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Manitowoc City Business Directory KRIMM, The SHOE MAN 812 SOUTH EIGHTH S TREET Christensen & Miller TONSORIAL PARLOR Wi fcV”? wße 0. VOGEL SHOE SHINING STAND Williams House Basement We have all that you expect to find in a first clasa-up-to date drug store F. C. BUERSTATTE Dr. Gebhe DENTIST. Over Staehlc’sStore GEORGE BROS. BAKCRY and CONITCTIONERY South Eighth Street. Artistic Photographs A. J. PACKARD si.r C. A. GROFFMAN Prescription DRUGGIST DR. REINFRIED MODERN DENTISTRY 206 N. Eighth St. J. DUMPKE The Old Reliable SHOE STORE ROSINSKY & SON FURNITURE UNDERTAKING C.H.TEGEN ARCHITECT Rooms 7 & 8 Metropolitan Block A. C. BECKER Wall Papkk, Picture Enlarging Washington Street HEALY & JOYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Municipal Court Building C. 6 W. FRAZIER The York Stret Furniture Dealers and Undertakers NORTH SIDE The Melendy Studio Manitowoc’s Modern Photograph Gallery North Eighth Street Till! WM. RAHR SONS COMPANY Brewers and Bottlers of Fine Table Ex port Beer J. C. fIcCARTY Confectioner Gasoline 108 Nortli Fixtures Fiklilh Street A. Vktting M Ki.kmks Palace Steam Laundry Tel. 29-3 Corner Main and Jay Streetx We Have Tlv n Largest Bicycle Repair Shop in the city, and carry a full line of Cleveland and Tribune Wheels Also BICYCLE SUNDRIES at prices that will astonish you for cheapness, QDCPIAI TV' OUR REPAIR WORK UrLUml. I I .IS ALL GUARANTEED JOS. PETERIK 713 Buffalo Street ------ Manitowoc, Wia. rn nil' DRAYING, (; lias. Schlei esv R. UEK & SON. Highest Prices Paid for HIDES AND PELTS DAVIS BROS. HACK LINE Telephone 131-3 Franz, Schmitz & Kadow REAL ESTATE Fire and Accident Insurance. Pianos, Organs, Musical Goods and Sewing Machines. Manitowoc Music Cos. 911 South Hth Street Q. A. FEHRS ESTABLISHED 1X55 Jeweler and Optician LINSTEDT & CO. II FIRST II MORTGAGE ▼ |l LOANS Green Bay House J. J. BAKTELME, Prop. H. J. LARSON & BRO. PLUMBERS Commercial St. DR. A. J. VITS DENTIST 208 North Hth Street Schultz, The Hatter 812 S. Bth St. Schreihart Brewing Cos. High Grade Bottle Beer. ANDREW KESTLEY CONFECTIONER I ' -rnam, Etc. 816 Washington St. Atlas Bowling Alleys Billiard and Ping Pong Parlor C. E. Wi Reman, Prop. SOUTH EIGHTH STREET The F. Sixta & Sons Cos. WiueH and High Grade Liquors. C. Liebcnow 6 Son. Jewelers and Engravers Repairing a Specialty. Garden, House and Field Seeds sold in bulk at the new store : : ; MANITOWOC SEEP CO. 017 Washington Street RESTAURANT Lunches and Meals at all hours Theo. Willard, 817 S. Bth St. GET YOUH The Pilot PRINTING — Done at This OSlce A MW NERVE CURE. Calcium Salts Discovered by Dr. Loeb, as Foe to Disease. It la SU the Bmlnent Scientist Has VoT.nd War to Cure St. Vitus Dance and Other Affections of Nerves and Muscles, If the conclusions reached by Dr. Jaynes Loeb in a scientific publication from tiie University of Chicago are correct, St. Vitus dance and other nerv ous and muscular diseases are curable. Advance sheets of the publication give the statement that calcium salts, which have figured in so many of Dr. Loeh's experiments, were em ployed to stop muscular tvvitchings and'with the frog and the jelly fish that the scientist lias used in his experi ments the treatment works success fully. Dr. Loch has discovered, that rhyth mical twitching, peculiar tocertain dis eases, are due to the absence of calci um salts in the tissues. When such salts are absent •twitching results and the Chicago physiologist has discov ered that the introduction of just enough calcium salts w ill shop the agi tation. 11 is experiments were carried l on in the University of Chicago laboratories lash summer and members of the fac ulty who worked with him feel positive that lie has solved the question of the proper treatment of such diseases. “It follows from, our observations,’’ says Dr. Loeb, in summing up his pa per, “that muscular twitchings may he brought about in an organism by a re duction in the muscles or blood of the proportion of calcium or magnesium which we get from drinking water or an increase in the proportion of sodi um. In view of the fact) that thus far no explanation has been found for the pathological phenomena of this kind, It becomes of importance to see whether or not in certain' of these dis eases the relative amount of calcium in the blood is diminished. "If this should l>e thecase the admin istration of calcium would he the cure for diseases which thus far have been beyond medical control. Itisialso ap parent from our experiments that for (lie suppression of nervous twitchings or contractions more calcium may pos sibly he required than for the suppres sion of muscular twitchings.” TREATING A DEADLY COBRA. rulinnunt Heptlle In N>vr York Zoo Suffer!iik from Ilroken Jaw— A Ticklish Task. Under skillful treatment at the New York Zoological gardens in Bronx park, a deadly cobra which recently broke his. jaw in a fit of violent rage, is .m the road to recovery. The dressing on the head of the poisonous creature has been renewed with considerable difficulty. As asting from the reptile means death, the operation of applying a dressing to the cobra is a most perilous task. The cobra was slumbering when Curator Ditraara, cautiously opening the big door, thrust in a long wooden pole with two prongs. Pressing this down on the cobra’s head lie held it prisoner until Keeper Snyder got in side. The reptile, now thoroughly aroused, agitated its tail frantically.hut Snyder held its head firmly to the floor while Ditmars removed the old dressing and replaced it with anew one. The oper ation took about ten minutes. As the two men slipped away and slammed the door the infuriated rep tile made a vicious lunge toward them. CRIME IN ENGLAND. tin the Increase and renal Servitude Declared Not to Crush Moral Itesponslblllty. Statistics published tlie other day point to an increase of crimethrough out (ireat Britain in I'JOl, as com pared with I‘JOO, hut this increase is not of serious magnitude. Mr. Simp son, the chief of the criminal depart ment of the home office, points out that the reports furnish an excellent means for testing the common as sumption that penal servitude crushes the moral responsibility and liars the return to honest living of those who undergo sentence. In IHU7 the criminal report tended to show that tills assumption was wrong, and subsequent reports have shown that penal servitude may fail to reform those who have undergone punish ment after a career of crime, hut that in the ease of lesser criminals the vast majority have been found to lie lead ing a respectable life after discharge from prison. GROCER HAS HIGH IDEAL. Hons a Nambcrtuf Stores la Indiana Towns In the Way He Thinks That Jesus Would. A. F. Norton is running a grocery store in Converse, Ind., he says, “as Christ would run it.” The stock invoiced recently for nearly $12,000. He bought it at bankrupt sale for less than $7,1X10 and got rid of all the tobacco, cigars, pipes, snuff, etc., as he said he was op posed to their use. He pays ids clerks every day and re fuses to deliver good* by messengers or wagon*. He allows no argument* end especially no in ids store, end the young fellows ore not allowed to flirt vith the girls. He hae five stores in the couwty all run on the pian, “Honesty is the best pol icy” is his motto, and he is a member of the church and teacher in the Sun day school. He claims that his busi ness ha* increased largely since be Adopted the present plan. DOCTOR SEGRIST THE SPECIALIST. Lute from the most celebrated hospi tals and clinics of Berlin, Ger many, and Paris, France. NoPayUntii Cured New riethod Treatment in All Chronic Diseases. CONSULTATION SA( 'REDLY CONFIDENTIAL. Examination and Advice Free. Doctor 3ecrist will Come to Manitowoc at the HOTEL \N ILHAMS Tuesday, M rcli 31 And One Day Only in Every Four Weeks Thereafter. The doctor s wonderful power of diag nosis, greatest of all gilts enables him to determine the causes of obscure and chronic ailments, and to apply remedies which effect certain, speedy and perma nent cures. X HAY examination in appropriate cases upon reasonable notice. HOPE POU THE APE Ml-TED. Many hundreds of sufferers pronounc ed by other physicians as hopelessly in curable, have been restored to health by Dr. Secrist. Letters of indorsement from many prominent clergymen and hundreds of grateful patients are on tile in bis office. The doctor has devoted much time ami attention in the French Hospitals to the study of ALE SPECIAL DISEASES OK MEN, and has imported many special medi cines and appliances necessary to effect certain cures in the worst ases of Physical Weakness, Varicocele, Impo tency. Nervous Debility, etc. caused by youthful error*, night losses, general dissipation, improper treat meut ami neglect. The doctor will forfeit sooo where a cure in guaranteed and not effected. KIDNEY and BLADDER disease treated by new and eminently (success ful methods CATARRH in all its various forms: positive, prompt and permanent cures alwav'd effected. CLUB FEET, cross eyes and all other deformities treated with special care and unfailing success. NERVOUS DISEASES, Epilepsy and diseases of the BLo< )D AND SKIN al ways yield to the doctor’s modern meth ods of treatment. PILES cured permanently without de teution from business and without tin use of the knife. LUNO TROUBLES receive careful attention, and are always treated sue cessfully, when not too long neglected. DELAY IS DANGEROUS Those who are chronically ailing should lose no time in consultingaspecial physician whose reputation for skill is so well and widely known. Social attention given to UISKASUH IM :< n.IAUTO WOMKN. No unnecessary exposure. No exam ination. No sacrifice of modesty. The doctor does not publish his pa dents' names except with their full con sent and approval. English, French and German spoken. Address, DR 11. C. SECRIST, Chicago and Milwaukee. 80 and 82 Wisconsin St. llrmity *!■ * Milan. Some time ago a beauty show was organized at Milan, which was well patronized, mid Cl young Indies were judged to be tie- standard of beauty, which entitled them to Is- prize win ners. But no prizes were forthcoming until the otherday. when an announce ment was made by the promoters of the show fliafc tiny bad now opened a lottery for men only, the condition be ing that the drawer of the winning number most marry one of the prize winners in t be beauty show, w ho would in turn receive a proportionate share of the proceeds of 1 lie beauty show as a dowry. If there are no marriages the promoters are to have the pro ceeds of both shows. Sleep In I It it re h. Hitherto it lias been considered a moral weakness to slumber in church. Now Dr. Dabbs, the editor of Veelis, comes to the rescue of (he church sleepers with scientific facts. “Yon call if irreverence to sleep in church! Nonsense! It is only earlsmie diox ide.” The really irreverent (serHon is be who permits the church to be full of this foul air. Money at 5 per ct. ON First Mortgage Security at JULIUS LINSTEDT & CO. omcf in savings bank biuding. Manitowoc, Wi.. JOKE ON ART EXPERTS. ieolplorn of Anxclo nud Da Vine! Are- Turned Down aa Immature. Exact reproductions of some of the greatest works of Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vine! have been re jected as inartistic and immature by the municipal art commission, a body made up of a number of the rich men of New York city, men who deem themselves art critics of the lirat class. the commissioners give their serv ices to the city free of charge just because they want municipal art well managed. The joke was turned on them by a pair of Tammany archi tects, who have a contract for the erection of the hall of records, now nearing completion. The architects, Horgan and Slat tery, were annoyed by what they deemed persecution and they lay all their troubles to the reform admin istration inaugurated by Mayor Low. Tiiis contract is a holdover since the previous administration, and they claim they have been doing their best to give satisfaction. Despite every effort of the archi tects to please, plans, drawings, sculpture and decorations were re jected, they claim, because the work was In the hands of Tammany men. The commission could see no nr- in most of the work. The heat artists obtainable were secured, but it was the same tory. Then, when other artists pronounced the work of a high class, came the time for the joke. Careful copies of some of the gar goyles and cornice decorations by Angelo and Da Vinci in St. Peter’s at Home were secured. The reproduc tions were pronounced perfect and submitted, but they were not artistic in the eyes of the experts. TUNNEL~HELPS DIG ITSELF. Great More Under the Al|> Dla cliarice* Water Knouith to k<'uriiilhli Drill Power. In the new Simplon tunnel under the Alps, which will be by far the greatest tunnel in tlie world, having a length of 14 miles, and which, it is now reported, will he completed in July. 15)05, the quantity of water flowing out of the southern end, from t.bc many veins encountered in the heart of the mountain, amounts to 15,(KM) gallons per minute, and furnishes sulliciciit power to compress the air by which Die drills arc worked, ami to refrig crate the tunnel. The necessity of re frigeration may be. judged from the fact, that the licai in the deeper parts of the tunnel rises as high as 140 tie grccs Fahrenheit when not artificially reduced, says the Scientific American. Life would be impossible in the tunnel, where 4,(M)0 workmen labor, if a suc cessful syst cm of ref rigernt ion bad not been devised. When u continuous hole through the mountain lias been made, then the temperature can more eas ily be kept down. Two-thirds of the work was completed last July and (be greatest obstacles have ndw bectuncr come. NATIONAL COMMON NAMES. Curious C'lmlom* of l|i|il)liiK Sobrl |ue<M lUml Oltlnln In Dlller riit Countries. “]|eie in America,” said a I'hiladtl pbia artist, who has (raveled exten sively, according to the Record, “we call a boy ‘Johnnie' if we don’t, know what his name is. It’s curious to note the variations of this custom, in the far west the name Is shortened to ‘Jack,’ and it is applied louny stranger indiscriminately. On the other hand we always call a Chinaman ‘John.’ When 1 was studying in Paris I was impressed by the fact that to the Par isian every foreigner is either ‘Jack’ or ‘Jaeipies,’ according to the pronun ciation of the native who uses the term. I spent last winter in Havana, where I found that the ( iihans apply ‘Charlie’ to all Americans and Eng lishmen. In Mexico, if a man's name is not known, he is called ‘Pedro.’ In our own southern stales I have no ticed that the colored waiters in the hotels are invariably called ‘(leorge,’ I think it would be interesting to know bow these customs originated." lilltlt* iiONH iii I*o*l Office. The post office money order depart ment handles hoot $.’1(10,000,000 a year. The loss hy the dishonesty and care lessness of clerks has been only s2st in the last two years, hut this is part ly explained hy the fact that the clerks are made responsible for the money they handle, and any loss is considered t heirs. SAVE the PEERLESS STANDARD I EXCELSIOR OLD TOM I KING BIRD BADGER I SMOKING TOBACCO. I ___ Suggestions for tasji Sml ofleallh. DELAY IS DANGEROUS. Many diseases at jbo uooeptlvc that hundreds of persons have thorn before ' ?r even suspect It. They Uuow they are no; well, but are perfectly Iguoinnt of the de-ol ly which arc fastening up>or them, anil r ust, sooner or later, certainly destroy them, unless rescued by a skillful hand. AKiC VOV AFFLICTED f Vour case may now bo perfectly curable, out tte.mvmhvr, every moment of neglect brings you nearer Its In curable stages, when, perhaps, the most skillful physician can render you uo assistance Thu present Is ours, the future may bo TOO JLATE. KUTCHIN IS NO STRANGER IN THIS COUNTY. President JUplenood Sanitarium, (ireen bake, Mia. Ei. 8. P, Surgeon. Lute of Nani* tarlum amt Bemedy Cos., Columbu ~ 0. Specialist in Chronic Diseases. WHAT DP.. KUTCHIN DOES 80. Dr. Kutohln makes the Ural object of his life to heal the af flicted. the second, to got a well-deserved reputation as a healr r of diseases among the people: the third, Is to earn a modest com pensation In order to proper.y care fur him self and family. Ho does all that ho agrees to. and oft times more, and when failure does occur it can tviways bo traced to Carelessness, Im prudence, or over work on th’ part of the pallet, . Ho deals candidly, liberally and honor ably with nil alike, taking advantage of BOM as .o condition or circumstance. Last, but not least, nit cokes after all methods but his have failed. HE CURES AFTER OTHERS FAIL. Th DBt Saooessful ond Soiantlflo Tneotmcnt of oil Dlßeases and Weoknosaes of Mankind Possible to Obtain. Tho most widely and favorably known specialist In tho United States Ills long ex perience, remarkable skill :\n<t universal success In tho largest Hospitals In tho world en ables blm to treat ill! (TIKONK’, NERVOUS, SKIN and IIEboD upon the latest solonllilo principles and entitles talro to tho full oonfldeiia of U • afflict* and • vi rywbero, HP 11 TP MIM has no supeuior In diagnosing and treating discuses and deformities. Ulli IVUlUlillv Medical and Surgical Diseases, Acute and Chronic* Catarrh. Diseases of tho Kyo, liar, Noso, Throat and Lungs, Dyspepsia, IJ rights Disease, Diabetes, Kid ney, Liver, madder. Chronic Femalo and Sexual Diseases speedily i und by treatment that has never failed In thousands of cases that had been pronounced teyond hope. Many people meet deatn every year who might havg boon restored to perfect health had they placed their cases In *ao hands of exports. CHRONIC DISEASES. Tho Doctor tmat no acute diseases, but makes a spo.Qlty of chronic and long-standing disease ( tsotglvon up by other doeiort and pronouncod Incurable, ho moat desires to see EXAMINATIONS FREE TO ALT. Whenovorltls known that Dr. Kntchlnla stepping at a place, crowds guthei 'o con* mm him* n\ and it It n *t. t-> be wondered at when It H remembered that In diagnosing u disease li t never uui a question. describes the dlf* foront dlnousos better than tii" alokoan (hem* solves. It la a wonderful ulft for anyono to jmnstHs, and Hr. Hutcliln* m diagnostic powers nave ( route 1 wonder throng hout tho country. He adopted the following plan, which in pc* cilltnr to tho largo hospitals, and Is n>t and never Inin boon the practice of country doctors, viz.: In* carefully note<4 the symptoms ef tho patient, and ascertains the condition ef the In ternal organs,all of which he cm “fully records In hU register for future reference In t .1* way he ascertains tho true nature of the dis ease and in cause. When nlek people consult him h • i•> nllly tells them whether no can cure or help them, or wh ) lhw they are beyond hope. HIS lUPROYRD HETfIODS OF TREATMENT Are mild and pleasant; agree perfectly with i|p r i it.* ! ilf of CuUdj dO not rtdtlOO it run ;tU; can bo " and while al work* and ilvs the u i.ti wt posslhl • bonofll In (hi ibortatl posdhlo ihno. PaMjnti can consult him or eonimuol vite \.lll l him us often us they choose, dm In: the whole time required for tho euro, without r *gur I to where they mar be, and with outoxtru eliaruo. Mms render ng the treatment as mnv *s oul and Bit I? factory us though they were living next door to esoli other I'ersaui iiwnUDirtiHy fronted hr l|:mraat pretenders who keep trilling with them month tftuf Pkintii. giving not mou and liijorK'iif OompoundH, should call and see the Doctor. hPECI U TIKt: Ahi t i; rli. Skin Diseases, H>. . l*h.H)i*M.Serofula, llloed Tulms. lOezmna. ( aimer. Plies and Disouses of Women Quickly I.*. 1 I '.*i mm eidlv (hired by the lute t approved ti e.itmont as pursued lif kudliif spei'lallPts of America and Eurofie. 1< K ~ i !ai's anil coiri'Hiionil' iico loiilldcnttal. Treatment sent C O D. to any part ot tho United Stales < orr nimmAonoo with Invalids solicited All In tiers with stamps In closed answered free Cull and tm examined and at least learn tbn cause of your disease, and If It can tie cured Tape Worms removed In from tlins> u) live hours without starvation. The remedies for the whole course of treatment are furnished from tho ()illuo or ac tho Institute, all at once or by tho month. COESULTATIOH, EUMUUTIOK AIB ADVICE HEE TO All AT THE Williams House, Every Four Weeks Office hours from 9 a. in tn 9 p. m. MACHINES SEEM TO THINK. Marvelous KUrrllvfafU of the DmlKi'a I sell In (he Great l.uki'M. The home of the dipper dredge It* on the lakes. There it flour ished, mill in the smaller sizes and in non lidal fresh water at UO feet depth was marvelously ethclent. A good wooden dredge of ten years ago. which cost, say, $:i0,()00, would do 1.r.n0 <>r a,OOO cubic yards per ten hours, with a crew of six men, on three tons of eoal, says the Kuglneer ing Magazine. It could lift its spuds, move up and reset again in 00 seconds. It stands alone like a table on its legs, with no moonlit's to obstruct navigation, lly menus of its dipper on the bottom it ran move itself about crab-fashion in any direction, and by tiie same WHAT OR. KUTCHIN DOES NOT DO. He does not fright i n people Into doctor lng IV holding up a pieaof anpeedy death lx tore their eyes. He locs not urgelhesick to take treatment when hi knows them to he Incurable Nei ther does ho by falsa pretenses hold the sick under his tare n i nth after month while doing them no good. Ho does not per suade hilp'.'ss >n curublcs to doctor out the last month of their lives, or give up their last dime for medicine. Ho docs not tike patients under a so called false guaranies pretending to charge only for medicine and taking whatevot amount ho can got. or make tho object of Ida life tooxtortmnn • y from the sick. LATEST DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS. Dr. Riitohln has received tho muni ap proved Instruction In Analytical unit Micro scopical Examinations • f Inn blood. Urine, otc.. which arc now .u ddored Indispensable to o correct diagnosis in nmny diseases. There re many discuses which physicians In common .ractlco tin not usuallv treat, and arc. thore furo. seldom prepared w ih necessary and cosi ly outfit to ox<mine eorreetly, or trout with suc cess; such oases. Uieiefore. would do well to 4 all learn their true condition, and whether tho and >or f 1 lope ure yet open, urfor over closed a, alt st then). UAMIOOD PKHFEITLY RESTORED. Quick. painless and certain euro for Impo lenoy, Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea. losses, weakDvM and N inooa Debllll v. alto for Proa tailtlw. Varicocele, and all private diseases, whether from Imprudent habits of youth or sexucl eiccuM'd In n nture years, r any cause that debilitates the sexual function*, speedily and pernmnenlly cured t'oiisuliutloQ fro© utid strictly *ontMentlal. A* s< lute curst guaranteed In cm able cases. No risk Incurred. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Such ns has battled the skill of < ther physl clnna and remedies. Hr. Kntrl.ln quickly cures. Oincers. Tumors. Fibroid and Polybold Growths cored without the use of *ho knife. No cutting, no pain, no danger Free Kxu ml nation of tlo Vrlne—Each pr' n applying for medical treatment should •end or bring 3to I mine* of urine, which will receive a naruful t and microscopical o.ninlmif b iQ. PILED. JPIfITVTLA AN*> ICE(TAL I'M Kill cured who ut pain or detention from business Hypbiin. Ootu.rrhca, Clleot, Private Hlond and HI. li IH> ier .speedily, com pletely and permanon ly cured. NKKVOI’* IM HIMTY AND SEX I’A I. 11l sole HI Its yield rapidly to bit skillful treatment. means' can push the barges about which it Is loading. It can maneuver Itself in any direction, load scows, dig foundations, pull piles, lay con crete blocks, deposit back-filling, lift bun biers, raise wrecks, dredge hard or soft material, and do nearly every thing but vote. Its great simplicity made It light in repairs. With tools like these, and suitable for their work, the marvel is not that Ameri can contractors do not use the big and cosily European bidder dredges, but that these useful American tools do not find a wider recognition in Europe and abroad. |*riialty for Tobacco telling. Returns obtained by the Scottish Anti-Toliacoo society show that in four fifths (or Tl) of the Tnited States of America it has been made a jn-nol niTi use to give or sell tobacco in any form to children. The age limit varies front 1 1 up to ill.