Newspaper Page Text
Lincoln County Leader.! J. P. ITIWtKT, Publisher. T'lLKDO OREGON PACIFIC COAST. Bands of Apaches Leave Their Reservation in Arizona. NEW AND RICH PLACER MINES. High Water on the Gila River Cause a Large Section of a Dam to Give Way. Counterfeit dimes, composed of anti mony and tin, are in circulation in Lane county, Or. Mrs. McW'hirter ha begun suit at Fresno for $30,000 insurance on her hus band's lift;. Tho Astoria canners fixed the price at $1 u salmon, and the Fishermen's Union demands $ 1.15. Tliu American Historical Society has instituted two litsd suits at Portland against the Orcgonian. All the men churned with crime in ronni'ction with the lalior troubles .11 the Cour d'Alene are now at liberty. There in talk of reducing the miners' pay at Nanaimo, It. ('. The union is very strong there, and a strike iit not at , ' I I I.. kit i.lli'i UlJillJlli Bauds of Apaches are away from their reservation in Arizona. So far the In iliiuiH are charged only with frightening people utid being very Fancy. (iovernor Murphy of Arizona Iiiih vo tocd llio hill panHed hv the Legislature extending the timi! of citizenship from nix montliH to twelve montliH. The whisky smuggling on the went roast of British Columbia is not ax ex tensive an reported. The hulk of it is from Victoria, not the United Slates. Reports have been received at I'luenix, A. T., of new ami rich placer diggings in (he southwestern part of Maricopa county, about thirty milcH north of Agua Caliente. Hilperintendcnt Hussey of the British Coluuihia police at YictoriuhiiK decided to go north in connection with the In dian excitement over the alleged forrow Island massacre. The International Nickel Company, which owned the great nickel mine at Kiddles, Or., Iiiim wild a two-thirds in tercut in the proierty to an English syn ilicate for $000,01(0. The Ilciiiiiri.u milieu in the 1 unpin Ilalas, Yuma county, A. T., cleaned up $150,000 as the reHiilt of the lust month's run. ThiH iH the largest chunk of gold ever run into one bar. During high water on the (iila river a few dayH ago a large Hcction of the diiin of the (iila lleud Initiation ('onipuiiv'H canal, sixty miles southwest of 1'lncuix, wan washed away. The ilauuigii U slated to he not less than $100,000, Oregon Iiiim live live ex-Governors, and all are lVmocrats but one Hon, Z. K. MikhIv of Salem. The lleuiocratH are II011.L. 1'. Groverof Cortland, Ibm. W, W. Thayer of Portland, Hon. John Whiteaker of Kugeno ami Hon. 8. F, I'haduick of Salem. In the suit of John Poo against tho Waterloo Mining Company, tried in the Ls Angeles United States District t'ourt, involving the title to disputed ground in the mining claims at Calico, Judge Ross rendered a verdict for tho plaint ill'. Several suits are practically nettled by this decision. The Grand Jury at Portland, Or., hat indicted M. Ko'shland of the til 111 of Koslihind Brothers, wool dealein, wh.) failed a few week ago. Ho ia chanted with fraudulently obtaining aUmt $12.1, (HHl by nieaiiH of false cert illcaleii which he issued to the Hank of British Coluiu bia on wool in bin warehouse. The Plain murder case at San Jose is again before the people in the shape of hints at evidence being found, an I that sensational urtvst will shortly follow. The theory of suicide has never lieen popular, the uppcariyico of the clothing and the shoes tending to allow that the ihmiv I ma la-en drugged to where it was found. 1 lie iiiuiiler was committed last fo ciiilier. The Arizona l egislature has passed 1 bill which provides that upon the peti lion of the parents of tiflv tiunils in in rirMirated cities ami towns a teacher must he employed to teach Spanish. The strongest opposition was from the siv- nuns wnere .Mexicans predominate. The ground of the opHsition was that the result would certainly U the exclusion 01 r.ugiisu 111 many scnools. The great project of irrigating the Mo jave de-ert by means of a mammoth dam to U- built at Victor Narrows, on the line of the Southern California rail road, appear to lie an assured fact. I V mucins for the formation of a com pany have li-cu completed and signed, The capitalists in.civ-tcd are Eastern men from I 'ninth and elsewhere. The rx iiililure involved isabout $l.rnO,tHHl. "There's uiorvi whisky on the west coast than in Victoria," remarked Krunk Adams, w ho has jit-t returned to Vic toria, It. ('., from that section. "The Indians are all drunk, an. I the sealers have a hard time in getting a crew. Whisky is being smuggled in hv tho wholesale, and the red men are having a high old time. The whisky in coming from tho American side, 1 "never saw so much drunkenness 011 that coast. There does not seem to Ik anv government control there at all." The Chinese Six Companies at San Francisco have issued a pew circular of ficially and ovonlv advising the Chinese to refuse compliance with. tlieGearv law. A translation of the circular is in part a follows: "This registration law is not right. All authorities wo have cousulieil agree to this. We have employed the attorney to go to Washington' at the Supreme Court to light this iinjut law. Wait until MavMieiore you lo anvthing. Wall and we will help' you. The Chi nese Minister has gone to the head men of the government to get divisions, and we hope to get ihein soon, in order that our eople may imt lie arrcted and sen: to jail. Wo ought to do w hat i rich and not pay monev (or registration, an Uiu luae our rp.vubility." NATIONAL CAPITAL. Question of Sheathing Our Naval Vessels Receiving Attention From the Secretary. Secretary Morton of the Department of Agriculture has devised a plan to teat the fitness of applicants for positions not governed by the civil-service rules. Each applicant on filing his application will be required to answer a set of 'mix tions as to moral and physical qualifica tions and on the work which he will be required to perforin. He hopes by this means to secure a high standard in the department. A Republican Senator, who stands high in the party councils, gays the pro posed Senatorial investigations of a pri vate character and the reorganization schemes will come to nothing this ses sion. They cannot be considered while the contested seats are under considera tion, and when that subject it) disposed of the Senate will probably adjourn, as the (iiiorum would otherwise disapicar within two days after the President no tified the Senate he has no further busi ness to present to it. Secretary Carlisle is having prepared a list of the employes of the Treasury J Department, with the salaries thev re 1 ceive, and will have it arranged by 1 States. The list has been prepared al ready to such an extent as to show a ' great disproportion among the States, some having many more clerks than their ! pro,-"r quota and others less. The Sec- retary, it is understood, intends hv every means in bis Kjwer to reduce the Dis trict of Columbia's list of employes so I that the States may receive their proper quota of appointments. I Assistant Secretary Bussey has re;. i dered an important decision in the mut , terof the claim of Joseph P. Smith for an Increase of pension on the ground of new disabilities, in which he overrules tne action 01 Hie Commissioner 01 Ten sions in allowing an attorney fee of $ 10. The claim for increase was made under the act 0 June 27, 1890, and the Assist ant Secretary holds that all such claims should bo treated as strictly increase claims whether new disabilities are claimed or not, for which a fee of only $2 can be allowed. It ia said that prob ably 200,000 claims will be allected by this decision. The Senate Committee on Foreign Re lations held a meeting the other morn ing. It is understood that, while favor able to making public tho text of tho Russian treat v, it was unable to agree Umi a favoralile report by reason of dis agreements relative to the correspond ence accompanying the convention. A well-known Senator, who is tho cham pion of general humanitarian legisla tion, states that, when published, the treaty will lie found neither more nor ess objectionable than several other treaties which have been in operation for some years. Tho criticisms, he says, are due to a conception of the edict of tho instrument usn tho garbled ex tracts of a surreptitious publication of the treaty first sent to the Senate Secretaries Grcshain and Carlisle while hsiking into the expenditures of the Hehiing Sea Commission reached soiuo allowances which were extravagant and should be discontinued. It appears that everylHidy connected with the commis sion, from the stenographer down, have been given very liberal allowances, which the oindats of this administration in clude under the head of " useless extrav agance' There are, it is said, eight or ten olllcials connected with the commis sion who are receiving more than double pay by drawing $0 to ft per day in ad dition to regular salaries, which range from $1, 5(H) to f.'!,5(H) per annum. Ru mors of these exposures have made quite a stir in the department, and some interesting developments are expected. Assistant Secretary Spaulding has written the following letter to Collectors on the Pacitlc Coast: "The department is informed that the practice obtains among Cliiuese lalxirers in this country of entrusting money to merchants, which is treated as a part'of the capital in the business. Chinese laborers who have made such a disposition of their savings, although not actually engaged in busi ness, have claimed to lie merchants, and say tin y are thereby entitled to leave the country and return'at pleasure. The de partment desires you to closely scrutin ize the certillcates which may ls pre sented at your port by returning Chinese and to require evidence of the standing of the holders as bomi-lldo merchants, actively engaged in business. In no case should Chinese be permitted to enter as merchants unless their right to the priv ilege is clearly established, and where it appears the practice herein referred to is attempted the certillcates presented should bo ignored, the holders arrested and the facts reported to the depart ment." The imestion of sheathing our naval vessels isime to which Secretary Herbert, it is said, proKsos to give s.mie earnest consideration. Naval Constructor Hicli born has prepared some important data on the subject. Ho shows that the At lanta on her trial trip with a clean bot tom attained a speed of 15.S knots an hour with a S,3lii-horse power, w hile the lloston, her exact duplicate, with a comparatively foul bottom made but 13.8 knot on' S.IilHl-horse tHiwer Constructor Hichlmrn holds that the im portance of the preservation of the bot tom of steel vessels from corrosion and fouling can hardly be overestimated and is continually emphasized by the reports of loss of sxVd and increased coal con sumption received from our new un sheathed steel vessels now in commis sion. I'nless our cruisers are to be con- lined to cruises of short duration in the neighborhood of our own porta, it would apH'ar that they are deficient in the most itnortaut quality the ability to maintain high speed at sea (or long pe riods. The additional exM'iisc incurred in putting on the sheathing of wood and copHr is in reality a great saving dur ing the lifetime of a ship, as it obviates the necessity of frequent docking and tho largely increased coal bills when the the metal lottom is foul. For a vessel like the Chicago the vost would bo K twovn fclOil and bK for dis king alone. To this sum must bo added aUmt $1,000 (or scraping and painting. In lireat Uritain competition has brought the charges for private docks down to a min imum, but the dock in India, China, Australia and on the Pacitlc Coast are very expensive. Captain Hichborn rec ommend that all cruising ws.el in tended general service in foreign w a tors I xhcalhod if aKve l.0t0 tons dis placement, and that vessel of less than l.tV tons displacement iivtondol for gen eral service as cruising gmbmits, etc., le of a composite const ruclioii. with sticl framing wood outside, Unking and cop par aUsUuug. t EASTERN NEWS. Discouraging Statistics From the Bureau of Statistics. THE MARRIAGE OF COUSINS. BUI Providing for Election of Presi dential Electors by Congres sional Districts. Western wheat-crop prospects are not encouraging. Another epidemic of grip is threatened in New York. In 18!)2 the railroads in Pennsylvania killed 1,439 persons. A case of malignant typhus has ap peared in Cincinnati. The World's Fair has taken in $200, 000 in admissions already. A syndicate is reported to have pur chased the New York Times. Nearly 400 applications for patents were made last year by women. The Treasury Department has plenty of gold for all practical purposes. Arkansas proposes to tax all sleeping car, express and telephone companies. The new iron-pipe combine in the Southwest will have $20,000,000 capital. Americans can now buy bait in New foundland without taking out a license. An artful New York Italian has made about $H,OO0 by raising $1 bills to 45 bills. A bank, exclusively for the colored race, has been organized at Anniston, Ala. Cattle in the Colorado country win tered exceedingly well during the late colli spell. New York's Board of Electric Control is still laboring to get the wires under ground. The Cherokee Strip will not be opened to settlement in time for the planting of spring crops. The Atlanta Constitution is earnest in declaring that Georgia is entitled to2,5u0 Federal offices. Two ex-Auditors of Illinois are being sued for the recovery of interest on State money placed in banks. Thomas Helm of Austin, Tex., offers J500 to any one who will secure his ap pointment as Postmaster at that place. ( iovernor Northern of Georgia is tired of politics, and has become enamored with the life of a religious missionary. The right of a saloon-keeper to eject female crusaders from his premises is to be tested in the Illinois Supreme Court. The trial trip of the cruiser New York has been every way successful. All cruiser speed records have been sur passed. A Chicago syndicate of capitalists is contemplating the establishment of an extensive piuking-houre plant in the City of Mexico, It is learned positively that a dispatch has been received from' Oxford by the Yalo Boat Club opening negotiations for an international race. The City Flectrician of Naahville, Tenn., states that it would lie yen1 dan gerous for women wearing crinoline to cross the electric car tracks. Rumors of a shortage have led the Randolph County 'Mo.) Court to begin an investigation of the books of County Treasurer Matlock of that county. For a long time hitherto New York city Imnds have sold at a premium in all the markets o( the world. Some new 3 per cents have been Belling at par. A Washington special to the New York Herald says that President Cleveland has finally made up his mind to call an extra session of Congress next Septeinlior. The Union Club of New York has en gaged Captain Charles Perry Smith, late of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, as its Superintendent at a salary of $5,000 a year. The Polmonioo Restaurant at New York will have to move from its well known stand in May. The Wormser Brothers, bankerc, 'have bought the property. A friend of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, has presented the institu tion with H50.000, with which to pay for a new building for tho Out-patient' De partment. A bill providing for the election of ITcsiiletitial r.lectors tiy Congressional districts has passed the Nebraska House, and is likely to pass the Senate and be come a tuw. The Uwer House of the Kentucky Legislature has declared against the marriage of cousins on the ground that children ot sucli marriages are frequently weak-minded. The United Brotherhood of Switchmen held a secret meeting at Philadelphia. No definite resolution was formed as to a strike when business is crowded dur ing the World's Fair. There are on file in the fostoftlce De partment more than 6.000 resignations of Postmasters, These cases will lie considered and disHed of lefore anv cases of removals are taken up. The admission fee to the World's Fair grounds w ill shortly bo raised from 25 ceuts to 50 cents, to discourage visitors nntd the work, which must now be pushed night and day, is completed. John J. Rhodes, General Manager of the Minnesota Bureau of Coal Statistics, lias lioen arrested on the charge o( com mitting perjury in giving testimony le f ore tho l.ogishitive Investigation Com mittee. Statistic prepared by the Bureau of Statistics for the year ending February 2S show a Imlance of trade against the United State of $l!2.tHHt,000, against a balance of 17l.000,eX,0 in favor of the Unitetl States for the previous year. The Florida orange crop this season will probably be the largest ever known. The trees are now in bloesoin, and are so full of bloom that should only half of them mature the trees would hot hold the fruit without considerable propping and bracing. The discovery is reported lo have been made that the peninsula of Michigan west ot the Sault and Mackinac to the Montreal and Menominee rivers and from Ike Superior to Lake Michigan and the straits has never been legally ceded to Um United Staia). PERSONAL MENTION. Senator Frve will deliver the eulogy on Blaine in' Boston, May S. No man knew him better. President Howe, of the American In stitute of Mining Engineers, is a eon of Mrs. Julia Ward" Howe. Mr. Gladstone would be the favorite boarder in an American private hotel. He is fond of rice pudding and prunes. Mrs. Lamont, wife of the popular Sec retary, will remain in New ork until the close of the school year liberates her children. Susan B. Anthony has weathered the gales of adverse criticism for forty years, and still clings to the hope that she will yet be permitted to vote. Mrs. Langtry has made a success of her display of "good clothes. She has a $175,000 yacht in which to enjoy her sea sickness and be fashionably miserable. Verdi will have a gold mine in "Fal statT." He has already received $32, 000 for the opera, and will have 40 per cent of the performing and publishing royalty rights. Buffalo Bill now stands at the head and front of American citizenship. He told President Cleveland that he was not an omee-seeker and wanted abso lutely nothing. James J. Hill of St. Paul, the railroad magnate, has a splendid collection of French paintings bought on his own judgment, lie talks as understanding of art as of railroads. William Ordway Partridge, the Boston sculptor, gets $10,000 for his statute of Shakespeare, and will receive $27,000 for his equestrian statute of Garfield. He is only 31 years of age. The Empress of Austria has translated "Lear," "Hamlet," and "The Tempest" into modern Greek, in which language she is wonderfully proficient, talking and writing it like an educated Athenian. Oliver Wendell Holmes is sensible enough to be very particular about his diet and means of living, and to take care that no unwise indulgence on his part shall benefit the doctors or shorten his days. There is a fortune in store for the au thor who has a long list of good-selling novels. Ouida has written altogether twentv-seven novels. Ihev still eniov a large sale and return large royalties to their author. If the Infanta Isabella of Spain comes to this country, she will show the Chl cagoans that a woman of fortv-two can dance like a girl, hunt like a M. F. II., and drive a four-in-hand like the t reat dent of a coaching club. Among the latest of the prominent actors to reply to Elbridge T. Gerry's violent assault upon the women of the stage is John Drew, who points to his distinguished mother, who began her professional career about 9 vears of age. He holds that the children are better off on the stage than in any other occupa' tion that is open to them. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. Taper barrels are a success. The cigarette manufacture is decrcas' ing. Locomotives now have electric head lights. England is building a ship that will cost $4,70U,UUU. Europe is reported to have 50,000 match lactones. There are over 21,000 Western "Union lelcgrapn olnces. The kegs used for the exportation of gum noiti ?'u,uuu. The annual production of pepper av erages 2:1,000 tons. Electric lights are extinguished by a ciock arrangement. Twenty-five cents a day is good wages lor a laoorer in imna. The New York Central has increased Its capital to $100,000,000. Birmingham, England, manufactures lu,uoo,UOO ot puis weekly. Twelve million fans are exported an nually irom 1 imton, imna. The highest price ever paid for silver was t..'i an ounce, August 19, 1800. Lots of land is changing hands now in 1 ranKiin county, Kan., at $40 an acre, The sixty-four corn-canning factories in jiaine put up i;,im,U2 cans last year, Twenty-one thousand persons are em' ployed making pins at Redditch, En' gland, During the last year the imports of wooien gooiis amounted in value to $30,' 702,005. During 1S02 there were 1,708 strikes in the State of New York, involving 25,7tH persons. More than five hundred street rail roads are operated by electricity on this Continent. The Bessemer iron miners of Michiran admit the formation of a pool to limit ineir ouiput. More cold has been obtained from Spanish America than from anv other part of the world. A new wire enltp,t t)m ITiin.afi.m Is covered with three coats of thread ani two coats of celluloid. From all sections of the Southern cot ton belt come reports of a largely in. creased cotton acreage. There are quite a number of women in New York w ho earn their living bv tak ing in "baby boarders." More than 600,000 lizard skins were snipped to this country last year from me .-iaie 01 lonosco, .Mexico. The fish hatcherv at Selkirk. Carudn which has a capacity of 15,OtHl,000 fry, is con. j itic inint 111 v uiiaoa. The silver output of Colorado was in- creaseti last year by 3,tHHl,tXH) ouncts in spite of the low price of the metal. There is $12,000,000,000 of life insur ance written in all parts of the wrl j, and of thi nearly one-half is placet in tlii: country. Many Americans are investing in the cotlee lands of Mexico. The crop this year will be very large, and is selling at $27 per quintal. A controlling interest in the Lake Su perior mine, near Duluth, has been pur chased bv the Wetmore-Morritt rvndi cate for $250,000. The largest order for type since the Invention of printing was fci 75 0t) pounds, given to a New York firfc by'the Government Printing Office. J It is estimated at WashingUv that we sow M.iW.OiM bushels of whea 1 and eat SOO.txo.OOO bushels. This app lxmiate 1,000,000 bushels a day for our sauta. AGRICULTURAL. FOR STARTING EARLY PLANTS A Good Deal of Care and Experi ence Required to Regulate a Hotbed Notes. If one does not have a propagating house, he need not on that account go without early plants, for a box in the house or an easily constructed hotbed will answer the purpose very satisfacto rily. Indeed many truck gardeners who raise a considerable variety of early veg etables never have anything more costly than the simplest kind of hotbeds. The early starting of plants in this way pre supposes that it was thought of and pro vided for before winter set in. It would not be easy in most cases to obtain the proper kind of soil or compost at this season of the f year, and if no prepara tion has been made, the plant must be laid a?ide, unless some one else more provident can supply the necessary soil. A good, light, sandy loam the richer ami lighter the better makes a good enough soi1 Before using it should be run throngi. 1 sieve, so as to remove all stones, lumps and rubbish. A table spoonful of superphosphate to each half bushel of soil may be added to advant age, and five or six quarts of peat moss or sphagnum, such as nursery men use for packing, thoroughly dried and sifted, to thA half bushel of soil make an excel lent material for starting seeds. If it is thought too much labor to make hotbeds, boxes about thirty inche9 long, twelve inches wide and three inches deep, made of half-inch stuff, may be used in the house. These may be placed on a flower stand or on the window sill, where they should be so secure that they will not be knocked off. Where a large number of plants is not required, these boxes are all that are necessary, and they are a source of pleasure and instruction as well as of mere utility, especially if there are children in the family old enough to observe and assist. A hotbed should, if possible, be placed on the south side of fence or building, where it will be pro tected from the severe winds and at the same time receive the full benefit of the sun's rays. There are two ways of mak ing it. One is to place fermei ting ma nure on the surface of the ground, tak ing care to build it up in an even, solid mass, with the long and short manure equally distributed, until it is from two feet to thirty inches high. It should be about two feet longer and wider than the frame of the hotbed, as the center will be hotter than the outside of the mass. Another method is to dig a pit two feet longer and wider than the frame, fill it with the manure and tread it down evenly and solidlv. A convenient size for the sash is 3x6 feet. The frames should be made of two-inch plank, the back twelve and the front eight inches wide, which allows sufficient slope to carry off water from the sash. The sides should, of course, be planed down to fit the two ends, and the back and front pieces beveled off, so that the sash will tit closely at the ends and sides. A sin gle brace across the middle of the frame, the short way, is enough to make it firm if two-inch lumber is used. The soil may be put into the frame as soon as it is in place. Six or eight inches of soil is better than a shallower bed, as when once heated through it will retain the heat longer, and the plants will be less likely to burn than if in closer contact with the hot manure. Seeds should not be sown for at least a week after the beds begin to heat. Meantime the weeds and grass will sprout, and mav be re moved before the seed is put in. A good deal of care and experience is required to regulate a hotbed. It must be guarded against both heat and cold and nvprlifiat. ing the former by covering with boards or mats at night, the latter bv proper ventilation when the sun shines brightly. But it will repay all the trouble it costs 11 successiuuy managed. ITEMS Or INTEREST. Try high feeding with old Brindln There have been some remarkable yields by very common cows. A good horse can no more stand on k.,1 f.... .1 1 1 . u" '" i, man a goou nouse can stand on bad foundation. Perhaps your old Brindle has never uau a mil ration in tier lite. Sot that she has not been experimented with to find out how much she could eat. If you have a cow that always excels uie ouiers in yield Dreed her to a pure bred llllirV Illlll n,l if ako Ka M colf treat that calf better than you ever vreaieu a can oelore. Tn ft-eit i n i. raw n-n .,. . 1 1. cautiously; not stuff her with all she M n am I- U . I , . . . , ""j orv ween, dui tram Her ap petite and digestion bv gradually in creasing the amount fed! It is a difficult matter to doctor sick animals. It is comparatively easy to keep them well by giving good food, pure water and clean quarters. These matters should have attention. Pound for pound chicken can b grown cheaper than pork, and who will say the boiled chicken is not more grate ful and henlthv thnn !,A .nl, 1. - I - ....... incriiii ioiii ana corned beef everlastingly found on far- uHiB mines; There are mme vara .. . 1 . i i-pi'iuill goou cows among the scrubs ; they transmit their eond nnnliti.. a .i.n:- 1 n . . m-u eaives in spite of the scrub bull by which they pre r- I . tows snouiu oetestodbv high feeding. ' Farmers dpairino tn .1... .. -- ; ii'iuir ill,- uairv qualities of their cows without decrcas' ing size so much as the use of Jer-ey bulls would should trv the Guenisevs The bulls of this breed often exceed 2,000 pounds in weight. Grain may be thrown into a litter of clean straw or hay for the fowls to scratch for it, but no food, hanl or soft should be put where the ground or litter is dirty. It is not wholesome for the hens, and may prove detrimental to hu man beings who may partake of theit flesh. Ktnat ha. .Iv.. ...: -1 l .. -. 1'uue.i nerseu on being a great wheat State, but it is said that tier Tvinltrv .. 1 .. .. 1 1 i v. iit' 7- rlwl"o ior morf than all her wheat. If, however, thing- rT, V. " u ,U,1K" t present writing all elf.MMnjk-tin.v V. - . . . i X - e"-" urns io sav notinni of other wpsds-wiil leave the State PORTLAND MARKET. FBODCCE, FECIT, ETC. Wheat Vallev, $1.121.15; Walla Walla, $1.05ol.07M per cental. Floce Standard, $3.30; Walla Walla, $3.40; graham, $2.90; superfine, $2.50 per barrel. .... Oats Choice, 43? 45c per bushel ; fair, 40c; rolled, in bags, $6.2356.50; barrels, $6.5056.75; cases, $3.75. Hay Best, $11(313.50 per ton; com mon, $910. Millstiffs Bran, $16 'a 17; shorts, $19 i20; ground barley, $23 ('24: chop feed, $18 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 80 8oc per cental; middlings, $25 it24; per ton; brewing barley, 00 a 05 j per cental; chicken wheat, $1.10 percental. Bctteb Oregon fancy creamery, 27'a (330c; fancy dairv,,22'j525e; fair to good, 17i(S'20c; common, 12'o'515cper pound; pickle roll, butter, 30;u35c per roll; California, 4045c per roll. Cheese Oregon, ll(tl3c; Eastern Twins, 15c; Young America, 16c per pound. Eggs Oregon, 16c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed coops, $4 (34.50; old hens, 4 5 o 5.5 J; old roosters, $4 o 4.50 per dozen ; dressed chickens, 16 (a 18c per pound; ducks, $0.50 7-50; geese, $1011 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15c; dressed, 17c per pound. I Vegetables Cabbage, $1.50(31.05 per cental: onions. ST.75u'2.00 per cental; cut onions. 75 a 90c: potatoes, $1.00 for Garnet Chilis; $1.25 for Burbanks: new, 6c per pound; Oregon turnips, 75 a 90c per sack; youngcarrots.iocy ni.uu; sweet potatoes. "$2.5J. 4.00 per cental; cauli flower, 90c per dozen, $2.75 per crate; celery, 90c per dozen; artichokes, 60c per dozen ; lettuce, 4ue per uozen ; aspar agus, llio 16c per pound; parsnips, 85c per sack; beets, $1.23 per sack ; radishes, 25c per dozen; green onions, 18o per dozen: rhubarb, 9. i 10c per pound; Or egon, 50c per dozen ; green peas, 10(3 11c; spinach, 3'.jc per pound; cucumbers, il.jOvit.uu pul uo4i;14 ; obiiii LfCilio, o per pound. Fkuits Sicily lemons, $5 5.50 per box; California new crop, $4.50i35.00 per box; bananas, $2.50 ' 4.00 per bunch; oranges, seedlings, $2 a 2.75 per box ; na vels, $3.00(33.5'J; cranberries, $12.50 per barrel ; apples, $1 .60 2.25 per box. staple groceries. TTnvtfV Plinlnft pniiili t.VIi17e rav pound; new Oregon, 16:n20c. Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, $16.50; 50s, $17.50; stock, $10.5llfn 11.59. Dried Fritts Petite prunes, lOiji 12c ; silver, mni; iiauan, ic ; Ger man, 10.allc; plums, old, 5n0e; new, 7(S9c; apples, 6(3 11c; evaporated apri cots, 15 a 16c; peaches, 12iOl(ic; pears, 7(3 11c per pound. Rice Island, $4.75 S 5.00; Japan, $4.75 per cental. Coffee Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c; Salvador, 21).c; Mocha, 2'.(n:l0e; Java, 2430c; Arbuckle's, Midland, Mo kaska and Lion, 100-pound cases, 25 35-100c per pound; Columbia, same, 24 85-lOOc. Beans Small whites, 3'nc; pinks, 3c; bayos, 3'ac; butter, 3.34c; lima, 84 (3 4c per pound. Syiiup Eastern, in barrels, 40i3 55e; in half-barrels, 42 STfa'c ; in cases, 35 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg ; California, in barrels, 20i340c per gallon; $1.75 per bnoAR Net prices: D, 4o; Golden C, 4'c; extra C, 4.'c; Magnolia A, 45-0'c; granulated, 5 '40; cube, crushed ami powdered, 5JsC; confectioners' A, Sc per pound; maple sugar, 1516c per pound. Can.ved Goods Table fruits, assorted, $1.75;fl2.00; peaches, $1.852.10; Bart lett pears, $1.752.00; plums, $1.37;; 1.50; strawberries, 2.252.45; cherries, $2.23 32.40; blackberries, $1.852.00; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, s2.25(3 2.80; apricots, $1.05(32.00. Pie fruits, assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $l.l0,Vi 1.20; blackberries, fl.25,a 1.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted, $3.15(33.50; peaches, $3.50,34.00; npri cots, U3.50i54.00; plums, $2.7533.00; blackberries, $-1.25. a 4.50. Corn, $1.50(31.75; toma toes, $1. 1031.15; sugar peas, $1; string beans, 95c per dozen. Meat Corned beef, Is, $1.50; 2s, $2.40; chipped, $2.55 34.00; lunch tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $1.751.85 per dozen. Fish Sardines, -4's, 75erff$2.25; Yt, $2.15!34.60; lobsters, $2.30,33.50; sal mon, tin 1-lb talis. $1.25i3$1.50; flats, $l.o; 2-lbs, $; ,'2-barrel, $5.50. LIVE AND DRESSED MEAT. Beef Prime steers, $3.85 3 4.25; choice steers, $3.75134.00; fair to good Jfw". 3.00(S3.50; good to choice cows, $.j.l5,o 3.75; common to medium cows, $20(32.75; dressed beef, $6.00 3 7.00. Mutton Choice mutton, $4.5tK 4.75; fair to good, $;, $8.00; lambs. $4.00 34 fill- )is.vl rMiim w Hons I limj.u l..,n.... r ir 0 . , , fi.uuiii i..j; me dium, $tl.50(30.75; light and feeders, $6.00(30.50; dressed, $9.00. Veal $4.00(3 7.00. Smoked Meat and Labd Hams, large, l,(ai7,c per pound; hams, me dium, l, 's(318',c; breakfast bacon, 17 Ctl8c; short clear sides, 14l(o 15'.,c; dry salt sides, 13'a (5 14c ; lard, compound, IfliT-i' 4 JZ Per pound; pure, in tins, 16(31(1,0; Oregon lard, Ul4-3 12's.c. miscellaneous. ,N?'!T?ase.luo,ation8: Iron, $2.75; steel, $2.75; wire, $2.50 per keg. Iron Bar. Win rr .....i . $23(3 25 per ton. ' steel j'er pound, 10'.,c. TlN 1. T. Ntanvinl 1J0.1 , i- to cTi r X . ' "A4Oi prime qual ity, $8.50(39.00 per box ; for crosses, $2 .....t. uyA, i. poise paU,g 14x20, prime ami tr 7 ko s a no 1 " Li, , - ,i w 1 1 ' 00 x ; terne ?4x0 114 Pnme qualit'' -8Si'7-00; LEAD-per pound, 4,,c. ba RX, -NAVAL STOKrM-J1L-. . - per bale; 'resin, $4.80 5.00 m-r 4S0 K..fc.,mL faro- bamd tur'n,,-"c.1'"t"' PF' car lots. ' ga"on' m HOPS, WOOL AND HIDES. Hops Quote 12(3 16c. iS rvni I ' in i,. .... m . . . .. Mir. 1(1,31 ei r..... ' 1Mhc; fan chp,1315V; Willamette vallev, 15 o,lng to 1ualty; Eastern Ore Sndition. 00 P0UDd' "8 to Hides Dr l.;.i. i . Aa. ' ueieciea prime, 68c; green, selected, over 60 pounds i. nn. -.1 . . ' iiivuium, nuiosoc; ong, 90ci $1.25; shearlings, 10(5 20c"; tal- , B . w uiuiix, o'ooc per pound. BAOS AND BAOOINO. Burlarifl A.mhaa An -1 . -----1 - iu-incn, net rasn. fc. burlaps 10V,'-ounce, 40-inch, net ' v i -! i.-uunce, 40-tnca, Vo?,u bar'P' 15-ounce, 60-inch, Ue; burlap., 20-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat bCutta ec; ..)..... A.. . L