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PROFESSIONAL CARDS BROWN, BRENNAN & CARTHEW Attorneys at Law Office in Baxter Block. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin GEO. B. CLEMENTSON Attorney at Law Office in Bennett Block. Lancaster, - Wisconsin L.OWRY & SHIMMIN Attorneys at Law Office in Ziegler Block. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin R. A. WATKINS Attorney at Law Practice in all State and United States Courts. Office over Mrs. Burr’s millinery store. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin J. GODFREY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank: residence two blocks northwest of Northwestern Hotel. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin JAMES H. FOWLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Hub Clothing Store. Hospital uccominodations for surgical cases. , ~i Lancaster - - - Wisconsin J~A. GAULT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to Ear. Eye. Nose and Throat, Office over lyey and Webb’s Swore. Lancaster. - - Wisconsin J. C. DOOLITTLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Bennett's drugstore. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin FRANCES J. BOCK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases of women and children. Office at her home south of the Catholic church. Phone, Bell 1292. Lancaster, - - Wisconsin C. a. CRITCHLOW, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank Lancaster. - - Wisconsin [)R. C. S. MOORE Dentist Lancaster, - - Wisconsin £)R. G. C. MARLOW Dentist Office over« Bennett’s drug store. Lancaster - Wisconsin £)R. F. W. HALFERTY Dentist Office over F. P. Barnett.s Jewelry Store. Lancaster. Wisconsin FARM FOR SALE 1712 acres iu the town ship of Little Grant, un der high state of cultivation. Good house, barn and out buildings, some good stand ing timber on the piace. Price reasonable and terms easy. Call on or address me for par ticulars of this fine farm. C. H. BAXTER, Lancaster ED. HYDE Saw FilingjScissor Grinding, Razor Sharpening, Key Fitting, Lock Re pairing, Trunks Repaired, Etc, Etc ED. HYDE POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I-OR ASSEMBLYMAN—2d DIST. To the electors cf the second (north) assembly district; A, J. Frazier, Re publican candidate for the legislature, will apprecitate your vote at the Sept, primary. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for member of the assembly for the north or second assembly district of Grant County and cordially solicit your support at the September primaries. David Shreiner Lancaster, Wis. FOR COUNTY CLERK. Ben H. Harms, town clerk of Har rison, will be a candidate for the republican nomination for county clerk of Grant county and respectfully solicits your support for that position at the September primaries. I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for County Clerk subject to the September primary. Your votes are respectfully solicited. Respect fully, W. A. JOHNSON. Town of No. Lancaster. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff on the Republican ticket, subject to the primaries, and respectfully solicit your support. MARLOW KIDD, Lancaster. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for sheriff of Grant county, subject to the deci sion at the primaries, and respect fully solicit your support. FRANK B. CALLIS, Lancaster. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of sheriff of Grant Co. on the Republican ticket, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming primaries. K N. Hawley, Platteville, Wis. 1 will be a candidate for the re publican nomination for sheriff of Grant county, subject to the decision of the voteis at the September primaries, and respectfully solicit your support. GEO. C. McCARTHY, Lancaster. I hereby announce myself as a caniidate for sheriff of Grant county upon the Republican ticket, subject to tU3 decision cf the voters at the Septemper primaries, W. C. HYMER, Platteville, Wis. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I take this means of announcing that I will be a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds at the primary election, subject to the will of the Republican electors. If you think me worthy and qualified I ask for your support. E. A. BERGE. Potosi, Wis. I wish to announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for register of deeds of Grant county, subject to determination of the voters at the September primaries. R. S. OLMSTEAD, Boscobel. Frank Heil, of Cuba City, wishes to announce to the public that he will be a candidate for the republican nomination for register of deeds of Grant county, subject to the decision of the voters at the September prima ries. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomination of Register of Deeds, of Grant County subject to decision of the primaries. R. I. DUGDALE, Platteville, Wis. I hereby announce to (he voters of Grant county my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of register of deeds, subject to the decision of the September primaries, and respectfully solict your support. J. B. Bradbury, Fennimore. Time Lost Through Illness. For every person who dies in a year, there are two people constantly ill. Each person loses, on an average, 13 days a year by illness. Foley Kidney Pills. Tonic in quality and action, quick in results. For backache, headache, dizziness, nervousness urinary ir regularities and rheumatism. J. T. Bennett. intuition. “Henry, how do you like my new hat?” “Well, dear, to tell you the truth —” “Stop right there! If you're going to talk that way about it, Henry, I don’t want to know!” They Have Definite Purpose. Foley Kidney Pills give quick re ief in cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Rose Glaser Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result in her case, ‘ ‘After suffering for many years from a serious case of kidney trouble and. spending much money for so called cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine that gave me it premanent cure. lam again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall never hesitate to recommend them.” J. T. Bennett. GRANT COUNTY HERALD. LANCASTER, WISCONSIN. AUGUST 31, 1910. DR. WILLARD G. BLEYER Dr. Bleyer, besides conducting the press bureau of the University of Wisconsin, is at the head of the course in journalism. Dr. Bleyer edits all the official university news. When a magazine writer desires material for a special story on some phase of the university, he invariably turns to Dr. Bleyer, who advises him with refer ence to the available sources where information can be obtained and makes-arrangements with the univer sidty photographer for whotographs when they are wanted. In short, he co-operates as much as possible with the press in bringing the main fea tures of the University of Wiscon sin before the public. Special Session Might Be Called. The extraordinary session contem plated in a resolution adopted by the Wisconsin legislature of 1909 is still a possibility. Straws indicating that sentiment inclined in this direction are becoming more numerous at the state capitol and the impression is gaining headway that pressure upon the governor to exercise his preroga tive may have the desired effect. Some time ago it was made plain that there was need for the special session, if only to pass’ upon the vari ous proposed constitutional amend ments which will go on the ballot at the November election, and which al ready have passed one session of the legislature. These provide a means for appropriating state aid for high ways, state control of forests and wa ter powers and a special section giv ing the legislature the right to legis late especially for the capital city. It has just been made plain that supporters of the movement to secure state control of forests and water powers are not the only ones who want the proposed amendment taken up at a special session. The interests opposed to the idea also would like to have the question taken up by the present legislature, feeling that they will have a better chance to defeat it through the present membership than they will through the members to be elected this fall. They believe that the next aggregation of solons will contain a larger percentage of so called “radicals,” with whom the idea of state control of anything and every thing is a chief hobby. Compact Means Much. The full import of an agreement en tered into about three weeks ago, be tween the Wisconsin Federation of Labor and the Wisconsin branch of the American Society of Equity, is just beginning to dawn upon those most interested in the subjects likely to come before the next legislature for consideration. This agreement virtually will restrict members of both bodies to buy from and sell to each other, and it will precipitate in the next legislature a fight for the repeal of the “restraint of trade' feature of the Wisconsin anti-trust law. The momentous character of this movement will be more fully realized when it is known that with 50,000 members of the Equity society and 60,000 of the Federation of Labor, its backers represent a large percentage of the voters among the farmers and the laboring men. More Wealth for Farmers. As a result of years of experimenta tion, Prof. R. A. Moore of the College of Agriculture at the state university, has perfected a “breed” of oats that is threshing out 76 bushels to the acre, increasing the normal yield by 25 bushels. This new and high pedigreed breed of oats gives the biggest yield ever made on the university farm. The plot is only four acres. Another variety developed brought 63 bushels per acre. In both cases the results were exceedingly gratifying to the officials who have given so many years to achieve them. The oat area of Wis consin is over 2,00-0,000 acres, and with oats selling at 40 to 45 cents a bushel, as farmers are expecting, the new variety may mean millions to the growers. Wisconsin to Get $25,000 for Militia. Every state and territory in the Union with the exception of Nevada, which is without a National Guard, gets a porf of the federal appropri ation for the purchase of supplies and ammunition for the organized militia during the present year, jjj, allotment of the $1,600,000 fund. The war department has reserved about $400,000 of the funds for emergencies. According to the allotment, made according to the enlisted strength of the various states, five states get more than $50,000. I I & WmK 'J BUSINESS O BBK 3 WORLD W -BA-IfWy -ate. Bw&m 111 ’h Messrs. G. E. SPOHN and L. D. ATKINSON The men who have made it possible for the U 4C" College of Madison, Wisconsin to be known as one of the largest and most successful institutions of business training in the entire Northwest. (Political Advertising) To the Republican Voters of Grant County. Having an intimate acquaintance with W. A. Johnson who is a candi date for County Clerk, we respectfully recommend him to your consideration. Our recommendation is based upon our acquaintance with him for years ■ / wMKWbM- \ W. A. JOHNSON past as a public officer and intelligent and upright business man and citizen. He possesses the ability to successful ly administer any office within the gift of the people of Grant county. We ask for him your votes for County Clerk at the September prim ary. R. B. Showalter, C. H. Baxter, E. M. Lowry, Win. E Webb, J. H, Reed, Lancaster, Wis. Hugh Mathews, Theo. Krousbage, Boscobel, Wis. G. H. Muender, Jos. F. Chandler Montfort, Wis. Wm. W. Ward, Beetown, S. W. Okey, Cassville. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy. All the blood in the body passes through the kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. They woik night and day. When healthy they remove about 500 grains of impure matter is left in the blood. This brings on many diseases and symptoms—pain in the back, head ache, nervousness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the eyesight and hearing, dizziness, irregular heart, debility, drowsiness, dropys, deposits in the urin, etc. But if you keep the filters right you will have no trouble with your kid neys. Mrs. S. B. Newman, Lancaster, Wis., says: ‘‘About two years ago I contracted kidney trouble and suffered intensely from backaches and pains through my kidneys. Haedaches and dizzy spells were also present and there were other symptoms of dis ordered kidneys. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured from J. D. Hatch’s Drug Store,- and obtained great benefit. I have no hesitation in recommending them.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. Acute or Chronic— Which? No matter if your Kidney trouble is acute or chronic Foley’s Kidney Remedy will reach your case; Mr. Claude Brown, Reynoldsville, Hi., writes us that he suffered many months with kidney complaint which baffled all treatment. At last he tried Foley’s Kidney Remedy and a lew large bottles affected a complete cure. He says, ‘‘lt has been of inestim able value to me.” J. T. Bennett. The Philosopher of Folly. “In one of these tight-fitting riding gowns the ladies wear.” says the Philosopher of Folly, “I suppose the buttons fly off from force of habit.” i ism d I II Is i 11 2 I i jHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiJl ■- W n r“W iiißiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif ita j| II I 111 iIiMIII Illi 111. ■jiihiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiflHlii | i 'ig|| ~' No damp decay—xxomouldxn the cel lar with a Marquette Concrete floor. Malaria and disease start in a damp cellar —-a sweet, clean Marquette Concrete floor not only adds to the health of the house’s occupants but forms an ideal storage place at all times— warm in winter, cool in sum mer and dry the whole year ’round. Simple and easy to make —materials are cheap and you can do it your self with Marquette Cement. We’ll gladly send you details for making floors with MARQUETTP JL JLflq rtland cement The Farmer’s Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, 111. Chicago Office: Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1. F. Orton, Lancaster Distributor. Doctor’s Opportunity. "And what,” asked the anxious par ent, ‘‘would you advise in my daugh ter’s case?” ‘‘She must stop all piano practise at once,” said the physician, firmly. This seems a strange cure for a cold, but it must be remembered that the doctor lived in the next flat. — Cleveland Leader. For Quick Relief From Hay Fever. Asthma and summer bronchitis, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It quickly relieves the discomfort and suffering and the annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages of head, throat and bronchial tubes It contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Re fuse substitutes. J. T. Bennett. ■ Ol A little ad in our want cols'Jin pays big returns.