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NEWS FROM COUNTY Events of a Week Gathered In by Correspondents REEDSVILLE. Mrs. Ilt-aiy and son Kenneth of Madi son are here visiting at the home of Dr. Falga Mrs. C. Hagenoro and daughter Gertrude sjent a (sirtioii of last we*k at Manitowoc visiting friends. Mrs. George Wallace of Milwaukee returned home Saturday after an ex tended visit with her mother. Miss Alvina Schwabs- of Eaton is the gnet of Miss Nell Cronin Reedsvilie school district intends ad ding another departm -nt. to its graded school which is certainly a nice and com mendable action as our school building is all together too crowded. Mr, Duggan will start work on his residence this week and intends to have it ready for occupancy at i hristmas. Quite a numts-r of onr young (s-ople attended the sis ial hop at < ato Tuesday night. F. J. Feidl spent, Tuesday with his mother at Manitowoc Cha- Milhams and Julia Barta were married Saturday. Joe Schug of Marinette is dead and wss hurried at Oconto, on Tuesday. Mr, Schug was a member of the M W. A. in which society he held a certificate for |2ooo. B E Carey is at Sheboygan organ!/, ing for the National Fraternal league Brother Cary is meeting with splendid success in his new vocation. Hes a bustler alright Dm t forget to attend the next meet ing of the N. F. L. The many friends of Mrs Paige will be pleased to learn of her recovery from a long and dangerous illness. KEEENERSVIEEE Cbas Finger who hie- Is-eti seriously ill for the past few weeks is on the way to recovery. Frank Sieger Inis left for Madison where he will take up studies at the University Dairy School. Lizzie Martens s|'iit Sunday with her pareiua at Mishicott The 1 antis of the marriage of Mr. Bouda and Miss Mary Wanek were called at St Josephs Catholic Church on Sunday last Charles Mueuch was at Manitowoc on business last Saturday Mrs < ejk.i of Anllgo is here s|>endlng a few day with her daughter John Shimek Mrs. Lawrence Bedvina and son Edward returned from their trip to Rice Lake Barron Cos., \V is. Mrs Mazauec is seriously ill John Shimek who has recently sold his farm has purchased a Pin acre farm in Barron < 'onnty Wis. Edward la-dvina. land agent, is kept quit*- busy taxing lainlseekers to ttie northern part of the state Miss Clara Mueuch om mush' teacher has purchased a n< w ti(> to date piano Stephen Dnfek of Ti-< h Mills was hereon business a few days lust week. Rose Ledvina teacher of Melnik spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Miss Ringer led (or Algoma on Fri day last M Kellner and Sons have shingled their sahsui I RANGES CREEK •Superintendent Christiansen visited some of our sch'sds last week Senator Randolph gave us a pleasant * all a week ago Sunday Anton Drashner has rented his farm to Mr Troeil Sr Mr Drashner was obliged to cease farming on a* eounl of ill health. Many of our young folks took in a •lance at Fulifka s Sunday The fall plowing is almost completed Mr and Mrs W Waeeh visited friends at Melnik Sunday Mr S. Souk up Jr was here on bust ness one day he-t week Mat WeU-r is building a foundation for his "chicken coop which he in tends to put ii|> lief or*- winter that is if winter will wait long enough Frank Duchon our mason has charge of the • stony part" of the work The party at Htastuey s hall last Saturday, given by the Northwest Threshermen was largely attended EAS I WIN Miss Louis. Z s-rb of Two Rivers was the gn*-st of Miss Lleouor Zander last Sunday Calumet Baking Powder A wonderful powder of rare merit and unrivaled strength. THE OU> RELIABLE Absolutely'Pure THERE IS HO SUBSTITUTE Henry Raafz and Miss Barbara Weg tier sjs-nt la-t week at Sheboygan visi ting friends and relatives. Miss Pauline Bouda leaves today for Two Rivers, where she has accepted a liosition at the Hty Bakery and expects to remain for the white . The concert given by Prof Tom I telebeck at East win Hall la,st Sunday evening was quite entertaining and the dance which followed was enjoyed by all present NERO. Misses Annie ad Alvina Mathiesen left for Milwaukee on Monday last. J C, Naser who sold his farm some time ago, sold his personal property on auction las* week Tuesday and has since moved lo Two Rivers. The ' tftawa was in port last Sunday. Christ Rathe is on the sick list W. A Koch of (trillion was here visiting friends last Sunday. TAPS Messrs John Sfetl, John Ku pH. Ed ward Bedvina and others have re turned from their trip to Barron Conn ty where they have been jiisjiecting some land They bring favorable re (torts about that region Some of these farmers intend to return again and buy farms there Joseph Krumel and Barbara Kohit lensky were quietly married at Kell nersville last week. John Zahorik attended the cattle fair at Reedsvill*- last Wednesday. The friends of John Hinek are ox (sa ting to see him home this we k tie has lisen at the Milwaukee hospital where he had his eyes treated. Mr. Dedrick of Manitowoc passtsl through onr village last Friday. Mrs Joseph Zahorik and her son Daniel spent Saturday in Manitowoc. Frank Oswald, while on his way to Manitowoc last Monday had a break down ( nir farmers are busy hauling there barley to ('ato lately Mr Bleser of Four Corners was buy ing rattle in this vicinity TWO RIVERS NOTES A switching track to the saw mill of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Cos. i Is'ing built A wrapper and apron sale will le given by the ladies of St Luke's church on W ednesday, Nov. lllh. Frank Gates will put up anew resi dence. (>ne of the dump scows capsized last week while in the lake ini|*eriliug the life of the attandaut. Kableiiberg Bros are getting their yacht Rival ready for next season. She will Is- able to make I'J miles an hour Mrs A Gauthier, widow of Adolph Gauthier, died Friday morning, death (teing due to a stroke of paralysis The funeral t<s.k place from St. Lukes < 'hurch Mrs Buhs celebrated her Hath birth day amongst a large gathering of friends. Mrs F.ggers is recovering her health rapidly at the Holv Family Hospital in Manitowis where she was recently taken The next dance of the Modern Wiksl men will take place Nov (Ith Wilber and Amanda Flint h ive left for < r* gon to \ isil a sister Rols-rt Suet linger returned to Fort Wayne after r three weeks visit here. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Noclier died hist Thursday Dr Cnrrens returned from St Ismis last Saturday Public I Ibrary Report Tli- r'-jHirt of tin- Public Library, allowing tin- t-i r< -n Lit ion fix'iri** of the jyt week in lu-ntvdih given They art- general, 1 philosophy, 0. relici<>n I w* iology, n natural science 11, umrfnl arte 10, fiin-art*, fi history. ‘.’7. travel. 20 biography 21 literature .‘>4 r Kiel ion 4-’H Philology,!) Foreign l>oki* 70 Total n;,h Of the f• r-ixn lxx>kx Vi wen-flerniaii 7 Norwegian, II Poliith, 7 UoUeui iait 1 French Daily average wan 110. The total circulation fur the inunth of <>■ toiler wai- SOit'J ami the daily u. t rage for < li tolx-r wax 112 Lot With new 1) room dwelling N oth street II F Hubbard lIW Barley To fJe Inspected. Owing to th-diss itisfactiou exiting imong both farm r* and dea'ers on grades and prices paid for barley com ing to Mauitowm- market, the dealers have nt, las' decided to install at their own expense an inspection system which they hojie will prove beneficial to all concerned Heretofore choice malting harlev lihh lieen bought at a lower price and the poorer grades at high< r prices than should have been, due to a defective inspection system. The farmer with good grain got less than the farmer with poor grain more than he ' entitled to. I nder the new system with an inspection which show the grade of every load of barley, each farmer will te guaranteed the highest price for the quality of barley he has for sale. The Inspectors em ployed by the dealers are men who have ha 1 exjierience and have graded birley for the Milwaukee market the system of inspection adopted being the same as is in force in both Milwaukee and Chi cago. The inspectors will located on the Northside at the Cor. of 9th and Chica go Sts. and on the Sou hside at the Cor. of Main and Washington Sts., and all farmers with barley for sale will lie required, before selling, to have their loads inspected by either the North or Southside inspector, whichever is most convenient. No charge will lie made for such inspection and each farmer will receive a certificate show ing the grade of his barley and this certificate will govern the buyer in mak ing a price on the load. The objects of this inspection system are to do justice to the farmer and make the Manitowoc market the best in the Slate The farmers who have b*en the loosers under the old system will readi ly see the benefits they will derive under the inspection It mlds spice to dreary life, encoura ge* the human heart, lifts one out of despair, breathes new life and confi dence. That’s what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 85 cents, F. C. Biters tatte lad us figure with you on the doors, windows and millwork of any kind that you contemplate buying. Our goods are always reliable. Manitowoc Bciuuno Supply Cos, Mis Hugo Mueller entertained a party of lady friends Wednesday after noon. FOR SALE Lot, wi'h 10 room dwelling and barn, N. Hih street. At The Post Up end (Joint, to live and help to live, the old reliable St. Jacobs Oil l(*fl unW.rul bsnefactor In h* cur* of Hurts, Sprains and Bruises Prioti 35c. *nd JOe. The Name That Stands for Merit | Me lendy | PHOTOGRAPHY All styles, .ill processes, all prices ONf; QUALITY IHC BI ST ( ompare our photographs with other makes. Ihe cuinpansuii will make you our customer. The Melendy Studio North Mth Street U our next gmiuy Oriental Mills MANITOWOC, WIS. You Can’t help the Past But you can look out for the future. It’s no use re gretting the bad judgment you showed in buying fuel, but you can make sure for the future and resolve to always buy SCRANTON hard coal The J. G. Johrvson. Cos. Fuel, Masonry Supplies, Ice, Lumber Office Cor. Main and Ouay Streets. Some Teeth are Good No matter if they <lo not have rare. Other teeth require (he closest attention. I willexamine Your Teeth mid tell you whether they need anything done to them, and if they need attention I’ll tell you what it in and what it will coat. Dr. Simon, 833 S. Eltfhth Opr>. Williams Street Heuse Disastrous Wrecks Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Limit troubles. But since the advent of Dr. Kings New Discover for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, oven the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer neces sary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass , is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. Kings New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by Henry Ilinrichs Druggist, Price 50c, and SI.OO Trial Bottles free. Drs. C. W. Seehase and O. C. Worn ecke, dentists. Parlors in Wernecke & Schmitz Block. tf A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of .1, B. (truer. Franklin Drove, 111 It developed a stnbborrn ulcer unyield ing to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds. Skin eruptions and Piles, ‘,’sc. at Henry Hinrictis Drugstore. Very Low Rates to International Live Stock Imposition at Chicago Via the North Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold Nov. 5511, HO, and Dec 1, limited to Dec. 7. inclusive. Ap ply to Agents (’hicago & North Western Hy. Nov. 5, 12, 19. 556. The date for the Junior Prom is set for Felt. 12. Protect Your Lungs WITH A CHAMOIS SKIN VEST Wo have all sizes. We also carry a complete line Chamois Skins If you wish to make your own vest. SCHMIDT BROS. Drug Store 20H North Eighth Street At the Grocers Ought to be ORIENTAL PAT ENT FLOUR, if you want a regular treat in the shape of light Bread, Biscuits and Rolls for the table. The Grocer may have reas ons for suggesting some other brand, insist upon hav ing ORIENTAL PATENT FLOUR, produced by 3IAMITOWOC MARK. T. Latest Quotations Corrected for the Ben efit of Farmers The following are the current prices of the various articles of produce as report ed for The Pilot on Nov. 5 Potatoes -BO Wheat —Spring -72 Wheat—White Winter -72 Hye -54 Harley 40 56 Oats -35 Corn -56 flay 7 00-8 50 Butter 16-20 Eggs 20 Salt per bbl 80-90 Wood -500 Peas —White 90 Peas—Marofat 90 Peas —Green -90 Peas -Scotch 90 Wool -16 KKTAIL. Flour Patent 2.50 “ Daisy 2.15 “ Rye 1*75 Midling 110 Coarse Meal I*ls Fine “ 1-65 Oil “ 1-50 Dairy Report Sales Reported Wednesday, Nov. 4th SOLI). 75 Twins (ii 10c 650 Young Am. @ lofc 1250 Daisy (< 10ic OFFERED. Elgin Butter 22c HIDES No. 1 Green Hide BJ No. 3 Green Hide 5$ No. 1 Bulls Hide 5$ No 1 Horse Hide 300 No. 1 Calfs Hide .10 No. 1 Calfs Hide under 9 lbs 35 No. 1 Tallow 4i LEGAL NOTICES. (Notice to Creditors) IN PROBATE Manitowoc County Col nr. In the matter of the estate of Mike Werner, deceased. To all whom it may concern: Letters testa mentary on said estate of Mike Werner having l>een issued to John Werner on the tilth day of Oetolier, A, 1) lit*Hl and six months from and after said day lieing allowed and limited for ereditors to present their claims for examina tion ami allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on April 18th, 1904, at the Probate office in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine anil adjust all claims and demands of all iierpons against said deceased. Dated Oct. 13th, IWB. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge, Publish, Oct. 15, 22, 21), Nov. 5, (Notice to Creditors) IN PROBATE Manitowoc County Cockt. In the Matter of the Estate of Anton Hal lads deceased. To all whom it may concern: Letters testamentary on said estate having tieen issued to Theresa Hallada on the 20th day of Oct. A I) IMB, and six months from and after said day being allowed and linutisl for creditors to present their claims for examina tion and allowance, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 4th Tuesdays of March and April. 1004. at the Probate Office in the City of Manitowoc, In saiil County, receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all jiersons against said deceased Dated (tetolsT 2**th. lOKi. JOHN CHLOCPEK, County Judge. Mealy and Joyce Attorneys. * >et-2- 4t (Notice to Creditors) IN PROBATE Manitowoc ( icnty Court * In the matter of the estate of Katherinu Van con, deceased. To all whom it may concern: Letters of administration on said estate of Katherina Vancon having lieen issne<l I > Oscar Llndholm on the lllth day of Octols*r, A D 15*00 and six months from ami after said day U-ing allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, no tice I- hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 2nd Tuesdays of Decemlier Ill'll and Fell ruary and April A I) IMM at the Pfoliate of fice in the City of Manitowoc, in saiil County, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all jiersons against saiil deceased Datisl Oct. 14 IHKI John Chlonpek, County Judge. (4 A Forrest, Attorney Publish Oct. 15. 2S, 2t', Nov. 5. The clerks of the O. Torrison Cos. were entertained Friday evening hy Miss Emma Brey. m Not ■ Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. (>ne day 1 saw an ad. of your Electric Hitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. N’eighlM)rs of mine have been cured of Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility." This is what B. F Bass, ot Fremont, N C writes. Only 50c, :*t Henry Hiu richs Druggist. To save fuel protect your windows with storm sash made in any size. Telephone 11 Manitowoc BUILDING Supply (’. B Great Reduction Sale in Lace Curtains m gjptainj; Specia! Sale Price $2.85 for the following numbers: No. 1101, White Nottingham Curtain Size 50 in. by 3 x /i yds. $5.50 value. No. 1102, White Nottingham Curtain, Size 00 in. by 3'/-j yds., $3.50 value. No. 1103, Also White Nottingham Curtain, Size 54 in. by 2> l /> yds., $3.75 value. No. 1105, White net Curtain with battenberg cdge& insertion Size 48 in. by 3 yards, $3.50 value. No. 1107, Arabian Bonne Femme Curtain, with wide flounce and the battenberg edge and braid pattern, value $3.75 each. Special Sale Price $4.95 for the following numbers: No. 1120, Arabian cable net curtain, with a heavy cord design, Size 48 inches by 3!-{- yards, value $7.00. No. 1021. Arabian cable net curtain, with heavy cord design, with I’t. d’Esprit effect in the net, Size 48 inches by pards, SO.OO value. No. 1022, Heavy applique design, on a strong bobinet Arabian colo. Size 50 inches by 3 '/■< yards, s(>.oo value. No. 1023, Arabian Grande Dame, heavy cord design or. a cable net, $5.75 value. No. 1024, Arabian cable net curtain, with heavy applique cord, Size 52 inches by 3 ]\ yards, $7.00 value. Special Sale Price $3.50 for the following: Green colored tine net curtains, lace edde and insertion, Size 48 inches by 2 yards, value $4.75. Special Sale Price $4.45 for No. 1061, Extra fine net brussels curtain, Size 50 incher by 3 1-2 yards, $5.15 value. Special Sale Price $6.75 for No. 10(>2, Extra fine quality of gne duchess lace curtain, very elaborate design, and strong made, Size 50 inches by 2 1-2 yards, SIO.OO value. Special Sale Price $9.75 for Extra tine quality of battenberg lace curtain, has a very heavy edge and extra ordinarly wide insertion. Very handsome curtain and evtra value at $12.00. The above numbers have only a few of a kind, but pos sibly enough for your needs. Our regular stock is full of the hand somest curtains in great variety. Kerscher Bros. 20th Century Laurel Steel Range It will bake quicker and more uniform with less fuel than any other range. Take one to your home and try it, if not satis factory we will refund your money. Call at KerscKer Bros. Hardware Store 812 YORK STREET IN PROBATE Manitowoc County Court In tlm matter of tin- estate of Charles Klingholz. deceased On muling and tiling tin* petition of Selma Klingholz executrix of the estate of said dis eased for the adjustment and allowanee of her administrationaecomit (and the assignment of the residue of said estate to sneh other per sons as are hy law entitled to the same): It Is ordered, that said account he examined, adjusted and allowed at a special t nn of said coir* to Is, held afe the office of the county judge in the city of Manitow.s-, in said county on Tuesday, the 24th day of Noveuil er, A. I). IWH It is further ordered, that iijmiii the adjust ment and allowance of such account hy this court as aforesaid, the residue of said estate l> hy the further order and judgment of thi court assigned to such persons as ire hy Its entitled to the same It Is fnrt her ordered. I hat notice of the time and place of examination and allowance of such account and of the assignment of the residue of said estate lie given to all liersi-ns Interested 1 hy publication of this order for three xu caw j ive weeks In-fore said day. in the Manitowis- Pilot, a wis-kly newspaper printed and publish ed at the city of Manitowoc and state of Win- I ci msin Uahsl Octolier I'.Hh. IWH. Hy the < ‘curt. •hillN (TllddT’EK County Judge Nash & Nash Attorneys Pub <vt 22. 2!'. Nov t The Most Wonderful Improved Range ever placed on the Market (Notice to Creditors) Is I'll, hatk Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Novy deceased. To all whom it may concern: Letters administration with will annexed on said estate of John Novy deceased of the town of Uilison. Manitowoc Cos Wis., having leen issued to Katherine Now on the,2Tth day of <'ctolier A I) IWU and six months from and after said day lining allowed and lira .ted for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance, notice of which is hereby given, and also that the undersigned will on the second Tuesday of May 11KM lieing the U'th day of Mav, A D list, at the Proliate office in the City of Manitowoc, In said County, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all fiersons against said deceased I inted October 27th, l!tl JOHN CIILOCPF.K County Judge. Adolph s Chloupck. Attorneys'. Pub. Oct 2H, Nov , 12, 1W Mrs. C. E. Roltertfl, San Francisco, Cal Would not Iks without Rocky Mountain Tea in onr house. It’s it ifreut family remedy Maktw and keejis us well. F (’. Hnerstatte.