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ALL OVER MANITOWOC COUNTY. CENTRE VIULE Cujit W T AUxts was called home from his lecturing tmr in neighboring states to inter the remains of John Doersch. who died ii; Cleveland, alsiut one mile west of here. Mr, Albers again left for Michigan t> continue his work. Ralph Kestley who was in Manitowoc for some time ha* arrived in town. He will leave for Milwaukee to continue his course in the medical college. Manager V H Zander of The Pilot staff was in town. Strattman Bros are putting np anew building for the use of their mother. It will be built of stone and will cost alsmt $lOOO, If conditions are favornble it is to be completed by Dec. 1. Adolph (irotegnt had his threshing steamer brought to Manitowoc to 1m- re paired. Farmers are beginning to bring what sorghum they have raised to the ( leve land Creamery Cos to 1m- made into syrup. The crop is not as extensive as last vear for many have found that it does not pay well to raise the product KEEDSVILLE. Thomas Meany was in Manitowoc last Saturday Rev. Fr Cipin was in (freon Hay Tuesday John Mninui was in Manitowoc last Saturday. Miss Klingholz of Manitowoc s|s-nt Bnnday here J. E. Schnl* was in Manitowoc last Saturday. Mrs. Clements of St Nazianz is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. P. Heinzeti. Albert Hnsch is laying a foundation CARL SCHIRZ POURS A VOLLEY INTO THE CAMP OE THI: REPUBLICAN IMPERIALISTS. Curl Sl).iiv, tin- great American patriot in a sjieei h at < '<|ier ITiioii, New York last week hjmk* against the imperialistic policy of President Me Kin lev Tin- following an* extract* from his address la-t me May at the start that I con airh-r the manner in which the imperial istic polir v is being commended by Home person* tn jsipular approval the hugest t' tntirleiii e game ever practiced upon a Ire* people 111 III! whole long Hl** 1 have never known of such systematic U“i> of distortion of histon hyj mcrit-lca I cant. garbling of dis-iiim-nts and fain** nretenr r lam in-r- to sjieak aw< rd for truth and justice and in doing mo I shall call things I■> their right nameN y hi will pardon rne if thorn- nam*-H are not always of tin mildi-Mt For I iiiiiml c >nfi-M- when I witnessed kmiiic of the moans employed to lure thin great r< pilldie from the path of righteousness. I ifh principle and glorious destiny my .•id bln and Iniled with indignation. In the name of tin- republic I’rcxi dent McKinh v Imiurlit a people like a h“rd of i ,itti* tioiii a defeated cofiinn n •nerny against whom h\ the hide of our Hag those people had viclorioiiMly fought for then freedom and uidepen letlei Vex ||. did that MTV tlmm without rveii li-teiiilll' In lliel.l and lie I 1 a-1- the American I pie to d<- <dart by their Molr-mn vote-* th it it wi m well done and that tin \ approve it Americanc iti/.in- I appeal I" y--ii hi nil “ill)<tHi—- what would von have wild tlircf warn ago Iw'fin'i* tin- ini periali-dii [iiiihihi had em-mpted your blood what would m u have said if anybody had pnslieied “iirh a thing ax possible' Tln*n- i* not a man among hi vho would not havo declared such i prophet tit for tin madhouse # { have again and again challenged the itujs-rialists to “Iniw mo in tlio whole hlstorv of tin world a single ai t of |ior!idv unlimited h\ an\ re|iiildie more infamous than that eommitted b> Mr Mi Kin ho * administration against our Filipino aid—, and I hav* received no answer Init a “H kh mieei * • * This i- tie character of the Filipino war in which tie pn-idetit wantonly involved ~ | miv uantonlv for there ik no candid man living who will not admit that had the piexideiit instructed Wnhati pi-i mtihi'il a largo *hiji in at n) 11<.it ami wi.nli'ii tail blank' ta Tm i'Wil'i.ks Ka\ im.h Bank. bin'll '."ii liny i a.i n|i| i-iiti' do not "huh I 1 ami f.i l dull att-r oat ■/ Mill niu\ kmuv tliiil miu mi'll a don* t latino, t lain M'.iian It ami Livor I'riii- iiiinti* Samplo- ttii' • Until v liinrniiv ill uy Edison’s Phonograph TV- 'cr than u I’uno, Orvan. or Mm*l<' ll- , for It iiinjfs and talk' hi •nil ax play*, and da'iio-ta mt;< Ii |i ri-prialui 11i ■ n -' any l rrurunii‘i-t—-i>aml or ori-hi'vlra-—a .i I, im, 1,i,) I;, jinn trliVUin nan i't !• |h >jjt . rrolir* —it inlvlu> ir< . Fit* I 1 • Mr I! ■ on - tli ' . - or NAIIOAAL HIONOCMAPIi tv, ,i, F' ‘.h A\ . (V;* V*i-. | for anew planing mill and carpenter shop The monthly fair held here Wednes day was not very large on account of the rain. Khetoricais: To be held in the public school Friday O t. 5, lUOO Song Wisconsin Land of Beauty by members of A class Recitation Gertrude Hagetiow Recitation Julia Zabn Recitation Lydia Reichert Story Channcey Hickok ■ Recitation John Falge Recitation Olga Saeger Essay Will Cooney Song B Class Recitation (Iharles March Story Marion Du mass Declamation Fred Hagenow Recitation... Annie Morrissey Recitation Raymond Krueger Miss. Annie Stein entertained a num ber of friends last Sunday evening, it | ts-iug her birthday. Those present, j were Misses Helena Kitsch, Mayme; Stellinn, Clara Haese, Laura. Schulz, Olga Saeger. Matilda Elmert, Bertha Ma-rtz, Maggie Goodhey, Clara Macrtz. Joint Haege, Carl Macrtz. August Kitsch i Edward Zahn. John Schreiber, Eddie Reinemann and others. Wm. O'Hara, principal of the Horton ville school, was in the village on Fri day. Mr Blesser ot Manitowoc was in the village Monday. Julius Bornefeldt was in Manitowoc last Saturday. Miss Helena Kitsch is spending this week in Brilion. John Dcdrich was in the village on Friday. Peter Rienemann, the hustling grain 1 buyer, shipjs'd a carload of barley on I Tuesday. our Peace coiiiiiiinnionern to embody in the |eace treaty the name provinionn with nitrat'd to tie I’nilippiiien an to (Ttfia. and had be treated the Filipinos accordi ii iriy, not a trim would have been fired, and not a drop of blood would have been shed an no blood ban been abed in (,'uba since her liberation * An to the money qneation, my con vieliotiH have of course, not chanired in the leant Hut while the money ipie tion wan the paramount inmte four yearn ago, we never admitted that it, must re main the paranioun. question always, or that however important nottud money in to the eeonomie intereafs, an well an to the character of the nation, there may not be other tbimrn id' even more vital moment or that a party representimr sound money may do things utterly obnoxious to good morals of good policy and still rightfully exact our support under all circumstances In my correspondence with Secretary <luge 1 have shown. I think that the dangers to our present mom-tan system are hv no means aa threatening now an /ealott- partisanship represents them ami that we may freely act upon the . i|uentiou of imperialism without -.erioun peril to our standard of value I can didly lielieve so Hut I frankly declare that even if the d.Ulcers no luridly de p eted by the imperialint- really ex lisp'd my position in the present crisis would he the name He would not have been counted a good American patriot who at the time of the American revolution had aban doned the cause of liberty and iudepeiid cnee Oil account l)f the and dust rolls vicious iii—e of tin* continental money or who. during tin Civil war hail given tip the i-aiiw of lihertv and union liecause its defence brought on the dangerous issue of irredeemable paper dollars or other economic perils or who. at either of those period had forsaken eitherot those i auMCH for the reason that the man in I position of leadership might iioldohnox ions opinions or ho inclined to do iinwol inine tilings with regard to other mat ! tel" It |S still remembered ill IloW ; litth e-tei in .lohii Adams held the member" ot the Continental congress hut how In ml v he nevertheless, as a patriot stood for the cause of hi" conn (rv n in 'is i ni: ii MN Wlirii Mill'i'i niir from u ranking rough litki it iliw.' i.f Ft 1.1 v m Monkn \nm> TaK Tin- miri'lifw "ill Im ri'licM'il ami a warm gnitoful fooling ami hoallng "I till' jiarlH atli'ctml "ill oxporionotid XlMlllWill IO M \ 111 MIN "I s V N II Kill It N Via tin- N’urtli Wottorn Lino Kx rurttiuii ta kot* will !• -aid on ai • uni • I Madison carnival Octiilnu Uk It uni 1- It null'll !u thiol .or Jii Aplilv In ai’i ni-. <im aifn A North W. -tmi li v Mr Rush of Chicago, is sjsutding the week here. Tom Morrfscv of the Grove \va in the village Saturday. Will Segler was in the village on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Busse returned last Saturday aft r an absence of about three . i weeks. j Messrs Mnmm, Schulz and Olra were in Manitowoc on Tuesday. The M. W. A. held their meeting on Tuesday evening. BKILLION. Mrs. John Fareld of Wausau, visited friends and relatives at Grimms. 1 Arthur Koch of Milwaukee was a guest of the family of Chas. Koch Sr. Albert Forster visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zelzer. The son of Gottlieb Bnholtz, is now on tlie safe side of his illness. Earl McComb, the older son of Dr. and Mrs, I, N. McComb. has entered the state university Miss Jennesse Miller and mother have j returned to their home at Springfield. O. after a few months visit at the home of i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Neal. The old Catholic church building is j being partitioned for class-room pur- j poses, and there will lie an upstairs to! lie used for a ball. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Zander, and niece Gertrude Frazier of Manitowoc, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Zander. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Goer scheltz, died last Tuesday. C. J. Neal and R E. Carncross were off for a duck hunt in the Green Bay region. The Ev. Friedens congregation cele brated its annual harvest festival last A CAKI). The inanufacturerM of BannkkSaia’k have authorized the undersigned to guarantee it for hums, cuts, sores, nl cers. tetter, eezeiua and all skin diseases. Your money hack if it doesn't do all it claims Henry Hinrichs. HKIUHT'B IHSKASK High living, intemperance, exjKisure and many other things bring on Bright's Disease. Foi.kv's KIDNKY CUKK will prevent Bright s Disease and all other kidney or bladder disorders, if taken in time, Henry Hinrichs. Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds, carrying warmth and active life to every part of your body if you take Uockv Mountain Tea. See F (’. Blierstlltte I TO STOP a COM) After exjMmnre or when yon feel a cold coming on. take a dose of Fobky’m Ho.v* KY WIiTAU. It never fails to stop a icold if taken in time. Take nothing I elsi Henry Hinrichs The Peoples Savings Bank Manitowoc, Wis. Sunday, Sept. 30 A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williams pleasantly surprised them in honor of the twenty-fifth anni versary of their wedding day. Miss Annie Lintuer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Lintner, returned home from a few months sojourn in Milwau kee, and her lady friends and their beans took advantaged' her return, to remem ber her birthday A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch Sr , the occasion lieing the fiftieth birthday of Mr. Koch. Every one present had a regular got „l old ami new-fashioned time. FRANKLIN. The Misses Susan and Katharine An drews of Franklin visited at the Com tilings homestead in Maple Grove last Sunday. Thomas Dugan of Franklin will cele brate his. wedding to Mary Mangin on Oct H. Joseph Walluer of Cato will be married to Rati- Remiker of Franklin. BRANCH. John Brown opened his school at Shoto hwt Monday. M. Markeu spent Saturday and Sun day at home. Joseph Schweda has purchased the farm of John Meism -t and will soon lie with his old friends and acquaintances again Quite a number of hunters passed through this wav lust Sunday. nAPLE GROVE. Martin O’Connor, D. C. Cavanaugh, and Jos. Miller represented Maple Grove at the Democratic convention, Saturday. CTATE OF WISCONSIN, 'orsiv cocrt for Manitowoc o*r st v In the matter of tin* t*st it** of Isaac Erickson, insane Notice i herchv given that tin* undersigned as guardian of lsaa< Erickson insane, of the city of ManitoW'** Win* main. will, on the 31th. day of Octoler . IWon at :*;oo o'Hoek in tin* afternoon of that and at Zingshelin Hall in tin* , nth ward of said ity offer for salt* and veil at I*uhlic Auction all the personal property !*•- longing to said misting of household 1 furniture. Iclteheii utensils etc terms of sale will he made known on ‘lav of salt* I >ated. (h'tolter Ith lilt o onstad & Hongen Attorn *vs HENRY MPLHoeLAND. Guardian Pul. Oct. 4. II We have just received a large ship ment of Ladies i tcntlemen sand Chil dren's hnderwcar The Peoples Savings Bank. An old bachelor says the reason he never married is because In* was afraid he might neglect ids wife in after years or she might neglect him. 1 have always used Foley's Honey AND Tap cough medicine, and think it the best in the world." says Chas Bend er, a newsdealer of Erie. Pa. Henry Hinrichs, There will lx- a dance in Monahan's hall, Friday evening, Oct. 5. The Manitowoc and Western Tele phone company will soon extend its line from Morrison. Misses Mamie and Ella Moran left for their home in Chicago, last week. Mr. Glover entertained a large num ber of his friends on Sunday of last i week. Avery pleasant time was spent and all present speak highly of Georsre s hospitality. Mr Buckley has purchased the saloon formerly owned by Mr. Rahr at Maple 1 Grove and will soon le established at 1 his old stand. Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hussey and Mrs. Hussey visited friends in Kaukauna last week. Among those who attended the Demo cratic convention were Jos. Miller Jr., W. C. Maerfz. J. E, Nolan. Tim Keehan, J. P. Watt. P. J. Linnane, P. H. Guhin and M. M. Guhin. There is some talk of organizing a Bryan club at Cato. An effort is being made to organize a court of Catholic Foresters at Maple Grove. Pat. Fielding, Hr. has returned from Chicago where he has spent several weeks visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell of Nebraska are visiting relative i here. | Farm for Sale Cheap. I have for sale the Henry Rumpf farm : in the town of Mishicot, consisting of | eighty acres of land, with gxxl build ; ings. This farm can be had at a bar l gain. Julius Lindstkdt, j office Manitow H- Savings Bank Bid. SPECIFICS A.A.IKKVERH. ('omtealions, Inflamma currs (tioua, Limit Koff. Milk Fever. H. M.IHPRAISK I.aiueileaa, Injuries, curbs i Kheuiuatlain. (' (’.(WIKK THKOAT, (iuinay. Epizootic, cuhrs i UlatclupiT, curbs) WORMS. Hot*. Grub*. K. K. I COCGHH, Colda, Influenza. Inflamed cures ' Lunga, Pleuro-.Pneiinionia. E. F. M’OLir. Bellyache. Wlnd-Hlown. cures ( Diarrhea. Byaenlerv. G.G. Prevent* MIMAHHIAGK, M ”. j KIIIAEV A BLABBER BIKORDBRg. I. I. INKIN DIAEAHRK Mange, Eruptiona. < THiJB ) | U’tTH. 4ir*HV, Flircv. .1. K. I BAD rONIHTIOV Staring ( oat. ♦ ruts $ Indlr.eittloii. Klumiicli HatttEcrN. tiOc. each; Stable Cane, Ten Kj>eclflcs, Book, Ac.. $7. At druftpiHts or Kent prci if on receipt of price. HumphrevN’ Medicine Cos., r‘r. William A John Sts., New York. Vktkki- uy 31 antai. Sknt Fhkk \ERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $ 1 per vial,or apecial package with powder, for $5 Sold by UruntUU, or neat pout .paid on re.-dpl ol prlca. 11l ItrllllllS'MKU. CO., Cor. William A Join. Hu., Nan fork Schuette Brothers. . GRAND OPENING Fall Millinery Thursday, Friday and Saturday i * Oct. 4th, sth and 6th. It will be worth your time, ladies, to attend this opening, as Miss Scholl has taken special pains to show a most magnificent stock of everything in the line of Millinery for fall. That she is an expert in this business and competent to reproduce the best French and other styles in the most fetching manner, and at moderate prices, considering the high class work and materials put into such head-wear, is now conceded by all who have given her a trial. ACHE NO FLY THE WONDERFUL DISCOVERY To Keep Off Flies from Horses and Cows Why let your horses vvory when you can get our “NO FLY” at $2.00 per gallon? One gallon used according to printed direc tions will keep the Hies off 4 horses all season. This heretofore unknown compound will not only keep the flies off hut will add a sleek and velvet touch, and is a positive cure for all skin diseases. No household should he without it as it can be applied to bed . and walls and will chase hugs and all insects where it. is applied; it is strictly painless, and can be used anywhere. REMEMBER . . . We are not responsible for frauds imitating our goods, and you should see and insist that the name ACME NO FLY is on each bottle or can. Can fur nish hundreds of TESTIMONIALS .... Hilwaukee Rapid Transfer. Diamond Coal Cos. Standard Roof Paint Cos. R, Beer Livery, etc. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, ADDRESS OR CALL ACME NO FLY COMPANY, 614 Chestnut Street, InT-TC'f MILWAUKEE, WIS. CLOSING OUT We are closing out at special prices m r everything in the line of Summer Goods; such as; o M Parasols, Kells, Ladies Waists. Jackets. Summer Corsets, Dim- O M itics. Piques. Etc.. Etc.. to make room for our fall stock, already ordered and D 1 1 to ar rive soon. r HENRY ESCH. S SPECIAL PRICES §A. B. JHelendy Photographer studio in Metropolitan Block, !N. Sili St My new studio is a decided success l in the produ tion of fine portraits. in Cabinets and Photo Ovals Special care given to Family Groups and large work also Photo Buttons and Photo Novc tles. I'.n i my Studio is one block north of Bth street bridge