examine and give the animal treatment Sunday. / Henry Cliff, Charles Addison, A 1 Krohn and Frank Bates were at Bloomington Saturday. John Wilson and wife visited friends in Bagley a few days last week. Elmer Hore is home from an ex tended visit in lowa. Jay Hickok was at Prairie du Chien Saturday. J. Hampton of Bloomington was in this township Saturday. plattTville. Special Correspondence to the Herald. J. M. Smith died at his home in this city Wednesday morning soon after breakfast He had been serious ly ill for several days; For many years he conducted a successful hard ware business in this city. Nellie Sanders, of Mineral Point, has been enjoying a visit with friends in Platteviile. Wm. Green, of Galena, visited here last week. Mrs. Ed Friederich is visiting in Boscobel with her parents. Bert Campbell returned home Wed nesday rrorn a short visit in Dodge ville. Ed Menhennick will work in In dependence lowa during the coming summer. The following ten mines are in full operation at the present time. All are equipped with mills: Kalr- Piquette, Acme Empire, Enterprise, St. Rose, Grant County, Homestead, Graham-Stephens, Cruson and Lyght Snippers last week were the Cruson, Enterprise, Klar-Piauette, Old Home stead and St. Rose. Phil Hendershot has moved into the residence he purchased on Fourth Street. The Park Hotel under the manage ment of John Lappin is again open to the pbulic. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Cuba City, have purchased the W. H. Ellis residence and will move here in about a month. Mrs., Morgan Evans of this city died Thursday night in the hospital. Although she bad undergone an opera tion some hours previous, her death was entirely unexpected by any of hei friends or relatives. Up to Wednes day of last week she had been about daily and apparently was in good health. She was a cheerful young woman and her death is sincerely mourned by all who knew her. CASSVILLE. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Mrs. John Nickles Sr. is visiting Lancaster relatives. Mrs. J. L. Teasdale went to Lan caster the fore part of last week on account of the serious illness of her sister. A. Grimm went to Dubuque on the Eclipse Wednesday morning. Walter Peterson, John Klinkham mer, Jos. Ackermann and Jas White went to Potosi Wednesday where they have some cement work to do at the Tennyson Catholic church. Paul Brann and family are now living in the H. Beilharz honse. The Senior class will present their play “The Greatest Liar Unhung” in Concert hall May 22nd. Frank H. Grimm has installed the Joseph Kuchenberg soda 'fountain, which he purchased, in his drug store. Chris Hillmer was here from Galena Wednesday on business. Jos. Wiest Jr., spent last week on the farm assisting his sons. Mrs. R. F. Beach was in Dubuque Wednesday. Philip Berntgen visited last week with his son in Glen Haven. He has almost entirely recovered from his re cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Wood were Brodtville visitors last week. Miss Emma Reed is visiting her brother William in Wabasha, Minn. Mrs. Melvin Williams and baby are enjoying a pleasant visit in Lan caster, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kohlenberg. John Flesch has obtained employ ment in Madison as right watchman on a steam sand pump at Lake Mendota. POTOSI. Special Correspondence to th» Herald. Mrs. A. Schumacher and daughter Esther, Misses Ethel Schumacher, Gladys Baker, Florence Willmers were passengers to Dubuque last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schumacher and three sons Rudolph, Carl and Joseph visited at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Fred Wissel in Dubuque last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Schael and daughter, Mrs. Gus Schael and Miss P. Kimmick re turned to their home here Monday afternoon after a few days visit in Dubuque. Miss Ollie Willmers returned to her notue here last Saturday afternoon after an extended visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Schneider near Cassville, Wis. Mrs. John Steffen visited a week at the home of her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peak at Rockville, Wi3. Mr. Korber and Henry Bell took a trip to Dubuque, lowa, last Monday. Mrs. H. Hounsel and children of Cuba City, ' is visiting at the borne of relatives here. Miss Mary Lawler took a trip to Dubuque last Monday. Mrs. H. Swale was visiting in Bee town a few days last week returning home Sunday. Miss Florence Keehner is visiting relatives in Viola Wis. Miss Alvna Geisen returned to her home here last Monday afternoon after a short visit with relatives in Cassville. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vogelsburg were visiting here last week when word came from Dubuque, lowa that her sister had passed away at her home there; they left Friday morning lor Dubuque. Mrs. Minnie Meyers of Garner, lowa, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mis. Sam Hoffman and other relatives here. Mr. John Steffen, who is employed at Savanna, 111. visited at his home here last Sunday. Mr. Gunther had a new porch built on to the front o£ his home here. Will Wunderlin is having bis resi dence painted, Messrs. Ward are doing the work. Messrs. Will Thomas and Will Craig took a trip to Dubuque* last Thursday. Mesdames Dickinson and Grimm took a trip to Dubuque last Wed nesday. The Ladies’ Aid Society will meet at the h'me of Mrs. Henry Korber Thursday afternoon. Mr. Kumpf of Dubuque visited a few days here at the home of his friend Chris Nied. Mrs. N. Tamer took a trip to Du buque last Friday via Steamer Potosi. Joseph Kitto passed away at the home of his brother William last Thursday morning after an illness of a few weeks. Funeral announcement will be given later. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dechow and mother Mrs. P. Durley, left Thurs day morning for North Dakota where they will reside. Mr. Groenier of Lancaster trans acted business here last Wednesday. Mrs. W. Schilling of Cuba City visited with relatives here last week. Miss Bertha Arckett of Gutten burg, .visited with friends here a few weeks. LIVINGSTON. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Frank Linenfelser returned to his railroad duties in Baraboo Monday. Mrs. J. W. and Frances Andrew visited Lancaster relatives this week. Gilbert Stacy and Miss Florence Wallace, of Mifflin, called on Miss Shyrle I icholson Thursday. Dr. Vuffley and family returned from Chicago Wednesday evening. Eastman Ellsworth was at Montfort Friday. M. Carrington, of Montfort will paint R. Biddick’s house next week. Miss Shyrle Nicholson is at home from Montfort. Miss Milliard has been visiting her sister Mrs. Sam Mero. Friends here have received word of the promotion of Henry Sleep from night clerk in a hotel in Chicago, to manager. Fritz Schmitt, a student at Mar quette College, Milwaukee will spend his vacation here. The S. School convention held here Tuesday, May 12th, was both interest ing and profitable. The following from Montfort had excellent papers. Editor Quick, read by Jennie M. Alcott, Elmer Smith, Mrs. Frank Kamm and Miss Jennie Kelly, Miss Rundell, Jennie M. Alcott and Jennie H. Livingston of Livingston. Rev. Kamm read a paper wiitten by Eugene Millard a former Livingston bov, now of Evansville and John Mc- Cloud gave a splendid talk on S. schools. Rev. Verran acted as cnair man in the afternoon and Rev. Pietz man in the evening. In the evening Rev. Verran gave an address on S. schools. There was also a question box. The discussions following the papers showed a great interest being manifested in S. school work. We hope every parent will be enough in terested in their boy and girl ias to make one in the Sunday school. Under the tutorage of J. W. Andrew, Postmaster Eustice is be coming quite a successful angler; they were out fishing Thurdsav and caught 140 lbs. Misses Millie Lisherness and Eva Livingston returned to their home in Lancaster Monday. Ole Knutson is quite sick, as is also Mrs. Frank Hooks. Geo. Bickords home entertained a merry crowd of young people Tuesday evening. Hubert Miller is here from Dyers ville. Mr. Miller is convalescent after an attack of pneumonia. Dave Goodland, Ed Robinson of Platteville were business callers Fri day. Misses Lou Nicholson and Yerda Priedaux returned to Linden Monday. Geo. Vipond is in St. Paul. Coker mine has employed some Hungarian miners. Rev Dietzman has returned to Richland Center after attending the S. school convention. Miss Ella Cobb has been visiting relatives here. Albert Lee is here from Dubuque. Alton’s are shingling t eir ware house. Joe Nicholson is home from Dakota. Fred Hook went to Castle Rock this week. His wife returned home this week. » BAGLEY. Special Correspondence to the Herald. The night of May 14 the rain fell here in torrents for several hours. Our furniture dealer Wm. Winter nas been in very poor health the past winter. His malady is serious stomach trouble. Ben Lester and wife of Dakota spent several weeks with friends at Cassville and other points. Lester is an old miner and is now prospecting for lead and jack in Wyalusing near Long Pond. Ed Thiessa, who went out to Dakota this spring for his health re turned in a much better condition. Neta and Marie Calkins went up to LaCrosse Sunday to return with their mother from the hospital where she has been successfully operated on for gall stone 3. Edgar Jacobs got back from Dakota last week. Remember those No. 9 and P. and O. corn planters at J. T. they are the best and nothing can beat them. Mrs. Alice Hodge is making quits a visit in Brodtville this week. Four weeks more of school and then the summer vacation. Mrs. Gusta Layland of LaCrosse is here visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Little Grant, Sundayed at the homes of J. T. and E. Clifton. Mrs. J. Beer is in LaCrosse visit ing her daughter Mrs. J. T. Day. Fred Wetmore of Mt. Hope, Pres, of telephone lines was in town Thurs day. While helping her eister in the hotel at Glen Haven, Kate Anderson was taken with inflairmatory rheu matism and had to go home. The remains of August Beckemier passed through here to Patch Grove where the funeral took place. Amelia Cobb of Patch Grove came to visit her parents. Her husband will join her here next Saturday. Peter Gasner took his mother to Prairie du Chien to consult a doctor in her case; she is quite old and has a serious trouble. Our people are collecting eggs to send to the Wesley Hospital, Chicago. Joe Trine sold over SIOO worth of eggs from 65 hens since Jan. Ist. Will Hammems of Glen Haven was in town last week. Geo. Clark is recovering from a recent sick spell. # NORTH ANDOVER. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Taylor with their little daughters Bessie and Clara visited at Chas. Bohringer’s Bnnday. Joe Ortschild and Joe Caspers gave a phonograph concert to a few of their friends at their “little cabin home” Sunday. Those present re port a very pleasant evening. Miss Mabel Ross was a caller at L. Edwards one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bohringer drove to Lancaster Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Bushnell called on friends in town the fore part of the week. W. M. Rerny spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. Will Mapes. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ryan drove to Cassville Sunday and spept the day with relatives and friends. Mrs. Reeve Ryan and little Margaret were the guests of Mrs. James Atkinson Sunday. Rev. L. Houghton and family after an extended visit with relatives and friends in this vicinity have re turned to their home in Minnesota. Melvin Birch ol Dubuque spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Birch. Mr. Birch has been employed as motorman in Dubuque the last few years and as this is his first visit home for some time, the pleasure that his parents will derive from his visit can easily be imagined. Lottie Mapes visited with Myrtle and Minnie Smith last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Potosi were the guests of Mrs. Llgie Maiden Thurtday. Mrs. Harry Dolphin and Miss Anna Mueller visited at Myron Meyers' Tuesday. Mrs. Erskine Jay is visiting with relatives here Mrs. Geo. Coombs drove to Bloom ington Tuesday. Mrs. L. Biggin spent a couple of days with her daughter, Mrs. R. Dolphin. Mrs. Will Biggin was a caller in town Thursday. Mrs. F. Morkin, who has been en joying a pleasant visit here with her parents, has returned to her home at Thornton, la. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Okey of Cass ville, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hampton and Mr. Sam Birch Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Birch. STITZER. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Wm. Holmes the Rawleigb Medicine man was here the past week ; he ha 3 very good sale for his medicine heie as every one waits for Bill when they know he is coming. Hazel Woolstenholm came home last Wednesday to help take care of her uncle Jacob. Oscar Gerhard has been doing mason work for John Herod. C. Stratton of Lancaster was out Sunday to see Jacob Woolstenholm who is still very much under the weather. Lena Stippich and Lillian and Edith Plattner boarded the train Sun day for Fennimore and returned on their legomobiles. Mr. and Mrs. P. McCormick of Highland arrived here Monday to see Jacob Woolstenholm, Mrs. Mc- Cormick’s brother. PLEASANT POINT. Special Correspondence to the Herald. The storm Friday night did a good deal of damage in this vicinity wash ing fields and roads- Everett Mul doon, Geo. Quick and John Haoifner worked all day Saturday fixing one big washout in the road near Mnl doons. Porter Oyer and mother had busi ■ ness in Lancaster Saturday. Mrs. Geo, Quick and daughter Georgia visited Mrs. Sam Galbraith Thursday. Arcbio Durni and wife visited at Francis Durni Sunday. Mrs. James Croot is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Quick. Lloyd Durni was a Lancaster visitor Sunday. Ernest Bast went to town Saturday to see a doctor. He is not improv ing quite a° fast as could be desired. And That’s the Truth. One of the most inconsequential id iots on earth is the one who weighs about 110 pounds, and is always crow ing about how he wears a No. 5 shoe to someone who weighs 200. Praise and B» me. The mere fact that praise and blame are at present the corner stone of our moral and social systems goes foi nothing. We shall outgrow that just as we have more or less outgrown the primitive desire to kill each other. And can any one deny that a world in which blame did not exist would be far more habitable, civilized and logi cal? Notice to creditors. State of Wiscousin, Grant County, Cir cuit Court. _ . _ C. H. Baxter, John David Schreiner, R. Meyer Jr. auu F. Kolb, Plain tiffs. vs. The Wisconsin Mutual Fire Association, a Corporation, Defendant. ON MOTION OF Brown & Brennan, attor neys for the receiver in the above entitled f*2.DSG IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that all the creditors of the Wisconsin Mutual Fire Association shall exhibit their claims and become parties to this action on or be fore December 15. 1909, and that all such creditors shall make and file with the Clerk of Courts of Grant county, Wisconsin, a ver ified statement of his claim or claims against the defendant corporation, which said statement shall contain the post office address of the claimant and succinct state ment of the nature of his claim and the con sideration upon which the same is founded; provided that such claim be for the amount due on account of unearned premium, which proof of claim shall be accompanied by the policy of insurance, heretofore issued by the defendant, unless such policy of insur ance be lost or destroyed, then such proof of claim shall contain a statement of such a fact. ON LIKE MOTION, IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the receiver shall give no tice of this order by publisning said order once a week for six successive weeks in the Grant County Herald, a newspaper, pub lished in the city of Lancaster, and that the first publication shall noc be later than ihe first day of June. 1909, and by also mailing to each known creditor of said company a copy of this order to be enclosed in an en velope, properly directed to such credi.or at the last known post office address of suen creditor, the postage to be prepaid ar d tnere being no direction on the envelope to return the same; and that such receiver do mail such notices on or before the lirst ad; o. June, 1909; and TC , txt’dtpfp ad ON LIKE MOTION IT ISFLBTHELOB DERED AND ADJUDGED that in default of any creditor exhibiting claim as herein directed, he shall be pre cluded from all benefit oi the judgment which shall be made in this action and from any disbursements which shall be made un der this judgment. Dated Mav 17, 1909. By the Court: _ GEO. CLEMENTSON, Circuit Judge. [lst ins. May 19; last ins. June 23d.]