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LOCAL AND PERSONAL Kenneth Royal left here Friday for a short visit at Delavan. Irl Smith of Fennimore was in the city on business Thursday. Matt Edwards of Mineral Point was a Lancaster visitor with relatives last week. Miss Ruth M. Turk of Madison vis ited with relatives in Lancaster last week. Miss Ethel Carter of Madison visit ed last week with Miss Clara Millard of this city. Mrs. F. Peters of Milwaukee visited last week at the William Brandemuhl home in this city. Mrs. Fred Cox and daughter Elvira went to Fennimore Thursday for a visit at the Ed Wheeler home. Miss Natalie McKenzie of Kenosha returned to her home Thursday after a short visit with relatives here. Mrs. John Maughn of Dodgeville visited a few days last week with Mrs. Bishell of this city. Mrs. Hughbanks of Boscobel and Mrs. William Marks of Janesville, N. D., visited with relatives here last week. Mrs. F. C. Muender of Lancaster went to Montfort Wednesday after non for a visit at the Frank "Wash burn. home. Misses Clarissa Shepherd and Olive Green went to Madison Wednesday for a week’s visit at the L. Shepard and O. M. Davis homes. Mrs. D. M. Cook and daughter Thel ma of Julesburg, Colo., returned to their home Friday after an extended visit with relatives in this city. Farmers and Citizens State Bank =— CAPITAL $25,000 LANCASTER, WIS. 4 per cent interest on 12 months deposits. 3 per cent interest on 6 months deposits. Ask for one of our home savings banks. You can begin TODAY with only one dollar. We issue certificates of deposit, drafts and travelers checks. Bring us your accounts. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: GEO. A. MOORE, Pres. J. H. WAGNER, V. Pres. P. R. STOFFEL EMMANUEL CRAPP LEWIS KRAUT (. PREPAREDNESS LECTURE ) —/GENTLEMEN, THIS ISA (OF THE GOOD JUDGE, WHO WAS THE/ * | FIRST MAN TO FIND THERE WASf (MORE SATISFACTION IN' A LITTLE CHEW OF RICH -rtACXa Ir TOBACCO THAN IN A BIG if V ICHEW OF ORDINARY plug] ’ ■T THIS war is awakening men to the truth about a lot of .things besides Preparedness—and chewing to bacco is one of them. Soldiers are strong for W-B Cut and the facts are right before you. These shreds are all tobacco, no gummy sweetening.— rich tobacco—more sap in the leaf than in ordinary tobacco by a long shot. That’s why it’s so satisfying and so economical—a little bit goes a long way. Made by WEYMAN - BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 Broadway, New York City Butter Still High We will pay 45c for all butter fat in cream deliv ered this week. IVe appreciate the farmers patronage and will pay you next Thursday for all the cream delivered up to Saturday af ternoon. Baxter & Draper Creamery Dr. J. H. Fowler drove to Potosi Friday afternoon, where he met his nephew, Lieut. George Royal, who will make a short visit here. Mrs. E. L. Klingensmith and son Earl of Pipestone, Minn., returned to their home Thursday after spending six weeks at the William Miller home. Misses Bernice and Bertha Walter of Preston returned to their home on Thursday after a short visit at the i John Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Reste of Fenni more were in Lancaster Wednesday. Miss Marie Strandness of Lamoe, S. D., who is visiting them, was also m Lancaster. Miss Genevieve Moran returned on Thursday from Galena, where she vis ited the last week with friends. Miss Nellie Altonna of Galena, accompa nied her home for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Abram and children ; of Rockford, 111., spent last week with Mrs. Abram’s parents, F. M. Yager and wife. They returned to their home Friday morning. Miss Laura Angus of Oconto Falls returned to her home Wednesday af ter spending two months here at the home of her uncle, George P. Angus. Misses Bernice Angus, Norma Lath rop and Genevieve Angus accompa nied her as far as Stitzer. Mrs. Jennie Meade returned to her home in Chicago Thursday after a i short visit here with her brother, Wil ! liam Kee, of Joplin, Mo. This is the first time Mr. Kee has been in Lan caster in twenty-seven years. Mr. Kee is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Hinson, and his daughter, Mrs. Ed Frawley. GRANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER, WISCONSIN, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 29, 1917. Miss Myrtle Tremelling visited with friends in Lancaster between trains Sunday. I Miss Florence Fischer of Livingston j visited last week with her sister, Mrs. | Carl Alt. Miss Ruth Wright has as her guests this week Misses Grace and Ada Camp bell of Dubuque. Misses Wilma Rosenau of Highland spent the week-end with friends in Lancaster. Miss Flavia Curtis of Fennimore was a week-end visitor with Miss Nel lie Moran. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heil of Boscobel visited with their daughter, Mrs. Lee Wright, Sunday. Miss Eunice Brackett went to Stit |zer Saturday for a few days’ visit at theJ. Stippick home. A. M. Appleby of Minneapolis visited with relatives and friends in Lancas ter last week. Miss Shayne of Oconomowoc, a teacher here several years ago, visited I with friends in Lancaster last week. ! Miss Kate Higginbotham returned to Lancaster last week to help open the Roesch-Higginbotham millinery store. Mrs. Fred Yarwood of Dubuque vis ited last week at the William Barrows home in this city. Ralph King and family motored to Platteville Thursday and spent the I day with friends. Mrs. A. C. Long and Miss Bertha Long went to Dubuque Friday for a visit at the F. E. Long home. Ora Long returned to his home in Milwaukee Monday after visiting rel atives in this city. Miss Ruth Standish of Muscoda and Miss Alma Rhwel of Platteville visited last week at the Frank McClain home. Mr. and Mrs. William Lorenz and ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huppenbecker went to McCartney Sunday for a week’s outing. Mrs. Frank Steinhoff of Platteville returned to her home Monday after spending a few days at the T ewis Schneider home. James Mcßrien, Jr., wife and son iJack of Minneapolis were visitors in! Lancaster with the James Mcßrien,' ! Sr., family. i Miss Clara Meuller of Milwaukee re- j ; turned to her home after spending a’ couple of weeks with her friend, Miss Margaret Schreiner. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dixon and sons Lloyd and Stanley went to Mount Hope Sunday for a week’s visit at the Den Cain home. H. J. Stelpfiug and wife passed i through Lancaster Monday on their wav to their home at Milwaukee. They have been visiting relatives at Potosi. Mrs. John Treloar and granddaugh ter. Cornelia. Damm, left for Nora Springs. la., via Boscobel, after a ' week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Elfie • Duncan. Misses Lena and Faye Judd left on j Monday for a visit at the Henry Hun ferth home in Fond du Lac and the Fred Bernan home in Milwaukee. They will be gone two weeks. e Lieut. Charles N. Webb arrived here last Wednesday for a brief visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Webb. Lieut. Webb leaves today for . Camp Dodge, located at Des Moines, 1 la., where the Minnesota and lowa contingents of the national army will jtrain. Frank Lisherness left yesterday for his home at Baldwin. Kan., after spending the summer in Lancaster em ployed at the Hoffman restaurant. Frank will resume his work at Baker university, located at Baldwin, taking up his second year in the college of liberal arts. Frank Burris of Mason City, la., was in the city Thursday to be ex amined by the military physicians. He is a son of Mrs. John Burris of Bos- I cobel. He was accompanied here by Mrs. S. E. Reid and daughter Velma ! and Miss Irene Frank of Homer. The j latter was a guest at the C. W. Bur ; rows home while here. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BROWN, BRENNAN & CARTHEW— Attorneys at Law. Office in Baxter block, Lancaster, Wis. GEO. B. CLEMENTSON—Attorney at ! Law. Office over Peoples State bank, Lancaster, Wisconsin. FRANK C. MEYER—Lawyer. Web- er building, Lancaster, Wisconsin. Physicians and Dentists. DR. A. B. COOK —Dentist. Office over Bennett’s drug store. Both phones: Bell 45-J, Farmers 147. Lancaster, Wisconsin. JAMES H. FOW T LER, M. D.—Physi- ’ cian and surgeon. Office over Haley & Edwards clothing store. Hospital accommodations for surgical cases. | Lancaster, Wisconsin. J. D. GODFREY —Physician and sur geon. Office over Lancaster State bank. Residence two blocks north west of Hotel Inda. Lancaster, Wis consin. J. A. GAULT, M. D.—Physician and surgeon. Calls city and country promptly attended. Special atten tion given to eye, ear, nose and throat work. Glasses fitted and guf’.anteed. Office over Ivey & Webb’s store. Bell phone 110-W, Farmers phone 190-2. Lancaster, Wisconsin. ■ ■ II II S. W. DOOLITTLE, M. D., J. C. DOO LITTLE, M. D.—Doolittle Bros.’ hospital. Lancaster, Wisconsin. I I Arch Hirst of Potosi and daughter. •Miss Helen, were here last Thursday. i The latter called on a dentist. * Mrs. C. F. Budworth went to Mad ison Saturday to spend the week-end with her husband. Miss Lucia Wiedenbeck returned on Saturday after spending a week vis iting with relatives in Madison. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gulick of 1 (Bagley were in Lancaster Thursday |on road business. t Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Adams and lit- I tie daughter returned last Tuesday from Barron, where they visited Mr. Adams’s mother and brother for sev eral weeks. ; John Young of Lone Rock, an old j North Western brakeman, was here I last week visiting F. C. Burr and oth-1 jer old-time cronies. Mr. Young had a high reputation as a trainman with ! ,the Milwaukee road. He retired on a pension recently following years of' service. THE WATCHED POT There is an old saying that “a watched pot never boils.’ This is one reason that so many people keep their money in the bank, where it can work for them. It is human nature to want to spend money if you have it in your pocketbook. It is where you can handle it and count it. It is like the watched pot; it never in creases if used this way. The sensible thing to do is to put it in a good bank where it is safe, is growing daily and where the temptation to spend is removed. This bank invites you to open an account, and will pay you 4 per cent on your money. LANCASTER STATE BANK L- ?* §™VENS, President. Capital $50,000 F. J. GLANVILLE Cashier. G. A. STEVENS Vice. Pres L. 0. PENNOCK, A. Cash’r Chesterfield garette s domestic tobaccos—Blended /<; WkXk I raw few f I |j 1 wKlMBHrjn gWMF K '■ i&w WK . W MMBHT, ■■l— hi 1-- -.. : ---xcx >-7 h x\. “Satisfy? 33 Yes! Yet, they 9 re Mild! Sure as you’re a foot high. Sounds strange, because you never before smoked a mild cigarette that did that Yes, Chesterfields “reach home,” they let you know you are smoking—they “Satisfy”! Still, they’re Mild! Anew blend of pure, natu ral Imported and Domestic tobaccos —that’s the answer. And the blend can’t be copied. Make Chesterfields your next buy. L == u —__ Miss Jessie Ziegler is spending the week in Cassville with her aunt, Mrs. Glen Smith, and family. Ben Hargrafen of Sinsinawa was in the city last Thursday, coming up with some boys who were examined. Ben says that crops of every kind are good in his locality and that rain will mean 100 per cent corn. Judge George Clementson went to Mineral Point recently to hear the evidence in the case of the citizens of Mineral Point vs. the Mineral Point Zinc company. It was alleged that fumes from the smelting plant had done great damage to soil and crops on about twenty acres of land affect ing various citizens and their pros pects of “eats” during the long and lugubrious months of next winter. The New Jersey Zinc company settled the matter in a very quick and easy way—they bought all the property. As a result the case did not come up for trial. R. W. Morse and family of Stevens Point motored here last Thursday and i visited with the Al and E. J. Morse I families. Max Blackbourn has leased the rear ! building from the Union State bank 'and extensive alterations are in prog ress to convert the room into an up to-date barber shop. Mr. Blackbourn, will take possession as soon as the building is ready for occupancy. Otto Fuerstenberg arrived in Lan caster last week from Neillsville, ar. which place he has been employed as mason for the summer. He drove down from Neillsville, a distance of 150 miles. Crops are not as good ia that section in general as in Grant county. Ambition is the thing that boosts & man up the lader. The man who marries a garrulous woman for her money soon realizes that money talks. 1 IMSKk; > v & ■ '4‘; 1 1 HSE®® i i • I Wrapped in glassine paper —keeps them fresh. =■ t/bcy'as Jrtac(f