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Lincoln County leader. [volume] (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 22, 1916, Image 1

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The men of the Presbyterian
Church gave another of their
popular dinners In the banquet
room of the Church building on
Friday evening, Dec. 15th from
6 to 6 o'clock P. M.. The menu
consisted of the following ar
ticles, Walport . salad, clam
chowder, hot biscuits with hon
ey, roast beef with gravy, roast
pork with apple sauce, mashed
potatoes with . cream, baked
beans, carrot pudding and hot!
coffee with cream and sugar. !
One hundred and thirty plate3
were set. The following experts
were in charge of the cooking:
Mr. Reslnger made the biscuits,
256, which were fine and all eat
en. James Ral made the chow
der and It was good enough for
a queen. S. G. Irvin roasted .the
meat and it was delicious. T. H.
Hallcck mashed the potatoes
with cream and it was rich en
ough to please the most fastid
eous epicurean and it was good
enough for our grandmothers
who mashed potatoes in the
same way. Mr. Sheffield made
. the coffee and for flavor and
mild cxhilerating effect could
not be excelled. Rev. Pratt
made the salad, sauce and pud
ding and it was so fine that some
of the ladies seemed to be jeal
ous of his success. Mr. Hickox
Was dish washer and the dish
cloths and dishes seemed to be
as neat and clean as a pin. The
ladies gave no suggestions
or Information in regard to the
cooking at all. The men were
, left entirely to their own know
ledge of the art without any help
whatever from the ladies. Each
woman, girl or boy paid for their
own dinners. Each of he cooks
had clean hands and - spotless
white aprons and no flour on
their nose3. The waiters were
- also neat and clean and consist
ed of the following young men:
Lyal and Harold Colver, Donald
Armatige, Harold Wygant and
Harold Snider. Elmer Patrick
was master of ceremonies. The
social and financial part of the
entertainment was a great suc
cess. Every body enjoyed the
unique features of the feast
and were well pleased and said
they hoped to be on hand at the
next feast a year from now. At
that time we hope it will be a
chicken dinner and that two
hundred plates will be set in
stead of 130.
News was received Monday
evening by Mr. Gustison of tLe
Life Saving Serrice that Cap
tain Charles D. Stuart died Sun
day morning at 7.30 in the Mar
ine Hospital, San Francisco. The
Captain had been operated on,
Saturday previous and died from
the effects of the operation. He
went to San Francisco about
two months ago. Friday he
wrote a letter to Mr. Gustison,
Baying he was feeling fine but
was going on the table Satur
day for an operation. The sur
geons told him he might get
along six or eight months al
right but the trouble would re
turn again. It was stomach and
liver disease. lie also wrote let
ters to other members of the
crew bearing the Bame cheerful
news, that he was feeling bet
ter. Ills wife and little son
Earnest' were present when he
passed i away. . Captain Stuart
came to Newport in 1911 and
took the place of Captain Well
ander who was pro
moted to the Superentendency
of this district with head quar
ters at San Francisco. Captain
Stuart had been in the Marine
Service about thirty years and
Vas'near the time when he
would have been retired on a
pension. It is said Captain
Stuart saved more lives of fish
ermen while on the . Columbia
Itiver thart any other surfman.
He often spoke of the good Unto
he would have when released
from the service. The Captain
Was about GO years old. He had
many friends in Newport wto
were shocked to hear of his suiU
ri?n death. He had attained a
high place In the Marine Service.
Captain Stuart waB noted for
his cool, deliberate Judgement
, and undoubted courage. No
ea was too rough or night too
dark for Captain Stuart to re
fuse to go to the assistance of
thos 3 who were perishing at sea.
He was a man of few words, but
thoroughly competent to do his
duty under the most trying cir
cumstances. He served as surf
man for twenty years on ,the
Columbia River and knew the
dangers of that place, and had
saved the lives of numerous fish
ermen on the rough seas of Pea
cock Spit The crew liked
Captain Stuart and would cheer
fully go Where he ordered them
but he never ordered them to
go where he would not go him
self. But his life's chapter is
now closed and he has passed
over the "Great Divide" to
solve the mysteries of the un
seen world. Who knows but
that he may be with Joseph
Briggs and other friends who
have passed on before and have
anchored their life boat on the
other shore, where storms cease
to come and the ring of the,
alarm bell is never heard. Capti
Stuart is survived by his wife,
his son Earnest and a sister,
Mrs. Taylor who lives in the
state of Washington. The in
terment, I understand, will take'
place at the cemetery at Nah;
cotta, Washington, where his
first wife and a brother are
The Women of Woodcraft
will give one of their popular
dances at the Rod and Gun
Club Hall Christinas night, De
cember 25th an all night dance.
Tickets one dollar including sup
per. A Christmas tree will be
placed in the center of the hall
and loaded with presents. Bains
orchestra of Yaquina will fur
nish the music. A general in
vitation extended to all.
' The Rod and Gun Club will
have a meeting at their hall
Friday evening, the 22, to choose
sides for a big duck shooting
contest preparatory to a big feed
in the near future, all members
are invited to be present.
Rosa Lodge Is still here and
a "booming", even if you havn't
heard from us for a long time.
Some of the "Brothers" of
the Salmon River Grange No.
516, donated a day's work on the
Grange hall last Saturday there
being great improvements made.
Jack Fendall and Lloyd Gen
try were Rose Lodge visitors
last Friday.
Fred Affholter was also a vis
itor in this vicinity last Sunday.
Miss Nevada Mann, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mann, Sr.
was a passenger to Wlllamjna,
last Thursday enroute for
Black Rock, where she will
spend the rest of the winter with
her sister, Mrs. Joe. Kangiser.
Mr. and Mrs. McCroskey were
the house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Harding and family
Prof. Hart was a Rose Lodge
visitor. Sunday.
A good road meeting was held
at the Grange hall last Monday
and we are all in hopes that we
will have a good state highway
through this part and elswhere
in the near future.
Mrs. II. R. Deaken visited at
the Harding home last Sunday.
Miss Beluah Kenworthy was
the house guest of Miss Myrtle
Bloom during the week end.
Miss Martinna and Frank
Mann, Jr. have gone to Portland
to spend the winter.
The Rose Lodge and Otis boys
played basket ball Saturday
the Otis boys coming out victor
ious by two points. Come over
soon boys we'll try It again.
Mr. and Mrs. Marple of Salem
are visiting Mrs. Marple's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mann,
Sr. of this neighborhood.
Charles Paabo has returned
home from the logging camps
In Washington where he has
been working for some time.'
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dodge
and children who have been
guests at the home of Mrs.
Dodge's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Ryan of Beaver Creek, de
parted Tuesday morning for
their homo at Del Norte, Calif.
They were accompanied by
Chester Ryan.
Mr. McFarland came In from
Portland last Wednesday, en-
route to his home at Beaver
L. M. Commons of Ona passed
thru here last week on his way
home from Seattle where he was
the guest of his brother, J. Com
mons.' 1
R. A. Miller and daughter
were Newport visitors, Saturday.
Geo. Ryan came In from Bea
ver Creek Monday evening. He
returned Tuesday.
Lloyd Commons was in from
Beaver Creek Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. Ploughman of
Kings Slough is visiting at New
port this week.
Lots of wind and rain but no
news here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Barker and
daughters, Hazel and Loia, vis
ited at the Brown home Friday
Newport visitors from here
Monday were Mr. and Mrs. P.
Shermer and son, Leo., Miss An
na Wright, Miss Julia Brown.
Messrs. Chas. Biown and Thos.
Mr. and Mre. M." G. Shermer
and daughter, visited Mr and
Mrs. Thos Barker and daughters
Gordon and Eugene Emerson
left Sunday on the Excursion
for Washington where they ex
pect to remain indefintely.
Quite a few from here attend
ed the entertainment and dance
at the cannery Friday night.
Willard Huntsucker made a
trip to Yaquina one day last
A Merry Christmas to all!
Reynolds Ohmart returned'
Friday from Salem after an ab
sence of six months. -
Miss Madeline Ryan left Sat
urday for Portland to be gone
two weeks visiting with her par
ents. V, L. McFarland returned
home last week from a business
trip to Eastern Oregon and a vis
It with relatives in Portland.
The Helping Hand Club held
a very pleasant meeting Decem
ber 16th, with Mrs. A. H. Phelps
as hostess.
L. M. Commons returned
home the 14th from points on
the Sound and Portland, better
satisfied than ever with the
green meadows of Lincoln Co.
It is easy to forget we are In
the midst of Winter until we
cross the Summit to the outside
Our mail did not arrive on
Tuesday the 19th until ten in
the mornine beine about five
hours late owing to a lame horse.
J. T. Ilanlon took a load of
freight to Waldport Tuesday for
H. II. Cook.
Walter Dodge and family left
for California, Tuesday after a
two weeks visit with Mrs.
Dodge's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. B. Ryan, Chester Ryan going
with them for an indefinite stay
in California.
Hester Hill Coovert made a
trip to Toledo Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Phelps
were Sunday callers at the Corfi
mons' raneh.
It has been some time since
there has been any news from
this part of the county, so here
We are having nice fall weath
er and farmers are busy getting
ready for Winter.
Roger Loudon killed a fine
large hog one day this Week.
Mr. Colby hauled a load of
hay from Blodgett last week.
George Bays there Is some mud
on the roads now.
Frank Wllloughby and Alfred
Weaver killed four wild cats one
day last week and Walker CHne
killed one and George Colby
caught one In a trap all In the
same week.
II. O. Boynton and wife have
moved on to their ranch. Hal
says he got tired batching. We
are all glad to have them with
W. F. Wakefield had a house
warming Friday night in the
way of a .dance there were
sixty persons present and all had
a very enjoyable time. There
was an excellent lunch served at
mianignt. W. F. has hi new
house almost completed and it
is a creait to any community.
S. T. London attended Po
mona Grange at Ona the 14th,
returning liorae the morning of
iue , ioia aiier staying out on
the, bay all nleht in a halkv
launch. He walked all the wav
over to Ona and thought he
would get to ride back but not
so. Sam says Ona Is a fine place
to go. They have some fine
cooks over there and besides all
that the people make one feel
welcome. He says he was sur
prised at the condition of the
roads in that vicinity not nearly
so uau as tne wttie mk roads.
I At the Pomona Grange helu
at the Ona Grange hall Decem
ber 14th, the following officers
I were elected for the ensuing two
lyears: Master, Archie Brook, of
i Waldport; Overseer, John Coov
jert, of Ona; Lecturer, Charles
jllart of RoseLodge; Steward.S.
,W. Scoville, Elk City; Assistant
steward, iioyd Butler, of Tole
do; Chaplain, Louisa Wakefield
oi jiuoyvnie; 'lteasurer, J. W.
Parrish. of Toledo: Secretary
I Hester Coovert, of Ona; Gate
I Keeper, Gardner Girdler, of Ed
,dyville; Flora, ; Lady As
sistant Steward. Mrs. Unwell nt
j Toledo; The Executive Board is
composed of S. T. Loudon, of
Eddyville, Mr. Bloom of Rose
Lodge, and Mr. Bowers of Ona.
This was a very successful meet
ing In every way. There were
some very good resolutions ad
opted which will be published
later. And with this bunch of
officers we have a rieht to ex
pect some good work for the
next two years. There are six
good live granges In r Lincoln
County and they are always
found booBtlne: for anything that
Is good and for the best inter
ests or tne public. The Grange
believes In co-operation and al
ways stands ready to help in any
way possible for the betterment
jof the farmer and in helping the
condition or tne farmer so like
wise all others are benefited.
The Toledo and SHetz foot
ball warriors will clash nn the
Siletz gridiron next Sunday af
ternoon, i nis is the first time
these teams have played this
year and much interest in
manifest in the outcome of the
game. Toledo has a good strong
team ana win make them go
some to win. A number of local
fans will accompany the team.
Toledo, Or., December 20, 1916.
We. your committee, heir
leave to submit the following
i cnuiuiiuii iii cuiiuniRnf n in Mia-
ter Hester Hill Coovert, and fam
Whereas, It has pleased our
Heavenly Father, in hia wisdom.
to remove from the family cir
cle tne loving and devoted hus
band and father. Samuel T I ill -
therefore, be It
Resolved, that we extend to
the bereaved family and to their
neighbors and friends our sym
pathy, trusting that the Heaven
ly Father, In his infinite love and
wisdom, may sustain and com
fort them.
Resolved, that a copy of these !
ncnuircu, wiui a cuiy ui uieau
resolutions be Bent to the fam 1v.
n r rinwr A -. lU. . I ...
or tne louge and a copy publish
ed In the paper.
Fraternally submitted,
Ethel R. Bateman,
Alice Waugh,
Mrs. Anna Ball.
Hoqulam, Wash.
12. 15 191B.
Mr. F. N, Hayden,
Kind sir:
Please send mv nancr to above
address and oblige.
Started at work on Inside of
saw mill last Wednesday at
$2.76 per day. All well.
E. C. Montgomery.
The following teachers
here this week taking the ex -
Jessie Andross. Tidewater-
Nellie V. Kine. Winant: Lottln
R. Everson, Waldport; Mabel
Booth, Toledo; C. E. Freeland,
Newport: Elsie Andrews Tole
do; Cecil Lutey, Toledo; Eliza-
Detn Keys, snetz; P. L. Coleman,
Newport; Bessie Knauff, Eddy
ville: E. P. Stout A. Wnldnnrt-
Gertrude Stoute, Waldport; Hes
ter Coovert, Ona.
Next Monday and Tuesday
evening a live reel feature film
will be shown at the Dime Thea
tre, showine that enmedv enti
tled, "Love's Pileriniace to
America," and featuring Miss
Lulu Glaser, one of the foremost
favorites of filmdom. If you en
joy a good laugh you should at
tend this show. Two nights on
ly. Admission 10 and 15 cents.
In the matter nf Wnti (tor oiirl
building a bridge across the Ya- cr-
quina River, at or near Toledo ! ilenort of viewers on Wald
Oregon; ' I !ort-Yachats road accepted, and
Now at this time, this matter road rdered opened,
came on for hearing, upon the', 1 tlle n,atter of building and
petition heretofore filed herein ilocatin a bridge ac
and upon the budget as present-iCross tne Yafiuina river, at or
ed and prepared and published !near Toledo. Oregon; It is the
and, consensus of opinion of this
It appearing to the Board of CoVrt that said br,dSe be bu,1t.
r ... , . . .. mild that a-ilH Ki.ll,t; .u ,
vyuumy iuuimissioners ror bin -
coin County, Oregon, now sitting
Business, i
First; That there Is a great1
and urgent demand that said
bridge be built as prayed for;
m . .
'mat tne residents and inhab- "ol "C4t 1HSU'5- .
itants of the south end of this 0
County are without adequate 4
means of coming to and going j LINCOLN GRANGE hid
from the County Seat and tran-l ELECTS NEW OFFICERS
sacting business thereat: I a .v
Second; That at the massL itr4ur?fu,ttf m,eetln held
meeting of the Citizens and Tax 1 fct . ,; Uncn,n Orange clect
Payem of said County, held at , If rol,ow,nS officers to serve
the Court house therein on the, J, tae enulng year:
6 day of December, 1916, there-r V1' Covert; Oversoer,
tofore duly and regularly called, ?ir8.VC' M-Myers; Lecturer, C.
and for objections to the said 'i Myer Chaplain. II. J. Wood;
budget filed and above referred bteward,J. II. Coovert; Assist
to, and Which Bald budget pro- int steward- J. M. Bowers;
vlded for building the said Trea8urer' c- Holmgreen; Sec
bridge, and at which said mcet-i'!ctatry' S- A- IIoli"green; Lady
Ing a large number of the tax-;AssiHtant Steward, Mai Wood.
payers from practically all parts I 0
of said County were in attend-1
ance, and at which said meeting TWENTY-TWO PRISONERS
the proposition was voted on as j IN BARRED CAR
to whether said bridge should be To.,t .., i , .
built and the Item In the budget UliT, ft;?? federaI riso"e8
referring thereto bo approved. fcJ e,,r 8eatS n," r?n
It was by a large majority voted J? f rr and accompanied by
that the said bridge be built and T ""lTl 0t'
the said Item In the budeet fnr "?e"' P"Bcd throught Eugene
I majority approved;
Kffio "m CoR.dorn.m Arizona, bound for Mc-
tlon of the above It is tfie con-
sensua of m.lnlon nf thl mrt
that R:.id hHd.re he hniu n,
that said brlrlire be built, and
that said building thereof he pro
vided for as soon hereafter as
the taxing situation of this
County will permit;
R. R. Miller,
W. F. Wakefield,
O. V. Hurt.
; ,uvituo, nC .11111115111
"I'amer in ins minute wisdom tons
I Bonn fit i f ,nhnvA In, ilnnth ...
l T V.
seen fit to remove , by death our
Vvk' """T , 'schools will give a program at
Whereas by the death of our the Dime theatre this evening
beloved brother this Grange has t0 ra8e funda to pay for several
lost an honored charter member, ,ond8 of Band purchased for the
and the family a loving father. U8e of the yUl,K8ttr8. The ,)ro.
Therefore be it resolved that'gram wm conBlat or Christmas
this (.range extend to the be- .HOK8 aml recllatlons. the sec
reaved family Its deepest sym- ond grade wlll (irama(zo The
pathy. That a copy of these res- Llt tle white Rabbit Which
olutlons be Rent to the Lincoln Wanted Red Wings", thto is a
County Leader, one copy to the Southern Folk Tale. There will
Oregon Grange Bulletin, one aiH0 be a wand drill by nine boys
ritnv !o the fftinllv and mm rnnv ...n ... .1 1 1." .u
niii.iu uii 1. .11. men una
Grange. Furthermore that our
1... mitinnrl rt ,tA inliintnn rvf illa
I'uunvr ue uiuiuu in hk-iiiui f vi
our departed brother for a per
iou or isu uays.
J. M. Bowers,
Mrs. J. M. Bowers,
S. A. Holmgreen.
. The County Court in session
,Sire tnls week made a levy of
..iiccu anu uue uau muis to pro
vide funds to carry on the busi
ness of the county for the year
1916 Of thla
u x V tClt
mills will be turned into
What Will be known nglho 'P-
rent Expense Fund". All bills
audited by the Court will be paid
out of this fund. The balance
of the levy, five and a half miiia
will be used for the purpose of
retiring warrants.
By DUrSUlntr thla nintVinrl v.
County will be out of debt by
this time next year, and while it
is going to work a hardship on
the county bv holdi 11 P" nn l-i a
building of roads and other
needed improvements, still in
the loilK run we rnn't holi. h.if
believe that it will prove for the
Other business transacted by
the Court this week was:
Petition of L. E. Davis, ct al,
for Newport-South Beach ferry,
dismissed for want of jurisdic
tion. Petition of L. E. Davis, et al,
for road from South neaeh tn
Walduort alone the tnn nf the
! bluffs, dismissed for
ithc petition was not drawn nrnn
' . uu"ui"b iuciuui ue
'I)rov'ded tor as soon hereafter
County will penult. .
T1neJbma of the co""y were
audlted and warrants drawn for
' Payni1 ,?r 8ame- We wlu Pu&-
lion thin a a
ffl ' " M Sound:
!The.rc were several negroes and
a V!naman m the group
eral loads of federal nrlannnn
have passed through Eugene In
the past year, most of then, be
ing In custody for border dep
redations. The transporting of
them Is necessary to make room
for more Incoming prisoners
along the border. This group
came from Arizona. Register.
" pumm ui uie nrst ana
I fiecon(1 gro(Iw, of lhp To,0(J
. II . m it. n . .
I I .
anu several reels or good
tures. A charge of ton and
,ccn C0nt8 will be made.
14 Angora Goats For par
ticulars, AddrnRB
Box 374, Toledo, Or

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