Newspaper Page Text
THE TRIBUNE. ■trrUeMMßß’ft Wonderful Feats with Caras. A writer in Belgravia describes a visit to the “magician” Herman, at his pri vate residence near Loudon, and the tricks there played tor the entertainment ot t lie guests; . The dinner passed off handsomely ; the Hands were c>t the best in the season; the wine was ot the choicest; conversation was brisk, if not brilliant; and good hu mor threw a radiance over the whole P ar ,ty- It was in fact, a merry meeting; and there was just the number seated round the table to concentrate the talk and prevent the party from breaking up into knots. Herr Hermann, who was seated at the head of the table had -Mteptic placed at his right hand. This collection, which was supposed to be ac cidental at the time, was designed by the conjurer. He had seen and noticed the incredulity of his guest, and was deter mined to make a convert of hiig, or at all e.ents to show off his powers at his ex pense. The conversation turnad upon prestidi gitatcursand their various feats of leger demain. Herr Hermann—who, having p issed many years in America, and being u stranger to England, spoke English with much fluency—said, “I am weli aware that all you savans have an idea h *w the best of our tricks are accomplish ed. ’’ ”1 should think so,” from Skeptic. “Rut. I fancy [ could puzzle even you.” “O. indeed !” again from Skeptic. “Ay, sir, and even .vow,” turning to Skeptic. “By all means try it.” “I shall; and after dinner I will show you a few tricks, ami will defy any one of you to have tin? remotest notion how they are done.” ’ Bravo!” from all tho company except Skeptic, who laughed and helped himself to wine, and congratulated himself on being so much cleverer than tho conjurer. “Presently Herr Hermann rings the bell, and tells the man-servant, who an swers. to fetch some cards. The man retired, and came back with two packs ot cards in secured cases, and placed them on the table “Take one of these packs,” said our host,addressing himself to Skep tic ; “open the cover, and see if all the c.iris are all right.” “No preparation?” demanded Skeptic. “No, I assure you. What I am about to show you now I could Jo with any cards.” “Of course,” ejaculated Skeptic, siieeriugly, and began to tear the cover from the pack. Skep tic looked at the cards, and we all looked st the conjurer. When Skeptic pro nounced the cards ail correct, Herr Her mann took them in his hands, and fling ing them down on" the table with their faces uppermost, said 1 “There are eight of you. When I leave the room and the door is shut on mo, let each person draw a card from the pack, return it and shuffle the cards.” He left the room, bidding us recall him when we were ready. Each man took a card and put it back. Then we all had a shuffle at the pack, excepting Skeptic, who thought he knew all about the trick, ami the conjurer was brought back, in duo time. He took the cards iu his hands. “There are eight of you,” he said. “Each one ot you have drawn a card and replaced it; and the eight cards, if you have well shuffled them, should be dispersed through the pack. No eye c u'd see into this room when the door was shut. Even knowing the cards —were that pos sible—would leave the seeming i npossi bility of bringing the eight cards together; you will all acknowledge that. Behold what art cun do!” He gave the cards a sort of flourish, and placing the pack on his left palm, drew from he top eight Cards which we had drawn. He then turned to Skeptic, and with a good natured smile in.piired whether he had aiv idea how that trick was done. Our “nil-adtuirari” friend laughed, and said nothing ; but shortly afterwards he was heard to observe, ‘‘Curious, ain’t it?” Tnis trick gave rise to a good deal of talk and some disputation; hut there was no two opinions about it; it was al lowed by all to be the most complete and inexplicable feat of legerdemain ever witnessed. Trick No. 2 was even more astonishing and incomprehensible. “Ton know,’ said Herr Hermann, addressing the whole party, after some discussion had gone on about the s!eight-of hand performances, “f work by wit and not by witchcraft.” “For wit read trick,” interposed Skeptic. “But what,” continued the conjurer, not heeding the interruption, “supposing I were to interpret your thoughts—to know what was passing through your minds? “That, indeed, would be a trick above natural magic,” I exclaimed. Skeptic tilled his glass and winked at his neighbor, as if to say, “I know all about it. “We j shall see,” said Herr Hermann. ‘‘Nor, i each of you two gentlemen,’’ he went on, j speaking to his two right hand guests, ; ‘think of a card; I do not ask you to i touch one; and taking up the puck, he 1 threw the cards upwards on the table. ; The choice was quickly made. Mr. Her m mu recovered the cards, shuffled them and spread them out as before. “The card, he said, "one of you thought of is .here; the card the other thought of is absent.” The gentlemen searched. One of the cards selected was not to be seen—the other was found. “So tar so good.” exclaimed Herr Hermann ; “but the trick is only half done.” The con jurer took the cards again, shuffled them as before, and exposed them on tue table. “Npw,” he cried, “the illusion is reversed. The missing card reappears, and the card thought of that was present i. not to be found. Search!” And such was the case. The card had come and gone at the bidding of the magician, who seemed to exercise a mental rather than a physical influence over them. Wonder was expressed in every countenance, and Skeptic annoyed because be was foiled, drank off an additional bumper to qualify him for elucidation. A moment’s consideration of this trick must satisfy anybody of its extreme clev erness and incomprehensibility. The only possible solution that offers itself is in the supposition that the conjurer, by some process of his own, was enabled to follow the eyes of t ho gentlemen in their direc tion to the cards spread on the table, and to mark those they made choice of. — j Knowing the cards, of course an expert practitioner would find no difficulty in manipulating them as he pleased; and getting rid of a card and returning it to the pack, contrived with whatever rapid ity, is no extraordinary feat of legcrue main. Ascertaining to a certainty the cards upon which two persons have thrown a glance for the shortest possible space of time, it must be allowed, one of the most remarkable and puzzlingachieve ments of the conjurer’s art, and may be termed its crowning feat. I do not as sert that it was by this process Herr Hermann ascertained the cards his two guests thought of; but if not thus I can c mceive no other method by which he made them known to him, tinless, indeed it wore veritable witchcraft Some ten or fifteen minutes had pass ed, and the conversation was about to elapse into eeneralities, when our host rose from his seat, and, taking from the table the cards, went to the other end of the room. “I want to ask your opinion of a trick which, no doubt, you have of ten seen —your opinion is to how I do it. Will you oblige me by taking a card?” "Would yod allow me to suggest the un opened pack of cards?’’ inquired friend Skeptic, looking round him with an air bf wisdom. "Certainly,” answered Herr Hermann, “open the untouched pack yourself, and then give it to me, ” Skep tic removed the envelope from the pack, and scrutinized the cards carefully. The eves of the company were now fixed on the pair, and no one spoke. Skeptic, having satisfied himself that the cards had undergone “no preparation,” hand ed them to tho conjurer. “Take a card,” said the latter. It was done. “Now take the pack in j’our hands, put the card back, and shuffle.” Skeptic did as he was told, and smiled as he shuffled the cards in a variety of waj r s. “It would be difficult would it not” asked Herr Hermann, “to tell you the card you drew?” “Rather!” ejacuated Skeptic. “What if I were to do more, and make you draw again the same card?” “1 should like to lay ten pounds to a half crown on that.” “Keep your money, my friend, I don't want to rob you ; give me tho cards.” He took the cards from Skeptic, and, shuffling them,said : “This time when you draw the card do not let anybody see it, nor say what it is until I ask you. I must do my trick after my own fashion. Draw!” He drew. “Now place the card on the table back upwards, and cover it with your hand, holding it tightly.” Skeptic did as he was desired. “Now, sir, is not that card the one which you drew first ?” “Certainly not!” exclaimed Skeptic loudly and triumphantly. “Indeed!” cried Hermann, “there must be some mistake.” “Of course there is,” rejoin ed the guest, “but it was your mistake !” and lie laughed with much glee. “Are you sure?” “Positive.” “Name the cards.” “I drew the Queen of Spades, first, and this under my hand is the Nine of Diamonds.” “Lot mo look at it.” Skeptic took away his hand, turned the card, ami beheld—the Queen of Spades. An explosion of laughter, at Skeptic’s expense, was followed by a volley of cheers for this wonderfully clever feat ol sleight of-hand, if indeed it was so, for 1 was utterly at a loss at the time—and am now, when I think of it —to account for the manner in which it was accomplished. Many other tricks were exhibited in the course of the evening, hut those re lated above were decidedly the newest and he-t, although some of the others would have made a common conjuror’s fortune. Several times Herr Hermann held out a pack of cards, and named be forehand the card any one of us would draw, iu spite of every effort on our part to foil him, and this without failing in any one instance. Of course “passing a card ” is one of the commonest tncks in card jugglery ; but to “pass a card’’ and to name it beforehand, and “pass” it on the company so “cunning of fence” and so wary as ours, was a different mat ter. Better than “passing the card” with such magical dexterity—which we know is achieved by rapidity and neatness of lingering—was the trick with the pear, which, indeed, was as inconceivable as any thing shown that evening. One of the party was asked by the conjurer to to take a pear from the table and mark it then to cut a slice trom it, to eat the slice and hand the pear to Herr Hermann. This was done, and the pear handed to the conjurer, who, on taking it in his, hand, threw it up towards tiie ceiling, caught it as it fell, and returned it sound and whole to the gentleman, who declar ed it was the same pear he had marked and from which he had cut the slice. A Friohful Affair. — A man Falls into the Swill Vat oj u Distillery, ami is so I,'iilly Boiled that he dies. Dierieh Nipper, a milk pedlar of this city, died this morning at an early hour from the effects of an injury he received at O’Neil’s distillery on Tuesday evening. It is the practice of the milk men to go to the vat for swill, which comes boiling hot from the distillery. On Tuesday evening, Nipper went there as was his custom, and while dipping our lb bu. - iug mass his foot slipped ond he fell into the vat, the mass covering his body to the neck. There was nobody about the distillery at the time, but Nipper's ago nizing cries brought help from the out side and he was taken out and to his home in the Bth ward, about half a mile from the distillery. The unfortunate man was burned or hoi'ed in the most fearful manner. The flesh fairly dropped from his body in large masses, and his sufferings were intense. This morning death relieved him. Nipper was 46 years of age, a German who has lived in this country tor many years, and leaves a wife and wo children. He was a man highly respected by all who knew him. — Milicaukc.e Wisconsin. “,1 Complete Pictorial History oj the Times." “The hest, cheapest, an I most successful Family Paper in the Lin on. HARPEK‘S MEEKLY, SPLENDIPLY lI,LT STRAYED. Critical Notices <>J the Press, The model newspaper of our country —complete in all the departments of an American Family Paper—Harper’s Weekly has earned for itself a right to ils title, “A Journal of Civilisation.” — New York Even in a Post. Our future historians will enrich them selves out of Harper’s Weekly long after writers, and printers, and publishers are turned to dust. —A ew York Evangelist. The best of its class in America. — Boston Traveler. Harper’s Weekly may be unreservedly declared the best newspaper in America. 'The Independent, New York. The at tides upon public questions which appear in Harper’s Weekly from week to week form a remarkable series of brief political essays. They are distin guished by clear and pointed statement, by good common sense, ny independence an 1 breadth of view. They are the ex pression of mature conviction, high prin ciple, anil strong feeling, and take their place among the best newspaper writing I of the time. — North American Review, ! Boston , Mass. SCBSCRIITIONS. — ISO 9. TERMS: Harper’s Weekly, one year SHOD An extra copy of e'ther the Magazine, Weekly, or the Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at sU 00 each, in one remittance; or six copies for S2O 00. Subscriptions to Harper’s Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one y ar, $lO 00: or, two of Harper’s Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7 00. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper’s Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete Set,comprising Eleven Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per vol.. freight at expense of purchaser. Volume XII ready January Ist, 1569. The postage on Harper’s Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber’s post office. Subscriptions sent from British North American Provinces must be accompan ied with 20 cents additional, to urepay United States postage. Address Harper & Brothers, New York. BOOT AND SHOE STORE —AT— Clarlts Mills. P. I). Mulone would respectfully inform the citizens of Clark* >iills and vicinity that h© is making a su perior quality of Boots and Shoos, Which he will sell very low. tiootsand Shoes made to order on short notice and Warranted. ly Clarks Mills, Employment At Your Own Homes. EITHER SEX—suitable fra steady hand or lei sure hours —in every city or town. LARGE PROFITS REALIZED. Address with red stamp for particulars, WARNER & CO., 819 Broadway, New York. 660 MILES OF THE UNION PACIFIC R. R. Running West from Omaha ACROSS THE CONTINENT, ARE NOW FINISHED, AND THE WHOLE GREAT LINE OF THE PACIFIC Will soon be Completed. The means provided tor construction arc ample,aiiil there is no lack of funds for the mo-t vigorous prose cution of the enterprise. The Company’s first mort gage Iwnds. payable, principal and interest in gold, are now offered at 102. Xhy pay SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, and have thirty years to run before maturing. Sub scriptions will be received in New York, at the Com pany’s office, No. 20 Nassau Street, and by John J. 'Msco & Son, Bankers, No. 59 Wall Street, and by the onipany’a Advertised Agents th* a the "United States. A Pamplet and Map for 186S, showing the Progress of the Work. Resources for Construction and Value of Bonds, may be obtained at the Company’s Offices, or of its -advertised agents, or will be sent free by mail on application. JOHN J. CISCO New York. June 13, IS6S. Valuable Information. SALECT fOtfIToWK SOBERS IN THE Rn n\ SPANISH LOTTERY r |MIE most responsible institution of the kind in the 1 world. Selecting numbers in this Lottery is a new idea—and one well adapted to the wants of tin people. It affords a safer means of speculative in vestment than most other business risks. For lull information, address LLOYD, SEMME9 & CO., Room 19. 75 Nassau Street, New York. REWARD for any case which Dr J vJ * ' ' Richau’s Golden Remedies fail to cure All unfortunate sufferer#, from whatever cause, who may apply for it, will have a Circular sent to them free, containing a description of these wonderful med icines, and the diseases for which they are peculiarly adopted, by Dr. D. B. RICHARDS, 228 Varick street, New York. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. EVERYBODY—Tries Them. EVERYBODY—Uses Them. EVERYBODY—BeIieves in Them. EVERYBODY—Recommends them Arc you troubled by Rats, Mire. Roaches, Ants, Ac., a 25c or 50c box of— “Costar’s” Exterminators. “Only Infallible Remedies known.” from Poison.” “Not dangerous to the Human Family/' “Hats come out of their holes to die.” Improved to keep In any’ climate. Are you annoyed with Bed Bugs ? Can't Sleep nights! tUsußuy H 25<‘ or 50c box of “Costar’s” Bed Bug Exfer. A Liquid “Destroys and prevents Bed- Bugs.” “Never Fails.” For Moths in Furs,_ Woolen*, Carpets Ac., Ac. Buy a 25c or 50c flask^of — “Costar’s” Insect Powder. Destroys instantly Fleas and all Insects on Animals, Ac. “A sure thing.” Thousand testify to its merits. a 25c or 50c Box of— “Costar’s” Corn Solvent. _ For Corns, Bunions, Warts, Ac. “Try it.” Don't suffer with Vain! A Wonderful power of Healing! Every family should | keep it in the house. tty;. Buy a 26c or 50c box of— | “Costar’s Buckthorn Salve. Its effects are immediate. For Cuts,Burns. Bruises, Wounds, Sore Breasts, Piles, Ul cers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cuta neous Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac., Bite' of Animals. Insects, Ac. “A Universal Dinner Pill,” (sugar coated) 30 years administered in a Physician's Practice, tJSSL-25c and 50c boxes— “Costar’s” Bishop Pills, Of extraordinary efficacy for Costiveness, Indigestion. Nervous and Sick Headache. Dispepsia, Dysentery. General Debility. Liver Complaints, Chills. Fevers. Ac. Not griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. “That Cough will kill you. Don't neglect it- <r%_*2sc and 50c sizes— “Costar’s” Cough Remedy The Children cry for it—lts a "Soothing Syrup." For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat. Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma. Bronchial Affections, Singers, Speakers, and all troubled wi h Throat Complaints, will find this a beneficial Pec toral Remedy. Beautifies the Complexion, giving to the skin a transparent freshness. Bottles $l. “Costar’s Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Readers the skin, clear smooth and soft. Removes Tan. Freckles, Pimples, Ac. Ladies try a buttle, and see its wonderful quality. 111 Beware!!! of all worthless imitations. **f*Nune Genuine without “COSTAR’B” Signature. 0“25c and 60c sizes kept by all DRUGGISTS. sent by mail on receipt of price. <6J-2.oopays f.r any three $l.OO sizes bv Express. 4kBrs6.<<U pay for eight $l.OO sizes by Express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 483 Broadway, Sew York. sale by O. R. BACON, T. Sc J. ROBINSON MsnltawM; Vi*. gold by all VUsoleeale, in MILWAUKEE, MTS., and all the targe cities. 14-42-6*l EMPIRE STORE. FRANK STUPECKY HAS JUST OPENED AN Entirely New Stock DRY GOODS, > Groceries, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, G-lass vV are. Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. The subscriber will constantly Keep on bund a choice assortment of merchandise, and he wishes to assure both old and young that when they cs'l at the EMPIRE STORE, they will be enabled Cos obtain goods of the FIRST QUALITY As Cheap as the Cheapest. Remember the place. Empire Store, York Street. MANITOWOC, WIS. 11 7 ly FRANK STUPECKY. AT THE OLD t-TANLH Mw BLUBEXL. SADDLE, HARNESS And Trunk Manufactory. Quay Street. between Sih & 9lh. Whero may be found an excellent stock of everything in his line, such as Saddles, Har ness, Trunks, Valises, Whips and Spurs. Also has the exclusive right for using POND’S PA TENT TRACE BUCKLE, acknowledged bv everyone to be the best ... use. 13-lfi m. BARTH & CO., OCULISTS, AURISTa, PHYSICIANS AND s tt nam o isr & , For the successful treatment of of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Luti.cs, Catarrh, Deafness, Ac. SUPERIOR FRENCH ARTIFICAL EYES INSERTED. Special attention .given to Female Diseases. Letters with Post Scamp enclosed will receive prompt attention. No. 141 Madison Street, between Clark and Lv Salle, Chicago, IIL Remedies, Treatment, and all Apparatus t*ent o anj part of the Globe with full and explicit in structions for use. 176 m Chris. Kabke, HAS NOW ON HAND AND IS CONSTANT LY RECEIVING A LARGE AS SORTMENT OF GROCERIES , FRUITS, TOYS. Ate., &., His stock must be seer, to be appreciated, but among the numerous articles to bo touud arc the following : COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, Cheese. Apples, Orung , Lemons, DRIED FRUIT, of all kinds. Confectionary in end'ess variety. Oysters and Sardines, IT AN KEE I\ OT lONS, of all descriptions. Powder, Shot, Caps and and Lead, Bracking and Chewing Tobacco of choice brands: ICE CREAM. Satsaparilla and Lemon Beer will be eonsfnrt ly kept on hand during the surauiir, together with all kinds of Cake, Crackers and Bread. Ladies will find a refreshment room up stairs, entrance from the outside if desired. CHRIS. KABKE. Manitowoc, July 26, 1866. 13-14 WM. LYNCH, Fa s hi on a b[e T a 11 o r All goods made up by the subscriber are Warranted to Fit the Form Prices reasonalbe, and I am bound to please those who give me their custom. Shop on York Street near the Wmdiate House. 15-3 WM. LYNCH. NEW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS, Fancy Goods, Fancy [Goods, PERIODICALS, PERIODICALS, School Boobs, School Boohs, BLANK BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, AND EVERYTHING IN THAT LINE AND EVERYTHING IN THAT LINE For Sale Very Cheap at the For Sale Very Cheap at the FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE. Dickens’ Complete Works Dickens’ Complete Works !■ Cheap and Costly Bindings In Cheap and Costly Bindings. INITIAL NOTE PAPER INITIAL NOTE PAPFR JUST RECEIVED AT tftS JUST RECEIVED AT THIS Bookstore FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE Smalley & Co’s Agricultural Depot. MANiTGWOC, WtS. “SWEEPSTAKES” Threshing Machines, Wilh either “CaREY” or •‘COMPENS AT ING” Bor 10 horse powers. The BEST MACHINE made in America. Combined Iftick ye REAPERS AND MOftfcßS, fw'ranl anti Majic STRAW CUTTERS. Buckeye GRAIN DRIiLS. CHATS I*l ON 11AY 11 In! IdS. Cast steel, and Cast-oa-t steel, Peekskill N0.2! Jt 22,Duckeye,Meadow C, Corn and Sweepstake.- P Ij O W S , S DRAPERS, Kettles, of ail ixes, Cultivators, ilc., fcc. Any iarm tool wanted, ftom a stump ina’hi. < to a plowpoint, either on hand or ordered. NORTH SID 3:, At the Sign of the Plow 13-mr H. Schmiedicke MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN -SADDLES AND HARNESS Of every discription. Keeps constantly on hand Saddles, ITsrres Bridles, Collars, Halters, Whips, Curry Combs Brushes. Snaps, Trunks, if. Ac. My work is all manufactured from the Best Lather in Market and made in he MOST SUBSTANTIAL and DURABLE MANNER. I am also prepared to do all kinds of Upholster Work. Particular attention is given to REPAIRING IVhich will be CHEAPLY and SPEEDILY done. Shop on South side of YORK STREET, corner of Ninth. 13 43 11. SCHMIE IOKE. EDWARD CONWAY Commission Merchant, Grain & Produce Dealer, Office, Corner Sth ’and Buffalo Sts. Warehouse, Cor ner 6th and Commercial Streets. Manito > oc, Wls. The VERY HIGHER rice paid for wheat produce, <fcc. 1 FOR SALE. One of the Hrsl Farms n the County. Bv the undersigned, 80 acre. l of iand. about 05 acres improved, with good orchard, garden and buildings. The above property Is situated ai Cato Corners, town of Cato Manitowoc County. Fr terms tc. inquire of O. lb SMITH & CO. 14-301* Tribune Office, Manitowoc. Or II: C. EVANS, Fort Howard, Brown Cos., Wis. NEW LIVERY STABLE On Eighth, near Chicago Street. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES of every description, with GOOD HORSES constantly on hand. CHARGES REASONABLE. Cali and see us, 10-tf TILLSON A WINTON Manitowoc July Ist, IS6S. J. E. PLATT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MEKCHANDISE York St., Manitowoc. 12 3‘Jtf. WE HAVE COME With great inducements to agents to co-operate with us in our GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE! wSSSf I FREE OF COST Sewing Machines 1 leather Goods 1 TO OCR Muen Goods Hllksand Shawls 1 A r>. er mt- o Boots ami Klioes 1 Alatlv 1 O. Dress Goods J Great Dollar ftursrcins for oar Customers. Send for our Circular. Agents wanted everywhere. Addles- HARRIS A- PLIMMEK, 34 Hanover St., Boston. Mass. "west & CO., 360 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE, Wholesale Dealers in WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGINGS School Boohs, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK books, AND STATIONERY Of all Discriptiong. Goods oil bought direct from Publishers, Manufactu rers and Importer*. HT-ly Hair Eapaerator. JK r fy sa This wonderful and renowned preparation Is not an article of accident or chance, but the final production of years of careful study and experiment. Its?* On Its own MERITS It has quickly risen IHV to an unprecedented WORLD-WIDE POP ULARITY. ItijF" , Even Paris, the great mart of beauty and fashion, has sent over her orders for ft. It Immediately cleanses the scalp, freeing it _ * roiu dandruff and humors It prevent, the h,ir from falling off, and oK*f often produces a luxurW growth on haid It never falls to RKSTORL" GRAY AND FADED HAIR to all its yo.-tl fnl lnahri soil aa l silken beauty Brash. Wlr aiidsrah boru hair Is made soft, pliable a nd beautiful. So pure a VEGETABLE COMPOUND for BftSt? the Hair has never been lu the ma. L ‘-‘„ while as a EaP*HAIR DRESSING It Is a perfect luxury, containing no dirty, disngreeable sediment, or soiling the finest fabric It gives to the locks and tresses a soft and raven hue, charmingly beautiful, and th most unbounded satisfaction to all. Every Bottle is Warranted. FULLER, FINCH Sc FULLER Wholesale Agents, Chicago. t3f~ And for sale by ail Druggists everywhere. jr-yMPßoyE^|[ THE BEST Prepavut'o i for the Scalp 1 tha on that ' ill keep it in perfect health, thereby caustic h • HAIR ’ If faded or gray, to assume a natural color ar.d vigor witl out acting as a dye, or staining tli sc-Ip, all o. which \vc claim for Wood’s Improved Hair RESTORATIVE It i also a superior dressing for the hair, where n disease of the calp is present. There Is nothing the least injurious IN THE Ingredients from which it is m ule. It has h en tin- - ougly tested the past three years by a num* er oi our leading citizens, with the most gratifying results. V e now feel justified in challenging the WOR!) To produce a Vegetable propara! ion its equal. .T. B. KIMBALL £ CO., Proprietors, OC Monroe St.. Chicago 111. Sold by all first class druggists. Price, Si pe. bottle. *2l-1 y ASK FOR WOOD’S IMPROVED. GENUINE OREIDE WATCHES. This composition, discovered twenty years ago, by the French, and by constant experimenting, has re sulted in producing a metal that for actual wear and appearance, is in every respect equal to gold. The Cases of the watch we advertise and sell, are made solid of the material, and with th • ordinary care taken of a Gold Watch, are warranted to wear equally ai- well. They have a full Jeweled Patent Lever movement, are of the same quality that sell in Gold Cases for SIOO and upwards. We will sell them at the following prices, to ho paid for on delivery of Goods at your Express Office. Gants’ large and Medium size, full jeweled, patent levr, with vest chain to match $20.00 Ladies’ size, full jeweled patent lever, with ele gant Leon tain e Chain t( match $20.00 Ladies’ small size, (very handsome) with chain to match Sid.oo jtfLiT'To parties purchashing a case containing six watches, we will gi\£ a liberal discount. The genuine can he purchased only through us or our authorized agents. All orders must be addressed to m t. qri aBY a co. Wholesale Jewelers, 133 Lake St, Chicago Offices. — 171 Broadway, N. Y., 1* Hanover St. Boston, Mass. l*-5m Factory.—sl Friendship St. Providence, K. I. LICENSED BY THE UNITED STATES A U THORIT V. S. C. THOU i*>o\ A CO’a CSrtt.'JEIJSL'T 1 QHE DOLLAR SAiE OF Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, Linen Goods, Linens, Dry Goods, Cottons. Fancy Goods. Albums, Bibles, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, Watches, Sewing Ma chines &c.. &c. These articles to he sold at the uniform price of ON E DOi.L VK HAt il, and not to be paid for until you know what you are | to receive. The most popula** and economical method of doing ! b '.less in the country. By patronizing this sale you havtrja chance to ex- | change your good-. I'he Smallest Article sold for ONE ' DOi.I.A It can be exchanged for a .■Silver I’iatcd, Live ISulilrd Kerolvlng Castor, or your Clmke of a large variety of other articles upon • Exchange Cist. TERMS TO AtiESTS. Certificates giving a complete description of articles to he sold for One Doiler, will he sold at the rat# of TEN CKN I - * EACH. I'or a 1' lii *> of Thirty, and SS.OO, The person sending it can have their choice of the following articles as their commission : 20 yards cot ton cloth. Harris Cloth Pants Pattern,Spleadi-i c.w.e j Knife, Lancaster Quilt.Kngravcd Siivf.r Spoon Holder, j Pair Ladies’ extra quality Cloth Boots, Print Dress Pattern, Worsted lUe aklast Shawl, White Linen Table Cloth, set of steel bladed Knives and Forks, set of Silver Plated Forks, Embossed Table Spread, Elegant Engraved Silver Plated Gold Lined G .blot, Violin and Bow, Fagcy Dress Pattern, Elegant Silk Beaded Para sol, 100-picture Morocco Photographic Album, Ele gant Ivory Handled Spangled Silk Fan, One dozen large size Linen Towels, Fancy Balmoral Skirt,Ladies’ Morocco Shopping Bag. Honeycomb Quilt, Alhambra Quilt, Ladles' Solid Gold California Diamond King. Gent’s Plain or Engraved Gold King, [lO ca-ets fine.j Ladies’ Solid Black Walnut Writing Desk. Ladies Fancy Black Walnut Work-Box, Cottage Clock, One dozen Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs, extra quality, or One Dozen Gents L.uen Hbadkercble.’s. For a Club of Sixlj , and 80-00 One of the following articles : 40 yards Sheeting. Harris , Cloth Pants and Vest Pattern, Pair Uonycomb Quilts, I Cylinder Watch, Double Barrel Rifle Pistol. Fancy Cashmere Dress Pattern, Thibet Shawl, Three Yards ! Double width Waterproof Cloaking. Four Yards Wool Krocking. Set of Lace Curtains, Ladies Double Wool Thawl. Silver PI-ted Card Basket, Splendid Engraved Silver plated Ice Pitcher, Engraved Silver Plated TANARUS( apot, 100-picture Turkey Morocco Photograpn Album, Lancaster Quilt, Alpacca Dress Pattern, En- | graved Silver Plated aix-pottled Revolving Castor,Pair Gent’s Calf Boots. Splendid Balmoral Skirt, Set of 1 Ivory Handled Knives, with Silver Plated Forks. Rosewood Frame Brass Alarm Clock Pair of All Wool Blankets. Splendid Beaded and Lined Silk Parasol, Ladies’ Splendid Morocco Traveling Bag, Pair of Al hambra Quilts, Thirty Turds Print of a Marsailes i Quilt. For a Clul* of One Hundred, and $lO.OO, 60 Yards Sheeting, Fancy Cashmere Coat, Pants and Vest Pattern, extra quality. Engrave! Siwr Plat ed Six Bottled Revolving Casor, with Cut Glass Bottles Pair of Splendid Rose Blankets. Sple did Engrave Silver Plated Tea Set, (three pieces. Sugar Bowl, Tea Hot and Creamer,) Silver Plated Cake Cake B-sket. Fancy Plaid Wool Long Shawl, Twenty-five Yards Hemp Carpeting. Splendid Violin and Bow. English Barage Shawl. Splendid Alpacca Dress Ratteen. Silver Hunting Cased Watch, Spl. lid Bible with Elegant Steel Engravings, Family Famil Record an Photog.iph Page, Poplin Dress Pattern, Engraved Silver Plated Ice Pitcher, Splendid Beaver Clo ik Pattern. Sharp’s Keqolver, Splondid Acoordeon, Music Box, One Pair Fine Dama k Table Covers with Ono Dozen Dinner Napkins to match. for Larger Clubs in Proportion. Agents will please take notice of this. Do not send names, bur number your clubs from one upwards. Make vourletters short and plain, as possible. TAKEPAKTIOIkAa NOTICE. Snre and send Money by Rdgistere 1 Letter, when possible. In some instmees Country Postmas ters hare refused to forward letters to us sup osing that our business came under the law against Lotter ies. Gift Enterprise-. Ac . although it b is been ov *r and over defared lawful by the legal authorities. This action is* indicated by the eaioii'V of Country Merch ants. In case any Pos mi ter should again decLno to forward letters, SEND xiV EXPRESS. We Cannot be responsible for money lost, unless some precautions are taken to ensure its safety* SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Send your address in full. town, county and state. S. C. THOMPSON Sc CO , ly-22tf 146 Fe-ir*l street, Boston, Msss. DR. EAS'D)VS Well known skill ami reputation as a snreessful Pliy siciau ind Sar£-oh, Secu. eil by 20 years practice in New York and Wiscou-in. recommerais him to that confidence which he sustains and justly merit* from the public. The Doctor's success in the treatment c f the Eye andLEar is already acknowledged and appreciated by many persons whom he has restored from BLINDNESS TO SIGHT and from Deafness to Hearing:; >md now having addi*d lo bis store of knowledge ALL iilL LATEST IMPROV AMENTS in ;h* treatineia . f he EYE AND EAR. he will niak- the treatment n} thorn* organ- A SPECIALITY, and h< jff to receive • h shar** of p tron-pe h** designs to rit. He cures the E' e of Amanrosis,lnfla- ation G~anu iter’ Lu*g and Ulc* rations of tlie Ey nil. He re tov *s Opacity or FTm from th" EvM.nP Straleiit-ns UO?S EVES. Mnd ins—ts ART!FTC! L EYES to tli oiitirr • iVt f r *' • n C• **? j*!so treats DEAFNESS Noi eln t:je . i . * ;from rlic e.*r. Catarrh, it , Asthma, laeum&t.sni. Neaura aid removes 'atecra. REFERENCES, Dr. D. J. Easton ol Manitowoc, Wis*, has the latest and best treatment known, for all Dis ses of the Eye and Ear. He is also a successful Physician arid Sur geon, and I advise all who have diseases of these or gans, to applv to him end be Icl and. (Signed; R. C. THOMPSON. M. D. ‘enlist and Aarist, No Cl 6 West Washington Street, , Chicago, Illinois. S. P. Burdick, M. D. Now York City. A. P.. Morgan, M. D. Syracuse, N. Y. J. S. Douglass M. D. Milwaukee Win. S. J. Pearsall M. D. Saratoga Spring*, N. Y N. ?. St.Surr. M. D. Shel>oygan 11. li. Ziely M. D. Manitowoc. Wis. C. (’.Crocker , M. D. Two Rivers, Wi. Mis-' E. ( arey of Schuylerville, N. Y. cured of deaf ens, In years standing, in lS. r >i?. Cured Euock Erickson s child 6 years old of ulcer f eyeball dune hs<37. Cured K. 11. Anderson of Manitowoc, of In Carnation of eyes. July. 1567. Cured Mrs. M. Burns of Mee ne; of BlindLc?B of three month*, spring 1c62.l c 62. Miss H. Gleason M Iton, Saratoga county N. straightened Cross-eyes, IS.*6. Mr. Herdena. Kossuth, Manitowoc cocnty, cured ol granulated eyel d*. 1*67. Mr. Dano, of Manitowoc, cured of infiamHtfbn o! rhe eye*. ISO* CurejlC. B. Shove, of granulated eyelids in IPfO. Removed cancer from breast of Mrs Michael Mc "arty of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, IS64*, July Ist isr.? rema : K3 well. Bcnovi and Cnnce- from the breast of Mrs.T. Webste l late of Manitowoc) ofTalahassa Florida in February *67. Cured L. Winters, of Gibson, Manitowoc county, o? r ts, (of years standing) in IBC>n, July tf:t,.lB<V7 rcluah well. Could report many other cases peruiuuouli.' cured. f-*k, r '-dl on DR. E ASTON of Manitowoc Wi=., you can consult free, and he will g ve you a opinion when a cu: e is or is not possible. 14.13 / LiUfcßA U ER & CO. W;; dotale Agent* tor I- •■./ •■' & CCS C’ F.T.FLE ft A TK D ooe:d PI. v?s O X^O K i"XaIS. 1 A to V rela'ivo meritsof AXOS -••* to • •-••’’ t<- I'n- CcrtlrtcMtc* iroii.. -• !-• OO I 'Gil A K. Si I.AK-I -s ■ sihv.. ... i'- S I v A\\ :i .(i LI. Ml Z.O, Niu.-c:;! I) i -(M-, .>f itii- li.i l 'ii Opera, as also from omj *l the him '-is !V fess.ns: ‘u.i Viiiaieurs ir. the country. All Instru | u mooli -. rAiuxiKKi) you FIVE • ACHSTS FOR A. ir. GALS & CO. & EM PIRE PIANO FORTE CO. AS it OTHER FIRST CI.ASS I’l I.VuS. W.- lime !!.<• L.M;GI>T ::r ; iu:st AS- M>!M i.D 6 : ;)C.v Of PIANO* I.V UIK cr \. T7f~ I'Hi .-'.c-.ii;;; attention isv'i r>i tlis sr- Ic* ti-ji of in.true* nt: lor <.:sUM orders. ! A I • ■ \f I' 1 • ' ; Tea' Inn sand Srhrtds. ViO!.K- • !>: ill A! KiNv;’! fin; it •i re T y to iSi. lr tdvaiitMirv to ;r \ • * us a call,; .iv; !.< Increas-- 1 v<* are, enabled tu fill orders with despatch. HH< • . 1 ;knt% for fAKILUi;:'. ' i 13131 k CO'S OKI, KB RAT Hl> HARMONIUMS, Melodeousand Oi gans. Manufacturers and \in porters of Brass lustrum cuts S: rinrjn, A rcortffOMj* f T~*o?ii*y, rfrrt Drums, <• uitfirs, ,Cr. TilC S'LVKTt AVI I.N'vTRUMKXTJ* Of on ?* in a-Fi‘act nr. an.l importation, mens* and 1 y -ill of lie itkmt Bwr.s in tiik r.viTFo anti whenever xhilvtcd have n!- w.i>N receive.'! the Gold M**dii!s nud ukji.- E" i i'HKMII'MS. Having eor.r.ei t*on with y nufac-j for a.? Houm in I’.Tiin, I.'*pslr. Dre-uhrJ I. nn ;< * I’aris. w** are prepared t-i fur-i DKM.KIfS. fIA\I?S and !M>lVl|)T'- ALS, with *vrry art : elr in this line, at the lo vest n:i iiifiietur v'n prices. JLk OJO Cfill its* Ml IdL ,v jL*u> jL £\^. *j& /"<£* *oi, '%?- ■*■••■ ■ ■ JULIUS EAUIII & GO. WAKEUOOMS IN Oeosby’S Opera House, 89 Washington £ti cet, CHICAGO, ILL. New York Warercoms, 650 Bn t iway. 47-lv "MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND i atrc (>!? n s. n^E. JVIA Tolsdo and Cleveland. Xua only direct route to Cleveland, Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo and all principal points in NEW YORK AN 11 NEW ENGLAND. All the principle Railways of the Northwest and Southwest .nnnsrt at Chintz go with the Four Daily Express Train, of the Michigan Htut.'itru Railroad. The moat Klesant Drawing Hoorn Confhc, ever put upon a Railway in this country, are in n=e upon this line, one of which will ’save Chicago on Day Express at 7.'K) a. .. running through to Cleve land without change. Th" Drawing R om Reaches, Sh eping Room Coaches, and Day Coaches of this line, are unsurpassed hy those of any Railway lin ■ in this country. The smooth and perfect track gives the advantage of quicklime and su-e conne xion*. Pas sengers for Detroit andal! points in Canada, and those for Ohio. Pennsylvania, New York and New England should purchase tickets via Michigan South*m flail wa v, which are on sale at all principal Railway Ticket a nd at the Company's Offices. No. 56 CLARK STREET, CHICAGO. F. E MORSE. 48-1 v CcnT Pass. Agt., Chicago. GEO. M. GRAY, Gen'l Western Pass. Agt. M. S. & L. S. Line, Chicago WJLUAU J, Sli VllP-s [ m^ro 11 iaTables, r WITH Ilia Patent <Ji-lions Well known to be superior to any now in use. .Manufactory, A3 llrnrr-lrrrl. N. T . Tim great popularity of Sharp's Improve I B II ani Tables has rendered -t necessary to make arrangement., n order to supply tae <rle niand, and he .s n ) prepa c i to fill any ■ which his patrons, or the pnol-C generally, may latoi !, 'w T Shi p having had practical experience for years m them,.. . act.i e of Bdl.aro Tabled and having made a a ei ul valuable tm ,, . r , p he ga "antees a Taolu w inch lot ciaUlcity Of?. 1-h cal conitrucr.on on sceathic pr.u -■ ttiiJ elV,an' of upic i. auce, w.II fhnlem;com net t:on H.s’newly invented patent C isl. ons have been pronounced by the most competent judges to be 'upc or to anv now in use. he is c tabled to (urn sit the best Billiard T.tde manufactured in the Lmted States, and sustain the name whVh Sharp's Tables so jnstlv have acquired. Bails, Cues and Trimmings constantly on hand. Old Cushions repaired at short notice.. Orders by ma.l punctually attended to. Send for descriptive circular and price list. IS-y W. J. SHARP, ia Mercer Street, New York. jMggJ Ipifcp A Positive Remedy for all kinds of Humors, Scrofula, Scurvy, Salt-Rheum, Carbun cles and Boils, Ulcers and all obsfinste Affections of the Skin, Inflammatory or Chronic Rheumatism, Piles, Chronic Diarrhoea. Mercurial Diseases, and e*sry taint of the System; Dyspepsia, and these Affections originating in the Derangement ef the Digestive Organs ; viz.. Bilious Complaints, Neuralgia, and Nervous Af fections, Headache, Languor, and Depres sion of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Consti pation. THIS excellent medicinal compound was first prepared by Dr. J. W. POLAND, in 1847. nod was then employed with great success expelling humors from the blood; but in 1848 a medical friend who was quits celebrated as a physi cian, especially in the treatment of humors, gested some important improvements, which vrsrs adopted, and which has made it (so the people say) the very best remedy for all kinds of humor, known to “ the faculty.” This preparation is composed entirely of vegeta bles, among which are Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, Noble i’inc, Mandrake, and Oloodroot. When the originator lived in New Hampshire, at Coffstown Centre, for the space of thirty or forty miles around, and in Manchester p articularly, the Humor Doctor was well known aad highly valued for the numerous and wonderful cares which it ef fected. Though manufactured in huge quantities, the supply was frequently exhausicd, and purchas ers had to wait for more to be made. In that re gion, some very severe cases of Erysipelas were treated with, —and they were cured! Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, —those ugly, painful ulcer*, were entirely removed wherever this medicine was faithfully used. So it was with Scrofula and Salt-Khcum. The Humor Doctor cured them. It is/ree from any dangerous drugs, is pleasant to the taste, safe, yet sure and effective In it action, PREPARED AT THE FEW-ENGLAND BOTANIC DE?OX\ And for sale by all Dealers in Medicine. C . DAMOy <C CO., Proprietors. iw . . V. wli, ili.U A. O. . iat-OlllbOll. IP.I HAL L’S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re irwer JUrcr// year increases *’>■> popu larif// of this valuable > nr l‘i rp aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure oar ofcl /nitrons that it is kt/ti fa-lit/ • p to its h if/fi standard, at ali ■ those whit hare never used it vs ’can confident/// sag, that it is U-e only reliable and perfect* pr ra tion to restore 42HA* C#x f I Z~ IE? s'® 114131 to its youthful cu 1 or, i in// it so/t, lustrous, and . i / the sealp, by its use, b ■comes white and dean; if removes ali eruptions and daudrujj', * od by its tonic properties peer rtfs the hair front falling o>;, ti >. It ; isst at files ami nourishes the hair gfamis, lit/ its use the ha • >•./.-.e03 thicker and stronger. In b.) />..<*rs it res ores the capillarg *la •ds to their normal vigor, fu- 'dll create ft new growth except in extreme ohl age. It Is ( f ><i most economical lIAEK erer used, as it requires /ewer applications, and given that splendid gifiss// o/*j-”firuuee so much admired bg u. . A. A. If ayes , J1.1t.. State' As? -..per of Mass., sags, “the const*fa arc pare and care fall*/ select eti fur excellent gaalitg, find Ir. ider it the BE*T PRE3V4K Vrs>> for its intended purposes.” We nub lish a treatise on the hair, tehirh tve sent I free bg mail upon cp; fl ea f ion, which, contains cor >n<*n~ fin tor// notires from elect/ srtt, physicians, the press, and c f>: H. tie hare made the staff*/ < t the hair ftnd its diseases a spe> aft*/ for gears, ftnd know that tee at. a the most effectire preparation for the restoration ami trie pres* ra tion of the hair, extant, and so acknowledged bg the best c-ni aud Chemical Authority. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in M* dicing. COOK, COBURN & CO. Gen’l Agents for Nortli-Wester.l LtatsSj 7 DEAEBOEN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ORS&HTH, BRASS IMSTROMBBTS, Ac. rffUM wjwmwmm ■~rr-~rvr* ~ |tipft &eoware J £ You can do all your Cooking. JL || save time, trouble and mo~cy, | and avoid beating tbo i.; |,‘, Summer, by using a j Kerosene or Gas Stove, [j! -— : , | Ask for the UNION (Kerover.e) * or VULCAN (Gas) STOVE. ||[ They are the best. Take no 1? | other. Send for Circular, jj j Also Attachments for Lamps or . Gas Burners, Nursery Lam; s, Kerosene Glue Pots, Oil Ca s, jjf : Kerosene Oil, Lamp Wick, A—.u (>,. j Grease, Lanterns, etc., etc. AT LOWEST CASH PP-ICEJ. Y 1206 Pearl St. Y~jypp|'i' . ,ji~— NORWOOD e y Henry Ward Beetle;? Just received at the FRANKLIN BOOKSTOItEf Cacmical Ink Powiln sI By the nUuUtiiv or tingle cuuco j n >. ■•., One ounce sufficient to mute & on-*r f ft i.-tVa in's. C uutry Ueule: a huj)!.ed. •yp eiij rranklln Bookstore. 0. E. SMITH i CO. Moutletli , ’s Peogvapejs, Wilton's Reu et, and Santier'b Spacers ii uj received .-t the .FRANKLIN BOOKSXO RJ*. lan. lUb isoi