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PAGE TWO HURRICANE, WIS. T C StK ERR ’ - (Begon Sate rday, March 15) EXTE !L D ES I Si'E. WEEK (*•* Saturday, March 29) : This pf te “ n MidL?n™ C Etc' e ManyarticSte *7s sale which space will not IrmU ust Some iini we wish to close out completely. O.hets will be teduced to make toom tor sprtnj goods. Calicoes 5c Lights and darks, grays and oth er designs. Dress Goods Voiles, 15c, 12/4c and 10c Fancy Dress Ginghams, 12/4 and 10c— good values Wash Goods and Waistings, Sateens, mercerized goods, lawns, challies and poplins at prices rang ing from 6c to 19c yd. Shirts Men’s work shirts. 42c Men’s $1 fancy shirts 73c Men’s 50c fancy shirts 38c Boys’ work shirts -35 c Boys’ fancy shirts 33c A few sweaters at greatly re duced prices. Pants Men’s Corduroy, Kersey and Cotton Pants, $2.50 ands2.oo values - Men’s Overalls, with bibs and without 63c and 41c Hosiery Women’s black stockings, pair 9c Misses’ and children’s stockings per pair 6c, 10c, 12c Men’s black and tan sox, pair _.9c rmruifirttm urn IN NEW YORK Oil! Returns From Canada Overjoyed With His Recognition. WILL TREAT 12 SUFFERERS Patients Selected by Bellevue Hospital Officials for Tests Are in Various Stages of Pulmonary Tu berculosis. New York, March 17. —Dr. Friedrich Franz Friedmann returned from Mon treal bubbling over with joy at the fa vorable reception that had been ac corded him in Canada. As soon as he removed his travel-stained clothes he immediately plunged into the work he had come to this country for. Accompanied by Drs. Anderson and Stimson, the two physicians who have been assigned by the government to take charge of Dr. Friedmann’s inocu lation of patients, he went to Bellevue hospital to make preparations for the treatment of 12 sufferers from various stages of pulmonary tuberculosis who were picked by the officials at Belle vue as fair tests. Injects Serum in Twelve. Dr. Friedmann announced that he would give these patients an injection of the serum today and would treat others later in the week. It was learned that the health de partment had been supplied with some of Dr. Friedmann's culture, so that they could grow some more, but he did not disclose the secret of making serum. Dr. Friedmann vigorously denied that he had refusesd to divulge the se cret to the government. “They did not ask for it,” he said. “I gave them everything they asked for.” Treated 190 in Canada. Speaking of his Canadian trip, Dr. Friedmann said that he had given in jections to 190 patients in Montreal and that he would return there as soon as time permitted him to. He proudly displayed the autograph of the duke of Connaught, the governor general of Canada, who wrote in an album: “I wish every success to Dr. Friedmann in his fight against tuber culosis.” MANY ASK $34.72 OF MINT Hundreds Apply for Cash After Read ing Old Story of Per Capita Clr culation Figures. Washington, March 17. —Apparently under the impression that the Demo- -DRY GOODS Duck and Corduroy Coats, 98c, $1.37, $1.98 Outing Flannels, 10c, 12/4 val. at sc, 7,9 c. Children’s sleeping suits, 50c goods at 33c Table oil cloth, IYa yards wide, at per yd, 16c Underwear Men’s spring and summer shir^ I and drawers 38c Women’s boy’s misses and child ren’s combination suits and 2 piece goods, 63c, 39c, 23c, 19c Men’s Leather Mitts 50c and 75c mitts for 29c 35c and 40c mitts for , Heavy tap tip cotton flannel mitts, at per doz prs -85 c Heavy tick mittens, at per pair as long as they last 10c White Damask, mercerized and plain, per yard, 23c and 32c j Men’s and Boy’s Hats, 83c, 167 c & 38c i Dishes. j Glass, 25c, 15cpieces for -8c ’ * Earthenware, 25, 20, 15c p s.lOc ' $1.25 Wash Bowl & Pitcher.. 7Bc l-l—^ **».-.ion’s wealth among the people of the country sev eral hundred persons, in letters re ceived by George E. Roberts, director of the mint, applied for the $34.72 which the treasury department esti mates is the per capita circulation of the United States. It was a revival of an old story, in tended facetitiously, which -was repeat edly denied during the Taft adminis tration, that $34.72 awaited every in dividual in the country. N DEATH TAKES VETERAN BOXER Jim Hall, Who Fought Bob Fitzsim mons for a $40,000 Purse, Suc cumbs to Tuberculosis. Stevens Point, Wis., March 17. —Jim Hall, who on April 9, 1893, fought Bob Fitzsimmons at New Orleans for a purse of $40,000, died at a tuberculosis sanitarium near this city. He was brought here from Neenah last Wednesday in an almost helpless con dition. Hall will be buried at Neenah. DROP PLAN TO END MERGER Lovett of Union Pacific Announces Abandonment of Proposed Scheme for Road’s Separation. St. Louis, March 17. —The Union Pa cific-Southern Pacific dissolution plan, which contemplated a preferential traffic agreement between thp two Har riman roads for the use of the Benicia cut-off from Oakland to Sacramento, Cal., was abandoned in the federal court here by the Harriman interests, and it now devolves on the railway at torneys and the attorney general to devise a new arrangement to carry in to effect the dissolution decree of the United States Supreme court. The dissolution decree, which was certified to the district court of Utah on February 10, gave the railroads :hree months to submit a plan to the lower court. This time limit will ex pire on May 10. What arrangement the railway com panies contemplate was not indicated by Robert S. Lovett, chairman of the Union Pacific system, who announced the abandonment of the plan in court. SCHWAB STOPS SUNDAY WORK Orders That Plant of Bethlehem Steel Company Shall Be Idle on the Sabbath Day. South Bethlehem, Pa., March 17. — President Charles M. Schwab has is sued strict orders that there shall be no more Sunday work at the plant of tfce Bethlehem Steel company. Alliterative Attributes. Apt alliteration’s artful phrase as serts its potency in the utterances of one of the newly enfranchised west era women thus: “Petrified, puttified, predaceous, partisan politics." GRANT (.XI UNTV Uk.RST.n LANCASTER, WISCONSIN. UAKCUNx_Un2 -SHOES -500 pairs men’s, women’s, misses and child- F ren’s SHOES To reduce our stock we will make a heavy cut in order to move same. Men’s work shoes and fine shoes --98 c*° i’ss Ladies’ shoes for - -- 5^S Misses’ and children s shoes 37c to 9_oc PATENT MEDICINES— Cure that Cough and Cold with Hart’s Honey and Horehound, One Minute, Reid’s, Dr . Gun’s cough medicine, 50c bottles for 35c 25c bottles for 18c Dr. Fenner’s blood & nerve tonic, Dr. Fen ner’s kidney cure, lo dol, Pain’s Celery Com pound, Ramson Tonic Regulator, Dyspeosia cure, Foley kidney cire, SI.OO bottle 73c Quinine and cold tab lets 25c boxes 16c Smoke your meat with Wright’s condensed smoke, per bottle ..7sc BRING in your produce—Eggs, poultry, Etc. Will take all you can Iring and highest market prices for same. Please call and look over our goods. MORSE IS BACK HOME FINANCIER ARRIVES FROM EU ROPE LOOKING IN GOOD HEALTH Says Physicians Tell Him He Can Live Many More Years With Proper Care. New York, March 17.— Charles W. Morse, the financier who was liven less than six months to live by ]hysi cians a year ago, arrived on boart the steamship Kaiserin Auguste Vicoria looking in better health than who he left here and announced that his physicians in Europe had told him that he will live for many years lore. Mr. Morse, who was formerly con nected with large ice and stearehip interests, announced that he woul re> gnter business, but declined to say what line he would take up. Mrs. Morse accompanied her husband and is overjoyed at the encourging prophecies made by the physicias. “My physicians tell me,” saic Mr Morse, “that I can live a good lany years if I give myself good cai. I must diet and take regular exccise and watch myself constantly and closely. They say at Baden Bden. where I went for the treatment,that it is known as ‘kill or cure’ plac< “It is a drastic treatment, bein hot salt water internally and exterally After I had taken a course of ‘eat ments and had thought myself ene sited we went to London, but the change was not good and T hi to hurry back to Baden Baden for lore treatments. When I had compted this we w r ent to the Italian Riera, about fifty miles east of Genoa.” Asked if he would go into buaess again. Mr. Morse thought for amo ment and then said: “Yes, I will go into business :ain as there is now no necessity fortay ing out of it. What I will do am not prepared to say, as I haveeen too busy getting well.” Mr. Morse was asked if he mid regain control of the coastwfise sam* ship companies, of "which he wafon merlv the head, but he did not ca to discuss that, in view of the ase against the New York, New P/en and Hartford railroad now in thted eral courts in regard to its steaihip lines. BOAT UPSETS; THREE DRd/N High Winds and Waves Wreck :iff Near Fort Madison, la. —Hun for Bodies. Fort Madison, March 17.—gh waves treacherous winds caped a skiff near here, drowning tie. The fourth member of the partyas rescued. The dead are Otis Gatrt, Ray Gabbert and Cleve Butler. Sarsaparilla. Hood’s, Foley’s and Dr. Fenner’s SI.OO bottle 78c Pills. Ramson’s, Dr. Bell’s, DeWitt, Foley’s 25c box 17c Salves. Carbolated, Arnica, Chamberlain ’s, W itch Hazel, Dr. Bell’ s , Begg’s, Foley’s 25c box for 15c Tone up your stock with International, Dr. Cady, Prussian, Condi tion Powders SI.OO pks. for 73c 50c pk. 33c; 25c pk 15c OLE! DECLINES v ST. JAMES POST Refuses to Accept Appointment as Ambassador to England. ELIOT MAY BE SELECTED William Church Osborn, Judge George Gray, David R. Francis, Augustus Thomas Are Also Mentioned by Gossip. Washington, March 17. —Richard Ol ney of Boston, to whom President Wil son offiered the post of ambassador to Great Britain, has declined it. His letter of refusal received at the White House was said to be of a con fidential nature and therefore was not made public. Secretary Tumulty, how ever, announced that Mr. Olney had declined “for family reasons.” Jt is understood that Mrs. Olney has been in poor health and that Mr. Olney was loath to change his residence at his advanced age. His many business con nections through his law practice also are said to have influenced him to re main in this country. Eliot’s Name Mentioned. Speculation as to w T ho might be chosen ambassador to Great Britain began immediately on the announce ment of Mr. Olney’s declination. It was pointed out that besides Mr Ol ney President Wilson had had in mind Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard, but that he had offered Mr. Olney the place because of his conspicuous record in the Democratic party. Among others prominently men tioned for the London post were: Da vid R. Francis of Missouri, Thomas Nelson Page of Virginia, Augustus Thomas of New York, Judge George Gray of Delaware, William Church Os born of New York and Edwin A. Aider man, president of the University of Virginia. Burke for U. S. Treasurer. The nomination of Judge Burke, for mer governor of North Dakota, to be treasurer of the United States, has been sent to the senate by President Wilson. Joseph E. Davies of Wisconsin, sec retary of the Democratic national com mittee, probably will accept the post of assistant secretary of war, which the president has offered. Olney’s Course No Surprise. Boston, March 17. —Richard Olney’s declination of the post of ambassador to Great Britain caused no surprise among his close friends here. It is known, however, that Mr. Olney con sidered the president’s offer deliberate- -GROCERIES Bulk Roasted Coffee. In 25 lb. and 50 lb. lots, Ac less. Best Rio, per lb 19c Golden Blend, per lb 23c Fancy Mocha & Java, per lb._27ci Package Coffee. Staple Brands. 25c pkg. for _* --20 c, 30c pkg. for 27c 32c pkg. for.. 29c Soap. With each 25c worth of soap, any kind in stock, we will give two 5c pkgs. of Skourezy cleaning powder. Sago and Tapioca. 10c pkg. for 6c Canned Corn. Per can 6c Salmon. 1 lb. tall can _.9c Country Sorghum (Home-Made) 1 gal. tin pails. 62c Syrup. 1 gal. tin pails - -34 c Garden Seeds. Good Sterling Seeds, guaranteed to grow, per pkg — 4c ly and confer, vra va-n-imn noowiaTes, some of whom urged him to accept the offer. Dr. Charles W. Eliot will not accept the London mission if it is offered him. The former head of Harvard uni versity could not be seen at his home in Cambridge, but a member of his authorized the statement that Doctor Eliot would not under any consider a tender of the ambassadorship to Great Britain. Gray Shows Interest. Wilmington, Del., March 17. —When Judge Gray’s attention was called to a dispatch from Washington mentioning him as a possibility for the ambassa dorship to Great Britain, he simply re marked: “That’s news to me.” He manifested some interest, but would make no comment. DESERTER DENIED A PARDON Secretary of Navy Refuses Plea Made by Mrs. William W. Blundy and Babies. Washington, March 17. —Taking the ground that extraordinary clemency already had ben exercised in the case of William W. Blundy, a naval desert er, Secretary Daniels has been cblig3d in the interest of the naval service to deny the application for his pardon by Mrs. Blundy, whose appearance at the navy department and the White House this week w r ith her babies aroused a widespread interest in the case, The secretary has decided that as much as he would like to extend clemency, a pardon would not be jus tified by the facts and the good of the service, and the department had done all that it could for the unfortunate wife in assuring her husband’s pay to her. POPE OMITS 'PALMS ADDRESS' Physicians Advise Against Exertion But Say Pontiff Has Recovered From Illness. Rome, March 17. —Under advice of his physician, Pope Pius omitted the customary address when receiving the palms, notwithstanding that the latest announcement from his physicians is that the pope practically has recov ered from his illness. KILLS MOTHER AND HER SON Street Car Crushes Woman in Her At tempt to Save Baby From Its Wheels. Alexandria, lnd. t March 17.—Mrs. Carl Schmitz, aged twenty-three, and her two-year-old son were crushed to death in conseqence of Mrs. Schmitz’s effort to rescue the boy, who had tod dled in front of a moving electric rail* wav car. H-O Presto Pastry. 10c pkg 6° Matches. Blue Tip, per box - -4 c Toasted Com Flakes. Per pkg - 7c K. C. Baking Powder. 10c or 10 oz. can—*. 7c 15c or 15 oz. can v 10c 25c or 25 oz. can. - -15 c Oat Meal. Family size, pkg 18c Raisins. lib. pkg., seeded- —--7 c Canned Peaches. Unpeeled Mich. Fruit, can __ _ 10c Mich. Yellow Crawford peeled. 18c Tobacco. Pipers True, smoking-, 10 pkg.. 6c | J. T., Keystone Red Lyon, chew ing, 10c cuts 6c Pearl Buttons, 3 dozen for 5c j 10 quart tin pails 10c j Spring Mouse Traps, 2 for 5c ' 4 dozen clothes pins 5c 8 inch flat files 6c Hammer handles 6c Cob pipes, each 3c 1 1 inch snaps, 2 for 5c TURKS REPEL ALLIES STOP ADVANCE OF BULGARS FROM TCHATALJA .LINES. Ottoman Government Declares Balkan Terms for Peace Are Unacceptable and Will Continue Fighting. Constantinople, March 17.—Official bulletins say that a slight bombard ment of Adrianople has taken place. A detachment of the allies on the Tchatalja lines tried to advance in the direction of Hissarbeyli, Lake Derkes region, but was driven back by artil lery fire. A semi-official note says the allies’ mediation terms are regarded as unac ceptable and indicate that the Balkan states have no sincere desire to facili tate the efforts of the powers to end the conflict. The porte, while awaiting the proposals, which the powers w r ill undoubtedly transmit, will continue ac tive military operations. Athens, March 17. —Strong feeling against the Bulgarians is spreading with rapidity among the Greeks. Only the powerful hand of the governmeni prevents a virulent outbreak. The irritation of the Greeks arises from the Bulgarians’ claim to great stretches of erstwhile Turkish terri tory which Greece claims by right of conquest. The editor of the newspaper Chro nos was sentenced to a week's impris onment for editorially denouncing BuL garian avarice. Proceedings have been begun against several other persons for similar offenses. Paris, March 17. —The French for eign minister, Charles Jennart, has instructed the French ambassador at Constantinople to send the cruiser Leon Gambetta, now at the Turkish capital, to the Dardanelles to enforce respect for the French flag by compel ling the Turkish authorities to release the French steamer Henri Fraissinet, from* Marseilles. ALL QUIET ALONG BORDER Reports to Navy Department Shows Conditions in Mexico Greatly Improved at Present. Washington, March 17. —Meager re ports to the navy department indicate that conditions in Sonora and else where in Mexico are quiet. There has been no continuance of the firing across the American border so far as the bureau of operations has been ad vised. With the movement of the Denver from Acapulco to Corinto and the Buf falo to transfer duty, with a possible transportation of troops to the Cen tral American zone, the vessel move ment in Central American and Mexi can waters is complete.