Newspaper Page Text
HARRISON’S GOOSE CASE. Tiled Under nn Apple Tree, nnd the Lnwy. . liltoned I p Hit Troimore. Fx-President Harrison's death has recalled an interesting incident in tlie early history of Johnson county, Ind. The event, according to the Franklin Star, took place in White River town ship in August, Isjti, and is interest ingly related by James Collins, one of the principals. . Berrin Reynolds owned a large flock of geese, and near him resided Rev. J. It. Surface. The wandering disposition of geese is a well-known fact. The ganders of Mr. Reynolds' flock were wont to stray away over the fields and garden of Mr. Surface. This was very annoying to the min ister. He patiently put up with the trouble for some little time, but Anal ly patience ceased to be a virtue, and he decided to get rid of the trouble some geese. One day lie drove them off into the woods, where they wan dered away and were eaten by the wild animals that infested the timber in those early days. The outcome was a suit filed before Squire Abraham Miller by Mr. Rey nolds, claiming damages. Mr. Rey nolds’ attorney was the late Col. S. P. Oyler, •and Rev. Mr. Surface was ably represented by the then young but rising attorney, the late Gen. Harrison. The trial took place under an apple tree that Mr. Collins says is still standing. The trial was by jury. Squire Miller, besides being justice of the peace, was a Lutheran preach er. Mr. Collins the fact Hint dttrimr the trial all were coat less, that Gen. Harrison wore no suspend ers. nnd during his argument before the jury would occasionally stop to pull up his trousers. The jury dis agreed. THIS GIRL DID NOT FAINT. Her Heartless Yomift llrotlier Cured Her of Her Desire to Collnpse. There was an incident of Easter Sun day that was not down on (he pro gramme of one of the prominent churches of the city, but which caused considerable amusement to some and satisfaction to others of the worship ers. says the Chicago Chronicle. Among the attendants were a young man and his sister. The youth was aged perhaps 15 years aid he was. therefore, at that unromantic period when faintness in one’s womankind i u regarded merely ns a beastly bore and not as an occasion for sympathy. The young woman was perhaps three years his senior. The services were long and before they were half over the girl swayed as she stood listening to the Gospel, turned deadly pale and clutched at her brother's arm. “I'm going to faint.” she said. “No. you’re not, either,” replied that youth in an energetic whisper. “Here, here, wake up; don't shut your eyes. What’s the use of fainting? Stand steady: whoa! now, old girl,” nnd all the time he was uttering these tender directions he was poking his compan ion in the ribs as only a lusty, health;, 15-year-old boy can poke. The effect was magical. Half a dozen vinaigrettes and a host of palm leaf fans could not have brought the young woman to herself as quickly. Given no encouragement to lose con sciousness. she quickly pulled herself together and was able in a few 1 min utes to leave the edifice. ACTED JUST LIKE SOME MEN. W hen This Monkey Got Drunk Hr lletvau to Throw Asvny His Money. The unusual spectacle of an intoxi cated monkey, gaudily dressed in red and gold, throwing nickels and pennies at a crowd of children almost resulted in a tragedy on Chestnut street the other morning, says the Louisville Cou rier-Journal. The monkey was more intelligent than most of his race. He wasn’t young, and his queer behavior could not be attributed to his inexperience. Of course, he was the property of an organ grinder. Up beyond First the “musician” stopped and ground out “I'd Leave My Happy Home for You,” always a favorite with the neighbor hood students. At a second-story window the 1 illl > beast saw a man standing. The stran ger beckoned and the monkey quickly climbed to him. The window was opened, and the' little climber disap peared within. Five minutes later Ik climbed down the lightning rod. Aft er that the whole monkey family would have been scandalized could they havi witnessed his actions. Fora block he was unruly. Then he began to sep arate himself from the money which he had collected. Nickels flew in ev ery direction. But the animal kept on jabbering It was not his fault that, lie was drunk When he went to that second-story window the young man offered hin whisky-soaked bread, and the animai ate heartily, 11 ii nm fit ii Down tier's Sallies. The dowager empress of Russia is the possessor of the finest collection of sables in the world. One of hci mantles, which she wears in winter sledge drives and in traveling, has a lining worth $50,000. It was made ol kins gathered for her by the gov •rnor of i polar province where taxes .re paid in kind with furs. A \(■ IV llritlsli Ally. People who have been disposed tr doubt the stability of the British gov ernment may as well cease looking fut its downfall, says the Chicago Record Herald. J. Pierpont Morgan has agreed to take hold and help it. Amt of \onvj. The entire area of Norway is about three times the size of New York state DR. TURBIN Of Berlin, Germany, the Expert Specialist and Surgeon. Who has visited Manitowoc for the past SIX YEARS. Once a Month, will again be in Manitowoc* Saturday, May 25th. AT THE WILLIAMS HOUSE. DR. TURBID, IDs Specialist CURE3 ALL CHRONIC CASES. Why? Beca, *sc he gives his entire attention to these cases. AH Cases He Undertakes Guaranteed. YOi IMF. VIFM If y JU ur, ‘ troubled with 1 V/UIAU ITIUIX nervous debiPß, stop ill ness, or an l otherwise unfitted for business or study, caused from youthful errors or excesses, you should consult this specialist at once. Don't delay until too late. MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD iVI A MKIPI There are thousands of vou .TlMrminus troubled with ak backs nud kidneys and other unmistakable siitus of nervous debility. Many die of this diffi culty, ignorant of (because. The most obstinate cases of this character treated with unfailing success. A? ( HKF 0(1 delicate nature—in- U I J J!_ J (laminations and kindred troubles—quickly cured without pain or incon venience. PAT A DI>H which poisons tin- breath, \jr\ I /-Al\i\l I | the way for Consumption, also Throat, Liver, fi PRW POINTS f l-t—The doctor gie.-s his personal attentn n to each individual ease, n Iu Hr -Ulltid. Cj] —yh busiu- - mnducte ion a professu mil basis and Ktrl?tly confidential. 3d—Names and pictures never published unless requested to do so. 4lh—The doctor's patients are bis friends. WRITR your troubles if living away from city. Thousands cured a liom - by correspondence llUiiD and med ibsolutt iy in nal dealings* Address ill letters, giving street and numb- r plainly. Send stami s r r list of questions. DOCTOR TURBIN, 103 Randolph St., Chicago, II!. INDIAN LOVES PERFUMERY. Ouo of Hie \ ililt* !?*•! U‘ii Poiirn n Bottle til* Scent on Clot lies. There is a drug clerk near the Coliseum who has not jet recovered from an experience he underwent when the sportsmen’s show was run ning in the building. One afternoon two Indians who dwelt in tht ir tepe s yn the edge of the miniature tank and lent an air of picturesqueness to the scene entered the drug store, says the Chicago Chronicle. “Heap smell,” said one of the red men in guttural tones, pointing to the show eases where the toilet ar ticles were arranged. The drug clerk looked puzzled and Itis visitors regarded him with stoical anticipation. “Heap smell,” said the Indian again. The drug clerk reached into the ease and drew out a cake of scented toilet soap. The Indian sniffed it dis dainfully'. first tearing off the highly colored wrapper. Then he cast it on the floor and placed his moccasin-cov ered foot upon it in disgust. “Heap smell! Heap smell!” he said, impatiently. The clerk’s face suddenly brightened. Reaching into i collection of bottles ornamented with pictures of violets and roses and other botanical specimens, he drew one out. The Indian sniffed it ec statically and then drew from the pocket of his buckskin garments a large American dollar. Without wait ing for his change he drew out the cork and poured the contents of the bottle on his person, ilis companion smiled approval and the two went softly out, closing the door gently be hind them. “And they say the Indian isn’t civ ilized,” said the drug clerk, musingly. CROWS LIKE TERRAPIN EGGS. That In One IteiiNon W ily the Mary land troii of Diamond Hacks It huh Short. * The crow is the evil genius of the turtle just as of the diamond-back and other terrapins. When the warm days of spring come and the female terrapins and turtles leave their beds in the marsh the crow goes on guard, knowing that a season of feasting is at hand. Hoth terrapins and turilesseek the warm, sandy uplands near the shore to deposit their eggs. A hole is dug several inches deep and from 20 to 30 inches oblong, white eggs are deposited and then the nest is filled or covered with sand. Having neatly piled the sand over the eggs, the turtle raises herself just as high as is possible, then comes down with a heavy thud on the sand. This is continued until the sand is quite hard, when the eggs are left for the sun to hatch. In the meantime the crow has been on guard, and by means of his sharp bill and strong claws the work of breaking into the treasure house of the unsuspecting turtle is quickly accom plished and the feast is soon over. The crow is considered by many lobe the greatest enemy the diamond-back has. It is an easily established fact that the crow destroys thousands of the eggs of all kinds of terrapin, not mak ing an exception of the diamond backs. C It's* far easier to set a good example than it is to set an old hen tr regulate an incubator. Business Men realize tha fact that Dr. Turbin can be depended on to fulfil his promises in every respect, and tho doctor has among his patrons sc mo of tho most prominent business men, who are his best friends. Hi-art, Kidney, bladder and all constitutional ami internal troubles; also Rupture. Files, Fistula, Dy-Diarrhoea and all diseases of the stomach and bowels far in ad vance of any institution in the conn .ry. BLOOD AND SKIN > B i®; Scrofula, Tumors, Tetter, Eczema ad Blood Poison thoroughly eradicated, Ir iving the sys tem in a strong, pure and healthful state. I APi IF Q If you are suffering from persistent *- rt L/IL-J Headache, Painful Menstruation, Uterine Displacements, Pains in Hack, ami feel as if it were impossible f.,r you to endure your troubles and still he obliged to attend your household and social obligations. There are many women doing this to-day. However, a great many have taken treatmei t of this spe cialist, and he can refer you to those who have been cured by him. Give the doctor a call. He can give all’ the encouragement in the world and will cure you if you trust yourself to his care. jf? Z 7?/ ('■’ \D /■/ This siprnaturc i on ctvr> Ikc: •■ '. ho gcnt;i:v Laxative Bro i tine ho remedy that euros ;t cc!d £:i one day **sr%, A practical tl ” B ' M 'kin w!i (lyre of I1 ■ 1 Painting. ilijr. carriage and landscape paint ini'. kalsoinin'ng, mixi ag colors, con trading. etc., from om Painter s Book ' hir book of 25 years experience in sigi ami house painting i.- so explicit that even boys can team themselves tlu painter's tnnle in a. short rime. 25 illns tinted alphabets are included in oat iddres ■■ Val Schreier Sigi Works, .Milwaukee, Wis, Be Fooled? ©The market is being flooded with worthless imitations o! ROCKY MOUNTAIN To protect the public we cal especial attention to our t r.. me.rK, printed . nev <r> p ate. Demand tne genuin . Fox bale by all Uiutx^h- There’s honor among thieves -especi ally when they hang together. A dark horse is better than a pulitica zebra. THE NATIONAL BANK. Manitowoc, Wisconsin. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 1.. I). MOSES. Pkesuiv vr. LEAXDEBCHOATE. VkkPi:.;siiikxt, FKCD T. ZERTNEK. CaBHi;:i Don't Be Duped There have been placed upon tin* market several cheap reprints of an obsolete edit ion of ** Webster's Dictionary." They are being offered under various names ui u low price By dealers, agents, etc., and in a few instances as u premium forsubscriptions to papers. Announcements of these comparatively Worthless reprint* are very misleading. They nro nd vertised to bo tho substantial equivalent of o higher-priced book, while they are ail Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a hook of over llfly yen ra ago, which was sold for about S'i.oo, ami which was mu oh superior to these imitations, being a work of some merit instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The Webster's Unabridged Dictionary pub lished by our house is the only meritorious one of that name. It bears our imprint on tint title-page and Is protected by copyright from cheap imitation. A* a dictionary lasts u lifetime will it not be l)etterto purchase the LATEST AND BEST, Webster’s International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. Size 10x1% inches. This Book is the Best for Everybody. STANDARD AUI HORITY of the U. S. Supreme Court, .11 the State Supreme Courts, the U. S. Government Printing Office snd of ne.ilv <ll the Schoolbooks. WARMLY COMMENDED by College Presidents, Sutc Superintendents of Schools snd many other eminert authorities. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Recently sb.-idged from the Intcrnstlonsl 1 1 nert to it the best for the family snd student. Size Specimen piiyes either hook sent for the luting. G. & C- MERRIAM CO.. Springfield, Mesa. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. Tiro, The kidneys are your i blooJ P'-' rifie: they fil ,er out - !hs ' vaste or Vli?rr inipurmes ta tne Hoed. K~W L-Ja y _ Ifr 1 ! If they are sick cr out k wl of order, 'hey fail to do their work. rKkf' 1 ■ i Pains, achesandrheu j matism come from ex cess ct uric acid in the O blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick cr unsteady heart beats, and makes one feci , though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mile and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidne. • is soon realised. It stands the high t r its wonderful cures of the most distre ,ng case and is sold on its merits f V"^_ by ail druggists in fifty cent and one-doliar slz-Kigw .. .ii. ss. You may have a' 1 sample bottle by mail Home , r M t u free, also pamphlet telling you h / to fine, out if you have kidney or blac: .r trouble Mention tins paper when writing Dr, Kilmei & Cos., Binghamton. N. Y. 7 VETERINARY SPECIFICS \ I.II'KVKUS, rongenlloiM. , I•• t)fiicii2itt fUKESJtimi*. Luim l over, Milk IV%rr. I!. II.JHIMI \ Lumeiien v Inji r:i *, 'TUKti i Klll'UtUOllNlll. i\ i . l>OKi: I IIUOAT, Quinsy, I ii/ootlc, CUBES ) IMoU iiiimt, cuk’s | WORMS. IloiH, Grub*. 11, K. jCOKiIH, (old*. InfiuniAi, inflntned • 1 hjw ) Lunge, Pieiiro-PneuiiMMiln. I’, F.M, |{U‘Myacht*, Wluddllo-.ui, cukes) IHarrlicn, IKwenlrry. Prevents MBM UiKUA(>K. clues * blauoeuuimihukhs. I. I. )KKI\ lIhKASKS, I'miidon-, cubes 51’lctTM, (ircnM 1 , Farcy. I \. >lt \ U i OMilllOA. Font. < l itiis {linlii-t*'ion. Monmch dtaiucr*. 60c. < ?h; Stable! us•. t inSpectfl* I |‘. At druggists or sont prepaid ou i price. Hi’mpl.reys’ Medicine Cos., Cor. WiU mi.v .’onu Sta.,New York. Vkvkkwaby 51amm. mat Khki NERVOUS I) Kill LITV, VITA!, WEAKM>S nnd Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys’ Homeopathic No. S^8 t in use over 40 years, tli only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or special pachagewithrow itr.ibr $5 Sold l.y Druj gid/, or nciit p.>*t paid oui> ! uc. ill Ml’llUKVa* Jlfcll, O., Cor. William it J il;:i ■ ~ V . VorK '•W’uniuu, unlike man. d<-n't w, i hip the almighty dollar," sml tin 1 ,-corn t'ul mi.-s. "Nu," admitted tic -•> ui, a individual. ■•her divinity i.s tin- almighty ■til cents." [lie American Month]} Review of Reviews wishes r, Si cure tin active .subscrip tan went in yum city. i.iBLKAL COMMISSIONS to tin energetic worker. Tin re nr, it number of intelligent persons i: your acquaintance who ctnmot afiord to dowithout this tuagaidin i, a Presidential year. You will line it pleasant and profitable oeetip: lion. Write 1 for par.icnlurs to ‘.({ency Department Siie Review of Reviews Compasi} 13 Astor Plate. New York Cits. THE DISPERSAL OF ANIMALS. How < lifivit*t k Convey V(ia> Ur 111(‘* from (Mm* Locality (o Another. The manisr in which animals may be conveyed from mu area or region to another hy what may ha caia, chance agencies has always fonm a .1 subject of idiic*li interest in the eyi so) naturalists. The same 1 pinion 111:1 \ h> expressed of the dispel , til of plants says the London Chronicle. ihmvin found over so seeds in a tilth'clod ot earth attached to the hifof a mig rat- ing bird, and we can r adily imagin how such agencies s. t ie to widen the distribution of life. Sir C. Lyeil gives an instance of a pig an animal popu larly believed to be nll ything hut an adept at swimming laing found far out at sea bravely in .I ing its wav to ward some haven of n 1, Such ani mals as tortoises tnav 1 asily he run vexed on drift wood mi 1 long tracts of ocean. A recent report of the Indian marine survey gives a ease in point. A female leopard was brought down 1 he Mottlmein river and came aboard a cargo steamer. Then she swam to land and was thereafter dispntehi I, Snakes were also found on the flouts of the paddlew heels oi the surveying steamer, having been carried down hv the flood. A lucky -ittlentent in a new territory tint implies the extend ed distribution of a race. It Is inter esting to note how greatly what we may call chance may influence the 1 x tension of life over the • art It's surface. 11 ——. Skirt afTertions will r adily disapptar by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, Look out for aountcih'it- If you get De Witt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive tire fur pil,-. Henry Hiarichs. De Witt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of tli • 1 towels ami remove the impiuiri- —-lily with no discomfort. They are famous for their efiicaey. Easy to take, never gripe, Henry llinriciis. MUSICAL TASTE OF MOHKEYS. Accordinc to Till* \iithnrify It linns to the Ha k i>l pcs ut \\ lilch They Are \ cry Fond. Now that Prof. Darner is instruct ing us ill the language of monkeys, it becomes a matter o family' interest, as it were, to note any peculiarities of development in the animals from which the evolutionists maintain that the human race descended or, more properly' speaking, ascended. It may be classed with the study of geneal ogy'. The author of “Studies in Cor sica” touches on monkey music in speaking of the bagpipe. “The well-known boast of patriotic Scotchmen that the bagpipe is sacred to Scotland, and speaking a language which only Scotchmen feel, is as slight in foundation as it is dubious in imp - . In Syria, in Persia, in Afgh: an and India, in fact, throiij. out the south of both Europe and Asia, the bagpipe is known and is enthusiastically cultivated. “in India, if 1 may believe some sol dier friends, the pipes attached to the Highland regiments are far more enjoyed by the native population than the best brass bands of other bat t a I ions. “Nay, so much akin to our original nature is the dulcet music of Hie simple bagpipe that it is the one sort of music which stirs the monkeys For, according to the testimony of the same officers, the Indian mon keys, although unmoved by bands, are so powerfully fascinated by tin 1 Scottish pibroch that when a detach ment of Highlanders is marching to the pipes, and when the roadway tra versed is lined with trees, the mon keys will follow the troops with -agns of delight, scrambling after I hem from tree to tree. Emm facts such as these one cannot doubt that the bagpipe i.s one of our oldest instru ments.” mad:: the hoppers frisky. Kvultiiijx Knct* ll*('\voen KnnivaryuM That Unit llccii I)n[l<■<) with \\ IlliiU}', “The most exciting race I ever wit ness! and was between three Kanga roos." said J. b. Stevenson, of Sy 1 1 - ney, Australia, reports the Denver I hist, “A friend of mine, Henry Huberts, lias a huge plantation out in the bush in (yieensland. One day he said to me; ‘Stevey, did yon ever see a real good Kangaroo raeeV 1 had seen tin great hojip *rs playing round tie bouse, lint never a race. He disap peared and I do/ed off to sleep in lay liammoek. An hour later I was awak ened by the shouts of my host, 'book! Hook!’ he cried, in great ex citement. ‘Here they come!’ (dan cing out over the broad,green pas ture north of the house, I beheld the kangaroos. The three were dying over tin* short grass. neck and neck. “As they drew nearer I saw that ribbons were steaming from (h< •i r necks, lied, white anil blue were the ■olors. They approached at astonish 11 g speed, making- straight toward Huberts, who held aloft a small lias ket tilled wit 1 1 some vegetable. At last they reached us, a big brown ' .myarim with the red ribbon slight ly in the lead. “HoHerts emptied the basket before hem, and some sugar beets fell to the g round. Eagerly the kangaroos 1 \onred them and an odor of Ikpior arose. Huberts had fed them beets soaked in whisky, had led them to tin edge nf the pasture behind the pale and then retraced his steps to the house, calling his pets. At a signal one of hi-- men had lowered the bars, md the intoxicated kaie. aroos, greedy 'or more of the sf ran ye beets, rushed after 1 heir ma - ter,” STRANGE MOUNTAIN TRIBE. %*.•*•> of tin I iilnovi n of \lwii'ii;iiiON in flit* WiltT* of ItoriHMi, A strange tribe Juis just been dis ruiei al in Horneo by Dr. \. \V. Nieu w* "hit's, the (list inp iii.-ln and Dutch i >■ plon r. As he was traveling fhrotiph he district <if Sarawak he heard from he putties that at a little instance there was a mountain tribe which no Kiiroi an or America had ever v rd, and straightway he went t,■..)i. , and in a day or two found himself r, the In adpuarters of these unknown aborigine--. At once he saw that they differed from all other natives of Horned, and he spent some weeks in a■-ii u,i t big himself vvitn their enri on.- customs and also in studying tiieir country, which is entirely mi nnow n to foreign travelers. In this way lie aienmnlated a mass of new material, which he intends to give to the world at an early date in the form of a hook. This is the second journey which Dr. Nieuw enhnis hits taken to Central Horneo. He first went there in 1895 md explored the sources of the Ixa putis and Mahakkani river#, after which he re.urned to Em - pe. where he at once obtained an ■ ppointment as director of the Hotanienl garden at Huiten/.org. In 18(i'i he went again to Horneo, intendin'' to thoroughly explore tin* interior of tin* country, and it is claimed that in this task lie has succeeded better than any pre vious traveler. \ It rlt lull <i-ii ten n rln ii. King Edward ha- an aged subject in the British islands who cannot speak the language. Sin* is Mi Mary Stewart, a descendant of tin* Stew arts, of Appin, and was born in Ar gyllshire, in 1701, so that sin* hat seen live sovereigns oti the throne. She has been .VI years in service at different places between Appin and Inverary district. She is still halo and hearty, and able to get up and about. The old lady does not know any English, hut speaks Gaelic. LEOAL NOTICES. CT \TK*F WlscnNStV ('m.vrv Docrt i "i. ■ Maxitowoc C'otim In 1 In the matter of the estate of Anthony Kelly deceased. An U'trument in writ tint, purporting to is the h.t will and testament of Anthony Kelly •if .Maultowoe, in said eonuty, having been delivered into said eourt: And William Kelly, of town of Newton in saiil comity, having jiresenled to said ei urt his petition in writing duly ' erillt and. rep re on tine among other things, that said An thony Kelly die I testate, at Manitowoc in said eoiinty, on the llth dav of Aj>ri 1 l!tn|: that said instrument is the last will of -aid deeeased and that William Kelly is named therein ns executor. and praying that said instrument 1- proven and admitted to prol ate and that letters testamentary hi thereon issued to William Kelly. It is ordered; That said petition and tin matters therein lie heard, and proofs of said last will and testament he taken at a speeial term of said county court, to he held at tin nrohate offlee in the city of Manitowoc, oi Tuesday, the !S|h day of dm. -. luol. at 10 o'clock A M. And it is further ordered: That notice of the time and place of said hearing he given hy pnh 11l ation hereof for three successive weeks once • ai h week, previous to the linn of said In-army in the Manitowoc Pilot a newspaper published in said Manitowoc county. Dated May lath. IWI, By tin-I’onrt, •IS A N IM’.KSi )N, < 'onnty dm lye Ilealv A.- dove-v Attorneys. Publish maylh-'llsf 1 Si • ’ll the matter of the i Hat of Anton Mod rm-ll ips -i -;t... .I < >n leading and tiling tin- petition of Mars Mndr ■ h sdininisirator of the estate of said ■'•i isl tor the ndinstment and aUov.ane- ot his ielm; 1 i-i rni s.n aeeonn* and tin- assist,, menl of l In- residue of said estate to such m ln i p -rsi ms as ais ■ hv low entitled to t he same;) If is onh red that said tint he examined ■l' 't -d in and iMowed a: a special term i -aid orll to he held at Iheollh-io f thee.amty Jndgi n I 1 " ellv -d Manitowoc. in -aid eoniitv, o' • ay. the 1111 dune. A I* hull. ; 1 her order and t hat upon tin ml n- Mm-n' litnt ; liowatn eof-m lm tint hy this eourt Hr ih'ix -aid. tln> residue of said estate he, hy tin art h- forilei-andiinlpnii-iit of titisei -urt. assign 'd to siii li persons a- are hy law entitled to tin IllTte, It i further ordered that m tiee of the tinn .ted |di of ex.-ini:uitii .11 ami allowance of sue) fee,nmt. and of the a-sb nment of the n-sidin of said estate he given to all persons interested hy publication of this order for Ihr *ii ks. h-ifore said day in The Mnnitow oe Pilot a weekly rew spaper pi ini.-d and published at tin- ■ it v of Manilow is- ain I -hate of \\ i-eoiisil . Dated Mn\ Ith M'l. By the eourt. .I s AN I)K ItSON. t 'omit v .ludge Adolphs < 'hlotipek. Attorney for said estate IV nlish May it, 1(1, Si. IN IMif'li.xTK Manitowih-I'oix rv l'mu r. 1 In the matter of the estate of Katherim Kr;vl,so|i deceased. ■ hi reading and tiling tin- petition of Jh nr', administrator of tip- .--late ■’ Katherine Krieksoe. deieiised, setting furl I the of lien mini estate that has me ti hr- hand-, ami the liisj ositioii thereof (In amount of debts outstanding against said di .eaMl and a description of all fin- real estati •f will, h said dm-, ased died seized, and tin condition and value of the respective portion.- tln-ieoi and prming that license he to hin rat I. dto sell all the inti rest ..f said di .-ease, ill and 1.1 -a and real i tat.- and ii appearing In a.‘ i cl. , it, ; I ai t her- ■ is m-t ■ u lit.;.-i-1 p.-r ■'■nil 'Mat* in tin- hand- ..f said 11. in v Mu - ollaial, immlnii-trator to pm said debts, and that It i- a --nr ti order to pa-, 11 . —.me. I. - II all -.T said r.-al estate, it is therefore or fi'ed lino all person.- inter, -led in - aid estah ■I'D at I . lm* 'ids . oi.i-t .... dav Hi • D; I in of -Inin A I > i at 1 ■.. k A M . a' ! - prol ai.-, ificc the city of Manitowo -. u sin r. c.nfy. then and Hu re in -l ow i arise and nv tin n- i .-I win i.-.-r -• -d-i.,-:d not Is- gran I "1 I . ■ (."I Ih in \ ’iiilln. Bai-.l II said t.-a •till, aei oiiiinu' to tin- prav-ruf said pd itn.n Aid ii- f'ln ther ord. n and that a copy ~f tin --i di in and shall he pnhll In-d h-r four suecessivi ■a- I pi m- in -nid dav oi hearing in tin Manitowoc Pilot a weekly newspaper prime mi at Maniti w-.c. m said county I;- i• ■ 11111 1 vs. -n on al' persons Inten-sti-i ' at' l ! *at idinir ni said u.iiiily. at leasi ■ ’IS d.i! vs hi-ti-• e said dny ol hcacii'g Dated ai. Mnnltnwi the Hith day of Mm \ l>, ••>!. ih till* Court. ■I S. \m-chson ('minty .1 mlge Dm-tnd A Hongeii. Allorneys. I’nhllsh May Id. lid .June i'll K M)l>* I'll I I’M MISUCSSI.N KA II W \\ I,AMIS I OK S \ I K Tin* North-Western Line has tor salt in Northern Wisconsin, at low prices am i-. sy trims of payment. ahiiiit tidu.iii 1 ■ !' chuii r fnnn land*. Fatly buyers wili mcum* tlit.* udvan tageof li ca:iiin- on tln* many beautiful t;t arns ami lakes, which aboard wit' li-li and furnish a next r ending and must Mvjh it watei ii] plv, both for family use and for Land is generally well timbered, tin •oil fertile and easy to cultivate, am. this is rapidly developing into out* of tl e 'n atesi 'hi ep and cattle raising ri gior 111 tile '■oil thv, est. Fhieago, Mihv; Ilk. e St, I 'aid, ,M in lie apolis, Duluth. Superior, Ashland and other towns on The North-West* n Line ' furnish get and markets for st. ek and fat in prodm e. For■further j.artic iilars address; Geo. W.. Hell land coin misioin r. Umlson, Wi-., orG. 11. Mcltae As.-si-unit tieiieml Passenger Agent. St, Paul .Vinn. . jm JT. New and Tn|rc\id feniu’ to St Haul and rtinnenpulis .in the North-W. stern bine. To fur ' her accomodate its many patrons m ■ nle to the ■ Twin ( tties from points ’i of .Mitv.aide e, tlie ( hieago A >i-rlli-Western It'y now runs a Fret* He elining ( hair ('.is-on the evening tiain Milwaukee. Via Pond tin Lac, connect ing at Appletim ,Tci. w ith train leavii g Manitowoc at id) I’. M . connect ing with train leaving A; pletoii .let. bi'.Vi I’. M. arriving at St. Haul and Minin* a pot i-,-early tin* next morning, and con necting at Merrilhin with similary eqn iped train ft r Duluth and the Superiors*. Like s* rvi 'e southbound. This in addi tioir to the Hallman Sleeping ( ars which are run on the mi me trains daily between Foil tin Lae ami Minneapolis. Apply b* agents Chicago and North-Western. "<>ur little girl was unconscious from strangulation ilnring a Midtlen and ter rible attack of croup. 1 quickly se cured a bottle of cine Minute Cough < ure, giving ln*r tin* ■ di-os, The croup was mastered ami our little duriiug spot tllly recoven and So writes A L. Spaffoi’d, Chester. Mich. Henry Him riciis. IT SVUiI) Ills LK H. A. Danforth, of Lu(rrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a frightful riiuning sore on his leg; hut writes that Bucklens A mica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Fleers, Wounds’ Piles, it's the 1 test salve in the world Cure guaranteed, only Ck, Sol Iby Henry Hinrichs. The forger may be v bold, bad man, | but he is ever ready tu right a wrung. Between Chicago and Davenport- Arrangements have been made with the Davenport, Rock Island & North western railroad, whereby standard fir- 1 class couches are now run between Chi cago and Davenport and Kwh Island, leaving Chicago at 10.00 a. m., arriving in Davenport at 2:30 p. m., Rock Island at 2:45 p. m. and, returning, leaving Rock Island at 3.20 p. m., Davenport 3:45 p. m., arriving in Chicago-at 8:30 p. m. I B preserves and pickles,spread H PARAFFINE] I WAX I I|| 8T ANQARp’oiL CO. j|| tfeTJT V ’ NOKTHCKN WISCONSIN DKNLUU' >1! M Tlmt rapidly I?vel>j*in>r tenitorry which occupies the northern halt of Wisconsin i- not new -nough to cn x the hardships and v" i-sitndes of - lite. and not old enough > ••<■}) away the intending Settler on acu - :.t of exhorbitant land prices. It is in t'-at stage of partial development which gi es j-Ci* at opportunity to bring it tothe higb est j oint of jeilVcth n and prosperity. Schools, good roads and other improve ments are going in. All that i- needed, is a small capital. Prawn and brain, supplemented by push and energy will do the rest. The iron ore, marl, kaolin and c!a\ bed.-, the timber and the rich soil, give i t,mil opi ortntuly to the -• til er and the manufacturer. Land is chi: p and can 1>• • purchased on easy terms. Tin; Wls.l ONSIN i I, NIK AI. KV. ofVis facilities for the i,nick and tin p Irnnspontation of its products and a- tlx line penetrates tie very center of tiiis vast ntirliiern territory, choice of !,.ra tion is not confined to any one particu lar locality. Interesting pamphlet- an 1 map- fully describing this iieautilnl and rich country can be obtained by addin -s --hig. W. If. k’lI.i.KN, Land and Industrial Commissioner IJt’irniN Johnson*. J.\r. r. Poxn. C. F. A. (leu, Pass. Agent. : olby \ Abbot I’ldg.. Milwaukee, Wi- >' ■■ ~ I!AbV fi vtti Nov* r 1 . .4 to !{* tore Or. ‘ e ' WW ‘ •'*.!•'> <Ut It ( ... > I '• I >BI"I .-til I ,G t I I 1., b -V-ba. : r 1 ! The only reason why some people nev er go back on a friend is because the friend w iidt stand for it a s, eond tin;* Mr. W. -I Baxter of Nortn Brook N. F. -ays lb* tried iimnv remedies* with no results until he men De Witt s Wit b Hazel Salv * ami that quickly cured him Henry llinriehs. oi i> soi nn ii s i \ hi im.M F, M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester. Iml .writes "My wife was sick a long tune in spite of good dt ctor s treatment, but was w holly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills which work. *1 wonders for her heath." They always do. Try them. Only '.’.lc at Henry llinriehs. iri; ii ti' i\ m\ iionts Distressing Khlney and Bladder dis eases relieve*l in -ix hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Fui i his new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding roniptnes- in relieving qaiu in the iihuloer, kidnej -. hack and even part of the uriimry pas ■ 11 tenth at of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your only semedy. Sold by F. C. Buerstutte, Druggist. Mani owoc, Wis. tf 1 o the Shipping Public of .Manitowoc. 1 have found it advisable, for the inter. •st of all shippers in the city, to expedite tb 'irshii meats, to cl se our warehouse ai o'clock P Mto enable us to loud ail freight that i- brought to our warehouse during the day. 1 tin I from experience that it freight is receive I up*to the la>: minute of ti o’clock, that we ace unable ti> get the freight loaded for that day and it causes dissatisfaction to the slee pers, as well as the receivers and * a ti. ■ account I U g ami urge every shipper t< > try iiis very iiest to get freight deliver ed at our warehouse before or up to and ■ clock I* M each Jay ami 1 assure you that you will lie belli r pleased with the dispatch of your freight that you are sending out 1 hope 1 w ill have you; co-operation in this nuitti V. Yours Very Truly. (’. A. Hr tri MAt’sEX. A*. I'.NT 0. & N. W. Ky. Van Lookt But detau t golf make yon tired. D** Tret—"Not half so much as some of the golf joins that ap pear in the comic papers.”