Newspaper Page Text
L '- oimtu Volume I. DIItECTOliY. linoolm cooti. iolnt Se'natnf f'ountv Judg lerk - . Sheriff Treasurer bi'h.Hil .Superintendent Purveyor Assessor i'oroner Commissioners! C. H. t'rosno I. P. Blue B. K. Jones liPlirirA 1 ail. lis Henry lenlinger i nas. Hooin Jog ftiMiin - T. E. Parker Jas. Russell J. O. Stearin M. L. Trapp TOLEDO PREl'I.Vf. Justice of the Peace i onstable J A Hull A. E. Altree CHURCHES AXI) SOCIETIES. "piKST HAPTlSTS.-Meet every first Sm - In each month, a 11 a. m. and also on the xuiuniay preceding me above Sundav. at 2 b hi., .in the Toledo Public Hall, L. Jt. Butler fcT. JHNS CHl-RCH Jl'rotestent Episcopal! c Iiivme service the third Sunday of every . ivmu. ., U B, Ui nrw mviiea 10 attend llov, c has. Booth, Missionary. 'Kfi'fory," Newport, Or. Kesldence T 11. O. r . Toledo T.ndira Vr. lev r . A.everv Friday evening at their hall in'this i..n. ti . x.. i.uiz, j. . uaitner, see y. o, . Meet ev'Sry Thursday eveninir, :: o clock, in Grady's hall, thin town. C . Croaiio, C. T. G. Bethers, Secretary. 1? A.'and I. I'. Toledo niton. No. I'm. Meets nail in this town. All members reutiested to'jlC, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Corvallis, Oregon HOITT CAMPBELL, fHOPRIKIOH OF Toledo Meat Market, DEALS IN Fresh and Cured 3Ieats OF ALL KINDS. Toledo, - - Oregon Steamer Benton, Cit, Jan. Robertson, On and after April ist, will make regular aauy trips between Toledo and Newport and way landings. lvow .freights and Fares. See time lor leaving on Bulletin at vopeiana s corner. HOTGL LINCOLN T. J. Buford, Prop. Everytliirig First-class Charges Reasonable. TOLEDO, OREGON, JOHN LEUENBERGER, MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS and SHOES, Repairing Neatly Done. Yaquina, - - Oregon. J A. HALL, Justice of the Peace, Toledo, Oregon, Deeds. Mortgages, and all kinds of legal papers liZ'!e'1 J5''.,h '"""tiles. att" n triven to all business entrusted to my care. W. V. 8UEPAUD, Attorney-at-Law, Residence, Stanford, Oregon. Business in any court in Lincoln County promptly and carefully at tended to. Thi-Wrtlwt Hoiti. Oregon Paoifio Railroad E Direct w HADLEY, Receiver. I.lne-yulck Dispatch-Low Freight Kates. lietwecn Willamette Vallay p,nt and Han OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. H. H. WII.l. A VfT-PP t'UIVV 1 ! .mn ''""i"'" Mar l. a and Jnne t. lew. . I'niia May a). ;!7 aim June ft, law. And alM.ut every ten davs thereafter. Thl - ... .iw,. i . ''Y 'no rigm u) raanire iiiu dates wlthoui notice. 1 RIVER STEAMERS. , IviIt servw letween Portland and nolsra and I 1 l'lr Willamette river point. t HCU AIIY. itneral Hnrtntendent, lortallis, re4H. PETER TELLEFSON, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Uaps, Rubber BOOTS AND SHOES, Cigars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery. Yaquina City, Oregon. T. P. FISH, Toledo, Oregon, Peaier In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, Ready Made Clotliino-, JCtc. Our Customers will find our stock moderate THE LEADER, only $1:50 1 Fool With Fab!! If yourself or friends Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only trie Genuine Keeley Treatment, which is the only safe, reliable and permanent cure in existance. Genuine Keeley Institutes, with most favorable surroundings, at FOREST GROVE and ROSEBURG, OREGON. tWrite for Particulars. Correspondence Confidential. HENHY WULF, DEALER IN Pure Wises and Liquors. Fresh beer on draft. A QUIET AND ORDERLY RE SORT. Toledo, - - Oregon. Assignee's Notice. VOTItK 1KIIKKKHY GIVEN that Peter Me- ,1 rb.nmll i.lT.,Wn I, has made a eeneral asslKiiment of alf his prop, ertyfor the tienetltof his creditors to tbeunder signed, htch said assignment it now pendfnir t ,u. tun m.iv Ul . I K' "I, '' 1 Inn.. In I'nnnfu All h,.IJIn. against the said insolvent are herebv notllied and required to present the same to the under signed, under oath, at Toledo, County and ..... f..4.ll:l K llhln ittM. n,lk. I' h date heieof. ..led this JOth day of May, 1MM. A. O. Hook rk, Assignee. M. HANSEN, I i lr,TIP 4 T. WATCHMAKER, Watches Cleaned and Repaired. All work Guaranteed. Toledo, Oregon, Executor's Notice. IN TIIK COIXTV L'OIBT OF I.INCdl.N (OfN- TY. liRr.nN. Y'lTIc h is beraby given that the undersigned i wna dqly app.,nted by the I'ounty onrt ol l.lncln t'ounty, orscrfi. eteontor of the esute of Mary 8. bevtns, late of said eoonty. det'eawtd. All l-eraons having rlalrus against said estate are hereby notttiod to present them duly veri fied to the on.lerrignad at hfs residence In Ktk i lly. Oregon, within sis months from the date of this notice Iwied at Toledo, Oregon, Ibis Ji4ay of Jane, lata. J. If. BEVI!. M fciceiitvr. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, and Oil Clothine. CROCKERY AND GT.AS.CWAPV comnlpte in p.!l lines and arc solda prices. wish to be curer. of A SPECIAL OFFER 1 (i;5rsiriTDmrrCT".?,& eorner of Rlith and Al ler streeta. Kor maar roweTHB OKBOONIAN hosf. lt the nid o 'iff? "d.oouipiodlou. bulldlus embraelnc u tbe modarn with the UuhS ImprOTadmaohlMrT lor turning out a roe tfopolltan paper. It aow has it. and sjne that the whole Paelfle Coast mar Justlr favl proud jTow U..t THH Oft: Oo .AN t. ,ttll li this now home It fools like rlsins; lu man friends a bonaHl It matins this speelal offer !? wooo who renew toolr tuboyrlpUoo, or to -Btf i'" Prt0 ,"nb lK Ueelf,!y Orejotjlar; 18 Month for $2.00 C.I(!VW'.,,,I of therear. THB OHBOOMA bellovesa Iwnaflt of tbla i4 will bo trroatl, appreciated. Hssm stud l roar .uljjorli.lloi, aesoow aa puMlble. hen kosUr 23lr our nm Ebonw puwkhko CO, 1 .. ....i. u. HOW IT WORKS. Hon, T. T, Geer, of Marion county, is making a trip in Cali fornia, and has visited the jute mills there. He gives some facts in a letter to the Oregoniau: "Before this jute mill was erected the prison labor in California was employed in various industries, but chiefly in the manufacture of furni ture. Everything was goiu& on smoothly and perfectly when the Denis Kearnev element began to declaim against the competition of convict labor with free labor, and the result was the discontinuance of all kinds of labor except jute bags. Large furniture stores in San Francisco, dealt in the prison pro ducts, and it was claimed that this deprived men here who would ether ise have work and be prosperous; but th warden told Ilie tll:lt sines the jute mill was started these same furniture dealers instead of manu facturing furniture here and em- yiiig luic men, get ail their sup. plies from the East, mostly from Indianapolis. TilP l.nil.l for these ninn,,rart..ri...r nttmnc. Wtn.i i ,1 ...i ' ' had to be abandoned, and are now not used for any purpose what ever. This direct loss to the state was about $250,000. The jute mill. as it now stands, has cost the state near $500,000, and there is a gen eral under-current of opinion that it will prove a bad investment, For various reasons the bags made by convict labor are not of a good quality. No man who works for nothing and by compulsion is going to be careful. There are many kinds of work that lie can not Khirk, however, if he works at all, but spinning and weaving are not any of these. No superinten dent, however faithful, can be present at all the looms all the time. and a broken thread, or a dozen of them, for that matter, can be passetl over without any one's knowledge but the operator. A broken thread now and then means little or nothing to a convict operator, who knows lie will not lose his job, no matter what he does, but with the farmer who hurridly pours a bushel of wheat into a defective sack when he is threshing, the consequences stands for something. There is another reason why convict bags are poor in quality. Most men 111 all prisons are sent up for comparatively short terms. and about the time one becomes somewhat skilled in the use of a loom his term expires and a new man must take his place. These facts account for the situa tion now exisiting at San Quentin. There are now over 1,250,000 bags on hand at the jute mill for which there is no demand, although thev are offered for a quarter of a cent less than imnorted Imo-s A,, . 0, - - . farmer can see at a glance that a mere quarter of a cent on a sack is not worth considering when there is a marked difference in the quality in the article. There is a jute mill in Oakland run by free labor, of nearly euual capacity, which I also visited, and the quality of the goods is so pro nounced in its favor that one can readily see the difference, and the proprietor told me could not nearly supply the demand for his sacks." Among the attract ions advertised for the 4th of July celebration 11 1 Forest Grove is the marriage of two couples during the day on the pub lic platform. It is safe to bet that if these people who have no more resect f,r the in .rriage rites than to make a public spectacle of them selves, continue to reside in that county that witlii i a few years they will make another public demon stration, but it ill be in the dis trict court room. t There is a grov inr belief among the x.-ople that Hamilton, Job Co. failure was not legitimate in every particular. 1 lie books and paper, are ; aid to be in poor shaj, and a total lack if profits in the business is made to appear, when it was generally Ixlicvcd that the bank had been t'oitig a very profit able busbies for years. June 22, 1893. One comical feature about the Hamilton & Job failure, is that men had money on dejiosit at the bank when it bursted that never was known to have a dollar ahead before. The statement of the Corvallis Times last week that Lincoln coun ty had $4,000 on deposit in the de funct Corvallis bank is erroneous. The treasurer had $575 on deposit at Yaquina, while the sheriff had about $400 in checks and drafts, a greater part of which he will recover. . The Corvallis Gazette pokes con siderable fun at Lincoln County about the school mouev business and calls it a serial or continued story. The name is certainly an extremely good one and expresses the situa tion much better than plain words can. Our friend, the Gazette. bears it strongly in mind that the villiau is always successful until the last chapter, when injured in nocence always Comes out triumph ant. V, C WuiiM .slit-vest lo tlio Gazette that it waits till the last chapter has appeared. H m- row nas afce" v'w t0 KO clcar to te snow line for Koine specimens of "blood plant" to scud to the world's fair. These curiosi ties of nature are about the size of a pineapple, but delicately formed and are of a deep crimson in color. The entive plant when held to the light looks like a delicate and intri cate piece of wax work. No mut ter how great the fair may be, this plant will excite considerable curi osity and astonishment. Grant's Pass Courier. Harry Porter, of Norton's Siding, on the O. P., recently set a trap lor a bear, and returning from a visit to it a few mornings later yelling lustily and culling the dogs. A party of ten, among them the neigh borhood school mistress. Miss Addie Hristow, of this city, return ed with him. 'and an hour una spent in training the dogs for future bear hunting. When the animal, worn out by pain and exertion, was set at liberty, he laid down, appar ently more dead than alive, and Miss Hristow, with a long stick. advanced from among her friends and attempted to arouse him. She struck him several blows, when he suddenly jumped up and made a dash for her. She fled, and the chase, which continued for several yards, was only interrupted in time by the dogs, on whom the bear turned, when within a couple of feet of Miss Hristow. The inci dent taught the party a lesson and the animal was speedily despatched. orvallis limes. A German, from Nebraska, ar rived in Corvallis a few days before the Hamilton & Job burst up, and bought a farm near that city, pay ing $200 to bind the bargain. On the day before the bank closed he deposited the balance of the pay ment, $4,000, 111 the bank about half past three o'clock with Hip agreement that the deed was to be deposited next mnrtnno- mwt ilm money paid over to the seller of the farm. The sequel was, that the bank never opened next morning and the German's money, which was all he had, home and all were gone. The man had a large family and is a stranger in the land. He has pa seil his fiftieth mile stone and is on the downward decline of life. These are the alleged facts as told to this writer. If true the men who accepted that man's mon ey, knowing that they were steal ing it, ought to lie sent to the jeni tentiary for ten years. They are not as resiiectuble as the robber on the highway. The man from Astoria who stole a loaf of bread his bun ger was sentenced and served three years in the penile. itiary. The men who tole $ ,,000 of a poor German's - I'- ' ' . n money by taking it on driwsit a half hour before their bank bursted will never be tried. The result of this will be that at least two an- archistn are made. You can never conunce the German who hod his home legally stolen from bim, ihut there is any juxtice in the law as administered, and he cuu't reason ably be blamed for it cither. Military Imlian Aypnts. Friday's Oregonfan contained the statement that Trcsident Cleveland had fully determined to adhere strictly to the letter of law, and ap point no one but military officers as Agents at the various Indian Agencies in the west. It is sin cerely to be hoped that the report is similar to many that the Oregon inn's correspondent has been send ing from time to time the veriest bosh. It would be nothing short of a great calamity to ninny of the agencies in the west. Take it on the agencies where the Indians are as highly civilized as they are at the Siletz agency, or the Grand Ronde agency, or in fact any of the agencies on the coast, the placing of them under the harsh control of the military would be extremely detrimental. The Indians at the Siletz are well civilized, perfectly law-abiding and are engaged in the various pursuits of civilized lifr, They are happy, prosperous ami contented. They are almost fully able to take care of themselves, and all they need is some one in the capacity of agent to look after their business interests and keep up their schools, etc. To place them under strict military control would be irk some and nonproductive of good. There is nothing in common be tween the military and the Indians. The government has been to great expense and trouble to eradicate the idea of war and to wiu them to peaceful pursuits, and to abandon that idea at this time is extremely ill-advised. A military man who has made the science of war a study for years, would know nothing of the Indian's farm, his stock, his grain, hay and other produce. Their schools would not interest him. What such agencies aa the Siletz need are agents selected from the Civil list who are competent, and who is in sympathy with them in their efforts toward high civiliza tion. The Siletz Indians under such agents will be fully self-sup porting. He is encouraged and instructed on his farm, he is helped to breed a higher grade of stock, a market is found for his produce, and to look after his business interests generally, for the Indians from environments and and nature are not permitted to know these things. These things could not and would not be looked after by a military officer. The placing of the Siletz Indians under military rule undoes the great work that has been performed dur ing the pnst ten years. Two of a Kind. The Editor of this paper and Ob server of the Weather Bureau, Newport, went from Trinity Col lege, Dublin, to Royal Military College of Sandhurst, passed a com petitive examination and obtained a commission as Ensign in H. M. ist West India regiment, served through the West India Islands, ob tained a Lieutenantcy, and ex changed into the 14th Regiment served with the regiment at a good many Stations, also in the Crimean war, and siege of Sebastapol, lieing wounded, received the Crimean medal and clasp, also the Turkish war medal, promoted to Captaincy in 14th and finally retired having been presented to, and kissing the hand of her Majesty, Queen Victoria. Emigrated and settled for 14 years in Kansas, Kingman City, Kingman Co. prior to coming to Newport. Newjjort News. The EDITOR of THIS PAPER, went from Possum Trot school in Indiana to rull-and-Haul, "dees trict" school, Posey County, in the same state. He passed examina tion as a section hand on a jerk water railroad and also served three yearn as a cow boy in Western Nebraska, He never reacted any medal for 1 eing wounded, but is entitled to a b ather medal for prevarication I fe never kissed the hands of any queen, but you can just let your life that he has kissed the rosy, cherry, peachy, creamy, lovely lips of genuine American girls, that were handsomer, prettier, and lov lier than Queen Vic, and all the slow, poky English girls in her whole jammed up little island. Kiss any female woman's hand? Well hardly; or if we did we would never kt it be known. Number 16. Banks Crash. "The crops and banks never fail in Oregon." For years the forego ing has been a kind of a standing advertisement for Oregon the coun try over. It will have "to be hauled down now and brought home. The last ten days in Oregon has im paired its usefulness so much that it will have to be laid away. Dur ing that time no less than five banks in the richest parts of Oregon have closed their doors. The first to start the crash In Oregon was Ham ilton, Job & Co., at Corvallis. A private banker by the name of Reed, at Portland, closed up next. Mon day the Linn County National. Hank and the Bank of Oregon, at Albany, and the bank at Lebanon closed their doors. Of the former there is but little doubt that the depositors will be paid in full at an early date. The Bank of Oregon will pay about 35 cents on the dol lar, and no statement is made of the bank at Lebanon. On Tuesday the Lane County Bank of Ilovey, Humphrey & Co., a Eugene wetit under. The whole financial system of Oregon is upheaved by these failures and the general opinion la that the end is not yet. 1H Elk Items. Sunshine once more after the rain, it is very welcome. Fall grain looks pretty Well. Gardens and spring grain are rather backward. Some of the fall wheat has leen headed out for some time. Sick folks are nearly all well. Born to the wife of Wm, Mulky, on Friday, June 16th, a son. Moth er a d child doing well. Bill would have been happy had he not been too mad Sunday to attend Sunday School. Fraud Mulvany and Willie Janu ary, the champion hunters of Big Elk, killed three cougars last week, south of here in the mountains. Willie also killed a bear today. Farmers are about ready to har vest their earliest hay. Some of it is ready to cut. Miss Eva Mulvany returned to Corvallis last week. Her sister Anna went with her. Lester Grant had his foot mashed last Friday, by his horse falling with him while going for the mail, op posite the Cluunbcrs place. June, 19, 1803. - x , U. C. I. No. Drift I'rook Items. Fine growing weather and gar dens and grain looks fine. The road work between here and Toledo has stopped on account of the rain. Miss Millie Young Is now stop., ping with Mr. John Watkin'a and attending the Meadow Creek school, Mr. Marion Watkius, who has been visiting on the creek, returned to his home at Philomath, Sunday, Lee Watkins and Fred Kiffer killed a bear last week, This mukefl the fourth bear killed in this neigh- borhood this spring. Jrihu Arnold has bought N. J, Watkins place at the mouth of Gopher Creek. I presume Mr, Arnold will have the county seat moved over there next June. He has a very nice town-site and has let the contract to have an acre of crabapple brush slashed, liven the prospect of a road 'has. brought a new settler to our country. And no doubt a road would bring many more as there are plenty of of places as good as the one that was taken, lie was from near Silverton. The place he selected la on the route between Toledo and Fall Creek just where the road will turn off to go to Big Elk by way of Frank Grant's. It Is a very good ridge claim. It is call ed Lick Skillet. The man has gone back to Silverton, but will return soon to build a house. Mr. John Watkins was laid up with his back the first of the week, but has recovered so as to be able to oversee the road. ' Stick. 1