fomib Tenthr.
Volume I.
tiint Senator
(Ntunty Judjc
School Suiterlntemlent
- C. H. CroKuo
Ii. P. Blue
H. F. Jooes
Ueorue ljindis
Henry lienlinirer
(has. Booth
.log. (ildeon
T. E. Parker
1 Jos. Russell
, J. O. Stearns
M. L. Trapr.
Justine of the 1'eaee
J. A. Hall
A. E. Altree
FlItST BAPTISTS Meet every first Sunday
in eai'h niouth, a 11 a. m. and also on the
Saturdav tre'ediuKthe above riundav, at 2 11
m., in the Toledo Public Hall, L. M. Butler,
Hesident Pastor.
ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Protestant Episcopal
Devine service the third Sunday of everv
month, at 11 a. m. All are invited to atteud
Rev. ('has. Booth. Missionary. Residence
Keotory," Newport, Or.
O. O. F. Toledo Lodne, No. ion, Meet
every Friday evening at their hall in this
own. J. L. Lutf, N. G.; J. S. liaither, See'v
IO. (J. T. Meets every Thursday evening
7:30 o'clock, in Grady's hall, this town, C.
H. Crosno. C. T. (i. Bclhcrs. Spprprnrv
Corvallis, Oregon
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Steamer Benton,
('apt. Jas. Hobei'tsoH,
On and after April ist, will make
regular daily trips between Toledo
and Newport and way landings.
Low freights and Fares. See
time ' for leaving on Bulletin at
Copelaud's corner,
T.J. Uuford, Prop.
Cluirfrett Reasonable.
MA.Nl'PACTl llElt OF
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
Justice of the Peace,
Tolrdo, Orreon,
Deeds, Mnrtimres. and all kinds of leiral papers
eieciited with correctness. Carenl attention
(tiven to all business cut rusted lo my care.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Whkkk a. The new law passed at the iBst Scs
nnn "i the Lenislaiure require that all taxes
at the county sent : and. inasmuch as it
Ba. bee,, cuM..mary for the sheriff to visit each
jirecinct and, taking Into consideration the
lact that many jrs,,ns will not be aware of the
.lc!. dc?r;e'i''i;' ,h "e,"'.'", : ereUne. I hav.
HVSf- '.'f.,he 'f"r
1 ii V. ' ',n K NOTK K. to all taxpavers in
Y, i ' 'heir re,.ectlve precincts
It ?Mi!',i,,r?i" "r b' 'I'l'Uty. r the puriH,se
ln i ounty, orcfon. for the year Iw, as fol-
Toledn-Satnrdav. April h. lvtt
a.uma Mondav. April it iwii
lfirft',mi x,,r'h de-fuesday. April 18,
iwi, from o clock to :, o'clock u. m
w" '"' w1,ll.rt-We.lneI.y April 19,
Tir!em'.?n";Th"r,,,,,'r' APr" '"" ' o'clock
FlV.M.J- V-"i'''""k 01 I-'fl'lay- April ai.WO.
liiV fit 1r)e1ar. April VJ, iW.
rri-Tnl''h h ";'". Turn Turn and Summit
rbTi n , V'?" divided by the division of
vrJcin7 in '""'" l"u.ns resi.hnr in tho
Ihirk ,i",un ,my ": the I'' mentioned
V I n!? V1. """ "'nvenlent .. them,
must Si v,he ""' ab.,ve.Hnntioned
.m;",!l" unpaid alter Jnn 4. im.
t. " etinntv seat.
ill Income dellnunent.
ta-"" aM" hand this :th day of MarcJl,
' er'ln and for Lincoln l uiuitv, trrg.m
Our New SPRING STOCK is now arrivln
We will show this
o,l iii....!..
turn iiiuiv iVlliaCllAe
fore! A lull line of
liioli Ol tt
, . r-y j..vio, iiiui iu y inning ;
worn by Men and Boys.
Big Bargains
We have Purchased at a Rio- ,r r,-nm t 1 ,.,. ...
" W i'ACiLLIHlH V.WHO lift
has retired from the Clothing Business) his Entire Stoek of MEN'S '!
BOYS' YOUNG MEN .and CHILDREN'S Clothing, We now of !
f.rti,a0,m., n. . .. . . " 1
.. . . I
rauuus ai
below Regular Prices, They
in this Section for First-class Clothing.
Here are a few
Men's 8 5.00 Suits
Men's 7.50 Suits
Men's 10.00 Suits
1.50 Suits
O Hfi Qnire
.00 bllltS
5.00 Suits
7.50 Suits
All other finer grades at corresponding
When yon visit our Stove ask to see oat- Men's tit. Woot
Suits at $10.00.
Cfa TUC D Ave iifiL , ., .
FOR THE each Su.t WOrth $3 Or more,
we will give free a ball and bat.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention,
We are Agents for the JAMES MEANS :$ Fine Shoes, mid
Uold and Silver
Clothing Made to Order.
-wr -t
Headquarters lor 31
For Bargains in Real Estate !!
Farm Lands, Tide Lands. Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks,
can on B. F. JONES;& CO.,5?&d.i
Twenty-two years' residence on Yaquina Ba
Lincoln County, Oregon,
Season a much Laro.ei.;,,erv!K,edamlpern.eattM aiici
. , V and wnditions. The yield of the
OlOCK tiiail ever be-
Men's and Boys' Fur-1
j , J , .
in ClotMngJS
" i-'H V.WHO IIB j
irom i inrty-tive to I'llty Per Cent, i
are the Biggest Bareains ever nffiJ i
of the Bargains I -
for $3.50
ior 5.50
for 7.50
- knee pants-for $1.00iUscoverea aUhoul1 .ide.-t or-
A . t -: chards in the state of Oregon t-xist
- knCe pailtS-for l.OO there. It is essentially Tcoumry
- lone; pants-for 3.50 ! for eneran'arrai,l ''"' vegetables,
- long pants-for 5.50
1 1 " 1 i
White Shirts.
en and Boys Outfits,
Thursday, April n, 1895.
-two iwMarwgmK n
The Yaquina Hay ..Country.
The Walla Walla Daily States-. The follow iug communication
! man, the leading paper of Kasteni came in too late for last weeks
Washington, in speaking of the issue:
j Yaquina Bay country says: j The steam schooner. Alice
j '"It i.s a country second to none ; Blanchaid, from the Sound bound
! in natural wealth, a country which ; for San Francisco, forfeited with
j if properly carerf for, could be made wheat and coal arrived at Newport
I to produce wealth equal to any j in distress, on the 4U1, After sev
: other on the Pacific coast. In the eral days of the worse weother ex
: past the Statesman has been instm- jpei iencrf in years, she sprang a
1 mental in directing attention to .he leak and when she arrived off this
aquma Hay country. lfor fer;ili-
; ty of soil, natural resources, and the
finest and healthiest clima'.e in the
voruLitis less settled than any
(other section through which a
i railroad runs, and the cause of it
i all has been the dry rot policy of
vhicb lias
ihnd everywhere issoinething.Me-
nomena1' a,ld jt is il commo11 -
jiug that five acres of land theie is
a" a mau 'cquires to iive on n.ti.1 it
; is actually tuie.
1 A ni.rry laud i! mlu'ht lie,
Opulent for all bmiI aye,
I With Its IhikI that naU for labor,
; And its wealth that wastes ;-.
Already the new management
has inspired the people along its
lines to be ui and doinerviH cewv.
'lhis"lu,w favorable to uthoroh
; developement of it- natural re-
!sources - Go coal mines ;e
!.,,.. tn -t
I , , f
, , f
' ,
vented mm
f! t lasi pre-
much atteutit u hi;i:;g elwn
to them. Stone (inai ries are beiny
;opeiw:., .run orchards are beins
! planted out, and hop raising ..'ill
very soon bring it r.i'.o lurtiH-r
prominence, ior the :;ti;rfitv and
intity that experiments on a
.small scale have proved cn be
j raised there, is almost beyond be
' litjf. There is plenty of good- lim
! ber and water power everywhere.
Fruit pests nre uuku'wu vid a
: wormy artle something vet lo hp
uuu uirt lnosi KlildS n r:uil JiTOw
and yield to perfection. Yet, here
tofore, there has been but little pro
duce raised for shipment, although
the freight rates both to l'orthr.).'!
and Sau Francinco have Ueen very
low compared with other places.
Two dollars and fifty cents per tv)ii
j to either of these great cities is all
! that is charged.
j ti,c government the
Putty at lbe e,llraiu;e of Vaquiua
,iay' nave S() ""Pjved the bar that
vessels drawing 21 feet of water can
now safely enter, and so deep is
the channel that the old time tug is
now unnecessary. We have long
hoped for the time when the Walla
Walla valley will be co-mected villi
this outlet for our v.t-i .vhont sur
plus, and have never given up the
hope that our dream '. ill some day
The most important work for
Toledo, one which cannot be over-
looked and neglected without ser
ious detriment to the town, is that
of opening up roads to enable home
steaders and vaivhers to reach this
market. It i ; absolutely necessary
that a road be openeu l-nvarcl and
through the Alsea country. It is
very important for the resident;; of
that portion of Lincoln county and
it is also very essential that Toledo
have their trade. Toledo should
have a board of trade or some dele
gated body of citizens to look after
such matters. Some day it will be
too iate.
. --
Junction City is to have a new
bank. It will be remcmlxntd that
.1 1 . a
me mrmer oatin tnere went under
when the main bank of which it
was a branch broke a, (iervai.-..
State Primer Baker expect, !o
have the session laws issued by May
- Marim Notes.
port she had several feet of water
in the hold, and almost impassible
to keep fires burning.. Two of our
deep sea fishermen were out and
they boarded the shit and piloted
her in safely over the bar, when she
got inside the lower ba one of her
steering chains on the rudder foul
ed the propeller and steam being so
lo .v there was not power enough in
the uigiiic to break it. When she
lost her steerage way a row boat
was got ahead and tried to keep her
in the channel and did so until up
with the south spit two miles inside
thebai, when a squall from the
northward struck and carried her
over on the spit.
Capt. Chatterton, on the steamer
Richanison, got steam as quick as
possible, when he found out the
ship was disabled, but arrived just
too late to help her, she had taken
the ground,, but a hawser was pass
ed on board and the first pull it
parted and she went on again and
before another could be got out she
worked in on the sand, the tide be
can to run out, rUe was in no
The night tide worked her farth
e- up on the sand. At the present
writing she is as snug as if in a dry
dock, will have to lighten before
getting off.
The Yaquina bar is not to blame
for the stranding of the ship. In
the channel between the spit where
she went on and the Government
wharf, where the nick is loaded for
the north jetty, there are forty feet
of water at mean low water.
The Yaquina Post seems to take
delight in making the bar the cause
of the mishap. Bro. Van., employ
a marine reporter or else leave
marine news alone.
Receiver lladley in an interview
in Portland last week said:
"Since I have been in Oregon
the road has been running from
$I5,ixk) lo $18,000 behind every
month. I take pride in stating that
since I assumed the receivership, a
month ago, this deficiency has been
overcome. Miuch, April and May
are the dullest months in the year
in railroad business, but still we
have practically taken the road out
of bankruptcy and put it on a pay
ing basis. Stockholders who a
month ago were discouraged and
disheartened by the heavy losses,
now are enthusiastic. I have part
ly succeeded' in demonstrating to
them that they have a valuable
piece of projierty instead of a 'dead
horse' on their hands, and with a
little encouragement in the way of
extensions on their part maybe able
to regain for them many of the
dollars which they have regarded
lost. They have taken no action
in the matter of extension yet, and
it is not probable that they will do
anything until after the sale, June
28. The bondholders, no doubt,
will buy the road. They have al
ready put $15, cxio.rxK) into it and
realize the fact that they cannot let
it go."
It seems to have been fully deter
mined by the railroad companies to
make only a one and one-half ra'.e
for round trip tickets to the World 'h
fair, except to large excursion part
The dairy, the p mltry, theapiar,
the orchard and : le vineyard will
be the making of wealthy and pros
peroua country on Yaquina Bay.
Number 6
' Willi sortie people ot tt be Sen.
satioual is to be nothing. This is,
particularly true with some so-called
newspaper men . The veriest street,
rumor is taken up and with black,,
glaring headlines is transposed into,
what the editor fondly hoped would"
be a piece, of news that would set
the world by the ears and attract
vast amount of attention to his;
country or locality. With this;
class of newsmongers, for they are
nothing else, a piece of bright glass;
is always a diamond, a bit of black;
wood or slate rock always marks
the discovery of a valuable coai
mine, a piece of glittering stone i
always taken from an extremely?
valuable quartz ledge, and. so on.
all of which are heralded lo th
world in headlines that are largd
enough to mark the overthrow of at
government or the dovntall of ft
dvnastv. And the worst part of Jt
is, that you can never make one o.f
those fellows believe that he is
making a drastic fool of himself
and holding his locality up to ridU
rule of the outside world.. He never
learns to state simple facts in a bus
iness way and let his readers form
their own conclusions, but he wUt
blunder right along and keep think
ing that he is "booming the coun
try," and will continue to do so,
until the long-looked for advent of
modern mythical being, the Fool
Killer, when this class of new
fiends will meet with a righteous
On the 5th'day of May next the
Geary anti-Chinese law goes into
active effect. On that date, accord,
ing to the law, all Chinese found in
this country wdto have not filed
their photographs with the proper
officer and have been duly register,
ed are liable to arrest and transpor
tation to China. A very few of Uiq
Mongolians have conformed with
the law, the majority having arrang
ed themselves in open defiance of it,
and declare that they will pay no
attention to it. They have raised
a large sum of money to defeat tins
law and will employ some of thq
best legal talent in the United Slat
es. We will soon see which is the
larger, the United States or the
Chinamen In il.
At Chicago one day this week
the thermometor reached 86 de
grees, and the next day was almost
cold enough to snow, Great coun
try, that.
Waldport Wails.
J. M. Nelson, of Alsea Valley
flouring mills, is paying a busiucsa
visit to the Bay,
Mr, and Mrs. Crow, of the Bljf
Valley, arc stopping at the Starr
House, looking for a home in this
Miss May Harrison is teaching
chool at Yahats.
Al. Gwynu, the sheep roan from
the cape, paid us a flying visit. He
has placed his son Howard in the
Yahats school.
Dr. Crocker was in town Mon
day attending to professional busi
Wm. Helms is building roads.
The Coon Hollow fellows are ar
ranging to finish and seat their
school house.
Charley Gideon has put a side
walk in front of his property. .
Jimmy Dodge is in the mountain
trapping bears.
Catching whitefish and flounders
is the chief amusement now.
A new postoffice called "Minnie"
has been established down the
beach. It is situated at the mouth
of Ten Mile creek, half way be
tween Heccta and Ocean View.
John Hackett has been appointed
'? m WW A irfc nfc''wf