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SUMMONS. State of Wisconsin In Circuit Court for Grant County. Otto Smith Atkinson, Eliza Jane At kinson and Blanche Alice Remy, Plaintiffs, vs Robert Atsinson. Christopher Atkin son, Frances, Maria Atkinson, William Forck, Delos Woods, Warren Creig and David Birch, Defendants. The State of Wisconsin to the said Defendants: You are hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after serv ice of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Grant county. FRANK C. MEYER, Plaintiff's attorney. P. O. Address, Lancaster, Grant County, Wisconsin. The object of the above entitled action is to have partition adjudged of the premises hereinafter describ ed among the owners thereof, or to obtain a sale thereof and a division of the proceeds among the owners if it shall appear that partition of the same cannot be made without great prejudice to said owners. The renl estate affected by the above entitled action is described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter (se%) of the southeast quarter (se%) of Section sixteen (16), Township four (4) North of Range five (5) West of the fourth P. M., in Grant County, Wisconsin, less one acre described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southeast quarter (se%) of the Southeast quarter (se%) of said Section Sixteen (16), running thence South var, 9 degives East Nine and 50-100 (9.50) chains; East var. 9 degrees South Three (3) chains to Southwest corner of said acre lot; thence North Four ()4) chains; thence East Two and 50-100 (2.50) chains; thence South Four chains; thence West Two and 50-100 (2.50) chains to the Southwest corner of said lot, con taining One (1) acre. Pne (1) acre of land in the South west quarter (sw%) of the South east quarter (se%) of Section Six teen (16), Township and Range aforesaid, bounded as follows, — Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter (swV 4 ) of the Southeast quarter (seti) of said Section Sixteen (16), running thence South Eight and 31-100 (8.31) chains tp the Northeast corner of the par ked herein described, thence South Five (5) chains to the center of the highway, thence South Eighty-five (85) degrees West Two (2) chains, thence North Five (5) chains, thence North Eighty-five (85) degrees East Two (2) chains to said Northeast corner of the parcel herein described. The Southeast quarter of the South east quarter (se% of the se%) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Four (4) North of Range Five (5) West of the fourth (4th) P. M., in said County. About twelve (12) acres in the Southwest quarter (sw%) of the Southeast quarter (se%) of Section Sixteen (16) Town Four (4) Range Five (5) West, commencing at a point Seventy (70) links North of the Southeast corner of the forty; thence North Seven and 34-100 (7.34) chains to the center of the road; thence South Seventy-eight (78) de grees Forty (40) minutes West (var. 9 degrees) Four and 60-100 (4,60) chains; thence South Fifty-six (56) degrees West Three and 06-100 (3.06) jCliaihs; thence North Eighty-five (85) degrees Fifty (50) minutes West Seven and 47-100 (7.47) chains; thence South Seventy-one (71) de grees West Two and 50-100 (2.50) chains; thence South Eleven (11) de grees Thirty-five (35) minutes East Two (2) chains; thence West Three and 50-100 (3.50) chains; thence North Eleven and one-fourth (11%) degrees East and One and 15-100 (1.15) chains; thence North Twenty two (22) degrees West one and 60- 100 (1.60) chains; thence North Fifty (50) degrees Forty (40) minutes West 20-100 chains to the quarter section line; thence South six and 40-100 (6.40) chains to the quarter section post; thence East Eight and 40-100 (8.40) chains; thence North Fifty eight (58) degrees Thirty (30) min utes East One and 35-100 (1.35) chains; thence East Ten and 50-100 (10.50) chains to beginning. Also Two and 73-100 (2.73) acres in the Southeast quarter (se%) of the Southwest quarter (sw%) of said Section Sixteen (16); commencing at the quarter section post on the South side of the Section; thence West Two (2) chains; thence North Fourteen (14) degrees East One and 90-100 (1.90) chains; thence North Eleven and three-fourths (11%) degrees East Three (3) chains; thence North Twenty-two (22) degrees West One (1) chain; thence North Fifty and two-thirds (50.2-3) degrees West Three (3) chains; thence North Eiglity-six and one-fourth de grees West Four (4) chains; thence North Thirty (30) degrees Fifty (50) minutes West Thirteen and SO-100 (13.50) chains to the North line of the forty; thence East One and 20-100 (1.20) chains; thence South Thirty (30) degre2s Fifty (50) minutes East Twelve and 50-100 (12.50) chains; thence South Eighty-six (S 6 and one fourth (14) degrees East Three and 75-100 (3.75) chains; thence South Fiftv and two-thirds (50-2-3) degrees East Three and 60-100 (3.60) chains to quarter Section line; thence South on quarter section line Six and 40- 100 (6.40) chains to beginning. Also Two and 59-100 (2.59) acres in Northwest quarter (nw!4) of the Southwest quarter (sw*4) of Section Sixteen (16), commencing at a point Six and 75-100 (6.75) chains East of the Southwest corner of the Forty; thence North Thirty (30) degrees Fifty (50) minutes West Fifteen and 50-100 (15.50) chains to the West line of the Forty; thence North Three and 10-100 (3.10) chains; thence South Thirty (30) degrees Fifty (50) min utes East Nineteen (19) and 10-100 (.10) chains to the South line of the forty; thence West One and 70-100 (1.70) chains to beginning. Also One (1) acre in the Northeast quarter (ne>4) of the Northwest quarter (nw%) of Section Twenty-one (21) Town Four (4) Range Five (5) West, commencing at quarter section post on the North side of the section; thence South Four and 90-100 (4.90) chains; thence North Sixty and three- I fourths (60%) degrees West Three and 60-100 (3.60) chains; thence North Fourteen (14) degrees East Three and 10-100 (3.10) chains to Section line; thence East on Section line Two (2) ! chains to beginning. Also Two and 85-100 (2.85) acres in Northwest quarter (nvv%) of North east quarter (ne%) of Section Twen ty-one <2i) Township Four (4) Range Five (5), commencing at quarter Sec tion post on North Side of Section; thence East on Section line Eight and 40-100 (8.40) chains; thence South Fifty-eight and one-half (58 1 / 2 ) de grees West Two and Twenty-five (2.25) chains; thence South Forty three (43) degrees West Six and 60- 100 (6.G0) chains; thence North Sixty and three-fourths (60%) degrees West Two and 40-100 (2.40) chains to quar ter Section line; thence North on quarter Section line Four and 90-100 (4.90) chains to beginning. One Hundred (100) square feet of land commencing One Hundred (100) feet North Forty (40) degrees West of mill in edge of creek, thence North Seven (7) degrees One Hundred (100) feet to corner; thence West One Hundred (100) feet; thence South Seven (7) degrees West, One Hundred (100) feet to corner; thence East One Hundred (100) feet to the first cor ner; said tract being situate in the Southwest quarter (sw%) of the Southeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16) Township Four (4) North of Range Five (5) West in said Grant County. 4w6 | I County Court, Grant County, Wiscon sin—ln Probate. In the matter of the estate of Louis J. Plimpton, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a special term of the county court to be held in and for said county at the court house in the city of Lancas ter in said county on the 2nd Tues day, (being the 11th day) of April, A. D., 1916, at the opening of court on that day, the following matter will be hea:*d and considered: The application of William Plimpton, administrator of the estate of Louis J. Plimpton, deceased, late of Mount Hope, in said county, for the examina tion and allowance of his final ac count, and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said deceased to such persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and adjudication of the inheritance tax, if any, payable in said estate. Dated March 10th, 1916. By the Court: . E. B. GOODSELL, County Judge. Brown, Brennan & Carthew, Attorneys for administrator. 3w3 1 State of Wisconsin, County Court of Grant County—ln Probate. Estate of Margaret Blackbourn, de ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at the special term of the County Court, to be held in and for said county, at the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, in said County, on the second Tuesday of April, A. D., 1916, being the 11th day of April, 1916, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the following matter will be heard and considered: The application of Frank E. Black bourn, executor of the last will and testament of Margaret Blackbourn, late of the town of Beetown, in said county, deceased, for the examination, allowance and settlement of his final account, which is now on file, and for the assignment of the residue of said ; estate to the persons, who arc by law and the last will of said deceased, en titled thereto. Dated March 13th, 1916. By Order of the Court: E. B. GOODSELL, 3w3 County Judge. R. A. Watkins. Executor’s Attorney. - | Notice of Hearing on Petition to De termine- Heirship and De scent of Land. State of Wisconsin, in County Court for Grant County. In the matter of the real estate of Minerva N. Vince, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at the regular term of the County Court for Grant County, to be held at the Court House in the City of Lancaster, in said County on the first Tuesday of May, A. D., 1916, to-wit, the 2nd day of May, 1916, there will be heard and the appli cation of Luella Vince for the deter mination of heirship and descent of land of Minerva N. Vince, deceased. Dated this 17th day of March, 1916, at Lancaster, Grant County, Wiscon sin. By the Court: E. B. GOODSELL, County Judge. Frank C. Meyer, Lancaster, Wis., j Attorney for Petitioner. 4w3 County Court, Grant County, Wiscon sin—ln Probate. In the matter of the will of Michael M. Ziegler, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a special term of the county court to be held in and for said county at the court house in the city of Lancas ter. in said county on the 4th Tues day (being the 25tii day) of April, A. D., 1916, at the opening of court on that day, the following matter will be heard and considered: The application of Wm. M. Ziegler and Charles B. Ziegler, executors of the will of Michael M. Ziegler, de ceased, late of the City of Lancaster, in said county, for the examination and allowance of their final account, and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said deceased to such persons as are by law entitled there to; and for the determination and adjudication of the inheritance tax, if any, payable in said estate. Dated March 22, A. D., 1916. BY THE COURT: E. B. GOODSELL, 5w3 County Judge. Brown, Brennan & Carthew, Attorneys for executors. Don’t blame the girl for assuming a striking attitude when she’s trying to make a hit. GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, WEDNESDAY MARCH 29, 1916. Notice of Judicial and National Delegate Election 'office of county clerk, Lancaster, Wis., March 21, 1916. To the electors of Grant County: Notice is hereby, given that a primary and judicial election is to be held in the several towns, wards, villages and election pre cincts in the county of Grant, on Tuesday, the FOURTH DAY OF APRIL, 1916 at which a Justice of Supreme Court and delegates to the national con ventions of the several political parties named below are to be chosen. The names of the can didate for each office and dele gates to be voted for, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in the office of the county clerk, are given opposite or under the title of the office and under the appropriate party or other designation, each in its proper column. INFORMATION TO VOTERS. The following instructions are given for the information and guidance of voters: A voter up on entering the polling place and giving his name and residence, will receive two ballots from the ballot clerk which must have endorsed thereon the names or initials of both ballot clerks, and no other ballot can be used. Up on receiving his ballots, the voter must retire alone to a booth or compartment and pre pare the same for voting. A NAME OF OFFICE For Justice of Supreme Court For Justice of Supreme Court For Justice of Supreme Court For Justice of Supreme Court For Justice of Supreme Court NAME OF OFFICE For President For President For President For Vice President ror Vice President For Vice President I Delegates-at-Large to the Na- j tional Convention 1 Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention j Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention Delegates-at-Large to the Na tional Convention For District Delegates to the National Convention For District Delegates to the National Convention For District Delegates to the National Convention For District Delegates to the National Convention ballot clerk may inform the vot er as to the proper manner of marking a ballot, but he must not advise or indicate in any manner whom to vote for. A voter may vote for delegates to the National Convention bv selecting the party ticket which he wishes to vote, from among the three ballots which consti tute the official ballot for Dele gates to the National Conven tion, then tear out said ballot which he wishes to vote and fold the remaining two, and then vote his ballot selected by mark ing a cross or other mark in the small square to the right of his choice of candidates for offices of President and Vice President; but if the name of his choice of candidates for said offices does not appear upon said ballot then he may write in the names of such candidates for whom he wishes to vote for said offices. Upon said ballots will be found the names of all the can didates for Delegates-at-Large to the National Convention. Each voter may vote for four candi dates as Delegates-at-Large and no more, by making a cross or other mark in the small square to the right of the names of such candidate; but if the names of the candidates for whom he wishes to vote as Delegates-at- Large do not appear upon the ballot, then he may write in the names of his choice of candi dates for Delegates-at-Large INDIVIDUAL NOMINATIONS Walter D. Corrigan Franz C. Eschweiler Chester A. Fowler William J. Turner Ellsworth Burnett Belden NATIONAL DELEGATE BALLOT. DEMOCRAT PARTY ~VOTE FOR ONE Woodrow Wilson Thomas R. Marshall VOTE FOR FOUR Paul O. Husting John C. Karel M. J. Scholey William F. Wolfe George Hilton VOTE FOR TWO Frank Jenks Edward J. Reynolds not to exceed four. Upon the same ballot will ap pear the names of the candi dates for District Delegates to the National Convention. A voter may vote for two such District Delegates by making a cross or other mark in the small square to the right of such can dates’ names, not to exceed two: but if the names of his choice of candidates for District Dele gates do not appear upon said ballot then he may write the name of his choice of such can didates but not to exceed two. Make a cross (X) in the square at the right of the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote, if it be there. If you wish to vote for a person for a certain office whose name is not on the ballot, write the name in the blank space under printed name of the candidate for the of fice. Each voter is entitled to vote for one person for president and one person for vice president of the United States, for four del egates-at-large and for two dis trict delegates to one party na tional convention. To vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot make a cross (X) in the square after the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. The ballot should not be mark ed in any other manner. If the ballot be spoiled it must be re turned to the ballot clerk, who PROHIBITION PARTY VOTE FOR ONE William P. F. Fereruson William Sulzer Willis G. Calderwood James H. Woertendyke VOTE FOR FOUR Frank R. Derrick David W. Emerson Charles L. Hill Herbert S. Siggelko Jason L. Sizer Bert S. Steadwell Waldemar Ager Joseph V. Collins VOTE FOR TWO E. L. Eaton Peter James H. J. JOHNSON, County Clerk of Grant County. PARTY OR POLITICAL PRINCIPLE REPRESENTED A Non-Partisan Judiciary A Non-Partisan Judiciary j A Non-Partisan Judiciary A Non-Partisan Judiciary A Non-Partisan Judiciary must issue another in its stead, but not more than three in ali to any voter. Five minutes’ time is allowed in booth to mark ballot. Unofficial ballots or memorandum to assist the vot er in marking his ballot can be taken into the booth and mav be used tp copy from. The bal lot must not be shown so that any person can see how it has been marked by the voter. Al ter it is marked it should be folded so that the inside cannot be seen, but so that the printed endorsement and signatures of the ballot clerks on the outside may be seen. Then the voter should pass out of the booth or compartment, give his name to the inspector in charge of the ballot box, hand him his ballot to be placed in the box, and pass out of the voting place. A voter who declares to the presiding of ficer that he is unable to read or that by reason of physical dis ability he is unable to mark his ballot, can have the assistance of one or two election officers in marking the same, to be chosen by the voter; and if he declares that he is totally blind, he may be assisted by any person chos en by him from among the legal voters of the county. The pre siding officer may administer an oath in his discretion as to such person’s disability. The party designations and candidates for the different offices, are for ex ample, as follows: REPUBLICAN PARTY VOTE FOR ONE Robert M. La Follette VOTE FOR FOUR Emil Baensch Republican Principles and Tariff Protect ion. Samuel A. Cook Republican Principles and Tariff Protect ion. Christian Doerfler—Republican La Follette Delegate. Christian K. Ellingson—Repub lican Principles and Tariff Pro tection Waiter L. Houser — Republican LaFollelte Delegate Emanuel L. Philipp—Republican Principles and Tariff Protect ion A. W. Sanborn —Republican La Follette Delegate James Thompson Republican La Follette Delegate VOTE FOR TWO M. B. Olbrich Republican La Follette Delegate Henry E. Roethe Republican Principles and Tariff protect ion John J. Blaine Republican La Follette Delegate Henry L. Dahle Republican Principles and Tariff Protect ion