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Lincoln County Leader, J. F. HTKW4KT, I'ubll.lmr. TOLEDO ORKGON OCCIDENTAL NEWS. Cases Against Trapmen of the Columbia Itiver. OREGON CONVICTS MARK BKICK. The Federated TradcH at Lo Aiitrele Fail to Make Out a Cane for Deportation Etc. Bait Lake Lai bondH. voted 125,000 in school Nevada farmers are pleased with the crop outlook in the htato. Another prospector at s-an Diego rlHiuia to have found the 1'cgleg mine. HiHnanieiH Jolin Ingram, and hi ago is3. b There iH much sympathy at Spokane for Mr. Cannon, who.-u hanking house had just failed. The assets will cover all liabilities A vast dcOMit of boratu of 1 i mo bus neenuiHcnvcron in thiitjalico Mountain. The find iH thought to he worth millions of dollarH. The Naval Hoard at Maro Island in making their report liavo pronounced the Monterey to ho all that the con tract required. The citizens of AHhland are making a determined ellort to raise, the 112,111)0 wnicn ih reipureij to insure the location of a brunch of tlm Portland I'niverMity there. J lie IAK Angeles Junes will put in a new pcnocuiig prens IIiin week, ami Willi It introduce seven linotype type mining loiu-iuiics, the llrMl to appear in v-niiioiinii. Wo wonder, nay the Vuina Sentinel, if there Ih unotlier town outside ol uiua in the universe where aiiv of it h citizens are clinmcd from 50 cent to l for drinking water in a saloon or hurher Hllopf 1 he llrails-trcct agency reporht eigh teen failureN in the Pacini! CoiiHt Mutes anil territories fur tlm past week, as compared with fourteen fur the previous week arid ten for the corn-Hmiiding ween oi j mi;:. A largo draft of seamen from the Mare Island naval rende.votiH will he Kent to Honolulu hv the next Htcamcr to reinforce the crows of the United MatcH Hhip Adams and the cruiser Hon ton, now there. The Federated TradeN at I .o Angeles failed to make out n case fur iIoki tiitinu in me All ti ti K arreHl, owing to the fact that the District Attorney del not show that the Chinaman wax unregistered. J he trades are iletermiueil that a ciisc ahull he properly brought before the courtH. 1'articH who crossed the Cascades at the head of lingue river recently icport the fliiow Mtill from hix to eiL'lit feet ilcep. Thin will make Htiiiinier travel to Crater Lake verv late Huh year. Tchiiih fdioiild he running within a month however. Not since the iiiemiirial disaster of lHHtt Iiiih there been such a loss of life iih during the present year along the Col tinihia river fisheries. Fifteen fisher men have heen dmw ned Hi tire April 10, and llltv-seven IhihIs have ciipsucd. The uncertainty of the tides ever since the hchsoii htiuteil Iiiih minle the river dangerous fur the IhhiIh. tiovemor liichiird id .Montana Iiiih IhhuciI a priH'laniatiiui prohibiting the iiuK)i(ation of Hhcep into Montana from Oregon, California, Ncvmlu, Washing ton, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado or New Mexico, except upon thecertili eate of the Statu Veterinarian that the nliccp have been inspected and (omul free of any inflictions or "rorit.iniou disease, WorniH liave again appeared in the vineyard went of Itch no, Oil., by mil lioiiH, and in ncvcral localities people are lighting them with niyi of ChineHc, who work night and day. The worms work night, and in mime places several aereH have been Hlripped of Iciivch in a few hour iih if a hand of nlictp hail gone through the, It in thought the pent will he cleaned out. TheMcKliiney will cane at Stockton, Cul., hail Ih'cii stooped. A motion for a noiiHtiit wiim agreed to by the contestant, a colored woman, w ho snore she married . McKinuey in ISVH, when the record would prove that nhc had married a limn tunned Nil holm in IS70. There was every evidence of conspiring to obtain the McKinuey money, ami it in JMMHilile a conspiracy cane may In ormcd. tm lYlliteni iurv eoliviets are now imiiLIiil wluntt 4i),tHU Wick a day. The Salem Statesman aayn: "It in a pity they rould not make enough for the soldiers' home, the brunch asylum and all other prospective huililingH now, beioro the darting of the piMHiiisl jute mill, ho as to keep the idle convict employed. They aim to make ;,IHH,IHH thin scu'son, to Ih used in public ImitdingN and nd-j ditioiiH provided for by the lust l.igis lature. Tho ease against the trapmell of the Columhia river have for the second lime it) two yearn Itillen to the ground, and lion. C. V. Fulton and bin brother won two case recently for the defense, one after the other. The Prosceuling At torney divlawd lie would iicvcriig.ini bring a chaige agniiiHt a trapman or a gill-nel llshcriiiaii. lie declared it utterly nselciw to try to ecure a in victioii, and slated that il would never Ik' poHsihle for the State to win a cae of the kind when the lawyers ho mixed the jury up with the jurisdiction question that the r were unable to aitv on miv thing. Sir. Fulton pnvlmisl i-ertu'catcH held by Isiih ilelcudants, and hiviiihI that the laws of Cnugresn giving Oregon Jurinlu'tion in civil and criminal eases to the Waehingtnn hor ij the t'ohiin bia only applied lo the Hcrviiv of pro cense and to eriinea iMinmittcd on a Moating boat or other craft and not to anything fixed into the lied of the river on the Washington niile. lie claimed in addition that, if a Clatsop county jur pronounced jurisdiction over Washing ton tlshtratw, the Mate of WaHliington rould with just an much reason lew iIuch on and control the Union I'aeitic w tiarves that run out toward the middle channel from Astoria. Judge Cleveland, Ihmii powerhns to instruct the juries on the question of law, Hat loiried from in Rtrurling either jury, and the r nitons oorurtii Hoiuittal for everv one o tneir rlienta. Tlie oiicstion iinfortnnatett' is no nearer wttlenient than imt. '11 fsheriir of the eoiinty and all his !s; tltia are denouncing Fish Commissioner Crawfonl of Washington for what tiny claim i flagrant derxdiction of ditty in farorof th trarwnw. FEOiT WASHISGTOX CITY. Pecrelary Carlisle hat appoints! Worthington Kord of Iirooklvn, N. Y., chief of the bureau of htatiHtn s in the 1 reasury JJcpartnient. iiuring the last Cleveland administration Ford nerved as chief of the bureau of HtatiMicii of the JJepartmcnt of Stale. Mr. Ford in worth nearly 1, 000,000. The Star sayH that President Cleve land has told uiemlx.-ra of Co'freng that undr no eireutriHtanreK woula there be an issue of bonds unless especially au thorized by Congress. The ad in i lustra tion, he Faid, wan not respjnsible for the present financial situation, and it lavs with Congress, and not the administra tion to find a remedy for it. The experts, employed under the di rection of the Congressional Committee authorized to investigate the methods of conducting business in the executive de partment: began work last week. They will first take up the husineH methods of the Treasury, it will take perhaps two year to finish the work The officials, of tho War Department protest that the recent increase of the military force at Chicago has nothing to do with the elosing of the World'H Fair, but notwithstanding this: denial there is reason to Iwlieve trouble in anticipated if an attempt in made to carry out the construction of the law gjven by the United Stated Court. Mans are being made by Secretary Hoke Smith for an extensiVe trimmer tour through the West. TIichc plans are not fully developed, ami the time of his. departure In therefore unknown. I In will, however, visit points in Indian Territory ami then proceed to California, returning by the route of the Northern I'acifle railroad. MrH. Suiilh h: decided to accompany him on his travels. Fvery once in awhile tho rumor is started that . Justice Field contemplates resigning from the Supreme Hench. As often as thin story is started it iH denied hv the Justice himself, Kield was. not a Cleveland man, because Cleveland re fused to appoint him Chief Justice. He huh so anirv at that time that he miirht have resigned to spite Cleveland, but he in oter ins mad and now Hunks that Homo other liemocritt may appoint bin successor. At any rato ho iH going to try it. 1 1 Ifariisoii had been re-elected he might have retired, because it would have meant the selection of it Itcpuhlicaii as his Hiiecessor, uiiIchh he waited for an other election. Secretary Oreshnm has received infor mation from Minister lllount that war rnnlH the conclusion that he U prepared to indorse all that Iiiih been done in Ha waii, and that he in now strongly in- ciiiico wi recommeiiu ai least the estao lishmeiil of a United StatcH protectorate over tile Hawaiian Islands. The Sccrf tary is also in olliciiil ignorance of tin rcporti-d interference of Clans Spreckel in behalf of the restoration of monarchy ami oi iiih insistence upon the repayment oy inn provisional government ol mono advanced hy linn to the late monaichv the Secretary iH, of course, in receipt of information from lllount that he does not feel justified in publishing, but he h no iiesiiauon in iicuving tliu accu racy of the alsivo report. During the first three months, of the present administration ended June;) the total number of fourth-class postmasters appointed was (,M7, of which 4,1172 were to till vacancies caused hv resignations nii'i ileum ami l,w ) hy removals. I lur ing the corresponding period of tho pre vious administration the total number appointed wiih ,2'il, or l.llKtl more than were apHiintcd during the last three months. Of these i.iiiV.l were to till vn- ciincies caused hy resignations and death and l),o(i7 by removals. The number of appointments made on resignations was 'J, Ob i greater during the first quarter of tin' administration than during the last, and the number m. nle on removals was Jt.riiiL less duriin: Cleveland's. Ilrst ouarter Hutu .luring Harrison a. CIIH'AtiU EXPOSITION. The ax t lladstone has been usiinr at I law iirdcii ih to be on exhibition at the orld s I-air, Florida, somew hat Into it would scciii, is appropriating lor Mate -lo the World'H Fuir nil condition that the railroads r'v.i a like sum. I he forciLMl commissioners t the orld s I-air propose to have an inde pendent Umrd of jurors ami to issue di plomas on their ow n account. I'he World'H Fair managers have fig ured expenses down to IL'tl.Ooo a day, whereas the daily average revenue from lmisHioti4 ami concessions in alsuit ;lo.- IKH). A majority of the United States Cir cuit Court has decided the World's Fair must close Mllldavs. Judges Wood and Jenkins ordered that an injunction be i-sued restraining theollicials from open ing the gules of the fair iimiuel". Judcr t irosscup dissented, recommending that the injunction applied for by tho United ibich I'istricl Attorney lie not granted. The decision of Judires WimhI mid Jen kins, though reaching the same point in the cud, take th is ncl ion on widely diverg ing ground', and dissenting opinion dif dirt radically from Isith. '1 he cotirt riMinis were crowded w hen the decision was read. Judge Wood read his own opiui in which he concluded that Jackson l urk was lawfully devoted for exKisition purposes, and that the expo sition nan ik en in lucl turned over to the control of the Federal wovenimciit by the local corporation, and that its mtrol w.ih thcrctore as alwolute as its control of the Federal building, lie held that the Sunday-closing rule, hav ing once Ken passed hv the local direc tory and approved by the National Com mission, former UM'v could not climik-e it. Kcuardini: the cao lefon Jn.h.,. Stein of the State court he held it wan no bar to the proceedings, Invause it is inadmissible to say that the government must in comity yield to a State court. A man u.uned Arnold and Harlow HigginlHitham. who secured the conces sion at otlleis.1 and onlv photographers1 on tho grounds at a salarv of J'.'.tXM a year and Id per cent on all work, which meant about r.'.YlsM, have rnimsl thcin- selves hy oihciousness in getting them selves tangled up with the iMiiueil ol ad ministmtion, ami will probably o dis ciphucd. I'hcy went so far as to divlan that ix prcscntativcs of illustrated news paHt. i-ouKI not make sketches on the grounds, and the other day one of these artists was arrested and taken Ivforo Arnold, w ho constituted himself a Mag istrate for the csvasioii ami utterly ig nored the permit issmsl to the artisi b Ihtx-ctor-t.cucral Pavi. When the in formation of this reached the Director tieueral he w as w ro.h, u I the matter was rvlcrred to the council of adminis tiauon, which will interview Arnold. I his is not the mo( morions mat ler about I these haughty photographers. The I pviiul ( ConiniisMoncrs made j Aruohi r'.uva to rvturii Uwiu luHiiitivoji of phouvraph taken of painting, in the I H.v.ionof tho tine-art gallery. I he I nitl Mat. government .:g,i;sU' aiix. inent that all n.vative of photo- graph or other exhibit shoiihl Ih. re-1 t.iriv tothec.miiiiHMoner. 1 hi acn- ment, hoaever, had imethvt on Arnold, and Ihriuatt.-rwa laid l.fw. .....: tl ( admtwiaHarioa. EASTERN MELANGE. Total Immigration During Ten Month Ended April 30. SOUTH EES PACIFIC'S REPORT. Reduction of Freight Rates From New Orleans to Pacific Coast Points Does Good. The church taxation bill was defeated in the Michigan House by a vote of 32 to The Texas Central is looking over ground for its proposed extension in Mexico. Philadelphia wants a new mint build ing. Tho money ii appropriated for a new site. Governor Flower of New York is worth several million dollars, and he is taxed for $10,000. Thousands of acres of land have been laid waste in Southern Arkansas by the recent floods. Joseph Pulitzer of the World has given 1 100,000 to the building fund of the Co lumbia College. The Itailroad Tai Assessors of Kansas are being urged by popular clamor to in crease the taxes. Dunn, chief of the weather bureau, promises one of the wannest summers wo have ever experienced. The Bull Telephone Company has so cured an injunction against the Mc Keen port Company at Pittsburg. A company lias been chartered in Kansas to print and circulate campaign matter for the People's party. Kansas crops are improved. Wheat is giving better promise, and the corn acre age will be larger than usual. Seventy furniture factories at Cincin nati have closed. 1 Ins is tho answer to the demands oi tho workmen for nine hours and other concessions. Tammany is in clover. The Governor of New York did not veto tho bill that gives lammniiy 10,000,000 dock im provcnictits. Since Jay Gould' death the "Gould stocks" hevo Fullered a shrinkago of more than $50,000,010, and ono-half of this falls upon Ins estate. Itev. Dr. Lyman Abkitt in Plymouth l hurch, Brooklyn, Saturday referred to Dr. Hriggs as a modern prophet, fit to rank with the prophets of the Bible, Michigan health officers are accused hy l anadian papers of "workinir" Do minion railways under threats of inter fering with their trallic arrangements. Hundreds of English sparrows have built their nests in the World' Fair buildings, and before the show closes they will have increased to thousands Ttepresentativo W. L. Wilson of West irginia, who is Cleveland' choice for Chairman of the Congressional Wavs and Means Committee, favors an income tax. The Kansas millers are buying wheat outside of the Statu for July and Sep tember delivery for fear that the home crop w ill not meet their grinding require incuts. Late reports front South Dakota and Nebraska state that cholera has wined out whole herds of hogs, and that the scarcity will bo greater than it was year ago. The St. Luke's Hospital property on Fifth avenue. New York, has been 'sold for $, Itlll.lMH) in cash to an unknown millionaire; one rcort says to Colli P. IllllltlllglOII. A call from some of the prominent la dies of Boston for a fund to nrovidc rocking chairs for aged women unable to buy them w as responded to bv rontribu tioim amounting to over $-100. General Bovnton in a letter in the W asliinuton Post savs the demand of the old soldiers iH that the pension roll shall ne made a roll ot honor, and a weeding oui oi i no undeserving is necessary. 1 be total immigration to the United States during the ten months end April :U, 1H1I.I, was IKM.SL'ft, a decline of U0,i::i from the immieration of the cor responding ten months of tho previous year. The annual report of tho Southern Pa- cillc Company ithe entire system) for i no year ending December 3, WVS, shows net earnings of $l7.r0;! against lt.- -'.mi.-TI in being a decrease of $1, WlB.'JOa. It is reported in Washington that At torney-! leneral Olncy and Assistant Sec rciary ot Mate iuincy win resign at an early date, and that there is a chance for a I acitic I oast man getting one of the positions. The Carnegie ljnd Company and the iioncgiu mm lompaiiy oi Jonnsoii it v, Icun., have made assignments to J. W. Cure, l ho liabilities of the two concerns are due largely to Eastern and .oruiern parties. The Confederate Memorial and Liter ary Society of Richmond, Ya., pniixwes to restore the old " Confederate White House, where Jellerson Davis lived in that city, and keen it as a memorial hall. it is now occupied Oy a school. I'he Society of the Daughters of tho American Revolution nronoHc that the (. oluiiil'iun l.ils-rtv Bell, which it to lie exhibited at tho World's Fair, shall aft erward Ih transported hum nlaco to place throughout tho world as a inision- rv id freedom. Government Inspector have been pushing an investigation into the all'airs of the postotlice at Kansas Citv. Fight Hstoltnv clerk and live carriers have wtvadv liecn discharged for diinhcatinp and hypothecating thvir salanea with moneylender. nator Sherman was asked concern ing a rumor that he intended to re-sign. and he responded : " There is no use in tisciissuig this matter. 1 have so little intention to resign that I have not given the subject a moment's consideration. Indeed, it bad not occurred to me." The Eastern railroads find it difficult to niaintain rates during the World's fair, the latest scheme for getting around the agreed schedule is reported from Cincinnati, where one railroad dis trihuted cireu'ar ottering a trip to the (air and return and a week's board for III. Dr. !iiggs,.who was convicted of her o by the last tieueral Assembly, savs it is high time that all bixHkd-mindisi men should organ i?e and work together iortheirown lutft-tv wrell l... I honor of Prvshvtcrianisiu. He calls upon 'he Presbyterian to nuist the encroach . .. ii.- vit-VM. tut ii ikimi im HIV VH'Ill'rn. Awmniy, The reduction of flight rate from Now Oilcan to the Tactic Coast points bus given an iuipctu. to the ru-e trade, lAHi.suna merchant being able to com- note in nrices with t hin .ml J.rv .,,.1 furnish a far uH-rior article. Kough ru - ,. I lw.o,,. mil,....! n. J: 1 .1 i....... .J. 1 IT. .11 Hi Jll ' . . v ' - - 1 lri th mm. BUSI5ESS BREVITIES. Wood pulp is rapidly becoming one of the most universally used of manufact ured article. Iieggars are so numerous in Pari that they support a newspaper devoted to their interests. Kentucky leads the Southern States in the production of tobacco, with a crop of 221,fcji0,0O0 pounds. Reports from the lumber region of Michigan and Wisconsin indicate that the trade is very brisk. The year 1802 was one of the worst years ever known in the iron and eteel industries of Great Britain. Europe consumes upward of $24,000, 000 worth of gold and silver annually for plate, jewelry and ornaments. It is stated in the Omaha Bee that 3,000 persons have secured homes through building associations in Nebraska. The largest piece of mica in the world was recently taken out of a North Caro lina quarry. It measures 9jxl6 inches. The producers of maplesugarin Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont will get about $70,01)0 in sugar bounties this year. The total value of the live-stock prod ucts of Kansas in 1802 w as $42,85:1,835. Ten vears before that the total was $20, 550,034. The length of the New York State ca nals is 02 miles, and the expenditures upon them for the year 1801 aggregated $8,01)1,102. The Ohio law making it unlawful to discharge an employe because of his be ing a union man has been declared con stitutional. The number of sheep in Iowa has in creased 18 per cent in the last two years, and the value per head has increased 22 per cent in the same time. And now it is Connecticut that dis cover the necessity of a building-association law that shall restrict the wild cat business done in that State. There are some rich colored men. One in Washington is worth $200,000. A " light-complected" colored man in that city is reckoned as a half-millionaire. A Tvoma.-.V baiMinj cumpaii) UnVun formed in Toledo, O., and the names of the directors, of whom there are lifteen, are all prefixed by " Mrs." or " Miss." The production of mercury reaches about 65,000 to 00,000 frascos per annum. The francos are enormous bottles of cast iron, which contain four arrobes of about twenty-live pounds each. Largo numbers of Italians and Hun garians are being discharged from the anthracite coal fields. A ntimhor of electric mining machines have been in troduced in Western Philadelphia. There are 50,000 sheep in the mountains of Apache county, A. f ., owned by New Mexico parties. The St. John's Herald states that these escape taxation in both territories hy being driven from ono to the other. vt ic nun, Kan., lias a factory which is using up the eottonwood trees' of the Ar kansas Valley at a great rate, cutting them into shavings, which are made into mattresses. It can turn out 150 mat tresses a day. The w bite-pine supply of this country stands in the States of Michigan, Wia" consin and Minnesota, the pino forests of Maine, Northern Now York and Penn sylvania having been long since substan tially swept away. PURELY PERSONAL. Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix has ordered a hell to lie placed in the Episcopal Church at Cooporstown as a memorial of his fa ther, General John A. Dix. Lieutenant Nixon, the designer of the cruiser New York, is but 114 vears of age. He was graduated h-om the Naval Aaad emy a I ku t a dozen years ago. Mine. Madeline Loiiuiiro and Mile. Breslan, who are serving on the jury uf the Salon of the Champs do .Mars, are the first women who have held that po sition in any salon. Prof. Toole, for forty years connected with tho British Museum, latterly being in charge of ancient coins, is about to leave that institution to become a lect urer in University College, Chicago. Detroit is slowly but surely equipping nn nrt museumwhich will' eventually la? a great credit to that enterprising city. Recent subscriptions includo two of $10,(NH) each from D. M. Ferry and Thomas W. Palmer. John Burns, tho London labor leader, Wgan his summer series of Sunday lect ures at Patterson Park recently, llo is said to possess an almost old-fashioned courtesy ot private intercourse. Hi great hobby is skating. A on of General Zabala, the com lunnder of the Nicaragunn insurgent, w ho recently won a victory over the gov ernment troops, is attending school in Itoston. lie was much elated at his fa ther's military success. Tho tirst w ife of Brigham Youmr is in Chicago with her daughter. Sho is de scribed a a aweet, dignified woman of 72, of medium size, with a gentle face. kindly gray eyes and gray hair drawn back over either side of her temples. llcnrv Jones, "Cavendish" of the Lon Ion Field, the great authority on whist. who is now in thin country, is' an expert billiard-player as well as a whist cham pion, lie can lcat most of the amateurs, ana runs tnc professionals very dose. Percy Have Tavlor. a nephew of Bay ard Taylor, died recently in Cambridge, .muss, no was a graduate ot Harvard in the class of '8(1, and had made a sne- cial study of modern languages in the graduate department ol the university. Eleonora Duse, the Italian actrosswho lisappointcd miinv audience in this country recently, has Kvn doing the same thing in London. She was to hv opened an engagement at the Lyric The ater a week ago, but did not appear un- III V tsuicHUHV Illglll, One of the Kip family in San Fran cisco, a relative of the late Uishon Kin. has recently discovered a cxitiiiiiissnn is sued by James IPs Governor-General in America, Francis I ovolaee, commission ing Jacob Kip of New York Lieutenant of a foot company. He was afterward apioiutel Secretary of the Council of New Unk. and bin It the old Kin's Rv farmhouse. " Pore " Hyacinth Lovson has given a denial to the rumor about his inten tion ot returning to the Roman Catholic Church aiter a preiantorv "retreat" in the monastery of Grande Chartreuse. It ws even stated that the ex-Carmelite was at the present moment rngaAxi in meditation within the precinct of the loisler. M. I.ovson as a matter of U.-t i living oiuctlv'in hi little villa at illy Willi his fa'niilv. laran d'Aehe. the most Mmi!r nf 1 n.L.h .,,i .i , .'an, rt,.vl.i .k- j.ii. i. " tk .......... mi i iiiun-i. 11.. I i. .... ..i u t,.x. Aj - ih oi nusin aniv. woH foV Veneih if he wer ;;X' TCr "" sketches " Kmanwl Poire." few L I . w v "would rvcocmie them as hi hand work .hn,L f ha been m.0 though .hat i hi real name. I ,ke ilia'. , uAlZ pI '"l'l hy the no- i..i,.t V,..,.l .k.,. .i. .. .1 L .'JlU 1 1 '"on that all treiAt t.i. i Pierre U.ti. he could cirtnu.mavnrate the ..i..i ;.. ' .. . .. . ' orieiiie M """;.' " simple PTv-eM ol I kn mom 4 pin. . ' -" ""'a a n miMir.a FOREIGN FLASHES. British Government's Appropri ation for the Exposition. FREEMASOSBY IS DEX0CXCED. India's Wheat Crop Prospects The Austrian Army Bill A Rev olution Quelled. The ilave trade in Morocco continues to flourish. Cholera cases are reported at Mar seilles, Cette and Toulouse, France. It is proposed to levy an income tax in Germany to meet the military credits. Bismarck is expected to come in out of the wet and patch up a truce with the Emperor. Austria and Hungary will introduce their new currency on the 1st of Jan uary, 1805. The Catholic priest of France have been ordered to denounce Freemasonry from their pulpits. The French Senate has passed a bill to facilitate civil actions against the Pan ama canal swindlers. The Czar has distributed half a million presents in celebration of the tenth an niversary of his coronation. The British have proclaimed a protec torate over Uganda, Africa, and still far ther 'xtended her colonial possessions. Tho Liverpool papers say that the pas senger bookings by most transatlantic lines have enormously increased of late. In the cremation chamber at Milan, Italy, portraits of the dead are attached to the urns in which their asheg are pre served. There is a predominance of females over males in Spain, the number of the former being 8,U4;i,ooO and of the latter 8,1)07,000. The British government' appropria tion for tho exposition was only $300,000, the government of India allowing $25, 000 additional. Revolutionists made a demonstration at Navarre, which tho Spanish govern ment soon quelled, killing ten and wounding several. India's wheat-cron nrosnects are said to bo good, although the harvest will be two or three weeks late. The crop should uv equal 10 nisi year s. In oliedience totheorderof tho French residents tho Siamese have withdrawn from I amnion, the principal military isjst ui uruieru ahhui Stroug influence is being brought to bear on Gladstone to induce him to visit Ireland this summer. Cork is spoken of as me center ot mc tour. ine .Austrian army mil has been ac cepted without a murmnr by Parliament uiougn iv was io,ooo,uou norms more than generally anticipated The electoral canvass proceeds quietly in r ranee ana wuiiout unusual portent and it is therefore a safe conclusion that franco will stand by the Republic. In addressing the delegates at Vienna vouni ivainokv, Minister of Foreign Af- iau, rmicuieo ine idea that general dis armament of European powers was pos- IUIC . F.mperor William says that under no circumstances will lie countenance pro pos-als to limit tho sttlTraire for the nnr- pose of strengthening the government ui ino neionsiag, Through the generosity of American cuizeiiH ami ine Kindness of the Town l otincil Edinburgh is to have a monu nient in memory of Scottish Americans w iio touglit in tho civil war. Steam carriages, nonderons id.anlon with a steam enuine and boilor under, neath to supply the motive power have become comparatively common on the streets of Paris. They run about ton or vweive nines an nour. In Kngland an income tax is levied on all incomes alxive $750, but between that ligure and $2,01X1 $i500 is exempt. The rate is sixpence- in the pound. A man earning $ik0 pays $7. The total tax amounts to $tiy,i;.)0,tXi0. Keport from several citie of Asiatic Turkey ay that cholera has appeared in many district and was spreading rapidly. Along the Lower Tigris and me ciiai-ei-.Aran river people are dying to int.- iiiuiisauiis. There is retorted to lie much complaint in r.iigiaml at tho poverty of the clergy l he 6,5oj benefices in England and Wale ationi a yearly income of lees than $1 'w w mi- iiicumoenis, Fren, '! naval architects have designed a prot.cted top or stool fortress at mast tops on battle ships that is regarded as a oig improvement ny the avy Depart ment of this government. The calmest Parisian paper go to the length of saying that the existence of 1 ranee's whole Iudo-Chineso Empire is i ocre mollis a universal de mand in Pari that a big army and fleet suioi oe loruiwuii dispatched. Much of the plato that wa used the ceremonies attending th ro..i; id the Ciar at tho Chudor VI1M Moscow, was toh n. it is heti.ira.1 n-O'l. uic connivance ol ome of the priest The loss it over 2,IW0,000 ruble. A Belgian named Fuller, who was ar rested in Oltnuu, has confessed that he ne. pen 10 sicai me jewels of the Count ess oi r lanaers iasi rehruary. His con lewion implicate a Ixndon aristocrat ami -eeri oi me countess' (ervant. ineirinceot Wale first announced hi son engagement in an after-dinner speech, in which, alluding to flic absence of the Duke ot York, he remarked: As he has been engaged for onlr two lu i narming young l.vtv, vou can T.- ,,'n',0,y,ftn,l ,he cause 'of hi; The gates and bars which still survive -unie oi uie jxmuon thoroughfare as an unasserted claim of certain land holders to right in the streets are to he abolished, the House of Iu-d, finally sanctioned a bill promote.! by the ounty (ouneil. These gate number hity-nine. In the British Commons, roplvini to a query, the Chancellor of tb IS. cnequer stated that .Attornfv.Gemr:i Mr I harle Rrtssoll receive! $10,000 for . ,,,r,. wlr nennng N tribunsl William. Liberal Vnion. VVno, iv of a motion to reduce the amount. . Fxeossive rains have rtti., .i. M ''.ream have oyerrtowv.1 ti.i. L'i- ----. uir lie oh. in l ri.n - ., . u .rernowtta as to in iu.tu. .k" . " r 9 w in- mZ TT V" 5 J ,for Vnit mut hen,-forth 1 in.iwv.i v.- .. m,lirml olfi.v., .ti.V .1 .1'" l'-V" 1 nnn k i l;h . . . neaun eao b. PORTLAND MARISXT. paoDCca, racrr, rc. Wheat Quote t Valley, $1.20; Walla Walla, $1.10 per cental. Floub Standard, $3.40; Walla W alia, $3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.50 per barrel. Oats Choice, 60(353c per bushel; rolled, in bags, $6.25(g6.50; barrels, $6.50(36.75; cases, $3.75. Hay Best, $15gl7 per ton; common, $10(213. MitxaTCFFB Bran, $17.50; ahorts, $22.00; ground barley, $23(24; chop feed, $18 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 80 (685c per cental; middlings, $23ia28; per ton; brewing barley, 90395c per cental ; chicken wheat, 1.17j per cental. BfTTEB Oregon fancy creamery, 22.4 ta25e; fancy dairy, 17,Ls20c; lair to good, 15(a lbc; common, iz,c perpouna; California, 35a 44c per roll. Cheese Oregon, ll(813c; Eastern Twins, 16c; Young American, 16c; Cal ifornia flats, 14c per pound. Koos Oregon, 14c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, old, $4.00; broil ers, large, $4.004.60; small, $1.50. 2.50; ducks, old, $6.00; young, $3.50 6.00; geese, $9.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16c ; dressed, 18c per pound. Veoetables Cabbage, l!ai?4C per pound; potatoes, $1.60(1.75 for Garnet Chilis; $1.752.00 for Burbanks; new, 2(24'c per pound ; new California on ions, l?4'(g2c per pound; asparagus, $2.00 per box; radishes. 10(?12'-2C per dozen; green Oregon onions, 10c per dozen; rhubarb, 3(g3&'c per pound ; green peas, $1.76 per box; cucumbers, 40c per dozen;, Oregon cucumbers, $1 .00 1.25 per dozen ; string beans, 14c per pound. Fruits Sicily lemons, $5.50(36.00 per box; California new crop, $4.00(36.00 per box ; bananas, $1.50(33.00 per bunch ; oranges, seedlings, $2 32.75 per box; na vels, $3.604.00; strawberries, 17.1t'20c per pound ; pineapples, $6.00 per dozen ; cherries, $1.10(31.25 per box; gooseber ries, 3Zyc per pound; apricots, $1.25 per box. STAPLt GROCERIES. Dried Fruits Petite prunes, 11 12c; silver, U(314c; Italian, 1315c; Ger man, Ilea,' 12c; plums, 8(12c; evaporated apples, 10(3, 11c; evaporated apricots, 15 i;Tjc; peueoes, ivii-4c; pears, (t.i!c per pound. Honey Choice comb, 18c per pound ; new Oregon, 1620c; extract, 9(310c. Salt Liverpool, 100s, $15.00; 60s, $15.50; stock, $10.00'?n.00. Coffee Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c; Salvador, 21,c ; Mocha, 26 (330c ; Java, 244(15300; Arbuckle'g and Lion, 100 pound cases, 24 85-100c per pound ; Co lumhia, same, 24 85-100c. Rice Island,? 4.76(35.00 ; Japan,! 4.75 ; New Orleans, $4.50 per cental. Beans Small whites, 3MC; pinks. 3l4'c; bayos, 3c; butter, 4c; lima, 4c per pound. Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 40355c; in half-barrels, 42(3 57c; in cases, 35ij 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg; California, in barrels, 20(g40c por gallon ; $1.75 per keg. Suoar Net prices: T,5?c; Golden C, Sg'c; extra C, 6Jc; confectioners' A, 6Sc; dry granulated, 6c; cube, crushed and powdered, 7l4C per pound ; hi'c per pound discount on all grades for prompt cash; maple sugar, 1516c per pound. Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted, $1.75(32.00; peaches, $1.85(32.10; Bart lett pears, $1.75(32.00; plums, $1.37i 1.60; strawberries, $2.25(32.45 ; cherries, $2.25(32.40; blackberries, $1.85(32.00; raspberries, $2.40; pineapple, $2.25 2.80; apricot, $1.65(32.00. Pie fruits, assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1.00(31.20; blackberries, $1.251.40per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted, $3.15(33.50; peaches, $3.50(34.00; apri cots, $3.50(3,4.00; plums, $2.75(2,3.00; blackberries, $4.25(34.60. Meats Corned beef, Ib, $1.50; 2s, $2.40; chipped, $2.55(34.00; lunch tonguo, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $1.75($2.15 per dozen. Fihii Sardines, l4'b, 75c(3$2.25; $2.15(34.50; lobster, $; sal mon, tin 1-Ib tails, $1.25(3$1.50; flats, $1.76; 2-lbs, $2.25(3,2.50; -barrel, $5.50. LIVE AND DRESSED MEAT. Beep Prime steers, $3.85(34.00; choice steers, $3.5003.76; fair to good steers, $3.00(33.50; good to choice cows, $3.00(33.50; common to medium cows, $2.50(3.2.75; dressed beef, $6.00(37.00. Mutton Choice mutton, $3.00(n3.25; fair to good, $4.00,34.60; dressed, $8.00; lambs, $2.002.50; dressed, $7.00; shear lings, atstfi-ic, live weight. Hoos Choice heavy, $6.50(36.75; me dium, $6.00; light and feeders, $6,003 6.50; dressed, $8.00. Veal $4.00(36.00. Smoked Meat and Lard Hams, large, 17(318o por pound; hams, me dium, 164(3.17i'c; breakfast bacon, 16(3 18V; short clear sides, 14(tl5c; drv salt shies, 14'315c; lard, compound, in tins, 12.3.120 por pound; pure, in tins, 15 16c; Oregon lard, 11120. MISCBLLANEOUB. . Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, $8.60(30.00 per box : for crosses. 1" extra per box; I. C. coke plate, 14x20, prime oualitv. $7.50(38.00 nor hor- tem plate, 1. C, prime quality, $0.60(37.00. Naild Base Quotations: Iron os. steel, $2.35: wire. $2.75 nor koc. Iron Bar. 24c per pound; pig-iron $23(325 per ton. r-TEBL 1'er pound, lOe. Lead rer pound, 4,c; bar, fli'o. aval Stores Oakum, $4.50(35.00 per bale: retn. $4.8Oi36.0O nr dsn; tar, Mockliolm, $13.00; Caro- i-i'.iiv jer oarrei ; piicn, XO.UU per I...hiI ...... . . .) r . ' ,, 1 . "M"i iui.cnwne, 00c per gauon, in cr luui. HOP. WOOL Am llinrs Hops 10(417 i.c wooi-umpqna valley, 14ll5c; fall i-k aowling to qnality; Eastern 'Ore kvmi. ui 1 i-tc ner no ni asnr.i,r A cuuuiuun. ' -.1:.: "vw' "k w Cc; STwn, Poloctoil. over 65 rM.nn.u' umler 55 iHunlH. h short wool. 30 460c: milium ttndiv. I long, 90c(.l$1.2.S; shearlings, 10e?20c; UU un, kuuu 10 cuoicc, iiac per pound. BAD AMn mniiiva Burlap, 8-ounce, 40-inch," net cash ""."i"! i"--ouniv, o-inch, net cash, ,c; burlaps. 12-onnco. 4A.,..k lf in.l.n. It" . ' . .",v" ounap. y-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat o.' 1 " "-'"Ol, i.'jl- The suit against Rti&sell Sairo hi Will. laru L. Laidlaw for damages recciVe.1 at the time a dynamite lmbw. t.o.i in S -....' n,l!. I.: ii. , ... .mv, ijinuaw claiming that jfe ha.i interpose.1 hi (UidlaW) bylv to prevent injury to himself, haa len '"' rorkfltMM,!,,. Th pckftlxnk of Mtagn . , markbl.a,,heir oioner " 11 u only a trin lv.,k T" .kdooe 1 tbit of the Bnpa Indiana Th. lt ih ?U1,r0 eh".or theH mone,y of bntkiii.-p.i i.i.hi. c- Anr)n"ner hoha tn.r,W , 0T lh, Cniteil 6t.t rn. . . . . OTr a. vi.i. DI "" UmI rr u - i. t'unixo od j . --- -- w.v.w .ura roan ar -VUlrD m MnM . . FARM AND GARDEN, An OhioXEditor's Plea for Systematic Farming. A JERSEY BREEDER'S VIEWS. Drop the Little-Boy Manner of Doing Things and Work With Some Aim in View. Drifting, drifting, drifting! Kloatini! along with the current; dropping into the ruts ; slipping into the paths pointed out by existing circumstances! This U as I see the great mass of farmers mov ing; this is the cause of so many failures, of " straightened circumstances," of mediocre results and almost fruitless la bor. This it is that makes farm life the " humdrum " existence so many realize barren of satisfactory results," fruitless I U !. Ul ... i:r- , 111 uiuuu mai iiiia iu iriiut-r llio pleas ant and attractive. Many a farmer ii there who never dreams of planning for more than the single season, while there are others who permit conditions as they find them to dictate their course of ac tion. One will go out over his fields in the spring, select a little spot of an acre or two where the grass is failing and " guess I will put a little corn here." Some other spot for like reason will be selected for potatoes, and so it goes in a series of "patchwork" all over the fnrra and all through the season. The plow ing, harrowing, cultivating, etc., are all performed at a cost augmented because of the small scale upon which the work is done. A little corn is produced and fed to the hogs ; a small crop of oata for the horses; a little wheat and a few bushels of potatoes for family use, and nothing to put into market to be con verted into cash. Now to those fanners who are always "hard up," who never have any money to spend ior tiie piea."ure that makes life attractive, let me urge you to give up your aimless life and learn to do something, to accomplish results. Give up " playing at farming;" drop the little-boy manner of doing things, and work with some aim in view and some system as a guide. : ' If you own a farm of fifty or 100 acres or more, and it is fenced off into small fields, the first step necessary will be to make a good, substantial fence around vour pasture land and (if you can do no better) between your own and your neighbors' and stack your other fences out of the way. You 'cannot afford to spend your time with short furrows, hacking weeds in fence corners, etc. So arrange your work as to reduce useless expenditure of strength. The outside of a field always costs the most (propor tionately) to keep clean. The larger the field under cultivation the greater the economy in producing the crops. Decide what proportion of your land you desire to plow each year. If one-fourth, then tnlrA if. nil im in nnn ttini.o fvrtn .:il - "t niii not quarrel, lou can just as well put your potatoes the whole length by the side of 'the corn or upon the end of the corn rows, and your garden truck upon the end of the potato rows, as to make a separate patch of each variety. I have lost much time for" want of r roper system in arrangement of crops, now find it a great convenience to put them all together as far as practicable. If I am cultivating my potatoes and wish to work in tho garden truck an hour, the tools, horses and crops are all together, I don't have to load up my tools and fool away time going to some other part of the farm before I can begin to convert niy labor into money. It is well to bear in mind in all your'operations upon the farm that time is money; that you can not afford to do anv work that can as well be avoided, anil that a carefully ar ranged system of work to be followed otit year after year will trim off the useless or worse than useless work that cuts off the profits wherever the work of the farm has not been carefully mapped out. Ohio Farmer. A JERSEY BREEDER'S VIEW, If butter cow are desired and we have only native cows to begin with, the best sire is a Jersey bull. For best results select cows with large stomachs and giv ing a good flow of milk. Let the sire be 5 years old and one whose heifers have proved him a good butter bull ; feed the calves well, and at anv time after the heifers are 6 months old breed them to a mature Jersey proved like the first one. I would keep this up. A milk cow's busi ness is to give good milk ; and, like the trotting horse, the earlier in life she gets at it, if properly fed and cared for, the better. A cow consumes about 3 per cent of her live weight daily to support life and repair waste. If a large cow will, when not used for the dairy, make enough more beef than a small one that makes the same amount of butter to n-iv for the great amount of fodder during' the years she is kept as a dnirr con-. nhi ia just as good. But this is not usually the case; a small Jersey that produces' just a much or more butter hit than a larger cow is by far the most economical. Breed your heifers so as to have them come into milking when 18 or 20 months oil and when the pastures are fresh and green. SOMETntNO WORTn KNOWING. During the dry season of midsumer the tires of the farmers' wagons become loose, and are the cause of mnch delay and vexation. A writer in the Ohio larmer suggests a reined v that avoids taking the wagons to the "blacksmith's shop to have the tires cut. His remedv consists in making a trough a little wider nu aeeper tnan tine felloes of the wheel. Then heat linseed oil to lu-iilinr tminL and pour it in the trough. Have every thing so arranged that you can immedi ately turn the wheel slowly through the boiling oils. Two or threo rprnlnlions of each wheel in the boiling oil i sufficient 11 me uiisiiicss is quioKiy done, one neat ing of the oil i ample for four w -heels, but nsuallv a little boiline nil ia adi led after treating tho second wheel. Tae important Point in thin nmersa is that enough boilingoil is in the trough to cover the felloe as the wheel revolves when there is a better ioh nprfnmind thin the one done by the blacksmith. The whole cost will be a few cents' worth of oil and a few minutes' work. The oil can be re turned back into the can to be retained for a future occasion. wm.-rm iTAr-r Will give les tmilhlo Imm im-mn and will make better return for feed given than thoee which are forced to rustle. Th Aoelrot Knockor. The day are tone when th inmaM i a house in aristocratic portions of "few York could tell by the knock at the door whether a member of the fam- 0 j or a visitor was awaiting admittance. Alao they knew then what member wtf there, or the aocial standing of th via- Itor who was ontaido. A few small Imoclrm itill linear is Varick and Vandam rreu and nimilar loraUtiem. but nobodr Mini to nw them. The bell may show" advanced ciriiiia ton, hut there are people who mi tlx w Vork 80