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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
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NEWTON'S RESTAURANT Located at Old Mansion House North of City Hall REGULAR DINNER, 11:30 to 1:30 25c SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 12:30 to 2:00 35c Extra and Fancy Dishes Prepared to Order Bell 1 telephone No. 1751 BASK IN THE HEAT We sell Lumber Lath Posts Sash Doors v Blinds Coal At Right Prices THE BEST COAL MINED Hi BRITTINGHAM-HIXON LUMBER COMPANY The Regina Pneumatic Cleaner__ THIS is called the housekeep er’s best friend, because it is adapted co the cleaning of carpets, rugs, curtains, draperies, uphol stered furniture, etc., etc., and it Cleans Them. Its powerful suc tion removes the dirt and dust, in stead of stirring it up, as is large ly the case where the broom is used. This cleaner is easily operated, the strength of a child being suf ficient for the task, it is light and compact and every movement of the lever, forward or backward, draws a current of air through the nozzle, thus producing a con tinuous suction which dust and dirt cannot resist. The price is only S2O and they will soon pay ' for themselves in the saving of wear and tear on carpets and fur niture. Come in and let us show you one. PRODUCED by OUR COAL and Peace and Happi ness will Possess your Soul t 5bS WE SELL Dealers in Hardware, Steves, Tinware, etc. Wayne & Son’s. LAND AGENCY Fine list Wisconsin Farms, also wild and improved lands in the Dakotas, Min nesota, Kansas and Missou ri for sale or trade. We have some desirable city property in Lancaster for ►ale. If you want to buy, sell or trade call and see us. Real Estate Loans Negotiated WAYNE & SON Room 2. Over Boston Store Lancaster, . . Wisconsin Hygiene Not Paramount. A cup of cold water may still be given in charity, even if you have used the cup. We sell Cement Lime Plaster Roofing I Sewer Pipe Drain Tile At Right jj Prices ZIEGLER BROS. Make Home Comfortable! A long, cold winter is before us and a most timely thought now is to make such prepara tions in the way of heating appliances os will make our homes as comfortable as possible. We invite attention to our large line of stoves, both for wood and coal. Also to our celebrated line of furnaces. ■ THE OLD RELIABLE ROUND OAK FURNACES ——— iil Showing Hot Blast. Burns soot and gases— makes smoke clear. The grates part way out—easily and quickly changed. The casing cut away to show double wall, making air * space in sides and top. The large double feed-doors—made and fitted the Round Oak way—will never warp. Large, capa cious ash-pit, cast in one piece; absolutely air-tight—will hold water. GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN. DECEMBER 2i 1010. CAP BUXS ROUGH ON THE POOR TRAMP Thirsty Traveler Unknowingly Pumps Water Into Cistern of Ingenious Lazy individual. The tramp had walked a good three miles and was particularly thirsty. A sudden turn in the road brought him to the foot of a steep hill, at the top of which stood a large house. The tramp paused a moment before at tempting the herculean feat of storm ing the hill. He felt hungry and thirsty. He glanced to the left. These words caught his eye: “Tarry, trav eler, and refresh thyself.” The tramp was sorry the sign was attached to a pump-handle. However, water was better than nothing, so he commenced to pump. The spout remained dry. He pumped with more vigor. Still no water. After ten minutes of hard work he said harsh things about the pump, and continued his journey. At the top of the hill he mentioned his grievance to a native. The latter point ed to the fine house across the road. “The owner of that house,” he said, ‘has some big water-cisterns which have to be filled from a stream in the valley. He is too lazy to fill ’em him self, though; so he rigged up that pump and connected it with his cis terns, and now—” But the tramp was already sprinting across the road to argue with the man who owned the pump. Juror Catches Judge Asleep. Men who are summoned for jury duty are ingenious in their excuses, and it often happens that the selec tions of a jury is the fiiost diverting part of the case. One who was called in the county court here complained that he was deaf. “You say that you are deaf?” said the judge. “Eh, what is it you say?” said the man. “I said, are you deaf?” observed the judge in a louder tone. roun nave to speak louder,” was the reply, “or I can’t hear you.” “I guess we’ll excuse you,” said the Judge; “you can go.” The deaf man had no trouble hear ing the court’s last remark and sped out of the courtroom. “I think that’s one on the judge,” observed one of the attorneys. like mother, like son. Mother —When you are through play ing, Willie, put your toys away. I don’t like to do it every time you are tired. Willie —You are just like me in that respect, mamma. Making a Vote Count. Louis M. Sanders, Republican can didate for alderman of the Second ward, Orange, N. J., is responsible for the following yarn: It was election day in a small Mich igan city, when a prominent politi cian happened to meet an old darky servant of his. “Well, Sambo,” asked Mr. Smith, “how did you vote today?” “I ain’t voted yit, boss,” said Sam bo. • > “Why is that?” said Mr. Smith. “Well, boss, It’s dis a-way. De Pro hibitionists dey give me $lO to vote their ticket and the Republicans dey give me $5 to vote their ticket. Ah’s goin’ to wait to see how corrupt all de parties is ’fore I vote, en then Ah’s goin’ to vote for the leastest.” So It Is. “It is better to have the good will than the ill will of a man.” “Yes, but it is better to have the ill will of some men than to have to laugh at their funny stories.” Mean. “Why do you hate him so?” “He has been knocking me to the girl I go with.” “What did he tell her?” “What my salary is.” This shows the Round Oak furnace without its inclosing jacket, so you can more readily note its const ruction. It is the best furnace on the market today and has been tne standard for many years, Note the deep, straight fire pot, large combustion chamber, directly over the fire, and the three-flue system, which gives a much greater heat from the same amount of fuel than any other kind of furnace. We’d like to prove it to you. ISOmilotmhk r .by WILBUR D. NEPBIT I Dey’s a hole in mah hat whah de win’ blows th’oo, En a rip in mah coat en a split in mah shoe— Dey’s mah winteh clo’es dat been layin* away Sence de summeh come in wid de fust wahm day. En de win’ blow fas’ en de win’ blow col’ En hit sing dis song fer ter vex mah soul: “Whut did yo’ do All de summeh th’oo? Dey’s a hole in yo’ hat en a split in yo’ shoe En hit’s been fo’ yeahs sence.dis coat was new— Whut did yo’—whut did yo’—whut did yo’ do?” Dey’s a bin down staihs dat ain’t got no coal, En de groc’ry man he am spishus an’ ol\ En he 'low dey’s a bill dat I ain’t done paid, So he lookin’ no mo’ fer de credick trade. He’s a clickin’ de keys on the cash ma chine Twell dey jingle out—dis is whut dey mean: “Whut did yo’ do All de summeh th’oo? Hit am cash on de nail fo’ de plug yo* chew En de sack er flou’ en de bacon, too. Whut did yo’—whut did yo’—whut did yo’ do?’ En at night in de house, why, de win’ zoons In Th’oo de place in de sash whah de glass has been, En de blanket’s wo’n dat I pull to mah nose En I wake in de night wid mah two feet froze! Den de win blow in wid a bite en sting En I get no sleep whilst hit howl en sing: “Whut did yo’ do All de summeh th'oo? O, dey ain’ no smoke in yo’ ehimbly flue— Why didn’ yo’ think whut yo’s cornin’ to? Whut did yo’—whut did yo’—whut did yo’ do?” A Hurry Order. “The government requires immedi ately an air ship capable of convey ing a large body of men,” says the English cabinet officer, entering » the office of the inventor. “Ah! You want a war machine? Is it a secret order?” asks the in ventor. “It must be a dead secret, but it iaj not a war machine. We’ve got to have some means of enabling parlia ment to escape the suffragettes.” Art and Actuality. “Look, Marie. Look’ There goesf Rantum Storme, the famous actor. Don’t you remember how gloriously; he plays the part of Monte Cristo, and how lavishly he scatters the money all about? Oh, he is just grand!” “And who is the little man with him?” “Why, that is a mean deputy sheriff who ha'"! attached his scenery and bag gage and goes with the company un til he gets his money.” By Way of Comparison. “When one thinks of the immeas urable distance to the nearest stax\ it seems almost impossible co grasp the thought, doesn’t it?” said the girl, as they were walking beneath the balmy stars. “Yes; the only way one can arrive at an idea of the marvelous over whelmingness of it is to try to think what it would cost to ride there in an auto rented for five dollars an hour.” I HU; Mistake. “Bui,” we say to the young reform er who had gone single-handed against the rapacious trust that was fastening itself cormorantlike, etc (we quote from his earlier speeches), “but, you said you were a David defying this modern Goliath.” “I diagnosed the situation ly,” he confesses. “I was Jonah swim ming toward the whale.” Glad Promise. “No,” said the fair young thing to the bald-headed newsboy on the train. “I don’t believe I want to buy that book ‘Lovers Once, But Strangers Now.’ I prefer a story with a happy ending.” “Why, miss,” urged the newsboy, ••the happy ending’s right there in the title, isn’t it?” Jill gj THE Favorite 3-flue base burn er takes the place of a fur nace in a moderote size house. It is in a class by itself. Variable winds in winter have no effect upon it. So scientifically is it constructed that every atom of heat energy is controlled and distributed with uni formity, thus making a great saving of coal bills. Our genera] stock includes every thing to be found in a large and first class hardware store—shelf and heavy hardware, granite and tin ware, building materials, etc., and in connection we have a thoroughly equipped shop for all kinds of repair work, plumbing, heating, tinning. East of Court House, Lancaster, Wisconsin. PAGE FIVE