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PAGE TWO AROUND THE COUNTY CASSVILLE. Corr««pondence to the Herald. K ? * Aggie Hillary, of North And ov 'as a visitor in town durinj comm encement week. Miss • Leila Hampton, of North Andover, was a guest of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Schlier from Friday to Sunday. Earl Fields, of Bloomirgton, was a visitor in town on Friday. Carl Deitrich came home from Chicago, Thursday, to attend com mencement, at which his sister was graduated. Miss Elva Gates returned from col lege in Virginia, last week. Miss Florence McNamara, of Bloomington, was a guest of Miss Emma D. Braun, Friday. The commencement exercises took place Friday evening, June 4, at concert hall. The graduates were Misses Odelia Brinkman, Alice Heileman, Augusta Knotwell, Amatha Deitrich, Agnes Carlson, Clara ( Schmelz, Anna Joyce, Ted Pierce, Whitney Scharfenstein, Julius Bande kow. The music was furnished by the majestic orchestra, of Dubuque for the exercise and informal recep tion following. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kuenster are entertaining the latter’s sister, Miss Patche, of Guttenburg. Mrs. O. N. Treeneek spent the past week with the home lolks at Mineral Point. Mrs. Olive, Lau returned from Stitzer on Saturday. Harry Bossert left Wednesday for Forest City, where he will find em ployment with a publishing company. Mrs. M. G. Williams and daughter Genevieve, of Hurricane, were in town with their friends Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Ishmael left Thursday for Elrod, S. D., where they hope to improve the former’s health. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Fahling, Mrs. E. H. Boldt and Miss Edna Garner visited briefly at home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pohl in Dubuque, last week. Herman Kartman went to Dubuque last week, to visit his son, Herman. Misses Josephine, Marie and Margaret Perty and Sylvia Weaks, of Glen Haven, came down for com mencement and informal reception, Friday night. Mrs. Glen D. Smith and Miss Margery Smith attended commence ment at Guttenberg, last weex. Mr. and Mrs. A. Browning, of Lancaster, were here to the exercises Friday evening. FIVE POINTS. Special Correspondence to the Herald. . Mrs. Joe Kern is reported very ill. A. E. Lewis, Lancaster, and Mr. Rosenthal of Milwaukee, were here on business Friday. Sumpter Williams, of Lancaster, passed through here, Thursday. Harry Phillips and sister Maxine, left Friday for Madison and Waupaca, where they will visit with relatives for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs Lant Caley, son, Wallace, and Mrs. Pierce, of Lan caster, spent Wednesday evening at D. E. Curtis’. Robert Burgess and Wilmot Black bourn, Lancaster, passed through here on Friday. Otto Spiegelberg has been hauling gravel for a new chicken house. Tom Bass is hauling his building material for the new barn that is being built. Mr. Thompson, of Lan caster, has been engaged for one of the carpenters. Mr. Smith, of Lancaster, was here oq Juesday on business. J A number of young men of Five Points have organized a base ball team. They did their first practicing last Sunday, and by the reports, they are a good bunch of players. We wish them lots of success. John Weinbenner, of Little Grant, was a caller on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan and little daughter Bernice,of Lancaster, were visitor’s at M.O. Reynolds, last Sunday. Stanley Clifton, one of the sons of Lester Clifton, had the misfortune of stepping on a nail, one day last week. Mrs. W. Weir, of Lancaster, is visiting at her daughter’s home, Mrs. Albert Phillips. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan, who sometime ago was quite badly scalded by fall ing in a pail of hot water, is recover ing nicely. School closed on last Wednesday with a successful picnic. Everybody h:d an enjoyable time. BEETOWN. Special Con crpondenca to the Herald. O. H. Wimer had some fine straw berries on the market Saturday. Mrs. Lee Sturmer left Sunday for a visit in Dubuque. Floyd Pascoe and family spent Sunday here. Wm. Gates, wife and daughter Elva, of Cassville, spent Sunday at the Grover Houghton home. Lambert Groenier placed a piano player in the hall here Saturday. The young people enjoyed a party Friday night at the George Hough ton home in honor of Lewis Hough ton. Lewis Mcßrien and wife and Mrs. Ali?e Calloway spent the week end at the John Taylor Jr. home. Wm. Taylor and Wm. Brun made a trip to Dubuque, Saturday. Clyde Clauer and wife and mother and brother Freddie, autoed to Mifflin and spent a couple of days last week. Harry Peak, wife and mother and Mrs. Emma Rogers were at Bloom ington, Thursday. Mrs. Carrie Marks of Lancaster, was here several days last week to see her mother who has been very ill but is some better at this writing. Miss Mabel Hillary entertained the teachers at dinner Wednesday. Roy Hudson and wile and Maud Frankland were shopping in Lan caster Thursday. Mrs. Annie Hillary spent a couple of days last week at Lancaster. Miss Sander visited at the Tebo home Wednesday night. Mrs. Carrie Sturmer came home from Omroe last week. Holl Stevens is visiting relatives in Dakota. He expects to bring his mother home with him to spend the summer. Wm. Noble and wife were at Rochester last week and returned home Friday. John Metcalf and Mrs. Belle Hut croft were at Bloomington Monday. Our school closed Tuesday with a program and picnic dinner. A few from this place attended the Memorial services at Lancaster, Mon day. Richard Barr came home Monday from Texas. Dr. Kraut accompanied Mrs. Tom Frankland to Dubuque Monday, where she is taking treatment at the Mercy hospital. George Thorpe and Chas. Rogers, and their wives, spent Sunday at the Will Rogers home. A brother of Chas. Thompson visited with him over Sunday. John Mankefand George Marks and wives autoed from Lancaster Sunday. NORTHLANCASTER. Special Correspondence to the Herald. John Jerrett Jas. Huff and Harvey Croft delivered hogs at the local market recently. Little Willie Schloesser has been quite ill the past week. Will Domer and Clyde Beetham have been giving their residences a new coat of paint. Miss Cora Bohles spent over Sun day with her people at Fennimore. Miss Dora Brendt, of Fennimore, is dressmaking this week for Miss Elizabeth Walker. J . A. Huff purchased several head of young cattle of Geo. Jerrett last week. Miss Marian Manley’s school closed Friday with an indoor picnic, those that were fortunate enough to get there beeween showers enjoyed a fine dinner and a good program. The children and patrons are sorry to lose Miss Manley. She has accepted a position near her home at Mont fort. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Howland, of Madison, were guests Wednesday at the home of the latter’s brother, J. H. Diesel. Mrs. Roy Oats has been visiting her sister Mrs. Will Hickin for several days. Miss Laura Walker who has been attending Columbia University at New York is expected home this week. Mrs. Alonzo Jerrett spent the week end at Lancaster with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Walker. Miss Mabel Rowden closed a suc cessful year of school at the Rock with a picnic Wednesday. Quite a number were present in spite of the cold damp weather and a good time is reported. One Failure. “It’s funny our minister never gets married.” remarked the young husband who had just refused his wife a new dress in his endeavor to change the subject. "I think he’d make a good husband.” ‘•Well,” replied the wife warmly, “he didn’t seem to make a very good one when he married us.” GRANT CUUNTf HERALD LANCASTER WISCONSIN, JUNE 9, 1915 LIVINGSTON. •peclal Correspondence to the Herald. Miss Gayl Skaife visited relatives in Fennimore last week. Geo. Coombs, Roscoe, Allen Elmer Gundlach and Thos. Coombs, of Liv ingston, are employed by Alfred Swan, contractor of Madison, in the erection of a garage in Argyle. The dates set out for the Chau tauqua in Livingston are July 15-21. Mrs. Mort Allen has been enter taining her sister, Mrs. Lavina Hirsch, of Lancaster, for the past few weeks. John R. Wilkens has been busy dragging the village streets. Miss Pearl N. Nicholas left Mon day for a visit to Evansville and then to Albany. The S. W. Wisconsin Guernsey Breeders’ Association will hold their summer meeting and picnic at the Homer C. Biddick farm Tuesday, June 15. Dr. L. L. Robertson, recently graduated from the Chicago veteri nary college, is considering a loca tion in Livingston. Homer and Dale Rundell attended a Guernsey sale at Waukesha. A miscellaneous shower was held at the Andrew lake in honor of Miss Dora Gundlach. Fred Basford, of Lancaster, was a Livingston visitor. Seibel Bros, greater shows under canvas, will be at Livingston, June 10. Lenys Laughton arrived home, Thursday. Miss Lenys was a student at the Evansville Junior college. O. S. Laughton was called to Platteville, Friday, to see his mother, who bad the misfortune to fall and break a bone in her hip. Grandma Turner, of Montfort, is visiting at the O. S. Laughton home. The Free Methodist hold their quarterly meetings this week. Miss Lauretta Eastman, a trained nurse of Chicago, and Lauretta Smith, of Lancaster, are visiting at Mrs. Frank Alien’s. They intend to stay a week with Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Ray Watson’s mother, Mrs. Hayes, came Saturday to make a short visit. Pierce Nicholson and Franklin Kundell went to Lancaster Friday by auto. W. C. Hill and family were visit ing friends and relatives in Livings ton, Sunday. Their home is in Platteville. Raymond Kelly was a visitor at the Bransby Skaife home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waring and daughter, Marie, accompanied by Miss Mary Kamm, leave this week for a trip through the northern pare of Wisconsin. Miss Gretta Livingston, who has been teaching at Glen Haven tne past year, has returned home for vacation. LIVINGSTON Too late for last week. Miss Gretta Richards spent Memorial day at her home in Platte ville. Misses Agnes Gundlach and Bess Allen have closed their schools and are home for their vacations. Miss Mamie Britton, primary teacher of the graded school, left for her home in Platteville, Frdiay. Miss Florence Watson gave a masquerade party for her friends, Monday evening. About 25 were present. Grant County Herald $ J fXO Kimball’s Dairy Farmer BOTH FOR ONE YEAR New subscribers or Renew als. Sample copy of Kim ball’s at the Herald office. Kimball’s Dairy Farmer is the leading Dairy publication of the world and every farmer in Grant county should have it come regularly. Miss Marie Livingston has been engaged to teachat Union the follow ing year. Mrs. G. W. Hillary, Mrs. L. H. Treglown and S.S. Wilson will repre sent the local Rebekah and I. O. O F. lodges at the grand assembly in Manitowoc, June 1. Mrs. Carl Alt and son, of Lancas ter, came Thursday for commence ment exercises. Her brother and sister, Curtis and Alice Fisher, were graduates. Mrs. Frank Allen spent Memorial day in Lancaster. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andrew, Thursday, May 27. Mooney and Raymond Kelly were business callers in Livingston, recent ly- Miss Mildred Laughton left Satur day to spend a few days with her sister, who is a student of the Evans ville Junior college. Angu-t DeLong, of Fennimore, was a business caller in Livingston, Thursday. Misses Mary and Florence O’Con nell spent Memorial day in Madison. Clifford Reed, of Cokerville, has rented one of the new cottages erect ed by Stephens & Waring. Johnson and Albert Rundell were in Livingston visiting relatives, Sat urday. DRY HOLLOW. «p*c\al Correspondence to the Herald. The Dry Hollow school closed on Tuesday with a picnic, which was well attended. Mrs. Richard Latham is on the sick list. Marcella Gard returned home on Tuesday from Lancaster, where she attends high school. George Swallow and wife, Fred Swallow and daughters went to Cokerville, to see Mrs. Hird, who is in a serious condition. Master Hubert Flesch is at his grandpa’s, Matt. Flesch’s home. Albert Born spent a few days with his brother, Will. Ralph Meir and wife, and Miss Delpha Martin attended church in Lancaster, Sunday. MT. HOPE. tpwclal CorrcßOondencc to the Herald. Will L. Taylor for many years a resident of north Mt. Hope, died at his home on Friday and was buried at Millville Sunday. He leaves a wife and one daughter, and adopted son, besides many friends who mourn his departure. Can Ellis returned from his vaca tion last Thursday evening. But he did not return alone. With Miss Clara Standorf of Prairie du Chien, he jouneyed to Elmwood, Wis., to the home of the Rev L. L. Litchfield, Miss Standorf sister—where they were united in marriage June Ist. A host of friends join in wishing them a long and happy life. Miss Grace Pendleton, of Fenni more, called on friends in town last week. Roy Pendleton spent the week end in Mt. Hope on his way home from Manitowoc where he went as delegate from I. O. O. F. lodge of Lancaster. Ezra Abrams was a business visitor in Fennimore Friday. Ruby Bennett is in Fennimore as sisting her mother in the care of Mrs. Bennett’s mother, Mrs. Reuben Cooley, who was injured by a fall not long ago. HEBERLEIN’S Typical Styles for Ladies and Gents This shoe store, always popular with young folks who want classy looking shoes, is especially popular now. We know the reason and so will you when you see the snappy things we are showing for young men and young women. THE ZOSTONIAN A Stylish model / 1 for stylish young jwl men. We are sei- / ling all kinds of f them. J ( ' $4.00 and $5.00 L y\ STREET SHOES . \ F° r street wear. Our effort / \ zz this year was to get a shoe < would fulfil the demand for grace and style, and ,at r the same time be sensible, comfortable and serviceable. We recommend the Irving Drew and A. M. Legg in Pumps and Colonials, and 2 and 4 straps for ladies, at from $2.50 to $3.50. Pontiacs for Children, Misses' and Growing Girls, at from SI.OO to $2.50. I Watch Our Windows for Shoe Styles O. HEBERLEIN Fitter of Feet Lancaster, Wis. KITCHEN CABINETS SIL&JLI. 111 sH I lib ? : Nliffi iw UB 1111 £lllllOlO4l 1'"III E* ii Auui n *lfW" 11 M? IB - ti!»#' nl r -?• A- —s H a# JI I'*! * - -~SrS*g r "Il ijl ~*TftfiC<S^oK 7 B3UA Sprjf JU CABINETjjJI v The Automatic Lowering Removable Flour Bin is a Feaure Found Only in This Cabinet. lll M — l , ib | M .■■mm it i -TTTTMMMr—irrm — rpr— —————— George P. Goble & Son Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Bell Phone 143 W. Farmers 2. FOR SALE One good bay driving team, well matched ages 6 and 8 years, weight about 1000 pounds apiece. Are gentle and well trained. For particulars see F P r n e e rs ’ GEO. WEILAND H^ ne ’ Special Features of the Cabinet Disap pearing Roll Curtain. Ant Proof Castors High Sanitary Base