AUTUMN. Forest leaves In glory shimmer O’, r th 1 mounlaa. luth i. in llghtl O what b, hilly tills the v ,-ii n On an ii.tun.r. Cay so bright! Ov :■ dl; nl slop m e hilltop \.; n R : R ought. I? a pi : ’or, 1.- i l. um; .i, Wh ch tie ;;a o. : an has not. Flr.lti ). :n. h V: ; vet w. VL-p Lite ir t an a. tumr. 1 al; But the i Is a; v I- , exultant. Sirs tht.r song ~.en ripened sheaf Safe 1 stored in winter’s garni r, Whin the summer s work is done— Then ho forest leaves trt fiery As the west, at setting sun. Blaze !n glory, leaves of autumn!— Russ -t, crimson. fir . and gold— Tell t! it summer’.- work Is ir.oc-d, Tel! the y,.;r Is growing old. Over ,i the hills and vallt ys— Loo! I the I aves in bright array Sing t ip song id rM at ev‘ ring In a garb bright as M i; —B. F. M. Pours, In Boston Watchman. TEETH for TEETH By D, K. TALMADGE. (Copyright, JOOI, by Authors Syndicate.) JAMES MURCHISON was a plain fanner, young and good to look upon; but he lived to tlie age of 40 years without marying, which was a shame, as any one of several buxom lasses in the Singing river district admitted readily when the subject was broached in confidence. “There he is,” sa id they, echoing the sentence of their elders, “living alone on a fine farm till his own, a big bank account, a figure like that of the strong man at the cireus, a face handsome as the lover’s at the theater, going to waste! Dear, dear! What can the man mean?” The answers to this question were two in number. One, lie was bash ful—so bashful that the mere thought of coming to close quarters with a gii;l filled him with horror; the other, he cherished in secret an affection for the daughter of a grain buyer in the town of Riverton, at whose home he had visited on a number of occasions when corn was coveted by the grain-buyer and the growers of the commodity were loth to sell. The girl had been most gracious to James; indeed, she had shown him marked attentions; and so impressed was lie by her charms, which really were many, that he dreamed of her by night and thought of her by day until he was quite un able to dream or think intelligently upon any other subject. He knew she was not for him, be cause, even had he possessed the courage necessary to an avowal of liis passion, he could not have hoped to compete with her other suitors, who were men of polish and educa tion. He was aware that there wen many of these suitors. lie was sur prised that there were not more. He could not understand why fhe whole world of men, who were not so un fortunate as to have contracted al liances prior to seeing h°r, did not prostrate themselves before her, a? he would gladly have done had he dared. Every week he scanned the list of marriage licenses published in tlu Riverton News, his heart pounding like a runaway trip-hammer until the fact was established that she was still untaken. Then he sighed from the very bottom of his mighty lungs and wondered how long his happiness •would last. Think of that! The simple consciousness that she was married to no one else was happiness to him. Now, there is a theory held by many people of intelligence that matches are made in heaven. It does not look altogether reasonable in the light, of history, yet it must be ad mitted that the holders of the theory have much ground, in the way of isolated instances, to stand upon. Love making is not always necessary; a meeting of the souls upon the street or at a dinner table is some times sufficient to accomplish every thing needful up to the drawing of the contract. Asa matter of fact, the grain-buy ers daughter had fallen in love with James Murchison the first time she saw him, —he was so big and hand some and rich and dependable and al together different from other men. But fortunately James did not know this. Had he known it the chances are that he would have sold out and run away as fast as he could to end his days in misery and the great north woods, were he owned a nice bit of land. Such n blessed thing is ignorance! It was his custom during the game season to carry with him, when he went to his work in the fields, a shot gun—an old-fashioned, muzzle-loading piece which he had owned as a boy; and one afternoon he discovered that his supply of shot was exhausted. Therefore he went down the road to wards a neighbor’s, intending to bor row a handful. Nothing warned him of his fate; nothing caused him to change his course; on he strode, straight to fhe end of his agony—for love, especially unspoken love, is that and nothing else. He had just stepped foot upon the bridge which crosses Singing river when from up the stream he heard the sound of women in distress. His lustinct told him that they were in distress; otherwise he would not have known, for the language of women bad been ns a sealed hook to him. He stopped, listening. And while he stood ihere a fleeing form in white came into his vision, and a choke came into Uia throat, and a tremble came upon his limbs. The form was that of the grain-buyer’s daughter, and behind her, perhaps a hundred feet, was a dog —an ugly, yellow hca K t with the c'nre of madness in his eyes and the troth of madness dripping from his snapping 1 jaws. The girl saw .James, and involuntari ly she extended her arms towards him. The gesture banished the last vestige of se.l-eotisciousnesa Irot.i the man. Tie forgot every hing except that she, the idol of h.s dreams, was in dan ger. But he did not move. Other men would have clashed to meet her in an abortive attempt at rescue. they would have cried out; but he was silent. Quickly he dropped the stock of his gun to the bridge, and rammed in a double charge of powder. Time was precious—merciful heaven, how pre cious it was! He had no shot. There were no pebbles in the dusty road. And leap by leap the dog was gain ing upon the girl whose strength was nearty spent. What could he do? A certain writer, accept! tl as an au thority by a major portion of the civ ilized world, Ins stated that only when a crisis confronts him does a man bring forth the best qualities winch are within him; a crisis is th; only real test of character. And in this crisis the character of James MurcT, : - a was proven good. Let it lie understood that not even ills nearest friend was aware that James Murchison’s upper teeth wvre false. He had guarded the truth as carefully as he had guarded his love. Tie was much less bnmb ' me when his teeth were not in plac ■. But he did not hesitate now ti \vr neh the set from his mouth and put his foot upon it, breaking the ivories from tin ir set ting. He poured them into fhe guu. A FLEEING FORM IN WHITE CAME INTO HiS VISION. He aimed. The teeth of fhe dog were in the hem of the girl’s gown when he fired. The dog fell, rolling over. An incisor had entered the eye, penetrat ing the crazed brain. When, a moment later, the other girls of the picnic party approached, they found a big, handsome ftnnier, without upper teeth, holding a girl’s head upon his knee and gently bath ing it with a bandanna hnndkerphief wet with the water of Singing river, iter eyes were open, and the expres sion of them was such that even he could understand, although he was far as yet from a full appreciation of the happiness that had come to him. He arose presently and assisted her to her feet. “May I get my horse and lake you home?” he asked. “Yes,” she replied; "I will wait here for you.” For an ibstant he stood, seemingly bewildered; then h passed rapidly to wards the road. At the carcass of;he dog he paused, looking hack. The girl smiled, lie leaned over, patting the guor, mangy thing upon the head, and went on again. Sensitive (nmuln. An Englishman who wants to earn tb-V cordial and . llkt of {amid a ;.as only to refer to the dominion as “Our Lady of the Snows,” or ; ome thing like that. People ac, ass the border are very- touchy on the .sub ject. The London Times recently offended by speaking of the climatic conditions of Canada as such that emigrants from England “preferred to go to the temperate zones,” mean ing the United States. And even Mr. Gladstone had the impression that Canada was a land of perpetual ice and snow. Just now the Canadians are down on Arthur Wing Pinero, who, in his new play, “Iris," refers to Canada as “that genteel Siberia,” a phrase not calculated to earn more popularity than Kipiing’s poetic title. Capt. Bernier and some other Cana dians believe that the north pole is properly a part of the dominion, so that any degree of cold can lie at tributed to Canada. But at the same time if seems not to be appreciated, if indeed it is known by many Eng lishmen, that the populous part of Canada lies below the fiftieth paral lel, or below the southernmost point of England. Montreal, Quebec and Toronto are five or six degrees south of London, and are considerably south of Paris as well. -Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Mnlne Kippered llerrlntc. A Maine concern, after nearly a year of experimenting, has finally succeed ed in producing kippered herring which have stood the test of the market, and the success of anew Maine industry seems assured. There is every indication that, like the sne (•ssfcil imitation of the French sar dine. the Maine packers will put upon the market kippered herring to com pete successfully with the Scotch and English brands which have here tofore monopolized the market. The herring used are found in great abundance. They are too large for sardines and in fact useless for any merchantable purpose. The supply is almost unlimited. The Maine kip pered herring are put up in a pack age of the same shape as the im ported and fhe article itself so far as a novice can see, is fully equal to the Scotch or English pack. —N. Y. Sun. ANTS FELL IN SHOWERS. Binwnlnr Phenomenon Tlmt W Lately Witnessed In the City of HriimelK. From time to time we hear of show ers of blood, of pollen, of caterpillars, and now M. A. de Longree, a member of the Astronomical Society of France, tells of a shower of ants which fell re cently at Brussels. M. de Longree resides in that city, and therefore he had ample opportu nity for observing this curious phe nomenon. It was four o’clock in the afternoon, he says, when the ants be r an to fall, and the weather was very warm, the sun being brilliant and the sky clear. A great cloud of small black-winged ruts, interspersed among which were some gigantic black ants, measuring from five to seven millimeters in length, spread quickly over the city n:.d its suburbs, and in a few minutes the gigantic ants were swarming over the pavements and the small ones were failing on the garments of pedestrians and even entering their mouths and I. ! s, >r two hours the insects remained 1; it city, can r.g everyone to won d ■ how they came there. It is sup p and that they were brought thither ir i storm, which started in a neigh b -ing d ! s,r!ct. the assumption being t the tempestuous wind tore up e rire nests of ants from the ground a ’ 1 carried them along in its course T e only objection to this theory is U at there was no sign of a storm in T'russei ■ when the insects appeared. Naturalists, however, insist that in no other way can this singular phenome non be explained. RIGHTS OF MEN OF SCIENCE. In Germany They Give AVny Only ti Member* of the Koynl Family, The street railways of Berlin have recently been fitting' their lines with electricity, following years in the wake of those of the United States The directors of the reiehsanstalt the imperial physical and technical institute of Germany, feared that the proximity of trolley wires with the magnetic field which would be set up at the passage of ever}' car might interfere with their experiments and they made representations to that effect to the government. In Ger many science is esteemed only second to royalty and the government be ing all-powerful the street railroads were ordered not to place any trolley wires within a kilometer (five-eighths of a mile) of the reiehsanstalt. Asa result, and oddly enough it is to an American, the trolley lines of Charlottenburg, when they ap proach the imperial mausoleum, the emperor’s memorial church and the reiehsanstalt—royalty and science— nr: run underground and the cars are compelled to cover the intervals by means of power drawn from storagi batteries. Asphalt pavements have ab o replaced the old cobblestones in the streets around the reiehsanstalt to prevent the jar of trucks from in -i olag tiie delicate instruments in the buildings. ATTPACT OSECTS. ]\t *> Tholr !li - p;M Colors So >!ucb fin liy I heir Storm of eetn. MueA interesting information in re gard to the attraction which flowers possess for insects is contained in a paper by Prof. P. Plateau, of (ihent, which is published by the Kntonio logical society of Belgium. Me arrived some time ago at the con clusion that insects are but little at tracted by bright colors, and he is now confirmed in this opinion by experi ments, which show that brightly col ored stuffs and scintillating metallic objects placed among the leaves of flowers have only a slight attractive ness for insects. In regard to the constancy of insects in visiting in variably the same species of flowers on the same flight, he says that cer tain species of Hombus are very in constant; that the megachile and coelioxys are less so, and that the honey bee and anthidium inanieatum are remarkably constant. The habit of constancy he attrib utes to the insect’s desire to save la bor. The syrphidae (hover flies), he points out, show a considerable ten dency to be attracted by bright col ors, whether of flowers or of inani mate ob jects, and to this quality, and not to any aesthetic sense, is to be attributed their habit of hovering over flowers. A (tni'fP Trade Drawer. By very simple means a Philadel phia merchant attracted more at tention to his store than any amount of placard advertising would have gained for it. A great Maltese cat was tied to eight yards of rope and was fastened in the marble doorway. It was a rare instance of a eat hav ing its liberty thus restricted, and throughout each afternoon crowds of persons flocked about the door. The braver among them did puss the hom age of a pat on the head, while more timid souls felt sure the animal was fierce and kept at a safe distance, Nutrition In Mn ■li room h. Recent investigations made l>y the department of agriculture show that mushrooms are about equal to [iota toes in the element of nutrition that goes to make flesh and blood, but that, on the other hand, they do not hold much of the fuel stuff required to keeji the body machine running. World's Nnlionnl IndrlitpilnrH. The world's national indebtedness i> estimated at $.11,201,749,371 (n times as much as the world’s national debt £ amounted to at the close of tiit Napoleonic wars. OUR TOYS, The Pride of Santa Claus. He lias gathered here a line of mechanical tovs, iron and wooden lo>s. boys’ tool chests, dolls, doll carriages and novelties of ail kinds-durable and pretty toys that will delight the children. A vast gathering of amusing and instructive games and books that promise to make this holiday season the most cheer!*;;! for young and old. Chi Id’s Tea Sets. I © ,<3 Vl 0 #o; Child’s fancily decorated china tea sots, some new patterns this year that will delight any little housekeeper. Handsome sets. I the beauty of which the cut can | give you no idea, at 10c, 25c, 50c up to $1.50 Toy Pianos. Well built and nicelv finished pianos, the little girls' delight, a present she w ill not want to be without. These are here at 25c, 50c and 98c. Steam Engines. ™JB| nothing will please a engines work per their whistle. Price, 6b cents. NEW VOGUE IN POSTAL CARP Now I hcil for PerKonal MonmiHfn Mnt rinu INrliur of .Srutlrr'N ■< pm I doner. Postal curds are coming to he con sidered good form. Whereas, they were formerly admissible only as a means for dispatching an order to a tradesman, they may now he used for the transmission of personal mes sages. The stipulation, however, is that they must hear a reproduction of one's house, says the New York World. This promises to make the fashion an exclusive one. Anybody can con sult a heraldic expert and have his family insignia discovered and trans ferred to his note paper. Put not everybody lives In a mansion that would form a desirable decoration for a postal card. In any case the suburb an resident will, it is plain, have the advantage. Now thnt the use of th<“ caiiUTn hns become universal, nothing is easier than to secure a pretty country view, and any stationer can have such u view reproduced at a trifling cost on cards of a size suitable to be sent by post. It will be no uncommon thing for .Tones, who Inis taken a house in New Jersey, to acquaint his friends with its charms, not by lengthy descrip tions, but by sending them post cards adorned with its picture. I he size of the picture need < nlv be restricted by that of the curd. Postal authorities now allow cards of very fair proportions tsi pass as post cards. A Hlnuulnr IMmimiv . An Ottawa correspondent writes that intelligence has been r. reived from the Yukon of n strange discovery that the language of tin- Nubi'o In dians who liv. within thi arctic circle md that of tiie Apaches of New Mexico and Arizona are tiie same. The fact* have come to light through the return to Dawson City of Fathyr John Iteue, prefect apostolic of the Roman Cath olic church in Alaska, from a jeun.iy to the fathers working among the aboriginal tribes of the Lower Yukon. A Book For Christmas. is a present that is both appropriate and pleasing. It is a lasting gift; one that is interesting, inspiring and instructive. Childs History of the United States. A book of 256 pages telling in a most interesting manner the story of our country. It is fully illustrated, well |"k bound and has a finely engraved cover. Price 1/ /V/ Natural liistor3’ A book of 450 pages, giving a descrip tion and history of wild and domestic animals, with illustrations of them. It is a very instruct- i Q ive book written in an entertaining stvle.. . (julliv e r’s Travels and other interesting books of 200 pages each. Fully illustrated, nicely hound, with handsome cover in color work. A series of interesting stories that will delight an\ child^i/v Also pretty books with either linen or paper leaves, il lustrated in bright colors; at sc, l()c, 15c and 25c. THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK. R. Cm. OLP, Prop. rianitowoc, c Jt V Wisconsin. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PILOT. PEERLESS”! I E‘| YOUR PIPE § AND SMOKE IT M D Hours | I APE BY A TRUST 'lyQ Hewitt Do yon tliink thin wait o’ mine too loud f Jewe’t Why, my hoy. that suit would imilte a good selection for your graphophoue. Health ami Beauty. Pi Kir complexion is usually the result of a torpid liver or irregular notion of the "bowels Unless nature’s refuse is carried off it will surely ca se impure blood. Pimples, bolls and other erup tions follow. This is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which the bowls failed to remove. DeWitt's Little Early Kisers are world famous for remedying lien condition. They stimu late the liver and promote regular and healthy a< turn iff the bowels hut never can-e griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. F. Duerstutte. Susan Tlie Pimples sore . ami tduck lieads are danger signals Tul e Hocny Mountain Tea. you'll give a farewell re I ( eptlou to your troubles. F. C. 1 Bueretatte. Tscd by he ladies of fashion all over the world It s without doubt the great test beautilier (>ver offered tln> American women. 85c. Made only by Madison Med cine Cos. F. C. Bnerstatte. Women argue in the same way tie y gift off a street car. A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party, but was afraid to do so on account of pains in his stomach, which he feared | would grow worse. He says, “I was] telling tuy troubles to a lady friend. ; who said 'Chamlterlaiu'H Colic. Chol era and Diarrhea Remedy will put you in condition for the party.' lls ogtit a bottle and take pleasure in stating that two doses cured mo and enabled me to have a gisid time at the party. Mr. Snell is a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Henty Htnrichs druggist. .. _ . [jots of married jssiple in the wot Id pose as 1 eager signals to thee who are single Dolls and Doll Carriages. Dolls with natural hair, movable eves and movable limbs. /tfsjra A tine assortment of handsome dolls so nt*'" ""il DOLL GO-CAKTS. ** f aT*’ A fitting vehicle for a pretty doll and V^fCa something: that makes the little g irls happy. An extens- 2310 ive variety of swell little go-carts at 50c, 98c and 1.48. Doll Cradles. Wlisi To complete the doll compartment. They are nicely made and finely finished either in all white or colors. Price 2,k to DBc. Horse and Wagon. Nicely made and richly painted, a toy that is the delight of children. A nice line at, Irom 24c to 98c. The man who lousts of being a tynlc 1h not very dangerous. ** . SIOO Reward. SIOO. The readers of this paper will bo pleas ed to learn that there in at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all his stages, and that is Catarrh. Mall's Catarrh Cure is the only iiositive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, r ‘quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak en internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution au l assisting nature ia doing its work. The proprietors have st) much faith ti lts curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni al,-.. Address, E. J. Chknky a Cos.. Toledo. (X S-.ld by Drng-i'tds. 7'c. I Hall s Family Hills are the best.