Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deals In Dirt Filed With Record er of Grant County. An Active Movement in Good Farm ing Lands and AH Kinds of Town Property. ( From June 3 to 10.) H. E. Morgans and wife to Harvey C. Orton, lot in Lancaster. Con.S 1,200.00 Wm. Schuster and wife et al, to Vivian Harvey, of Platteville, lot in city of Platteville. Con. 1,800.00 Lavina Grindell to R. C. Har vey. lot in Platteville. Con sideration 350.00 Sam Levin and wife to H. C. Orton, lot in Lancaster. Consideration 1,423.00 Frank Turner to Cather ine Turner et al, 160 acres in So. Lancaster. Con. 1.00 Catherine Turner et al to Louis Damm, 160 acres in in South Lancaster. Con._ 1.00 Arthur Jackson and wife to Sam Sher and Abe Gens berg, lots 10 and 11 in Cu ba City. Consideration 450.00 Ella M. Lory, of Wichita Falls, Tex., to Thomas Harker, lots 3 and 4 in Platteville. Consideration 3,200.00 Charles Boldt and wife to U. S. of America, 160 acres in Lima. Consideration 1.00 E. O. Spiegelberg and wife, Richard Spiegelberg and wife to Magdalena Merwin, lot in Boscobel. Con. 7,300.00 MODERN EPITAPHS. Luke Smith left this world in a ter rible yank; Laid his cigar on a gasoline tank. O, shed a tear, Lem Binks lies here, He surely won his crown and harp; He leaped against a hatpin sharp In a crowded car, And there you are. Bill Jones passed on amid regrets; He tried to stay, but —cigarets. A long farewell to Maggie Lou; Tried to swap seats in a frail canoe. Jim Hanks has left this world of pain; For he met up with old Ptomaine. This man went in a racing car; It hit a brick, and there you are. Jim Smith has quit this earthly life; Made some faces at his wife. —Roy Knowlton in Janesville Gazette. Here lies the remains of old Bill Coon; Made a parachute leap with a toy bal loon. Here rest the ashes of Ferd McCool; Put ker’sene on the fire —thedamlittle fool. The average lazy man gets along so well in his told world that he en courages idleness in others. A small cottage at the seashore is better than a dozen air castles. People who tell the truth at all times but have but few friends. Life’s game of give and take —with more takers than givers. A man gets back at his best friend when he kicks himself. Intellect seems to have very litt’ to do with happiness. The more you talk the more friends you will offend. Things yon can’t understand are generally none of your business. WHAT THE WISCONSIN LAWS SAY ABOUT PLACING CROSS ROAD SIGN POSTS It is a fact that Grant county roads, in common with other parts of the state, are sadly in need of suitable signs to direct a traveler as to the proper direction to be taken in reaching various towns and villages. As the law is very plain on the matter, it may do no harm to quote from the statutes: WIDE BOARD —Section 1227 The town board of each town in the state of Wisconsin shall cause to be erected before the first day of December, 1918, and to be kept in good repair suitable and appro priate guide boards on and along all main traveled public highways where the same intersect with oth er main public highways within their respective towns. The ex pense of the erection and keeping in repair of all such guideboards shall be paid out of the treasury of such town. PLACING —Such guideboards shall be securely attached at the upper end of a post set in the ground, and shall when firmly set pro ject seven feet and six inches above the ground. LETTERING—There shall be paint ed upon such guideboards in plain black Roman letters no less than two and one-half inches high, the names of adjoining or important towns, villages, or cities to and through which said publie high way leads, the distance In mfles AUTO MISHAPS AT PLATTEVILLE. Streetcleaner Struck While at Work. Another Machine Turns Turtle. (Platteville Witness.) Frank Golden, while pursuing his cleaning on Main street, Monday morn ing, was knocked down and run over by an auto driven by Ernie Ovitz. He sustained a serious cut on his head and was bruised on the body. Mr. Martin, who was riding in the car, says no blame can be attached to Mr. Ovitz; that he was coming down with the power cut off and was going slow. It is said that Mr. Golden evidently thought the car was going to take an other direction, and that he stepped in front of it not giving Mr. Ovitz time to use his emergency brake. The ac cident was an extremely unfortunate one which will lay Mr. Golden up for some time. While Elmer Brown and three oth ers were on their way to Benton Mon day morning, while running at a rapid speed over a rough road, the right wheel broke and the car was thrown upside down. No one was seriously injured. Mr. Brown sustained sever al severe bruises on his face. A new wheel was telephoned for from Ben ton and the car proceeded to that place on its own power. The baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. John Bonson was interred in Graceland Saturday by the Rev. Hardcastle. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Mabel Cline and Dr. Jenkin Ellsworth of Linden, which occurs Wednesday of next week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cline on Fourth street. Mrs. Bert Bobo has been very ill for some time. Her sister, Mrs. Gherke, has been with her. James Baker returned Saturday morning from Stevens Point, where he has been in a sanitarium for sev eral weeks. His many friends hope he will continue to improve. (Platteville Journal.) Rudolph List, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. List of this city, died at the home of his parents Monday after noon about 3:30. He has been in poor health for some time, and every pos sible care and means was employed, hoping for his recovery. He passed away, after having been unconscious for many hours. He was a splendid young man, and everyone extends the deepest sympathy to the loved ones he leaves. Will Roddick left the Buck hospital Monday night, where he had under gone an operation for appendicitis. Born to Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Murphy of Mason City, a son, on Sunday morning. Mrs. Murphy will be bet ter remembered here as Jessica Mc- Gregor. While painting a shingle roof, Guer don Reed fell and had the misfor tune of breaking three ribs and in jure his spine. He and his brother Cameron, were working on the roof together when the roof ladder came unhooked. Both lads were hurled to the ground. Cameron was not hurt. We are glad to announce that Hon. James Dolan is improving, at the Sa cred Heart sanitarium in Milwaukee. Mrs. Dolan plans to go down today or tomorrow for a visit with him. Mrs. Margaret Yohs, who dislocat ed her shoulder in a fall about eight weeks ago, had to have it reset on Saturday. . She has suffered a great deal in the past two months. The fire bell startled the citizens here early Monday morning. The alarm was given on account of a blaze upon the roof of the Will Brodbeck home, caused from the chimney. A hole was burned in the roof of the house, but no greater damage done. But the chicken-hearted man crows only in his sleep. of such town, village or city from such guidepost, and any indica tion of direction which will be helpful to the traveler. INJURY: PENALTY—Any person who shall deface, injure or re stroy any such guideboard shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than twen ty-five dollars. DISTRICT ATTORNEY TO EN FORCE—It shall be the duty of the district attorney of any coun ty, upon receipt of a written com plaint signed by any resident of such county, alleging that the town board of any town has failed or refused or fails or refuses to carry out the provisions of this section, to make such investiga tion as may be necessary, and if he shall find the allegations of such complaint to be true, he shall forthwith notify the town board in default to comply with the provisions of this section, and if said town board shall thereaf ter fail within a reasonable time to comply with such notice and with the provisions of this section, the district attorney shall insti tute proper proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction against such town board to en force compliance with this sec tion. GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14. 1916. CASSVILLE BREVITIES. Convalescents Predominate In This Week's Items. (The Cassville Index.) Julius Kleinpell was in Prairie du Chien Tuesday on business. The H-K farm was badly damaged by the flood last week. Mrs. Olive Lau went to Dubuque Monday, to see her father, George W. Chase, who is recovering from a se vere illness. Walter Woodington is slowly re covering from a nervous affection which has troubled him several weeks. Mrs. C. Hauk is slowly recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism. Her neighbor, Mrs. Siegfried, is also feeling better. Mrs. Julia Sherman, seriously afflicted by rheumatism, re mains about the same. Relatives here have news of the birth of a son May 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bishop of Shawano. E. W. Gilbert of St. Joseph, Mo., who brought the body of his wife, formerly Miss Fannie Baumgartner, to Cassville for burial, last week, left Friday for Kansas City to visit his brother Clarence on his way home. Relatives have favorable report of the condition of Mrs. C. J. Kuenster, who is at Rochester for treatment. LEGAL NOTICE. ORDINANCE. This Ordinance providing for the granting to the Wisconsin and Illinois Railroad company the right to con struct and operate tracks over and across certain streets in the City of Lancaster. The Common Council of the City of Lancaster, Grant county, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION I.—There is hereby grant ed to the WISCONSIN AND ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY, its successors and assigns, the right, authority and permission, to lay, construct and maintain single and double tracks of railway with necessary switches, curves, turnouts and other appliances and conveniences usually employed in operating a City and Interurban sys tem, using internal combustion, elec tricity, or such other means of mot ive power, ocher than steam, as the development of scientific progress may prove most desirable and as may by said Company be adopted, over, upon along and across certain streets with in the corporate limits of the City of Lancaster named as follows: Over, upon, along and across that portion of Elm street from Pierce street to MadisOn street; over Jeffer son street from Elm street to Cherry street; over Cherry street from Jeffer son st. to Madison street over Madison street from Cherry street to the north boundary line of the city; also across Elm street between Pierce street and the western corporate line; across Pierce street north of Elm street; across Taylor street north of Pine street; across Linden Street west of Polk street; across Washington street between Linden street and Ash street, and across Ash street between Wash ington street and Jefferson street, and to operate thereon a City and Inter urban system of railway, for the car rying of passengers, baggage, mail and express, but such operations shall not interfere with public travel on said streets. SECTION 2. —All rights, licenses and authority herein granted are subject to all general provisions of Law appli cable thereto, and to the following conditions subject to which this con sent and permit is granted and ac cepted: (a) The said railway shall be constructed in a good and substantial manner according to approved plans for road bed, and shall at all times conform to the established grade of the respective streets, and shall be so ar ranged and maintained that carriages and other vehicles can easily and free ly cross the track at any and all points without obstruction to travel on the streets. And said WISCONSIN AND ILLINOIS RAILROAD COM PANY its successors and assigns, shall keep the space between the rails and for a distance of two feet outside the line of said rails, in proper repair so as not to unnecessarily interfere with travel, and shall keep the same in as goed conditions as the adjoining street surface, so as to conform therewith; and wherever said streets, or any part ! thereof, are now, or whenever they may in the future be, macadamized or paved, said Company, its success ors and assigns, shall macadamize or pave said streets between and outside its rails to the total width of nine feet with the same kind of material used in the other portion or portions of said street; and at all crossings where the streets have not heretofore been ma cadamized shall at its own expense put in and maintain suitable ap proaches of macadam or such proper material as the city shall then use for like purposes, which shall have a driving width of at least Sixteen (16) Feet and extend back at least Ten (10) Feet from the rails on each side of its track. Said company, its successors and assigns, shall prompt ly repair all damages done to said streets or the macadamizing or pav ing thereon caused by the construc tion and operation or management of its said railway. (b) The said Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, shall also, at all times, keep and hold the said city of Lancaster harmless as against any and all damages, judgments, costs and expenses resulting in any man ner from the granting of this ordin ance. SECTION. 3.—The City of Lancas ter reserves the right to change the grade of any street or streets upon or across which said railroad track shall be laid and shall not be liable to said company therefor, and in case the com mon Council of said city shall at any I time change the grade of any streets upon which said railway track shall be laid, said company, its successors and assigns, shall within a reasonable time, re-lay the track of said railway so as to conform to such established grade at its own expense. SECTION 4.—This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, and from its acceptance by said Company, its successors and assigns provided written notice of its acceptance there of be filed with the clerk of the city within Thirty (30) days after its pas sage. Passed by the Common Council of the city of Lancaster at the regular meeting thereof for the month of June, 1916, held on the sixth day of June, 1916. Approved: W. J. BAILIE, Mayor. Attest: JOHN M. STONE, Clerk. County Court, Grant County, Wiscon sin—ln Probate. In the matter of the will of Bernard Gruttermann, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a special term of the county court to be held in and for said county at the court house in the city of Lancas ter in said county on the Ist Tuesday (being the 4th day) of July, A. D., 1916, at the opening of court on that day, the following matter will be heard and considered: The application of C. J. Ragatz, ex ecutor of the will of Bernard Grutter mann, deceased, late of the town of Harrison, in said county, for the ex amination and allowance of his final account, and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said deceased to such persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and adjudication of the inheritance tax, if any, payable in said estate. Dated June sth, A. D., 1916. By the Court: JAMES MeBRIEN, 15w3 Register in Probate. Brown, Brennan & Carthew, Attorneys for Executor. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. Grant county, Town of Jamestown, ss—ln Justice Court. To John Licht. You are hereby not ified that a warrant of attachment has been issued against you and j’our property attached to satisfy a demand of Frank H. Lenstra amounting to $50.00. Now, unless you shall appear before L. A. Schroeder, a justice of the peace in and for said county at his office in said town on the 22nd day of June, A. D., 1916 at 9 o’clock in the forenoon, judgment will be rendered against you and your property sold to pay the debt Dated this Ist day of June A. D., 1916. FRANK. H. LENSTRA, Plaintiff. Estate of Eliza L. Knoke, deceased. State of Wisconsin, County Court of Grant County—ln Probate. NOTICE is hereby given, that at the special term of the County Court, to be held in and for said County at the Court House in the City of Lancaster, in said County, on the 4th Tuesday of June, A. D., 1916, being the 27th day of June, 1916, at the hour of Iff o’clock in the forenoon, the following matter will be heard and considered: The application of Henry Knoke as administrator of the estate of Eliza L. Knoke, deceased, for the examination and allowance of his final account and for the order or judgment of said Court assigning the residue of said estate to such persons as are by law entitled to same and for his discharge. By order of the Court- E. B. GOODSELL, County Judge. Brown, Brennan & Carthew, Attorneys 14w3 Dated May 29th, 1916. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. State of Wisconsin, County Court, Grant County. Estate of John Marcue, deceased — In Probate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN:— That by virtue and in pursuance of an order of license made in said mat ter of said Court on the 23rd day of May, 1916, the undersigned, C. J. Rag atz, administrator of the estate of John Marcue, deceased, will on the 19th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 2 o’clock m the afternoon, at the front entrance of the Village Hall, in the Village of Potosi, in said Grant County, offer for sale and sell at Pub lic Auction the following described lands, situate in the County of Grant and State of Wisconsin, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of the South east quarter of Section thirty-two (32);and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section thirty three (33): — All in Township three (3) North, Range three (3) West of the Fourth Principal Meridian. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known at time and place of sale* Dated May 23rd, 1916. C. J. RAGATZ, Administrator of the Estate of John Marcue, deceased. Geo. B. Clementson, Attorney for Admr. * - Notice ors Administration and Notice To Creditors. State of Wisconsin, County Court, Grant County—ln Probate. In re estate of Katherine Kraemer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at the special term of said court to be held on the 4th Tuesday of June, A. D., 1916, at the Court House in the City of Lancaster, County of Grant and State of Wisconsin, there will be heard and considered, the application of Albert C. Kraemer, for the appoint ment of an administrator of the es tate of Katherine Kraemer, late of the city of Lancaster, in said county, de ceased * NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, That at the regular term of said court to be held at said Court House, on the Ist Tuesday of October, A. D.‘, 1916, there will be heard, con sidered and adjusted, all claims against said Katherine Kraemer, de ceased * and’ NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR THER GIVEN, That all such claims for examination and allowance must be presented to said county court at the Court House in the City of Lan caster, in said county and state, on or before the 23rd day of September, A. D., 1916, or be barred. Dated May 23rd, 1916. BY THE COURT: E. B. GOODSELL, Judge. Brown, Brennan & Carthew, Attorneys. 13we Classified Advertisements Advertisements under this head 5c per line each insertion. No Advertisement accepted less than 20c first insertion. MISCELLANEOUS. | FOR SALE —Refrigerator, used only one season, and good as new, but need larger one. Reasonable. Mrs. C. E. McMahon, Lancaster, Wiscon sin. 15tfc LANCASTER PEOPLE HELPED— Lancaster people have discovered that ONE SPOONFUL of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mized in Ad-ler-i-ka, relieves sour stomach, gas and constipation AT ONCE. This remedy is well known as the appendicitis preventative. J. T. Bennett, druggist. ESTRAYED—From the pasture on the Will Carmody farm, one sorrel geld ing with white face, 6 years old, weight about 1,000 lbs. Missing about two weeks. Please notify An drew Lewis, Lancaster, Wis. 14tfc FOR SALE—4 h. p. Gasoline engine, in good condition and ready to run. Fairbanks-Morse is the type. En gines have gone up, so get a good one cheap. Apply at Herald office. FOR SALE—Good second hand hay loader. Will do the work. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. C. H. Bennett, Lancaster, Wis., RFD. FOR SALE—Out door portable sleep ing house. Inquire of Mrs. Baum gartner, at Geo. Muesse’s. Btfc FOR SALE—Houses. FOR SALE—Or rent, nine-room house, located in Lancaster; almost an acre of ground; all kinds of fruit; barn; chicken house; city water and cister. Telephone or write to W. H. Shimmin, Lancaster, Wis., RFD 2, box 44. Farmers’ phone. lltfc FOR SALE —Five room house and iy 2 lots of ground. Some fruit; city water and good location. Will be sold very reasonable to quick buy er, as the undersigned wishes to settle up an estate. Call or write to Chas. Graney, Lancaster, R. F. D. Farmers’ Phone. FOR SALE—Six room house, includ ing two lots. Same is centrally lo cated in the city of Lancaster. En quire of W. R. Duncalf, Lancaster, Wis. FOR SALE—Good building lot; well located in first ward. See Lou Starr, Lancaster, Wis. lOwtfc. FOR SALE—7-room house and 1% lots of ground. Same is well located six blocks west of square. Quick buyer can have it very reasonable. Inquire of Mrs. Amine Showalter. 15tfc FOR SALE—Farms. FOR SALE —My farm, 154 acres 1% miles northeast of court house on Fennimore road. Will leave from 50 to 60 per cent on the place for 10 years at 5 per cent. The best buy in Grant county. W. A. John son. 52tfc POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. The following advertisements were furnished and authorized published by the respective candidates whose signa tures appear, for which they have paid, or will pay $6.00, each, to Grant County Herald. I hereby announce myself as a can didate at the September primaries for the Republican nomination for clerk of the Circuit Court. GEO. W, BAR ROWS, Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Clerk of the Circuit Court of Grant county, sub ject to the action of the September primaries. FRED C. BURR. Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomination for District Attorney of Grant county. FRANK C. MEYER. Lancaster, Wisconsin. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of Grant county, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the September primary. A. W. Hoos er, Platteville, Wis. I hereby announce myself on the Professional Diirectoiry Attorneys-at-Law, BROWnTbRENNAN & CARTHEW— Attorneys at Law. Office In Baxter block, Lancaster, Wisconsin. GEO. B. CLEMENTSON— Attorney at law. Office in Bennett block. Lan caster, Wisconsin. MEYER & BURGESS —Attorneys at law. Office in Weber building. Same location as that formerly occupied by the late E. M. Lowry. Both phones. Lancaster, Wis. Physicians and Dentists. FRANCIS J. BOCK, M. D. —Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of women and children. Office at her home south of the Catholic chui ch. Phone Bell 129-R. Lancaster, Wis. DR. A. B. COOK—Dentist. Office over Bennett’s drug store. Both phones: Bell, 45-J; Farmers’ 147. Lancaster, Wisconsin. DR. F. W. HALFERTY—Dentist. Of fice over Lancaster state Bank, Lan caster, Wis. LOST and FOUND LOST —Open face Hamilton watch with name “Roy Pendleton” in the back. Return to Roy Pendleton and Receive reward. 15tfc FOR SALE—Livestock. FOR SALE— Pure bred Percheron stallion 3 years old. He is a dark bay, of good bone and good action. Geo. W. Gilder, RFD No. 3, Lancas ter, Wisconsin. 13tfc FOR RENT. FOR RENT —Sixty acres of fine pas ture with running water. Near Lib erty station. Inquire of L. D. East man, Lancaster, Wis. 14tfc i : FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Mrs. Bellows. 14tfc FOR SALE—Livestock. FOR SALE —Four colts, 3 years old past; all broke. Also 20 h. p. gaso line engine, in good shape, nearly new. Inquire of John Flesch & Son, Lancaster, Wisconsin. Farmers’ phone. lltfc FOR SALE —J. D. Hatch has three young draft bred brood mares and four young Aberdeen Angus bulls for sale. 4tfc FOR SALE —Eggs for hatching. The world’s greatest strain Thompson & Ringlet barred Plymouth Rocks. The best market fowl. Price on 100 eggs only $4.00. Could give you a prompt shipment. Also a few more settings of Pekin Duck eggs at SI.OO per setting. LaVern Mcßeynolds, Lancaster, "Wis., RFD 5. 10c6 HELP WANTED. AGENTS WANTED —If you are mak ing less than $15.00 to $20.00 per week, we can interest you. Home territory, liberal commission, with part expense. Write for particulars. Blue Mound Nursery Co., West Allis, Wis. 15p2 MEN WANTED—At the O. P. David mine, near Montfort. $2.75 for nine hours. 14tfc PROFESSIONAL. DR. GAULT is again doing general • medicine and surgery; calls city and country promptly attended; special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. DR. MOORE is specializing in the treatment of pyorrhea and diseases of the teeth and gums. Special eme tine treatment expertly given. Cases from out of the city will receive prompt attention. Republican ticket as a candidate for sheriff of Grant county, subject to the action of the September primar ies. W. C. HYMER, Potosi, Wis. I HEREBY announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Grant County Treasurer, subject to the action of the September primaries. Respectfully, JOHN E. DIVALL, Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomina tion for Clerk of the Circuit Court of Grant County at the primaries held in September. CHARLES W. BURROWS, Lancaster, Wis. I hereby announce myself as a can didate at the September primaries for the Republican nomination for the of fice of District Attorney of Grant county. MANFRED S. BLOCK, Platteville, Wisconsin. I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of Grant county on the republican ticket, subject to the decision of the September primaries. Your support is respectfully solicited. BERT BAINBRIDGE, Postoffice, Sin- Sinawa. Jamestown, Wis. JAMES H. FOWLER, M. D.—Physi cian and Surgeon. Office over Hub clothing store. Hospital accommo dations for surgical cases. Lancas ter, Wisconsin. j.D. GODFREY— Physician and Sur geon. Office over First National Bank. Residence two blocks north west of Hotel Inda. Lancaster, Wis. J. A. GAULT, M. D. —Physician and * Surgeon. Calls city and country promptly attended. Special atten tion given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Office over Ivey & Webb’s store. Bell phone, 110-W Farmers’ phone 190-2. Lancaster, Wisconsin. DOOLITTLE BROS.’ HOSPITALr—S. W. Doolittle, M. D., physician and surgeon. Limited to general city practice; office and hospital cases. J. C. Doolittle, M. D.—Physician and surgeon. All calls promptly ans wered. Hospital over McDonald’s store. Lancaster, Wisconsin.