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NOTES OF CITY AND TOWN FOLKS Paragraph Items of Minor Happenings of the Past Week- Personal Mention. Gust Torrison was at Milwaukee Monday. Mat Savage returned to Mountain Wis. Monday. Thos. Higgins and wife spent yester day in Chicago. The barge Coville took a cargo of oats from Hall Bros, warehouse. Miss-Hattie Goetgen entertained a number of ladies at a Hallowe'en party. Mrs. Thomas Torrison entertained the Vital Culture club at a Hallowe’en party. Miss Lida Baenach was hostess to a party of young ladies Saturday eve ning. Mrs. Harry Richards has returned from a visit with her parents at Chica go. Miss Cilia Guyles spout Sunday at home coming over from Lawrence University. Mrs. August Gerpheide celebrated her Tilth birthday Saturday at the home of G. M. Frase. Emil Sixta is the owner of Mike Dempsey's horse Bessie V. having pur chased it recently. Mrs. A. S. Rankin will spend the winter in the sunny south and left for Memphis Saturday. Chas. Lange the contractor left for Los Angeles Monday intending to re main there until spring. Robert Markham and family have returned from a months outing in northern Wisconsin. Miss Anna Schadl was the victim of a pleasant surprise party Saturday in honor of her birthday. The Kueipp Malt Cos. has installed a new machine which weighs and packs the coffee automatically. Chas. Cerull and family left for Los Angeles Cal. to make their home be neath sunny skies here after. Herman Disher has been chosen loader of the city band at Autigo, Herman is climbing right up. Sheboygan opened its new $50,000.00 Opera house Monday evening. Some of Manitowoc's people were in attendance. The barge Emerald of Sturgeon Bay foundered off Kewaunee Sunday. The heavy gale c iwsed her to spring a leak. The crew was saved. Wm. Williams was arrested Sunday by Sheriff Pellet on complaint of Adolph Kugler charging Williams with stealing SOS (M) from him. Miss Maud Gilkev of the Cumnock school of oratory will give a dramatic reading at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening (tonight.) Mrs. Wm. Rahr Jr. was subjected to an operation last week. Dr. Biafenl of Chicago being the operating surgeon. Mrs. Rahr is recovering rapidly. Hallowe’en was celebrated in a re spectable manner. The little folks had all the fun they were entitled to and committed no depredation on any ones property. Wm. Klingholz purchased a drug store at Marinette and will remove to Marinette at once. While we are sorry to loose him out of the county we hope he will be successful. Prof. Eugene O. Skaaden lies returned from a trip abroad and will open a stndio here. He will also assume charge of the Norwegian Lutheran Churches Choir. Ben Herman received the contract to do the carpenter work for the new Schuette barn while the contract for the masonery was awarded to Goetzler & Son. Ihe barn will he constructed at once. George Norris was injured Saturday at Neenah being struck by a falling tree. While the injuries are serious they are not considered fatal. Norris had been employed in the city until recently acting as Mrs. Joues coach man. Ayers What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. "Ayer'a Hair Vigor re.tored the natural color to my gray lialr. and I am greatly pleased. It Is all you claim for II." Idftg. K. J. Vaml'lCcak. Mechaiilc.vlllo, N.T. f 1.00 a bottle. J, C. AYKRCO,, Dark Hair Mrs. M. H. Murphy is at t hicago. A. C. Miller left for Racine Friday. August Kuhl received two now hacks. Archie Nash was in Milwaukee Friday. Mrs. Wm Ohde left for Milwaukee Friday for a brief stay. Mrs. Albert Landroth and dmgh’er were in Milwaukee Friday. Mrs. .T. E. Wells of Portage is visiting at the home of G. A. Forest. Reinhardt Ruhr, Jr., was on a business trip to New Turk last week. Mrs. C. 0. Smalley and danght >r left for a visit to Chicago Saturday. The steamer Oswego took a cargo of flour at the Central docks Friday. Miss Jean Anderson returned after a lengthy visit at Colorado and the west. All stores are now ojieu evenings and will continue so until after the holidays. Albert Petska of Roseeraus will open his now hall with a grand ball Novem her 15th. J. F. Dettumn. manager of the Matt ress Cos., made a business trip to Sheboy gan Monday. Paul Meyer, who had been suspended for ten days, entered upon his duties again on Thursday- The post office is to have one extra clerk and an extra carrier during the holiday season; Miss Amy Higgins left for Dixon 111. where she will visit until the fiist part of next year. Mrs. N. Platt-aud children lift for Chicago Friday where they will remain during the winter. Mrs. Fred Bohn of Two Rivers was brought to the Holy Family hospital Friday to undergo an operation. John Hessel cf Antigo was a M auito" woe visitor the past week and while in the city called at the Pilot. Prof. W. H. Luehr of the First ward school attended the conference of princi pals of schools at Evanston. C. H. Alger entertained the members of the Maccabee lodge at a birthdav p rty in Frazier's hall Friday evening. President Whitcomb of the Wisconsin Central R. R. and other officers of the road called at Manitowoc on Friday. The visit is of no special importance. Thos. Higgins has built a temporary sea wall of piling and brush protecting his tracks. There will be no immediate change in the route of the interurbau line. On Tuesday last P. H. Munhall, F, J. Remiker Frank F. Remiker and Joe; Zehoneki of Grimms Wi. were calling on their friends in the city, while here made the Pilot office a visit. The Palace of Sweets has not proven a paying venture and so been discontinued. The fixtures were sent to Milwaukee where the owners, George Bros., intend to open a retail store. The report of the chief of police for Oct. shows that one arrest was made for drunk and disorderly, one on re fusing to pay dog tax; one for assault and battery and one for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. Bert Grandy and Max Macque were employed by the Goodrich Cos., and close friends. Friday Mai did not show up and Grandy's money left with him amounting to S7O, The police are look ing for him but the chance of capture is very slight. Christian Science services are held in Frazier's hall on York street, Sunday morning at 10:30 and Wednesday even ing at H o’clock. Subject for next Sun day is “Mortals and Immortals”. All are cordially invited to attend these services. A number of our north side lady teachers sjient Sunday at the Caves hotel. When dinner time approached they hurried for the hotel and saw it but a river intervened,their distress can be imagined when one considers that a roast duck dinner awaited them the ladies finally waded through the water to the dinner and this on Nov. Ist. GREAT GUNNERS The battleship Wisconsin, In the recent target practice at the Asiatic station, reports of which have l*een re ceived in the navy department, is said to have astonished the officers of an Austrian cruisers by the good workman ship of her men to such an extent the foreigner steamed away in disgust. An officer who returned from the fleet tells of the interesting incident. He says. “During the firing of the Wisconsin's guns the Austrian crusiers passed and was sufficiently interested to stop so that her officers and crew might observe the reult of the tiring. It so hap|>ened that the Wisconsin was beginning one of her ‘runs’ of hits ana the gunners succeeded in putting fourteen shots into the bullseye of the target in succession at which junction the foreign ship pro ceeded on her way. At the same time it might bo of in terest to learn that the average of strik ing the target as revealed at the prac tice at Hampton roads is alsmt ho [*t cent ing runs, and in a sense it woman who in constant yßn|ft eases. The one thing that faith in his " Prescription " that he offers to pay SSOO in legal money of the United States for any case of Leu corrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which he cannot cure. All he asks is a fair and reasonable trial of his means of cure. "I suffered from female weakness for five months,” writes Miss lielle Hedrick, of Nye, Putnam Cos., W. Va. "I was treated by a good physician but he never seemed to do me any good. I wrote to Hr H V. Pierce for advice, which I received, telling me 10 take his * Favor ite Prescription ’ and ' Golden Medical Discov ery.’ When I had used Uie medicines a month, my health was much improved. It has contin ued to improve until now I can work at almost all kinds of housework. I had scarcely any appetite, but it is all right now. Have gained several pounds in weight. Dr. Pierce’s medi cines have done wonderfully well here. I would advise all who suffer from chronic di eases to write to Dr. Pierce.” " Favorite Prescription ” Jakes weak women strong, sick women weW. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo. N. Y. REAL ESTATE REPORT The following Real Estate Report is furnished us by the Manitowoc County Abstract Company, who own the only complete Abstract of the county. The following are the officers of the com pany: C. E. Spindler, President; Julius Lindstedt, Vice-president; L. J. Nash, Secretary; Wm. D. Richards, Treasur er: H. A. Mueller, Manager, Wm, S. Ahrens to Anton J. Cherniak 4 a lot 3 sub sec lt> Manitowoc sl. August Fricke to Fred Kluenkuer, gov. lot 3 sec lo Manitowoc Rapids sl. Manitowoc Land & Salt Cos. to Clarice Lake, lots Maud 15 blk 3 Highland Home sub $435. Clarice I. Lake to Louis Christman lots 14 and 15 blk 3 Highland Home sub SOOO. Peter A. Gnes to John Rushman, Jr., 33 rods sec 17 Meeiue S3O. Bernhard Maurer to Frank Lemberger 40 a sec 33 Manitowoc Rapids $3400. Carrie L. S. Borcherdt to Ellen B Shove, lots 1, 4 and 5 blk 13 Manitowoc Rapids sl. Carl Hausen to Lena Hartman, lot 3 blk 0 Richards sub Manitowoc sl. Maria E. Uegler to Matt Watzl, part lot 1 sub sec 3 Two Rivers $3( 10. Ernst Eberhart to Charles Mathiesen, 5 "1 lots 3 and 4 blk 350 Manitowoc SIBSO. Alfred G. Lindholm to John Hein richs, 0 a sec 11 Manitowoc Rapids sl. Manitowoc Seed Cos. to John M. Ka dow, lot 14 blk 343 Manitowoc sl. Fred Woelfel to Pauline Reselmrg, N i lot 1 blk 1 Stoll's add Kiel SOOO. Ferd. Bohte to Joseph Zeuian. lots 0 and 10 blk 1 Bohte s add Two Rivers $3550. Then. Jorsch to Albert Landreth Cos., lot 10 blk 334 Manitowoc SIOOO. Erdmann A Hermann to Gustav Baarsch. HO a sec 0 Centerville $7500. Anna Knudseu to Ernst Wagner, ho a sec 33 Rockland SOHOO. James Brennan to Michael Paukratz, 3 a sec 4 Cato SH3S. Something For Nothing In any of onr readers are troubled with constipation, billion-mess, sick headache or indigestion cut out lids notice and present it at Henry Hinrichs drug store and they will supply you with a sample bottle of lie (to Tonic Laxative Syrup free. Ke-G<> is a sure cure for these diseases. The barge, Emma Thompson, brought a cargo of lumber to the Seating t'o., Saturday. The Land and Salt Cos, received 1600 ton of coal Saturday, being brought by the steamer Cuba. Manitowoc will have coal to burn tin- winter. hook .11 a i m i A. A. I FEVEHH. Congestion*. Inil a 111 ma c-rune i tliina. I.iinu Fever. Milk l-Vver. B. 11. I M’R \ I\H. 1.0 inrun**, liijniim. cukes { R lirumntUm. C. ( .{HOUR THROAT. Quinn. Eplioollc. CUKES ) IMHlcinprr. “jJJIIWOEJW, Hols. Urnhs. K.K. COIUHS Colds, Infliion-a, lunaim-d cm**! I.lings, Pfeuro-Fiieiiinoiila. P. P.ICOLIC. Bellyache, Wind-Blown, ci heh I Diarrhea. Ilysrnterv. O.U. Prevents MIHCARIUAUK. cciuch I Kin.’SKV * UUDDKII HIfORDERH. I. I. ifKl\ DIKRAHP.H. Mange. Eruptions, erttga (I leers. Urease, Carey. J. H. 111 \II COMHTIOV flaring < oat. CURES ( Indigestion. flomaeh flaggers, floe. each; Stable Case, Ten Rpoclflcs, Hook, Ac.,s7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Cos., Cor. William * Julia Streets, New York. SHE TOOK THE CAKE. Bngiue, Now In Scrap Heap, Uiiee On* * of the Fine . and Fanteat Id Hnr CUu. Lying In the Central yards, and under going the process of being dismantled, is an old engine, No. 03, once one of the finest and fastest engines of her class, says the Mexican Herald. To-day she represents nothing to the casual ob server but an old scrap Iron pile, yet thirty-odd years ago the cows got out of her way and the amazed spectators clapped their hands and shouted their applause when she passed by under full speed, running at the rate of four kilo meters an hour, with Van Scolk hanging out of the cab.yvlth one strenuous hand upon the throttle and the other upon the hand brake, which was under such perfect control that within a few min utes’ notice the train could he brought to a stop—with the assistance of a few ties thrown across the track. The engine weighed about nine tons, and the tank was a part of the cab, Wa ter was brought In buckets by the fire man and conductor when they were not engaged In brushing the reptiles that overtook the train from the platform. This feature occurred at every avail able waterhole. Rich grandees, priests, peons, beggars and what not waited with interest to see her arrive at a station, pulling a coach, and when she arrived admired the ingenuity of the Yankee who invented so great a machine Her day is past, and she remains but to re mind of the improvements that have been made, and also to call to mind the history of the pioneer railroad men of the republic. BRAVE IN FACE OF DEATH. The Thrilling Grand Stand I’lnyofa Kaiaoua finll-Flghlr r In n Spanish Arena. One of the most thrilling Incidents ever witnessed' in the arena is recalled by the recent feat of the Spanish tore ador Reverie. It occurred at Bayonne, says an enchange. After disposing of two bulls Reverie had twice plunged his sword into a third, of great strength and ferocity, and as the beast continued ca reening wildly the spectators began to hiss Reverie for bungling Wounded to the very quick of his pride, the Spaniard shouted: “The bull Is slain!” and, throwing aside his sword, sank on one knee with folded arms in the middle of the ring. He was right, but he had not allowed for the margin of accident. The wounded beast charged full upon him, but the matador, splendid to the last, knelt motionless as a statue, while the spectators held their breath in hor rified suspense. Reaching his victim, the bull literally bounded at him, and as he sprang he sank in death, with his last effort giving one fearful lunge of the head that drove a horn into the thigh of the kneeling man and laid bare ♦he bone from the kneetothe joint. Still Reverte never flinched, but remained kneeling, exultant In victory, but calm ly contemptuous of applause, till he was carried away to heal him of his griev ous wound. GAINING A LIVING IN ITALY. Number of Female Teachers Increas ing—Three Quarter* a* Many I‘riral* a* In IHNI. The Italian government has pub lished some interesting flares relative to the modes of gaining a living in Italy. Recording to these statistics, the great est number of persons are devoted to teaching. In 1882 there were 32,908 male tutors, while now there are 34,346; the number of women teachers in 1882 was 46,887, and now 62,643, showing that female teachers are on the increase, in the medical profession the Increase is in men—there are now 22,139 male phy sicians, as against 18,984 in 1882, and the women 20 against two of the same date; while the lawyers number 24,136, against 20,353. There is a notable Increase In the number of monks and nuns. In 1882, they wore 28,172, while they are now 40,251. On the other hand, the priests are somewhat fewer, having decreased from 84,834 to 68,844 ALARM WATCHES. Novel Timepiece < nrrl*Ml by Traveler* ■ml I sell ii* Heuiiiiiler of Fn- UMKeiiieut* by Day, The newest thing in alarm timepiece is an alarm watch, says the New York Sun. It looks like an ordinary watch, but. has a gong In its interior. You set it at the hone you want it to go off, and wind it Just as you would an alarm clock, and It goes off at the lime set with a clatter of astonishing vigor and volume of sound, when the size of the mechanism is considered. The alarm watch may be used to servo the usual purpose of an alarm clock, the man carrying it as a watch by day, set ting it and winding It as an alarm, and placing It perhaps on a chair at his bed side or under hla pillow at night. It Is carried by travelers as an ordinary watch, to he used, besides, as an alarm clock to wake them up to catch trains; and It may he used as a reminder of an engagement by day. They are not expensive, these alarm watches, a stsniwlnder In a gun metal rase costing eight dollars. Special Train*. At any of the big railroad terminals In any city now a man can get a spe cial engine and car to chase a flyer al most as easily as ho can check his trunk. Only a few minutes' notice la requlr-d and right-of-way Is obtained lor 100 or 200 miles along the line without no ticeably disturbing scheduled runs, A man who has to keep an Important business engagement, or a woman hur rying to a sick husband, pays SIOO or double that um for a special with as little concern aa paying a supper check In a swell hotel Good Fitting Clothing For Men and Boys We have received our new line of heavy weight suits for men and boys. They come in a variety of popular fabrics, dark colors predominating in all winter clothing. Your most Men’s Overcoats AT $5.00, $7.50, $9.50, $12.00 and $15.00 75he People’s Savings Bank Store R. G. OLP. Prop MANITOWOC. - WISCONSIN The steamers Man-ur, City of Naples Massech nsetts, City of London. Athens an! Nian/.a. are in port with cargoes of c ml for the Reiss Coal Cos. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, / ss Lucas County. i Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Cos. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afon ■ said, and that sai l linn will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls < atarih Cure. FRANK and CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this tith day of He 'ember, A, D. IHHtt. A. W GLEASON. | SKA I, | Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter Tially, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Cos. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7<V. Hall’s Family Pills are the ls*st. The Reiss Coal Cos., received coal from the barge Althens aud steamer Agauza Saturday. Remember This When in need of a good reliable cough medicine our readers will do well to remember that Harts Honej mid Horebontid not only affords im mediate relief, but effectually cures. Mrs. Michael Savage of Lincoln, 111 , says of this valuable medicine, "On Saturday night of last week I was awakened and greatly alarmed at finding my daughter, four years of age, suffering from a severe attack of croup. As we always keep a bottle of Harts Honey and Horehound in the house, I gave her three doses of tlie medicine and in twenty minutes she was entirely out of danger. Harts Honey and Horehound is sold by Henry Hinrichs Druggist. A switch engine of the W. <left the trucks Thursday night but no damage re suited. Doesn't Respect Old Age It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the coutraiy in the case of Dr. Kings New Life Dills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and iirespective of old age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever. Constipation all yield to this perfect I*lll 85 j, at Henry Hin richs Drug Store. Money We have on hand at all times money in amounts of $5tH), ♦1(88), and upwards which we will loan you on first mort gage security, interest 5 per cent. Julius Lindstedt & Cos. critical inspection is in invited to the style and fit of these suits. We know that this clothing will please you in both respects and will give the most satisfactory wear. No values equal to these have ever been offered before at the following prices. Men’s Suits at $5.50 $6.50 SIO.OO $12.00 Young Men’s Overcoats at $4.85 $6.50 and $7.50 aylßmEit^sT.| Great Favorites THESE HATS OF OURS They're wade in fashion to suit the in dividual. They are trimmed by mil liner artists and are made of wood materials. Inst for this season and sure to be worn with pride by the lady who orders one. Ready-to-Wear Hats ‘ _-*■'* ()ur assortment of these nobby felt hats is complete embracing all the to We can supply your hat wants at prices that will interest and please Mrs.. M Simon A PICTURE 0F HEALTH IV drinks a good, pure, nutritious H jjjfijLj iV Kahr Son's Cos. It is bottled by || Rahr’s, and furnished in any / u| Highly recommended by physi km cians, this beer can be relied up j and flavor. Try Kneipp Malt J m. Extract, a pure Malt Tonic SI.OO !( H 4 - %J —r-tr-—=E=x .. -dZ-XZJ p er case. It's like a “dip in the fountain of Vouth.” Touches t ho cheek bo gently that “youth liners on the face of old Ke." That's what Roekv Mountain Tea does. U.l cents. F. C. Buerstatte. Young Men’s Suits at $3.85 $4.85 $5.50 $6.50 Boys’ Suits 6ft $2.00 &k Boy’s Overcoats $1.50, $2.50 and $4.85 For Sale First mortgagee on Manitowoc Coun ty real estate, which are exempt from taxation. Julius Lindstedt & Cos. J. 1. IfttM.