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AROUND THE COUNTY BAGLEY. •paott) Correspondence to the Herald Geo. Harris shipped a car of hogs from here Tuesday. Otis and Guy Culver are painting John Klarman’s new big barn. Walter Haville and Guy Culver were callers in Prairie du Chien, Friday. Myron Pace who has been at Waupaca all summer, came home Tuesday. Geo. Nash and Harry Trine, were calling in Glen Haven between trains Monday. Jake Biedeman’B daughter, her husband and two children, came on the morning train Sunday. Mrs. Monroe Jacobs and little son are both quite sick. The son is getting some better but Mrs. Jacobs is quite bad yet. Mrs. Mitch Pace, returned from Prairie du Chien, Saturday where she had spent the night with her son Lee and wife. Mrs. Herb Strong returned from Savanna Friday. She had been to see her sister, Mrs. Walter Shrak, rho is very sick. Raymond Jacobs, of Fennimore, came down Sunday and was calling on old friends. Mr. Jacobs used to live on a farm in this vicinity. Elgie Cooley and wife went to Bloomington Sunday, to take Elgie’s si ,er home and spend the day with b;» parent Frank Cooley and wife. There was some long timbers passed through here from Seattle, Wash., Monday; they were most of then) 6xlßxllß ft long, took S cars for them. Miss Candler, of Cassville, came up Friday morning to attend her bees. Bees are doing fine now on the big crop of white clover we have here this year. The Lutheran church has been re painted and the Congregation bought new pews. They came Friday and will be placed right away. Henry Rothe, editor of the Fenni more Times, was in Bagley and stayed all night Friday and Saturday. John Jenkins the veteran fisherman took him out a fishing. Peter Houcfchousen and wife of Glen Haven came up on the morning train Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Houchhousen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Millen. E. E. Culver was in Prairie du Chien, Saturday calling on friends. Among them were Arthur Gillis, agent for the C. M. & St. P. road who was a boyhood friend at Wood man. Jim Way and wife are staving with Jim’s parents who have been very poorly for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Way’s daughter, Mrs. Reed, of Spingfield, 111., is also with them. W. C. Forehand, Henry Johanne and Geo. Callaway, es Platteville, were calling in Bagley Monday. They came in W. C’s auto. Mr. Callaway took dinner with E. E. Culver and wife. Frank Kipper and wife, returned home from Guttenburg Monday. They had been to see a brother and sister, of Mr. Kipper that had each got a leg broken and other injuries, in a run away, Saturday. Mrs. Ed Gulick, of Brodtville, came down with her niece Miss Beatrice Harville, to take the one o’clock train for home the last of last week. She has been visiting her aunt and grandma Harville, for several days. Wins Quick and family of Bridge port, autoed over and spent the day Sunday with Mrs. Quick’s parents, John Jenkins. It was a family reunion, all the children and grand .children were home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Winter went to Grand Crossing, Saturday and stayed until Tuesday, visiting George, brother Jess and Ben Keeler. They bad a fine time, took a long auto ride to Rice lake and other places, sight seeing. Geo. Martin and wife came over from Lancaster Tuesday, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Ira Willard and husband. Ira and Mr. Martin went a fishing had fairly good luck so they had some fish to eat any way. The fishing is bum again for the river is still raising. Levi French and wife took their little baby to Prairie du Chien Fri day for an operation. About an hour after the operation the child died. Saturday they brought the body home and Sunday they had the funeral services at Brodtville. Their many friends here extend their sympathies to them in their bereavement. Albert Ready who has been work ing for Geo. Housler on his farm for a number of years, lost a watch twu years ago last winter and could not find it. One day this week Mr. Housler found it in the field where it had been plowed and worked over for two summers. It was in as good shape with the exception of one little spot. a 9 it was when he lost it. He wound it up and it started to run a 9 well as ever, apparently none the worse for its long rest out in the weather. Merrian Yager and family all but one daughter, Mrs. Abraham, went to Burton Sunday in three auto 9 for a picnic. They ate dinner under the shade of an old Elm tree near where the house stood on the old Yager home. The one 9 present were, F. M. and wife, Elmer and wife and two children, Amos Brown wife and 2 children, Frank Millen wife and 2 children, Melvin and wife and Harry. Merrian’a brother John, wife and two sons and their wives of Burton, joined them, after dinner they spent the time roaming over the bluffs taking snap shot views of the beauti ful scenery and having a general good time, when they started out Merrian gave them warning to look out for yellow backs and sure enough they killed one with 10 rattles. It wan a very enjoyable trip for all. Merrian says the corn on the old home place was knee high. LITTLE GRANT. iVMlal Correspondence to the Herald. Charley Addison has got a team of mules. ' Wm. Hope had u a barn raising, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Govier, Sundayed at Ora Govier’s. Fred Govier, wife and family, visited at Joe Marshall’s. Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Day, visited her sister, Miss Margret Specht. Willie Welsh and family, were at his father’s for a few days visit. Mrs. Wm. Welsh is spending the week w*th Mrs. Harry Hore. Mrs. Fred Cooley, of Bloomington, visited at Mrs. Minnie Cooley’s, last week. Mrs. Bob Burgess and children, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Nick Henrick. Wm. Welsh had two lambs killed by wolves, near his house, one day last week. Ora Welsh, Martha Brandemuehl and Adolph Wenzel and family, autoed to Liberty, Sunday. Grace Morrow returned home after helping her sister Mrs. Roy Bennett. They are building a new barn. Mrs. Geoige Cooley and Naomi and Mrs. Wilbur Frost, visited at Mrs. Minnie Cooley’s, last Thursday. Charley Addison and wife and Mrs. Minnie Cooley, attended the Royal Neighbor lodge Thursday night, in Bloomington. CASSVILLE. From the Record. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau are par ents of a son born June 28. Miss Beatrice Harvillec ame home last Thursday from a visit at Bagley. Mrs. Olive Ishmael expects to go to Rochester soon to have her eyes treated. . Miss Winnie Okey went to Prairie du Chien Friday and remained several days, guest of Miss Pearl Blewett. Mrs. James Bennett and children, Esther, Ivan and Leonard were visit ors at the Wm. Patrick home, Turkey River, Sunday. Wm. Jr. and his sister Beatrice escorted them home. Henry Kirschbaum’s big barn was raised last Saturday. There were sixty men on the job. Neighbor hood ladies helped prepare the least for the crowd, a hundred or more persons. Mrs. John Roe’s sister Mrs. Bert Jacobs and daughter Dorothy of Waterloo, lowa, are visitors at Roe’s Sunday John Roe and wife went to Buena Vista by automobile. R. F. Kirschbaum and wife visited at Bagley from Monday until Wed nesday. Last Saturday they and their daughters Clara and Eva were to the barn-raising at Henry Kirsch baum’s. Nelson Lau and his helpers are making a cement sidewalk and curb in front of Glenn Ashlock’s resi dence on Dewey street. Other pro perty owners adjoining are likely to follow suit. Mrs. Jos. Kress and little son Joseph are here from Milwaukee to stay six weeks. Mrs. E. Harrington and Miss Caroline Kress went to Prairie du Chien last Wednesday to meet them. Kleinpell Bros, are puttiug up a new building 24x28 which will be used for cement, lime and plaster. It is alongside their switch near the lumber office, and material can be unloaded direct from the car. There was a fine time Sunday at the Peter Caspers’ farm home, a sur prise party to celebrate Mr. Caspers’ birthday. The neighbors, eighty of them, came from all directions. The picnic dinner table was spread with the best of everything good to eat. Miss K. Anna Caspers who was visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grattan, went with them to the birthday party. GRANT COUNTY HERALD, UNCASRER. WISCONSIN, JULY T, 1915. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Moats are in Chicago. Mr. Moats is in a hospital there and is being treated for rheum atism. Fred Has 9 and his sisters Esther and Rebecca of Edmund also Minnie Williams of Cobb, came to Cassville last Sunday and \isited Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Williams. When they left for home they took Mrs. Williams and the children for two weeks’ visit at Edmund CASSVILLE. •penal Correspondence to the Herald. Miss Helen Scriven, of Beloit, is the guest of the Osgoods this week. Miss Louis Ansley, of Bloomington visited at the Walt Ziegler home last week. Mr 9. M. C. Edwards and son Stan ley, of Lancaster, visited the Ishmael and Moon families Saturday and Sun day. Harvey Foster, wife and children, of Lancaster, came down Friday to visit wilh Mrs. Foster’s mother, Mrs. Ella Mink. O. H. Fahling was business caller in Prairie du Chien, Saturday. Harry Bossert and friend, Mr. McComb, came from Forest City, la., to spend the 4th with home folks here. Mrs. Walter Kleinpell and daugh ter Irma were visitors at the Muesse home in Lancaster last week. Miss Pearl Blewett, of Prairie du Chien, was the guest of Miss Elva Cates for the celebration. Master Ray Mueller, of Blue River, is a visitor at the Mary Mueller home here. Miss Shirley Boughton, of Dubu que, is the guest of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pierce. E. A. Garner, of Clarion, la., is home for a few weeks’ vacation. Mrs. John Hall and children and Geo. Chase, of Rochelle, were visitors the 4th with Mrs. Olive Lau. Misses Pearl and Alma Rogers, of Glen Haven, were visitors at the Kaufman home the first of the week. W. F.. Klinkhammer entertained Mr. Addams. These gentlemen sailed from the “Faterland” together. Mr. and Mr 9. Welsch and daugh ter, Irene were guests of relatives, the Moores, over Sunday and Monday. Miss j s Marie and Mildred Myers of Lancaster were fourth of July visi tors at the Mrs. Emily Garner home. Other visitors were Miss Wood. Ed Reney, Fred Glass and Lee Wood of Bagley. aW preserving^ syrup part Karo Makes a rich, heavy syrup without Sm the cloying sweetness of a heavy all sugar syrup. Prevents jams and jellies SB from crystallizing. Ing given in our Preserving Booklet, free 1C on request. pCORNPRODIJCTS REFINING CO. HERE’S a car that is built right, and priced right. It insures to you and your family all the pleasures of luxurious motoring, with the old-time extrava gance absolutely eliminated. Handsomely finished, delightfully easy riding, and so simple in operation that any one can drive it. Up-to-date equipment through out —a car that any owner is bound to be proud of. Call and let us demonstrate it to you, or write for new illustrated catalog. 0. W. BOWEN, Route 4, Lancaster, Wis. DRY HOLLOW. Correspondence to the Heiatd Fred Muender drove to Montfort, Saturday. Walter Gard and Albert Felsch spent Sunday at Potosi. Master Matt. Schiffman accompanied them home for a visit with his grandpa, Matt. Flesch. Visitors: —John Wenzel and family at Cba9. Becker’s; George Swallow and familv at Fred Weinbrenner’s, near Fennimore; Wm. Gard and family, Ed Born and wife and Marvin Leighty at Wm. Born’s Sr. $100.22 Reward will be paid by the Lancaster Light and Power Co. for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person break ing insulators by rocks, bullets or other projectiles, on our transmission lines, or in any way interfering with our lines in Grant County. Our aim is to give the public the very best service possible, and we ask the aid of all citizens in helping us protect our lines. Anyone found interfering with our service will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Lancaster Light and Power Co. , Lancaster, Wis. GEO. P. ANGUS, Mgr. $ Potosi Passenger Service ? ! Connecting with North and South » \ Burlington Trains C \ Car leaves Lancaster at 12 noon ) ) Returning leave Potosi at 3:30 p.m. ) ; Fare, $1.50 ) | Beetown- Bloomington j ( Passenger Service ) } Car will leave Lancaster at 1 p.m. ) c Returning leave Bloomington at 5 p.m. } f Fare $1.50 j Schedules run subject to Weather Conditions. j Burrows & Winskill 1 Phone Bell 98-J. Farmers 205-3 Marcella Gard is working at Dave Spaith’s home. A Jot of young people from around here attended the celebration at Liv ingston. Clean Up the Fence Corners. Roadsides and fence corners free of weeds, rank grass and rubbish are not only pleasing in appearance but injurious crop pests cannot start housekeeping in such places. Neither is there a chance for noxious weeds to mature or dangerous plant diseases to start on clean roadsides. Let’s stop breeding trouble on your farm. Chickens Like Milk. Wisconsin’s dairy industry goes hand in hand with poultry raising. Small fountains filled with clean skim milk or buttermilk put strength and energy into the newly hatcned brood. Hurrying a Girl. "I notice you hustle hurriedly down when Cholly calls.” “Yes; he always brings me a box of candy. But if I keep him waiting he’ll begin eating it.”—Louisville Courier- Journal. AT HOTEL INDIA Monday, July 12. ■B9 u wt--, is * N. J. Hamilton, M. D. SPECIALIST M Y specialty is treating Chron ic. Nervous and I. inhering ail ments of mankind, especially womeir and children. My success has been achieved through my many years at practice both Hospital and Private. £ have many cures to my credit. I post— lively take no cases I cannot benefit, nor will I undertake to accept a case for treatment, unless I can examine them personally. It is necessary that 5 have a full understanding of the pa tients’ condition before accepting them for treatment. It is due to this policy that I have been so successful. My fees are moderate and I charge no more than you can afford to par and are willing to pay for results. 8 FurniMh All Medicines. Knifeless Methods IT is not always necessary to use th» knife. I have treated and cured many cases of Cancerous Growths, Ap pendicitis, Gall Stones, Abscesses, Aden oids, Goitre, Tumors——Other Growths* with my mild methods. Nervous Conditions of either sex and Stomach Troubles are my greatest spe cialty. I am also successful in the treatment of Catarrhal Troubles, Kid ney and Liver Complaints and Rheuma tism. General Debility and Constipa* tiou yield easily to my method of treat ment. Sworn statements of patients whi have been cured by me are in my pos session. I will be glad to send you the names of those whom I have cured, with their testimonial. I Can and D-c give results. If you have not derived the benefit you expected from others, give me the opportunity to treat you. After you have consulted me once you will await my next coming, as you will feel satisfied that I am competent. Consult Me Now, You Never Will Re gret It. CONSULTATION FREE I will give you advice and consuM with you FREE OF CHARGE. Bui where I have to make an extended ex amination I will be obliged to charg* a small fee, due to the fact that ms time in each (own I visit la limited. DR. HAMILTON MADISON, WIS.