OCR Interpretation

The Manitowoc pilot. [volume] (Manitowoc, Wis.) 1859-1932, September 07, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by Wisconsin Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033139/1905-09-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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prags Two Infants from Barn Set
on Fire By Lightning.
(gets out four horses.
{Stunned by Bull and In;'; and in Fall, tut
' Decs Not Hesitate—State Storm
L. Losses Are Largo
* i,t'KOSSE, \V ■ , s-pt I IS|-
cin! - I ) and 1'
Ctl. 1 1. 1 r -u 'I
i■ I 1
In r.iim
Dray..! Children to Safety.
Ti .nr. - ; ■
<1 r. :i, n.•
I*l '
4in*l !■ " 1
-Hi. I Mini -
•flame". SI - r . I'd . !'■'> "
•!■ i I.• ■:, ■ - ' -
thin and
Tin ■ i-h.' ■
r l ■ •<.r.
Shi* was .<■ >r* :. i.i' ■ I By fs
i* >t;i iii■ I ■ I ti . ■
w.i -s l.'iim 11. ;. i.' r i hand -.' -d
11n- fai m inn. him r> I ■ ' I. "I -i ain
jliclouging I" Ini' lather yy.'i" Burned.
Balt Causes Kxplosion.
s111:i i ea kk, w . s. i.t i I Si..
| Mrs. Jam. s < r. ■ h at M.
*;ev. r. !y Ktnnne I h In' * • it. v
Ulnn .* tier i I I* ■ ' ..i u-■■ Ii i
W*\p'Oslon in II- . "liar. I>an wre i. id
(Hu- Hour
Aske.'iton Losses Arc 0000.
ASK EAT* IN. Wi .-■■id I |S|"
r 1 Ii 1 ; .1
Jan,. - I an. ■ a<di I" S l-fHI in in*
ufart.d I i.n1.1 mud • Top • i Badly
• la u..i d' 1
follow ' ro
Posloffn.e Dele liver. May Arrest Woman
Biaraed vnh La Ci mv- I. ips m
Pennsylvania 11 aml.it
1. \ I'III.SSI U . .S' I I" a
iii I'' in, : ' 1 * i ei Ii
f , I' • 'll. : I.
JII " '
•si it "I IB . i l.m ■ 1
T • ■ ii. ■ :& ■i'
I! ,( i . 'li ■ I ' .
-- Ii I ia H" I '
s.f ■
, JIM", I I .
A I. in r ...... ii, I 1 "- •
ml 1., r I . . I. ■ and
fed 11 ■ i Ii !' I • ■■ ' i
Mtil". I Is - I" n , ■ I uadi i a■, ,1
ill • Ml. I ' • i'l. I .' Ml".
U ll|>.i lit "f li I . I I aleml Ia . id.,
fn.ir I "t!. i In I iml
,|a. led ll ,1 !. I. I'J.t ,| I,', 11... | . .Id
hi ' • d'M i : , < .... I \ 1
’ll.. d"l". ■ in li,, ~i
So Says latl . i of Mi It .vie of Fund
duh, Regarding 1-il.ij><*
mem Tale
luMi hi 1 \r, \\ i , ;;.pt 1
|S|."('ial. 1 * ieorg. A liana I■ a nine!
fr->m t i;,. I-,lin'd! at I.' rn. •< >■ i.. 11.1 a
few 1,"".' lal"i' Mur, \nin . I'".! I" and
tier ihilmi', .1' Ini I Boyle. imv.-t |.,.iu
♦ lie ,1 a 111. ii:_v Ml 11. ll a and Mi
1 lo) !*■ I".! 1. del. m I I i.a I Ihey ha y e lie. .
a rn.d a. i '■■ ,i. 1.. 1 I ailed r. ..
• '"lid I'.i' 11 • i anaaa" Been .■ i. .i.I
I-. 11 ■ i . 111in-ii■.•■l a l.'.nt
sir. I" . nil,. I I" .11 man ,■ I
Mr it 1 I . a ! I , - I InaC i 1111
ini. .
"I Mi
It •• i. I. i I It - I M
J> ~ i Ul i. i " --I a ,
I we., . . I
II i Mr It
Ml■' , • I
Mu;' i
0 I I f i’ 1 ! ' •
V.'iiv K! • I Wii! .! IV t I
i- i‘ l I. I*. I*l.l ,|*|.i
!. \ nit • v\ i
*. i
1• . .
r• i •
i • I* I*
\ - I I ! Ui
• •I*! i i■ i , ’ ■ I ■
11. • S' ■ .
I' • '
TANARUS: . h \ . !
T ■ ■■ ■ i .- .. : ■ ’ . r. i w
t•, ' .
jA.a / <■(. ;ay. r . ) r r .. ( hip| -v a
bah and A.■ "i 1 • A:l> )
■l'd:. Ijul i
< II 1 I 1• 1. V\ \ j ,\|.l \\ . I
I’ a I'a I < i !
li ■■ r It* ,
'•>■* id 1 Ml ■' ; .' • , .'.".III, I |.|
*.0.-r •i . rgi am,• ■ I- .... i , •(
• ' and 1 i an I I
I roll, tia a .
STKAKJ P HAS C id) I ( Aid
Bridyetei.d.; Pm .■//. In j. ~|
Th.'Ottk' ot Kfigdi"
1. \ i PM:- 'I U - ~ (
" t 1t..;- r . ft, \|,
MM" n*-r . , , ~i i, u , , ,
1 i . i it \ ■
f ' ' S I . . , J
a-i.lt 'ia ~ i ■ .
*iaat!"d ... |.|. " . .( at, ,
tan T. I M
to li">. : ’ I'M I!.. -.j , r ,.. ,
Jd no "•! on r it,. );,
Ott line U.- • -'. : . I ii,
• e - ’ . i ~ ,
tit ’ i i,.11-. .
Minks on Face and Throat Indicate Strug
gle—Body of Christian Peterson
Found in Fox River.
NI. ENA 11. Wis., S"|d. 1- [Special.]
Mr A1 irv I’axlon .lied this inoruiiu?
fI-..in of n fractured -.hull n
feiV"d .1-1 nim I. She was alone ul the
Ia <d it." injury mid her li'i-hntel dis
e m I'd th" 1.0.1;. early t .da; .
1 ..a !■ r d' ' e!"pllie||l sand . "I . ■ Ihe fuel
I it Ml I’ll XI Oil's In 11 k I Hell ""'I
.' ‘ ' 'Mi : ,
| ~ i.'trgl ;r ii- ! is v.oik,
111"! 111 a '. 'dll" wl.i.'h f.illoW".J she was
f. II low li-' a .r- 'l l!" |>r ll.'"
n.ark. . i. I."' fa' " mill thro.it Mr.'iutU ■
I'll tins te lief.
Til.' 11l \ del Id' "Hid.l!,.' the ‘-'l'l I 1 '"
.1 1 a I ppe.'t r.'l le'e of . ! list Mill I ’el "I'S'.ll lasi
I I ids V V. IIS Solved I "lav 1 • ' lie di-'-'V'
of the 1.0.1 y, '-.,0 I. ■- s and I.a i-f..l"d,
’..■d" and le tH"• ~ Iv. '• lottes 111 I I'iv.'l
11,'ll r III" Whit iuc I" ' II- I' 1 Believed
flat while pal'll illy d'llieldeil he Wine
,j,-r.'d to file pot. i'".i i>V"d Ids shoes mid
Hto.-kini; ■ will the intention of wash
ii," Ids f. and "I- fell or wa- shoved
i ,• , l vet I l■■ : ■ • had I'Ut oil
li. ■ I i.'k and his he i I II • wa" a ale 1
l.'.eketliook are no-situ:. H" was ' .
year-, old mid wealthy.
Statues at Mans Anderson's Home Dim
appear Since Organization Has
Purchased the Place.
I A I IP iSSl'h V. i Sept. I I Spe
cial ) Statues "f Beautiful female hm
nr.-s Mint have it i""d the h"lo" "I M "us
And I oil, the late men haul prim -■ "(
this Illy, have d."appear."l and ad I""
, 111 " the V'.llll-' Women "I the Vlllllit
\\ m' I id'-linn a -o"ialion. who 1 .ve
BollitlH the pin re (,r a holm' for the i,
...elation, d< "in th" ' ••lolhing H"t
in l.eepii .■ I;, their and. -"I nre nat li>
all,l.die fir: pla\ in--' l"H. "f I ,l,: '
ill.out under 1.." tr. - llul. id wml.'i
there w ill I." II" 'll" ' ml"
‘ 'i ' I • '• • • 111 ■ •• *■ •
11 ' ‘ .ed’tt'l'. •’ lid I• '
It'll '. H ad, ' I H a;, I, n-i,
mini, and |i II," ' ' 'll. *h. I ‘PI .• 111
11.1 r n
Jo ,;' -n V- ll Old at I.a CI o ■ Live
la,' Pa .1 Widow’,.
I. ‘III (SSI Wi , Sept. 1 I sp"
. nil. I Slot Ilia, him , livery id. . In i;
pm- ami other flili"riiif Bmild. . it i
lill.'f.' l, has |.r ■ and th" downfall of I. I
Will'd Kiaif e, .lii 'd 1 I year-, ..I UiH eily,
has 111 dp'll the heart of ilia widowed
Inol her, mid at the same time swept
nwiiy the possibility of ii "omfortal.l.
home f.,i whieh the mother Bad taken
m washing and perform."l other menial
11. r entire a vine - .>f many years,
amountiiig to s.-veral htllidr.d dollar .
ha.-, !.. "ii -lol.'ii I.) tiie B<>\ and s.pian
•Ii and
Contested, Says Police.
II n at t, > Irn I pole • It I inti,
where he . • >lll >' " Ills gllllt. tell l"lll ."
to divulge wliere h" -.pent II," money or
whether there is any l.df mi-p.ml.
The lath. o ded .me veal's ay., ha v
mg the widow and on. Ihe Boy ha
always Been her pride, and it wa-. part
!> I"1 hi eijiiea t. 'li llt o 1 sh" Was a V
Ii *■ lie m - I "pi t idd> m a
i". I,mg . 1 1 ;iin. 1..0n ■ nlrai I .and I.ank
II'! PI I h I ..111" I • ' "11' | ' , 1 \ Ml.
"1 .‘ie- \I a ' 1ayI" • i• ■ ' 1111 1 1 ! 1 1 ■ I
. on.d. I . in.i i.• P ml.alii' aid". ■ ■ r
' i
It*"! ii e. to M:I a t ,pip! ,i ai
■I , hoy I, in "II "p.'lldi! ; ■" inev
ll' If If 11 in i X( UR SI ON , Dll
0 h! " ll Wall' .11 I'l", Dead or -!
I)- k Ii p 1 R. ntap'd
t 'SII Kt is 11 \\ is,",' I
\H.a | .-ii ,::g | .■•" 1.., ~| i!,.
■I. m.'l I :■■■!. 11 1 ! " i.'.'l.e i, I ,1 :; f I.' I
1 11l "I'h I to .''O'lld He a hlpla I .a
■ a ai of I Ia ' Kapti ' r ni h Mi
*I- ■ Si. y . a. i " "1! I'"U n re ah nf
"I Hi .P y I"! 1..' iid .I. •• a e ai
1 ■(•■-,'! I • . | 11 yy i
■ ■ 1 i"• r ' . 1 "d W a I On.o e I
s' 'V '■ ",V "t \ and. I I
I 1 - I A I "I" ;,
MV - I At. OP I AMMI I, 111 AD
A P led ~I ’T: 1" auli" At’ ney and
Appl ■ ni Pnme ;
\ ' I’l I II ( >. -a IS M,
i I I, h I" " IT | - | I
\ ’ "I I" and II ~ ~ |
I" 1 ' ■ Ill' '
I ■ ! f.M
I 0 I'l I ■
.' \ I ll" 1 rn
II ~
': V I R 111 \1 I N AND I IM-li.
: .mar, at O dd; , ! Air e I
I V; ( "v ■.
• ' 111. "s (| V\ s. pi | \ ■ :...
' 1 . •! .i,i,.a a.
i ' M II .11 . in la. I .
■ r. ■' Ia ~!■ alh gi and all. n,pi I . 'ni l h"
M M . ' dt at i■ t , 1 . a :n .in
nil. .ml : i I I la' lad
•I M'l pm •-d IM. i , I.a ii
I • yy 11 ■l l '
(.1 1 POP 1 At,l BANK CON 1 POl ,
( , In ■ M I. v’ id sell. to V. a irate -
Hi> I'd.a .1 Sale Mad.
Kill; IM. I W ,S, p. Ii , ~ r I,
\ I ; •Ia ... I I. • |,l ' N.'l and i..
• . • y ■ 11l 1,. , t p n-i ..' i ,
' ■ ■ . i a y i: i; ii
Ms,- ' . i V i. /. , :
'l'll ' ' '.a It. pill
I.a wi. . yy ii -■ il a * r tj dorm '
; - ■" Ml.') M M
i a g a 1- ' ni h "li. or • "I ' .11 , i
i ■ ' ' ’’ a M " ~ i-. 1, ,
■' i 1 ’ I 1 " i ■- ' -i n,
t po' ' W a
IS • I.S\ II I I V. I ',. . I ll ,
111. 11. . 0.1, ,|. .
■ i 1 ■ '' "i ' "ii -n min a I
: " VI 11 I I M > *ll y o.yy t,
I'a p I ’ ■ • . ..I P.KI'J
op, ad "I ; " on; 11 an lan linns and
la ' and I • I'll, I . III,". "I.'ld
. I aid nan U" p ■al " 1 lithe . Top
, leong 1- I- 1 ‘ I I ■, ta .. Ih. Jdip .■ of
II . . ■ i a,.n , "ail", "fit iy
... /. and I' !s m New'
I 1." he -t" to ", .g the '.1.,1td
lv -lull I" l' ’ ' -' ' ' I C* '
M fils*.' f", I I'. V. fsoil of
f diM tt a f :<|.l. " I ' o -I 11.
i t.inm.it . i• " ", ' l l ■ "■ '.Vi -on ia.
I il. M "■ . I li .1 a
in Mi"e —i.. iii.it
i lasliiig Old,;. . ‘
TliOU.:antls of Do I.a;’-: Vv or.ii of
W. od Is Def.troyod.
Many Place; Struck by Lightning and
Deaths Result—Capital Dome
.1. 1 la -y ill . \V;- , Sept. ISpeeinhl -
11.-avy had, yy - .id a': I rail! have done
tlndisaliil' o) dollar-! dnmag" to the to-
I. .-mill "I ill. eily. Many
li.'hls w;. [do 1 The I"--
|..ih" nor'li i" v.-ry h"avy.
I.odi i> i. ,i •- ■ rnimal
S.-.UIKK) y, ofth of 10t.a.. > It-* night.
.Storm Kills Buds.
.lefl'er .11, W, , S'pi. Lh (Hpeeiul.]
Oyr ;;i)0 -pill'...' yy.r ;aal dead nml
stunned on Main Mr-ef in ihi-; eily la-,r
ey long lifter I." Ill"-' t "Id die llll'l dillll
ugmg !'h"trnail and rain -loriii whieh
has (nine over this vicinity in twenty
J'"iir • Til" damage is . -Omitted at SI f,-
000 ' .vliisive of tin loss to crops, within
u i ir. iiit of ten mil. s.
Four Inches ol Rain.
The storm lasted f->r only ten minutes,
But in half that time nearly four inches
of rain I■•:I. Hooding every part of the
eily. The S hroeder Barter shop, in the
Siopp. nßa-di opera h .Use Basement, was
Hooded i,, a depth of marly Hit feet,
mid Barliers and people in tin elmirs.
'•line latin-red and only half shaved, lied
aml .-a tie-' into the -i feet s ami
Mi" pouring rain. The North Western
depot, yvas struck several times, But
no l.imnge done, Because of lie' electric
Pavements Ruined.
Many streets on which the city has
spent several thousand of dollars for
improvement have heen washed out. It
is reported that nearly a dozen farm
li oil in the vicinity wire struck, hut
rn. tires re-nlled.
I ■ \\ illm - lionand Barns in this
•dr wen !i> avi 1 y daiuag. and when lig’it
ning Prm I, a large oak m ar the house.
All ew .i- an- . h.gg I and in many of
lh. last horn.' llm rain permeated the
root' and e. ring", ruining carpets and
fnniil lire. I. i; i d>' Ihi< I. til" anstoerali"
.■.■ lion v, hi- i, i- mi low land, i- c 'to-
I'li I. Iy Hooded.
Lightning Strikes Capitol.
Madison, Wi-., Sp' I Hiring n
11. fi.'.l riea I sti.iin Ill'll pa sell over
1 1, i eit v i■ ■ ■ v estei day Ill'll moon, light
long -!rni h llm and -me of llie Pile ea pit'll,
. I 1 ' r! is' hoii.'ie, aml a llagpole oil
H MaiMoii 1.t0.-k oil Main street. N"
dnmag" v a ■ done !" the rap,till Imildiliu.
■i ■ ii ii; .■ iron dolin' aeie.j as a ■ 1 >!> ii
did I'oiidm of the I el rie Hu id. 'I lie
li-ioiping loilowed llm eh :ie y' iring al
th' I nit: ' I on," and • t Hr- to several
1 ids id th.- limpe. But di I not do a
.1 ■ 'd- . ■ Ida Ina . 'I , M " deparl
no ip w a 'ail'd out to e\l ingtii'ii th"
Tlie elect rieity a Iso followed
. ...'trie h tiding 1" till' eily clllee
ol ' i.e Mad ' . and Elect rie < '.lll
puny, d> nolisliing a large plate window
gi i and doing other damage. The
-I. nil Blew down some eleetrie wires,
leavini e\eP:il elmns ~( the eity witli
out light.
Lightning Starts Fires.
liaeine. Wis., Sept. - Farmers in lids
serf ion suffered great damage By lire last
mg! i, caused By lightning. Train crew -
report ihree ln-'s near < '.rliss, four al
I fehi vali. They coiinled tinny eight lire"
8.-tvy.'ii here and t lililon Jiin.lion.
Churches Ate Struck.
\\ i-1 lull'll, Wi".. Sept. Lh I Special. |
\ very heavy ele.drieal stonn Jtassed
over tin, e tmu early Ihi morning doing
, ni i-a tide damage By liglitnlng. Tim
Noryyegnin Methoiiist and the Swedish
I,nth.'ran .Inirelies were hoih stni'k By
lightning and the steeples ol Both were
lorn o, pTlie telephone I'onipanies
nl-.i Miiler.'d I'onsiileral.le damage and
many war* it Ihe elect rie light company
were I nine.l ..It. No wind to speak of
a.s ompa lin'd I lie storm
Child I Struck.
K ink Mina W . S. p', and [Special,|
"I . -' it id m ■•! Mr and .Mrs.
Viigu-i Kim i w ; "truck By lightning
1.. and lender.-d un. on-. n.iis several
i.-mis 1 1 "in th" ever.' t ri* a I shock.
I ,gi.i :ong in 11," aloe lorni a)"'.
Hi:, Cm r ■ . r 1 M M all hew
M .-I . tile j-. -I h I Ilm I o\ iiy er
1., .ill'll',, a and ol In r port ions
-1 the
City Maish.il Slug ked.
I’.r. di • ad. U i . J | Spe ml, |
\ • ■re . , i i'h :,l .n,d ea v ran - loriii
p .-I "•• ••! m , ".wii I mg;,' TI .■ eily
11.. i.a I i".ii \id i -ey ere ■ ■ i. yy Ina a
holj V, a si in. k
Bull Causes Fite.
Tv,,. Uiv. rs, Ui S. pi and 1 Sp.
.ii.i I. l, '.inning -truck the granary "1
M min.is Uimni. ", a larmcr r. siding a
mil. m.nli >d Inrc. and set it alirc, dc
-I I ■ mg ' "h" dm a lid . "11l cli' . Loss
1" ."timalcd at S I'll HI. partly covered h)
in nr*iin c.
Bams Binned Niar Kenosha.
K ' 'll*. "1 i 11, \\ I . S' pi. and. | Special, |
T . "i"i in "I Ii "la) .y • 11 u g did gr. al
dn " m l\. I .1 .'..inly T.O. ph.'ll.
and I. !, graph ■ "inn . tmu - m all part" ol
Ihe .-a it) wt re 1.r..|,. n d-.w n and Ihe
, . 'n yy. .'. i'l part ■ ! i! ■ eonnl) e.
• nil in I‘a , I\ , Tin
I.- 1 1 ■ till t I ' II Wahl", ill
I; . a- 'rn ■ I I" lightning with
a >so i I . t'.it i ~1 i... age
i , in \ was 1..0i1y dam
I .liia- 11ii nms
• I 1\ i • i vv, 1 1 a. I. ’a ligdil enig.
1 ' II a ■- * and In t a mi!) w* re all
Bad .. •'.■•. k. and I.) the light■ ii ll
S h .1 SI: n k al Dl.i van.
In .Van Vy Sept and This Seel ion
v 1 ■l' . I ' I'.l', yi,,i.| yy nd
1 i ~ . - ■■i-o.i The rain
I ill 'a I ' ■' tl ll'.. iy Cl", and eel
I , I Mal IM HI -el I Was
h I id .. • . an, , I, I,ill). .| imaged.
I*. lin t a nii Ii .rl" - K irtoll. I hree
i ,e, .-a i I Ha eily. w her. I lire'll, r -
i ■ I B. en ■" .a l,neg dining the day. light
- tin 1 11 , yy tii'h was Burned
to i a ground
Damage ul Beloit
i; it v. , Sept and !S| ia ll Vn
I, ,' I ,lo||li | Mill- 11.1 I e V el'll ) pi 1 '
V i . 1 Barn
n i 1 \l I '.di yy as
Bn i I I ' I• 1 Bane ~| Ii e, ,ig.
II S"o' I'" .nt, vas Badly dam
.nd I. lightning
V. .-line Einnl'i Company Conti acta
v . e -on I tot W hill* Dine.
\l,l, lie. S' p' and I Spe. ml. | The
\\ ii, B.i I I .nml" r eoiiipiiny
Melnilinlii'i', M 1 Ini lust pUI
i . and ot th. <i|y ini, Eddy company of
Si. n SIMHHI.IHPO (i'll ot while pill"
1.. don let in ' i li.ida Bln eonsid.'i •
, 'pM 1,1 MHI \ 1., lit o.IHHI,
Ml ,o yy I I ': , yy .in er an 1
nuil 11. 1 . i.adla ll mill"
Wile ul Foimei Nmm.il S haul Teacher
11.i- Him Attested
.lam -y ilie. Wi .S. pi, and | Special. ] •
i, , 11 1 : ol \\ . I. m 'l' l il. g"i a lor
i . i t ■ ;ot i Milyy a nkee norma I
i : . Bing'd !■' Ii- yy tie wnh assault
| ~i„i l.atnry, i- Being held in tie- mum.-
i uni t 'll Mel iregor a lieges t lull
! i , .|. fend;. M kiel-md and I.inn -. and In r -o
■ i * - Bn eed I*, . aI! neighbors
j-a III'. 'I S!o a Is.. "lied lol' a
; In -i, ,i;.n. e- alleged . 1 liel-
I. 'I. M•'i i• . ■ ■loi" nh and mi answer
I, -.ii, rn•' 1" el.ai g. "
• 1 !. .red n an The
t i • : 1 | *)< . . <ll';■ U*V' • I”' Ivs i'li friends
J ■ ; ' pa;';. ■
Mr.,. Wal.th Begged He.v to Save Her
—She Did Not Want to
' Taiirlon. Win,, Kept
'l’li" Walsh inquest W:i oped l>y in
junction this afternoon, Inn on nf
vir ef .1. A. Walsh : ring prejudice
"t tin- jiisiii-e and jury 1 . inquest ild
jminif'i until Septcmli. t 1 .'i a. in.
Tli' nr\t step will Ilf liss'dlltimi ill
injnnrti'iii nr makiiq; ii ••nnanent he-
I •:'' .I■: ■ i • linodlainl at A m'lon.
First Assistant At Grein'ml
Titus for the state and V.’ "fiieys Wes
nd S,a w f(ir Wa to
day nn a date In go liel .lodge H F
l.i nd.
There is intense excite .mid here.
The mother nf the de. .ml eaine tliis
ninrning. Mias Ward i expected this
afternoon with an nille. : Miss Ward
attend'd school Walsh or
was lie her teacher. The w-re strangers
until her visit to Crate 1 jost before
the tragedy.
1 ndon, Wia., Sept. [Special.] -
Setisalinnal testimony ice given at the
Walsh inquest here tnd.n. Miss Mil
dred Wafi] nf Appleton, Men Mas at the
Walsh home when the shooting took
place, has not come her' i" answer the
subpoena and an oilie r i, been sent to
get her.
Tells of a Quarrel.
The most important M ine -- today was
Mrs Walter Wan. of t I‘a rk hm el,
which is next door to the Walsh home.
She stated that on the nig * ol the shoot
ing Miss Ward called her saying;
"M.\ til'd, can you tell ne- where there
is a doctor. Mrs. Wal-h -hot."
(ining down stars fmie itohertson's
nlli'e Miss Ward said "Woman" etui
you tell me what's the imvier with that
couple, they have been i vmg Irnnlde all
day long. I have been tin ('-d badly, imt
li> Mr . Walsh, hut l.\ I. m. If 1 .laid
known what kind of man he j 1
would never have come i. -i" to visit."
“She Did It lin ■ If.”
With Hr. Kohertson, M■ - W ard and
the witness M cut Up : ■ I V> al
hedroom and found \\ .. . aimi' 1 with
1. s wile. She Mas "ti the hi'd cov
• red ill Walsh called l"f a do'-lor and
knelt down Ip. the bed and ki-- and his
lie. lie Me terribly agi i'd and Mi
\\ ait'- a-hed how it I. ippenml. and he
aid ".she did it hm ■ lIF- then
■ ail' and out. "1 ranees, m al." up!"
All s. U .die -aid that U .ii-li then g-.t
tip and lai 11,- paced tie : 1 r. I,m ■ ■
Mas no lie e t ill the In '. ’ l • "'lll. M h i'll
Mas a hedr mu. At till !hue the wit
I less .-aw a revolver win* lay near ii
foot ol liie lied townnis In ■ 'fm r. The
Millies- ashed for its iva. 'V.d and Hi.
Brown took it.
Walsh Seemed Horrified.
• w ‘My (1 -
Ia I ■ 1 of,"
said Mrs. Waite. “ T didn’t know
there Mim a revolver 111 the house,"
Walsh emit mill'd.
“M i-- Ward told me u-xt morning
that Mrs. Walsh, the night before, was
anxious uhmit Wulsh and broke open
his hedroom door and Meat in and mine'
out again with a night robe for Miss
U • 1, Ill'll Meat hack to the bed
ami short! y aftep cried - "Mj Hod,
Millie, 1 am shot. No, 1 have shot niy
m If."
Witness testified that she knew of no
trotilde tietMeen W'tilsh and his wit".
That Mrs. Walsh always spoke of her
husband in the highest terms.
Did Not Want to Die.
The witness closed her testimony Milo
the statement that .Mrs. Wal-h in semi
conscious moments said: "I’lease save
me, <1 dear I.Old; please save lie , mid
again, upon re ogiii/ing the witue-s and
a nottiel lady tiiend at the tool "t* 111"
led, slre I ■ 1 he. i "lit her anils w ; ih the
, |q ,eal, "V ‘ii will help me; ylm -*■ help
Theory Is Advanced.
The has I sugges ed that
Walsh, wh" is km.mm I" ha ■ disliked
had ■ "iljeel >1 tot
pr< mi : Miss Ward -• openly during
Miss Ward told Mi
Wall-.' Il i id he.- , having limilde all
day, I hat 1 1 - guest complained of lu r
p. ■l l ion I" Ah M l l -li.
I ler, humiliat'd hy the 1 r-a I meld "t
the visitor end Ii mg shill out "I her
loom by Imr husband in the nee m
a guest and to hf.ak in the
'l'lor I" "111 ain I il ranee, she tir-d tie'
l.ital shot at her-ell.
This is Me theory advatmed hy mi"
xx ~11 |'.i, led ..ii I . ' i •>■ and is borne mil
lien ill
Waite and Miss \\ ird as relat'd hy the
foi'mei* "ii the witness stand. It also
giees with the public estimation of Mr .
Walsh as a pioiid and sensitive woman,
i,„, prmid I" talk about Imr a (fairs Mill,
Wal-h'- lawyers will object to mm Ii
"I Ml -. Waite's e.ideiiee ns lien -ay.
Di. Hobeitson’s Story.
y , i""ii Hr Ifolierlson.
dentist, tesiih'd ti'.it he came lioiii" from
Ma-mi!' I' . ■ al In fi.t k mi lie
II "t 11 • shoolin . and ide pr-p irmg
for bed in n In Mis call'd hy M• ■
Wade and M Ward, mho -a el M i
W a Ish wa -h"i
|| \ a he lii'si ina nop the ground and
~nil" led part i \ niidii ssi-'l ami nm -
. mil-, ai'p 11. lit I I ■ ad. Walsh Ma- in
his mglilgoM ll . ml hale led.
Ti’.-:-. tn Save Her.
|pi |s. , I- iii I" use al l ili. in I I espi
ration hy ne.. e "lit ’I Imi arms am!
ire mi Imr . —i Soon I tr. M urphy
, and g' v ■ 1" r t*y pod' riiia inject ion
"I slfv'liiiiim and "Ihci uiedieini She
~i at dI-.. in to s, ream Then Hi
Murphy gay- a -oolhing potion amt sim
Koli' i'ismi sud Ii" del imi sc. .my p -
t,, 1 "I- re' olver He -1:1 '"I IIP 1 il ■" 1 It. 111.
~l \\ a Ish" ■nqm .1 IF doe- Hot kll"M
how the shooting I" eiured.
| tr, Murphy Ma- the next u.tim IF
I, .niied the bullet iait. red UdoM the right
hiv'i a aul |el I heloM live heart and
i,dged in th hack under the left shmil-
I I Mi W a
most "instantly until her death in tin:
i v six hmii alter being shot.
She Did Nut Explain.
li r M e it Mrs Wn
, ime ' "iisi mn ai times tor brad' period
.alli'd lor water and me. She tried I"
rise in bed and rei ogui/isl her mother
and husband. I day after -he wa ■ slim
sfhe pul I . r arms armmd her moth'-t's
neck ami • ill-d her darling She Inrgan
in sinlv the nd night after she was
|>r M i p ■ ideiit died the pi-i and w tin
|lr Uvowu Imd picked up mi the foot
of ti e lied li e pit of the i '
Murpl V did II it know how the diool illg
oei'iirred IF- l"'iud eartridges in a lies
and some si altered on the lop of the
Imre in.
Madison Citir tu to Mandamus Council
to Revoke Saloon Licenses.
Mini: "O. NN Sept. [Sj'e, ml,|
A ll' "I "I-I I" 1 IIP I I- I" POlllp-t 11,.' P|| x
coil tie) Ii" i' '"I,- il." saloon Ip.'ii-e ..I
||. 11 1 \ N le! • I Mill he SXV '.rn nil 11l Ihe
in i.n inert 'I 11 .1 i . iiiocttiiiit Tim law
tiini of IP- im" I, .InekiiiHii xN Sxxensoii
lux- I"SU l'el;|i||e.| In eltlJell' t" ten. ll |ft ( .
xoulxxil its il'p Nteluilir pl>*: 'I-xI cuilty
in x-ourt to I I. l' lg Ire lllliluigft elosilu:
U'll Util tie" 11. . ‘liTieil Vet' ■ ••* I to fe
Mike 1,1 v lit el " 1 mix i ■ . it xfex IsioU
111 1 I If ■ .111 elf' I*. Tit ' -e
1 1 "Hi lls ■ lb 'I ' 111 I e ' tin
|'e;V,! pi .1 i* i I ... p. f.'... ■
Answer Prays for Order Making Reply
Unnecessary and Eleven Rea
sons uire Offered.
NEW VO I £IC, Sept. 4.—With a demur
er the Equitable Fife Assurance society
today answered the recent suit hy J.
Widens Brown, a policyholder, to have
the Equitable put into the bawls of u
The defendant asks not to b>* com
pelled in make any answer to Brown's
complaint. The demurrer asserts
among other tilings that Brown's
suit, which was in equity, does not con
tain any matter of equity: that tin* suit
cannot he maintained except on either
application or approval of the attorney
general of the smte of Now York; that
the -abject matter of the hill does not
disclose facts sufficient to entitle Brown
the relief prayed for: that there is ,1
want of proper parties plaintiff, and that
other policyholders and also ammilatits,
oilier-, ilireetors ami stockholders should
have been made deteiidaiits.
Women and Children Killed by Agitators
Who File Upon Reservists
Leaving Libau.
FI i'.A I", Sept. F The departure nf re
servists Mas marked hy Soria list rioting,
in which t-ii persons were killed and
fifty wounded.
The agitato's fired from a house upon
the military, who replied with a volley.
The cavalry then charged, using their
sabers mi the crowd. The reservists
diil imt anticipate that rioting Mould oc
cur. They had just been entertained hy
the city and were accompanied hy their i
\vi\-es and children. There Mere many
innocent victims, women being included
aiming them.
Egg and Daily Markets.
M i LWA! K Ki: < Mark* t sh ady.
Tli*- j.r-nl';cH hoard ollifial i]imiatmmi
is Pic fm* fresh laid, al murk, eases re
timed Sales of nood candled stork on tin*
Mreef in a small way run a hum Iv-iisi^-.
I lr-f ios. elm. ks an.l uds. Uw 1 I.
r.iilter Market linn. Eluin 4 ri • on
'Mr. • ’ • .i in : \ Is . I. • | ; , extra
i"v, 'Jit-; j rints. --*•; lirsis. 11* ; sev
-01 ds, 17/ is . tlaii’.v. I*. . lin % 1 t 1 c;
I'.i' lviiii' s 1 •)' k. 1;: .
< !;• ( >.• st ady; American full ’!' "1 ni,
tw 'vs, 11 I IP, . lint! I IV I*, r 1 .. '< . .1 1
; I ’ 1
S'.'S ■; imjM.if' .j SW.'iS, . I'a: '■>
! : Il’ ■. : 1 1 i o 11 I . : 1 • • \v ill.and M\ i-S
i! 1 " \ . loaf. old. i l . I i'-.-r; S;;i'-;.L-o. is •.
1,1 ', I \ Hi. S I t. \ A' tie 1 i 1 • i::ikT of
. 1
t:nil al tin* 1 < as 1,, -t \\ . k. Th. re
no al.-s or oil, n.i The . • |..m .f
I ho .list ri Ii for the v ■ - k was T-*’. o--.
rim Ai.n, ill . > , . J \\ n.-r
’. joe i. s Si ad\ ; mark,
■ 11.. led. •!. i:: • Id ,e. i-In 1 It;
dairios. 11 |< - "'iii'. r Aniori.'a - II <• Inl
' i \ I.i\ e 111 in ; 1 1 ii \ S .o ; i-lihk it . IP •;
M ao!.. ;;.Vo 11 o \ i a! ! 'inn. Ao to ll*.
w. drills. • • • / 7 • ; d". io To I’ l , w-iuhls, 7 tv;
s:. to 11 * * lit. w. Phis, sr./UPo.
Ni:\V VOKK. S. j.t J I’.nftor ' n: if. tin
d; n 11 and s, 1 4 71 Pl l ee s • n 1
firm, i io haiiF.-d ; r. o.dpts, ;ilt;i*; \p .; ts,
put I * t. \ s -Steady, uinlmii^v'd; io
‘■••Uds, u:u:u.
Milwaukee Stock Yards Report.
IHMJS lo'.ipts, iiniu-; mark t l..rvr;
' 7 ' • ■ n : , • '
. ■ •
:. I", pi-v MI to tin IPs. o.'.'tdoT- ."•,! i-so
stays. ; -j:../ it:.
* A I 11.1, lh o. Ipfs. non : low. r; oa’. a>s
steady ; hutch* rs* steers, medium h* mo I.
Pi:.n to lam* Ihs. | imi,/ 1,7.7; fair to medium,
*1.70 t* 1*1.70 I Its. •_ , 7-f ; 7.7; Inlf' rs. .0111-
llioii, -.-.7'ti 'J..70; uood, 1 * >'</I'. 7-7 ; . ow s, fair
10 yMHI. 'J .7o< . •anners. 1 - ■ ’’ I>. 'Ut
ters, *J.‘nr n J L’.7; hulls, -otnmon. J.l" -Vl'':
Hioioe. r.*r./;; >•**; f. dors. SIM. r. !C.* Ids.
.". iMi'o .’I .7*l; stoekers. .7mi to 7-7 • lls. !_V*J.7>.*
J 7.7; v-al e..|\**s. ...mnr>n to < hoi< .
m *r; heavy. .'PHKo Milkers and spriiu
< IS < finiino' * ll for earners, eholco do.<M
'•j h *m.
SI i I. I; I ’ li.eipfs. none; steady.
J .70; I.in ks, *J..7< tn Pi t; spring iamhs, .7,.ki 0
Milwaukee Hay Market.
TI mol h v firm for *>ld, low dull; ai!ofs,
, 1,. , i iiiothy. 10.00', 11. no; No. I linchy,
pin io hr,Mi; . 2 11 loot 1 y S.‘M a V> hMj;
I’la.iri. hay >i*.idy; hoi- e Kaiis. Io _l7 C
i K, -i v, s .’ . 1 u; No I hii
7 :.*.
Mi w. weak; ryo. p oats, i; ■ ,*i (d..’o;
W ie al. .7..70v.d.0M; pa. kilm IniV. d.oo.
Markets by Telegraph.
n AN' AI K I :t F s-pt f!"- Win "t-
Sl . .1;. . .So. 1 -tli I 11, ell 11 I -ti. ill" . N"
i,,.i il-rn, on n." In i "i‘n I. isler:
V. "a iimi < c. i- st-.el.i ; No g
while, el' I 1:1 el., gT l ;'". X". while. Oil
11 j.. i,, gT _■ Full ' l inn: Vo J mi
iia. I.! :.l. . -.in pl Ifii'-k. Ity -
m. . .iV No 1 'M ll." 1., li-’ IT'Ui.-iom-
Sf o . pm U. I- to; lanl, T Pg,
t'l.mr '(iiepi Fees :i i-i : 11 o i ■ I spring wheat
J.: 11 e 11 1, ie 1. o gll" -ll':.ig.lt. ill
i. ’ 1 . e ' j Mil Ii i:| I < • 1 11 S. . s," ks.
1 I.U": lab- il' .ir, in -a.-Us. :: Do; rye,
.Hy pure, in tv; ""intry pai'-.
MillstulTs ni— qaoteil ."i It'"' for linn,
11 ..ii tor sinmlanl ii'i'Mlhig m. l IT.flu for
Mill' 'iil.ee Hum meM ng in 100 in sic Is,
1.. I goon, ileliveled ut ( Jlllltiy points,
Tiiii extra.
| ' J | 1 1 \ I 111 IP. - ; 1 “ < ’llls' Wpell
S' pi* niPei'. To': c SI", -is] .-;
V I , v S I , ,1 S I |l I '"I ll Si |,t .' I ■ | I .IT, ;
M. • 111 , I Pi ■ " Is S'.pl • ■ lip "• i, S ) ,e;
1 1, a;t.. Mn V -si gs.’v' I"'U Ii
S' |,|. I,,l„ ■■ I.T 1..; "■ I it g-P . .Inn
: .
• ! *: . s ‘o, \ . •: .o I ■
( .p... : s*■ i i•• j,,th -r _■ -fd! I '■
, , i,i'.( . i;.. /lIP-." Pla\ • a-h i- tliwst.-
, , ... ii. at hw . -lorn. 1 !•'. _ 'i i* liy -
■■ iv',r:.‘d.* ■
K ' \> \" ' I I N . Mo > I 1 g ' ee ■
\\ |,e -p s, |U e 111 I l‘ Tg'-s I oi' :
,7;,',. Mi V. TUe ‘.l'll N". g 111 111.
, .S, . S" :; ;p, |7T. . N g nii. H'l'; si,',
\. ;• 7_‘, ' : S 11 ■;"Ix ; Sepl- llllier.
11. ee illiel'. P.Swe; Mll'y, .-ii-ll
1X • * 1. I!" N". ; V' g
w lII' '■ N" I'.' 1 "I >•,'• I I II- Ne. ••
„| 11, gpi -_71; : N. 'J llllxeil. o-.e
ST 1.111 IS. M".. Sepe g. I lose SVhea*
I M "I No. g " -I ' " !' e'e 'tor. 7 "• •t' , .-'"" :
Sept;' i-'e
.1,1.,’ 1 I ; N" g bnnl, No. S 1 1 J. I 'm ;:
t ip vires firm; easli tmver; No. enslj.
, ; , ■ ||,.|| . . I leeemP'T. IF.e, May.
, ~ • isier; N
gip-e; Sepl' nimr. gl’-' I tecelillier, g.e-e; J
No g XVllll e. gl 1‘
M I N NBA I■ ll lit. Minn.. Sept g i lose - ,
Wheat September. v >Hp'; I So'-e;
Mai -I s|i,i No 1 hunt SHe; V I
a mi le-rn. *!■■; Ne. g nwribern.
M il VIIIK Sepl g i I" > " bent
■, pii lul'tr. S'. -e, I'l eemPer. siF"; May. "
-..1,, l„in S' pl' lU’ber. Vie; I','emPer.
i it | I TII. Minn - >1 ' Mi < If
p„ j)rrtx No 1 e. rtle iTi. v|, , mi tr.u-li,
I mill. 1 s , X ' g "I I
"I. ll. Per, "111, Hge, Septea pel 11' . .N. .
1 . ~.I.l'i 77. flex I ' 111 Fe top, "II
t | ink IPg, S. pl ,i 'll. I "S' . Nl ' ' . • O-S.
1.. |m rl\ - n'ot rn. I I'.eT,. g i'. Ity -
M pleinl.i'l Vie F.oi' .l .>,,10. IP- ' Ipt.l
\\ belli . IT.gllT Sblpmmils Ni .ne,
OMAHA N.i. Sept I Tit K- "l|'f.
i.et 111. 1"M ei*; native • •••
i ' ■ ■■ i
::oi> I.."": I • x.i- si,i>. :7.>:
...xx- .in.l heifers, v " "r:t S'" Po a ml
Io 'ler-. gg" I I go F".:- Iteelptl.
111, lit.e| r P" 1"" er. bulk of -.lies.
Shop Keel-lpls, Igoo. llPirl.'t sl"i
sheep, I " -(•; '•>: 1 imps, ts "O'" 7 ■>
-i 1,111 1 S, Me . S pt. I I "ill'll lie
. , ;iaio. m Ixi'll iiu gtoo I ■ x.i ii , murk *t
~, ~,1, I steers. .. •' i • sto. km s mnl
j i xri.. 7" -"Ms .hi! h-lfers. *J * a. p
J ; , I , x-I- ■ TS. ‘g "A" g el'. ‘ "M s III") Ill'll •
I. g"""-Mi ll'i IP ■' tpts. P""': mar
1 , t xx -i k pigs t bub Is. - 0... . ■, pack
. , -, rnwi.'i pu; tiiilrbiTs .. ■ ’I t" -1 lei''.
iix sheep (!■ ' il ls. . market
. . im ,
1 e X.i lIS I : t go
lx ANSAS 1 I I N . M" Sept I t .'ll' - H'
, J,, I. VI Ij I-• - I ' ' " Oll'i'l'. to It.
1.. Pi,Um. gisn . i ll.' iie murker slejrlv to
111 tx.xvel top. '• g" itF llei'l I
xx s i -.mil. i si-... g 11.. . I 7 i; •■%'.! r Ip tu
X ,:,x - 17 : g 7 ', "lit: ■ . Ml. - nut lielf-I S.
1 " I . t> IP el feelers. . 7/ •< l go
lless IP". |p|. .let ..'ll", to" r;
Ii ,ii, „f i - . M.". % 77. s' o p > ii is.
—> t . I, I|.p' IT to 5 S’* ' P>
Adventist Preacher Predicts Speedy Es
tablishment of Heavenly Kingdom
as Prophesied by Daniel.
Janesville, Wis.. Sept. J.—[Special.]
—A surprise was sprung upon the camp*
ers in attendance at the Seventh Day
Adventists’ a)ate encampment yesterday
when Elder Farnsworth, one of the
leaders of the chinch, predicted the
ly end of the world and the estab
lishment by ted of 11 is kingdom as
propht sied h> 1 taniel. Elder 1 'arus
worth d* serihed at length the dilferent
Hat; os that were described hy Daniel
when he interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's
dream. Babylon, Persia, Alexander the
(treat. Koine, ('harleiimgne, Louis XIV.
and Napoleon till typify the different na
tions described, and the last, the crum
bling ‘I the whole .structure, is the
present strangle of labor and capital.
Elder Farnsworth's sermon lots created
considerable comment unions; the M*l
Adventists at the encampment.
Prominent Young Society People of Fond
du Lac Go to Chicago
to Wed.
I'hiengo, 111., Sept, a', | Special 1 A
triage license was issued yesterday
■ ternooii to 11 eorge A. liana and Mary
A. Boyle, luth of Fond du Lite, Wis.
Surprise to Their Friends.
Pond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 2.—[Spe
cial. J —Much surprise was occasioned iu
Pond du Lac when word was received
here this morning that a license to wed
had been Brattled to (iconic A. Dana
and Mary Agnes Boyle, both of this city.
While it was known that the two
young people were keeping company, it
was not understood the affair had gone
far enough to approach matrimony,
(ieorge P. Dana, fattier of the young
man. when apprised of the license was
greatly shocked. 11” said his '”11 left
Pond dn Lae Friday ostensibly on a va
cation. saying that he would he in < 'lli
eago until Saturday. At the residence
of John T. Boyle father of the young
woman, it was learned that she left for
the ’ Wittily city" with Mr. Boyle Fri
day. .Mrs. Boyle sai.l she was at a D-s
to account for the license as it was not
known that the girl contemplated mar
Prominent in Society.
\. Malta
and 1 Ukeeper at the Jacobson A. Par
tly clothing store and is one of the fi st
known young men in the city. (leorge
IDana is the Main street 1 trdw re
merchant. Mi-- Boyle is prominent in
eiety cirt k -. I er 1 nnily laing one of
the wealthiest in the city It is under
stood there was opposition to the mar
riage and that may account for the
.voting people g' ing to t’liie.vg 1.
Kenosha County Farmer Found Uncon
scious After a Long
Kenosha, W is., Sept. J. [Special, j-
William Nieimin. one of the liest-known
tanners in the western part of the coun
ty, was found lying in a s'. ltrdei! spot
1 Bn * ;t few miles 1
the village of Twin I.tikes, last night.
Ne man had been as-antted and robbed.
There was a great eat in the hack of
his load and a short distance from Ids
itiieonsei >ns form was found a po, k. -
hook which had belonged to Nteinam
It had been filled. Nieman had been
01 Twin Lakes and when he failed to
return to his borne his men started out
to look for him. Tney found the team
and wagon near Twin Lakes. The
search for the man consumed several
hours. II" lias not ivovvreil eonseion-’-
fi Ts secured any gn at booty, Ne
man had ,jn>r lie 11 to a hank at 11 in .1
Junction and had deposited units* n sntti
of money. ’’ re i- no cine to the idea
-1 ity of the 1 1 ■. l l l ■ vs.
Ysung Woman at Sturgeon Bay Hung
Helpless, Sustaining Tcrribla
Brodf’i.’ld. W . Sept. ” | St. -ei.11.l
A prominent y .mug w ■ ■ a u ■ was
■, isiting Iriend - 1 S' m ■ Bay went
l.aildng entl.v at -i !!••• ly - dpped
eame impaled at the to ddle of her per
son and hung for several sis. he ng
, ■ vlv heipes.s to la lease lu-r !t W 1 en
finally i'e“cned. 11.•••!!.••■ I aid was snm
n oned and eight slitei. -s were tithe.l to
C.'uistian Honeyage; 01 Town of Wauke
sha Expires at Age of 80 Years.
Watiknsl a. Wis,, Sept -j S• .■ ■, 1 !. j
( ri ritin Moiteyagev. aged S'.i yinr,-. ilieil
"I old age yesterday ill his home smith
if tins lily . 11l the tin 11 of Wat
||a was horn in < li-vimntyw luu . m was
married. Tim couple eelelifat.e.l thi-ir
.jiatnotid wi’ilding I on years ago. 11"
bail resided in th nitty for nlamt fifty
..•ai's. Surviving him are his widow.
."II daughters, Mrs. .10l 11 I!
1 M I rick Sehmet
Mi . Minnie ..nd Mi \unie Wagiii-rof
; 1 .■ town of Wank shn; and live -mis,
I , kee. Chill I 1
iletumtn, William and August ol the
town of Wankes: 1, Ti e Inilei-al will he
held lon 0r..””, al l "r. ■ 01 at 'J n'"lo ’k
I in tie- t ei',.. n If. !• rt •i 1 i civil. Bex .
W. 1 tleliln ollii iii 1 1 ! 1 _
Famous Kenosha Oiganu Uinn Holds Re
union After Many Yeats.
Kenosha Wls . S 'lit. J, -| S|M*eial. !
■r ! • KemeTi.i I >;• I Manis' lea.-im. for
ineiilj ti famoii.s ,ni<i:il oririniization in
Kenosha. I.i'l'l -i :-i:i.i• >;i In.'r<■ yesterday
nt iln' homo of Mrs. Unger V. Iv iin I
\ll nt' tin snrvK mg members of tlie
leuiJtle wil'i' liut-'int Tin l leak’ile ms
m gnnizoil in*>n- 1 1 1 itn ti n yi'jirs ago wil.li
a metuborsl ip ■ f Mel i > f the best known
mnnij women oi rlie .dry. ntnl for many
years wns m eli.uxe "t nearly nil Mu*-
U "'I tlie city. With
deiith 1 ' 1 1 - June Swift in I: iii
tire link'll' I nil.' inn. rive ntnl II" meet
ink' of the tin Olliers li.nl been lieM -lu-e
Ili.il linie until ye-lenlny.
La Crosse Pol ire Capture Supposed Mem
be r s of Fay-Trainer Gang.
I.ii t'ri""". W - Sejit. L, Two stis-
I , :<.ll s e|i:imete;s. be;,, veil to be nielli
bers of tin* Fay Trainer mu nr of ih>s|
ntlb'e robin is. net'" lll'l'esleil befe fill lay
ntnl nt'" kept at i Us.- rniiliiieiin nr peiiil
imr rlie tab!;■!:oient of tliejr identity.
'l'lie men o .-re lo'.'tv ily nrmeil and well
supplied mill toois f.,r b tfirltitries. ’l’he
|, I,lire ale r tieent re.-anlink’ tbe arrest
and refits' to permit attorneys to have
i uiy in -
l.inmit . a .smeerniinr them.
To Fight Chiropractics.
Fa *’rosso. \\ i- , Sept, “ —The state
no I board t" lay bek'an a eainpniuti
:. k.tills! tl." ei.iriipr;iel n s sotosd of pliy-
Mentos in Wise..l 111 b -nbl.liir tin II"
u,t of I>r ti, V> .loliosoii. who lias
Fen praetnaiik' ehiropnnties here. The
emiiplainl Tmn..s Mr Johnson with
|.iai iieinir liieilivine without boons*.
Held for Shooting at NewaW.
< V;. ml. >n. \V; - . Sent Db-burd liar*
r> of Oeniito Ii Jail Levs . :
with I vim; - • will' .'lent I" kill, a
ft ' : i I ' ''l:
It. v Tin in.- ’ |be" at New
1. In I l'l at tl.e I .I'l Ilf ti e North*
I We-p , . t\!"„.|"|i 111 I*l- . Iliatj.
A Ramitfied' of War Time Days When
tarrency Was Scarce.
Henry C. Ezekiel is now at work gath
ering a collection or encased postage
stamps which circulated during the Civil
war iu place of the regular metal coin.
The case was the invention of John
Gault of Boston and was made a neces
sity on account of the people hoarding
metal coin until they were able to sell
at high premiums. Gault secured the
consent of Congress to issue the cases in
lieu of regular coin. They wore made
of brass and mica. The cases wore sold
ec an advanced price to the merchants
whose memos or advertisements appeared
on them for the purpose of circulating
them as currency.
Mr. Ezekiel has been gathering facts
about the issue of these peculiar cuius
and liuds that they were put into circu
lation by thirty-one linns, and up to the
present time has found records of 17—
different names, varieties and denomina
tions. In this list there were only six
dry goods firms in this country to issue
the cases, and four of these were Cincin
nati houses. The linns were John Shilli
to A Cos., Ellis, Mi Vlpin A- Cos.. Pearce,
Tool!" A Holton and L. (’. Hopkins A
Cos. The others were Lord & Taylor of
New York and Joseph L. Bates of Bou
The patent medicine men of these days
resorted to. the use of the cases for ad
vertising purposes, ;is did several of the
eastern hotels. Although several hun
dred thousand dollars was invested in
the encased postage stamps, but few can
be found today.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Hure Cure at Lust.
Montiecllo, Miss., Sept. 4. —(Special.)
—Lawrence county is almost daily In
receipt of fresh evidence that a sure
cure for all Kidney Troubles has at
last been found, and that cure is
Dodd’s Kidney Pills.
Among those who have reason to
bless the Great American Kidney
Remedy is Mrs. L. E. Baggett of this
place. Mrs. Baggett had dropsy.
Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured her.
"1 was troubled with my kidneys,”
Mrs. Baggett says in recommending
Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends,
‘’nay iirinu would hardly pass. The
doctors said I had Dropsy. 1 have
taken Dodd's Kidney Pills as directed
and am now a well woman.”
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid
neys. Cured kidneys strain all the Im
purities out of the blood. That means
pure blood ami a sound, energetic body.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are tin* greatest
tonic tlie world has ever known.
; .an with Strange Disease Compelled to
Remain in Water.
A deer chase is the rarest disease
' wu to Heal men. Nathan Pei -
berg of Dayton. ()., has ln*eu tal.m '**
Boston, Mass., and is now in a pri'.ai’
hospital under the care of one of the
leading specialists in skin diseases.
Ilis lii'il is a bathtub, so cousin;. "1
that a stream of water, heated to tic*
temperature of tin* body, flows into ’.!;•■
tub and out again at the other end,
I Hereby remaining "mist. l lit ly pur" .and
fresh. Aar-filled rubber cushions tloat in
the tub to buoy the hotly and the lick
and feet rest on canvas straps.
A > ear ago pelt erg, who lias an *\ ■
cel lent university education, came to tiiis
country from Koenigsberg. Germany,
the protege of it wealthy uncle in Day
ton, who placed him with a jeweler of
that city to learn the trade. Six weeks
ago a sudden rush broken out all over tits
body and the local physician* were puz
zled. Then pimples appeared, which
spread from the soles of Ills feet to the
crown of his head, and hniv'ing, devel
oped into huge sores.
At tin? height of this development he
was taken to Boston and to the special
ist. who pronounced the disease as pem
phigus, whose origin is shrouded in mys
tery. Some medical writers ascribe it
to a nervous shock and others again fo
sonic gastric disturbances, but all agree
that it is fatal. Feathers, who is only
•JO years old. will receive every atten
tion'that' money ran procure, hut will be
1 bliged to live in a bathtub for weeks to
1 .nne unless death ends his sufferings
A Self-Supporting Park.
Following the example of many Euro
ties, Los Angeles, t 'a!., will turn
t Iriifith park, with an area of MOOti acres
of brush land, into a commercial b rest.
Four experts, with a view t. convert!: g
this practically waste piece of land jn'o
a productive forest, made a eoinpre. eii
sl ve planting i hn-e for the trees, w ieh
u iil not oiii v pit v for im cultivation and
• • : irmigi the -.1 • of mature tiiithe?.
?,itf will to’ ive a constant source id
■ 1 least!re and ps Tearion im'the eiliza
I~q \ngeles Los Atlgeh'S is the first
\merieiin city to adopt this plan, but it
s predicted that oil er municipalities m
tiii- country will > -in lollow in its !•- t
Didn’t Black King’s Boots.
IT-■! Kacik of San Francis* *.
bootblack who went to England to fulfill
his ambition to shine King Edward's
hoots, was obliged to content himself by
perfoiming that office tor the Lord
Mavor of London. Baeik went to Buck
ingham palace and got past the police
men at the entrance gales, hearing a Id
ler he had written to Lord Kni.llys, ask
ing his assistance in placing hint -elf
po.v sieally and fignrativ iy at tl e King's
ct. Lo Km refused, to
A Tmhhlb with RolD’C.
There is something fairly den ml
a (tal in the way eoffee sone' ties
wreaks its fiendish malic.’ on raise
who use it.
A lady w riting from ('alifornhi says;
“My husband and I, both 1 "• rs of
coffee, suffered for some Uine it 'in a
very annoying form of nervousne-—. t''-
companiotl by most frightful be.id
aches. In my own case tb.eC'* was
eventually developed mum* sort of 'P
fei’tiou of the nerves leading fr-.im the
spine to the head.
"I was unable to bob! my head up
straight, the tension ot the nerves
drew it to one side, eu. using me the
most intense pain. We got no relief
from medieine. and were puttided as ,o
what c.iused tin* trouble, tilt a frii'iid.
BKe - I that i> issibly the coffee w
drank had ssnnetbiuij to do with it,
and advised that 'Ati it and try
I’ostnm Coffee.
"We fid’Jnwt'd bis adrlre, and from
the day that wo began to use Pos'iun
wo both began to improve, and n a
very slioirt time bath of us were entire
ly relieved. The nerves tieeame steady
once more, the bead.iehes reused, the,
Binsehat in tier ha k of my neck relax
ed, tny head straightened up nnd th
drea'ffnl paiu tliat had so punished un
while I used, the old kind oJ eufUe
' We hare nev->r resumed the ive of
tie- Old eoffee, tint relish 'Sir I’ost nn
every day as well as wo did the f armer
beverage. An! we are JrligUled tt>
Mil l that we ran give it. freely 1> our
i hildren also, somellurg w<* never
dare 1 t > do with the old kind of eof.
fee ” Name given by I’ostuui * " . I' ,l>
tie Creek. Mieh.
I’ostmn Coffe.- eontaliis absolutely
no drugs of any hind, but relieves tho
eniTee drink' 1 flnlll ttlO 'till dfUs POl-
There's a reason

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