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Model 35 Buick Touring Car Any man or woman, boy or girl, living in Lancaster or Grant county, can enter. How the Votes Are Issued Votes can only be secured in two ways: By clipping the FREE VOTE COUPON which is printed in this paper each week, and by securing paid in advance subscriptions to the Herald, or by collecting subscriptions in arrears. Vote Schedule One Year $1.50 _2,000 votes Two Years $3.00 6,000 votes Three Years $4.50 12,000 votes Five Years $7.50 25,000 votes The Buick Touring Car will be awarded to the contestant having the highest number of votes and the four merchan dise orders to the four next highest on SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 28,1916. No subscriptions will be accepted for less than one year or longer than five years in advance. Cash must accompany all subscriptions. Contest Begins Today and Ends Saturday Night, October 28th, 1916 Contest Rules Any man or woman, boy or girl, of good character, resid ing in Grant county may become a candidate. It is not nec essary to be a subscriber to The Herald in order to enter. Just fill out the nomination blank on this page and mail or bring it to the Contest Manager. The voting will be by means of ballots clipped from this paper, and by special ballots, issued on all paid-in-advance subscriptions and arrearages. Votes once issued cannot be transferred. Votes cannot be bought. They must either be clipped from The Herald or secured by special ballots on subscrip tions. Candidates may secure votes anywhere in Grant or ad joining counties. Candidates may have any one work for them. In the event of a tie prizes of equal value will be given. The nomination blank counts 5,000 for the candidate so nominated, and only the first nomination blank received at the Herald office will be accepted for any one candidate. No employe of the Herald, or member of his or her family will be allowed to enter the contest. DO IT NOW. NOMINATE YOURSELF! The final count at the end of the contest w T ill be made by a committee of well known business men selected from, the city of Lancaster. Send in your Nomination Today! Write, cal! or phone and ask for information about the contest GRANT COUNTY HERALD = J. S. LACKEY, Contest Manager Grant County Herald Will Give Away 10 per cent cash commission paid to all who work and do not win a prize GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 13, 1916. ft M and S2OO in Merchandise Orders in Six Weeks’ Circu lation Campaign. This Model 35 Buick Touring Car completely equipped, will be awarded absolutely free of all cost to the person who secures the largest number of votes in the Herald’s Big Auto Contest. You do not have to secure any certain number of votes. The car will be yours if you secure the LARGEST number of votes by Saturday night, Oct. 28th. Bought from, and on display at garage of C. H. Vesperman Lancaster, Wis. $200.00 in Merchandise Orders * SIOO merchandise order, second prize $50,00 merchandise order, third prize $25,00 merchandise order, fourth prize $25,00 merchandise order, fifth prize These four merchandise orders are good for their face value for any kind of merchandise de sired at any store in Grant county. The selection of store and articles is left entirely to the winners of the orders. It does not cost one penny to enter and win one of the prizes. A Tip on How to Win a Prize First, you enter the competition by sending in a nomi nation blank properly filled out. The nomination blank is good for 5,000 votes and only one nomination coupon will be accepted from any one candidate. Then enlist the aid of your friends and neighbors. Use your telephone. Let everyone know you are a candidate before they promise to help a more enterprising candidate. Be ambitious and determined to win from the start. If you have friends you cannot see at once, write to them. Votes will be given on new subscriptions and renewals of old subscriptions that are paid in advance, also on pay ment of arrearages. Call or send to the Herald office for a receipt book. The contest manager will be glad to have you call, so he can explain anything you do not understand. Telephone or write him if you cannot call, and a representative of the contest will call and give full details. Secure every vote coupon possible, but work for the special ballots. THEY COUNT THE MOST. 50 VOTES 50 In The HERALD’S Auto Contest For M Address Votes must be neatly trimmed and pinned together in order to be counted. Not good alter Wednesday, September 27, 191(>. Nomination Coupon sooo 1 von* I Nominate M Address My. Name Is as a candidate in the Herald’s Automobile Contest. Mail or bring this coupon to the Herald office at once. Name of person making nomination will not be divulged. This nomination blank entitles the person nominated to 5,009 votes if properly filled out and brought or sent to the Herald office. Only one nomination blank will be accepted from each contestant. Early work is easy and effective. Buiek Touring « Pop FIB PRIZE Z