OCR Interpretation

The Manitowoc tribune. [volume] (Manitowoc, Wis.) 1866-1878, March 21, 1867, Image 1

Image and text provided by Wisconsin Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033153/1867-03-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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O. B. SMITS, & CO. Proprietors.
min awaar, o. . surra, w. trox.
~~ la Advance.
(Twelve lines or less make a Square.!
J 3w 1 4w 1 8w I 3m ( 6m | ly’
failure I SIJW | $2.00 i 33.50 ] 55.00 1 $B.OO j 12.0*
I 2.50 1 3.00] 4.50 I 6.00 | 10.00 | 16.**
| 5.00 | “6.00 | 'iid ft 2.00 | 20.00 | 25*0
i ROO ) IAoO fpijpo fJ&BO | 2f1.00£44Mh)
1 CrtaumT Tta-'Wty ** | 30.001 ■85.00 | 40*0 ( fi.oo
Thomas windtate. proprietor.
This first class house is in xcellent condi
tion and the proprietor is confident that he
■ Fir# perfect satisfaction to the traveling
A Buss will always be foand ready to take
travelers to and from the bsats. A good Liv
•eryStable is kept in connection with the House
1 12-51
eos.iMOPOLiT.iJr motel.,
By n. scmallenbeck & co.
Corner of Seventh and Franklin Streets,
(Sonth Side.) Manitowoc, Wis"onsin.
The above new and ctmodions Hotel is now
•pan for tho reception of guesU. It is fitted np
In tke latent and most improved style, and no
Rains will ho spared to make it an agreeable
•ad comfortable home for the travelling public.
M. *BBLI.iiSBKCK, [l3-26] C. G- SSSLISOKB.
jr. n. .V./RKH.MT.
Attorney and counselor
t Law. Office, corner of Bth and Quay
•Streets,’ Manitowoc, Wisconsin. 2-S
\ TTORNEY AT LAW. Manitowoc,
.a V. Wisconsin. Office ea Eighth Street
-•verthie First National Bank Jyl9'6s
s. .j. roost,
~XT\. at Law. Land and Insurance Agent.
’Will attend promptly to all business entrust
ed to bis care. Office corner of Eighth and
Vroaklln Streets, Manitowoc, Wis. Agency
for the JEtna Insurance Cos., of Hartford, ft.
Capital stock f.100.000. 4-lltf
n.i.niLTo.v a tre.lt,
-X3L at Law. Offico on York atrosi, Manito
woc, Wisconsin. Collections promptly attend
ed to. 10-52
Attorney and counselor
at Law, Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
Ageut for the Phoenix Life Insurance fora
l>any. 13:20tf
Iluebner's building, corner of Eighth
and York Sts. Manitowoc, Wis.
Will make eollectiuus, pay taxes, search the
records, draw deeds, mortgages and contracts.
An., Ac. All business will receive prompt at'
teiifcion. My 15.
nF.msTn i\
Dr. a. j. patciien. dentist.
Office in Sherman’s new building, on Bth :
Street, Manitowoc. Wis. 11-31 j
JSiT'Teeth extracted without pain.
MM. S. Mi.M 1.C0.n, .71. p„
SIGNS, appointetl hy the Government.
OFFICE on York Street, in the building !
formerly occupied by the Banking firm of i
Kuehn A Cos.
Orders left at the Drug Store, will receive !
prompt attention.
Particular attention paid to conmlta- i
*4(0118 and tc the treatment of DIFFICULT ■
*nd CRITICAL CASES. 12-2‘J 1
jr. c. j iJi.rso.i’.
'VTT GOODS, Of every description.
I am prepared to manufacture fall suits of
"Men and boys clothing t.a the shortest notice,
■ned s itisfaotion g jar intend. I employ the
■East workmen to be found and keep taro of
■Singer’s S'w’ng Machines constantly in use.
•EIGHTH iTdSEF, opposite Gonienow &
■Barnes. 12 -11
All kin Is of work - mo line if mv buxine; r
promptly b-t to and warranted to give
eatisfi -: m. I hav s jast it od a Win ;
ttshey's Multiidving CAMERA OBSCURA.
with which I can take small pictures of the
finest order, for one dollar per dose a. Phote-
Mfr.ayhs taken of all si/.Os. Albums and Frames
rcn'aally ou baud. York street, Manitowoc,
Wis. 13-4tf.
TAEAIERS in Bonks. Stationery ami
1 7 Fauci Goods, Publishers of the Man
itowoc Tribune, Agents for the Singers Sowing
Prince’s Melodooos, and several ol
(the * >st celebrated Piae > Fortes. Office and
Store, Bt.fi street, near National Bs.uk, Manito
•woe, Wis,
S. V.I.rDE/f SO.V.
in Hoots, Shoes, Leather. Ac., Ac.
Shoe on Eighth,near the corner of ontfajp Sreet
ißepairiug nea ly and promptly executed.
jManitowoe. Sept. 20 1865- dw-tf
St Flint Si KER.V.
YOIUv ST HE Hf, -Manitowoc. Wis.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crock
ery, Fancy flails, Glass ware, Boots and
Sillies, Rea ly made Clothing, Paper bangings.
Havs and Clips. T. y, Children Caps. Dive
Geese Feathers, Bird Cages. Kerosene **sl and
■Lamps, Ac, Ac. A share of public patronage
is solioilol.
JL. Si. J.r£SS Bica,
in Lumber, Luth. ami ‘■•hineles. Bill
,eHt Vo order .u short notice. Manitowoc. Wis
An. .toxiw. W. J}. JONES.
RET.SSL 7> fT* T 9 ~S 71 TS J’./RO.
TIE r 1 1 1 ;rsl :.u I :v.v prepared to fill
to order,bills ofl-l obi.- :t ••s'a an *b" sh >i:
-ft A Lihn will be ai- all timet* in thf
•varrl. rf. ir to wait on ot.- customers and re-'
waive their orders. The ben stock Vent constant
tv on hand it the mill, corner of Quay and fill
tirttv. 12 14 G 1.1 Lils .t dUOil X.
Dealer in s n >ves. tin sh let
Iron ami Coppenvaro m imifactnrer- .ait
kinds’ of repairing done. Eighth Street, oppo
site Office. 11-l v
Houses raised and moved.
tiering super: >r facilities for raising and
moving houses, wc would mr >U ice to tie ci j
tixous of Manitowoc (town and county) that :
lip- business entrusted to our care will recirc j
prompt atteiitiec, ami ha performed in a man- j
er warrants*-! to giro satisfaction. Enquire
•t the “Tribune” 0 ffice. iil-lti
jt'Rsm. ssi mmr it: is tut.
MEAT MARKET—Having pnrehas- |
ed the of Writ. Brown, I sh l i
lloreafter constantly keep on bau>l tbe choicest j
nuati at tbe lowest rates. A share of public \
patronage solicited. 13:17 j
Job Printing Office
Is now pro pat cd to do all kinds of
Plain and Fancy Work
In .manner WARRANTED to give satisfaction ■
I congva.Bt.lv beit g added to our stock which
i already the largest lu this part of the State j
TREH YEARS experience in the business, wc !
think we can sait all who will favor us with !
Ikeir work. Please call before going elsewheie.
VOL. 13.
Sfo iribuuc.
For /Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
Tlie 39th Congress left us with a Mil
itary Bill for the government of the
Southern States. It was the result of
much study, and we believe, was brought
into existence through a sincere desire to
bring peace and harmony to our entire
land. We are anxious now to see if it
will be executed. The Milwaukee Sen
tinel says the best law may be rendered
in operative or bad by executive incom
petency or perversity.
In the present case, the reconstruction
law may fail either through the inefficien
cy or hostility of district commanders.
There are a multitude ot devices by
which they can temporarily nulify the
law. They may conspire with the rebels
soastodefea: its provisions, at least tempor
arily, or by extreme severity in the exer
cise of their powers as commanders, they
may render the law itself odious. Wheth
er the practical workings of the law wiH
prove salutary or the reverse must there
fore depend upon the character of the
Those wishing to form a correct judge
ment as to the probability of the case, or
to watch the progress of events under the
law. will, for the reasons indicated, wish
to know who the commanders are,
districts they command, and what views
they entertain. We therefore repeat the
names and districts, in form convenient
for reference, from the telegraphic report
of yesterday morning.
/V/’.sf Disfrirf, consisting of Virginia—
Brevet Major General and. M. Schofield,
headquarters at Richmond, Va.
Second DixtricJ. consisting of North
and South Carolina—Maj. Gen. I). K.
Sickles, headquarters Columbia, S. C.
Third District, consisting of Georgia, |
Florida and Alabama —Maj. Gen. G. 11.
Thomas, headquarters at Montgomery,
Fourth District, consisting of Missis
sippi and Arkansas—Brevet Major Gen
eral E. 0. 0. Ord, headquarters at
Vicksburg, Miss.
Fifth District, consisting of ILouisiana
and Texas—Major General P. 11. Sheri
dan, headquarters at New Orleans.
The titles given to these commanders
express their rank in the volunteer ser
vice. In the regular army Sickles is a
Comuol, Fchuiicid and Ord arc Brigadier
Generals, and Thomas and Sheridan Ma
jor Generals.
No one will, we presume. In 1 disposed
to question the executive ability of any
of tiiese commanders, except Ord, who
is reputed to he a better drill master than
general. With this exception, we doubt
whether more capable men could have
been selected from the li-t to which the
rre-itent’s choice was confined. If the
law shall not he executed in letter and in
spirit, it will not be on account of any
want of executive ability in the district
commanders ; but solely because of their
own disinclination, or the failure of the
President tU give them a sufficient num
ber of troops, or to sustain them in carry
ing their orders into etl -ct. It is hardly
probable that the President will counter
mand any order not obviously improper,
or neglect applications for troops. As
1 we view the matter, therefore, the faith
ful execution of the law will depend
mainly upon the disposition of the com
manders. Upon this point we must
await developments. ,So far as wc are
able to conjecture, all, except perhaps
Ord, may he confidently relied upon.
Schofield was understood to be conset
vatm up to the time he took command
at Richmond, hut his experience in Vir
ginia is said to have wrought a complete
revolution in Lis sentiments, so that he
, may be counted a radical.
Sickles, though a Tammany democrat
before the war, mended his ways during
its progress, and is now understood to be
a staunch Republican. Our readers will
remember that lie issued an order last
summer, which was promptly counter
manded In* Andrew Johnson, forbidding
the civil authorities of South Uarolina to
punish by whipping. It is fair to infer
from this circumstance that he will not
hesitate to use bis authority as command
er iti the interest of justice and humanity.
I t is hardly necessary ro speak of Gen.
Thomas. At one tune, indeed, he was
supposed to Jean towards my policy - ; but
his noble orders, issued *o put. a stop) to
the persecution of loyal whites and freed
men in Tennessee, and the fact that he
lias been much talked of as the Republi
can candidate for the Presidency, abun
dantly assure us that he will not suffer
rebel authorities either to encourage or
countenance outrages upon the unionists
of his district.
About General Sheridan we can tell
our readers nothing new. They all re
member his testimony before the com
mittee of fifteen, and t hey have all read
his dispatches from New Orleans at the
time of the massacre, from which Mr.
Johnson tried in vain to eliminate the ex
pressions of fiery indignation. Phil.
Sheridan map - not advocate giving the
ballot to the negro, but he will not suffer
Mayor Muuroe and his assassin policy to
re-euact with impunity the bloody drama
of July 30th, so long as he is in com
The only commander we are at all in
clined to distrust is General Ord. We
think he lacks both the capacity and the
disposition to discharge properly the du
tic? to which he ha? bcc-0 assigned. We
She illamfanpoc Srtbnne.
are consoled, however, by the reflection
that he is Lut one of five; that inefficien
cy in the execution of the law will only
prolong military rule, and that Missis
sippi. one of the worst of the rebel states,
is included in his district.
On the whole, these appointments are
most gratifying. We are confident that
with such commanders the law will be
enforced, and the rebel states speedily
restored to their rights and privileges in
the Union. What we now need is the
M ilson or Trumbull .supplement With
that we may loot forward to the speedy
rebuilding of the Union upon the founda
tion of justice, with the corner stone of
slavery rejected, and that of freedom sub
stituted in its stead.
The election in the old Granite State,
resulted in a glorious victory fur tha Re-1
publicans who have swept every
thing before them. They elect the Gov
ernor, all the members of Congress, and
three fourths of both branches of the
legislature. This is as gre uying as
could be desired.
Destitution In tbe South.
The statement of General Howard,
commissioner of the freedman’s bureau
which was transmitted to the Senate by
the Secretary of War, states that 32,722
whites, and 24,238 colored people in the
South, will need food from some source
before the next crop can relieve them.
The number of rations for one month is
1,070,000; for five months, the probable
time required, 8,53-5,750. at 25 cents per
ration, the estimated cost will be $2,133,-
750. Of this, $025,060 have been ap
propriated, leaving $1,508,750 to be pro
vided for the destitute and are appor
tioned as follows; Virginia, 2.500 whites,
2.600 blacks; North Carolina, 3.000
whites, 2,0t0 blacks; South Carolina, 5,-
000 whites, 5,000 blacks; Alabama, 10,-
000 whites, .5,000 blacks; Florida, 500
whites, 1,000 blacks; Georgia. 7,500
1 whites, 500. blacks; Tennessee, 1,000
whites, 1,000 blocks; Mississippi 1,862
whites, 2.038' blacks; Arkansas, 1,000
whites, 500 blacks; Louisiana.3oo whites
200 blacks.
The Janesville Gazette says from the
above statement it will be seen that the
whites of the South who are to lie kept
j from starvation by the charity of the
1 government, exceed the number of eoi
j ored people who are destitute, by eight
1 thousand. In addition to the assistance
I rendered by the free Jmeu’s bureau, the
i people of many Northern cities have
j scut large quantities of provisions, cloth
| ing, seed- and other articles to their late
jen -oeo"-' -if the South. No other comment
than this destitution is needed upon ihe
lazy and shiftless habit? of a people bred
1 under the demoralizing institution of
j chaftle slave y, Two years after the
war is dosed, in a country noted for its
fertility and salubrity of climate, wo find
I 30,000 of them begging broad. If they
could be in raced to spend as much time
in raising corn and bacon as they do in
talking politics, they would be all the
; richer and happier for : t.
The Reform Question in England—lts
latest Phases.
The question of a reform in Parlimen
tary representation in England is now
i creating an agitation in that country as
intense and pervading as that which was
witnessed here over slavery in former
| years. The Ministry have finally ahan
-1 doned the. vague resolutions originally
' proposed, and Mr. Disraeli, the Chancel
i lor of the Exchequer, on the 25th ult.,
in a speech in the House of Commons,
i proposed to bring in a bill adopting four
new franchises in boroughs: Ist, au jed
' ueational franchise; 2d, permitting a
vote to those who have had £3O in a sav
ings bank for one year; 3d, any one
I worth £SO in the funded debt of the
country to be entitled to a vote; Ith.
I every one who pays 20 siblings a year
direct taxation to have a vote. He also
said the government would be ready to
reduce the franchise to £6 rating in
boroughs, and £2O rating in counties.
These changes would, he estimated, give
over 400,000 new voters.
John Bright followed in a powerful
speech, excoriating the temporizing
character of the proposed reform bill.
He declared that it unsettled everything
and settled nothing; that it merely touch
ed the lips but left the palate dry; and
broadly intimated that there would be no
cessation of the clamor for reform until
manhood suffrage was the law of the realm.
... ■ ■■ - ♦
New Paper.—We have received the
first number of a paper just started at
Sheboygan Falls, called the Northwestern
Record. It is an eight column sheet, well
edited and typographically all that can
be desired. We hope the good people
of Sheboygan Falls will have enterprise
enough to sustain it, for a good paper
will do more towards building up a town
than any one thing to be thought of The
publishers are Messrs. Littlefield, Straub
& Conner.
The Emperor of Russia has issued a
ukase extending the emancipation of
serfs to Milgrilia.
—The California end of the Pacific
Railroad will be higher than the passes
of the Alps. The grade of Cisco, 93
miles from Sacremento and 14 from Alta,
the present terminus of the passenger
trains, is 5,911 feet above the level of
the sea, only 315 less than the top of
Mount Washington, the higest peak of
the White Mountains, and the highest
land in New England. When the grade
reaches the Summit station, 12 1-2 miles
from Cisco, it will be 7,042 feet above
the ocean, 816 feet higher than the sum
mit of Mount W T ashington, and higher
than all but one of the world-renowned
passesa of the Alps
The Arkansas river has cut through at j
Lake Jefferson and an immense amount
of damage has been done. I
A man named James Olden, of Fonta
nello, lowa, froze to death on the prairie
near his home recently.
The Internal Revenue receipts contin
ue very low, being about $400,000 on the
13th inst.
A man named John F. Rencer, has ab
sconded from Columbus City, lowa, with
$30,000 of other people’s money.
The European powers have failed to
agree upon a plan for adjusting the east
ern difficulties.
Turkey is sending forward reinforce
ments for the vigorous prosecution of the
war in Caadia.
The yellow fever is prevailing at Pana
ma. Sixteen deaths have occurred on
the United States steamship James
Col. Levi C Turner, Judge Advocate
of the M ar Department, died in Wash,
ington on the 14th inst.
The United States Senate yesterday
passed a resolution eexluding alcoholic
liquors from the capitol building.
The Board of Health of New York
have issued a circular warning the public
of the approach of the cholera this sum
Gov. Dillingham has called an extra
session of the ermont Legislature, to
convene on the 27th inst.
A boiler in the Novelty works at Brock -
ville, C. W., exploded on the 14th inst..
killing three men.
The diptheria has broken out in the
deaf and dumb asylum in Columbus, 0.,
so badly that the school is suspended
and the pupils are being sent home.
The report that the City of Mexico
has been captured by the Liberals is con-
traded —as Mexican reports generally
I are.
Canada is excited by rumors of anoth
er intened Fenian raid across the border
from St. Aibaiis, Vt. Military prepara
tion.* are being made, to resist it.
Paris advices of the 15th state that
the Exposition will be opened informally
on the Ist of April. The inaugural cere
monies will occur subsequently.
Large and enthusiastic Fenian meet
ings were held at Detroit and Boston last
week, and a considerable sum of money
realized to l*e forwarded to Ireland.
A man named John R. Pound lias
mysteriously disappeared at Chicago un
der circumstances that create the suspi
cion that lie has been foully dealt with.
A London dispatch says the Fenian
troubles in Ireland are not yet ended.
Four British OTinboat- have been sent to
the neighborhood of Dublin.
On Thursday night a descent was made
by the police of Chicago upon two keno
dens on Randolph street, one at Xo. si.
and the other at No. 100. Between six
ty nnd seventy person* were taken.
The Committee on Territories, in the
present Congress, will again report in
favor of the admission of Colorado as a
state, surd it U believed the measure
could now be carried over ihe President’s
31 aj or General Hancock will start a
military expedition from Fort iieaven
wortli next Saturday, against the hostile
Indians of Kansas and Nebraska, i He
has issued orders to all emigrant trains
across the Plains to organize and arm
Late Mexican dispatches estimate the
entire Libera! army at 45,000, and the
Imperial at 55.000. 3laximillian's army,
of which he is in immediate command,
consists of 14,700 men, and Escobedo’s
force is 32,000. 3larquez has taken com
mand of the troops at the City of Mexi
A dispatch from Nashville estimates
the loss of property from the freshet on
the Tennessee river at one million dollars.
The citizens are represented as being in
a condition of actual starvation. Hous
es arc floating away and many lives have
been lost. -■
The house of a 3lr. *f?uell, of Jeffer
son, ten miles from Chicago, on the
Northwestern railroad, was entered by
four men ou the night of the 12th inst.,
and a sum of money, Irorn six to ten
thousand dollars, stolen. The robbers
have not been apprehended.
We have further particulars concern
ing the wreck of the Golden Sunset in
the Pacific. One seaman was killed, the
rest of the rew and passengers having
arrived at San Francisco. The disaster
was owing to the incorrectness of the
An Ogdensburg dispatch states that
the Canadian authorities are strenghen
ing their garrison at Fort Wellington, in
expectation of an attack by the Fenians.
A large number of strangers are travel
ing in that direciion, and it is generally
helieved that anew Fenian movement is
Official dispatches have been received
in New York from the Fenian movement
in Ireland, stating that all demonstra.
tions so far have been mere feints. A
great outbreak is about to be inaugura
ted, with every anticipation of success.
Stephens is in Paris, but is not connected
with the revolution.
A civil suit at Hastings, Minnesota,
against Thomas Eagan, murderer of a
soldier in Dakota county, ;n 1864, result
ed in a verdict of $1,846 damages to the
widow of the murdered man. Eagan had
previously beet’ tried for murder, and
acquitted by his copperhead neighbors on
the jury
Yho building at Nos. 46, 48 and 60
Dearborn street, Chicago, occunjpd pj-j
- ?! w Jonef.' larse papcf I
was itealy destroyed by fire on the night
of the 14th. The Journal office was
damaged, and had a narrow escape from
total destination. The losses are about'
as follows:. Jones, between $BO,OOO and
$90,00; Juige Dickey, who owned the i
building $1^ 000; C. L. Wilson, $50,000
—all of width are covered by insurance.
It is asserted by some gentlemen who
have thecouffiJence of the President, that
he will hereafter appoint none to office
except Demo!rats, and the Senate may
do as it pleasis about confirming them;
and that if offices are left without any
proper custodians, it will be the fault oj
the Senate.
A horrible double murder is reported
as having occurred recently in the town
of Sarcoxie, Missouri. A feud of long
standing existed between two brothers,
named Jacob and Johnston Barnack. —
(In the occasidh ot the tragic occurrence
they met near the residence of the elder
brother, and instantly commenced firing
at each other. Having emptied two re
volvers each. they clinched and beat each
other with the Luts of their pistols.—
: When they were found one was dead and
j the other mortally wounded.
The House on the Isth spent over two ;
hours on the New Fork Custom House !
>aud Collector fchnythc. Mr. Uuiburd
■ made a very damaging assault upon Lira, j
! and in the whole House there war no one j
ito defend him. Fernando Wood attemp-;
' ted to do so. but, before he was through
|did him more injury than did Mr- Hul
i burd. The House finally unanimously
came ro the conclusion to appoint a Com
mittee on Public Expenditures at once,
i and Mr.,Hulburd asserted that he had
j more testimony, upon which he could
j convict Mr. Smythe of enough to war
[ rant his Impeachment. Mr; Covode
wanted to know if it could not be in five
days, as il was evident that Mr' Smythe
was not a fit person to have the custody
of New York commercial interests six
months longer, and Mr Hulburd replied,
promptly, that be could if he had a quo
rum of the committee.
Jacob S. Bugh, has been confirmed by
the Senate as Assessor of Internal Revel
nue for the sth District of Wisconsin.
Tub Flood. —The river at Memphis is
|43 miles wide. The Laconia circle which
jis protected by private levees,is still safe.
These levees inclose 18,000 acres, princi
pally owned by the Johnsons, Flournays
and Blackburns, of Kentucky.
The towns of Helena, Ark., and Fri
jar s Point, Miss., are still submerged in
j water from 4 to 15 feet deep, the inhabi
j taats living in the second stories of their
house.; . Great suffering and destitution
prevail. The loso in stock along the riv
er has been immense.
Convention of Publishers.
Pursuant to notice given, a meeting of
the publishers of Wisconsin took place
at the capitol, in the city of Madison on
: Thursday the J4ib of March, 1867. fur the
! purpose os taking such measures as shall
; remedy the existing monopoly ou priut
i ing paper.
| - On motion of W. H. Farnham, A. J.
j High.of the Monroe Sentinel, was elected
! chairman, and on motion of 1). A. Pulci
fer, J. 31. Brackett, of the Chippewa
Times, was chosen secretary.
The chairman briefly stated the object
of the meeting, and warmly urged the
necessity of a prompt action in the mat
ter on the part of the publishers of the
W. J. Whipple offered the following
resolution, which was unanimously adop-
I ted;
Resolved, That a committee of five be
appointed, comprised of publishers of
, newspapers in this State, to make such
: inquiries and investigations in reference
to the purchase or building of a pewspa
per manufacturing establishment by a
joint-stock company of otherwise, and
make such other examinations upon which
they can make a favorable report if pos
sible, that .vill have a tendency to the re
duction of io present exorbitant prices
on printinapaper in this State, and that
the sai<l cfumittceavill report the result
of their investigations at the Editorial
j Convention, who !i commences at Sparta,
• Mas., on the 19th of June next.
On motion of J. Hazcltine, of the
] Richlamf Republican, the following coru
; mittee were appointed:
i W If. Farnham, of the Sparta Eagle;
i H. Kublee.of the Madison Journal; M m.
|E. Cramer, of the Milwaukee W iscoiieiu;
i A. J. High, of the Monroe Sentinel.and
H. A. Taylor, of the Hudson Star &
On motion of J. A. Watrous, of the
Jackson County 7 Banner, the several
newspapers of the State are requested to
publish the proceedings of this conven
On motion of Samuel Fifield, of the
Polk County Press, the convention ad-
Ijourned' ’ A. J. High, Ch’u.
J. 31. Brackett, Secy.
— — .
From Mexico.
New York, March 18.
Maximilian is reported at Queretaro,
at the head of 9,000 men, with Miramon,
Marquese. and 3lejia.
The liberal advance guard, under Es
cobedo, is 13 miles distant, with the main
army of 13,000 in close proximity. A
j battle is considered imminent.
Puebla and Vera Cruz are surrounded
by liberals and will be captured by them
as soon as the French embark.
The Custom-House has been delivered
by the French to the imperialists, subject
to a monthly report of $50,000. Several
influential citizens of Vera Cruz have
been sent to Yucatan. Bazaine is ex
pected to embark March 15.
Juarez was at Zacatecas, which fact
disaproves the statement of Miramon’s
victory there.
Morelia and Burmava were occupied
by the liberals.
Gen. Diaz was being reinforced near
Puebla by liberal troops.
There was no communication between
Mexico and Puebla and Vera Cruz
O ver 11,000 French troops had embark
ed prior to the Ist inst.
Maximilian was frequently attacked en
route to Quertaro, and one of his person
al staff lulled.
£_£bedo executed }OO french prison-
Manitowoc, March 11, 1807. J
Salt, per brl 3,00
Fork, live cwt 4.00aJ,00
dressed e,00u8,00
Beef, on foot 4}£aJ%
dressed 8,00
Sheep, per head 4,00
White Fish, hlfbrl 7,00
Hides, green 7aB
dry IflalT
Hay, per ton 14,00a16,00
Wood, per cord 2,50a3,50
Lumber, common 16,00
star or A nawed 3,00a3,50
“ “ shared 3,00*3,10
Lath per M 2,J0
Pickets 10,6
Wheat, winter t3.QOa2.Ki
“ spring 1,90a300l
Rve l,00el,2(l
O its 60a65
Peas 80el,0O
buck Wheat SOaSO
Beans 8,00a3,00
Timothy Seed 2,3 k
Rape Seed 8,00e3,00
Flex Seed 1,00e1,75
Potatoes 60a70
Egps, per dozen 18a2u
Butter, per lb 80a23:
winter, per bl. 18.50 J
spring 9.00a11.00i
Meal per cwt 2,50a3,00
.t> advertisements.
Grand Concert
i 1. Union March, tt. Bieling.
i 2. Chorus, Der Barde, £. Baiter.
3. Violin ISo lo. Tarn,
4. u. I Remember Well, Soprano
Solo Thomas.
o. Soprano end Alto Solo, Mrabs
PART 11.
6. Overture, Don Giovanni, A. Moxart.
7. Finnic, Don Giovanni, Ist pert, “
8. Alto Solo, •/Adelaide’* Beethoven.
D. Violin Solo, Starschncr.
10. Schlossen Chorne, T. Otto,
11. Mepiiistu Quadrille, G. Bieling.
Door* open at 7 o’clock P. M. Performance
to commence at 8 o’clock.
TX PROBATE —Manitowoc Cos., Court. |
JL In the matter of the estate of William !
kjoats, dsceased.
On reading and filing the datition of Gottlieb j
Lutze of Centerville, representing, among (
other things, that William Kyn&zs, late f the ■
town of Meewie on the nineteenth day.of March ;
A. I>. 1867, at the town of Meeme, died intes
tate, leaving goods, chattel* and estate within
this State, and that the said petitioner ii a
friend of said deceased and praying that ad
ministration of said estate be to him granted,
It is ordwrd that said nrtition be beard before
the Judge of this Court, on Aloud ty, the m
teenlh bay of April A. D. 1867, at 10 o'clock
A. M., at my office in said Oounty.
Ordered further, that notice thereof be given
to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons
interests i. by publishing a copy of this order
for three suec ssivo weeks prior t' 1 said day of
hearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune a weekly
newspaper published at Manitowoc in said
GEO. W. BARKER,County Judge.
THted at Manitowuc, ihe 20th day of Alaiab
A. I). 1*67. 48 3 w
TX PROBATE, Manitowoc Cos., Court.
JL State of Wisconsin, Manitowo County.
In the matter of the estate ot Valentine
Meyer, deceased.
On this 16th day of March, A. D. 1867,up0n
reading and filing the petition of Nicholas
Meyer, Administrator of the estate of said
deceased, stating that ho has fully administer
ed said estate, and praying that a lime and
place be fixed for examining and allowing his
final account as such administrate', and that
said account be examined.
It is ordered,that said application be heard,
before me, at the Probate Office, in the Town
and County of Manitowoc, on the eighth day
of April A. D. 1867, at 10 o’clock A. M.
And it is further ordered, that notice of such
application and bearing be given by publish
ing a copy of this order for three successive
weeks, in the Manitowuc Tribune, a newspa
per printed in said Town and County prior to
said hearing. By the Court.
GEO. W. BARKER, Cos .nty Judge.
Dat-.'l March 16rh 1'67. 48-3 w
at 1 ;
r X PROBATE, Manitowoc Cos. Court.
-L In the matter of the estate of Henry Ostero
On reading and filing the petiHon of Catharina
Fender ol Liberty, representing, among other
things, that Henry Ostero late of Liberty
Wisconsin on the 4th day of September, A. D.
Is6o. at Liberty died intestate, leaving
goods, chattels and estate within this elate and
county and thnt the said petitioner is the late
widow of said d.ceased, aud praying that ad
ministration of said estate he to John Rchutte
granted, il is ordered that the said petition be
heard before the Judge of this Court, on Mon
day the Lo:h day of April, A. I>. XSO7, at ten I
o’clock A. AI., at Manitewoc in said county,
Ordered further, that notice thereof be given |
to the Uei's of said deceased and to all persons j
interested, by publishing a copy of this order I
for three successive weeks prior to said day ol
bearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune, a Weekly
Newspaper printed and published at Manito
woc, in said county. By the Court.
GEO W. BARKER, County Judge.
Dated at Manitowoc, the 18th day of March
A. D. 1867. 48-3 w
J X PROBATE, Manitowoc Cos. Court.
JL Xu the matter of the estate ol Joseph Loeb
On reading and filing the petition of Knes
tine Loeb of Manitowoc, representing among
uther things, that Joseph Loeb late of Mani
towoc, on the 10th day of March, A. D. 1867,
at Manitowoc, died intestate, leaving goods,
chattels and estate within this State, and that
the said petitioner is the widow of said
deceased, and praying that administration of
said e-late be to her granted, it is ordered that
said petition be beard before the Judge of this
Court, on Monday the Bth day of April, A. 11.
1867, at 10 o’clock A. M. at my tffice in said
Ordered further, that notice thereof be given
to the belts of said deceased and all pcsone
interested, by publishing a copy of this order
for three successive weeks prior to said day of
hearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune, a weekly
newspaper printed and published at Manitowoc
in said county. By the Court.
GEO. W. BARKER, County Judge.
Dated at Alanitowoo the 18th day of March,
A. D. 1867. 48-3 w
Judicial Election.
Office of the Secretary of State,
Madison, Wisconsin.
Notice is hereby given, that an election will
be held on the 2d day of April, 1867, in the
several Towns, Wards and .Election Precincts
of the State of Wisconsin, for Associate Justice
of the Supreme Court, to succeed the Hon.
Orsamus Cole, whose term will expire on the
' 31st day of May, 1867.
The election to be conducted, votes canvas
sed, and returns made pursuant to law
In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my
( , —, 1 hand and affixed the Great Seal
L. S. V of the State of Wisconsin, at the
(—, —■ J Capitol in Madison, this 28th day
of February, 1867.
THOS. S. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
County of Manitowoc. j
I, Hubert T. Blake, Sheriff of Manitowoc
County, do hereby certify that the above is a
true copy of the notice for a Judicial election
served upon me by the Secretary of State of
the State of Wisconsin and now on file at my
Shxmtf’s Office, Maxiiowoc Cos., Wis,, >
Jlaxiiowoc, March 6th, 1867, >
To the Inspectors of Election in the several towns,
wards and election precincts of the county of Man
itowoc, in the State of Wisconsin.
Take notice that an election will be held in the
seuerai towns, wards and precincts in said county of
Manitowoc, on Tuesday the second day of April next
pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in the fore
going notice. ROBERT T. BLAKE,
46-4 t Sheriff Manitowoc Co- TV is.
The Copartnership heretofore existing ander
the name and firm oI'MENDLIK A WAIRoBS
is this day dissolved by inntaal aonsent. The
business will be continued by JOHN ME 'iD
LIK, who will pay all debts owing by the late
firm, and who is authorised to collect and re
ceipt for all demands due and owing to said
late firm. JOHN MENDLIK,
474 w N. S. WATstOUS.
Dated Manitowoe March 13, 1867.
Ray’s Arithmetics*
WITH Keys to Higher and 3d Fart, have
boon received at the
riUSKtlir BOOKTO** _
NO. 48.
Shingle, Stave fc Barrel Machinery
Comprising Shingle Mills, Heading Mills,
Shingle and Heading Jointers, Stave Jointers,
Stare Cntters, Heading Rounders and Planers,
Equalising and Cut off-Saws, Ac. All new ef
ear own manufacture, and warranted.
iBR, Send for Illustrated List.
282 * 284 Madison St., Chicago, 111,
County of Manitowoc, j
Villasi: Clkkk's Office,
Manitowoc, March 19, 1887.
Notice is hereby given in accordance with
the requirements of the Village Charter, that
a General election will be held on Tuesday
the 2d da. of April, 1867, for the purpose of
electing the following officers to-wit:
One Village President, one Village Treasu
rer, and three Trustee" for each ward, and that
the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mani
towoc has appointed the following persoi s to
conduct said election to-wit ;
In and for the Ist Ward.
Clerks of Flection—August Richter, A. M.
Judges of RleoHnu—Cb'Mler Buel, John
Scbuette, Don Boehmer.
In and for the 2d Ward.
Clerks of Election—James Leonard, C. B.
Judges of Election—W. W. Waldo, Edward
Rand, C. L>. Fulton
In and fur the Sd Ward.
Clerks of Election—Curl H. Schmidt, F. A.
Judges of Election—A. Ganger, M. Vollon
dorf, H. Westphal.
And that the following places for bolding
said election wore designated, to-wit;
In the Ist Ward, at the Council Room.
In the 2d Ward, at B- .1 ones' office, York st.
In the 3d Ward, at H, Westphal’s dwelling
house, on Washington t., between 14th and
1 Dth streets.
The polls will be opened at 9 and closed at
12 o’clock A. M. Opened again at 1 and
closed at 4 o'clock P, M.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
A. M. RIC HTER, Clerk.
SALE. In Probate
VA Manitowoc County Court.
In the matter ol the Guardianship of the
minor heirs of John L-mpkc deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in
pursuance oi an Order of License, made in
-aid matter, on the Eleventh day of March A.
D. 1867, by the County Court of said County,
the undersigned Guardian of the minor heirs
of said deceased, will, on Monday the Eighth
day of April, A. D. 1567, at 10 o’clock in the
forenoon of said day, at the office of the Coun
ty Judge, in the Village of Manitowoc, in said
county, offer for sale, at Public Vendue, the
following decribed Lands, to wit: The
north twenty-six acres, of the south east quar
ter of the north west quarter of section No.
twenty-eight, (23) of township No. eighteen
(18) north of Range No. twenty-three (23;
east and being in said county of Manitowoc.
The terms of Sale will be made knewn at
the time and place of sale.
HENRY MEYER, Guardian, Ac.
Dated at Manitowoc the 11th day of March,
A. D. 1867. 4J>3w
SALE. In Probate
V-A Manitowoc County Court
In the mu'ter of the Guardianship of the
minor heirs of Cord Meyer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and
In pursuance of an Order of License, made iu
said matter, on the 11th day of March, A.
D. 1867, by the County Court, of said County,
the undersigned Guardian of the minor heirs
of said deceased, will on Monday the Eight
day of April, A, D. 1867, at ten o’clock in the
forenoon of said day, at the office of the County
Judge in ths Village of Manitowoc in said
County, offer for sale, at public vendue, the
following described lands-, to-wit ■ The boat!.
Bast quarter of the South Fast quarter, and
the west-half of the South East quarter, and
the west half of the south ea-'t quarter of sec
tion No thirty-two (32), town No twenty (26)
north of range No. twenty-four (24) east. Al
so fourteen (14) rods off from the west-side of
the North East quarter of the south east quar
ter of said section number thirty-two (32.)
The term; of sale nil be made known at
the time and place of sate.
Guardians, Ac.
Dated at Manitowoc the 11th day oi March.
A. D. 1867. 47-3 w.
IN PROBATE, Manitowoc Cos. Court.
In the matter of the estate ol Henry \Y.
Chamberlain, deceased.
On reading and filing the petitions of Ed
ward Decker, of Kewaunee, Win .representing
among other things, that on the 23d day of
{September, A. D. 1863, at Kewaunee, Wis.,
the said deceased contracted to convey to one
Jacob Cup the premises known and described
as follows, to-wit: The W half of SW quar
ter, section 2, in township ]So. 22, north of
range twenty-three (23) in the County of Ke
wansss, Wiscsnsln : Tha’ at the place afore
said to-wit, on the 16th day of February, 1866,
the said Jacob Cup for a valuable consideration
to him in hand paid by Edward Decker, sold,
assigned and trsnsfered unto the said Edward
Dicker, of Kewaunee aforesaid,-the said con
tract and the er.id petitioner cliirning that he
is entitled to a conveyance of said premises
and pruyin' that Harriet W. Chamberlin, ad
ministratrix of said estate be authorized and
directed by decree of this Court, to make and
execute a conveyance of said premises to him
the said petitioner.
And said petitioner further represents in said
second petition, that on the 23d day of Sep
tember, A, D. 1863, at Kewaunee Wis., the
said deceased contracted to convey to one Jo
seph Haasl the premises known and described
as follows, to-wit: The E half of the SW quar
ter, n f section number 2, in township number
22, north of range number 23, in the County
of Kewaunee, Wis., that at the place aforesaid
to wit: on the 4th day of February 1867, the
said Joseph Haasl for a valuable consideration
to him in hand paid by Edwa and Decker, sold
assigned A transfered nnto the said Ed. Decker
of Kewaunee aforesaid, the sa-d contract and
the said petitioner claiming that he is entitled
to a conveyance of all the above descrioed
premises, and praying that Harriet W. Cham
berlin, administratrix of said estate be autho
rized and directed by decree of t his Court te
make and execute a conveyance of all said
premises to him the said petitioner, it is order
ed that said petition be beard before the Judge
of this Court, oa Monday, the 22d day of
April A. D. 1867, at 10 o’clock A. M., at his
office in said county.
Ordered further that notice therefore be giv
en tu the heirs of said deceased and to all per
sons interested, by publishing a copy of this
order for six successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Tribune, a
weekly newspaper printed aud puoiiihsd at
Manitowoc, in said County.
By the Court. GEO. W. BARKER.
County Judge.
Dated at Manitowos tha 12 th day of March
A. D. 1867. 47-6 w.
Notice to Bnilders.
Sealed proposals will be received by the un
dersigned until Monday, Mareh 25th, 1867, at
noon, for the Construction of a School House,
in School District So. 7, Town of Manitowoc.
Said House to be of briek, 55X30 fiet. two
storiec high each room to be 11 feet high in
side, with foundation of Quarry stone, and
stone or marble watertable and window sills,
the joist to be fully supported by good timber
and the roof well supported, and the whole
building completed in the bsst workmenlike
manner. The contract will include the erec
tion of outhouses and the digging of a well.
Plans and specifications may be seen in the
office of the undersigned Clerlg^
The Board agrees to pay the contractor In
cash from moneys collected for school purpo
ses, not necessary to keep up the Sehoo! cl tha
District for the ensuing year.
The building must be completed before the
first of September next.
A committee of builders will superintend the
Manitowoc, March 11, 1867.
The District Board.
CHAS. TKOST, Director.
KO PAJfKfcATjfc,
C. Z- SCHMIDT, Oiort,
jinm JMfmm Wwiwrti*
Aa OlltaftMt totVnr Tm.
Am tprimg apprornokm
Jmto cmd Roaohtt
From flkeiV kolm cmi ml|
AmA Mioo mmd Mm*
Jm ipito of Ob%
Omilf tkif mkout.
••18 yeert established in N. T. City*
“Only infallible remedies known."
“Free from poisons."
“Not dangerous to the Human Family; -
“Rati cone oat of their ’tolee to die ”
I ‘Costw's’ * R&tjßsacli) fcc. l Eztono*s
Ia paate—used.or Rats, >iice, Roachoe,
Black and Red Ants; Ac., Ac.
“Costar’s” Bed-Bug Exterminator
la a liquid or wash— used to destroyed
alio aa a preventive for Bed-Buga.Ac.
“ColwV Electric Powder for Insects
ia tor Moths. Mosquitoes,Fleas,Ben Bugs,
Insects on plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac!
AM •' '■ ! Beware ! ! !of all worthless imitations
Jh® Sae that “Costir’i" sain is on each box,
bottle, and flaek, before yon bay.
484 Broadway, N. Y.
| Solv. in MaoHowee, Wle., by O R. Bacoa
A Ce. and T. A J. Robinson, and all Druggist*
and Retailers everywhere.
For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, VToinds, Boils, Can
cers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding,
Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid
and 111-conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular
Swellings, Eruptions. Cut neous Affections,
Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains,,
ic.j Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac ; Bites of Spi
ders, Inseets, Animals, Ac., Ac.
Boxes, 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 sizes.
Sold by all Druggists everywhere.
Rm- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot
484 Broadway, N. Y.
And by O. R. Bacon A Jo., and T. AJ.
Robinson, Manitowoc, Wis.
For Corns. Runi.as, Warts, Me.
fSB' Boxes, 35 els., 50 cts., and $1 sizes.
by all Druggists every where-.
And by HENRY K. COSTAR. Depot 8t
Broadway, N. Y., and by O. R. Bacon A Cos. r
and T. k J. Robinson, Manitowoc, Wis.
Preparation of
Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossom#
For Beautifying the Complextion.
Used to -Soften and Beautify the Skin, re
move Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, Ac.
Ladies are non- using it in preference to nil
by all Druggists everywhere.
And by HENRY K. COSTAK, Depot 484
Broadway, N. Y.. and by O. R. Bacon 4 Cos., 1
and JT. k j. Robinson, Manitowoc, Wi.
For Coughs, Cold, Hoarseness, Sore Throsl
Croup. W hooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma*
Consumptiou, Bronchial Affections, and all
diseases of the Throat and Lungs.
25 eta , 50 ns, and $1 sizes.
bv all Druggists everywhere.
And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484
Broadway, N. Y., and by O. R. Bacon A Cos.,
and T. t J. Robinson, Manitowoc. Wis.
bishop Pirxsi
A UniTerul Dinner PtU
cor Nervous and Sick Headache, Ooetireneaa,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipa
tion, Diarrhea, Colies, Chills. Perm, and rtn
eral derangement of the Digestivs Organa,
Boxes, 25 eta, $0 ets, and $1 sines,
by ail Dr Uggits everywhere.
. *■> by HENRY It BBZtAH.
Broadway, N. Y-, and by 0. J ,* B aeon* CeT
„and t. * f smna v£* &%

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