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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
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The Entire Shoe Stock of WEBER’S Now Placed On Sale! “MOVE OUT THE GOODS” The order has been issued and the order is being carried out. Goods are piled high on every side. Prices have been battered, banged, cut and slashed. Everything has been done to make this Mighty Stock Reducing Sale unusually attractive from every point of view. And judging from the way this store was packed and crowded every day, we certainly suc ceeded in making it interesting for all. The country is fairly ringing with the praise the people are giving this wonderful money saving sale. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY! Men’s Work Shoes, good val ues, for $1.98 READ EVERY ITEM! EXTRA SPECIAL! House slippers, $1.50 and $2 values, at 98c EXTRA SPECIAL! One lot of Ladies’ Shoes, at $1.98 MEN’S WALK-OVER OX FORDS—A good big line to se lect from. SPECIAL, at $4.48 Ladies’ White Canvass Pumps at ' $1.85 MEN’S VICI KID SHOES in black. A shoe worth SB.OO. For this sale $4.45 WEBER SAYS, “BUY LIKE FIRE, SHOES WILL BE MUCH HIGHER!” MEN’S OXFORDS. This lot consists of the best makes, some rubber soled. SPE CIAL at $3.15 MEN’S DRESS SHOES. $2.98 LOW PRICES TALK—OURS ARE FAIRLY SHOUTING! Wflfl A fl fl BJa 11 II llfcl <)>OOWB < V fflfl fIW Jk Eh nk > Awftk y?**. s. i■ 1 AaHfw ‘ k “A® lj>, ILV ■ 'Wk I Im z •- £■ >AB * WpX flHHflfl« 7 jjfwJT ww * x < vHi.Ai b, v z -</feWatEl' / v Aww V?Ht. > i- w - 4 e .. gBMRSU < exwm y%g^x z * . -s?/ J l \ GRANT COUNTY HERALD. LANCASTER, WISCONSIN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1917 F« • s», •'■ i i ’ ]R. aSaHeHMI )& ; \-- HMEfIRMWMjSteft .1 z-. ' j/- ' 't iflfli n* ; Jg\Xky _ • '* WwWFt < nr- * » t . A ,•* \ g& ' ' ' I ■&, i Wr> C “ K.Se& JI nL * * JjAW fl fl fl lEKfifl fIF/ j | Late summer shoes in the country’s best makes. These shoes retail regularly for SIO.OO and $12.00 SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE $7.95 PRICES SMASHED to ATOMS! SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY! Men’s White Canvass Oxfords $1.95 Shoes have advanced 50 per cent to 75 per cent over last year’s prices, and they’re going higher. BE PREPARED! L. WEBER Store Open Evenings Lancaster, : Wisconsin iortW «- * gmSti&T ■' JB £■'’* ' flli flffiw WjTOCTW^ v> '' r x. ■ • . 4,1 •'W:£< 4 F** * Bterr .••' , z .» ~ < GOOD COMMON SENSEI The people who appreciate qual ity highness and price lowness,, are stocking up for a year and at cut rate prices! So hurry—fol low the lead of the “wise ones.” Attend this sale of unquestion able bargains. One big lot of Bovs’ Shoes, valued at $3.00, SPECIAL $1.48 One lot of Ladies’ Pumps and Slippers. Exceptional values at $2.85 LADIES’ QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. These shoes are the early fall styles in the English walking and Military heel. SPECIAL at $5.15 EVERY PAIR OF SHOES RE DUCED! CHILDREN’S SUPPERS. Patent and Gun Metal. SPE- CIAL at 89c One lot of Men’s Shoes in Pat ent and Gun Metal. SPECIAL $3.45 WOMEN’S TREAD-EASY SHOES. A real comfortable and good wearing shoe, valued at $5.50. $3.45 EVERYBODY BENEFITS! BOYS’ DRESS SHOES at $1.85 DR. REED’S CUSHION SOLE SHOE. Sale price $4.19 This is the shoe they are talk ing about! Now is the time to buy Work Shoes* Weinbrenner’s famous manure proof stock shoes, SPE CIAL at $3.15 PRACTICE ECONOMY WHILE YOU PREACH IT! CHILDREN’S SANDALS. SPECIAL at $1.45 SPECIAL! Men’s Beacon Shoe, black and tan, at $3.89 FRIDAY WILL BE ROOSTER DAY WEBER’S WINDOW TELLS ALL ABOUT IT! EXTRA SPECIAL! One lot of Ladies’ Shoes at $2.25