Newspaper Page Text
STATE NEWS. One of the nu st daring an i successful bank robberies in the history of the state was accomplished in the First Na tional bank at Mineral Point, between the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock Saturday morning* Mineral Point has been more fortunate than others in the state in Iteing free from depredations of this kind in the past and the sensational robbery of Saturday has stirred np the public to fever pitch. More than f2. r ),000 in gold was stub n from the vault of the bank, where it had been only a short time. It is the custom for banks in cities of tliis size to take deposits until a certain sum is reached and then send it to the depository at Milwaukee or other cities where r gular accounts are kept. Entrance to the building was made through a hole which was broken in the roof. At 4 o’clock, evidences of the robbery were noticed. The bank i fflci.Fs and police say that the work was un doubtedly that of professionals. An improvised ladder was ma le on the sj,t by nailing cleats to a sapling, and the men got to the roof. With an as they cut a hole large enough to enter the building They then entered the room, where the vault was, and drilled holes iu the door. Inserting a heavy charge of dynamite they set if off and entered. Insn 1 ' the vnu’t wh<*r,* tin* currency and gold an i sliver were kept the m< n scooped up every cent they could see, then l)l *wopen the inner safe- and took the sitrp’ns fund of the bank. work was done quietly and rapidly and lie escajs* of the men was easy. F-Hitp in's around the building in In ate that at bast thr men were implicated in th • robbery, but there is absolute.v no cl -w l i their whereabouts. Citix**us wert* elauifouneled The *• will in no way .iffee-t them. The funis of the* lunik will Im* made good. us t]i<> iiwtitnt'on was insure-bagalnst robbery. The r*-w ml *f >'l o-mi -offered for the capture of tli" burglar- bus inpinel several men in this city to institute a mtry. Tie ofli ers of the hank are President, It N H.illig.iti: cashier, Phili[>*’Alle-n; assistant cadiier K. K Hinson (f*orge Ertl. foreman of the Fox n was hof and 'seriously injured it h charged, by John Ste-inard, whom Kill disch urge-1 Sleimird is thought to )e hiding in the swamps or woo Is near his home. Four shots were tired, cue striking Ertl's left arm, tie- other striking him in tin* side- lie will pro bably recover. ,Ii I; Mclntyre, of Chippawa Falls, one of the* liesl known sjsirling men in the \ irthwest. drupp-d dead lad night on tit" (t u-i-la short dine between Kan Claire and Chippewa Falls lh was returning from West Itadeii. In i Mr Hr • Peter in. of a wealthy f,i .1 -r. com -i n.-l-J u aide l y ca’, . ■ pPi- green Mr ■ Peterson sold hi h ’list.',! 1 farm for y l.onn a short time ago Mr- Peterson wanted the sale <!e* clat ■ 1 otl bit the pur h i *r would in 1 c Ui-ent. Mrs. Peterson has brooded much over the affair Three children •arrive ' killed in a runaway while-carrying mail from the slat ion to the pustollle**, l'e lost control of the hor-c’s, Jandivis thrown out sustaining a fracture of the skull from which lie <1 i*-1 three hours later if - isjsurviv* I by a wife and three children. The largest pair i>f suit 1t ever found in till- state were fnim 1 I.y Fred Mar qnardt in E ike KHie antloiH in •unrt; nimo’iin 1 form-half fret from tip to tip '1 Eviilenliv they have Immn mink in the hike for at leant n century Wnih- fishing. Minjuardts lin • caught atl'lhewa- forced to get into shall' VV water to extricate his hook from what Ic (h , , ;1 t iv a - tin sunken hough of a tr< Hu curiiuitv Jwim arounid by the peculiar forinition which he found and he a-ikeil Jthe ai<l of oilcan to assist him iii getting the antlers from thw water It'o ik four men ten houttt tofinalU lau 1 the huge* antlers am] after more work tln*v procured t) v. iole of the skeleton which-wan a 'her of enormottn ni/.e. Some of the protp h me inure t Wt Ive inches in cireiimferetlee. Founder day nt K'-miM-r hull was celebrate 1 with a reunion of the asso < iate Sisters of St Mary last Friday. The animal commemoration day services worn hd I under the direction of Bi-tn p Nicholson The animal sermon \vi h preached by the Kev. (’liarlfH 1, Mal lory dean of tlic■JMilwankt'e di (■ ••. Tiie celebration of tin- dnv close.i with the operatta The Bountiful Heines by inetu'e -- <>f the Kemper Hall Mimical club, Warren Young of Hpringhrook cap ture! seven young wolves nine miles from Kan < 'laire Friday He hue placed them on exhibition in * <■ TANARUS! c in tv offers fit) t-acb ! <r -i ulp il he k 'is them, bat he selling the itiiima's r'lv* f< i* *' o Prof E JH. CoUist** k if the Blaine hgh school at West Sttjs-ri <r hi s in cep ed a position-at Houghton, Mich,, in the high school, and will go there next fall. The church of the Christian Scientists at Marinette burned Saturday morning causing a loss of $5,000. All the fixtures and furnishings and the pipe organ were completely destroyed. The churc h had just been completed and was fully insured. The fire originated in the irgan loft from an unknown cause John and. Hurd, a senior in the civil mgineering course, has been appointed •ngineer of one of the provinces of the Philippines. Tin* pay is f 2.000 a year. Mr. Hurd lias been assisting the city ■ngineer of Madison for some time, and is a resident of Oregon, Wis. He is one of twenty college men in the country •nosen for these positions. Chicago lumber companies have pur lia-ed the part of the 1 !♦< * I sea son’s cut. of shingles on the Menominee river The E Iward Hines Lumber com pany bus purchased over 100,000.000 liingles. Francis Pcidler & Cos., Chi ago. have als > secured over IMMHIO.OOO shingles. Department Coininander D. < James f the Wisconsin division of the <4 A. I ,1 announces that Comtnander-in-C'hief fico Rassenr of St. Louis will address rho encainpinent to be held at Sheboy ran June !i(ait 1 20. It in exported that i here will he a large attendance, the j lepartment commander estimating it at fully 1,500. The railroads will make a! rate of one fare from all points in Wis ■onsin to Sheboygan and ret tint for the •ncamprnent. Tin* fioodri* i line will make a similar rate from all its points in Wisconsin. The session of the legislature recently aided cost more than the •e sion of two years ago, and it is run e led that the cause of the long sessie n vas the' demand Hint radical prinmiy lee-tion legislation be enw-te-d- The otul e xjsuses for legislative clerks .■■ml opyists eluriiig the session just ended , ere si{,‘J7‘l.7h. Tiie expenses of the 1 1 tie-re• nt departments compare<l with hose- of two years ago were as follows; SIN vtv: KVPoOVKS. Semite IH-.e. I'.io In-1 el, r elept. e-’i-rks .'.'.srs, -i s| >,' Me>rclerk selopt.. l ojiyists . r.3 •! s .V,l,:i ige-iiiit nt arms, eh-pt . sar.eui 0.5*5.50 Assembly liter dork m elept.. e-te-rk . II.'JvOI M,tK4..'o tiief e lerk's e'e-pl., eopyl.ds.. .VUi', f,434.40 ergeeuit eit arms, elept lass; 5a 1 ..all Tnteil S.VI tet1,373.T0 HERMITS IN 1-AHOh 1C i?• •• •il/"fiN of nrif .i!r CSJIpw l r prl leOliPMiiiir nn<l lull* in Tilt* IlltP I \ <*H. Nor.- paper the olher dny rceorel ce| an aneedote- about a proiniiient 'i- tern physician on his first visit ■ New York, says the Comme-reinl Vdve-i t ise-r. 11is dinner companion ■ I "and him what interested him most u the streets of the city, and the* ■ln ieian replied the- fact that so -any persons were- i-m-oimli-i-e-el who were- talking to 1 liemselies. lie could not explain the- plie-nome-non to his mu satisfaction, and ventured tlie* ■ pinion that it was be-i-ausi- people ve-re so busy ami carried their e-ares , 1 1 1* > 11 1 with them. At least he could ibink of no other reason. I'** tidy it i- lie-e-ause a gre-at city is such a soli - ary place for many, and solituele, e>f -nurse-, preuiiedes se-lf-e-eiinmuning. Manv a pe-rsem here- is iiieu-e- truly a berniit. cut edT by im-lination er e-ir ■ •illlistlim-e freim bln fellows, than nine* re-eliise-s who live 1 an eiste-nfu lti-ii life e*f Isedat ion. They pass tbe-ir fellows on the- street mutually iinliimnn. Many persems li:ne> ne friends; some- have- m> eli-siri- to mnl.e any; edliiTS, pi nimbly with a ge-e-ga idmis instinct, are’ lon dillleb'iit to pu h an oi'ipmlntonce. So they talk to themselM-s as men la a elcsert I.•am to talk to tbemse-lves. In a mailer place ne-i|iiaintam-e-s would lull a man out of tin* habit of talk ing to liiniM-lf on Ibe si reels, but here nobody i-arex. STRANGE MEN PN HORNEO. ,\ Mniiiiliitii Trllu* Tim • \Vb In* kiiinin )•> I ;tii**i|ienn I 111 Very lleeenllj. A strange tribe ban just been diseov eretl in Itorneo 1 m |)r. A. i\. \ieuwen ti ill .. t he (list inn in shell I Mitch e> pi ore r. \s he was traveling through the dis tinct of Sarawak he heard from hie ■ lides that at a little distance there e, a a mountain tribe which no Eu ropean or \mcrican had ever visited, mil -traighl way he went thither, and hi a (hit in two found himself at the hea<|i|unrlers of these unknown abo i icines, \t mice he saw that thei dif fered from all ol her n;tlves of Itorneo, and he spent some weeks in aeipiaint - ing himself \\ 1 11 1 their carious cus toms and also in t itd vlnjf tlodr coun try, which is entirely unknown to for eign travels. In this way he accumu- Mated a mass of new material, which he intends to give to the world at an early date in the form of a hook 1 his is tin- ml journey which Dr. Nieuwenhuis has taken to central Borneo, lie first went there in iKti.l, and explored the sources of the Knp ,i and Maliakkam rivet s. after which he returned to Europe, where he at nice obtained ah appointment us di ic.-iiir of the hotaiiicul garden at Bnl ten/orjr. In he went again to i.oinco, intending to thoroughly ex plore the interior of the eonntry. and it i claimed that in this tusk lie has .ci ceiled better than any previous ; ra .elcr VS fMMC.LtJUI oriental nvtiLXjfcj MANUFACTURERS OF FLOUR and FEED, JOHITSCHUETTB, Proprietor. GRIMMS LIME, Known to be the Best. Sold only b> , lMn f> MANITOWOC LAND & SALT COMPANY. Dealers in Lime, Cement, Stone, Sewer Pipe, Etc. Phone .17. Ouay St,, fast of Blh Manitowoc, Wisconsin. * ?'liilililWid AW WJlry H KBrnwi 14 Utoiilila 00 „ DELAY ES Vi- HC.E3IOUS. disease*! tj do deceptive that I i.tnb (Is of persons lirv<‘ them boforo they oven BnsiN) (it. They ltno>7 they are not well, but ro perfectly Icnrcirt r f Itn ■ deadly fangs lost then nd n ror later, eertal destroy thorn, unless p's.-ncd by sl-.i’lfi.l liiind. AUti iOf A t.'Lli'TKit Y -,'our may row bo ••.crf”otly ccruol but Uem*‘UtOer, /err of n< elect t nss you nearer i l ., la- I ■ . b , porbape, tlio mo 111 *lolon c you uoasotot nee i Thu present >j „urs, th • futur j ina.v I <’♦> it A /’£]. CSTDR. KUTCHIN !3 NO GT CNCCR IN THIS COUNTY. remn, I’rcddcnt Maplewood SailfiiTltmi, fircf n Lake, Will. Lx. 0. V, Surgeon. Laic of farium mid Remedy Cos., {’ftliimbiia, 0. Specialist in Cl onic Diseases. WHAT 03. KUTCHIN COES ro. Dr. Kutohtn malt' • til” 111. I* bj ,I of 111 3 Ilf’ to lim: thO Of-1 II 1 'll a, t.ii ■ h joad to ■ , -I i i ■ i hosier Of dls la.r iamor: tb i p to c iru a modest com |md ■ .In oi dor to pro]i -,y c tro for him •oil Hcdou.jall that bo agree.i to. and oft i more, o failure ilous occur it can tw bo trai I to carol i prudence, or over work on the pn-t of Uio p: tiorit. Ho d'sils candidly, liberally and In.imr iltb ill iillk i, I iking advantage of nme ,n o condition or vlrcunMtance. Le. it, but not least, 118 clinch after oil tn 'tbods but Ids have !' 4 Tho Flint Suoootrafu! and Solcntlfla Treatment of oil Dicecsee and Wuuknosnon of fflQhkln.i Ponoible to Obtain. Tli' most widely and favorably known sp* dailst In r e United States. IIU loni? ex p°rlor v, rnoarUablo mu 111 and universal .-mot hm lu the iir ;■ •. hospitals In tho world en ables lilin to treat al! I HItOMC, NKKVOIis, and IttOOl) DiKoapvg upon the latest Rclentldo nrinchd* sand entitle . him to the f ■ i confidence of die aflilcled everywhere, no lr 11 TP ii i M has no superior m dlai/m> 'ny r aim tn aiintf diHoases and deformities. Uil Ml I Willi Mcdieal and Surgical DUk ises, Acute and Chronic Catarrh. Diseases of tho Ej ,1 ir. No .Throat and Lungs, D ipepsla, Di lit* Diieue, Diabot ) Kid* tiny, Liver, liladder, (iirnnlo F' !!i ilo and So. uO Disease, speedily cured by treatment that h; i never failed In thousand iuf eases ti. t hud been pronounced beyond hope. Many people meet death every year who uiUrut have been restored to perfect health had they placed their c .-.<■ *in too hands of experts. CHRONIC DISEASES. The Doctor trmitfi m nrnt * illjfairi, hut ni ' i'i* it s p.- v <*r rhroi.i.* and long-stan lin e di>eiiMM • i mhulvon u;> by other dontoreand pronounced Incurable, ho most desires to see EXAMINATIONS HIKE TO ALI. Whenever It Is known that Hr. KutcMnlp BbUMdog at a place. n*MVil| gothri con ■ tilt him. a. I u In not to be v.o -mb rod at when ir i■ i imimi ■i Mm in dltignt itng a dlt#ao li imu *r ;n*> a question. lint do *Tlbcs tin? ellf toront *ll *■ ne i belter tit ■ i the <ipk *an the in- *lvoh itlei m lul.'i-i il gift lor (inyoi ot I . .1 Hr. Km chin'•.ila*;nostlc powers I hut.M ii I wonder thro I:4bout (liecountry. 110 1 lopt* I t.m f ilbotliiK plan, which Is pe rullur to the hn;o ti i*plt.iin. and Is lint and n • .or h m b*>c*n * >•; practice nt country doctors, j v I r bo enr ifuUy not** * the symptoms of the j p ill oit, no 1 lie- 'i’tmr.s the condtf >n • f the In- ■ I t in. i nru 111*. al' of wiiMi records : linb < 1 ■•liter to; fiituio raferenco In this I way h • a c*rt;i!n * the ti no miture **f tb*’ dls *l *0 and ill ( ’tin **. When sh it people consult him ho readily • tl m wl tb 1 (orb ipt.i uu,or win t'ier they uro beyond hope, j till PI”. lOVED .HETIIODS OF TUEATMI NT I Arm ill 1 ami plo isunt; a /roe perfectly with i'i-i v 1-P ■ it'i L-.'ly or *. blld; *b> tint n* lure . irioi m': can hi u > I wJilloat work, and give t * n -it >*i po- I* \ ' u. iuMit in the ahrtot Iposoida time. HntPmts can consult him *>. - ooil •' .. If’i 'ilri as often r.s they cboos ’ •nolMf 1 ".in!' time required for tho cure, writ 1 • nit r *n ■ • I to v, I**lo they may be. with- Mii-N'n . iru<*. Mom rendering the treatment noiii • ifulau.l “ ill'faeo.ry us th<uigh they */or * llvln r n *xt *' -t 1 *• *c! other r - nous iitmt HTiiDy treated hr Ignorant irct<>il< ■• wh -*m trnllii’! wl n them mmt .i after monlb. plvt indsonom- end Injurious * '.npound i. "ln*uh ■ -*!l and see the Doctor. NPECI I.TIKH 1 Catarrh. Skin Dls* mn. S . . nmnt.M,. M r . f • nino*lTnlut.s.Rc/omn. r i? -or. IMI-'s and DI s of W. men Quickly (-i l Derma, ontly Cm>* v f.ic lateat approved Ire it m M.t a■* eurnu • I by 1 ad 111 r specialists of I Americannd Kll rope j f--i'.m i mv! coi r mitnihmee .'milld. utlal. Treatment nontC O. D. to any part oi tli' Knit l it.ii.- i rr with Invalids soUol'e. All letters with stamps In , t Linnv.'v” l # ree C ill mil Ik) examined ami at least learn the cause of your disease, hi Ilf item ik'cured T.ipe Worm, removed In Iren throe to five hours without irva’liri Th" remedies for the whole course of treatment are furnished from tho (imej or a i the Instltu! 3, all at once or by the month. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FREE TO AIL AT THE Williams Hojse, Thursday, June 13. Every Four Wjeks Thereafter. Office hour* fro i !'■ a. in. t:> 9 p. m. MANTOWOO SAVINGS Capital SIOO.OOO. Surplus SIO.OOO. JOHN* BCHUETTE, President. LOUIS BCHUETTE. Cashier. ED. SCHUETTE Assistant Cash le) Open from 9 to 3 o’clock. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat al the food you want. Tim most sensitive stomachs can take it. Hy its use many ( thousands of dyspeptics have been Cured after even t hing else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can r t help but do you good | Prepared on Iyhy I 1 Ik’.\ itt.vCo., Chicago I XhoH. bottle cun! ainsisM times thcSOc. size. A schoolboy says its the rn’e in t ie hands of his teacher that works bo h ways. WHAT OR. KUTCHIN t!0E& NOT DO. Be does cot fright • a peopv into doctor . ’ r by holding up a t a a of a speedy death before (lie ir eyi lie • lots not urge the tick :o lake treatment oin n knows ih( m I to l e incurable Nei ther ( es 1 by false pretenses bold the I tick under his care i ( after month ’ Ml:- doing them no pood. He docs not per il. ip! m m* tumbles to doc tor cut the licit monthof tin ir live::, or give up their last dime for I medicine. lie does not take patients under n so called false guarantee preti tiding to charge only for medicine end taking whatever amount he can got, or make the object of ii(n life to ox tort mon ey Irom the sick. IATFST DISCOVERIES AND I IMPROVEMENTS. Hr. has received iho moot cp i • n tn Ai all ties I dnd Micro* ■ >plnl Examinations “f the Hi 00(1. brine, n which i .. 11 ■ mv conrldered IndiHpeneahlo to <• mvi (iimtnoNln hi many dleeapcn. There •> many <li■-< i. s which physicians In common m**;u ♦ • and , ,t usually treat, and are, there* . t*'. “i>; lorn prepared with necessary and cost ■ / outfit le rx ’.line correctly. >r treat with mjc . tin ref n , a uld cl ■ wt ii t - il. nt i i.r e i, jje >rn their true eonditlon, and ’ Mother tho <! or; of Hope uro yet open, orfor ver closed ui all ft them. manhood perfectly restored. Quick. painless and certain cure lor Inipo n*ncv, 1.0 *. Manhood, Spermatorrhoea. lessen, ’V< akin h i l N-rvous Deblllf y, nlro for Pros tatitis. Varicocele, and all private discuses, \ bother fin Imprudent habit t of youth or oxm.l i.• sin nmture year-, or any cause nit itoMin,ii ‘ the sexual functh ns, upeodlly end pernmin ntiy cured. Coumiilallon free and Itrlftlf < onci.lnitial. Al K>lllte CUFtS i uaranteed lit t umble cases. No risk incurred. diseases of women. Fucb vn hn nfiled the skill of other physl r'.-in i end r. , -lien. Hr. liiitchln quickly euro* Cancers Tutu ore, Fibroid and Poly bold <. r . vih-4, i- r , an bout the one of tho knife. No cutting, no j nin, no danger. Free KiiinilhMilon of th I T rln©—l-ach p m ri applying for medical treatment should end or brink’j to 4ounces of urine, which will r < *iv • n cun fu! chemical and microscopical examination. I*IV.EH. fintitt.a anm iiectal IIA KHs m* 1 without pain or detention i rum ixiMnnu. NypblM*. DMiiorrhm. lileet, Private lttod and Skin speedily, com | pletely and pornmDon ly cured. \r.n\ovm DiinLiTY and sex. I AI. HIMIKID KM yield rapidly to his skillful trean Wisconsin Central Railwav(p. 1 ASSENOER TRAINS Between Manitowoc Leave Arrive and Manitowoc Manitowoc Collins. Hill H-rt June- 1 5:50 A. M. 0:45 A.M. tion. Sherwood. Nee-V nail, Meuasha. \ 3:4". P. M. 7:50 P.M. Stevens Point. Marsh fielii, Chippewa Palls. Eau Claire, st Paul, 6:50 A. M, 7:50 P. M. Minneapolis Hurley. | Ironwood Bessemer. J St. Paul. Minueapoli.. , Ashland. Duluth and 3:45 P M 9;45 A M Pacific coast points. I Oshkosh. Pond du Lac. Milwaukee. Wauke- 3:50A.M. 0:45 A.M. sha, Chicago ami 345 P.M. 7:50 P.M. points East and South All trains daily except Sunday. VV. 11. Vanoegrikt, Agt ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Passeng.T and ar Ferry Steamship Line, . . . BETWEEN . . . Manitowoc, Wis.. and Frankfort, Mich* Where connection is made with Ann Arbor R. R. trains for all points in Michigan, the South anJ ast. mTVV. FRAFKFORT AND MANITOWOC Leave Manitowoc daily, except Monday!!: in a in FROM KEWAUNEE TO MANITOWOC. Lv. Kewaunee Tues., Thorn.and Katur. . r > a in Ar. Manitowoc Tues.. Thum. and Katur. 8 a in CoNDENHKO SCHEDULE ' ANS AliBOI! RAILROAD Trains. Train No. 4. Train No. 8 Leave Frankfurt 10:10am T:Bnpm Arrive Cadillac 12:5') p in in: 15 p m Ann Arbor 8:85 |) in 11:30 a in Toledo 10:00 pm 1:00 pm ArriveTravcrseCity via Fere Marqutte Rail road 12:40 pm 8:1(1 pm Arrive Detroit via Oral I Trunk Kail" nv 0:2(1 p m 11:50 am. E. s. nUhD, Aoknt. Manitowoc Wis WINTER TIME TABLE. Floats l eave Manitowoc For Sheboygan. Milwaukee Ratine and Chicago daily, except Friday and Sunday at (! p. m. For Kewaunee and Algoma Friday and Sunday at 4 p. m. For Sturgeon Bay canal Sunday at 4 p. in. < tflice :;nd docks foot of sth strep C. F. Canright, Agent. A REPUTATION has two uses; it may be lived up on or lived up to. Buerstatte’s Drug Store has a reputation that has been lived up to and constantly im proved for 2d years. We give you the best of service,—prompt reliable, and in every way satis factory. All we ask is a trial. F. C. BUERSTATTE, Pharmacist. Eighth and Jay Sts Manitowoc, Wis. Sections and Guards. Look over > our mower or binder and if you need sec tions and guards ORDER THEM NOW. You will then receive them early and have ample time to put the machines in re pair before the haying sea son opens. Section* each.. DC The Peoples Savings Bank. P G. 01 P. Prop Manitowoc. Wisconsin. Chicago & North Western Railway. NORTH BOUND . .... No. 3 No. 1 No. 5 No. 17 No. 11 No. 51 e,eave C hicago 7 (IP am 11 Ho am Son urn Leave i\lilwauk,*e T 00 a m 6 55am 150 pm T 30 p m Leave Cleveland 6 11am 13 16 pm 3.54 pm 541 am 13 42 pm Leave Newton 6 30am 13 27 pm 403 pm 553 am 1350 pm Leave Manitowoc 637 a m 12 45p m 4 20p m 620a m 654 p m 2 60sui Leave Branch 46 a m 4 33 p m 0 30 a m 3 3.5 p m Leave Pine Grove 4 39pm Leave Cato 9 39am 443 pm 647 am 3Popm L> ave Grimms lore am 4 46 p m 0 51am 3 35 cm Leave Reedsville 1008 am 4 55pm 6 50am 400 pm Arrive Appleton Jet 1113 am OIL pm 8 15am 1133 pm Arrive Arrive Ashland 5 30 p m 7 45 a m No. 49, Sunday only, leaves Milwaukeeo:4o A. M. Arrives al Manitowoc 10:40 A. M. I'rain No II daily; trains No.'s 1,3 IT and 51 daily except Sunday. Trains No.'s3, 5, 11 and 1. making connections at Appleton Jet. for north and south. No.'s 5 and IT making connections at .Marshfield for St. Paul and Minneapolis and the northwest. Trains No.'sll and 1. making con necti ms at Ashland for Duluth, tb * Superiors and the west, SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. r ...... No 2 No 4 No 10 No 14 No 16 No 50 Leave Reedsville AJe p m 741 a m 12 22 p m 93Ua ro Leave Grimms 533 pm 7*46 a m 13 37 pm 10U3am Leave Cato 5 27pm 7 51am 13 33 p m 1015 a m Leave line Grove 7 53am 13 34 pm Leave Branch 534 pm 7 59am 13 40 pm 1035 am Leave Manitowoc 5 51pm 456 an. 816a in 113 p m 405 pm 1135 am Leave Newton. 6 04pm 830 am 127 pm 425 pm 12 27 pm Leave Cleveland 614 p m 839 a m 137 p m 435 p m 13 43 p m An ivc Milwaukee °|opm Too ain 10 55 ain 350 pm 640 pm Arriv ■ Chicago.. 7 80 a m U3oam 115 pm 615 pm 930 pm t rain Ntj. 4 daily. No. s3, 10, 14, 16 and 60 daily except Sunday, all trains making connections at Milwaukee and Chicago for cast, south and west. TWO RIVERS TRAINS Leave Manitou is-6 45 a m 10,30 am 430 p m | Leave Two Rivers. .7 40 a m 1310 pm 515pn< Arrive Two Rivers i lo a m 10 50 am 450 p m | Arrive Manitowoc. .8 00 a m 13 35 pm 5 40pm * or further information apply atdepot ticket office. C. A. H-- hthacsex. Tkt. Agi. LAWYERS NASH k NASH. *'c^A^t^iypri^)tiy^atU‘n^S*to.^ S AT LAW ° fflce HVl ‘ r National Bftnk ' Ei * hth s ‘et SEDGWICK, SEDGWICK k SCHMIDT LAWYERS. Office in Terrison’s brick block north end Eighth street bridge Manitowoc Wig. consul Collections promptly attended to k ' mannowoc, wig BKUJSO MUELLEK, onsh? 8 Not#,T Public Hnd Conveyancer Money loaned on reasonable rates. PHYSICIANS .1. F. .MCI,HOLLAND, M D.— PRACTICE limited to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Office hours. 9t012 a m 1 to 4 n m and 7toß p. in. ( iffice over Mendlik A Mulhollund s. N Bth street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. . DK HA SIMON’. 1)6 NTIST. South Bth street, opposite Williams House Manitowoc, Wisconsin. HI MISTER! The J. G. Johnson Cos. can s ive you anything you i may want in the masonarv [■ ?v. J* m, line and they have a good *° se * f r °m. The J.G. JOHNSON CO. You will want to go. A THE PiRE MARQUETTE RAILROAD IS THE SHORT LINE, AND BESIDES WILL GIVE YOU THE ADVANTAGE OF A RIDE ACROSS LAKE MICHIGAN IN A FAST PASSENGER STEAMER, WITH A COM FORTABLE BERTH A For full Information concerning Route and Rates, write Or H.W. JAMESON. T.P. A., H. F. MOELLER. G.P. A . 91 Wisconsin Street, DETROIT MICH. MILWAUKtE, WIS. THE THREE AMERICAS WILL MAKE A BRAVE SHOW ING AT THE Pan-American Exposition AT BUFFALO, N.Y..THIS SUM MER RAILWAY FARM LAM) FRE In Northern Wisconsin on the North- Western Line. Low rates* and easy terms of payments. About 400,000 acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advantage of location on the many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excelent water supply, both for family and for stock Land is generally well timbered, the soil fertile and easy of cultivation. Cb i cago, Milwaukee. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, Ashland and numer ous other thriving cities furnish good markets for farm produce. For further particulars address Geo. W. Bell. Land Commissioner. Hudson. Wis., or G. H. Mcßea. A. G. P.A., St. Paul, Minn. It may be more blessed to give than to rective. but with most people this is only a dress-parade theory. Into each life some ruins must fall, Wise people don't sit down and bawl; (July fools suicide or take to flight. | Smart people t ike Rocky Mon itain Tea at night. F. C. Buerstatte. INVENT Something useful or entertaining: or, if yeu already have an invention get a PATENT. There is abundant profit in good patented inventions. Send for our interesting Illus trated Patent Hand-Book—free; gives more information than any other. We obtain Pat ants that protect. Terms lowest possible for best service. OUR FEES REFUNDED IF WE FAIL TO SECURE PATENT. No charges for examination and opinion as to patentability. Promptness guaranteed. Best of references- Over 31 years experience. Address R. S. & A. B. LACEY, Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C. Mention this taper when you write. A wise man is known by the fool things he doesn't say. STOPS THE COUGH AM) WUKKS OFF THE COLD Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay Price 35 cents. The stroke of light ling that spares the ro 1 spoils the houie. - m a* ■ ■ Try the new reined v for enstiveness, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets Every box guaranteed. Price 25 cents. For tal >by Henry Hinricbs.