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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
PROFESSIONAL CARDS BROWN, BRENNAN & CARTHEW Attorney* at Law Office in Baxter Block. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin GEO. B. CLEMENTSON 5 Attorney at Law Office In Bennett Block. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin LOWRY & SHIMMIN Attorneys at Law Office in Ziegler Block. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin R A. WATKINS Attorney at Law ' Practice in all State and United States Courts. Office over Mrs. Burr’s millinery store. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin J. GODFREY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank: residence two blocks northwest of Northwestern Hotel. Lancaster. - - Wisconsin JAMES H. FOWLER. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Hub Clothing Store. Hospital accommodations for surgical cases. Lancaster - - - Wisconsin J A. GAULT. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to Ear. Eye, Nosa and Throat. Office over Ivey and Webb’s shore. Lancaster. - - Wisconsin J. C. DOOLITTLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Bennett’s drug store, Lancaster, - - Wisconsin FRANCES J, BOCK.M. D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases of women and children. Office at her home south of the Catholic church. Phone, Bell 1292. Lancaster. - - Wisconsin C. A. CRITCHLOW. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank Lancaster, - - Wisconsin DR. G S MOORE Dentist Lancaster, - - Wisconsin DR. G. C. MARLOW Dentist Office over« Bennett’s drug store. Lancaster - Wisconsin DR- F. W. HALFERTY Dentist Office over F- P. Barnett.s Jewelry Store. Lancaster. Wisconsin FOR SALE ■■■rvmnaKMßWEmnKHMuaßMM A good seven room house, good barn, chicken house and two and one-half acres of land in the Fourth ward, seven blocks cast of court house. For particulars call on or address ■Ktnw: is » nn iajaaraBMHKSBMBMBBm A. C. PRIDEAUX Lancaster, Wis. F. Phone 412 ED. HYDE Saw Filing, Scissor Grinding, Razor Sharpening, Key Fitting, Lock Re pairing, Trunks Repaired, Etc, Etc ED. HYDE AROUND THE COUNTY BAGLEY. Too late for last week. Spring election will goon be here. Have you your slate made up? Otto Plondke has been given a sec tion at Glen Haven and will move his tamily in the near future. Ben Harvill we are informed was t" ken to a LaCrosse hospital last Saturday. Ben has been failing for some time. ONE ON PETE. Peter Gasner’s wonderful hen She’s down on cold storage men. But, is onto her job you’ll presently see Every day she lays two eggs and Sun day she lays three. Mrs. Mabel Jenkins is on the sick list, bat we hope soon to see her out again. We miss her in the Sabbath school. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Harvey are packing up to go 1.0 South Dakota in a few days where they will run a farm this season. We were glad to welcome Kate Anderson home again after an absence of several months. Ed Beiderman lost two steers com ing two years old in spring; one was red and the other a roan. They got out of his enclosure. Mrs. Mary Kramer of Dakota was here last week to see her parents. Tuesday evening a large company FREE! FREE! SPECIAL PRIZES A .mJ. A.’* •: IJfif/ ' v / There Are ISisht Indian Chiefs ia This *'leisure. Can Yon Flail Five of ThomT Read Directions Carefully. For Solving This INDIAN CHIEF Puzzle DIRECTIONS— In this picture of the Indian Chief are eight faces. Can you find five of them? Outline each face with a pencil on this or a separate sheet of paper, or number them 1,2, 3, etc. To the four nearest cor rect answers we will give absolutely free A LADY’S DIAMOND RING, A GENT’S GOLD WATCH, Five Dollars in Gold and Credit Order for our Merchandise, a Beautiful Music Portfolio and a Credit Order on our Merchandise, in order named. To the next best answers received we will give them choice of a beautiful stick pin or cuff buttons. All correct answers will receive credit orders on our merchandise. Be sure that your answer is correct. AH answers must be received by Saturday, April 9. Every one sending in correct answers will be given absolutely free choice of stick pin or cuff buttons. Re member the awards are made to the nearest correct answers received, and all answers must be in our hands by Saturday, April 9. Extra copies of the Indian Head can be obtained Free of Charge at our store. Address all answers to CHAS. C ROBERTS MUSIC HOUSE WSCONSIN Name Town GRANT COUNTY HERALD. LANCASTER. WISCONSIN, MARCH 30, 1010. of neighbors gathered in the Leroy Jacobs parlors to listen to a fine lot of records ou the wonderful Edison graphophone. We all enjoyed it ever so much. A very pleasant affair at the A. R. Calkins home Tuesday evening where a number of invited guests took sup per at the home. The sick list in March is larger, Jim Ready and little child of Van valtingberg is down with pneumonia; several are complaining with the grip and colds in the head. The little daughter of Nate Millin is eaid to be improving. Mr. strong is very poorly this spring. Mrs. John Harvill is suffering from lagrippe, and U & I had to get our own breakfast. A Dakota horse buyer unloaded 20 fine hoises at our station to feed and rest in compliance with the law. Our postmaster says the reason mail trains are so irregular is because of snow blockades on the Great Northern and other far west trains Our trains must make connections. Mrs. J. T. Clifton has taken a number of treatments at the Prairie du Chien sanitarium. Miss Sopha Haville lost her furs between borne and Bagley. If any one found the lost article hand it over to Sopha. John Moore and daughter on the Nagle farm were in town to take out peas, clover seed and an incubator. Harrison Oswald is prepared to do horse clipping; come in the afternoon of any day and he will do you a fine job. It certainly pays to clip horses before hot weather. I PLATTEVILLE Special Correspondence to the Herald. Chas. Shaw had business the past week in Mott, S. D. J. S. Block left Thursday for Chi cago on a business and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman, of North Freedom, are enjoying a visit with Mrs. Nellie Fuller, the latter’s mother. Mrs. C, Mitchell, of Fennimore, is visiting in Platteville. Miss Fannie Vanderbia left for Milwaukee Wednesday after spending the winter here. Peter Hatfield left for Darlington Wednesday morning being called there by the illness of his brother James. Mrs. M. S. Sickle is seriously ill with tonsilitis. Chas. Shaw has moved from Lan caster to Platteville and expects in a short time to move to North Dakota. Arthur Smith is the new vocalist at the Grand. Richard Waters of Milwaukee, is visiting relatives here. Mms. Joe Shepherd and Alice Dunn are in South Dakota where they have homestead claims. Morgan Evans has purchased the sixty five foot front of the Rindlaub property cornering Main and Court streets,. He will erect a two story store building on the lot. GLEN HAVEN. Too late for last week. Jim McAdaragh is with Frank Hammas working on the St. Paul road. Willie Vogt is sick with inflamma- A Lady’s Diamond Ring. A Gent’s Gold Watch. $5.00 in Gold and an or der for Merchandise. Music Portfolio and an order for Merchandise. 2,000 Beautiful Stick Pins. 1,000 Cuff Buttons. » Tope Given MUW FREE tory rheumatism and Dr. McLaughlin has been attending. The doctor's team got scared near there last Thursday and ran away throwing him out. He was badly injured having a kidney torn loose and the ribs injured oi broken. He went to Dubuque Satur day to be examined as to his injuries. We hear some talk hare as to local option. The Burlington bridge gang have been at work south of town. The Farmers’ Telephone Co. will receive a car of poles and a car of wire here, a car of poles at Cassville and one at Lancaster. Viola Kuenster returned from the Dubuque hospital. Jack Butterfield is improving with his broken ankle C. Nuti is out and around, Otis Way is sick, and also Dick Edwards’ little girl. Andy Welsh had a phene installed in their house in town. Easy to Persuade Onosseif. We can persuade ourselves of some thing quicker than we can persuade mybody else. JF Gwes for any airtMN g iunMM to health foom! ia Iml W g laadtoag S«a the oaa at W I Calumet I Baking wder ®B The SIMPLEX SEPARATOR 1910 MODEL This New Model or Improved “SlM plex” is the result of thirty years’ con tinuous experience with Cream Sep arators of leading makes, and eight years’ experience in manufacturing ‘•SIMPLEX” LINK BLADE Separat ors. The “LINK-BLADE” Device and the general bowl Construction, also the original “SIMPLEX” simplicity, or in other words, minimum of work ing parts, has been retained; otherwise the new model has been completely redesigned from base to supply cam The most striking feature of the New “SIMPLEX” is its light running. Tt> obtain this a higher grade and type of bearing than has ever been used before in Cream Separators, had to be used£ bearings exactly the same as are used in the highest class of automobile®, the most accurate, the lightest run ning and the most durable ball bear ings known. The vast sum spent in advertising other machines has been put into the construction of the “SIM PLEX,” producing a new and higher and more expensive type than ha® ever been attempted either here or abroad. Cream Separator advertising and catalogues are so full of broad and exaggerated claims, mostly in capable of substantiation by test, that we prefer to base our arguments on what the “SIMPLEX” actually does in tests, and we are ready to demon strate the entire superiority of the* “SIMPLEX” against, any and all make® of machines. The “SIMPLEX” can bo seen at Ziegler Bros.’ hardware store in Lancaster, Wis. For particulars in quire of IRA D. TOTMAN, Agt. Lancaster, Wis. FARM FOR SALE ■ ■ 1714 acres in the town ship of Little Grant, un der high state of cultivation. Good house, barn and out buildings, some good stand ing timber on the place. Price reasonable and terms easy. Call on or address me for par ticulars of this fine farm. C. H. BAXTER, Lancaster INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS Apperson strain. Heavy layers avera ging from 250 to 280 eggs per year. Will lay more eggs than chickens under same conditions. Eggs for hatching SI.OO for 13. Call or address Maurice Murphy Farmers Phone, Lancaster Wis. Foley’s Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor-, rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. J. T. BENNETT, Druggist