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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
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PAGE FOUR 1 I 111® A iH. W-i Wl July Clean Sweep Sale 10c and 12c SUMMER GOODS, now per yard 5c July Clean Sweep Sale 15c and 20c SUMMER GOODS, now per yard 10c July Clean Sweep Sale 50c SPIDER SILK, now per yard 25c July Clean Sweep Sale 25c and 30c‘'SUMMER GOODS, now per yard 15c July Clean Sweep Sale 15c and 20c WHITE GOODS, now per yard 10c July Clean Sweep Sale 25c and 35c Fancy WHITE GOODS, now per yard 15c July Clean Sweep Sale 35c and 45c SILK POPLIN, all colors, now per yard 25c July Clean Sweep Sale 35c HEATHERB LOOM LININGS, all colors, now per yard 25c July Clean Sweep Sale 10c and 12c DRESS GINGHAMS, now per yard 7|c EXTRA —July Clean Sweep Sale 7c PRINTS, all colors, now per yard 5c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 10c PERCALES, now per yard 6c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 7c and 8c APRON GINGHAMS, now per yard 5c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 10c UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, now per yard GJc EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 6c COTTON TOWELING, now per yard 4c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale ALL LINEN CRASH TOWELING, now per yard 6|c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 50c TABLE LINENS, white and colored, now per yard 35c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 75c TABLE LINENS, now per yard 45c EXTRA —July Clean Sweep Sale 12c Bleached MUSLIN, now per yard 8c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 10c and 15c EMBROIDERIES, now per yard 5c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 25c CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES, now per yard 19c Sale begins Sat. July 15 Keep your bargain expectations high. Such bargains were never offered before. Th. mighty broom of low prices will hold full sway during this gigantic clean up sale I will sweep our profits your way. Yes in many cases sweep some of the costs in th< same direction. Goods of every description must go at cost and below. We positive!' will double the purchasing power of your dollar and give you the best obtainable am most desirable merchandise at prices unheard of. A sale without a parallel. Almost ev erybody in and out of town have attended our previous July Clean Sweep Sales <vkaiv <<>« herald i-ancaster, Wisconsin. July 12. mu EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale $2 and $2.50 HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS now 98c The entire sample line of a well known maker. EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale WOMEN’S $2 WHITE WAISTS, now . 98c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale Children’s READY MADE DRESSES, worth 50c, now 19c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale Best Sewing THREAD, 3 spools for 10c Only 3 to each customer. July Clean Sweep Sale 2c and 3c TUMBLERS, now per dozen 15c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale WOMEN’S GINGHAM SKIRTS, now 25c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale WOMEN’S 10c HOSE, black or tan, per pair 5c July Clean Sweep Sale 20c Fancy RIBBONS, now per yard 10c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale WOMEN’S $2 OXFORDS now 98c Entire sample line of SeL make. EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale Men's sample line of SHOES, worth up to 3 50 —take your choice for $1.98 July Clean Sweep Sale BOYS’ SHOES, sizes up to s|, worth up to 2.50, your choice for $1.39 July Clean Sweep Sale MASON’S BALL FRUIT JARS Pints per dozen 45c Quarts per dozen 55c Half gallon per dozen 70c Fruit Jar Caps, with rubbers, per dozen only 15c Best 10c Rubbers, now per box 5c July Clean Sweep Sale BIG BARGAINS IN GRANITEWARE 50c BERLIN KETTLES and DISH PANS porcelain lined, with covers, 500 on sale 33c LANCASTER BOS I The Store that Keeps the F Sale Commences Saturday, July 15th r OUR SIX! JULY CLEAN July Clean Sweep Sale MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE. July Clean Sweep Sale 5,0u0 yards of 10c OUTING FLANNELS, all colors, now per yard EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 6c CHEESE CLOTH, now per yard 4c July Clean Sweep Sale WOMEN’S SI.OO WRAPPERS, all sizes, now for 75c July Clean Sweep Sale 20c TABLE OIL CLOTH, now per yard.. 12£c July Clean Sweep Sale 20c PILLOW CASES, size 45 by 36, now two for 25c July Clean Sweep Sale BIG BARGAINS IN SOAPS 8 Bars LENOX Soap for 25c 8 Bars SWIFT’S PRIDE Soap for 25c 7 Bars GALVANIC Soap for 25c Good Hand Soap, per bar 2c July Clean Sweep Sale 25 per cent discount on all MUSLIN UNDERWEAR July Clean Sweep Sale Extra big lot of LACES and EMBROIDER- lES, worth up to 20c, now 3c July Clean Sweep Sale Best 5c PINS, for 3c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale Best SAFETY PINS, two dozen for 5c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 50c and 60c DRESS GOODS, now per yard 35 c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale SI.OO and $1.25 TAFFETA SILK, 36 inches wide, all colors, now per yard 75c EXTRA—JuIy Clean Sweep Sale 50c CHINA SILKS, now per yard 35c Trunks and Suit Cases at whole sale prices. This sale lasts c July 15 th to S< 50c will b< or more d —We will cheerfull all purchases if you gain or they are no; 'look this sale mea cents to you. It is impossible to quote □1 store. Nothing reservec slashing and cutting of prices caster. Unload we must. Store has done for you. Six moth store. Before that you merchandise We hammere forced competition and still c for the Boston Store you prices still. —We will pay y purchases amount t ways, for a distance