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LIST OF PREMIUMS Awarded to Exhibitors at the Grant County Fair, 1909. Following is the list of premiums awarded by the Giant County Agri cultural Soc.ety to exhibitors at the 54th annual fair held in Lancaster September 15 to 17, 1909: DEPARTMENT A—HORSES. Class 1. Draft Horses. Stallion 4 years old. A. W. Cardy Ist. Frank Keene 2nd, A. W. Cardy 3d. Stall on 1 yea*- old. John Hamilton Ist. Stallion colt under one year old. W. J. Richardson Ist. Burr H. Walker 2d. Brood mare and colt, W. J. Richardson Ist, John Bailie 2d. Henry Zenz 3d. Filly three years old. John Hamilton Ist. Henderson Halferty 2d. Filly 2 years old, Clyde Richardson Ist, Albert Macke 2d. Fillv one year old. Otto Berndt Ist, W. J. Richardson 2d. Filly colt under one year, John Bailie Ist. llenry Zenz 2d. Class 3. Horses of all Work. Stallion two years old. Ira Murphy Ist. Stallion colt vrider one year. Guilford Gra ham Is*, Adam Buses Jr. 2d. Brood mare and colt. John Hamilton Ist, Guilford Graham 2d. Fillv three years old, Vesperman Bros. Ist and 2d. Filly two years old, John Divall Ist, John Hamibon 2d. year old. Gay Landon Ist, Guilford Graham 2d- Filly colt. John Hamilton Ist,Gay Landon 2d. Class 3. Standard Bred Roadsters. Stallion four years old. Ira Murphey Ist, P. A- Bishop 2d. Stallion 3 years old. Schmitz Bros Ist. Stallion 2 years old,Frank Smith Ist.Schmitz Bros 2d. Stallion one year old. W. B. Dyer Ist. Ira Murphy 2d. Stallion co t under one year old, Chester Hannum lst. Brood mare and colt. Chester Hannum Ist Ira Murphy 2d. Fiily three years-old, Joe McCoy Ist, Chester Hannum 2d. Filly two years old. It a Murnhy Ist. Filly one year old, J. W. Niemer Ist, Perry Moore 2d. Filly colt under one year, Perry Moore Ist, J. W. Niemer 2d. Class 4. Roadsters not Standard Bred. Brood mare and colt, Wm.Noone Ist, Delbert Beetham 2d. Perry Moore 3d. Filly three years old. Perry Moore Ist. Filly two years old. Perry Moore Ist, Al Hunsaker 2d Fillv one year old. Geo. W. Knapp. Ist. Filly colt under one year old, Perry Moore, Ist, Porter Oyer 2d. Stallion under one year, Wm. Noone Ist, Delbert B. etham 2d. Class 5. Carriage Horses. Pa r matched carriage horses, Wm. Tiller Ist, Schmitz Bros. 2d. Pair matched drivers, Ed Welsh Ist, J. N. Smith 2d. Wm. F. Kemper 3d. Single carriage horse or mare, A. E. Lewis Ist. S, A. Marlow 2d. Class 6. Draft Teams. Pair of mares or geldings. Paul Spiegelberg Ist. James E. Bailie 2d, Frank Richardson 3d. Class 7. Sweepstakes. Draft stallion any age or breed. A. W. Cardy Ist. Draft Filly, under four years any breed, James E. Bailie Ist. Standard bred stallion any age, P. A. rishop Ist. Standard bred filly under four years, Joe McCoy Ist. DEPARTMENT B—CATTLE. Class 8. Shorthorns. Bull three years old. Frank Richardson Ist, John Spiegelberg 2d. Bull two years old, Gay Landon Ist, Adolph Wepking 2d. Bull one year old. Perry Moore Ist. Bull calf under one year old, Frank Richard son Ist. Perry Moore 2d. Cow three years old or over, Frank Smith Ist. John McMahon 2d. Heifer two years old, Frank Richardson Ist and 2d. * Heifer one year old, John McMahon Ist Adolph Wepking 2d. Heifer calf under one year old,John Spieglev bergr Ist, Gay Landon 2d. Class 9. Polled Cattle. Bull three years old, Wm. Gelbach Ist, R. A. Austin 2d. Bull one year old, R A. Austin Ist. bull calf under 1, R. A. Austin Ist, Wm. Gel baoh 2d. Cow 3 years old, R. A. Austin Ist, Wm. Gel bach 2d. Heifer 2 years old. R. A. Austin Ist and 2nd. Heifer 1 yearold, Wm. Gelbach Ist and 2d. Heifer calf, wm. Gelbach Ist ana 2d. Class 10. Hereford Cattle. Bull 3 years old, C. A. Case Ist. Bull 2 years old, Geo. P. Knapp Ist, C. A. 2d • Bull one year old. C. A. Cast Ist. Bull calf. H. J. Case Ist. C. A. Case 2d. Cow 3 years old, C. A. Case Ist. Geo. W. Knapp 2d. Heifer 2 years old, C. A. Case Ist. Geo. W. Knapp 2d. Heifer 1 year. C. A. Case Ist and 2d. Heifer calf. C. A. Case Ist, H. J.Case 2d. Class 11. Jerseys. Bull 3 years old, Henry Zenz Ist, Peter Hoff man 2d. Bull 2 years old, Geo. P. Martin & Son Ist. Bull 1 year old. Henry Zenz Ist and 2d. Bull ‘all under 1, Henry Vesperman Ist, Irving Vesperman 2d. Cow 3 years old. Geo. P. Martin & Son Ist, Henry Zenz 2d. Heifer 2 years old. Geo. P. Martin & Son Ist, Henry Zenz 2d. Heifer 1 year old. Henry Zenz Ist, Geo. P. Martin & Son 2d. Heifer calf. Geo. V. Martin & Son Ist, Henry Zenz 2d. Class 12. Sweepstakes- Bull of any age, Jersey, Henry Zenz Ist. Cow of any age, Jersey, Geo. P. Martin & Sons Ist. Class 13. Beef and Dairy Cattle. Herd of Dairy cattle. Geo, P. Martin & Son Ist. Henry Zenz 2d. DEPARTMENT C —SHEEP & SWINE. Class 14. Sheep—Oxfords. Buck '•ears old. Geo. W. Knapp Ist. C. A. Case 2d. Ewe 2 years old. C. A. Case Ist and 2d. Buck 1 year old. C. A. Case Ist and 24. Ewe 1 year. Geo. W. Knapp Ist, U. A. Case 2d. Buck lamb, Geo. W. Knapp Ist and 2d. Ewe lamb, Geo. W. Knapp Ist, Burlie Dob sou 2d. Class 15. Sheep Shropshires. Buck 2 years old. Frank Richardson Ist. Ewe 2 years old, Frank Richardson Ist,Clyde Richardson 2d. Buck 1 year old. Clyde Richardson Ist. Ewe 1 year ola, Frank Richardson Ist, Clyde Richardson 2d. Buck lamb. Clyde Richardson Ist, Frank Richardson 2d. Ewe lamb, Clyde Richardson Ist, Frank Richardson 2d. * Class 17. Swine—Berkshire. Boar over one year, Perry Moore 2d. Sow over 1 year, Perry Moore 2d. Class 18. Swine—Poland China. Boar wer 1 year old. John McMahon Ist, Burlie Dobson 2d. Boar under 1 year, H. A Reed Ist. Burlie Dobson 2d. Boar under 6 mo., Burlie Dobson Ist. H. A. Reed 2d. Sow over 1 year, H. A. Reed Ist. Sow under 1 year, Burlie Dobson. 1 md 2d. Sow under 6 mo., Burlie Dobson Is Pen of sor more pigs.ti mo. and un< .-. Burlie Dobson Ist. Class 19. Swine—Chester White. Boar ever 1 year. A. S. Gray, Ist. Boar under 6 mo., A. S. Gray Ist. Sow over 1 year. A. S. Gray Ist. -ow under J mo.. A. S. Gray Ist. Pen of sor more pigs 6 mo. and under, A. S. Gray Ist. Class 20. Swine—Duroc Jersey. Boar over one year old. Geo. P. Martin & Sons Ist. E. Alexander 2d. Boar under one year old, E. Alexander Ist and 2d. Boar under six months old, H. A. Reed Ist, Geo. P. Martin 2d. Sow over one .year old, E. Alexander Ist, Geo. P. Martin 2d. Sow under six months old, H. A. Reed Ist, Geo. P. Martin 2d. Pen of five or more pigs 6 mo. old or under. Geo. P. Martin Ist. Henry Vesperman 2d. Class 21, Swine. Herd of five. Burlie Dobson Ist, Product ot sow. Burlie Dobson Ist, Get of sire. H. A. Reed Ist. Champion sow. Burlie DJbson Ist. Champion boar. John McMahon Ist, Burlie Dobson 2d. DEPARTMENT D - MECHANICAL. Class 2? Farm Machinery. Earnest and best display implements and machinery not less than 20 different articles. C. W. Knapp & Son Ist. Class 23. Wagons, Buggies, etc. Display of at least three vehicles made In the county during the last year, C. W. Knapp diploma. DEPARTMENT E FARM PRODUCE Class 26. Grain and Seed. Peck red winter wheat, Henry Ho’ziuger Ist Peck spring wheat. Peter Hoffman Ist, Louis Vesperman 2nd. Peck white oats. Henry Vesperman Ist, Henry Zenz 2nu. Peck mixed oats. Henry Vesperman Ist, Henry Holzinger 2nd. Peck barley, Louis Vesperman Ist, Perry Moure 2nd. , Peck rye, Sylvester Davis Ist, Henry Holz zinzer 2nd. Peck buckwheat. Sylvester Davis Ist, Chris Bentz 2nd. Peck ti _.othy seed, Ed Welsh Ist. W. Noone 2nd. . . , . Peck red clover seed, Sylvester Davis Ist, Henry Holzinger 2nd. Peck beans, Vesper man Bros. Ist. Peter Hoffman 2nd. _ -- Peck peas, John Peterson Ist, Peter Hoff man 2nd. Peck white dent corn. Albert Kasper Ist, Henry Zenz 2nd. Peck yellow dent corn. Frank Zenz Ist, H. Kane 2nd. „ 4 _ Peck ffint corn in ear, Jas. E. Bailiie Ist, John Peterson 2nd. Peck cnlico corn. H. Kane Ist, Geo. Knapp 2nd. Peck sweet corn. Geo. W. Knapp Ist, Tohn McDonald 2nd. Peck pop corn. John Peterson Ist, Lewis Vasperman 2nd. Peck bloody butcher. John McDonald Ist, Herman' Knoke 2nd. Class 27. Displays of Corn. Potatoes and Vegetables. Display of corn, four kinds or more. Burlie Dobson Ist. Sylvester Davis 2nd. Display of potatoes four kinds or more, Al bert Otoft Ist. Display vegetables. Mrs. Burlie Doll Ist, Mrs. H. L. Henkel, 2nd. Class 28. Vegetaoles. Peck early potatoes, Albert Croft Ist. Paul McLean 2nd, Vesperman Bros. 3d. Peck late potatoes, Albert Croft Ist, Henry Holzinger 2nd. Joe Heinrich 3d. Half dozen sweet potatoes, Ned Willis Ist- Peck turnips, Mrs. Phil Berndt Ist, Burlie Dobson 2nd. Peck carrots, Earl Smith Ist, Leßoy Oates 2nd. Peck parsnips, Chas. Tuffley Ist, Leß>y 2nd Peck mangles, Mrs. Anton Schuster Ist. Wm. Tuckwood 2nd. Peck beets, Geo. W. Knapp Ist, Leßoy Oates 2nd, Peck onions, Mrs. Wm. Tiller Ist. Geo. Marks Jr. 2nd. Half dozen cabbages, Mrs. Leßoy Judd Ist. Half dozen tomatoes, Mrs. H. C. Orton Ist, Wm. Lewis 2nd. Show of cucumbers, Earl Smith Ist, C. A. 2n Half dozen watermelons. Ned Willis Ist. Largest watermelon, Ned Willis Ist. Half dozen mnskmelons C. A. Case Ist, Ned Willis 2nd. Three stock pumpkins. Andrew Zenz Ist, Peter Hoffman 2nd, Three field pumpkins. Bunlie Dobson Ist, Mrs Leßoy Judd 2nd. Three pie pumpkins Vesperman Bros. Ist, Burley Dobson 2nd. Three squashes green. C. A. Case Ist, Irving Vesperman 2nd. Three golden squash. John Peterson Ist. Exhibit celery, Leßoy Oates Ist, Ned Willis 2nd. Exhibit cauliflower, Leßoy Oates Ist. Exhibit salsi’y, Chas. Tuflley Ist. Exhibit red peppers. Albert Croft isl, Chas. Block 2nd. Exhibit ground cherries, Mrs. Robt. Jordan Ist. Albert Croft 2nd. Exhibit string beans, Mrs. Anton Schuster Ist. Mrs. John Fisher 2nd. Display of vegetables. Mrs. Burlie Dobson Ist, Mrs. H L. Henkel 2nd. Three citrons, Burlie Dobson Ist. Classs 29—Fruit. Fall apples 5 varieties, Chris. Bentz Ist, Herman Bast 2nd. Winter apples.'O. A. Stephens Ist, Albert Marshall 2nd. Display app'es, Mrs. Peter Stoffel Ist, Chas. Voeltz 2ud. Exhibit Japanese plums, Mrs. Nau man Ist. Exhibit cultivated grapes. Miss Veronica Schmidt Ist. Leßoy Oates 2nd. Exhibit cultivated pears, Wm. Lewis Ist, Leßoy Oates 2nd. Exhibit cultivated crabs, Mrs. Jas. E, Bailie Ist. Exhibit native plums. Mrs. Walter Ziegler Ist. Leßoy Oates 2nd. Class 30. Poultry and Birds. Barred Plymouth rock cock, Al Hunsaker Ist. Barred Plymouth rock hen. Al Hunsaker Ist. White Plymouth rock cock, Guilford Graham Ist, Al Hunsaker 2nd. White Plymouth rock hen, Al Hunsaker Ist G. Graham 2nd. White Plymouth roCk cockerel. G. Graham Ist. White Plymouth rock p llet, G. Graham Ist. Buff Plymouth rock cock. Mrs. E. Knotwell Ist. Mrs. Chas. Gales 2nd. Buff Plymouth rock hen. Mrs. Chas. Gates Ist. Mrs. E. Knotwell 2nd. Buff Plym »uth rock cockerel, Mrs. E, Knot well Ist. Mrs. Chas. Gates 2nd. Buff Plymouth rock pullet, Mrs. E. Knot well Ist, Mrs. Chas. Gates 2nd. White Wyandotte cockerel. Ctas. Tuffley Ist. White Wyandotte pullet, Chas.. Tuffley Ist. Rhode Island red cock, Geo. Marks Jr. Ist, Carl Walker 2d. Rhode Island red hen, Mrs. Phil Berndt Ist, A. Hunsaker 2d. Rhode Island red cockerel, Geo. Marks Jr. Ist and 2d. Rhode Island red pullett, Al Hunsaker Ist. Geo. Marks Jr. 2d. White Leghorn cock. Perry Moore Ist. White Leghorn hen. Perry Moore Ist. White Leghorn cockerel. Chas. Tuflley Ist, Perry Moore 2d. White Leghorn pullet, Chas. Tuflley Ist. Perry Moore 2d. Brown Leghorn cock, Leroy Oates Ist. Brown Leghorn hen, Leroy Oates Ist- Buff Legnorn cockerel, Mrs. E. G. Knotwell Ist Buff Leghorn pullet, Mrs. E. G. Knotwell Ist Buff Orpington cocker. 1 Mrs. E G. Knot * well Ist. Buff Orpington pullet, Mrs. E. G. Knotwell Ist. Pair geese. Mrs. C. A. Case Ist, Geo. W. Knapp 2d. Pair ducks. Geo W. Knapp Ist. Best pen fowls any breed. Geo. Marks Jr. Ist Best pen chicks any breed. Geo. Marks Jr. Ist. Heaviest pair chicks.,Geo. Marks Jr. Ist and 2d. Class 31- Cheese Full cream cheese. Geo. Dodd Ist, Wm. Fischer 2d. DEPARTMENT EE - CULINARY. Class 32. Kitchen and Dairy. Loaf white bread hop yeast, Mrs. Frank Tuckwood Ist, Mrs Jas. Bradbury 2d. Loaf white bread salt rising. Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist, Mrs. Lizzie Block 2d. Boston brown bread. Mrs. Carl Roth Ist Mrs. John McMahon 2d. Half dozed biscuits, Linda Moore Ist, Mrs. Frank Tuck wood 2d. Whole wheat, bread, Mrs. Jas. Bradbury Ist, Mrs. Adolph Wenking2nd. Loaf graham bread, Inda Moore Ist. Mrs. Lizzie Block 2d. German coffee cake, Mrs. H. C. Orton Ist, Mrs Carl Roth 2d. Dozen doughnuts, Mrs. Lewis Weber Ist.Mrs, John McMahon 2d. Carmel cake, Mrs. E. G. Knotwell Ist. Mrs. James E. Bailie 2d. Fruit cake, Mrs. Martin Oswald Ist. Mrs. John McMahon Sr. 2d. Nut cake. Hazel Pearson, Ist, Mrs. Carl Roth 2d. Cake with chocolate filling. Mrs. John Ves perman Ist. Mrs. J. J. McKenzie 2d. Ansel food. Mrs. Ed C. Vesperman Ist, Mrs. Chas. Block 2d. Devils food. Mrs. C. A. Case Ist, Mrs. W. J. Richardson 2d Sponge cake, Mrs. John McMahon Sr. Ist, Mrs. Chas. Block 2d. Mince pie. Mrs. H. Brockway Ist, Mrs. Carl Roth 2d. GHANI COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, SEPTEMBER 29, 1909 Apple pie, Mrs. Peter Stoffel Ist, Mrs- Carl Roth 2d. Pumpkin pie, Mrs. H. Henkel Ist, Mrs. Peter Stoffel 2d. Hermits. Mrs. Amelia Lisherness Ist, Mrs. John Peterson 2d. White cookies without frosting. Mrs. James Bradbury Ist. Mrs. Peter Hoffman 2d. Ginger cookies without frosting. Linda Moore Ist. Mrs. Levi Garner 2d. Sunshine cake. Mrs. Frank Turner Ist, Mrs- J G. Bailie 2d. Burnt sugar cake. Mrs. Henrj Nauman Ist, Neliie Martin 2d. Fig cake, Mrs. Chas. Block Ist, Mrs. Adoph Wepking 2d. Saffron cake, Mrs. Lewis Weber Ist, Mrs. Frank Tuckw<>od 2d. Spanish buns, Mrs. Adolph Wepking Ist,Mrs, Chas. Block 2d. Rocks, Mrs. Chas. Block Ist, Mrs. H. C. Orton 2d. Display home made candy. Mrs. Lewis Weber Ist, Belle Brockway 2d. Class 33. Honey, Preserves, Etc. Sample vineg.-r. Mrs. W. J. Bailie Ist, Mrs. J J. McKenzie 2d. Sample sorghum. Robert Stoffel Ist. Five pounds extracted honey, Albert Croft Ist, Henry Holzinger 2d. Half dozen varieties jelly. Ethel Taylor Ist, Mrs. JamesG. Bailie 2d. Half dozen varieties of preserves. Mrs J. J. McKenzie Ist, Mrs. Dan Kinney 2d. Hali dozen varieties canned fruit, Mrs. H. Brockway Ist, a rs. Geo. Pearson 2d. Sample sour cucumber pickles, Mrs. E. W, Schmitt Ist, Mrs. Nick Auel 2d. Sample mixed pickles, Mrs. H. Brockway Ist, M r s. E. W, Schmitt2d. Sample sweet pickled peaches. Mrs, Jas. E. Bailie Ist. Mrs. Dan Kinney 2d. Sample sweet pickles, apples, Mrs, Rob’t. Jordan, Ist. Mrs. rt. W. Schmitt 2d. Sample spiced berries, Mrs. H. L, Henkel Ist, and 2d. Sample tomato catsup, Mrs. C. |A. Stevens Ist. Mrs. Juo. Stone 2d. Sample apple butter, Mrs. Anton Schuster Ist, Mrs. Dan Curington 2d.u Sample raspberry jam. Mrs. Chas. Block Ist, Mrs. Robert Jordan 2d. Sample blackberry jam. Mrs. Chas. Block Ist. Mrs. Geo. Pearson 2d. Sample chili sauce. Mrs. J. G. Bailie Ist, Mrs. Dan Kinney 2d. DEPARTMENT F—DOMESTIC Class 34. Domestic Manufactures Rug, knitted or braided. Mrs. Wm. Tiller Ist. Mrs Geo. earson 2d. Rug any material, Sam Spease Ist, Hazel Pearson 2d. Silk rug. Mrs. Robert Newman Ist. Ten yards rag carpet, Sam Spease 2d. Pair woolen socks, Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist. Mrs John McMahon Sr. 2d. Pair woolen stockings, Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist, Mrs. A. J. Mitchell 2d. Woolen mittens double, Mrs. Henry Nau man Ist. Pair woolen mittens single. Carrie Vande wail Ist. Mrs. Geo. Pearson 2d. Large Afgnan. Mrs. Wm. Rothschild Ist, Mrs. Martin Oswald 2d. Pair knitt- d slippers. Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist. Rose Alcorn 2d- Pair crocheted slippers, Viva Pearson Ist, Mrs. Theo. Spiegleberg 2d. Crocheted sk*rt. Helen Stell Ist, Mrs. Frank Tuckwood 2d. Knitted skirt. Mrs. Wm. Alcorn Ist. Si'k quilt, Mrs- John F. Lane Ist, Mrs. J. J. Bailie 2d. _ Wood log cabin quilt, Mrs. James G. Bailie Ist, Emma Hippenbecker 2d. Patchwork quilt, Mrs J. J. Stelpflug Ist, Mrs. Rebecca Dolphin. 2d. Patchwork quilt quilted, Mrs. Theo. Speigleberg Ist. Mrs. Martin Oswald 2d. Comforter finished,' Mrs- H. Brockway Ist, Mrs. Grace Pedlar 2d. Crocheted shawl large, Mrs. Geo. Marks T r. Ist, Linda Deisel 2d. Sun bonnet, Mrs. A. J. Mitchell Ist. Mrs. Geo. Pearson 2d. Patch mending on garment. Hazel Pearson Ist Mrs. W. J. Richardson 2d. Darn mending on garment. Viva Pearson Ist, Mrs. W. J- Richardson 2d. Darn stockings. Hazel Pearson Ist, Mrs. W. J. Richardson 2d. Kitchen apron, Mrs. H. Brockway Ist. Linda Deise l 2d. Portiere, Veronica Schmitt Ist, Sam Spease 2d. Knitted child’s hood, Rose Alcorn 2d. Crocheted child's hood. Viva Pearson Ist. Knitted shawl large, Mrs. S >phia Kilbourn Ist. Mrs. Regina Dietrich 2d. Crocheted sacque and socks for baby, Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist. Helen Steil 2d. Knitted Counterpane, Mrs. Martin Oswald 1 st Child’s dress hand made. Mrs. A. J. Mitchell Ist. Mrs. Frank Tuckwood 2d. Sample six button holes. Mrs. Jas. E. Bailie Ist. Ethel Utt 2d. Pair silk mittens, Carrie Vandewall Ist Mrs. Geo. Pearson 2d. Fascinator. Mrs. Nick Auel Ist. Knitted sweater. Mrs. Henry Nauman Ist, Rose Alcorn 2d. , . .* „ Crocheted sweater. Gladys Jordan Ist, Mrs. Mhyrza Lewis 2d. Class 35. Ornamental Work Wallachian embroidery, E. Schmirler Ist, Mrs Henry Wepking 2d. Coronation braid embroidery, Alono Aup perle Ist. Laura Bowdon 2d. Mountmellic embroidery. Belle Brockway Ist, Mrs. Theo. Speigleberg 2d. Roman embroidery. E. Schmirler Ist, Mrs. Theo. Spiegleberg 2d. Shadow Embroidery. Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist, Mrs. Regina Deitrich 2d Centerpiece, eyelet embroidery, Mrs. Henry Wepking Ist, Mabel Tuckwood 2d. Center piece, silk embroidery, Ethel Utt Ist. Emma Hipenbecker 2d. Centerpiece, French embroidery, Mrs. Geo. Marks, Jr., Ist, May Kidd 2d. Six napkins, embroidered. Daisy Tuckwood Ist, Mrs. R. L. Barney 2d. Pair towels, embroidered, Mrs. Martin Oswald Ist, Ethel Utt 2d. Lunch cloth, colored embroidery, Mrs. Orville Eastman Ist. Lunch cloth, white embroidery, Mrs. Henry Wepking Ist, Belle Brockway 2d. Sideboard scarf, Mrs. Herbert Morgans Ist, Miss Eda Kroening 2d. Embroidered sofa pillow, Mrs. Henry Wepking Ist, Maggie Peacock 2d. Sofa pillow, cross stitch. Mrs. Carl Roth Ist, E. Schmirler 2d. Table scarf, Mrs. H. C. Orton Ist, Hazel Pearson 2d. Embroidered collars and cuffs, Mrs. John M. Stonlst. Elizabeth Schmitt 2d- Handkerchief case. Viva Pearson Ist. Mrs. J T. Webb 2d. Stencil work. Miss Veronica Schmitt Ist. Hilda Fischer 2a. Hardaugar embroidery, Emma Hipen becker Ist, Regina Deitrich 2d. Embroidered pillow slips, Mrs. Geo. A. Moore Ist, Mrs. Jas. E. Bailie 2d. Bledermaier embroidery, Mrs. Orville Eastman Ist and 2d. Table cover in French canvas work, Mrs. O. W. Wright Ist. Class 36. Laces Battenberg center piece, Klona Aupperle Ist, Mrs. O. H. Bryhan 2d. Battenberg lunch cloth. Alona Aupperle Ist. Honitcn lace. Elizabeth Schmitt Ist, Mrs. Edith Kroening 2d. Irish crochet lace. Mrs. O. J. Prideaux Ist, Mrs. Grace Pedlar 2d. Fillet lace, Mrs. O. J. Prideaux Ist. Piece of knit lace. Mrs. Geo. P. Walker Ist, Carrie Vandewall 2d. Point lace handkerchief, Beth Leppla Ist, Mrs. Carl Roth 2d. Specimen of darned net. Mrs. EdGreany Ist Mrs. Regina Di- trich 2d. Specimen tatting. Belle Brockway Ist, Miss May Nickles 2d. Tatting handkerchief, Emma Hipenbecker Ist, Carrie Vandewall 2d. Specimen crocheted lace, Mrs. Martin Oswald Ist, Mrs. Joe Sc >tt 2d. Class 37. Miscellaneous Shopping bag, Pearl Tuckwood Ist. Emma Hipenbecker 2d. Laundry bag. Mrs. Geo-Pearson Ist. Sofa pillow. Mrs. W. N. Stone Ist, Beth Leppla 2d. Cotton tidy, Carrie Vandewall Ist, Belle Brockway 2d. Linen tidy. Mrs. O. J. Prideaux Ist, Emma Hipenbecker 2d. Dressing jacket, Gladys Jordan Ist, Veronica Schmitt 2d. Table mat. set of three. Mrs. Roy Frothing ham Ist, Mrs. Orville Eastman 2d. Fancy pin cushin, Gladys Jordan Ist, Marie Baumgartner 2d \ Six fancy handkerchiefs, Mrs. John M. Stone Ist, Elizabeth Schmitt 2d. Hemstitching, Mrs. Martin Oswald Ist, Mrs. John M. Stone 2d. Burnt work on wo d and leather, Guerdon Burris Ist, Linda Diesel 2d. Fancy apron, Mrs. John M. Stone Ist, Elizabeth Schmitt 2d. Set uuder-ciothes, Brockway Ist, Eda Kroening 2d. Fancy corset-cover, Mrs. O. W. Wright Ist, Mrs. Henry Wepking 2d. Embroidered shirt waist. Mrs. Geo. P. Goble Ist. Mrs. K. L Barney 2d. Crocheted purse, Mrs. Frank Tuckwood Ist, Mrs. A. J. Mitcheil 2d. Specimen of drawn work, six pieces, Mary Webb Ist, Hazel Pearson 2d. Collection of drawn work, six p’eces, Mrs. Geo. Pearson Ist, Mrs. Schmirler 2d. Indian bead purse or bag, Hazel Pearson Ist. Indian bead belt, Blanche Rothschild Ist, Belle Brockway 2d. Indian bead necklace. Viva Pearson Ist, Mrs. Jas. E. Bailie 2d. t Class 38. Floral Display of cut asters. Mrs. Amelia Lisher ness Ist, Mrs. Chas. Mayer 2U. Display of house plants. Mrs. Chas. Mayer Ist. Display of geraniu ns, Carrie Harris Ist. Display of pansies, Carrie Harris Ist, Mrs. John M. Stone 2d. Display of verbenas, Carrie Vandewall Ist, Mrs. Chas>. Mayer 2d. Boquet of sweet peas. Mrs. C. A. Wenzel Ist, Mrs. Chas Mayer 2d. Disp ay of flowering bulbs, Mrs. Amelia Lisheruess Ist. Mrs. < has. Mayer 2d Display of cosmos. Mrs. Chas. Mayer Ist, Mrs. E. W. Schmidt «d. Display of cut flowers. Mrs. Chas. Mayer l s t. Best fern. Mrs - . Chas. Mayer Ist. Best begouia. Mrs. Anion Schuster Ist, Mrs. Chas. Mayer 2d. Class ?9. Painting Oil painting landscape, Freuda Smalbery Ist, Della Switzer, 2d Oil painting marine, Mrs. John Decker Ist, Della switzer 2d. Oil painting, flower or fruit, Della Switzer Ist, Freuua Smalbery 2d. Oil painting, figure ot animal, Freuda Smalbery 2d. Water color, landscape, Mabel Stone Ist, Pearl Calloway 2d.* Water color, marine, Viva Pearson Ist. Fay Belscamper 2d. Water color, flowers from nature, Veronica Schmitt Ist, Mrs. Theo. Spiegelberg 2d. Water color, landscape from nature, Ella Rothschild Ist, DMia Switzer, 2d. Water c>.»lor, collection. Della Switzer Ist, Ella Rothschild. 2d. Water color, fancy head or figure, Mabel Stone, Ist. Veronica Schmitt Painting from still life, oil or water color Blanche Rothschild Ist. Pastel painting. Della Switzer 2d. Cnina painting, jardenier, Veronica Schmitt Ist. China painting, vase. Veronica Schmitt Ist. China painting, collection, Veronica Schmitt i Ist. China painting, six pieces, Veronica Schmitt Ist, Della Switzer 2d. Charcoal sketches from nature. EUa Roths child 2d, Charcoal or crayon portrait f om life. Eila Rothschild, Ist. Pen etching. Mrs. Theo. Spiegelberg Ist,Ella Rothschild 2d. Amateur Photos, Mrs. O. J. Prideaux Ist. Class 40. Youths’Department. Apron, hand sewing, Leona Bryhan Ist. Over stitching, hand sewing, Martha Jordan Ist. Lemece Jordan 2d. Run stitching, hand sewing. Leniece Jordan Ist. Hemming, hand sewing. Leniece Jordan Ist, Martha Jordan 2d. Hemstitching handkerchief. Catherine Schuster Ist. Myri Finney 2d. Sofa pillow, Catherine Schuster Ist, Hilda Fisher 2d. Pin-cushion. Leone Bryhan Ist, Minnie Ves perman 2d. Dressed doll, Martha Jordan Ist, Leniece Jordan 2d. ) Map of Wisconsin. Ruby Benedict Ist,Johnnie Vesperman 2d- Map ot Grant County, Evans Stone Ist, Johnnie Vesperman 2d. Map of the United States, Martha Jordan Ist, Johnnie Vesperman 2d. Specimen of pencil drawing, Martha Jordan Ist, Myrl Finney 2d. ezi Specimen of pen and ink drawing, Martha Jordan Ist. Penmanship by girl. Catherine Schuster, Ist, Myrl Finney 2d. Penmansnip by boy. Evans Stone Ist. Painting water colors, Myrl Burrows Ist and 2d. Outlining, Helen Ziegler Ist, Martha Jordan 2d. Patch work quilt for doll, finished, Leniece Jordan Ist, Martha Jordan 2d. Six buttonholes on cotton or linen, Leone Bryhan Ist, Leniece Jordan 2d. Fancy apron. Myrl Finney Ist, Lenience Jordan 2d Piece embroidery work, Myrl Finney Ist, Leniece Jordan 2d. Piece scroll-saw work, Ernest Naumann Ist and 2d. SPECIAL PREMIUMS W.J.Bailie Display of Apples—Chris Bentz Ist, Mrs. Wat Ziegler 2d. John Schieiner & Sons—l half dozen biscuits Ethel T ylor Ist. Mrs. Frank Zenz 2d, Mrs. Peter Stoffer 3d Union State Bank, best dairy cow. Evans Martin Ist. Harold Tuffley 2d. Lewis Lisherness?d Baxter & Draper’s Special, best dairy cow, Evans Martin Ist. Irvin Vesperman 2d. Orton Halev Co.—Map of Grant County, Evans Stone Ist; Yellow dent corn,Frank Zenz Ist; Peck early potatoes, Albert Croft Ist; peck of white oats, Henry Vesperman Ist. Aupperle Grocery Co.. Bread Special—Loa F bread, Mrs. Walter Boyes Ist: one-half dozen biscuit. Hazel Pearson Ist: display baking, bread, biscuits, cake, 2 kinds of pie. Mrs, Geo. Pearson Ist. Goldste n & Tuckwood—Corset cover, em broidered, Elizabeth Schmitt Ist. Wm. Hu<rhett—Sucking colt, s red bv Neba tor, Burlie Dobson Ist. James Meyer 2d. Louis Alt & Sons—Canned Peaches, Mrs. Dan Kinney Ist, Mrs. H. E. Baxter 2d. Ira Murphy Special—Delbert Beetham Ist T. F. Orton—3 loaves of bread made from Ma delia’s best flour—Mrs.Jas.Bradbury lst;3 loaves of bread from Purity flour—Mrs. Levi Garner Ist. Plants That Furnish Dyes. Expert dyers can secure more than sixty shades of red from the root of the Persian madder plant; indigo furnishes nearly 50 varieties of blue; while the shell of the pomegranate yields nearly 40 shades of yellow. The Right Spirit. One of the most praiseworthy opti mists we have ever known was a near sighted deaf man who was thankful that he had ears around which he was able to hook his spectacles. Women as Well as Men are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Mio. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, » vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Roct, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. r aMMaaMMuflu immj twj Home of Swamp-Root. THE EDISON PHONOGRAPH \ W / TRAOC MAM Ct NO. 650 A rich man’s phonograph at a poor man’s price; that’s the popular verdict given of The New Edison Fireside Model which plays both four and two minute records Retails at $22.00 and combines all the fea tures and style of a high priced machine. COME rfW rnrJ PLAY and ™ e HEAR Ilf B®S|j K&l ill NEw ■ft « lift IT RECORDS NO. 707 THESE ARE HUMMERS 10198 Lena from Germany Josie Sadler 10199 Just a Little Word Called ‘.‘Welcome”Bryon G. Harlan 10200 Scotch Reels Alexander Prince 10201 I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!Edward M. Favor 10202 I’m Awful Glad I Met You Ada Jones and Billy Murray 10203 I’m Tired of Living Without You Will Oakland 10204 Grand Entry March Albert Benzler 10205 Whistle and I’ll Wait for You Ada Jones 10206 Why Do You Wait? Anthony and Harrison 1C207 They All Take Off Their Hats to Mr. Murphy... .Edward Meeker 10210 Oh .’ You Loving Gal Collins and Harlan 10211 Parody on “There Never Was a Girl Like You” Nat. M. Wills 10213 Take Me Up With You Dearießilly Murray and Chorus 10214 Uncle Josh at a Campmeeting.Cal Stewart 10215 ’LizaPeerless Quartette 10216 Salute to Mexico United States Marine Band t Us Chas. C. Roberts MUSIC HOUSE LANCASTER .♦ WISCONSIN WAIT FOR THE COMING EVENT! The Up-to-date Sale of Poland Chinas ™ r WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1909 50 Head as good as in the land—2o boars and 30 sows My held has won more premiums at Grant County fairs in the last three years than all other herds shown there. Write for catalogue and don’t forget to attend the sale. I SELL THE GET OF Meddler No. 99999 Meddler 2nd No 111111 Impudence No. 97557 Master Meddler No. 151111 Fancy Meddler No. 126211 Fancy Meddler 2nd Impudence 2nd H. A. REED, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN S' * 'mmjr IT S 3 v method once. It never ails where there is a possibility of a cure and the di rections are fully followed. . INCURABLE CASES NOT ACCEPTED, Unless Lhe Patient Understands IL Delays are dangerous. When others fail let us explain our method. We Extract the Natural Drug Principle from the Crude Roots, Barks and Leaves of the Herbs, and apply them to the healing of diseases. Why not consult a physician who makes his visits regularly and you are sure to meet again. Afflicted with Diseases of Throat, Brain, Lungs, Heart, Stom ach, Liver, Kidneys, Nerves, Rheumatism, or suffering from Neuralgia, De bility, Fits, Tumors, Cancers. Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Diabetis, Dropsy, Eczema, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, Consumption, Asthma, Humours: Erup tion, Bad effects of Grip, Sores, Nervous Debility or ANY DISEASE OF LONG STANDING. He keeps a record of every case treated and the result obtained and can refer you to those who have been cured. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY. Consultation and Examination are Entirely Free Reasonable Terms foi Treatment, One Price, No Large Fees. LABORATORY . . 1234 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON, ILL. Will be at the Wright House, Lancaster Saturday, October 16 Herald Job Printing Just What You Have ■■EgaEMBBMMW— Been Looking For NO. 2 The Greatest Variety Hog Sale ever held in Grant County AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, PLATTEVILLE R. and G. Perfection No. 110811 Best Price 4th No. 106491 Wisconsin On and On No. 118049 Peter Mouws’ Longfellow No. 119997 Tec. Wonder No. 92929 Major C. 2nd DR. BREWER & SOM have now on record in their case book 17,500 PEOPLE 17,500 NO ENCOURAGEMENT WITHOUT PROSPECT OF SUCCESS Are ycu satisfied with your doctor? Are you gain ing? If you are remain with your home physician, if you are not recovering to your satisfaction, call at once on DR. BREWER and see the wonderful re sults from a new and original method of treating chronic diseases. Over 17500 cases recorded on my book show the results obtained. No matter what ♦your complaint is, no matter how long you have been sick or how many doctors have treated you, try my