Newspaper Page Text
WISCONSIN ROAD MAY BE SOLD. Rumor Based on Authority Says a Deal Has Been made. A DEFENSE OF THE CIGARETTE. Terrible Murder Committed in Blooming ton. 111. TRAGIC FINALE OF ILL-MATED PAIR Prof Charles Eastman of Harvard Charged With the Murder of HU Brother-in law Declared not Guilt) The Chicago Record-Herald to-mor row -HU say It was stated today on apparently good authority that the deal for the sale of the Wisconsin < 'enfral had been perfected in Ixindonand would tie carried through in the course of a few week- The price at which the trade is to lie made is said to is- fii. which is con siderably in advance of the present market price of AS isconsin ('entral stock. Just what disposition is to Ik- made of the property is not certain, but it is thought that the road will be turned over to the Harriman interests. Rev. S. A Harris, for several years nntil recently pastor of the ('ongrega tional church at Milbnrn, 111., has been suspended from the ministry for six months, pending an investigation of charges v hic-h are made by ids former parishioners, who declare they are out over fbi.iHHt which they had intrusted to tiie minister for sjs-culations that are said to have turned out unfortunately. Mr Ha.ris was at one time a lawyer in St L-uisand a niemiier of the hoard of trade. Mr. Harris and ids friends assert that no blami ran 1- attached to him Jacab Becker a Colorado saloonkeip er waited on his customers Saturday, minus a large 4-carat stud worth s<l.Mi, which heretofore has blazed on his shirt front Wednesday be visited an ostrich farm near by. While he was inspecting the birds one was attracted by the bril liancy of his diamond. i >pp rtnnily came for the curious bin] to it - pect it more closch Like a (insh the huge bill closed on if. A wrench and a gobble followed, and the ostrich '... le' : tin valuable gem. The ostrich owneis are confident that the diamond will lie recovered. The farm it .Ifl a- ,ast hecn transplanted to this plac e from I’as chua < 'al. Tl e Li. ucet of last w* eek in jin article on ni< •'.in**inverts tin order of injur ioii-i.‘-- usually u-soeialed with three fort, of -moki) •<: I' • fates tin t nic*.- tine itself ha- been proved by analysis lo lie pi le tii iilh guiltless ol evil cdl'ects in sii.i king, bat pyridine and its rein tuesiire i espon-i hi* for headache, trem bling ci.d gidine s. Tin article pro ceeds to-ay that the degree of toxicity ia ti e taokc probably depends largely njsiii tin completene-s of combustion. Tl nbiistion of a cigaret i- more Complete than that of a pipe or cigar. The pi "int mu condenser, but the rondei -ed products do not reach the month, while considerable condensation must occur in a cigar, the products teaching 'ln- month and being absorbs . Then-foe the Lancet makes the ord<r of iinnrionsne-s U-gimng with tin- worst as follow- < igui pipe cigaret Prof.-- r Charles U. Kastman of Hal yard College was ucijiiitb-d al Kust Camrilslge. Mass, of the murder of Kichard ( hi-brotln-r in law. Jury wa-out but a few minutes. Ai i n-ed grew faint under denunciation by Alton.- < acral Knowles Sir Mai i v Jiilmmin Hjociiil Mritixli 1 ('oiniiiioi ii**r tn l’xan<!a. report.* tin c-tiil/li-! • <1 exioti-no' in tin* Sernliki fur I e‘b> of it [M-ciiliur riimiijiint thought tn \f Innu i xtiint l*i/.<•(! reiniiii.M of i lliih ntiiiaiil liuv. 1m fiiuml plentifully) in i nml it lia~ I-*-n hitherto rail cl H'’lla<lnlln fiiiiii A eomplete -kin iiii'l t >’■ i -knll- ur■■ in .vv nit their wnv tn I E ilatil fnr til*' llriti-h Mn-i'iun. Th" unlive- cull tlii- animal the i Okapi It in a KiriiftV like creature which i“ clnwlv ukiiitn tin n\ in ni/.e 'ill 111" .i 1- a little longer |U o| .rt inn ately than that nf a hore. the earn like thoae nf an a-- with *ilk\ lilack frin K** the hi-H'l tiijicr lik< anil the mm triln like thime nf the giraffe. The forehead i it vivid red and the neck -limtlderH rtotmeh and hack a deep ri-di-li hrnwn Marta nf the animal B'eahie-t i rilliaoli and other** Idackinh in hue The hind ijuarterH and le#- are holdly -frijM'd in pmpli*h black and white 1 in- animal in hornier***. although there are trie en nf ttir* •• hum enret* Winona Killin' Anna People*. anil Jawnlne Wilholt thro* . , :rl tin latter a daughter of 1, Wilhoit tho c )lloa/n- of Mrn Nation ainiuihetl the Summit *<tloon at Wit hita Kan. hint Saturday afternoon They * nter* 1 with r<< kw. and the hark** ; <!;•’. not know that an at'a * wa- t ;r< toned until the Ix-tfan to oraah alxint hi* earn Kro<l Wolf tho proprietor. knocked tho girin 'town with In* li*l ami pitched tliorn ono after anothor into tho atreet Mia* Wilhoit* hroth'T caino to their defense and Wolf struck him. makinsj a lon# trash on his face from which the blood flowed freely In the melee the wrist of Miss Peoples was broken. The police arrested the jfirls and hsltred them in the city jail. Missouri Attorney General and the City Counselor for the City of St. Louis, are on the way to Washington to file supplementary petition in drainage canal suit. Indians on White Earth reservation may make trouble if lo(f>finif companies do not rescale cut timber. Indians claim they have l>een defrauded. William D. Williams, a stenographer, ! in the insular division of the AVar de partment was dismissed for offering to sell secret correspondence in Neely case to John D. Lindsay, Neely’s counsel. Judge Advocate of the army ruled that records must not tie changed after they have been duly made up and cer tified to. Amendments regarding de rails must tie made as new records. Unless new counterfeit turns np soon tHe year ending June, IHOI, will hold record for small amount of bad money made and circulated in I nited'States. Ah h p esnlt of swallowing pins while it work on the hats in the millinery lepartrnent of Marshall Fiehl A- Cos., Chicago Miss Winifred Voss was taken to her house in Austin Saturday, being too ill to continue her work She suffer ed acute p'tins, and the opinion of the loctors w 10 attended her is that the pins may have -aused appendicitis. This termination of Miss Voss' pin eating days c. ones after several weeks •xperience in swallowing bits of metal. It was during the stress of spring trim mings th t Miss V )ssswallowed her liist pin. but after that she begun to swallow s > many not because she wanted to hut tecause they would slipdown. that her associates no longer marveled I util sat unlay they suggested fields of re markable promise in thejline of myster.- ous feats as being open to young wom en. After a while the pins began to r, ■ ippear, coming from her body and arms, ine came out of the wrist, another out >f the forearm, and several out of In r nick. The girl gained in health and -trength. however, and never missed a day at her work until Saturday. Kmma K. 15 n ing {and children filed uit against the owners of the Lucas A Fadden No U oil gushers, the finest v 11s in the Deaungiut fiehl. for posse sion to 4)0 acres of land on which flies w.-Ils are located an l|J for •’*! - hi oo i damage-. Scores of other hig damage and title suits growing out of the dis c >veiy of oil here have been filed in the I ist few days, and as a result a large p irtioii of valuable oil lands in Texas are tied npin the courts, James A Herne, playwright actor and manager, who has been ill at hi aoinc in New York had a serious felapse, and it is believed lie can live only a few lays more Herne is suffering from the idler effect of the grip, having bei n -iriken last February while playing n Illinois and Indiana with bis SagHar >or" company. A general strike, involving diiectly : iU.imM) machinist sand indirectly diiu.iMU men in the metal working trades is ,\ pec ted to take place May -0 nnle-s some arangenient is effected in the meantime, i bis i the stateni 'iit made by I’resident amen O Connell of the International Association of Machinists, who has his iieadiinarters in Washington. The de m inds of the men the refusal of which threatens to precipitate the strike, Mr O'Coiinel said, are for a working da> of nine hours and an increase-of p.t p, r cent in wages, nr. in otlcr'JWords ten hums pay for bine hours' work. The matter, he said, lias been nmh r consideration for smite time, and every effort has been made by the Machinists' a -ocial ion to avoi 1 resorting to a strike, hnt such action, he says, is m-cess,aiy if flic workingmen hope to attain the end they are strii. ig for (irand Duke Michael, heir piesuinp tive to the Konshin throne, has u ke* n 1 desire to visit the ITiitcd States, hut whether he will In* able to fulfill it de |h*ihls largely on the course of event*. Imth national and international. In a recent conversation with Ambassador Tower Americas representative, the l rand dnke expressed a lively hope that he might I** able to visit America. He r s ailed the two vi its paid the Initial States bv (rand Duke Alexis, and said that Alexis wa- greatly impressed not oulv with what he saw in America but that he had a grateful lecollection *>f American hospitality. Th* mu)*t whirh wit* first swt*n from | Aumtbh :ibont it fortnight ago. ' iinl whirliha* invi*ibl<* from Lima l # *rn for tin* bint tlnr‘ night* rmp* jmw*M Sniphiv night. It apparuiitly ha* t wo tails om of which U now long er than when it wit* first m*t*n Tucker Woodmm Taylor brother of Dr Janus W Taylor of lihliiuiajHilis and a wall known writer, wa* found dead i?i hw h*d Sunday with a revolver and an empty chloroform ImttU* l***idc - . V I ORIENTAL MILLS MANUFACTURERS OF FLOUR and FEED. JOHN’3CHUETTE.Pro|irItor. him. Mr Taylor was born in this city iu 1H54 ami was an alumnus of Depanw university. A most fiendish wife mtlrder occurred near Itloumington. 111., on Sunday, the murderer lining a wealthy and promi nent man, and a member of one of the oldest and most respected families of the county. Merritt Chism, aged forty-nine years, living near White <)ak. twelve miles from Bloomington, has for some years been quarreling with his second wife. She started to drive to church fit Nor mal. with two little daughters of Chism’s by his first wife. They had been quarreling about which horse she should drive. As she started a vay from the ham Chism said, ‘ Let s kiss and make up.” She replied, ‘‘You’d better go up stairs to kiss.’ referring to Chism's daughter. lino, aged 18. This seemed to drive Chism out of his senses. He drew a knife and jump) and into tlie buggy Throwing his daugh ters out he pushed his wife back agaii st br t!use in Seunh of EealiL DELAY 33 DANGrSOUS, Mmy disease I•i j no deceptive th..tlu tidi •n f p on; ' ■ n before they oiron ipa it " j . r tboy oro not well,! it . • f Hylg . . thi dci Uy fai which an 1 Im •m" ’uo m them. and must. air • l'-t, eer: : and. strey than;, i:nlc 3 r ■ icuo-! • y ; 111 1 liani. .if Cl: i'Ot i.V/.JCJW* V.,ar cas int.y now be pert tlßitiawber, over tofncgl yotta i. ;In curable stages. when, perhaps. the moat, skill; . '•!• v.- iclar, ccn r taler you v.o asalutaace. STI i i'}^. J3TDR. KI’TCHIN IS ND Vi ANGER IN TJ-'I? COUNTY. dr. icu ram's, President Maplewood Siinltorluni, 1.0-n Polio, ML. Kx. I*. Surgeon. I.ate of Sani tarium uml Kerr.ody Cos., Columbus, 0. Specialist in Chronic diseases. WHAT OR. KUTCHiN CO-3 10. Dr ICutohln ma.k >3 tho llrsl i/Oji iat I. i life to hoal tin af , • ga av/ 'll ilasoivoi r ■jmtatl'.m a ia I. alor Of ill . MSe-lamong *h i people; the third, i-t to ‘Mraii model* .oil ;■ • oialer to propony t aro tor him olf ami 1 1 1 ■it i . that bs ngr ics to. ami oft tim ■ i more, and v/haii failure does occur tt canal ii : < true 1 ' ! pru lon i r otor tvurlt on tho pa*t of tho patient. Eli ‘ i candidly, liberally .ami honor ably with all allk . taking a Wantage of none as o condition or ( r im Last, but not least. lie CDIiESt afior ell methods but his have tailed. HE CURES AFTER OTHERS FAIL The Moat Suoacesful and Seiontifla Treatment oV oil Diseases and Weaknesses o? Mankind Possible to Obtain. Tho moat widely ■ i.-1 r.i • rabiy knows special! lint ted Slat . 11l ■ • ex* porlcnco, remirUablo skill and nnlwrsnl .-me siin t! •1 i- t hospitals in the world en able} him t ti*at all ( lll'OMl, iVKUVOUS, SaIN or.d hoO(d> Diseases upon tho latest Rclnnllllc principle i and entitle him to tho lull confidence of tlin aflUciod everywhere, no IMITOUIM ’ l l no -*up?*ior mdlaguo.-ong e.mi li ; um: discuses mid deformities. Ulli l\\l I ullin Mdh il and Surgical Disease:'., Ac*iit<• ami Chronic Catarrh, Diseases of tho Kv', Dir. No* *. Throat and Dungs, Dyspepsia, Hright’s Disease, Diabetes, Kid ney, Lii ir, Bland r, Chronio Femalo and S x i&l Discs : dllj red by treatment that has nov r failed in thousands of oases that had bent pronounced b yond nopo Many people met do.irii every war who might havo been restored to per feet health had they placed their ca sin no bands of experts. CHRONIC DISEASES. The I) i' tor* > it' ll.iaaoa, but vnakoF n sp.w of clir oii m l lor<K*Ftsndln:4 dlHoases c-i Mirlvou u; by oilier doctors and proDoiincud Inminldo. ho mo; t daslros to see. ex ounations free: to ali Whenever It I ■ known that Dr. Kut-hlrl tro*4ile gothei • eon• •nit him, iu I It Im nut t w u.iered ai when !t Is rmicMiib *rud tint In dl iunudnn t* dUeu*- > .1 1 novur 11 ni >jv <piiMiluii Imc <1 • htilm >* Ui<* till* for Mit *ll lie • btr.*r lit m th" sick can them-1 K dvvi. ItHri jli'f fornnyoro t i l> ow, .ni Hr. liutdihi' * dlaKtiostP*powers i v r *:.• t w.-nrler thrnu* lioiit the (Miuutry. \ *le a i->,.• 1 the lollowlfu: plan, which Is pc-1 cullai t ho I'irrfi* h ••pit*lu, and li n-t and never has *n trie pr-vi ha* of country doctom, ' vl/ • In* ear •fully nthe sympt'Uiii uf tli 1 pillent, and iH-orimns th< condition uf tiio In- ' tern il oru ins, nil of whle’.i h • ear*dully record* tn hi * ft* *i t*• r tor futnn* i •ii reiice in thl Wiivli* a yrtahiF tie* t.U 'nature uf the dP*- j e lie on I|m oniiMi- Wh mi nick pontile consult him h re uiiiy tells thei-j whether no can cure I or helpth itu.or wh ther t’.iey ur* boyon 1 hope. ■ 1!N IMHXOVED METHODS OF TREATMENT' Arei.illl mid pi- Mint; r'e i>rraetiy with tti* Chfldl do not redu >o sir, iA and; cin h • n *d wiillo i.l work, and idve tho u rente and p M*lidn henellt In the shortest P<meide time. I’aUont • cm consult him or eamui mlc it with hi n us < and ten as they choo ■ *. diirhix lit" whole cl mo required fr tho cure, without i <t \r in when) they nay he. ana wlMi ulet: i " i ir ;e. Mins rondi r n i*io troaiipont as sn>’ ••> f ill nml saU 'fiu’l *rv in th<ujh they w#re lit 1 1 in ■ i 1 i r I ■ i •11■ • i Pirom m* ’ lUTnlty trvited liy h,.l4>runl pretender* v '■ cop irhllnp with them month I after month, giving noisonou and Injurious I compounds, shoe *all nod see the Doctor. HPKn M.TD. I Cut Kill. SUE, Dls <so.-, I *er IMruple- . •icrot da. Illu idTaint*. Ecra nic I ('.in. er, I*ll an 1 Ih wnof Wommi CJ ilcUly I end I'nr in n I ently t’m ''Y l!n i itoit a inovod I treatment ns nursuod > h adlur nporlallvta of I \ ierW land Kur i " (’a and cot res|ond nco <*onfld n’l.u. Tn- vtnont I. nt, CO.D. to tiny part o* the 'lnlt'-d 'sti\t■ i orr fiOMdenc<T with Invalids nolicll • ' All letters with stamps In i tniworad ?ra Call and txi examined indath it learn tbe tuna of yoor dltem. and If It can oe cured l'w|>o \Vorn removed in from thivo to five hours without starvation Tie rerre di m for th ■ whole conr. f treatment are furnished from th OMco or .ii the Inttltuie, all at once or by tho month. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FREE TO ALL AT THE Williams House, Thursday, June 13. Every Four Weeks Thereafter. hour* fro it •' hm. to p. m. WE BUY AND SELL )RIL i f.\CilAN(j MANITOWOC SAVINGS BANK Capital SIOO,OOO. Surplus SIO,OOO. JOHN 3CHUETTE, President, LOUIS SC’HUETTE, Cashier. ED. BCHUETTE AssistantC'asblm Open from 9 to 3 o’clock. the seat and cut and gouged her face with his knife, cutting deep gashes also in her scalp and neck. He then pushed her out of the buggy and jumped upon her, and was trying to cut her throat when Harvey Free land. Mrs. Chism’s son, aged 12, seized a ball bat ami struck at him. He turned, grabbed the bat from Freeland, struck Mrs. Chism three blows on the head, crushing her skull and dashing out her brains. Soldiers at Fort Sheridan, who wan ted whisky, did not have to go to Chi cago for it Sunday. For in spite of the Rev. M. M. Parkhurst’s warning against keeping saloons often on Sunday, four out of the eight in the town near the birt dispensed liquor all day. From the early hours of the morning until late at night the little town presented the same scenes of drunkenness and rioting that disgraced the place Friday. The wisdom of a fool is always cun-1 spicuous by its absence. I WHAT DR. I'ITCHiN DOES NOT DO. 1 He does not fright- I < a pt-eplo IntoOoctor lag by holding ui a pica (aspet dydi nth II fore their oyi ;t. Uo i im s not urge thciick ;'o take treatment , n he knows t'u m I to no incurable Nei i l her dot 3 be by false 1 ;>rctenses hold the I sick under his tare i ,')iitli after month • .1,11 doing them no good. Ho does not per . nadc h'-lp* . s m n.raides to doctor (Ulth ilast month of their lives, or give up their last dime for medicine. Ho ile'cs not take patients under a so . ill and false'i-'uarantce I pretending to charge only for medicine end taaing whatever amount ho can got, or make tho object of his life locxlortmon ey from the sick. LATEST DISCOTERIFK AND IMRROVEMENTS, Dr. lintd:li has r olved tbo must r.p vrov ! liiHtru* ii n In Analytical nml Micro *■ *ojir.ii lixtoi hi. tiono "1 tlio Blood, Urine, cm i. , w . fiisiueredlndispensable to | l < *or : ii:i**iM'..|b h> my diseases. There . re in my di.-mn;. a whlh ph>jicinns In common 'l i i usually treat, ami arc. there- I'T". oJd( m pn pared ttTli necessary mid cost- 1 ly •uf fit f if if? coracctly. or treat with fuc- i <o m; Much < n 1 . therefore, would do well to I ' r ‘ll e r ' ...nd learn their true condition, and I whothui the *1 >< t < *f llopoaru yotopen,or for* over closed : 1 :.ii rtthorn. manhood perfectly restored. nqinicHs and certain euro for Impo tence. I. • t .Manhood. Spernmtonlicrn, Lories, WinKiki* r.iri N -rvous Dehllit y. also for Pros tat It If, V.rl' •. i|i*. ami nil private (lisonscs, r.'|j4>t , ur fiorn impnnior.t haMta of youth or ('Xiiri t-xi. •‘ in mature y(v*r .. or any cause mat and Mil* t m Uio B<xual functions, ppcodllj mid p• r 1 r, , 11,■ j:11 y cured. C'oiikiilfufloti frr© uid sfrlMly ronift .rntlul, AlmlutO cures truarantt dln ni. able cases. No risk incurred. DISEASES OF tVO^IFV, Such n** n is t a filed Ibc skill of other phvsl- ‘o :• is*| Mcdlen, I>r. Kntrliln qrtokly eyre . 11 . . 'rumors. Klbreid nnd Roly bold i . 1. ,j wiiliout the use uf the knife. No cutting, a 1 .in. no dtingt 1. Free Kuimlniiilon of lh Urine-Each I p r-i • 1 ;e.> 11),, t . r medical treatment should ■ mid or n. 4ouiu * jof urine, which will | : ’mv 1 *ll r*ful chomlcol and mlcroseoplcal usamlnailoii. riI.FH. FlsTl’l-A AM*) It K(TAL '1.4 KIPt cured r-iih ut pale or detention ! from ouF|r,i>*a. HyptiUm. (2onorrh< n. tllfet. Private lliooii and Hklt. Ol**on*ea speedily, com* [ plotolr and t>ornia;.on ly cured. xKKVors nnnvLiTT am) iFir l \l, IMIMUII HN yield rapidly to hie | -tkdlfiil treatment. Wisconsin Central Railway Cq. PASSENGER TRAINS Between Manitowoc Leave Arrive ami Manitowoc Manitowoc Collins, Hllliert .Tunc- / B;5.1 A. M. 9:45 A. M. tion, Sherwood. Nee- • nah. Menaahn i !:(3P. M. Mill 1 . M. Stevens Point, Marsh j field. ('hippewa Kalis. Kau Claire, st. Paul. r : aa A. M 7:: F*. M. Minneapolis Hurley. Iron wood Bessemer St. Paul. Minneapoli , , Ashland. Duluth and 2:45 P. M. 9:45 A.M. Pacific coast points. 1 < ishkosh. Fond du Lac Milwaukee. Wank.- 5:50 A. M. !•;45 A. M sha. Chicago and 2:45 P.M. Tnlo P. M. points Hast and South All trains daily except Sunday, \v. H. Vandkorift. Agt ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Da yrenfcr rd ar Ferry Steamship l ine, . . . BETWEEN . . . Manitowoc, Wis.. and Frankfort, Mich- Where connection is made with Ann Arbor R. R. trains for all points in Michigan, the South and ast. BETW. FKAFKFORT AND MANITOWOC Leave Manitowoc daily, except Monday :20ani FROM KEWAUNEE TO MANITOWOC Lv. Kewaunee Tues.. Thurs.and Satur. 5 a m \r Manitowoc Tues.. Tlmrs. and Satur. 8 a m Condensed Scukpci.e Ann Anoon Raicroad Trains. Train No, 4. Train No. 8 Leave Frankfort In in am 7:20 pm Arrive Cadillac 12:55 p in 10:15 pm Ann Aid sir B:DS p in 11 din a m Toledo I'MiOpin UOOiMii .\rriveTravel; cCity %in Pore MarquUe Rail ‘ nad 12:40 pm 9:l(lpta Arrive Detroit via Grand Trunk Raii .va v H. 20 pm <l;nOam. K S. LORD. Agent. Manitowoc Wis V' SMTU Ti.Mti TABU:. m ■ *4l ITIcJ o I aJ|kJ IJlk mk| ■ | I 4. ■■ i:oats I.eavc Manitowoc For Sheboygan. Milwaukee Racine and Chicago daily, except Friday and! Sunday at i> p. in. For Kewaunee ttnd Alguma Friday and Sunday at 4 p. in. For Sturgeon Bay canal Sunday at 4 p. in. t iflice and docks foot of oth slree C. F. Canright, Agent, j FOR SPRING HOUSE-CLEANING We have the old stand-byes Moth Balls and Napthaline Flakes. We also have the new vermicide and disinfectant, Ozonet Powders. I’se it until r your carpets and among your packcd-away clothing. F. C. BUF.RSTATTE, Pharmacist. Eighth and Jay Sts. Manitowoc. Wis. John Tucker, for many years a pro minent figure in horse circles, and well known to all the leading owners and drivers of the country, died in Chica go on Sunday of apoplexy. ()f late years Mr. Tucker had been with C. K. (4. Billings’ stable of trotters and pa cers. FlirUIT Foil Ills LIFE “My father and sister both died of Consumption." writes J. T. Weather wax, of Wyandotte Mich., "and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King s New Discovery. An at tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent di ctor could not help, but a few months’ use af this wonder ful medicine made me as well as ever and I gained much in weigt.” Infal j lible for Coughs. Colds and all Throat jan 1 Lung trouble. Trial bottles free Ouarantee I bottles 50c and SI.OO at ' Henry Hinrichs Chicago & North Western Railway. NORTH BOUND .eave Chicago... Toi.r.. . Milwaukee ... 7... a m I£l £ 1S pm s'"'D m as** ss:: I,UI i-- “veßran‘h WOC ; -ss:s ,2 35pm i%h rt3,B '“ *p Dear# Pine Grove.! ““ l a Leave Cato 9so am 25,. SI a - SS“ lasJS iSfcttSfc'* “““ |;S |‘aS UMpm 315 pm Arrive Ashland *’” WJO p m 11 a m 230 a m SOUTH BOUND TRAINS, Leave Reeds\ ille 5 l°p“m N ° 4 - JV’ 1 !' 14 No 18 No 50 i-araveGrimms 5a3?S -.1 f-r 1)m 930 am Leave Cato 5 37 n m t ,u I*, j' 3' u * 10 OS a m Leave Pine Grove P I?.! 11111 1-03 pm 10 15 am Leave Branch 5 Si u ra V" ,m 13 34 p m Leave Manitowoc 351 pm iSOatr am 14111 I 'r£ ,)m 10 33 am Leave Newton 804 pm m S .1** a m I'£pm <*P 1145 am Leave Cle\ eland 814 p m -ai Iu } P m ■33 p m 12 50 p m Arrive Milwaukee 810 pm 705 am lo 'K ?SI .i S v m 435 p m 108 pm Arrive Chicago 7SUam l"Ssam 350 pm 840 pm v Train No. 4 daily. No.’s 3, 10. li, pi and 30 dailv ... I ,'. pm *' *'?.P m . y 3o)> m at Milwaukee and Chicago for east, south and west*' 1 ' !4nnday - all tri4lns uiaking connections , . TWO RIVERS TRAINS Arrive Two Rivers 710 a m 111:*! am 4SOp m i P‘ V4>rß a 4O “ m 1210 pm 5 15pm tor any further information apply at de,£t tilikeTotK,^' 1110 A 8 HcchthlVsU Tkt* LAWYERS NASH & NASH. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT IAW urn. .. Collections promptly attended to. " A W ufflte over National Bank, Eighth street . SEDGWICK, SEDGWICK & SCHMIDT ■ ■msin Collections promptl y’attended to** 1 U( ’ rtll * , nJ Eighth street bridge. Manitowoc Wis .l: .^.r'. v~ ~ — : — ——- HEALY Ac JOYCE, WawmM.Jotoi Attorneys at Law, Municipal Court Bldg. Manitowoc, Wisconsin m. 1 woney t • Loan Bit LINO JMUELL.KK. BSvJLT N ° tary P,lb “ C and Conveyancer Money loaned on readable rates. PHYSICIANS J F MI’LHOLLAND, M D. PRACTICE liniite.l to Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours 9toP> a , . . and ,toßp. m. Office over Mendllk & Mulholland s, N Bth streerManUowm-. \Vis<.onßln. P ' “ DB U. A SIMON. DENTIST. South Hth Street, opposite Williams House Manitowoc. Wisconsin. MUSIC TEACHERS. FOBEKT WILDGRUBE, w OLO CLARINETIST with Kaisers >1 ilitarv Band. Teacher of Clarinet n.a,.,, *. Leave orders with Manitowoc Music* Cos., S. Bth street. ‘ mt ftn< * ( * lel inß trumeut 1 The J.G. JOHNSON CO. K Ul,\> \Y i'Vi.Ji L.1.Ml FRE In Nonajrn V.'.,cousin on the North- Western Line. Low rates and easy tennsof payments, \hont 400,000 acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advantage of location on the many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excelent water supply, both for family and for j stock Land is generally well timbered, the I soil fertile and easy of cultivation. Chi cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Superior. Ashland and numer-1 ous other thriving cities furnish good' markets for farm produce. For further particulars address Geo. W. Bell. Land Commissioner, Hudson. Wis.. or G. H. Mcßea. A. G. P. A.. St. Paul. Minn. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ol food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat al the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By itsuse many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only l>y P. Hk.Witt A < Chicago The It-bottle conLalnsiH limes theSOo. size. “So yon are making fortune in the health-food line. Is there any tangible ceremony about starting in such busi ness?.’ “Well, I had to till out p. ft w forms." Spavin Liniment. English Spavin Liniment removes All Hard. Soft or Calloused Lumps ond Blem ishes from horses. Blood Spavins. Curbs. Splints. Sweeney Ring-Bone. Stifle . Sprains, all Swollen Throats. Clough. etc. Save by the use of one bottle Warranteed the most wonderful Blemish j Cure ever known. Sold by F. C. Buer statte Druggist. Manitowoc. \\i. NO DANGER but what we can thorough ly satisfy you in anything we Handle if given an oppor tunity. Our building de partment is well stocked with lime, cement, brick, stone, sewer pipe, in fact everything perta in ing tot his department. We solicit a share of your patronage. Vours Respectfully, INVENT Something useful or entertaining: or, if yog already have an invention get a PATENT. There is abundant profit in good patented inventions. Send for our interesting Illus trated Patent Hand-Book--free; gives more information than any other. We obtain Pat ents that protect. Terms lowest possible for best service. (H R FEES REFUNDED IF W E FAIL TO SECURE PATENT. No charges for examination and opinion as to patentability. Promptness guaranteed. Best of references. Over 31 years experience. Address R. S. & A. B. LACEY, Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C. Mention this paper when you write. Heart Pains j are Nature’s warning notes of ! approaching danger from a dis ! £ased heart. If you would avoid debilitating diseases, or even sudden death from this hidden trouble pay heed to the early warnings. Strengthen the heart’s muscles, quiet its nerv ous irritation and regulate its adtion with that greatest of all heart remedies, Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. “Darting pains through my heart, left, side and arm would be followed by smothering, heart spasms and fainting. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure has entirely relieved me of those troubles.” John VanDenbttrgh, 256 Kewaunee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dr. Miles’ Heart Core controls the heart addon, accel erates the circulation and builds up the entire system. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, lad.