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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
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Men’s sls fine Suits and Overcoats $8.75 Outing Flannel Sale price 4%c per yard Men’s 50c heavy Fleeced Underwear 29c 50c Bed Blankets 29c Ladies’ $3.00 Dress Shoes $1.69 Ladies’ 15c Fleeced Hosiery 9c 8c Best Standard Calicos Sale price yd. « i“ SGO.OOO STOCK Of High Grade Guaranteed Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Furnishings, Women’s and Children's Wearing Apparel, Dry Goods, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., will be RUTHLESSLY SLAUGHTERED less than manufacturers cost, at Big Bona Fide Thirteen Day Retail Sale, Beginning SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14,« 9 U By the T. K. KELLY SALES SYSTEM, of New York, Chicago and Minneapolis, the Greatest Merchandise Bargain Givers on Earth, who we have appointed to SELL one-half our stock in 13 DAYS, regardless of cost, loss or profit. Here is your greatest opportunity to buy your entire Fall and Winter Supply for about ONE HALF what it would usually cost you. The T. K. Kelly Sales System Represent atives have arrived and are now smashing and tearing down the regular prices and preparing for the Greatest Outpouring of Mer chandise ever seen in Grant County. Don’t IVait, Come the Opening Day, Your Dimes will do the Work of Dollars. IMPORTANT NOTICE Our store will be closed Thursday and Friday, Oct. 12 and 13. Nothing will be sold until the Opening Day of Sale SATURDAY, OCT. 14th, at 9 a. m. The T. K. KELLY Sales System is now in charge marking down the entire stock at their own prices and re-arranging all departments in order to take care of the immense crowds which will be in attend ance at this sale. A large number of extra salespeople are be ing employed to serve all quickly. It will be the GRANDEST OUTPOURING OF MERCHANDISE the people of Lancas ter ever saw. THE BOSTON STORE. OF ALL SALES The Most Daring Attack on Prices Ever Attempted niMY PERSONAL, GUARANTEE I absolutely guarantee every representation and every value as advertised and will take back, exchange or refund money on any purchase which is not satisfactory in Every way. — SAM’L LEVIN, Proprietor THE BOSTON STORE. REMEMBER the Entire Stock is Sacrificed It is not a few reductions on certain articles, but a SWEEP ING TERRIBLE CUT on everything. If you value money DON’T neglect your opportunity. Don’t wait. The chance will not come your way again. Every day you put off means money lost to you. Gin antic a i r A jHL Ji ■ JL A kJ mm