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PAGE EIGHT c 0000 0-000000000000-000 0000 | AROUND THE COUNTY I o 0-00-000-0-0- O-OOv. 0000 voooooooo BLOOMINGTON Special Correspondence to the Herald. This is the week of the Blooming ton Fair, and evertyhing is in readi ness for a first-class exhibition Prof. Hicks, to begin with, has promised us good weather We are assuied of a good program. There will be as much performing as we usually see in a first-class circus, in cluding a thrilling balloon ascension by two young ladies,, who will drop in separate parachutes! Two good ball games—Prairie du Chien vs. Bloomington, Thursday; Lancaster vs. Bloomington, Friday. There is an actual promise of fine exhibits in all departments. The races have filled, and the lover of the sport is promised not only some fast races but some great fun as well. There will be stands, shows, merry-go-rounds, etc. No advance in price of admis sion, 35 cents admitting you to all the performance. Come to our fair and you’ll be entertained all the time. Frank W. Phillips passed away at his home in this village Thursday evening, alter an extended illness. Mr. Phillips was born on a farm near Urbana. Ohio, Nov. 4th, 1843, and thus at the time of death was iu his 08th year. He married Lavenia Haller in 1872, and they left Ohio on their wedding day to found a home in Wisconsin. They settled on Blakes Prairie southwest of this village, where theey remained ten years, re moving to town in 1884. The widow and one daughter Elenor, remain, and two sisters living in Ohio are all that remain of the immediate kindred. Thus, one who for forty years was a factor in the life of the community and in all respects a desirable citizen, has passed from the scenes and activities of life. He will live in the memory of the community as a kind and loving husband and father and a genial, gentlemanly, honest citizen. John P. Day, an old resident of the town of Wyalusing, at Brodtville, died Wednesday, aged about 83 Mr. Day and wife celebrated their sixthieth wedding anniversary in August. Tde excavation has been made and the foundation completed for the ad dition to the Pritchett restaurant. Mrs. Foster Porter of Janesville is visiting here. Foster will come in time for the fair. Tnat new boy at the Gurnsey Abraham home in Janesville is re ported to be doing nicely. The Hoskins, Brown, Gilligan and Abraham ai os and several other vehicles conveyed a goodly delegation to the circus at Platteville last Thurs day. Lela Lewis and little brother, children of Dr. and Mrs. U. 8. Lewis of East Dubuque, are visiting rela tives here. Donald Lewis of LaCrosse is visit ing in Patch Grove and was here Wedncoday. Mr. Lewis recently re turned from Washington, where he served as private secretary to Con gressman Escb. Misses Maggie and Susie McGrane of Janesville visited at the Frank Kathes home last week. J. D. Walker, postoffice inspector, was here Wednesday. Thos. Smith was indisposed last week. John Schnorrenburg is on deck again at his barber shop. Sam’l Kitto, wife and daughter. Rema, returned from Mitchell, S. D., last Wednesday. Mi. Kitto is im proving in health. W. C. Buetow, assistant state engineeer, was here last week, look ing over the bridges of the village and town, and giving the boards advice as to what they need in the way of repairs or rebuilding. There are a number of defective bridges in the vicinity. In the auction bulletin sales notice of Walter Gulick, who is going to close out to come to town to run the hotel. F. M. Yager was up from Bagley Saturday. J. B. Gilligan has made a stove room of the barber room formerly occupied by James Peacock. School begins next Monday. C. F. Delany, representing the Dubuque Times-Journal, was here Friday. The Times-Journal is au excellent paper, arriving in this place with all the late news at 9 a. m. Mrs. Nellie Woodward Pratt of Neosho, Mo., is visiting old friends and neighbors here. All persons interested in the Dodge cemetery are requested to meet at tbat place next Monday. Sept. 11th, to as sist in cleaning and beautifying the grounds. Please be on hand at 9 a. m. Miss Maud Starrett expects to go to Rockford, 11., this week to take a onnrpe in business college. George Porter was kicked on the leg hy a horse iu the blacksmith shop Saturday. He has been walking on crutches since the accident. T S. Metcalf was up from Glen Haven Saturday. > There is a new street lamp on Canal street, sent as a sample. It is a fine light, and no doubt the village will buy several. Mrs. Myron Davis and children of lowa are guests of relatives here. Paul Esser and R C. Fennell, two broad-gauge farmers of the southwest prairie, were on the street Saturday. Win. Myers and family visited relatives over at Dyersville, lowa, Sunday. They drove through with their auto. Dr. Lewis is entertaining his son iu-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hill of Omaha, Neb. : and daugh ter, Mrs. Sadie Harvey, of Min neapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Wiedner and Miss Margaret Earner of Dubuque visited over Sunday at the O. J. Prideaux home—guests of Miss Roxie. Mies Emma Glasier returned to school duties at Fond du Lac Thurs day. Joe Greer’s livery now has an auto. Frank Riese of Redwing, Minn., is visiting relatives and friends here. The Glen Haven boys played our ball team here Sunday, but lost out. Score, 12-4. Mrs. George Miller, a well-known resident of Bagley and formerly of this place, is dead. Miss Murphy of Boscobel is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Pike. Sheriff Hymer was over Monday to drive a band of gypsies out of the county. Numerous complaints had been made of their work, which to say the least was strong. One man had his pocketbook stolen and he made complaint to the sheriff. Ora Hatch was out of town a couple of days last week. The Farmers Insurance directors met with A. H. Patch, secretary, last Saturday and adjusted some losses. Henry Roberts and wife returned from their western trip last week. They report a very pleasant visit. The town is so full of visitors this week that we have missed some of them, no doubt. i Vera Hickok has gone to Rib Lake to teach the coming year. Jessie Riese is home from Chicago for the fair. Elsie Brennan, of Lancaster, is visiting Gladys Hickok. Miss Stella Goldberg expects to go to Janesville to take a six weeks’ course of instruction, preparatory to teaching our blind school. Culhane’s Comedians opened a week’s engagement in the city hall Monday evening. They had a d elight ed full house. POTOSI. Special Correspondence io the Heiaid. H. Torney, representative of the Rock Island Plow Co. was doing busi ness here last week with agri cultural machine firm of Hurst, Schiffman and Flesch. W. J. Bailie, president aud W. P. Rowden, secretary of the Lancaster Fair were advertising the fair here last Wednesday ; the writer had the pleasure of a short auto ride with them. Mrs. J. D. Long, of Sanborn, lowa, a former resident of British Hollow, made a brief visit with friends in Potosi last week. Miss Kate Maulshagen, of Delmor, lowa, is visiting with her sisters. Mrs. Ben Rupp and Mrs. W. C. Browner. Mrs. Allie Long of Rock Rapids, lowh, was the guest of friends in Potosi several days last week. Miss Fanny Foster departed Friday to resume her duties as a teacher in the Cherokee, lowa, high school. Mrs. Furman, of York, Neb., is enjoying a pleasant visit with her daughter Mrs. Al Krogg in Tennyson. John Pringle and daughter, of Cassville, were visitors at the E. C. Thomas home several days last week. The matrimonial banns of Miss Thresa Walleuhorst, of Potosi and Mr. Alvis David, cf Duonque, were announced in St. Andrew’s church Sunday for the second time. The marriage will take place, Tuesday, Sept. 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kettler and son and mother, Mrs. Mary Kettler, and Mrs Louise Weiss, of Platteville, enjoyed a pleasant visit with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Henry Macke in Potosi one day last week. Mrs. Annie Zeipel, of Milwaukee, spent the day with the E. M. VYilmott family in Tennyson, last Friday. " John Duve returned home Friday evening from Kenosha, Wis where he underwent a successful operation for the removal of a cancer of the lip. He was under ths surgeon’s care for two weeks. Ben Beier and Bert Schiffman were in Lancaster Sunday. grant county herald, Lancaster Wisconsin, septemer 6 1911 Herman Buchner, of Lancaster, was shaaing hands with old friends in Potosi Saturday. Mr. and Sirs. John Alderson, of Dubuque, are visiting with their daughter Mrs P. H. Rosher. About forty people alighted from the Burlington north bound train at Potosi last Saturday destined for different points throughout the coun try. A special town meeting was held Aug. 31st to vote a tax complying with the provisions of Seciton 1317 M. Chapter 337 Laws of 1911. A small vote was cast, but was unanim ous for the tax. Clyde Calloway, of Cassville, aud Miss Ruth Campbell, of Potosi, will be united in holy matrimony at the home of the bride’s parents, Wednes day, Sept. 6th at eight o’clock p. m. Mrs. Fred Krug, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krug and family. Mr. Tiederman and Miss Jenkyn, of Platteville, W9re entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Al Krog at their home in Tennyeou Sunday. Miss Mary Ennor has gone for a visit with friends at Rock Valley, and other points in lowa. BEETOWN. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Mrs. Geriens and daughter of Potosi visited at J. K. Patterson’s last week. Mr. Vincent of Galena had business here Monday. Mrs. Wash Garner is visiting at Bloomington. Mrs. Wm. Stevens and daughter Madge left last week for their home in Pennsylvania. Henry Snider and wife of Flora were callers Thursday. Will Noble aud wife, Mrs. E. Perrin, Mrs. Wm. Mayne were at Dubuque last week. Clyde Rogers is visiting at home this week. Mrs. J. Chapman, Mrs. Walters, Toay Garner and wife and Belle Birch were Bloomington callers Fri day. Our school opens Tuesday of this week with Julia Wise of this place and Miss Leibeg of Big Bend as teachers. Ben Retallick and family spent Sunday at A. Chapman’s. Mrs. A. Smith of Cassville was •here a few days. Sidney Birch is at Mason City on a visit. GLEN HAVEN. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Marlow Kidd and wife were over from Larcaster on Sunday. Their daughter, Mrs. Gus Keunster. re turned home from a week’s pleasant visit with them. A goodly number went to Prairie du Chien to the circus Tuesday. Jennie Pike of Bloomington is at Edwin Barr’s; Hazel Hickok at M. C. Weak s; Sydney Hyde of Lancas ter at A. Welch’s. A car of hogs and a car of sheep were shipped Tuesday. Adolph Wepking was over from Lancaster, looking over our roads and bridges. Reed Piper, erstwhile of this town? is here looking his friends up. Lena Hammas is in Milwaukee. School commenced at the Yellow No. 6 district on the 4th, with Opal Stevens of Cassville as teacher. Isabel Gockel will teach near Po tosi. The Glen nine lost the game at Bloomington Sunday. A nice gathering of the friends of Helen Abrams of Lancaster was held near town to celebrate her birthday. Baskets filled with good things were in abundance. A dance and sociable at the Yeo man lodge meeting went off nicely, and all seemed to enjoy themselves, Friday evening. BIG GRANT. Special Correspondence to the Herald. Laura Walker returned Friday to Sturgeon Bay where she will teach. Mrs. George Dyer and Elva spent Friday at Sherman Pitteuger’s. Will Graham delivered hogs to T incaster Monday. The Dyer school began Monday with Miss Nettie Griswold as teaher. Dave Spaith and family, Mrs.. Emeline Taylor and Fred Oschman spent Sunday at George Jerrett’s. Vera Pittenger returned home after a few day’s visit at the home of George Quick’s in South Lancaster. The dance at Tom Jerrett’s Friday evening was well attended and every one had a good time. Roy Christian of Bay City, Michi gan spent a few days with his friend Dorris Jeirett, He will return home Friday morning accompanied by his mother and two sisters, who have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Griffin of Lancaster. FOR SALE —Shetland pony, three years old past. Price $65 if taken soon. Inquire of Wm. McCormick, rural route No. 1, Lancaster. 27w2* New Things Are Hurrying In * Crisp new textures, smart new styles and sterling qualities, are marching in at a merry clip, and almost every day brings something new. It will be a treat to you to see everything as it comes in. So many of the styles are different and so much daintier than any that have ever been brought out that you'll find surprises at every turn. You’ll never have a better chance to learn in advance what is to be best in style, in quality, in value, for this coming Fall and Winter season than right here at this store. So come and look around at your leisure. We’ll do all we can to make you feel at home. By the time this news reaches you there are sure to be lots of more things that can’t be mentioned today, so make it a point to come in as often as you can. Today We Direct Attention to: New Sweaters for women, misses and children, by far the smartest styles that have ever been brought out. New Outing Flannels. New Fleeced Goods. New Dress Accessories. J. C. VESPERMAN Live Stock Auctioneer Lancaster, Wisconsin Farmers Phone “No Hunting.” Hunting on ray farm in Liberty township, about 634 miles northeast of Lancaster, is positively forbidden, unless permission is expressly granted by me in advance. All hunters violating this order will be prosecut ed, Wm. McCormick, Dated August 30, 1911. 27w6* Silver Baking Dish FREE! The beautiful Baking Dish giten by the Rockford Silver Plate Company as a special premium for the best Angel Food Cake exhibited at the Grant County Fair next week will be shown in our window all this week. This is a valuable premium, and well worth working for. You have noth ing to lose, as all cakes remain the property of the exhibitor. F. P. BARNETT, Leading Jeweler DR. J. S. O’CONNOR, OPTOMETRIST N —' VO. Will be at the Wright House, Lancaster, Wis. Snnday and Monday, S pt. 17-18. Home Office, 523 Market Street, LaCrosse, Wis. DM! Crichton &0q DAVID CRICHTON LOCAL MANAGER EAST SIDE OF SQUARE The SUCCESS CIGAR A great cigar in both quantity and uuality, and one that is approved and smoked by the most particular smok ers, is our leading brand. You’ll like the first whiff of it- and the last one, too. T* ey are good all through, a finely flavored, cool smoke that tickles the palate of the critic. JOHN KILBURG, Maker Lancaster, Wisconsin CLARENCE SOUSLEY CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE New Blankets. New Sleeping Garments. New Caps, Toques, and cute little Felt Hats for children. New Dress Ginghams. New cotton novelty Dress Materials. BATTLE CREEK DOCTOR COMING REMARKABLE SUCCESS OF THIS TALENTED PHYSICIAN IN -THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DIS EASES. OFFERS HIS SERVICES FREE TO THE SICK > The Battle Creek Specialist, licensed by the State for the cure of all Nervous and Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children, offers to all who call on the day, date and during the hourn given below, consultation,examination, advice and all medical services required to complete a cure absolutely Free of Charge. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that every person treated will state the result ob tained to friends and thus prove to the sick and afflicted in every city and locality that at last treatments have been discovered that are absolutely sure and certain in their effect. >This Doctor is considered or j of America’s leading Stomach and Nerve Specialists, an expert in the treatment of all Chronic diseases, and will cure you, whatever your ailment, in a way that w r iil astonish you. Many Wonderful Cures in Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Nerves and Rheumatism, Scia tica, Diabetus, Fits, St. Vitus Dance, Eczema, Dropsy, Bed-wetting Chil dren and all constitutional and serious internal diseases that baffle tho skill of the family physician. No Operations Needed for Appendi citis, Gall Stones, Goitre and Piles. #Leg Ulcers positively and speedily cured by an entirely new system. Modern Treatment for Asthma, Ca tarrh and Deafness. In Fact, there is no curable disease that cannot be cured and no incurable disease that cannot be benefitted. No Matter what your ailment may be, no matter what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had with other physi cians, sanitariums or patent medicines, if you want to get well again, you should not fail to call. Go! Have it forever settled in your mind, if your case is curable, he will treat you; if incurable, he will give you such advice as may prolong your life. 9 This Free Offer is made but once to each caller in order to advertise the Battle Creek System of treating diseases which has lifted so many from the depths of dispair to the heights of health and happiness, and why not you? ''Married Ladies must come with their Husbands and Minors with their Fathers, The Visiting Specialist will be at the WRIGHT HOUSE, Lancaster, Wis. Just Four Hours This Visit FROM 9 A. M. until 1 P. M. Tuesday, Sept. 19th RETURNING EVERY SIX WEEKS Summons. Circuit Court, Grant county. George \ Hoehn, as administrator of the estate of Jacob Wieland. deceased. George J. Wieland, and Martha Wieland, his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Bertha Wieland, Barbara Hartman, Selena Vesperman, Bertha Hoehn. Maud Henkel and Alda Henkel, Defendants. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the said defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear with in twenty days after service ol this sum mons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitb d action in the court aforesaid; and in case of vour failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. GEO. B. OLEMENTSON. Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O Address Lancaster. Grant County, Wis Ist ms. Aug. 2: last ins. Sept. 6.