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BRUNI COUNTY HERALD PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Bell Phone No. 12. Farmer'* Phone No 49. Entered April 30.1903. at Lancaster. Wis.. as second class matter ander act ol Con gress of March 3. 1&79. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER. B. J. LOWREY, Editor and Prop. SubscriDtion Price. $1.50 per year. LONG AND SHORT HAULS. Senator Aldrich may oe a great statesman, and undoubtedly he exerts a most powerful influence in the U. S. senate, but in the debate upon the railroad rate bill a few days ago his part of the discussion was pitifully weak. The contention made on be half of the interior cities of the west that they be given at least as low a freight rate from Chicago as is ac corded to col it cities like Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles, several hundreds of miles farther away, is one upon which it would seem there should not be two opinions among right thinking men. It is an' unjust discrimination, which is building up the great railway terminal cities at tide water at the expense of the in land cities. For instance: It was brought out in the debate that the freight rate on bar iron from Chicago to Boise, Ida ho, is $1.25 per 100 pounds. The rate on the same product to Portland, over the mountains, a haul of more than 500 miles further, is 75 cents per 100 pounds; on cement the rate trom Chi cago to Boise is t 56 cents, while from Chicago to Portland it is 25 cents. The rate on wool from Los Angeles, California to Boston, which is the great wool market, is $1.90 per IQO pounds This shipment has to pass right through Utah, and yet the rate from Utah to Boston on the same product is $2.13 per cwt so that a Los •Angeles buyer can have wool shipped to bis city from Utah and then back again through Utah to Boston, 23 cents per 100 cheaper than the late direct from Salt Lake City to Boston. The interior portions of the country were not even contending for a lower rate than is given to the ccast cities but asked that they be given the same rate. Senator Aldrich opposed tbe eSorts that were being made to do away with this unjust discrimination. REPUBLICANS TO GET TOGETHER A conference of Wisconsin re publicans who believe in President Taft and his efforts to carry out the party pledges has been called to meet in tbe auditorium in Milwaukee on Wednesday, June 8, at two o’clock, the basis of representation from each county to be about the same as that of tbe old state conventions. In each county a conference will be held on June 4 to select delegates to attend the state conference. The call issued con tains these explanatory clauses: “It is imperative, if the republican party shall hope to maintain itself as a political organization in Wisconsin, that steps be taken to restore to the members of the party soma share in the mana£'im»nt of its affairs. ‘ In a representative government of 90,000,000 people parties are necessary because it is through party organiza tion alone that sound principles of government can be promulgated to the maintenance of which the repre sentatives of the people may be pledg ed. ‘Representative government of — - TWM. ,!■ ■—7 '' ' ■■■■■■■»■ 'Hi.- hi n-mu To dress well ———= does not require a Large Expense. It mainly involves the good judgment to discriminate \[ iJ ' between unworthy cheapness and reputable values. headquarters We Have the Experience and You Get the Benefit, Q ar W FOR free of charge. Our Line of HAND TAILORED SUITS at .. . U Y Nobbv SIB.OO, $20,00 and $25.00 Working r|fflgg| . ~ Garments | "q I—Lie are Made Up So Good that They Will Put You in a Class by Yourself. I S W rag Swdl GREYS or BLUES ? We can give you such a variety to choose from, and then besides we haven t TRY \ ftl ai NeelcWPrir 80 man Y one pattern that everybody in town will have a suit like yours. At a IKY ■■■ ’ lower price we have a big showing of the latest fabrics d* 1 OO THEM iI r and styles, well made, good fitting garments, $16.50 down to . • X V«Vv pMMw Nifty >-4 ■ -ORTON-HALEY CO. - . 1,11 ' parties is as necessary in a republic as representative government in states and nation. Where members if parties are given no opportunity to assemble and confer for ascertaining the will of a majority of the parry there ij no way in which ‘hat majority can make its will knowu. “These statements of fact are fundamental and it does not require argument to cai.f conviction of their truth to the mind of the thoughtful citizen. If anything were needed to prove their soundness the experience of t'te republican paity in Wisconsin during the last six years would fur nish the required evidence. The republican voters in this state today are without voice in chousing their leaders or formulating their party principles. The result is party dis organization, a multiplicity of hostile factions, widespread dissatisfaction and bitter personal controversies. “The remedy for this unfortunate condition of affairs is plain and un mistakable. The party members should exercise their constitutional right of assembly and meet in conven tion, a right that was fully recognized by our Supreme court in its recent decision construing the primary law.” The expert acountants who have been investigating the books and ac counts of tne State Board of Agri culture at Milwaukee have discovered some sensational facts that show great laxity in methods of manage ment in past years. Salaries have been paid to officers, in violation of the statutes; records have been im perfectly kept and a general looseness has characterized many of its affairs. And yet-it is wondered why the fair makes no money. The death ot Gen. Brumder, of Mil waukee, proprietor of Germania, the great German paper, a few days ago. removes I’rom earthly activities a man known as the monarch of the German Amercian press. No paper in tbe United States was better known throughout tbe land than Germania. The excitement over the comet is at :an end and shows that the learned j astronomers, who differed from each other in their predictions didn’t know much about it after all. Whatever else may be done to the railroad rate bill at Washington be fore its passage, it is now decided that the commerce court feature is to be retained. High School Notes. Walter Damm. Editor. Miss Anderson gave a very inter esting talk to the school on the sub ject, “Prehistoric Man” last Tues day morning. The Athena Debating club held a debate upon the question, “Resolved, that the United States was justified in its attitude in tbe Spanish-Amer ican war.” It was wdn by the neg ative. The Freshman members ot the For um Debating Club will hold a Debate against the North School Literary Club Wednesday night. The question is: Resolved, that the ownership and operation by the Federal government of all steam railroads engaged in in terstate commerce would be for the best interests of the people. One of the pupils of Mr, Smith’s first year English class found that the dictionary definition of the word “cor rode” was, “to eat away.” When GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCATER, WISCONSIN, MAY 25, 1910 asked to use it in a sentence he said, after serious reflectioJ, “John corrodad at the chicken. ’ ’ The examination schedule has been posted for this semester. Examina tions will be held on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The baseball game last Friday re sulted in a victory for the Normal, by a score of 16 to 2. Miss Sabin and Miss. Anderson act ed as judges in the patriotic contest last Friday. —— Political Announcements. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I wish to announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for register of deeds of Grant county, subject to determination of the voters at the September primaries. R. S. OLMSTEAD, Boscobel. I take this means of announcing that I wiTl be a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds at the primary election, subject to the will of the Republican electors. If you think me worthy and qualified I ask for your support. E. A. BERGE, Potosi, Wis. Frank Heil, of Cuba City, wishes to announce to the public that he will be a candidate for tbe republican nomination for register of deeds of Grant county, subject to the decision of th« voters at the September prima ries. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomination of Register-of Deeds, of Grant County subject to desision of tbe primaries. R. I. DUGDALE, Platteville, Wis. I hereby announce to the voters of Grant county my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of register of deeds, subject to the decision cf the September primaries, and respectfully solict your support. J. B. Bradbury, Fennimore. FOR COUNTY CLERK. Ben H. Harms, town clerk of Har rison, will be a candidate for the republican nomination for county cl°rk of Grant county and respectfully solicits your support for that position at the September primaries. \ FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff on tbe Republican ticket, subject to the primaries, and •respectfully solicit your support. MARLOW KIDD, Lancaster. I hereby announce my candidacy fo_* the republican nomination for sheriff of Grant county, subject to the deci sion at the primaries, and respect fully solicit your support. FRANK B. CALLIS, Lancaster. Wanted—3ooo to 5000 dozen eggs, at tbe Boston Store. WANTED—No. 1 Sheet Metal Worker, $3 00 per day for good man. Steady employment Invincible Elec tric Bank Protection Co. Monroe, Wisconsin. FOR RENT—Five room house in first ward. Inquire of W. E. Shim min. 12tfc. Wanted- 3000 to 5000 dozen eggs, at the Boston Store. Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Herald. LOW RATES EASI ACCOUNT NA TIONAL CONVENTIONS. Special low rates via the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. on convenient dates during the summer months to Chicago, Milwaukee. Detroit, Sara toga Springs, Niagara Falls, Wash ington, New York City, Atlantic City, Boston and points on the A lantic Seahoard, account National Conventions. Summer tourist rates daily to all seaside and mountain lesorts in the east. Direct connections at Chicago with fast trains of all lines east. Choice of routes. For information, apply to any ticket agent of the Northwestern line. 3w2 Vegetable and Bedding Plants. Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Celery plants. Also Coleus Canna, Verbena, Pansy, Aster Salvia, Geranium—almost anything you want in flower plants will be ready about May 12 at Taylor’s Greenhoue, Lan caster. Call, phone or write. Three blocks northwest of P. 0., two blocks southwest of depot. 9tfc Notice. Notice is hereby given that the road tax-roll of the city of Lancaster for 1910 is in my hands for collection and that the taxes charged therein are subject to payment at my office in the city ball. W. F. ORTON, 13w2 City Treasurer, Veterinary Surgeon. Dr. Wm. Duncan wishes to an nounce that he has opened an office in tbe Lancaster House barn and re sumed practice as a veterinary, in viting the patronage of all old friends and new ones as well. 7w6* City Residence for Sale. I have for sale two pieces of resi dence property in Lancaster, belong ing to tbe estate of the late Mrs. Ellen Carroll. Property located in the fourth ward. Henry Carroll, Adm'r. Dwelling & Lot For Sale. A good six room house on east Maple street for sale cheap, for cash if taken soon. Inquire of Mrs. A. J. Mitchell. 7tfc FOR SALE—Guaranteed white lead for painting: also one 2-seated car riage, lumber wagon, bob sleigh, water tank, telephone, gasoline engine etc. G. S. JOHNSON, % miles west of court bouse, on Beetown road. Bwß* e • 3 BROOD SOWS For Sale—Two good Poland Chinas; will weigh about ‘225 pounds each; will farrow this month. Inquire of Everett Black bourn, Beetown. Farm 4 miles west of Hurricane. Ilw2* FOR SALE—Two Registered Short Horn cows, each with bull calf by her side. Inquire of LEROY JUDD. Lancaster, Wis 12m2* BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS—One dollar for fifteen or $1.50 for thirty. M. & H. Hamer, 50w16* Bloomington, Wis. FOR SALE—FuII-blooded Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching; 50c for a setting of 13. Mrs. Anton Knapp Lancaster 5 tfc FOR SALE—The Reynolds property located north us the south side primary school. Inquire of Airs. W. N. Stone. 6tfc New and Appropriate Gifts for the Graduate of 1910 WATCHES, ..TV— MESH BAGS, CHAINS ~ BACKCOMBS, -of all kinds. „ JEWEL CASES. RINGS HATPINS, *‘ nRS ’ jA BRACELETS LARGE LOCKETS, jfflfca 1 ' SILVER NOVELTIES SMALL LOCKETS, /p W& M TOILET ARTICLES COLLAR PINS, ’ IF BROOCHES, FANCY CLOCKS, LINK BUTTONS, /ASX MIP Oe UMBRELLAS, SOUVENIR SPOONS GHINA, PLAIN TEA SPOONS CUT GLASS Th have FOUNTAIN PENS from 75c up to 8.00. GOLD PENS in Fancy Holders from foe" up. IF IT COMES FROM BARNETT’S IT’S GOOD F. P. BARNETT LEADING JEWELER A Dime Isn’t Much But You will be Surprised to See what You can Buy With It at the VARIETY STORE Grand Hotel Block, Lancaster, Wis. Beautiful Pillow Tops Decorated Cups and Saucers Babies' 1 Lace Bonnets Jardenieres Ladies'' Undervests Fancy Fades Children" s Underwaists Colored Glassware Ladies' 1 and Gent's Hosiery Glass Fruit Dishes Mens" Silk Ties ITand Lamps Granite Pans and Pails Lanterns Bread Toasters Hammers and LLatchets Frying Pans Shears and Scissors TTorse Whips Paint Brushes and Paint - and hundreds of other articles which can not here b£ enumerated. , Our 5c Department is Equally Large If you have not been one of our customers ask your neighbors what they think of our goods. WHITE BROTHERS Watch Our I store Watch Our Windows I . , uz . Windows | Lancaster, Wis. Herald Job Printing Pleases