Newspaper Page Text
the pilot. Agcnio for Pilot. —Roods & Lakcoos, .55, Randolph Street, Cuic;.fp, are au.hoiized Agents for the Pilot. JC-fT" Advertisers trill please fear <n mind luit the Pilot las now tie largest circuit •ion of any Enylish payer printed in thin •aunty, and th and it is for their interest to use its columns. Adrertise in it, and there *fu increase your business. TOWN AND COUNT LY. Coi. vision >. —V e learn tl at iheschoon. ors Tames Jlsrhridye , of Chicago, bound for that port, and P ile, bound from Chica go to Manitowoc, cold led during the fug on Friday night last, about six miles south of Sheboygan. d;c II xbri lye was darn el baliv. Her bowsprit and jib boom were carried away ; the Fading and staunch *ons on one si ie were torn off her whole length ; an i she is otherwise injured. She however, kept o.i her course as far as Mil waukee. The forward rigging of the Belle •was carried away, and she was slightly damag'd otherwise. Two men, belonging to the Herlridge , were thrown oveiboaid by the shock ; one of whom was rescued, but the other was lost. We have not been able to learn the name of the unfor tunate man. From the Sentinel we learn that the schooner Juniata Patton, loaded with lum ber from Oconto for that port, came into collision with the brig Sebastopol some where between Sheboygan and Milwaukee, the same night. Tho Patton lost hf-r star board bulwarks, and had her hull badly stove in. The Sebastopol was more fortu nate, escaping with a little disfigurement about her stem. The Patton blames the other vessel for the accident. Capt. Edw \rds, of the Hi lie, informs us that still another collision occurred the same night, the particulars of which he could not learn. The fog is said to have been very dense. Concert. —The Concert given by the Fetter Sanyerljand —a company composed of some of our leading German citizens— at Klingholz llali, on Saturday evening was fairly attended, and heartily enj yed bv those who were present. The singing, under the directorship of Mr. Schindler, was excellent, and we have no hesitation in saying that the musical ta'cnt of Mani towoc will compare favorably with any town or city in the V\ ext. The concert was ■ led by a pleas ant dance which passed off to the satisfac tion of all who parti-.-ipined. The whole affair was well carried out. Strengths is lows. —The session of the Circuit Court has drawn a large num ber of | eople into town. The country portion of tie countv is pretty well repre sented bv jurvmsn, witnesses, and others. Among the gentlemen from abroad, in stttendance at Court, we notice ex Judge Gorsi.ixe, Bille Williams, E<q., May or of Sheboygan, and J. A. Gently, the pres cut Attorney of that city. The lafer gen tleman lectured bef-ie a large audience at Pice's Hull, on Friday last. Asa literary production, the lec'.u.e was highly .-pokeu of. Improvements,— Sheriff K mc:;r., for the Inst, two or lure** weeks, Las been im proving the grounds around the Court House, ami adding greatly to the value of the proj erty rf the County. Fine varie ties of shade trees, shrubbery, &c , have been transplanted, which, in a few years will boa source of great pleasure to the lover# of the beautiful. Sheriff Kkmpir’s good taste entitles him to all our thanks. £-ir The “oldest inhabitant” does not remember to have witnessed such excel lent weather at (his season of the year, as we have lately been Llesrcd with. A line rain last week has done great good to spring crops, and if the cool nights do no damage, we may hope for an abundant harvest. - - mt ♦• mm—— - - Important to Farmers. — The advertise ment of William Raiir in to -day’a Pilot is an important one to our farmers, as it offers good imlu ements for the raising of Rope Seed. Mr. Raiik has seed for sale, and will purchase the produce l>v paying rash. i Editor Ahoi m>. — The pleasant and good nat ared countenance of Jon.v I*. II i me, editor of the Chilton T-mn, enter ed our office on Tuesday, anti cf coure put us in a rein of good fowling. John not otily edit* a smart ru ! good looking paper in Chil'on, but is also Clerk of the Court of that County, and runs that “institution.” The Hanner Cocntt.—The Madison Aryva and Democrat, says that the vote of our county on Judge, “is a touch above Washington. The two counties will have n grand brush for the banner in Novem ber.’' We will etand bv Manitowoc, and agree to feifeil all claim to prophecy if we do uol come out ahead. Circuit C tar. — The Apiil term* f the Circuit C’ourt fur this county commenced on Monday last. Judge Tar lor charged the Gran 1 Jury in a few sensible, and well timed remarks, i here is a large number • o , o! rus. on the d<>cp ■(. Mai ink Items. — The following steam and -all vessels have clcaieJ from this pull since 1 hursda? hist; Sr. City of Cleveland, Capt. Cross, bound fioru Milwaukee to Buffalo. Sir. Comet, Capt. Morgan, from De troit to Chicago. Prop. Ontonagon , Capt. Wilkins, from Chicago to Lake Superior. Prop. Ojoutz , Capt. Dolgal, from Green Bay to Chicago. Prop, Galena, Capt. Sr. -.elk, from Clevc land to Chicago. Pi ci. Fceryern City, Capt. Richardson, Chicago to Col ling wood. Schr. Charlotte, Capt. Fulton*, Chicago, wood for B.enscii S:hr. To.'} Charlies, Capt. Beil, Chica go, shingles for Collins A; Cos. Schr. Belle, Capt. Edwards, Chicago, lumber for Emerson. Liability ov Vessel Owners. — Ihe Detroit Tribune states that through the instrumentality of Sena’or Chandler a bill has passed the United States Senate extending to the Lakes the maritime law which makes a vessel at fault in a collision liable only to the full amount of her value. Bv the law, as it now s ands, a small ves sel owner may at one fell swoop he mulcted in an amount exceeding, by ten fold or even twenty-fold his ability to pay. i t TT Our readers wi.l find in to-day’s Pilot the card of Mr. B. U. Anderson, an Attorney who has recently located in Manitowoc, and whoe ability is highly spoken of by the p ipers in Calumet county Manitowoc Flock, —The Kewaunee Enterprise copies our item of the excellence of the flour manufactured at Dwyer’s Mills in this village, and makes the follow ing comments ; “The proof of the pudding is in the eating;” and while Kewaunee purchases large quantities of flour from the South, we think the Clipper Mills would do well to send up some samples of what they can do to this place, and thus open the wav to obtain many of the orders that now go to Milwaukee and Chicago. We commend the remarks of the Enter prise to the attention of our millers. igcons are tl\ ing in large numbers every morning, and our Nimrods are hav ing rare sport. Badger No. I.—Members will remem ber that the regular monthly meeting of this company will bo held on Thursday evening next, and that they are required , to appear in uniform. Amendment to the School Law—A bill passed tho late of the Legisla i hire, giving the districts at (heir annual meetings, the power to authorize the Dis triot Boards, to admit to the school, schol at3 residing out of tho district, on pay ment of a tuition foe; also giving district hoards authority to make rules and regu lations for the government of the schools, and to suspend and expel pupils for non compliance with such rules. 'The tax collected for township libraries, will remain in the State Treasury this vear unexpended, the Legislature having failed to perfect any system for its expenditure Letter from Two Rivera. It i- veiy unnecessary to pubii.-h the fol lowing letter, but in justice to Mr, Mages > feelings we comply. It is needless for u a!>o to substantiate Mr. M’s denial; but it may not he out of place to state that Mr. Magee (and not Mr. Hamilton) was the regularly nominated Democratic candidate for Chairman of Two Rivers, but was <healed o it of by the tricks of the clique. This unfairness had a great deal to do with the defeat of Mr. Hamilton ; To the Editor oj the Pilot: Sir — An article appeared in the col umns of last week’s Pilot , signed ‘‘Old Settler," stating the cause of Mr. llenkv C. Hamilton’s defeat at the late election !in Two Rivers. Some influential gentle men accuse me as the framer tbeicof, and I therefore take this opportunity, through the medium of your columns, to disavow any participation in the same, under the following heads: hirst, lam only a resi dent in this town four years, w hich renders me incapable of tracing Mr. Hamilton’* political course to so early a date. And secondly, no article ever did, or ever will emanate from my pen without my real signature. It is true, sir, I was justly of fended at t’.o caucus preceding the late ele t on, by Mr Hamilton and bis clique, for which reason I proved on election dav that I had more friends than all my oj.po #er, nr. 1 then concluded the insult was fully avenged. Dear sir, yours JOHN MAGEE. Two Rive-s, April 23, ISCO. Railroad Accident. —The weeklv J>f fertonian says la-t Saturday af ernoon, wiiiic the Chicago pii ! Northwestern Rail react cars were on their wav fouth, in the vicinity of the fatal catastrophe w hich hap j • ';c*! ,a-t fall, an ox was again found on t.o Lack, and 1 ef■ ■re the locomotive could be stopped, t came in contact with the a ! ; k ng it, aid snia-hing in the o” n * ct'd ' f'-no of the pasenger cars.— This was the extent of the damages and f rtunV.e'y ro one was ir ur*d. XlT Tilt Kew Vork JSexcs says that •scarlet fever is prevailing to an alarming extent in that city and vicinity. It re maik that it is a disease of the skin and mucous membrane, and that when it lo cates or concentiates upon the mucous membranes of the throat or lungs, putres cent ulceration soon succeeds, which is generally fatal. To prevent this concen tration or location is the object of the treat ment. £5T>. A. Wood, Esq., Las been ap pointed bv Judge I ay. ott to the office of District Attorney for this county, vice Geo. L Like, resigned.' la Illinois. Sr. Louis, April 20. A tornado passed over Carlinville, 111., on Monday evening, unrooting and b'ow inor down houses, trees and fences. The roof of the Lutheran Church was blow n some distance. The walls were also much injured. The roof of a dwelling was car ried nearly a mile and a half through the air. Children were picked up by the wind and carried considerable distances. A man named Love was killed by lightning. The destruction of property is very great A similar storm visited Louisiana on the same evening, doing much damage to property and injuring several people. A Card to Hie Stiff, ring. The Rev. William Cosgrove, while laboring as a missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump tion, when ali other means had failed, by a re cipe obtained from a learned physician residing in ihe great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cu red great numbers who weie suffering fiom Con sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this rec’pwhich I have brought hems me, to till w!d need it, fiee ol charge. Address R-v. WJI. COt-GRCA E, 23u Baltic Street, Brooklyn, X. Y. Wild cherry Kalsfim. t*r the following is worthy the attention of a!l who are interested for themse’ves or friends; Jjhn I). Park. — D'.ar S'r: In off-ring my testimony in favor of your WISTAR’S BALAAM OF WILD CHERRY, I speak from my own ex pel Lncc, havii g received s : g ial benefit from the u e of one or tw o bottles which were urged upon me by my apothec iry, who backed up his ree ommendatioo by giving some extraordinary re sults, from its use, ns having come within hi- Knowledge. I lad taken a violent cold, followed by a deep seated cough, which frequently pro- Jac-’d vomiting, with pain in the side. I breathed with and fficulty, had night sweats, lost my appetite ; in short, I was completely prostra ted. My physician prescribed for me, but I found no relief. I commenced taking the Ral sam in small doses at first, and almost immedi ately began to improve. My cough abated, my strength and appetite returned, and in a few weeks 1 was able to attend to niv business as usual. I feel indebted t> Wdstrrs Balsam for my recovery, a id cheerfully give you leave to make whatever use you please ot th>s Staten cut Veiy respectfully, uvin, Boston, Mass. * ROYAL SMYTH. JOTIX D. PARK, Proprietor, IJI Like Street, Chicago. Rf'ld bp all Druggists Manitowoc Market. OFFICE OF THE PILOT, ) M anitowoc, April 27. j WHEAT, White Winter, $1 00(31 10 do Red. do 95@1 00 do Spring, 90@ 1 00 CORN’, 70(375 OATS. 2 5(828 POTATOES, SO® lu BEAN'S, a-i per quality, 1 oo@i 50 barley, ' 4% so HAY, ter ton, 00 FLOUR, W!.i e Winter, ¥OOO < 0 and i Red, uj ss(3') 50 do SpiL p extra, 5(<l0 5u do Superfine, 8 50@t i () CORN' 51 EAT,, 1 GO PORK, Mesa i er Lbl. 17@I8 SALT. L 63 BUTTER, 12(311 EGGS. G.3 7 >UGAR, Brown, B@D do Crushed nd tefiaed, 12J COFFEE, Hio, ]3@lG Java, 18(320 LUMBER, Common, £5 do 2nd quality, sl2 00 do Ist do f 16 00 SHINGLES, common, $1 00@1 25 do Warranted, 1 r>o@l 75 do Sawed, 1 50(3175 LATH, $2 00 WHITE FISH, 7 00@9p( bbl TROUT, s4@s 00 B. a. i\i:kso\, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office in Berner’s building, south side of th •; river, sluhitowocJ 42 ly Farmers Take Notice! THE UNDERSIGNED intends to erect this season a tirst-cias- OIL in Muu in>oc. He therefore wou.d ask the Farmers to sow SIMMER RAPE SEED, in order to earn the r own Burning Oil. The mill being cympKted, I stall buy any quantity o> Ripe Seed FOR CASH, and manufacture only Pmified 01. Fanners may rest satisfied that I ba 1 endeavor to s ive them in this line of baai i.t.s to their satisfaction, X.W L° ; ; ‘ 8 Hqe Seed for side, and will far cia.i it to f.irn.e sat cheap r,te, as an induce ment lor Hum to tu tiva'e it. WILLIAM RAITR. Manitowoc, April 27, 1860. 42 tf In J usticc's C ourt. Manitowoc Count , Town of Mishicolt, s >. JOfEPU RANKIN.—Y*.u ur-’ her* by no* -i- that a Warrant o: At-aclmi nt ha-s tieen ie-utd ugain.“t you, ami your prop ity at a hed *o sali-fy the demand of Alfskh Smith, amounting to sixteen dollars end ninety-eight cents. Now, unless you shall appear b'fue Wh. S. Wjlcox, a Ju-tice of th; Peace in and for said county, at his t £fi ;e in said town on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1860, at one o’clock in ' he a’teruoon.J ..iginent w: >, be rendered against you, and your ) r •perty sold t > pav lb? and br, ALFRED SMlTH,' Plaintiff. Dated this 24th day of April, A D. 186 CL 11E KSCI 1E U SCI IEX DT. DEALERS in Candies, Fruit arid Tovs of the very choice-t selection. No. 131, corner East Water and Huron streets, MILWAUKEE - - - - TU/S. They also make to order, and keep on hand every vanety of takes and Pas ry. Ice Cream Syrup*, 4 0 . Wholesale and Retail at tae lowest prices. CW All order* from CVai *ry dealers TI h< jromptly a*t-.n ‘ei A<*. ALTEK’S SALOON I Corner of Eighth and Commercial streets. j I HAVE opened to-diy my Saloon, at tbestaud j formeilv occupied by me, where i will be , found always on hind, Tire best Wine*, Liquors, and Beer, will be constantly on hand, and the best alien- | tion will be paid to those wao layor me with their patronage. rtjy ~ Free Lunch •'▼err morning. EUGENE VOX ALTER. Manitowoc, April 15, 13C0 41 TO CONSUMPTIVES AND NERVOUS SUFFERERS. THE Sub.-crib* r, for several y.ars a resident of A'ia, discovered while there, a simple vegetable r* m>‘dy—a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cou hs, Colds, and Nervous Drbi icy. For the benefit of Consumptives and Nervous SufFeier?, he Li willing to mike the same public To those who deira it. he will send the Pre serption, with fnll directions ('rce of charge); also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature’s simple herbs. Those desiring ti e Remedy can obtain it by return mail, br ud Iressing J. E. CUTIIBERT, Botanic Physician, No. 429 Broadway N. Y. WM. M. NICHOLS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office on York Street, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Wis. Collections promptly attended to. nl-tf X. WOLLMCR, ATTORNEY Jc COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Next Door to the Post Office, Manitowoc, [1 1J Wisconsin. A. K. BRUSH, ATTORNEY cO COUNSELLOR AT LAW. I OSHKOSH, 4-ly WISCONSIN. HEC TOR McLEAX, I JS'otaiy Public and General Land Agent, fcTOCKBRIDGK, C ALL'MET CO., AVIS. Will attend to the payment of taxes, the collec tion of debts, the ex tui a'ion of titles, &c. MIAS. A. REUTER. 1 ‘. r u fAtiV RCI'IIC Agent lor the M Uaukce Mu tum Insurance vlonipniiand County Treas urtr. Will attend to ihe payment of Taxes : ! &c ~ Office on Ninth Street. ul-tf, UHAS. DUELLER, 51. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 9th street, Manitowoc. Office opposite the Ger man Methodist Church. 11-Iy Gi:o. L. LEE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law , practice in Manitowoc and adjoining coun ties, and in the Supreme and U. S. District Courts, for the State of Wisconsin. Office corner of Yoik and Eighth streets, Manitowoc, Wis. i.l if. S. A. WOOD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law , And General Land Agent. Also Agent for the iEtna Insurance Company, of Hartford. Conn. Capital, ?1,0u0,000. Corner of 9th and Frank lin St., Manitowoc, Wis. nl-lf. CEO. WOODI\, Attorney and Counsellor at Law , Justice of the Peace, and Notary Public. Par licular a'te Con given to collecting, &c. Of fice on York Street, Manitowoc Wis, nl-tf JOH\ McKKOGIV, TTT'AGON, Sleigh, and Carriage Maker.— V Shop on York Srreet, over Win. Sharp’s Blacksmith Shop, Mai iiowoc, Wis. Always on hand and willing to work. gif JACOB LA\Z, Cahinct Munu*actiiri*r. and Film slung Store.— Constantly on hand every and scripth.ii of Ma hog,iny, HUck \\ ulnut, and plain Furniture, hlch i- 1 as good, and will he sold as cheap as that manufactured in Milwaukee, or elsewhere. Manitowoc, July, 1859. nl-lf. O. TORRESOY, &. GO., Dealers in Drv Goods, Groceries, Provisions, iiardwiue. Crockery, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Drugs ami Medicines, Gla s, Nails, etc. Produce of all kinds wanted, n 1 if. ~AMERICAN HOUSE, ~ MAN FIX woe, WIS., C. BARTLEY, Proprietor, THIS HOUnE haa been thoroughly lefitted, and improved, and travelers will! find every conveniei ces, of a fir-t class Hotel. Good and airy rooms, well furnished, and polite attention will be furnished to those who favor us with their patronage, HOARD, per day, sl—per Week, $3. Manitowoc, Aug. 12, 185V# 5-1 y National Billiard Saloon. JOHN P. DIX, Propritor. \ NEWT Billiard Table, with Phelan’s improv -A. eil cushions, has lately been added to this establishment. I also have on hand a choice lot o( Brandies and wines, especially for medicinal (>U!posts, which I will sell by the bottle only.— My stock of Cigars, L q'iors, etc., is the best in this county. Lemons hy the dozen at S7J cts. Manitowoc, Julv, 1850. JOHN P. DIX. IIEER & HER V, North title, opposite U cliard’s Foundry. Deal ers in Dry Woods, Groceries and Provisions, Gjiss, Otockery, Fancy Goods. Oil Cloth, Woolen yarn. Fancy Basket*. Fiddles and Gui ars, aid Guitar strings. Toys, Cordures, Papert.angings, Ihu-hes, Ac. liefpcctfuily eol cit t si uro of public patron age. Manitowoc, July, 1850. nl-tf. Livery & Hoarding Slable. THE L!\ KRI BUSINESS, of the late firm of Glover k McCai.listkk, will in future be conducted at the old staid by the undersigned. Thai k'ul fr pit patronage, my eIT ms in future will be with direct lefcreuce to deserving a con* timunce of the same P„ E. GLOVER. Manitowoc, July Bth, 1859. T. C. SHOVE, Manitowoc , - - IF? scomin. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Col lection, Land arid Insurance Agent. Prompt attention given to all business ; REFERENCES: St*tk Bank of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Docan, Fiicrman k ('o , New York, Knacout, Nachod k Kliisi, 16 ly NATIONAL. HOTEL, (Corner York and Sixth St ,) Manitowoc, - -- -- -- - Wis. T. WIND I ATE, Proprietor. THIS firs* cU* bou§e is now ia excellent con d :ion, bavir g been thoroughly refit ed, and i traveller- will Bud it second to uoue ia this sec- i tion of Wisconsin. W Passenger* with baggage w ;j] k, enr.- r°yed to sud from the boats of chargn. THE BANK OF MANITOWOC! WILL BUT AND SELL Foreign and Inland Excbaafc., Gold , Silver, and Uncumnt Money, At Current Rates. C. C. BARNES, Prest. J. C. BARNES, Cashier. 26 NOTES LOST. THE followirg Note* given to Bearer have been lost, and ail persons are cautioned against using or purchasing l! mi, vit; 01c Torrison, $lO 93 ; Ole Johnson, $14,03 ; Bendik Andcison, $55, more or less; Andrew Jackson, $2 81 ; John Gdbert, $10,92; John Lxutesen, 15.25; Knud Knudsou, 22. more or leMt. 0 e Olsen. 2,36. The fi ider will be suitably rewarded by leav. lug them at (he store of COLLINS i CO. Manitowoc, March 5, 1860. CHEAP APPLE TREES. 50.0U0 Seedling Apple Trees THE subscriber hts at his Nursery in the 4t War I in the city of Oshkosh, about FfiJ Thousand Seidiing Apple Trees, four and fiv* years old, and from six to seven feet high, which he offers at the low price of $4,00 per hunared , or $30,00 per thousand• They aie well shaped, and in good heal ihy condition. JAMES O'BRIEN, March 1, 16G0. Nurseryman. Oshkosh. BLACKSMITH - SHOP! AT THE BRANCH. BYRON MASON, Proprietor. r F’liE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informsthi J. people of Manitowoc county and the public generally, that he has fitted up bis Blacksmith Shop at Branch village, employed good workman, and is now prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith ing, including HOUSE & OX SHOEING, in a style that cannot be surpassed in this part o the State. He solicits the patronage of the pub lic, coi fident that he can satisfy them both as to the quality of his work and prices. BYRON MASON. Branch, October 5, 1359. 13 ly FRKD. RUDOLPH, ~ DiCALER IS WINES & LIQUORS AKD RECTIFIER of WHISKEY. Whiskey by the Barrel at C lifcago Price*. BRANDIES from ?1 to *B;*r GAIN Corner Eighth and Quay streets, south side, Manitowoc. 15tf FURiN IT UUEKO OM! IST- FENTON, Keeps constantly on hand a general as sortment of PUEITITUREI such as TABLES. BEDSTEADS, STAXDS A\D BEREA' S, r 'ANE AND WOOD SEAT CfIAIHS OF ALL KINDS. T E ll M S—C A S fl. Office— Next door to TLATI’S STORE, on Commercial Street. Manitowoc, Aug. 10th, 1859. stf. Great Excitement!! —A T B£ VK mSBSB - NEW GOODS!! lAM constantly receiving from the East and South, any quantity of NEW GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! CROCKERY, HARD-WAEE LOOTS £ SHOES, dec., all of w hich I will sell as CHEAPFOR CASH as say establishment in the West, and will ex change on liberal terms (or FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, and will pay M 2 JWL. mm MM 9 when required, and will buy LUMBER, SHINGLES, dec,, •nd in fact everything that the people of Mini U>woc and adjoining counties have to sell in this market. I can convince all of the truth of the above statement, by calling at the old stand ON YORK STREET, £3 jT And further, in no case will I deviate from the CASH OR HEADY PAY SYSTEM. nl-tf. Jl. IT. RAND. The American SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION BY SALE AND DONATION, Libraries, Kinging Hooks, Pa pers. Rnvarfl Card*. &r. Chicago street, cue Ooor wet of North. MEAD HOLMES. S S. Mam •narv. GEO. KAHLEUy at the old stand of A. W. Bowman, wholefol? j and retail dealer ia FRUITS ? CONFECTIONERY! j GROCERIES, OYSTERS! | dx., dx. A constant supply of the shore—the beet in maiket—at small profits—for Reedy Pay. Cash Paid for Prodace! Manitowoc, January 7, 18C0. COLLINS & CCX, SUCCESSOR* TO O. H. I-tAIT, Wholesale Jt Retail olern la MERCHANDISE LQKBIB m SHIBGLES, Comer of Seventh and Commercial tlretlt MANITOWOC. HAYING THIS DAY purchased the mercan tile interest of 0. 11. PLATT, the business will continue as heretofore, and be conducted on a liberal scale by us under the name and firm of COLLINS Si, Cos. O. B. COt.UNS, / JACOB HALVERSON. ) Manitowoc, January 2, 1860. NOTIC E 13 HEREBY GIVEN that we hare this day sold our Hardware establishment, together wiih tt.e accounts and notes, to Mr. SOCRATES BILL, for whom we ask a continuance of ihe kindness and custom heretofore bestowed upon us. BOKCHEKDT & SMITH. Manitowoc, January 11, 1800. In conformity with the above, I wou'd inform my friends and <he community that I shall con tinue to deal in STOV E S I TIN AND HARD-WARE, ml the old eland of BOR CHERD T & SMITH , where all are requested to call and examine stock and prices. All Book Accounts and Xotc of the late firm wilt remain in the store until he IG.h of March next, to be settled by Mr. Bor eherdt. All remaining unsettled at that date will be left with Wm. Waldo, for collection SOCRATES HILL. Arrival o( New Goods! THE .SUBSCRIBER respectfully in toims the citizens ot Manitowoc county that he has just returned from New York with a large and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS! GROCERIES PROVISIONS, Si c. , Si, o . which ware purchased low, and will be aold Cheap for Cash! OR READY PAY. The atore is full of GOOD GOODS. There is hardly room to tarn round. GOOD D Alt GAINS caw be made by those who will call and pur chase. Remember that our motto is ‘-Cash or Ready pay,” and that the esU blisl neat |* loca ted on York street, west of the National Hotel- O. TORRISON. Manitowoc, Oct. 8, 1*59. 14-3 m CLIPPER CITY FLOURING MILLS! HIGHEST AIK RKET PRICE Paid in CASH for Wheat, RYE AND CORN. C GEORGE DWYER respectfully informs the T citizen* of Manitowoc and adjoining coun ties, that hia Mills, Situated on C tnmr cial Sl„ klanitcw *c, west of Goodnou's Store, are tjw in the beat condition, and he is ready t > dq CUSTOM WO HA on the shortest notice, and warrants as good work os any m ils west of New York. A Large Quantity of Flour, constantly kept on hand, and sold at Chicago firieet. The patronage of the public is reapeatfullT so licited GEORGE DWYER. Manitowoc, July, 1859. wl-tf. A CARD OLD IRONSIDES IX TOWN!! AT THE Brick Hardware Store! YORK STREET, Can he found a full Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware* IRON* NAILS, <feC., And at Reduced Pi ices, B. H. THCRBEE, nl-tf. Agent. national Hotel Livery Stable! THE undersigned keepa Id connection with hia Hole 1 , a first clasa Livery Stable, Where Ibe beat of Horses and Carriages can be found stall times with or without drivers. ! iy Prices reasonable, „ THO*. WLVDIATE. M,n </>•, .I*l, y> tb. Itn. ni-tf W3IST All’S BALSAM -qf- WTH> CHERRY. Tbi best remedy ever known to men for the permanent CURE OF COX SUMPTION, and all us incipient symp- ' toms, such es Coughs, Colds, Hoarsens, In fluenza, Croup, Bleeding of the Lungs, Liver aj lections, Pains in the Breast or Side, Phthisic , Eight Sweats, Inflammation of the Lungs and Throat, Whoop ing Cough, As thma, and all Bronchial Af fections. Through tb winter month',* cold' are mo*t p.evalent of all the ills tl at flesh is heir to. We wouid advise such of our reed ers, and others, who may be thus afflicted,to avail themselves of that excellent medicine, “Wisraa’a Balsam or Wild Churkt,” which, judging from onr expe rience and that of oth ers, we con-icier it be ing one of the safest and moat effectual leui edie* that have ever been concocted for the above complaints, and which meets with the cordial approval of ma r ny of the best physi cians. And as “delays are dangerous,” and coughs and colds fre quently terminate in consumption, this agree able ami eflioicious ie medj should at o:;ce be resorted to. Wistar’s Balsam.— We regard the wild cherry tree as ore of 1 Nature's own physicians ! —a sort ot Good Sain a than of the forest—for | its ‘‘medical gum” ha- j relieved the sufferings and ouVed the lives of thousands. The Bal sa in prepared by Dr. ■ Wistars is u pn 0 a: and perfectly reliable prep aration of the real Cherry Esse; os, and it la a remedy by no means bad to take.” — We speak confidently and strongly in its fa vor, from Laving wit nessed its renovating influence in consump tive cases, when nil other prescriptions had proved of no effect. OXYGENATED BITTE3S, A SURE CURE FOR DYSPE P S I A, AND ! All Diseases having tJuir Ori gin in Imperfect Digestion, or a deranged condition of the Stomach. There i no rcn.cJy known bo efficacious in tba general disease—this general prostitution the wild- mm, as th? Oxug-ni ihd Bitter* fhey attack the di.-ea.e in :rs cilu ticl, by levivng the snking powers of the pa' lient ; by restoring lost appetite, correcting acidity, pawning aid s lengthening tlie gastric juice, a; and rendering it capable of properlv and thoroughly cii-s, 1-ig t,eA)od, thus forming healthy chyme and chyle, nud preparing the nii> soi bcnta to take u;< he nourishment and cary • it into the system, thus renovating the old and crazy machine by modelling 'and purifying the whole mass of blood. la a word, it c.m bo shown from hundreds of certificates, from the most eminent and rcliible persons, that there is no medicine cafculattd to pour oil into the ex hausted lamp of life like tl e Oxygeiiattd H.tUr*. Let all, then, when health ‘ begins to Un • when the vital powers *eetn first to be giving wav; when the appetite first begihs tJ fail, nud the nerves to tremble; v hen a man, instead of bting refreshed and invigorated by de"n, “Tired natim’a swjst rcstour,” ’ flnrhs hirn?e).‘ more wear in fie m< to'ii' than when be w. nt to beu at night—let Ira delay m, longer, hut once commence taking his Hi this. He will goon find, ns 1 have, tin- flip p )W era of nature reviving, and genual neaitb r turning. But it is uu; ecie-a.j iu sit more as no one can knaw the value ot this im-dicine un <il he tries It. JOHN* p. Park. Proprietor Dealer hi Patent Medic nm, Fancy goods tnd Toner Anicle., ] 2 t Like street, Chi.ago. 14 D JOHN" OSWALD, Two Rivers. 1859. NHV STAND. 18. VJ. SADDLE, HARNESS AND Trunk manufactory r J'UE subscriber ha removed the e-tah 1. lisltjii.-iii to building in the m-w ‘ I kon Quay S> reel—:fic street tu p, to the rite- on the auiuh aide—n. ar the I ndge. Hu h a - a : ; o jun bur.ha-ed a large stock ~f mmoial... :n and ~,il manufacture and kerp constant y on band Saddles, Hartictsot, Trunin, dices, II Kips c hid Spurs, Ho has also'or sale, and nuk.s to order h| kinds of LphoUtry, gui:!i m Spring Beds, Lounges, S:c., etc. And every article in his line of La. lures. Job* bing done at fhrrt notice. Ll - tf - MICHAEL KITH.. w. klduidge, VI7ILL serve Summons and Complaints, ami I W n‘u n ‘“| k p t,,e DcceMar J' atlida vit ot vice, sell Heal Esiate on Judgment of Fun-clos ura of Mortgage, and will do A General Collecting’ Business*. All collections promptly remitted. Krrza tu ot rutv; sidh, Peekham It BJoodgcod, Att’yt, Milwaukee a A-Eidridge, .. Fond da L m ?“• r Go . r ‘ Jui *. “ Sntbotg n, n. A. wood. * \ t- T. W.rre., .. Chtrlea Esalinger, • < t J- D. Markham, •> , Wm. M. Nichole, •• < t Crow ft P.rrieh, • Milwaukee. Carey ft Pratt, .< * rJ°U C % V A " Sheboygan, H - Wo “ (Jreeu Bar. Butlny, Buitnck i Cortrili. AU’ys, Milwaukee Manitowoc, July U, |Bf9. ,f ' D* .BLEY'S Arabian ileav lUwHedy, far •J •‘Lit Tft J. UO&ixsON Dr. LuynoU's EXTRACT YELLOW DOCK, and —• SARSAPAIiILLA. The Great Furifyer of the Blood. An infallible remedy for Scrofula, Kin ft Evil, Rheumat ism, Obstinate Catanous Erup tions, Pimples or Pustules on the Pace, Boils, Blotches, Chro nic Sore Eyes , Ringworm, Ttt ter, Enlarge ment and Pain in the Bones or Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syph Hi tic Disorders, Lumbago, and ail diseases arising from an injadioious U:o of Mercury, Impru -1 dence of Life, or Lwpa- I rity of the blo< and. This ■ great alterative niedi ■ cine and purity tr of the I blood fs now UH-J by thousands of grateful patients, from a 1 pnti o. r the United States, who testify daily oti thu iemrlial)le cu.vs, per formed by the greatist of all medicines. Guv sorr’s E xraact c r V l l. low D.;CK A>r> Salsa p a r i l l a, N-n a gia, Kheuiraii-ni, S-iuful*, E upuoi s on the -km, L ver ni-.cases. Fevers, Ulcer Sores, Affc tioi s of the ki i; cj a, D -eases of the linoaf. Female complaints. I’.this u and rclii gof il.e t )i-ns and j>i' ts, are speedily put to flight by usii g ibis great ami inestimable remedy. For all dia* earesof thj blood noil.- ing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses (he bio 1 .f all impurities, sc's gen tly ard eflv.Tonll/ cn the L ver and Kidney", strengthens the dige<- lion, gives tone to the ; tjinch,makes the *kiu clear and healthy, and restores the Cuustuu tlon Ci.Lebled by dis ease or broken down by the (sc. of j youth, to pristine vigor i and strength, j The Picas, Hotel ; Keepers, Mag : B‘rate-, | Physicians and public j men, well known in tin ; community, all add I their testimony to thu wonderful tff-cls of this i grea* 11100 1 Purifie •.