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AROUND THE COUNTY What Our Neighbors Are Doing, as Reported by The Herald’s Correspondents BLOOMINGTON. Special Corresnondence to the Herald. Ramos' Orchestra, the first number of the lecture course, entertained a large crowd Thursday evening. Mr. Irving, baritone, furnished several choice selecions. The entire enter tainment was a success. A horse driven to town by Mrs. Walter Scott last Thursday ran away and was stopped out near the cream ery. The buggy was somewhat damaged. On Saturday of this week occurs the seed corn cun test given by the Woodhouse & Bartley Bank. See program in another column. Hodgson Moore gave a birthday dance in the city hall Friday even ing, which was attended by a number of friends. We enjoyed a ride in that new autombile of R. N. Hoskins’. It is shud with silence, fleet as the wind and strong as a locomotive. Henry Diesel and wife of Hickman, Neb., were guests at the Wm. Macke home last week. Mrs. Deisel is a sister to Mrs. Macke. Out of thirty students of f North western Dental College, two took an | eight weeks’ course in anatomy at the Northwestern Medical College last term, three had perfect standings. One of the three was Mort. Bartley of this place, another was Goldthorpe, of Cuba City and the third was Huntington ot Chicago. Seventeen applicants were marked good, seven fair, and three failed Thus Grant county in general and Bloomington in particualr hold their own in learn ing as well as in other ways. Ora Hatch and wife visited in Mil wakuee and Chicago last week. Some of the people from this vicinity who attended the Gays Mills Fair last week: J B. Gilligan, Oscar Brady, L. Abraham, Ed. Fagan, Walt Taylor, Vai. Ertel, Bert Fen nell, Thos. Lawless, Mose Hicklin, Dave Parker, Peter Mullally, Andy Welch, James Smith, Thos. Long meire, G. Lyness. They reported a good fair and a large attendance. There will be a dance in Patch Grove on Friday evening, Oct. 22. •'The Forger” Friday evening at city ball. Clara Foshay is attending the normal school at Winona, Minn. Eugene Sawyer is clerking in Greer’s. Dan’l Trainer had a dance in his new barn Thursday evening, which was attended by a large crowd of friends and neighbors. Mrs. John Bennetts and Clarence Smith were over from Prairie du Chien last week. Mrs. Pike is visiting relatives in Boscobel. D. T. Parker and wife, Misses Parker and Mrs. Roach were over from Fennimore one day last week. Mrs. Smitbyman of Platteville is visiting her sister. Mr. John Pennock. Ford Brittenham and wife and Mrs. Will Smith departed for their new home in Ismay, Mont., Saturday. Will started on Wednesday with a carload of goods. Before leaving Ford sold his residence here (the J. D. Clatyon house) to W. H. Prideaux. M. W. Hope’s favorite snephsrd dog was killed the other evening oy hounds in charge of hunters. Mr. Hope feels the loss, and so he has advertised for tresspassers to keep off his farm. Jed Barnett and eon Fred, Herman Bucbnner and Walter Knox were over from Lancaster Thursday. Mr. Barnett Sr. remarked that it was his first visit here since the fairs were being held down on the flat south of town when the show was not large but everybody had a regular picnic of a time. Tne one race of the meeting was a harness event for a purse of $25, divided sls and $lO. Uusually tw’o horses competed for these purses, and when Sam. Sharpley of Boscobel and the bay stallion circled the track three times to make a mile, we thought we were having the rarest kind of racing sport. Rev. A. T. Lacey attended the Congregational state convention at Appleton last week. Misses Genevieve McNamara, Ada Allen and Alta Lewis were home over Sunday They attended the normal school at Platteville. Miss Ella Witcomb, student at Milwaukee, was home over Sunday. Tom Baldwin came over from Elkader, lowa, Saturday. The high school boys have rented the city hall for basketball practice and games during the winter months. After they get started expect to have a game every Saturday night. B. D. Newman and wife returned to their home at Brownsville, Texas, Monday. Mr. Newman’s health is considerably improved. Mrs Beardsley is ill. Mr. Sandlebach of Lancaster, who bought a lot at the west end of Canal street, will erect a creamery thereon. Ground has been broken for the build ing, which will be erected as soon as possible. POTOSI. Special Correspondence io the Herald. Miss Mary Ennor took a trip to Dubuque, last Wednesday, and Mrs. E. A. Jewett went last Thurs day. Theo. Runkel transacted business in Dubuque, a few days last week. Communion services will be held at the Congregational church Sunday morning, Oct. 17; all members are requested to be present. Rev. R. G. Heddon pastor. Mr. and Mrs. August Schall and family will leave this week for Montana, where Mr. Schall has bought a farm and they will reside there. Miss Bessie Da;row visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. James Gibson last Saturday. Mrs. K. G. Heddon visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynten at Fennimore a few days last week. Mrs. and Mrs. T. R. Seaton re turned to their home here last Sat urday morning, after a two weeks visit with relatives in Dakota. Sam Thomas transacted business here a few days last week. Miss Gertrude Uppena returned to her home near Rockville, last Thurs day, after a visit at the home of Ler uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Neimer. Mr. and Mrs. John Stockert at tended the funeral of their little niece, Rose Hefei, who passed away Tuesday morning, after a few days illness at her home in Buena Vista, and was buried Thursday morning. Mrs John Nickles and two son visited at the home of Mrs. Nickles parents, Mi. and Mrs. John Steffen at Savanna, 111. Clarence Vannetta of Dickeyville transacted business here last Friday. Miss Josephine Geisen ot Cassville visited at her home a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Huffman and son Samuel visited at the home of Mrs. Hoffman’s parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Schneider near Cassville last Satur day and Sunday. M. Pleasure transacted business in Platteville a few days. Rev. K. G. Heddon attended the convention of the Congregational church at Appleton last Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Killian Stockert and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. John Stockert visited with relatives at Lancaster last Sunday. Mr. Jackson of Sparta, Wis., is visiting at the home of his brother James here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lewis visited with relatives in Dubuque last Tues day. Mrs. Peter Roezer and little son Clarence returned to their home here last Sunday after a month’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alderson at Dubuque. BAGLEY. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Mrs. O. J. Oswald got a telegram that her brother Samuel Rickliff, of Milwaukee, was killed He was a rail roader: more particulars later. A dispatch form E. R. Harvill, Marion, lowa, said their little gill nine months old died from whooping cough and that they would be at Glen Haven Friday with tne body. Ed. Gulick met and brought tnem to Bag ley. Funeral Sunday; interment in Lutheran cemetery. Another sad case is that of Howard Shrake. His. father Jacob Shrake went to Elgin, 111., and brought him home. Howard is a ran-roader and about four months ago slipped and fell under the car wheels and his back was broken; he has since been in a helpless condition, A premium crop of potatoes. Rosell Willard raised 50 bushels of nice potatoes on % of an acre, at that rata the yield would be 400 per acre. We visited the school last Wed nesday, found Miss Lizzie Nagle doing nicely in the primary and Miss Anna Mueller successfully conduct ing the intermediate. Each room has 25 to 30 pupils. Thanks to Miss Birdie Brown for that beautiful bouquet, thought to be the last this season. “ Sberm Hill back from South Dakota, says that town alone shipped 6,400 bushels of wheat this year. Joe Hank Palmer had a visit from his chum not seen for 25 years. Frank Roudabush, lowa. Dr. A. H. Hancock, the popular dentist, will be in Bagley the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. Save your teeth until he comes. Mrs. E Wilcox was down getting her teeth fixed; said, Roetbe, editor of the Times and some of the neigh borhood boys went out cooning one night. Boys you are welcome at all such trips as that. W. E Holmes made one of his regular trips to Bagley, agent for the Raleigh Medicine Co. Mr, Holmes is a man pleasant to meet. The Geo. Willard residence is now about inclosed and will be finished before cold weather. CASSVILLE. Special Correspondence to the Herald. George Vivian, of Mineral Point, visited here last week with his cousin, Mrs. Glenn D. Smith. Chas. C. Roberts of Lancaster had business in Cassville the fore part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Corneilus Sullivan, of Milwaukee, are visiting at the home of the latter’s mother Mrs. O. Bernhardt. Mms. Rosa Clark and Emma Bochuolz, us Bridgewater, la., visited last week at their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Lau. Mrs. Albert Curry left Wednesday for Rochelle, where she is spending a couple of weeks with relatives. Miss Maggie Bailey is visiting Dubuque relatives. Rev. P. J. Jones visited in Chicago last week with relatives. Miss Annie Kartmann, of Logan sport. Ind., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kartman. Mrs. B. E. Groom and children Emily and Donald, of Langdon, N. D., visited relatives last week in Cassville. Edward Roschi spent last week in vestigating real estate conditions near Great Falls, Montana. Hubert Schuelter, Uncle Sam’s representative on Route No. 1, has resigned his position His resigna tion will take effect Nov. 1. Harvey Schwartz, of Dubuque, is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Mrs. Ben Sedlmayr, cf Bagley, visited heie last week wittf her brother, Wm. Hart. Samuel Jordan and Mart Graybill, of Cassville, have decided to home stead 640 acres of land near Great Falls in Montana. Warren of Turkey River, will be their nearest neighbor, he having also decided to homestead a 320 acre tract. Chris Kimberly, Ed Neighmeyer, G. M. Jacobs-and E. Kirschbaum of Guttenberg were in Cassville Wed nesday making the trip here in a launch. A new building for the accomoda tion of the engine and boiler is being erected at the brewery by a Gutten bery contractor. The dimensions of the building will be 32 feet wide by 40 feet long and 17% feet in height. The advantage gained will be the possibility of unloading an entire car of coal directly along side the boiler. Mr. Lindner states that he contem plates furthers improvements. A. B. Teasdale, John Moore, and L. H. Okey attended the Upper Mississippi convention in Winona, Minnesotta, last Thursday. Eldridge Ishmael visited in Chicago last week with his sons Dr. Oscar E. and Raleigh. Mrs. Everett Albee and two daugh ters, of Ipswich, S. D. arrived a few days ago for a visit with relatives in Cassville. The river towns never looed prettier than they do in this season of the falling leaf. Cassville is the Mecca for many Grant Co., pilgrims each week. A more enjoyable trip than one to a Mississippi town would be hard to find indeed. PLATTEVILLE. The pretty new residence of Chas. Burg is nearly completed, the work man having finished the exterior. The residence will probably be ready for occupancy by Thanksgiving. Mrs. H. B. Morrow and son aro visiting in Milwaukee with relatives. Ben Louthain left last week for Chicago. It is understood the M. S. Sickle will retire permanently from the cigar factory business and devote bis time to other interests. The famous old opera ‘‘T k e Beggar Prince” will be here Oct. 15. Mrs. H. S. Roundtree has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Evans in Baraboo. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rindlaub and son visited last week in Mineral Point. Vivian Laughton has taken a posi tion as overseer of a construction gang for the C. M. & St. P. railroad The gang is at present working be tween Monroe and Platteville. Mr. and Mrs. John 801 l and daugh ter, Mrs. Snyder, of Springfield, Mo., are visiting at the Richard Bell home. Mrs. M. B’sbop left Wednesday for a short visit in Chicago. Both loca football teams . met defeat in Dibuque Saturday. The mining school bunch was defeated by St. Joseph’s College 47 to 0 and the German Presbyterian College chakled up 6 points to the Normal’s 5. The best team is said to have won in each case. Spring valley? Special Correspondence to the Herald. Jonn Day of Mt. Hope, did some mason work for Tim Mogun last week. Mrs Edgington, of Lancaster, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Davis the past week. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Cooley attend ed the funeral of their grandson, at Bloomington Wednesday of last week. The barn raising at Thos. Welsh’s Friday was well attended. John Ohlert and wife visited at the home of his father, Jacob Ohlert, a few days last week. The Presiding Elder, of the Platte ville district, will preach at the Union church, Wednesday evening, Oct. 13th. Chas. Wetmore delivered cattle at Fred Wetmore’s Thursday. Miss Jessie Smytherman visited Miss Glynn, a teacher at Patch Grove Saturday and Sunday. The dance in Dan Trainor’s new barn was well atten led Thursday evening. Wm. Garner was a Bloomington caller Thursday. Frank Hoeft is back from Milwau kee; much improved in health. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Wm, Scott Thursday, about 44 ladies were present. Visitors were Mrs. Ralph Place, Miss Griffis, of Lancas ter; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garthwaite, and Mrs. Edward?, of Bloomington; Lizzie Hore, Mrs. Jay Hore, Madison; A. Janke, Geo. Scott, Wm. Frost, Thos. Hore, John Beetham, Chas. Knapp, Chas. Bennett, Misses Govier, Davis, Marshel, Ora Govier. Hal Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hore and and Mrs. John The next meeting will be at Mrs. John Wilson’s,Oct.2l;everybody is cordial ly invited to attend. John Krohn purchased a bunch of 30 steers of Jospeh Horsfall recently. Mrs. Burr is visiting her daughter at Platteville. Era Griffis was a county seat caller last week. Miss Jessie and Helen Pendleton were Mt. Hope callers Saturday. RIDGE Special Correspondence to the Herald. Many from here attended the dance at Burton Friday evening; all report a good time. Theresa Elscamp spent Friday evening with Mary Stoll. Mrs, Frances Reed was a caller at Beetown last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman were callers at Lancaster last Thursday. Julia Elscamp was a caller at Potosi last Friday, Ed. Walker is* visiting his sister Mrs. Eldie Taylor this week. Mrs. Mat Flesch was at Potosi Friday. Samuel and Jewel Graves, who has been visiting relatives on the ridge returned to their home in California last Monday. Ora Adams visited with his cou sins Carl and Cora Shappell Friday evening, also attended the dance at Burton. _ EXCURSION RATES National Dairy Show, Milwaukee, Wis., October 14-24, 1909. Vie North Western Line. Tickets on sale October 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20, good returning Octo ber 26. For tickets and full infor mation apply to any ticket agent, The North Western Line. 33w2 Farm for Sale I offer my farm of 260 acres, sit uated 9 miles south of Lancas ter. 3% miles northeast of Potosi and miles northwest of Rock ville, for sale. The place has a good house, barn and other out buildings: also orchard and fruit of all kinds. The land is all in a good state of cultivation. Also 41 acres of timber pasture 1 mil? from Potosi, with plenty of tim ber of all kinds and never fail ing spring. For further partic ulars call on or write to Frank Wilhelm Route 3 - Potosi, Wis. 33w4p PROGRAM of the first annual Seed Corn Contest To be held at Bloomington, Saturday, Oct. 16, 1909, under the auspices of the Woodhouse & Bartley Bank 9:15 a. m. Opening of the Seed Corn Contest and Exhibit. Prof. R. A. Moore will begin tne judging of the exhibits. The entries will be so arranged t>'at visitors .can watch Prof. Moore doing this work, which will be both interesting and instructive and should be taken advantage of by all visitors. 1:00 p. m. Music —Quartette. Address of Welcome by P. Bartley, president of the Woodhouse & Bartley Bank. Response 1:30 p. m. Prof. Moore will begin promptly his lecture on “The Breeding aid Dissemination of Pure Bred Corn.” 3:30 p.m. Announcement of the award of cash prizes and of the winners. As the names of the winners are called the prize money will be paid . from the platform- 3:45 p. m. Open meeting, at which any one present may ask questions. A general discussion of corn problems is invited. This part of the program will be continued as long as it is profitable. Closing song. NOTE—Exhibits may be any dent corn, not necessarily a standard variety. Closing Out Sale of OAK LUMBER FENCE POSTS, CORDWOOD, etc. 3000 feet 4x4 8 10-12-14 feet 2000 ” 4x6 8-10-12-14-16 feet 8500 ” 6x6 8 10-12 14-16-18 20 feet 3000 ” 6xß 8 10-12-14-16 feet 7000 ” Bxß 810 12-14-16 feet 6500 ” 1 in. boards 6 8 10-12-14 feet 3000 ” 2x4 8 10-12 feet 8500 ” ,2 in. plank 6 8 10-12 feet 7000 ” 3 in. plank 810 12 feet 1500 ” Ix 4 8 10-12 feet 4000 feet assorted wagon timbers box cleats, bolsters, tongues, reaches and 2 m. plank. 200 sawed fence posts 6 feet. 5000 split second growth fence posts 2500 feet 1 in. 8-10 12-14 16 feet basswood. 100 cord good second growth oak cord wood. Prices on lumber, $f .00 to $20.00 per thousand, as long as it lasts. Posts 8c to 10c each. S. W. KERR Farmers’ Phone. Route 9, Lancaster, Wisconsin THE EDISON Just What You Have * V I Wgjjr Been Looking For Ct NO. 650 A rich man’s phonograph at a poor man’s price; that’s K. \ IK. the popular verdict given of / The New Edison ’ ~ Fireside Model which plays both four and ' 'll two minute records No. 2 Retails at $22.00 and combines all the fea tures and style of a high priced machine. it II 111 111 aAMR-EHM i! | n | al 111 I w fl Sv’ J E si! m COME AND HEAR IT NO. 707 THESE ARE HUMMERS 10198 Lena from Germany Josie Sadler 10199 Just a Little Word Called ‘.‘Welcome”Bryon G. Harlan 10200 Scotch Reels Alexander Prince 10201 I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!Edward M. Favor 10202 I’m Awful Glad I Met You Ada Jones and Billy Murray 10203 I’m Tired of Living Without You Will Oakland 10204 Grand Entry March Albert Benzler 10205 Whistle and I’ll Wait for You Ada Junes 10206 Why Do You Wait? Anthony and Harrison 1C207 Thev All Take Off Their Hats to Mr. Murphy... .Edward Meeker 10210 Oh! You Loving Gal Collins and Harlan 10211 Parody on “There Never Was a Girl Like You” Nat. M. Wills 10213 Take Me Up With You Dearießilly Murray and Chorus 10214 Uncle Josh at a CampmeetingCal Stewart 10215 ’LizaPeerless Quartette 10216 Salute to Mexico United States Marine Band Ss Chas. C. Roberts MUSIC HOUSE LANCASTER .♦ WISCONSIN PLAY THE NEW RECORDS