Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS NOTES —Silas Cranch, of Fennimore, was in this city Friday. —Leopold Seng, of Potosi, was in Lancaster Thursday. —R. N. Hcskins. of Bloomington, was in Lancaster Friday. - Fred Cooper was over from Bloomington Wednesday. —Will Mulrooney, of Bloomington, was in this <*:ty Saturday. —Miss Ethel Metcalf visited last week with Glen Haven relatives. —Oscar Barnes and Harrison Oswald were here from Bagley Saturday. # —John M. Kipper and Ben Bausct, of Glep Haven, were Lancaster callers yesterday. —Roy Croft, who is employed in Madison, is visiting at his home in this city. —H. H. Waldinan, Harry and Chas. H. Julius, of Stitzer, were in Lancaster Friday. —Harry L. Woolstenholme and Ales. OuLikson, of Stitzer, were in Lancaster Friday. —Henry Schneider and J. B. Mane of Fennimore. were county e< « visitors Monday. —John Neubauer and John Grand rath, of Glen Haven were in Lan caster Wednecday. —Martin Knntson and Robert Salvisberg, of Livingston, were in Lancaster Wednesday. —Ora Jeide, Dan Traner, Chas. Napp and Flavian Cherrier W6re here from Bloomington Friday. —August Michaelis went to Madi son Wednesday fora visit at the home of his dughter, Mrs. Win. Hayes, —W. J. Eberhaidt arrived Satur day afternoon for a brief visit in Lan caster. His family joined him here. . —Miss Clara Millard left Saturday for Livingston where she will spend the winter with her sister Mrs. Sam Mero. —Peter Glassmaker and Jos. Schauf, of Cassville, were in Lancas ter on bnisue3s Thursday and made the Herald a pleasant call. —Fred Meyer, of Seattle, joined his wife aud little daughter here Monday for a holiday visit witn Lan caster relatives. —Mrs. Victor E. Kamm, of Platte ville, arrived Thursday evening for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Webb. —Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Napp and Mrs. Daniel Napp, of Fennimore, at tended the funeral of John Jeide Wednesday. —Harry Nathan and L. O. Pennock, students in the Monroe business college, are spending the Christmas holidays ao home. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schioesser have moved into the Geo. Angus bouse in this city. Their son Fred will remain on the farm. —Thos. Taylor arrived home Friday evening from Valparaiso, Ind., where he accompanied his sister who went there to attend school. Hugh and Frank Orton who hold positions with the iron company at Hibbing, Minnesota, arrived home Sunday afternoon for a holiday visit. —Ed Hyde left last Friday on a business trip to Chicago. Among other things he purchased a new steel ceiling for the large room in his new bnilding. —The young ladies of Emmanuel church will sell home made candy at the Wright House on the Thursday before Christmas. Orders may be given now to Miss Wright. % —Ralph Barnett is running the skating pond this' season. This sport together with sleighing has been en gaging the attention of Lancaster young people during the past week. —Misses Dorothy Lisherness and dßird Calloway, teachers in the Arthur and Montfort schools respectively, ar rived home Saturday afternoon to spend the holidays. —The fall of snow last week de layed the trains slightly but when the drifting commenced Thursday after noon nearly every train in this divi s on was reported from one to three hours ' late. —The O. P. David mine at Mont fort shipped and sold a car of jack last week that sold for §1,017.50. The O. P. David stockholders have passed through successive period of sunshine and gloom, but they were never more optimistic than at present. —Harry Friend and Dan O’Leary are here from Elkader to do the plumbing work in Mrs. Louisa Kleinpell’s new residence which will be steam heated. Mr. Friend will be remembered by many local base ball fans as captain of Lancaster’s semi-professional team two years agu. Cassville Record. —George Jackering spent the latter part of last week in Mt. Ida. —Grant Ballantyne, of Blooming ton, had business here Thursday. —Mrs. Helen Barlow has been seriously ill for the past two weeks. —A. F. David, of Montfort was at the county seat on business Friday. Barbara Jacaering spent Sunday with Mrs. A. R. Wanazek of this efty. —Luke Webb and L. Bartley, of Bloomington, were Lancaster visitors Monday. —Leslie A. Clark arrived home Monday noon from a business trip to Chicago. —Engineer C. W. Frothingham is enjoyiDg a ‘‘lay off” from his duties this w'eek. —‘‘Lon” Wayne has been laid up for a conple of weeks with an attack of rheumatism. —Mrs. Thomas Rundell arrived home Tuesday evening of last week from a visit in Madison. —John Boyle, of Fennimore, visited with Lancaster friends and relatives the latter part of last week. —Elmer Eastman and family started last week to move into their new resi dence west of the Capital house. —Arthur Knapp, who is a student in the Chicago Art Institute arrived home for a visit Sunday afternoon. —N. J. Farrand returned from, Sioux City. Neb., where he has been spending the past month with his son Lester. • —W. J. Eberhardt expects to locate at Chicago the first of the year and effers his household furniture for sale at private sale. See advertisement elsewhere in today’s Herald. —Atty. Walter Brennan aud Frank Callis arrived home Saturday evening from Platteville where they conducted the sale of the I, O. Drinkall stock of drugs. —Herman Buchner left Thursday for Crossett. Ark., where as usual he will spend the winter On Tuesday evening he was the host at a luncheon served to bis fellow members of the Country Club. —Miss Amine Belscamper arrived home from Kaukauna Monday even ing to spend the holidays. Mies Belc9amper is an instructor in history and literature in the Kaukauna high school. —Parke Knapp and wife arrived Wednesday evening from Harrold, S. D., to spend the holidays here in the old home. This is their first return to Lancaster since they located in Dakota, which will be two years coming March. —Mrs. Elizabeth Hagen started last week on her return to her home in Canada after a visit at the home of her father, Delos Abrams. She will ne on the road for two or three weeks as she is visiting in Minnesota, North and South Dakota on the trip. —Mrs. Robert Smith, of Chicago, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Farrand, of this city. Grace is well known in this city having lived here for some years; her husband is also well known having played ball with Platteville and Galena. —Otis Blanchard, who lately con ducted a livery stable in this city and moved from here to Montfort, held a sale in that city Friday and Saturday and dispc :d of his large stock of dry goods, clothing and groceries. It is not known whether Mr. Blanchard will move from Montfort or not. —This is as usual the busy time of the year for the employes of the postoffice department and the express companies. The number of packages sent by express and mail has been augmented daily and it is expected by the end of the holiday season that the officials will be able to annnounce that the rush has been unprecedented. —James H. Vohs, of Platteville and Miss Mattie Drake of Boscobel, Wis., were united in marriage at the M. E. church parsonage at 11 o’clock Monday morning by Rev. E. K. D. Hester. The groom is a printer by trade and is employed at Ft. Dodge, la., for which city Mr. and Mrs. Vohs left that afternoon and where they will make their home.—Galena Gazette. Mr. Vohs is a former Herald printer. Daniel Price and Miss Lucy Stewart were united in marriage last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s father. Rev. J. T. Morgans, of the M. E. church, per formed the marriage ceremony. It was a very quiet wedding but a few relatives and friends of the bride and groom being present. After the wed ding ceremony a delicious supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Price are deserving of the congratulations of their many friends. GRANT COUNTY HERALD. LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, DECEMBER 22, 1909. —Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bishop, of Bloomington, visited in Lancaster Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ea Morse. —Rev. Schmidt and wife are en joying a holiday visit from their son who is attending theological college in St. Louis, Mo. —Gen. Callis Circle held their election Thursday evening, Dec. 9tb ; the following officers were elected: Pres., Mr 3. Amelia Lisherness; Sr. Vice Pres., Lucea Weidenbeck; Jr. Vice Pres., Mrs. Henrietta Woolsten holm; Treas., Mrs. Nettie A. Finney; Chap., Mrs. Louisa Dobson; Con ductor, Mrs Florence Bradley; Guard, Mrs. Alice Wayne. —Bloomington is to have a game of basket ball during the holidays, the date being as yet not definitely fixed, between Bloomington and La Crosse high school teams. Bloomington, like La Crosse, is out after state champion ship, witn good prospects of winning it. Games are now scheduled for Bloomington with Dubuque Y. M. C. A., Platteville Normal, Platteville Mining School and the Prairie du Chien City fives, th 9 latter being a very rapid organization. —The Methodist congregation was pleased Sunday by the first visit from the new district superintendent, Rev. Bauchop, of Platteville. Rev. Bauchop occupied the pulpit in the morning and after outlining certain changes in the methods of raising church funds delivered an excellent sermon, his text b9iug taken from third chapter, eleventh verse of Revelation, ‘‘Hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown.” Saturday evening the church trustees held a meeting to attend to certain business matters. The sermon Sunday morn ing was followed by the Sacrament of thß Lord’s Supper. 1 Prof. Charles Sandburg gave an address in the county court room Sat urday his subject being ‘‘War on Tuberculosis. ’ He out lined the work the State Association is doing and told of the methods em ployed for stamping out this disease. At 9:30 he gave further illustration of the work at the Orpheum theater by the use of stereopticcn slides. Prof. Sandburg is employed by the Uni versity extension department. Had this address been advertised a little more extensively a larger crowd would have attended the lecture. Prof. Sandburg is an interesting talker aud those who attended felt tully repaid. —Not to be outdone by the boys, the girls over at the high school have organized a debating club and as soon as the Christmas holidays are over expect to hold regular Wednesday afternoon meetings. It will be re membered that the ! ,ys of one of the other societies refused to admit the fair sex to membership. The girls debating ‘ club has the following officers: Pres., Nellie Belscamper; Vice pres., Elizabeth Edwards; secre tary and treasurer, Mabel Dnncalf; sergeant-at-arms, Ellen Watkins. The constitution committee is com posed of Helen Abrams, chairman, Elizabeth Edwards and Katherine Meyer. The program committee is made up of the president (who acts as chairman,) vice president and sergeant-at-arms. The boys of the high school are divided between two societies, the Webster and the Forum. —Disbrow Pullen, an old resident of Grant county and who for many years made Lis home in Lancaster was laid to rest in Marietta, Craw ford Co., last Wednesday. He passed away at his home in that town two days previous, at the age of 78. Death was caused by dropsy which has kept him from work since last July. Mr. Pullen was born in New Jersey and came to Lancaster fifty years ago. Shortly afterward he moved to Bos cobel and finally, (38 years ago) to Marietta where he has since lived with his family. He enlisted in Co. A, 33d Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer lufantrv. in Lancaster, August 21, 1862, and was discharged August 9. 1865. A wife and five children survive him. Funeral services were held at the Marietta church, Wednes day, Rev. J. W. Barnett, of Boscobel officiating. —Supt. Brockert visited quite a number of schools in the townships of Potosi aud Waterloo last week and made tests in regard to ventilation ot tbe various buildings that are ex tremely interesting when one remem bers the conditions that prevailed just a few years ago. The county superin tendent carries with him an anemome ter to make these tests. This instru ment records th 9 number of cnbic feet of fresh air per minute and under nearly ideal conditions it should reg ister about thirty. Supt. Brockert states,however, that the lowest num ber ot cubic feet it recorded during last week’s trip was twenty and in many cases the indicator ran as high as forty. He made tests in nearly every school he visited and is well pleased with the results. He says that the ventilation of nearly all the schools throughout the county is much better than it was a few years ago. This improvement cannot be estimat ed in dollars and cents by either the parents or the students themselves. —Evans Barnett, who is attending the Sacred Heart College in Prairie du Chien is expected home today to spend the holidays. —Mr. and Mrs. George Reed and children will spend Christmas in Prairie du Chien at the home of Mis. Reed’s parents. —Miss Hazel limner arrived Wed nesday evening from McConnel, 111., where she attended the funeral ot her father Rev. Immer, who died sudden ly the Saturday previous. She left the day following for Illinois where she will make her homo. * —A Platteville deputy arrived iu Lancaster Thursday with a warrant for the arrest of a young mau charged with leaving an unpaid board bill behind him on his recent departure from tnat city. The young fellow was discovered by the deputy to be boarding at one of the local hotels. When he produced the warrant the man offered no resistance to arrest but asked for permission to go to an ad joining room and change his clothes. Permission was granted and the officer patiently for him outside. In a short time, however, he looked in to the room and discoyer ed that the bird had flown. A thorough but unavailing search was made dur ing the two days following and the Platteville official was finally forced to leave for home without the man. He was very much surprised on arriv ing home to discover that the escaped prisoner had beaten him there, had paid his board bill and was again in good standing so for as the hotel keeper was concerned. —Lancaster “fans” will be in terested to know that Rex. Ames, one of the pitchers in Lancaster’s ‘‘semi pro” ball team of ’OB, is playing this winter with the Calexico, California team in the ‘‘Colorado Delta League.” He pitched for the San Francisco team through the summer and now keeps in practice with the smaller league during the winter months. Fiske Hannaford, who is located at Calexico, met Ames recently and writes that Ames spoke highly of Lancaster and desired to be remember ed to his friends here. Scott, who of the twirlers for the White Sox, of Chicago, last season, pitched for Calexico last winter and made that team the champion of the league. Ames seems to bid fair to keep them in that position. Yuma, Arizona, is one member of that league the other teams being located in the Imperial Valley of southeastern California, nearly all games being played below the level of the sea. The Calexico team does not play Sun day ball. ■ / i \ Christmas Toys toys constitute only one of our many departments, yet ours is very appropriately termed THE TOY STORE because of the ex ceedingly large and varied line we carry. It will make the old feel young to look over our stock of mechanical and other pleasing toys that delight the hearts of the youngsters. Dolls all Kinds * Steel Sleighs and Steel Coaster Wagons as well as hundreds of other desirable and appro priate things for Christmas Gifts. Come in and look things over. m. McDonald —lt would bo hard to find anything to beat those two Christinas beeves on exhibition at L. Alt & Sons. Od9 is a Polled Angus and the othor is a two year old Hereford. The former weighs 1600 pounds and Mr. Alt states that he never had anything finer in his shop. The other, although smaller, is nearly up to the class of the Polled Angus. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Elizabeth Jeide and children wish to express herewith their hearty thanks to all the friends and neigh bors who showed them so much Christian sympathy and helpfulness during their recent bereavement. Mrs. Elizabeth Jeide and Children. City Residence for Sale. I have for sale two pieces of resi dence property in Lancaster, belong ing to the estate of the late Mrs. Ellen Carroll. Property located in the first ward. Henry Carroll, Adm'r. Good Farm for Sale. Any one intending to purchase a first class stock and grain farm would find it to their interest to investigate one that Joe Wright has to offer for sale. Notice. I will be ready to collect taxes at Union State bank after Monday, December 20. W. B. Griswold, Treasurer, Town of North Lancaster. 42w2c \ Useful Presents Beautifid Presents Appropriate Presents I —I —l I / We have new novelties in nice but inexpensive goods. We have choicer and more costly gifts. But in all 'grades and at prices we can supply you with the nicest and most appropriate gifts for little or big, old or young. ff Do not fail to see our special at tractions in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Novelties, etc. Our very reasonable prices will delight you. Select your gifts from our up-to-date stock and you will get the best and most appropri ate presents at the fairest figures that] you have ever known. F. P. BARNETT Notice. No ashes must be dumped in the street hereafter. Sidewalks that are not cleaned before eleveu a. m. fol lowing a snow storm will be cleaned by city at property owners’ expense. By ORDER OF STREET COMMIS SIONER. Notice to creditors. State of Wisconsin. Grant County Court, ss—ln Probate. In the matter of the estate of Paul Zimmer, deceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of Paul Zimmer, deceased, having been issued to Jacob Zimmer. Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said Paul Zimmer, deceased, are al lowed and limited by order of this Court until and including the Istl Tuesday of July. 1910, being the sth day of said month to presenttheir claims and demands against said Paul Zimmer, deceased, to the county court for examination and al lowance Notice is also hereby given, that the claims and demands so presented will be examined and adjusted by this court, at the office of the County Judge, at the court house, in the city of Lancaster, in ’said county, on the 2nd Tuesday of July. 1910. Dated this 14th dav of December, 1909. By the Court, E. B. GOODSELL. County Judge. Brown & Brennan. Atty’s for Executor. Ist Ins. Dec. 22: last ins. Jan. 12th TJSTATEof Minnie Grandrath, deceased. Jb State of Wisconsin, Countv Court of Grant county—ln Probate. Notice is hereby giyen.that at the special term of the County court, to be held in and for said county at the court house in the city of Lancaster, in said county, on the 4th Tuesday of January. A. D.. 1910, being the 25th day ot January. 1910, at the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon, the following mat ter will be heard and considered: The applica’ion of John Neubauer as executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, for the assignment of the residue of the esrate of said deceased to the devisers and legatees named in said will and for his discharge. By order of the Court, E. B. GOODSELL, County Judge, Dated December 16th 1909. First pub. Dec. £2d, last pub.* Jan. sth. ■HBBHiaBmnBHI