Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deals In Dirt Filed With Record er of Grant County. An Active Movement in Good Farm ing Lands and All Kinds of Town Property. (From May 20 to May 27.) First National bank of Lan caster by L. H. Stevens, pres., and C. H. Basford, . cashier, to Katherine Eck er,, of So. Milwaukee, one acre in Lancaster. Con— 1.00 Alpheus McDonald and wife to George Budworth, lots 13, 14, and 15 in vil. of Beetown. Con. 600.00 C. H. Bartlet and wife, Richard Conlon and wife, to Bartel Dagenhardt, lot 8, and strip in the village of Cuba City. Con. 3,000.00 Charles Wolf and wife to August Wolf, strip of land in Platteville. Con. 100.00 Frederick Libert and wife to Rufus Heer, lots in Platte ville. Con. 450.00 Bertha E. Eastman, of Fair view, Mont., to Mary E. Ellis, lot in Lancaster. Consideration 1,800.00 Henry Hays and Stella Hays to Sherman Greenwood, lot 11, and east % of lot 10 in vil. of Cassville. Consideration 300.00 R. L. Duncan and wife, of Minneapolis, Minn., H. E. Duncan and wife of Sagi naw, Mich., Budd Duncan of Lancaster, F. L. Duncan and wife of Spokane, Wash., to Amine Showalter, land in Lancaster. Con. 2,000.00 C. H. Bartlett and wife to John Hendricks, lots in vil. of Cuba City. Con. 750.00 C. A. Morrison and wife to C., B. & Q Ry Co., con taining 77-100 acres in Wy alusing. Con. 375.00 Frank Elwell to Alma El well, strip of land in the village of Cassville. Con. 1.00 O. S. Pound, J. A. Randall and Richard Simons to A. W. Appleby, of Boscobel lot in Boscobel. Con. 125.00 Fred Brechler and wife to Jessie Wolff, land in vil. of Fennimore. Con. 500.00 No!- | / I Said L 1 (Gurnet!' “I want what I ask for— dCSI I know what it would O"C. mean to go home without DOj OQ it. Mother won’t take rSrX chances she’s sure of KXI Calumet sure of light, POC wholesome, tasty bak- DOl mgs of positive, uni tjQ form results—of purity OQ/ and economy. You try jQJv « CALUMET rX Baking Powder PQj Ocz* —k? asi^e y° ur favorite brand once rOG tCt and you’ll never go XSc kX? back to it. Calu- OO* met is the world’s WSJ best Baking Pow- rOG pOd der —it’s moder- rCYC ate in price.” Received Highest jQj/V Award* Nrw Cui Rd Frtf—Stt SH} /■ PiuiU Catt. Cheap and big canßakingPowders do not save you money. Calutnetdoes—it’s Pure and far superior to sour milk and soda. A. A. DeLong and wife and A. H. DeLong to J. L. Ritchie, lot in Montfort. Con. 500.00 Joseph Prochaska to Wil. liam Hipenbecker, 80 acres in Watterstown. Con. 4,300.00 Fred Parker and wife to Sophia Armfield, land in Fennimore. Con. 125.00 George Rockwell to H. E. Morgans, lot in Lancaster. Consideration 2,000.00 “PINS” LIVINGSTON VISITS CASTLE ROCK County Treasurer Thought He Was Going for a “Joy Ride.” Bridge letting contracts were open ed in the town of Castle Rock last Wednesday afternoon at the residence of James Sullivan, and W. C. Liv ingston of the court house accepted an Financial Statement of Lancaster, for Year Ending April 30 Annual financial report, City of Lancaster, Wisconsin, for the year ending April 30th, 1916. Compiled by John M. Stone, city clerk: Cash on hand May Ist, 1915 $ 10,717.20 Cash Received, (Taxes in Tax Roll) — State tax 3,465.92 Special charges on Co. 176.76 $ 3,642.68 County tax 3,555.56 County Superintendent’s Salary 128.31 Soldiers’ Relief 94.80 $ 3,778.67 Income tax 1,957.43 Less offset coupons and delinquent 1,338.72 ' $ 618.71 School Tax— District tax 10,521.13 County school tax 1,512.56 State school tax 1,441.00 | 13,474.69 Highway tax 4,488.00 City tax 11,084.99 Delinquent street oiling 637.43 Street oiling, cash 1,307.33 Total 1,944.76 Del. curbs and gutters 289.25 Snow shovelling 41.60 Water rents * 5,089.38 Water rents in tax roll 72.36 $ 5,161.74 Water fixtures 104.30 Tile sold 1-50 Jute sold 1-90 Eraser -50 Brick sold 33.80 Fencing wire 1-60 Coal 14.16 Dynamite -55 Dirt 2.25 $ 56.26 Two per cent fire insurance tax 182.11 Delinquent tax collected 23.02 Rent, south town 12.00 Rent, Wisconsin Telephone Co. 174.99 Rent, W. J. Schade 75.00 $ 261.99 LICENSES. Plumbers 30.00 Show 20.50 Opera house 10.00 Peddlers 21.50 Auto bus 59.50 Billiard "0.00 Cigarette 20.00 $ 231.50 Building rock 555.63 Crushed rock 854.10 $ 1,409.73 Cemetery trust fund 346.30 City scales 381.43 C. W. Burrows —Fines 90.00 Dog tax 30.00 Poll tax 277.50 Wisconsin telephone tax 174.04 Ryland cemetery fund —interest 28.00 Cemetery lots sold 407.75 Grant county poor 30.25 Loan U. S. bank 1,100.00 Wisconsin & Illnois Ry. Co. —Election exp 70.75 Penalty on tax 27.68 Mileage Ll 2 Overrun -38 $ 60,476.38 Less delinquent personal tax 56.66 Total $ 60,419.72 Cash Disbursements — Paid R. Meyer, treas. Dist. No. 3: School district taxs 10,521.13 County school tax 1,512.56 State school tax 1,441.00 $ 13,474.69 Paid County Treasurer— State tax and special 3,642.68 County Superintendent Salary 128.31 County tax 3,555.56 Soldiers’ Relief 94.80 Income county and state 185.61 Road work 3,413.44 Lumbei 27.14 Cement walks 1,449.93 Rock and gravel 3,288.08 Teaming 57.35 Hardware and blacksmithing 123.93 Sewerage 532.90 Electric lights 2,978.06 Salaries — George C. McCarthy 780.00 John F. Taylor 480.00 John M. Stone 500.00 F. B. Callis . 400.00 F. C. Meyer 100.00 Dr. Rush Godfrey 35.00 Mrs. Winchell and Browning 160.50 R. C. Willis 128.00 Board of review 6.00 Extra police 45.00 $ 2,634.50 Disbursements — Paid for care of poor 645.66 City scales —repair and fuel 240.40 Ryland park—mowing, etc. 144.02 Ryland library appropriation 650.00 GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, WE DNESDAY, MAY 31, 1916 invitation on the part of Wm. McMa hon to attend the ceremonies. Three different jobs were let for construct ion, a man named Sweeney, of White water, being the successful bidder. The work totals $1692 and involves an 28-foot span across a dry run in section 12; a 16-foot span one and one-half miles east of the Badger Mill bridge, known as the Bowden bridge, and another 16-foot span in section 12 two miles east of the Kolmar mill, crossing a dry run. All are to be built of concrete. Mr. Livingston is an old settler in Grant county, but says that parts of Castle Rock township had him “go ing.” The country is wild and rug ged beyond description with tower ing heights that make our 300-foot mountains look like mole hills. In some parts of the township it is im possible to run an automobile, and the region is totally without mail service. Most of the mail in Castle Rock Ryland library, fuel, etc. 170.79 $ 820.79 Pressure oiler 575.47 Road sprinkler 90.60 Oil and sand for streets 1,967.73 K. oil for heating 3.20 Sundry Items Dog tags 2.09 Oil barrels 13.55 Freight 1.40 Eraser and filler .65 Repairs city hall 18.39 Sharpening saw and mower .70 Acct, rock, overpaid, returned 35.55 Safe cabinet 75.00 J. B. Callis, sign painting 6.40 Charles Knapp, damage claim 100.00 Steel brooms 9.45 Round Oak stove 8.00 Hitch rail poles 17.50 Curbs and Gutters . . 289.25 Part Railroad Election expense 69.75 Coal, Benj. Coal Co. . 14.16 Fuel city hall 88.14 Telephone, city hall 32.25 Office supplies 24.19 Health department 9.70 ' * ** Disbursements s Fire department 295.30 Printing and election notices 112.95 Decoration expense 50.30 Rest room expense 1 27.76 Municipal election officers 62.00 Insurance, city hall 38.40 Interest cemetery trust fund 68.24 $ 654.95 Loan and interest U. S. bank 1,103.00 Waterworks Expense— Fuel purchased 2,708.01 Wages. Ed Stephens 810.00 Wages, George C. McCarthy 120.00 Wages, Sam Draper 5.00 Boiler compound 42.43 Maintenance, bldg, fixtures and grounds 26.60 Pumping station supplies and expense 226.15 Steam power expense 24.58 Telephone, house 24.00 Maintenance district service 24.75 Maintenances of services 23.26 Printing water bills 13.50 Painting stand pipe 219.60 Insurance—3 years 93.00 Other items 1.35 Materials —brass goods, etc. 94.74 $ 4,456.97 Cash on hands 12,815.30 RECAPITULATION. Total cash on hand and receiptss 60,419.72 Disbursements 47,604.42 Cash on hand 1 12,815.30 To poll tax and water rent 8.25 Cash balance $ 12,823.55 Police department George C. McCarthy 390.00 John F. Taylor 480.00 Extra police 45.00 $ 915.00 Fire department— Salaries 241.00 Pyrene 42.00 Teams 7.50 Repair, alarm 4.80 $ 295.30 Health Department— Dr. Rush Godfrey 35.00 Fumigating 9.70 $ 44.70 Road work and teams filling 3,413.44 $ 3,413.44 Quarry— Wages and expenses 3,288.08 Less rock sold 1,380.18 $ 1,907.90 Poor Expense— Aid for city poor 602.16 Aid for transients 43.50 $ 645.66 Cemetery trust fund— Received to May 1, 1915 1,816.00 Received during year 346.30 $ 2,162.30 John Schreiner trust fund 2,000.00 George W. Ryland trust fund 3,000.00 George W. Ryland cemetery lot fund 500.00 Interest Certificates 500.00 Water Works — Receipts 5,266.04 Salary of Superintendent and Engineer 930.00 Other expense 3,526.97 $ 4,456.97 Balance $ 809.07 Less 2-5 of clerk and treasurer’s salary 360.00 Net balance 449.07 Respectfully submitted, JOHN M. STONE, City Clerk. We, the Finance Committee, have examined and audit ed the above report and find the same correct and recom mend its adoption. FINANCE COMMITTEE. township comes out of Boscobel on the RFD, using “stub” routes such as route 9, Lancaster. It is safe to say that not one man in ten around here is familiar with this part of Grant county. John Kelley, who has charge of the road work in this section, as road committeeman, handled the bids. J. F. Shemak, township chairman, was also present. SURELY A REAL SPORT. George A. Newett, the Michigan edi tor, who had to pay six cents damages for libeling Colonel Roosevelt on the drink issues, prefers Hughes, as the republican nominee, but is ready to support Roosevelt, if nominated, “be cause I admire his vivid American ism.” Which really shows Newett to be something of a good sport, to say the least.—Madison Democrat. Classified Advertisements Advertisements under this head 5c per line each insertion. No Advertisement accepted less than 20c first insertion. LOST and FOUND LOST—One Fisk tire, size 35x4%, in ner tube and rim. Return for re ward. Lost in town Thursday night, May 18, 1916. Dr. W. J. Schade. FOR SALE—Livestock. FOR SALE—Four colts, 3 years old past; all broke. Also 20 h. p. gaso line engine, in good shape, nearly new. Inquire of John Flesch & Son, Lancaster, Wisconsin. Farmers’ phone. lltfc FOR SALE—J. D. Hatch has three young draft bred brood mares and four young Aberdeen Angus bulls for sale. 4tfc FOR SALE—Eggs for hatching. The world’s greatest strain Thompson & Ringlet barred Plymouth Rocks. The best market fowl. Price on 100 eggs only $4.00. Could give you a prompt shipment. Also a few more settings of Pekin Duck eggs at SI.OO per setting. LaVern Mcßeynolds, • Lancaster, Wis., RFD 5. 10c6 FOR SALE—Farms. FOR SALE—My farm, 154 acres 1% miles mrtheast of court house on Fennimore road. Will leave from 50 to 60 per cent on the place for 10 years at 5 per cent. The best buy in Grant county. W. A. John son. 52tfc HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED—At the O. P. David mine, near Montfort. $2.75 for nine hours. 14tfc WANTED —A middle aged lady house keeper and to care for elderly per son. Answer immediately. Good wag es guaranteed. Mrs. Geo. F. Finney. WANTED —Girl for general house work. Family of two. Inquire of C. H. Basford. lltfc FOR SALE—Houses. FOR SALE—Or rent, nine-room house, located in Lancaster; almost an acre of ground; all kinds of fruit; barn; chicken house; city water and cister. Telephone or write to W. H. Shimmin, Lancaster, Wis., RFD 2, box 44. Farmers’ phone. lltfc FOR SALE —Five room house and 1% lots of ground. Some fruit; city water and good location. Will be sold very reasonable to quick buy er, as the undersigned wishes to settle up an estate. Call or write to Chas. Graney, Lancaster, R. F. D. Farmers’ Phone. FOR SALE —Six room house, includ ing two lots. Same is centrally lo cated in the city of Lancaster. En quire of W. R. Duncalf, Lancaster, Wis. FOR SALE —Good building lot; well located in first ward. See Lou Starr, Lancaster, Wis. lOwtfc. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. The following advertisements were furnished and authorized published by the respective candidates whose signa tures appear, for which they have paid, or will pay $6.00, each, to Grant County Herald. I hereby announce myself as a can didate at the September primaries for the Republican nomination for clerk of the Circuit Court. GEO. W, BAR ROWS, Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Clerk of the Circuit Court of Grant county, sub ject to the action of the September primaries. FRED C. BURR, Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomination for District Attorney of Grant county. FRANK C. MEYER. Lancaster, Wisconsin. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of Grant county, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the September primary. A. W. Hoos er, Platteville, Wis. I hereby announce myself on the Republican ticket as a candidate for Professional Directory Attorneys-at-Law. BROWN, BRENNAN & CARTHEW— Attorneys at Law. Office in Baxter block, Lancaster, Wisconsin. GEO. B. CLEMENTSON— Attorney at law. Office in Bennett block. Lan caster, Wisconsin. MEYER & BURGESS—Attorneys at law. Office in Weber building. Same location as that formerly occupied by the late E. M. Lowry. Both phones. Lancaster, Wis. Physicians and Dentists. FRANCIS J. BOCK, M. D.—Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of women and children. Office at her home south of the Catholic church. Phone Bell 129-R. Lancaster, Wis. DR. A. B. COOK —Dentist. Office over Bennett’s drug store. Both phones: Bell, 45-J; Farmers’ 147. Lancaster, Wisconsin. DR. F. W. HALFERTY—Dentist. Of fice over Lancaster State Bank, Lan caster, Wis. FOR SALE—Livestock. FOR SALE — Pure bred Percheron stallion 3 years old. He is a dark bay, of good bone and good action. Geo. W. Gilder, RFD No. 3, Lancas ter, Wisconsin. 13tfc FOR RENT. FOR RENT —Small store building ad joining Grand Theatre. Will give lease. Inquire at Grand Theatre, Lancaster, Wis. lltfc FOR RENT—Sixty acres of fine pas ture with running water. Near Lib erty station. Inquire of L. D. East man, Lancaster, Wis. 14tfc FOR RENT —Furnished rooms. Mrs. Bellows. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS. ESTRAYED—From the pasture on the Will Carmody farm, one sorrel geld ing with white face, 6 years old, weight about 1,000 lbs. Missing about two weeks. Please notify An drew Lewis, Lancaster, Wis. 14tfc FOR SALE —4 h. p. Gasoline engine, in good condition and ready to run. Fairbanks-Morse is the type. En gines have gone up, so get a good one cheap. Apply at Herald office. FOR SALE —Good second hand hay loader. Will do the work. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. C. H. Bennett, Lancaster, Wis., RFD. FOR SALE —Out door portable sleep ing house. Inquire of Mrs. Baum gartner, at Geo. Muesse’s. Btfc SWEET JERSEY MILK and cream from high-grade Jersey cows. That’s what you are getting when you patronize the Greany Dairy. Furthermore you will get milk that is just as pure and clean, as sanitary surroundings can make it. Other people like our milk and our service. Try it and you will too. Greany’s Dairy. Farmers’ Phone, Lancaster, Wisconsin. 2wl2p Notice. ” ’ To Those Concerned —As I intend go ing on a three months’ vacation, June Ist, I will be greatly obliged to have those indebted to me to call before that time and settle their ac counts. Respectfully, Dr. W. J. Schade. 12cl PROFESSIONAL. DR. GAULT is again doing general medicine and surgery; calls city and country promptly attended; special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. •DR. MOORE is specializing in the treatment of pyorrhea and diseases of the teeth and gums. Special eme tine treatment expertly given. Cases from out of the city will receive prompt attention. sheriff of Grant county, subject to the action of the September primar ies. W. C. HYMER, Potosi, Wis. I HEREBY announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Grant County Treasurer, subject to the action of the September primaries. Respectfully, JOHN E. DIV ALL, Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomina tion for Clerk o<* the Circuit Court of Grant County at the primaries held in September. CHARLES W. BURROWS, ~ Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce myself as a can didate at the September primaries for the Republican nomination for the of fice of District Attorney of Grant county. MANFRED S. BLOCK, Platteville, Wisconsin. I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of Grant county on the republican ticket, subject to the decision of the September primaries. Your support is respectfully solicited. BERT BAINBRIDGE, Postoffice, Sin- Sinawa. Jamestown, Wis. JAMES H. FOWLER, M. D.—Physi cian and Surgeon. Office over Hub clothing store. Hospital accommo dations for surgical cases. Lancas ter, Wisconsin. J. D. GODFREY —Physician and Sur geon. Office over Fiist National Bank. Residence two blocks north west of Hotel Inda. Lancaster, Wis. J. A. GAULT, M. D. —Physician and Surgeon. Calls city and country promptly attended. Special atten tion given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Office over Ivey & Webb’s store. Bell phone, 110-W Farmers* phone 190-2. Lancaster, Wisconsin. DOOLITTLE BROS.’ HOSPITAL—S. W. Doolittle, M. D., physician and surgeon. Limited to general city practice; office and hospital cases. J. C. Doolittle, M. D.—Physician and surgeon. All calls promptly ans wered. Hospital over McDonald’s store. Lancaster, Wisconsin.