CREED REVISION TALKED OF TODAY. Presbyterian General Assembly Tackle Knotty Problem. SI PPM Ml MAI DOGMATIC ST ATI MINT. Big Machinist Strike is on Over the Country. T WING TUI UNDERBUY MILLIONS A Couple I ) itched in Connellsville. Pa Sa> that the Oueen of Serbia Tried to Hood win . her Royal Husband Tlii Presbyterian General Assembly which i- meeting in Philadelphia made the question of creed revision a special cnlcr for today with the understanding that Hi* discussion shall Is- continued until the matter is definitely settled. The (ienetal As-i iiddy took this action after listening to th reading of the re- 11.rt oj the Kevirii a coinniktee last Sat nrday. The Revision committees report re viewed the net of the General Assembly of I!tiM under which it iftcd told of its several meetings. and presented copie of the correspondence with the pre l y teries . f the United States. in which the .(.ntinietif of the chnreh on the question of .-reed revision was ascertniacd As a i.siilt of this correspondence the com initfeeat it- meeting at Pittsburg on April ‘-‘i recorded the vice of the pre hyteries as follows 1 f. rrm .-inn of ii.( c n- if* h-n *• ’ [■*,,]• uu x|*’i:j:t• ■ r*\ 11 1 r n ■*. •{ t!i* ion nn>l an *x- J.. , ;r •>1 ■ Mat • *i:■ • •!1 1 4 J , , !; ji|■!“ria‘nta 1 - *;t*• T11•'11 1 nf (!•.#•- j i.r / , ~...ii niiil n -tat*- < J ti n-trim* | . r an tci I ry *tat* un*nt fttal a‘•up 1 1* in* l.tbl *fat< in -M ; I’i.r a -til*tif tt- ■ r h I ;■ Hi it. ri at • *:v *1 1 ! I'or **• itif • haii^'- j all fiMir * II Jl isive vote 1 j • p. Jrt -MU -i.l of tlt* vh*l* vulfj'M'l j p r , .i v i . ii. tin 1 i,.;> '1 Haft* t r It |**'...t,\ f.*f.i■ in I. ts i.fii liimUtiot re|ior )!1(t .1). " h ■ votes shows that sixty-three pr. s ),. i. ii. favor some n \ i-ion of (he ( 'on J. r -ion of Faith 0 'id X V eigl t pfeshy 11 ri• |avor some form of a supplement ■ ■ . : t of doctrines Appended to the report of the Twin 1 . t!i ( i ninry Fund I'oiiim'.ttei- wen nmnl rof it ii n which the As .-,,i )!v v.a- ai !t- adopt 'i hi v were us follows • Tint til Gii.enil A -emhl; calls upon i ver i bun h in the denominalion slid burdened wF.I. indefiti dnes • and tin,’eie-i (" in ;ri\ in.g it- foil -tain t., 'm,. 0.... and Imi volenee to take so ps on let Ho inspiration of (his mm i j to tlii itoi< Me,in. with in the m \t t wo years. ■J '■ i !h < mi" ;al A- -# ■, 11 1 tly i m;i- lh iiij'ii-t (uvl iii*livi'lnti) (,'ivi’t- tliii>iurhi■!;l Hu- > linn li I |ira\< i f; ly o< n-hh r tin i nlui'/i'l me V am! 1.. "| , orttniitu■ if tin- Ii ianlr of tin llh'iili u’ii'al ‘•■ininiiiit- of tlm a ■.•nlmnii mlli-aiati' mill 11 1 a*i t nl ii)>-tiliitiii, (.1 tin- ill ;l ■ I; iltl'l M”'' IHv tu J il< ‘\ifi fill- 11 11 —i ■•!■::' IT I 'lll a fill I .uni in."; i iiaMii 11n mln ill' That ill" ’.'il A i inlil' in -1 riillii th I all- 113" " li" ' nml' and tin jtri'-l- 1 1 . ■ I" i'"!.limn t• • |ii'u ocnli 111- v. ; k i !111 if,.' tin i■ 11 -• ii ll j_' yi ar I v . ijrai, , i it ~’jil tin I" art' i"...jh-rn In.M with lII* ' 'ni il ( ■ •!111 illi a 'I ha lin M'i w i.f liini.'iv linn’m ci'-“ary t i i' in If" lull !■ nil" i■! tin** I wen I mill i *-isl ni'.v 111 ■%-1 ill’ll t llm \*M’iuiily I* 11 .iiiiiiitI• !'<• i "Mtimmil I'm another % , I #., r t 1)." I II"' 11 A- i tlll'ly id JtHW Tin l.i;, -Irik. "I iam-I.itii-l - in nil j, " i -uni ■ y fur a aim In nr day with tnn l.nni jay i-mi lh" unions in iiiaiiv I" m •; 11 11 w"fl; iin M’ nlav AUli-■ •hm i, linlnUt of i'll i( limn wi 1' I. ii. v.. Ik- nt ■ " in" t l ' m o\|.in .! a- i fii*-jii v. illi i mji’iivoi ■a- I n-.-jm**- 111.. 1.1. w I. \. all Unit i ■ ill linirnlnil ii, th, i i,hi . lh" nilu i- c> ilnin I" a-’lllll# i.innnlnl'h - j.i #iji# •# !!• iJi" i' •*r laniilli- the vviii'k#'l lim.i In mi ine|iar int.’ fur tin- '•lrni'ali•, ami tin- I#h-h1 iinium |ia\n Im in -lienu’tln mil ■•> th" mnri’ jiuju rinut i .li#-- j win!" -li ik< ha\i Ui n i n.iu urn rut I ml w ill iio.'in am Mon u, #|iiH 1 K, ii.. i ■ \. I'mn inn.,:. I. I (’i. v!i < > ."n | HjiHtii. ’ 11 i vo j 11 . rtf. .1 Ii .m, il ni I- , .uli.i *. V #>i M no i W 1 iOi Wwliit,.’ rn Ini im K /. i, v v im HI Athe ■ VI "'Hi 1 In- a| jrai-ul of tin i -tali- of tlm lull ('i a m-lin* V underbill by <‘hai les 1) o(Vnn-ll \vu“ aftiriiK’il ly Surri'imi# li'l'i-m nf tin- Imlr* nr * '*>t Iri r < uler ami will i-arri#'il ii|miii :ijij**-il Control J*-r # iih" i iiiilnini- Iliui tlm upiiriUMal hHouM l** i.MiM’il l* a in*, it fail tu i mp to get half at JJo years of age 1 and half at :;■* years of age. To secure payment of the tares im j posed the . slate some years ngo deposit* 1i and $350,000 with the state controller. It is found that the war revenue taxes 1 amount to t* Mi 1,070■ of which tsflfl.l!*? j has already been paid. There were be ! ijnesfs of 100,Of>f* to William K. Vand “rbilf. Sr'oii.ofMt to rhnnneey M. Depew. and $50,000 to E-lward V. Rossi ter. the “xeentors of the will, and a question was raise-!, whether these sums were given in lien of commissions to tht ex .enters, or whether they are entitled to to full commissions amomitingto *1.1.10, ion lo s the amount of these liequests. Alfred G. V r ai.derhilt contended through his connsel against the appraise ment and that Is-foretheestate wasieck* .tied up for taxing tinder the state laws the war revenue taxe- a- a’first lien should have been deducted, and that tie- commj.-ions of the executors, fixed at •I .‘.00.000 le - tin bequests which they ditaine I, should also have Is-ea deduct el from the general estate. The apprai -al fixes the amount of the : irions legacies at t '-'- I .f• and the t.'.csat *.’01.010. At midnight on Saturday a mob of o 100 persons surrounded the little lock iji at Connellsville. Pa.. in which are • infined William Fairbanks and his wife legroes. who are charged with the milder of William Moore, assistant ardmasfer of the Baltimore and Ohio ailway hen- The couple were lynml is soon a the frail harriers were broken town. private Loin 15> dtfrade sa> he Servian mini-ib-rs resolv'd t<< tfinl**r heir rc-i.■.•tuitions and to advise the \nio to obtain a divorce from (Jnein >rnga on account of He seamin' in con i.■>-1 i<>i■ with h'T 1 mby Tb ministers iso will rccoim nd that tic <,fneeri be ,hired in confinement in a tin —-ian mr.- •■lit. la He a'/ Chain; and I’rinco Chin;,' at ohin China ha\ •• now n commended hat the nioiie' lo pay the bidemnitii h emanded by the ministers 1 < raised m he scheme proposed by V icel'iiV ( liallf{ hi Tun;.' of NVn <'ham' and Viceroy an Km Vih of Nankin that i- by ia.- i simr new taxes on opium arid hdi teci. ft• r a h.n ', hard | nil a.;ain.-t ind • and wave- |hr e men were thr >wn dotiielak* at Chicago when theirlM at as overturne t near tin- entrance < f I '.elfsicj I*arli harbor Saturday alb r i 1011. .John H Wit. tandley one nf theocia> ails of the craft, wa- drowned, I’., - are centin’i/.int; in Heir efTorh - pna! -!i John A lex mder Howie for tin ",dhs of Mo, 11 Worthington Jn Id nd Mr Louisa < 'hristeii- mi Tin .llica-fi He 1.11 i I depart rnellt. the enroll i dill e tie slat s n'lo-aev, and lie ,!ie I' 1 of Health all have re;ire-cub tivi - searchinr. r the statute I ink- I- r line law under whi h the "(general vers in may he held answerable Nnv cne . Hi ■ :'rand jury. and whieh i ,;| e |, and to make a f ill inquiry into he met In sis |if I) iwle Men have char-red 1 iwie befnie witli ■ii nkin 'up til 'd - lione i, hrl* it reninic and lor Ahralr:m 1.. Neil-on to enter a .ml and and clave that wince hi s wife had I >me aeqn lint I with Hi" Do' 1 , iei* • he ,ad de V.'l' I|| 111 111 Hi li 'll i li ' I-111 j. ; le at I rilail all his trouble to Julia Vexainler Howie, and saw that until •he In c inie a follower of the general n r-ei rin /ion (bi'ir borne w.a Imnp) i:,d no bar b words passed between hem, , Lit nteiiant Hiebard l‘. Townly a re in | oflicer i I tin- navy, will be e act not ialed for alleged part iei pat ion in he rominisfirv frauds at Man., tear Admi.iil KimplT. in temporan m m and of the A cat ic still ion report •and to the Navy department that Ic ha I n in In I 'ld wnlex IT an command of the nintieal m 1 o and and would send him 0 tic cninl o t .Manila, inihr nspen 1 n to await fi r her action It i. alle -e I t nit Townlev on two o a ions ha I attempted to cxurt money loin li e li. 11l of ( 'll 111 Itros,, Wolf A oas of Manila. The money, it is hat 'id S'as to be used in part *o .dear up account 1 of the army conimissarv Prompt action wns taken b\ the de • art li a id n|mu the n ceij.t > I Hear Ad i, inil Kemptl s report cable orders , in/ i sued for Tuwnlev's trial b\ [jell rril i nil martial lobe i nixeined ■ peedil v as possible. | Sfiialui < 'lmnnffv M J 1,1- ili 1 ’an and hiniwH in fimtr iif thi rfiiuininii ! linn of I’lr-iili nl McKinley fur a tliinl :t• rin .Suiiicwlmf Hiartliim un lliin uuwm mil) lie it 1M IlfVfrlllflfHS Hut llllf\j I tnl in mm ial tin if Th.. m tivii work Ix-inK duin* liy tin* frii'inlH uf Si imti i Kairtuink* in tin 1 latter lwiialf ’.hr i.r iMiu/atiun uf Farliank* < lnti in ililfrr rut part* uf llir country. have iiihluhM fillv can* *•! whim* alarm aiimiiK ffttaln (mmiincut Republican wlm it i- known, an- nut frifinll> to tin- Itnliana ncnat. r. The knuwlcilire uf Senator I)f|>c\vn opinion in if ;nr 1 I • namiiuf uf McKin l> v fur a tlrrt rm ca iif alHHit in thin way Mr M Kuilf) - rumlith n lat Sat ir * - s** •’ > jC John schuettc ■ '‘ 1 : ' 12 v -4 V | ORI 'NTAI. Ml LLS i ®ll •,* ;V * i•• ■ r i ’1 . Me m.j> n j?l Vi fSOAIC./OXU. OBIEN T /. X. MILLS MANUFACTURERS OF FLOUR and FEED. JOHIsTSOHTTETTE, Propriet -r. day night is considered favorable, al though tin- reappearance of the fever causes a little anxiety. Mrs Lyman J. Gage. wife of the sec retary of : la treasury died on Friday last. The immediate cause of death was heart failure, a result of wasted strength due loan attack of (he grippe. Mrs, Gage was conscious almost to the last moment. There were present at ‘ he bedside her husband, her daughter. Mr- Pierce of Evanston. Dr. Johnston and a trained nurse. In tin- presence of I ’resident McKinley, Governor Nash o Ohio, many members if congress high officials and di-tin .'uished men of the navy and arm,- the battle- hip < thin made its plunge into the tic- sea, on Saturday. At 12;■.’(! Miss Barber touched the ■lectricul machine. The knife shot I iwnward and severed the the cord. Ehe dog shore topple 1 over of its own weight, and the cleverly constructed ifpaslrtbiWsflii, fcw _ _ _ DELAY It D^CGSOI-IS. :i.*.nv dli '.*.rt;u ■iikcb.-r .;l ■ t ; rp'. •' -a before they f.ven sn ipcv i, The • k.i, / they ,;r; not v; ;*.. v• . ctp i.:: f I'u* deadly f..iwja • i v t-'siia** up*:; then • ■ < ■; .< *r, c i.• drev them, unices . , kill! ! i iad. AHE fir . : perfe II r..*di mu IteiueoiCei*. ~ l of c i'll • yeuuc: r r o.i in* i nr.ibl ■ ~• I. v h ,t. nerti iw, (!■ • 'no ■ ...'1 ■ * 'no, i you ’.r> , il'jlc.ace. Tin; j r..; T i'. Jr ,tn ■ iic.y I, ■ KITCHIM IS [. ST.iMibUR H TH'S CCUF TY, WHAT [fl Kl'TiilllN DOFS LO. I Or IC it’Hn nrU *l tho Hr i i..i • ;( of lb i 111 t i !■ ! ti- af flict "1. ' ■ i "Jiccl 10 * I. v, o il ■ - vu.l r In a tala icr Cf.' ■ ; ■ c. . . ■ ,M. ■ 1 I * .pi ; 111 ’ Cilnl, is I to iMriln Ill’ ll .* cum jc:i; c • n In ooler Ii pre ■ ,v c if; for turn h -if ami l • ■ lly. JI" doe mi! that lid Rgr ■ i to, an 1 eft -1 in. < i,i<>r ■, and wlr.-a rill'll' (In; C.’.Mr it can ai'.-iya l o tr.u' .1 to nr-li-iHiu a, lm prud 'llo.', cr ov. r v ■ fl: on iho pa-l. of the patient. lit .1 vis candidly, I. Tilly an t Fonor .i 'I v with all alike, I iking clv.inlace of t on” so ,o conilltlon or clrcunsliitii'e. 1.,i it. I it not t as*, in: i antes after .■ it nielhoit:! but bis pave fi. lleil. / /‘'-tymph ir w a f ■ ■ I'A OR. CTTCHIW, I’rrfrtd*nt Jlnpleirnod iiUartum. Cri'ort I, Mis. li,h. P. SufT“on. Lai t.f ‘ ,r.. tartam anil >:<•> ly Cos,, C.’inilu , <>. Spncialist in Chronic Dise?^?. HE CURES 4FTEB OTHERS FM, Tlv9 Mint Suoocs.sful tmd Soienblfl ;• Trootr m.t i till Diecoaes ontl Viaaknosneo of fflTiklnd Po • bbi to Ofcccilri. Tho insst widely nsi'l t v iri'.itly known s-i ■ i •,t i-* ' id Stan s. Hi t long cx p *r|eii’" , reurirkatvle n!{ill aed nni. .ui ;■in Ii ti .? pit.d iln llio world cn* 1 UtOMC. NKHVI -i : ■ sc, mil l ■ ncuc.'ipb , amt cn'itli' i lilin to t>ie Idl coulltlci; , 1 itllleK'd iv< ry where. aQ If IlllMfiM hui sup •*ior in di ii in" 'u., t* liineaßCH acd deformities. Ji iilllUwlii ui il .in 1 •■■/led it's ■ , A .i: ironic ( • rrh, Pisissta o* the By , if, Note. Tl.ioii ant Luu ’i, Dycpe- i , i'r ia Disc a. c, 111 Ii >, Kld ■Ll i ' 1 I i.vbi arc] , i ■ ■ in v r failed la tv u lamU of cas th 11,.; 1 ■ pi need I : 'iii'li* n til’ eh iv,ryvc ir who mlkht havo beer i • . , peril ■*, health !.ud they : I tic ■ ‘I tholr e • i ■ i In ’oe hands of exports. t IIIiOMC BISLA-iES. 1 i ■ no acuta dla mm, hul eciks 1 r, • yic, n( ear mb- ami iui.K-'CiM'lua | ill IIIIKI) <■ 1 *l. v:: i, •I. ■ Ollier loillOl IUII ; pioii'iUii ■ 'I li, iinaUC;, lie iiiust dc.-ii'ea to “nl. I WMIMIP'NS I UEE TC ALI. W.umi I *. tli krii.nrn 3>r Rutrhlit! i il' a i rroiviih irudit * • .* com■ •-, ii, .i ir, in not t l* ‘ w'*f,.iruG n v lion ! It I ir ti ‘r.h Mb',; tint In Glnunoxlm: ;• illscu ;• • n -fiii* . im ' Ll’ lm* ii • atU i • tl• • ill.- . t**r• 11 1 i ■ plan, til* hlm i • ruli ir i ■ Hio Ii : • l> . cnil In rt f nn I • i j*r * 11 1 mif ry :i* f h vl • >i Mri'lii!!v dm ipyniptotiiH < f t!io •hi.-nil ti * ■‘n.iii'i tin* pi. in oti i>t V •I: • .•! i • •i. ill i - u 111 <*ii!■nu i< fn 11 y n\ ii l:. ’’ • r 1 ~ • i l • f ut:ii'o r-diMPii In thH wav ti ' Ii t.ilrr* tli'* tii * i iir ■ of tin’ ill • i * h 11 i *ii Vv’limi fill'.; p*b>n|4) in i i*im■ ’if v t*H f lit • •who* Jr i lio rt; 'Vi.* j** r i If T ill. < T rvl tl >. I ho/uro oy r >T i A r*i nl I an 1 t*l mtj onroi* prtor!iy with f'r• ii li mid f.t ly nr '.Tilltl; .1 not r• Lu * s' . 1 .111 I • I whlln ivl nnd XlTi‘ m’ "t |.’i> *• i>l in Ml in tin' hlmoi • Ig • * I ti I*ut I );(s < ■ i i*pilro i p . 1 tl • fit i-f > h thowilh tli* ’ • her l'cr(ini lifnl’y ti tffiibr luiorunt I;< nu) iui ••.( i rulin'; ■■ Ith tl *ni •*■ i.ti •- rn •!* • v: p.*lHono*i rrtl IniurJ nm i- i*. np| Inn; ’ nil np-i "*• 100 Doof*r. HVi'.i'Z % I.TI • . ••'irrii. Hkln IM r'm mw, ■ 1 ; i t ... *r. I’ll ui 1 In iH.nif Womnn Q lMclv i.n 1 iVriniii ontly Cm v fl■< livtremost. and took its dip into the sea. The custom -itle .cities have prohibit ed the entry c Typewriters IntoTnrkey. and‘TOO machii ■ now in the custom h cist have been ordered returned to the consignor. Tie nthnrities have taken uji the peculiarly characteristic attitude that there is ie slinet feature about t pewrlting by which the authorship c mid he recogni/ed ora person using a m icliine be trai • and that, consequent ly. any one is ah> to put in type sedi tions writings without fear of compro mising himself, Hektographic paste and fluid also are ; inhibited for similar reasons. Th embassies are making r 'T CR. KUCHIN . DOES NCT DO. • < ■ : ■ I ■ a peopleintodoctCT- I ’! c by lioWCig tip a ii leacfrv:',-i c;.tb ' * t'air (*,i; . He i io*.h but uryetlic i ;> U |to ta. • I-. . tm* nt i ;tn ■■ knows e.i *u I to lu; iiictnv lile Kel -1 Un.ri " I. • I.V pretou- fcil'l the I id; ui •( v Li.- i are ■ nt) i • ■ • 1.J.. c.oltii' r.i no I I r.od. fio il iia i er h t lp’ ic • brabt .: li. ■ tor it the 1 mi nth of ■ ~ i, orplvi up tin .*r last dime for medicine. IJo i.or: not take patients under a ;o aliid fnlsof'uaTi’.iitoe i r*;t‘ ndin? to chi rrc only for i. ei.k ine end taking whatever ' mount be car, >t, I Ids life tJi :;t"i l nr a cy from the sick. r.ATi’sr i‘ist 'Vi :D:sA:.^in?non:3iE.\TS. Hr. K recel '■rh.'bi >• ti'i tn .Aiiulyricnl • nl Micro- j 1 ! >: i • i • • ,' f ’ ' 1 ' f t in iptny nt- i t <)T*r:l.\, fi. .f v\ith ■ nc ' ‘ ‘ l 1 ' ION . lilt! fin wLII to j I I "I'.itHi r tl i • | !<.,• nro y. ’ o|'<*n, or for overdo .*. , . • !licru. ma>..4 • \) \ j i:n:m.Y i:i;storfd. ’ l ' ,11*1 cur lii rill - fur Impo* II *■;r - y, •i * * ’ .1. u* rr.MEt •i:lu .. I.ofpC’F, • i us !R , >UPv, lift ■)for I’rus- T iin r , V imi* ii*. and nI! r . ivt > cil/rnFos, loiUur i I ’ iTii'lfi t 1 Hit ; ut yt mb or ux*.i f • ii nitiUir. ji” i , < rnn y can so lihilm' till! .; f'vuni tuiu tionf. apt < cltly i‘" < t ’ \Mi. < 4 lon True o.i- 1 . t*rf'* \ - . '.iih niutl, oiiut* . ineH • Mrantui it t * ■ e;.BCB. N > iik innirn'd, W f V T ; 01' WOMVy, 'T U ' ' ' i*. i t *' r v ill l*. Viutdiln cpilckly 1 if • 'l‘Miners. Him wl rmll ’< I yin *ld • •nt tjn *i v of tin' knife. No f eutUtii;. i. v i\u. . I inner. ?'i-m i \ nnilniillnn of tlie I’rlne—Kadi mi ni, ; r ii i It- 11 irt at merit rhould * 'i"l nr'*', I • uu' .if urine which will •.v ■ nil .il unit inlrruscoplcal t* .f.taUiutloi. nvrn.A an l ) keotal IMi KS - it>• at pain or iletuntlon | from m 1- i •* pecUllj, uoiu- I ftleiely and porn.un n ly ourod. NKJIVOI s I. ‘ 3iIL.IT \ A\D MEX* 4 AI. B'l v t Util US ye lU rapidly to htu | Mklilful tir .tr. 1 representations on tin subject with the view of inducing the Turkish govern ment to t ike rtp a m ire re wonable at titude. 11 was hardly to be expected that Swed en would be anxiously concerned about the feelings of the Sultan of Turkey, yet the police of Stockholm have forth? hist week been busy raiding booksellers and searching homes of suspected purchasers of the book entitled, "The Life of Abdul Hamid." a work published two weeks ago. The representative of the Porte at Stukhohn naturally protested against the circulation of this book, but the as Finishing thing is tic deference shown by M. Einar Lochen. the Swedish Min ister of Justice. He sent detectives out with orders to confiscate all copies of the book and demand the names and ad dresses of the purchasers, and ordered the sellers to secure the return of the hooks within forty-eiglr hours. If the dealer refused he was told that he would be pn isecutedns "aconsealer of sequested goods, that his House would he enttr'd forcibly, and that he would be arrested. The work is a transaction of a German hook which Emperor William has hith erto omitted to suppress. Wisconsin (kntr\l Railway (p. PASSENGER TRAINS Retwe ii Manitowoc Leave Arrive and Manitowoc Manitowoc (’ollii -. Hillicrt .Inm- ( ,5:5a A. M. !•:*. A. M. (ion. Sherwood. N oali Mi'iinslm 1 2:45P. M. T.‘ln P. M s't. ns P .'.lit. Mar li !lold. I 'lii|.|.cwa I- alls. !un Claire, st 1 mil. aanA. M Tain P. M. Minneapolis Hurley. Ironwood Bessemer, st Paul Minnenjioli , , Ashland am! ta |> M 'a 15 A, M Pai itle coast points. 1 I tshkos). Kol tl p m 11 :H0 a in Toledo lo.’iio p m bon pin ArriveTraversel'ity via Pere Marqutte Rai:- i iad I'-*: l' l pm 0 10p in Arrive Detroit via < rami Tin?;!. I,’; ;lwa\ 9:20 p in 11 5o a in. E. s 1.1 iRI). Aokn'i , Manitpwoe vVis WINTER TIME TABLE. 1 cals Leave Manitowoc E’er Sheboygan Milwaukee Racine am! C hicago daily, except Friday and Sunday at (i p. in. For Kewaunee and Algoma Friday and Sunday at -4 p. m. For Sturgeon Bay canal Sunday at •1 p. m.' (Iftice and docks foot of oth atree C. F. Canright, Agent. A REPUTATION | has two us vs; it may I>e lived up on or lived up to. Buerstatte’s Drug Store has :t reputation that has been lived up to and constantly im proved for 2‘* years. We gjve ! vou the best of service,- prompt | reliable, and in every way satis-I factory. All we ask is a trial. F. C. BIERSTATTE, Pharmacist. I Eighth and Jay Sts, Manitowoc. Wis Chicago & North Western Railway. NORTH BOUN J . No. 8 No. 1 No. 6 No. 17 No. 11 No. 51 Leave Chicago Tuiam 11 an am sin p m Leave Milwaukee 7 Hi' am 8 55am 130 pm 7 30pm i Lea ve Cleveland 811 am 12 18 pm 854 pm 541 am 12 42 py2 Leave Newton 020 am 1227 pm 4(8 pm 553 am 12 .V! p m Leave ManiVo woe !‘37in 1245 pm 4 20pm 8•> p m 054 pin 200 pm Leave Brandi 0 40 a m 4 82 p m Uljiiaui 2 35 p m t,. ave Pine(4rove 4 3Sp m Lowe Cato non am 4 43pm 047 am 3 On pm L ave Grimms loot) am 4 4pm 051 am 335 pm L 'ave Readsville Inns am 4 55pm 050 am 4 00pm Arrive Appleton Jet 1112 am OOOpin 815 am 1132 pm Arrive Antigo 0 20pm 11 40am 2d)am Arrive Ashland 5 20pm 7 45am No. 4'.' Sunday only, leaves Milwaukee 0:40 A. M. Arrives at Manitowoc 10:40 A. M. Tr tin No 11 daily: trains No.'s 1. 3 >. 17 and 51 daily except Sunday. Trains No.>3. 5. 11 and 17 n akim: connections at Appleton Jet for north and south No. s 5 and 17 making connections at a rshlleld for St. Paul and Minneapolis and the northw -M. Trains No.'sll and 17 making con ne ‘tions at Ashland for Duluth, the Superiors and the west. SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. No 2 No 4 No in No 14 No 18 No 50 Leave KeedsvlUe 518 p in 741 a m 12 22 p m P 3l> a m LeaveUrtmms 5 23pm 7.48 am 12 27 pm loot)am Leave Onto 5 27pm 751 am 1232 pm 1015 abp Leave Pine Drove 751 a m 12 34 p m Leave Branch 584 pm 7 50am 12 40pm 1035 am Leive Manitowoc 5 51pm 458 am 8 18am 112 pm 4 05pm 1135 am Leave Newton.. 804 pm 8 Siam 127 pm <2sp ui 1227 pm Leave ( lev land 8 14pm 8 31) a m 137 p in 435 p in 12 42 p m Arrive Milwaukee ;ID p m 7ona in in 55 am 350 pm 84lliVl 1 AW VERS Office in Torriaon's brick block north end Eighth street bridge. Manitowoc Wis consin. Collections promptly attended to IIKUNO MUELLEK. lIEOISXER OF DEEDS Notary Public and Conveyancer Money loaned on reasonable rates. Manitowoc, Wisconsin. PHYSICIANS J. F. MFLIIOLLAMI. >1 l PRACTICE limited to Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat. Office hours. 9t013 a. m.. 1 to 4 p. m and 7toß p. m. - Office over Mendlik &• Mulbolland's. N Bth street. Manitowoc, Wisconsin |)K II V SIMON DENTIST. South Bth street, opposite Williams House Manitowoc. Wisconsin.* MUSIC TE ACHERS. HOiUatT V I I.IKJHI BK. -OLO * LAHIN’KTIST with Kai>i r - Military Ban.. Teacher of Clarinet and other instruments Leave orders with Manitowoc Music* Cos.. S. Bth street. Hi MISTER! The J. 0. Johnson Cos. can K* ve you anything you r 111 a > r want in the masonary W'WV f , M line and they have a good Mr* stock to select from. ,4 r The J. 0. JOHNSON CO. You will want to go. T K E MARftiinTF LI \ L nßrl\ %[U l! 8 L I RAILROAD IS THE SHORT LINE. AND BESIDES Vv 11 - L (11 \j. \OU THE ADVANTAGE OF A RiDE ACROSS LAKE MICHIGAN IX A FAST PASSENGER STEAMER, WITH A COM FORTABLE BERTH jor t.A J V : Ron; n