Newspaper Page Text
THEWATERTOWN REPUBLICAN By G. W. NORRIS. ' WISCONSIN. i WEEK Hill All the News of the Past Seven Days Condensed. HOME AND FOREIGN ITEMS News of the Industrial Field, Personal and Political Items, Happenings at Home and Abroad. THE NEWS FROM ALL THE WORLD CONGRESSIONAL The Hay-Pauncefote treaty was again discussed in the senate on the 18th in execu tive session. No business of consequence was transacted in open session The house devoted the day to District of Columbia business. In the senate on the 19th 71 private pen sion bills were passed, including two giving pensions of SSO a month to the widows of Gen. John A. McClernand and Gen. John M. Palmer. The urgent deficiency bill was passed without debate. A resolution ■was passed authorizing President McKinley to appoint Congressman Boutelle (Me.) captain on retired list of the navy In the house the time was occupied with District of Columbia matters. By a vote of 55 to IS the senate on the 20th ratified the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. It makes the United Stales independent of all powers except Great Britain in main taining neutrality of the isthmian canal In the house the Indian and the military academy appropriation bills were passed. The former carried $9,036,526 and the latter {700,151. A bill was introduced increasing the vice president’s salary to $25,000 and cabinet members to $15,000. Mr. Hopkins presented the report of the census commit tee on reapportionment, providing for 357 members. DOMESTIC. The third of the colored men impli cated in the murder of Hollie Simon at Rockport, Ind., John Eolla, was hanged by a mob at Booneville. The Chicago city council passed a resolution prohibiting prize fights and boxing bouts. Justice Henry R. Beekman, of the supreme court, dropped dead at his home in New York, aged 55 years. Burglars robbed the bank of Cash ion, Okla., of $3,400. The National Civic Federation's in dustrial arbitration conference began in Chicago. Fitzsimmons definitely stated that he never would en’er the prize ring again. In Washington arguments in the cases involving the constitutional status of the “colonies’’ of the United States were brought before the su preme court. East Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina were shaken by earthquake. The visible supply of grain in the United States on the 17th was; Wheat. 61,082,000 bushels; corn, 8,138.000 bush els; oats, 9,987,000 bushels; rye, 1.290,- OOt) bushels; barley, 3.482.000 bushels. Fire destroyed the big plant of the Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine company in Cleveland, 0.. the loss being $500,000." By a unanimous vote the citizens of Sing Sing, N. Y., voted tc petition the legislature to change the name of the village from Sing Sing to Ossining. A collision between freight trains at South Milwaukee, Wis., killed three men. Threats of Eldorado (Xan.) women to lynch Jessie Morrison, charged with murder, led to the placing of a strong guard around the prisoner. Albert Metzeger, at Hopewell, Pa., leading a double life, shot and killed an actress and committed suicide. The safe of Dicks & Sally, at Sally, S. C., was blown open with dynamite and robbed of $7,000 in cash. Two negroes robbed and burned a trading boat at Arcadia. Miss., after killing the owner, his wife and baby. Gold & Co.’s bank at Albee, S. D., was robbed of $1,500 by burglars. The safe in the Citizen’s bank at Hope, Ind., was blown open by robbers, who secured SIB,OOO and escaped. Policeman Grady shot and instantly killed John, alias “Red” Corbett, a no torious Chicago criminal. John D. Rockefeller’s Christmas pres ent to the University of Chicago is sl,- 500,000. making his total gifts thus far $9,202,374. Impressive watchnight services in Methodist churches throughout the country will mark the end of the cen tury. President McKinley made the fol lowing appointments: John C. A. Leishman, minister to Turkey; Ar thur S. Hardy, minister to Switzer land, and Charles S. Francis, minister to Greece, Eoumania and Servia. Fred Norton, a youth at Unadilla, X. Y., has lost the sight of both eyes as a result of excessive smoking of ci garettes. The National Civic Federation con ference at its closing session in Chi cago issued an appeal for pacific coun sel between emploi’er and employe and appointed a committee to pro mote conciliation. Attorney General Griggs argued be fore the supreme court that the con stitution did not follow the flag into Porto Rico and the Philippines. The sxigar factories and the chicory factories in Bay City have paid out $587,924 in wages during the past two months. Elijah C. Bliss, aged SO, died at Bloomington. One of his children is Leonard Bliss, the giant known to showmen as “Baby” Bliss. George Kittleson was killed by an electric car near Emery, lowa. He had started for home while intoxicated, and went to sleep on the track. He was 30 years of age, and unmarried- Gor. Pingree, of Michigan, signal ized the close of his term by a unique dinner in the state house at Lansing. Edward Cudahy, Jr.. 15 years old, son of Millionaire Edward Cudahy, who was abducted from his home in Omaha, was secretly returned after 30 hours upon payment of a ransom of $25,000. Three tramps were killed in the wreck of a Big Four freight train near Muncie, Ind, Atorney General Griggs concluded his argument before the supreme court against the contention that the consti tutionalready applies to the “colonies.” W. H. Durr, former theatrical man ager, shot and killed himself in an un dertakers’ rooms in Chicago. F. C. Burns, a wealthy ranchman, and Staunch Burns and Woody Litch field were killed by a landslide near Chadron, Neb. Secretary of the Navy John D. Long has purchased a site for a residence at Colorado Springs, Col. Efforts of trainmen to settle the strike of the Santa Fe telegraphers have failed. Two negroes who robbed and burned a tradirg boat at Arcadia, Miss., after killing Thomas Thompson, the owner, and his wife and baby, were lynched by a mob. After a separation of two years John Snyder, a butcher in La Salle, 111., went to Chicago and fatally shot his wife and killed himself. A report of engineers submitted to congress 4ivors a ] 4-foot channel from Lake Michigan to St. Louis. Physicians say grip is epidemic in Chicago. H. K. Wieser, a bank teller at York, Pa., is said to be $20,000 short. The residence of Mrs. David Hewitt at Bradford, Pa., was destroyed by fire and she and her mother, Mrs. Mar garet O’Kee.fe, .aged 86 years, were burned to death. Edward A. Cudahy, the Omaha pack er, who paid $25,000 for ransom of his 15-year-old son, has offered $25,000 re ward for the apprehension of the ab ductors. C. H. Aldrich made the closing argu ment in the Porto Rico case before the supreme court, contending if the new colonies are not American they are Spanish. President Dolphin, of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, says the strike will continue on the Santa Fe, Railroads will miake a strong effort to have congress pass a law permitting pooling of contracts. An unsuccessful attempt was made to rob the; state treasury at Lincoln, Neb. A mirage resulting from unusual atmospheric conditions caused the Michigan shore to be seen in Chicago. Secretary of War Root has approved the selection of two farm near Des Moines, la., as the site for anew army post. Positive evidence has been secured that Joe Rolla, one of the colored men lynched at Booneville, Ind., was inno cent of the crime charged. A medical board in Cuba has disl - that yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes. A negro named Lewis was hanged by a mob at Gullport, Miss., for the murder of W. E. Richardson. PERSONAL, AND POLITICAL. David H. Nichols, lieutenant gov ernor of Colorado from 1893 to 1895, died near Boulder, aged 74 years. Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol. for over 50 years pastor of the West chtirch (Unitarian) at Boston. Mass., is dead, aged 87 rears. Dr. Charles Sabin Taft, who was the first surgeon to reach President Lin coln’s side when he was shot down in Ford’s theater, died at Mount Vernon, N. Y. Justice George C. Ludlow, of the su preme court of New Jersey. and govern or of the state in 1880, died in New Brunswick, aged 70 years. Mrs. Katherine Spaith, aged 108 years, died at Lancaster, Pa. Robert E. Neilson. 40 years old, at one time world’s champion on the old high bicycle, died in Boston. The official vote of Minnesota shows a plurality of 77.560 for McKinley and 2.254 for Van Sant, republican, for gov eimor. Official returns of the November elec tion give McKinley 7,220,707 votes; Bryan, 6,357,481. Grover Cleveland advises the demo crats not to attempt reorganization, but to return to their old "faith and “give the rank and file a chance.” Congressman John J. Lentz (dem.), defeated for reelection in the Twelfth Ohio district by a narrow margin, has given notice of contest. FOREIGN. On the east coast of Vancouver is land the steamer Alpha foundered and the captain and eight of the crew were drowned. The Boers again cut their way through the British lines at Enubirt nek, capturing two guns and killing 15 men. Insurgents in Panay burned the vil lage of Cabatman. The first political party under American rule is forming at Manila. A movement is on foot in Kurdistan and Armenia to throw off the Turkish yoke. Lieut. Evans and men of the Forty fourth infantry routed the Filipinos in Cebu. Lord Salisbury in a speech in Lon don took a gloomy view of the situa tion in South Africa. The loss of life by the wrecking of the German training ship Gneisenau at Malaga is placed at 35, instead of 100, as first reported. The United States yielded to Great Britain’s demand that the powers’ joint terms for China shall not be “ir revocable.” Gen. MacArthur issued a warning to Filipinos that the laws of war will be strictly observed. Envoys of all the powers in Peking met and agreed on every point in the China terms. The Morocco government has paid the claim of $5,000 made by the United States for the murder of Marcus Eszagui. Gen. Knox has abandoned his pur suit of Gen. DeWet and was seeking to' stem the Boer invasion of Cape Col ony and Natal. Moslems killed 200 Christians in cen tral Turkey. United States troops have traversed all the trails in many northern Luzon provinces, driving out the insurgents. The Boer invaders in the north of Cape Colony are reported to have occu pied Colesburg. Spain wants to sell to the United StatesCagayanisland and other islands of the Philippine group. The Kn edit el furniture factory at Hanover, Ont., was destroyed by tire, the loss being .$500,000,. A dispatch to a London paper says Germans shot 60 Chinese soldiers and took 200 prisoners in Lung Ching. Carl Becker, a famous German his torical painter, died in Berlin, aged SO years. LATER, Both houses of congress adjourned on the 21st until January 3 without transacting any business. The schooner Jennie Hall sank in a gale south of Cape Henry, the captain and two seamen being drowned. The Taft commission ordered future laws for the Philippines to be in Eng lish. In a. shooting affray near Tallahas see, Fla,, State Senator W. C. Rouse and Edgar Nims were killed. The American national bank of Bal timore, Md., has been placed in the hands of a receiver. Roger Wolcott, governor of Massachu setts in 1896, 1597 and 1898, died in Boston, aged 53 years. Tammany, in deference to crusaders, ordered all gambling and pool rooms in New York city closed. The British foreign office reports that the Chinese terras have been signed by all the powers. Dr. Richard A. Wise, member of con gress from the Norfolk (Va.) district, died at Williamsburg. “John Owens,” the murderer of James F. Hogue, was hanged at Paris, 111. He said he was a son of T. H. Wol sam, living in Tennessee, near Middle boro, Ky. A bill introducing the jury system in Porto Rico has passed both houses. Kruger is confident, despite slights, that some government will mediate in the South African war. The telegraphers’ strike on the Santa Fe road has been called off. Mrs. William P. Frye, wife of the president,pro tem. of the senate, died suddenly at the Hamilton hotel in Washington. Immigration to the United States for the calendar year will reach 400.000. A boiler explosion at Sneedville, Tenn.. killed W illiam Edwards, Pleas ant Trent, Jesse Mahan and Lee Gor don. A son of Louis Tonhose. of Judd. la., has been kidnaped and it is believed he is held for ransom. Ex-Congressman John H. Brewer died at his home in Trenton, N. J. He was a warm personal friend of President McKinley, with whom he served in congress. Several vessels were wrecked and three sailors lost in a gale on the At lantic coast. The Boer invasion of Cape Colony is causing alarm in England. More troops are to be sent to South Africa from Great Britain and the colonies to crush the burghers. MINOR NEWS ITEMS. The killed and wounded in London’s streets during the year 1899 numbered 9,891. William Marconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy, is only 25 years of age. In Mississippi the number of land owners among the colored people is steadily growing. The American Forestry association wants the government to buy the Cal ifornia big tree tracts. Andrew Carnegie will make Chat tanooga. Tenn., a Christmas present of a $50,000 public library*. The American Expansion league has asked Gov, Theodore Roosevelt to serve as one of its officers. Orders from Washington forbid the sailing of transports from San Fran cisco on Sunday hereafter. Erie railroad interests are reported to have gained control of a large share of the anthracite coal business. The first train has been run through, the Great Northern tunnel in the Cas cade mountains. The tunnel is 13,200 feet long. In the new Missouri legislature 52 out of the 174 members are lawyers. Only two of the members are manu facturers. It has been figured out that the United States produces 2,220 pounds of grain for each inhabitant; Eng land, 360 pounds. The Cramp Shipbuilding company of Philadelphia is negotiating for plants so as to be able to construct complete battleships. The vessels built in the United States and officially numbered from June 30, 1900, to November 30, 1900, were 495, of 149,963 gross tons. In the absence of a law enforcing the death penalty the governor of Kansas is puzzled what to do with 40 persons sentenced to be hanged. Under the patronage of the United States Philippine commission an ex periment farm will be started some 200 miles from Manila, where the growth of all sorts of seeds and plants from this country will be tested. Old St. Joseph, one of the largest cities in Florida in the eighteenth cen tury, but long since extinct, is to Le reestablished. Surveyors are now en gaged in replatting the town site. A new people will build a city on the ruins of the former old Spanish city. HE PAYS IT IN GOLD. Mr. Cudahy Complies with Terms of Son’s Abductors. Drives to a Lonely Spot with ling Containing: $123,000, and the Ras cals Return the Lad to His Home. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 21. —There is re joicing in the home of Edward Cudahy, the wealthy packing house owner and capitalist of this city. Edward Cudahy, Jr., who was kidnaped Tuesday even ing, after being held for 36 hours for a ransom of $25,000 in gold, which the young man’s father unhesitatingly paid, has been returned to his family and the boy* and his parents are receiv ing congratulations from relatives and friends throughout the country. Mr. and Airs. Cudahy feel that they have cause for relief, not only over the re turn of their youthful son, but also be cause one or possibly more of their EDWARD CUDAHY, JR. daughters were not included in the con spiracy which has caused them so much anxiety and grief, as a statement of the conspirators, overheard by the lad while he was in their power, indicates that they had been attempting for a month to secure possession of one of his sisters. Air. Cudahy has been very reti cent throughout the affair, and up to Thursday afternoon refused absolutely to talk, either of the kidnaping or the payment of the ransom and return of his son. All information given to the public has been through his attorney, Afelville Sears, and the statements of the latter have been vert* guarded. Letters from the Abductors. At nine o'clock Wednesday morning a horseman rode past the Cudahy man sion on Thirty-eighth street and threw a. letter into the lawn. A servant noted the action and, securing the letter, found it contained the information that Eddie Cudahy had been kidnaped, was safe and was being held for a ransom. Three hours later Air. Cudahy received through the mails a second communica -tion, detailing the conditions under which the lad would be surrendered to his father. Among the conditions named was one that Air. Cudahy should deposit $25,000 in gold coin in a place indicated, about five miles north of the city, on a lonely road leading up the bank of the Alissouri river. Air. Cud ahy called into consultation the chief of police and his friends and discussed plans looking to the capture of the gang when they should make an ap pearance at the point of rendezvous named in the letter. The great strain on the family, however, caused Air. Cudahy to abandon all idea of captur ing the men into whose power was the life of his son. and decided to at once comply with all the demands of the ban dits. A Father’s Lonely Ride. In order to do this, absolute secrecy was necessary, and a trusted messenger was dispatched to the bank to secure the gold. Air. Cudahy held himself in readiness and shortly* after supper he entered a light road buggy*, and after securing the money* started out entire ly alone for the place of meeting the kidnapers. To identify himself he had attached to the dashboard of his buggy a red lantern, which was one of the conditions of the letter. Air. Cud ahy drove north on the Sherman avenue road to a point about five miles from the city, where he found, near the road, a white lantern suspended from a short stake driven in the ground. This sig nal he had been watching for it being named as the place for leaving the money*. The location of the lantern was near the river bank, but when Air. Cud ahy* arrived nobody* was in sight. He at once alighted, placed the bag of gold conveniently* near the stake and, with out waiting for developments, secured the horse’s reins and returned to the city, without hearing a sound. They Keep Their Word. That the bandits were near the spot and at once secured the valuable pack age cannot be doubted, for about one o’clock Thursday* morning the young boy* ran breathless up to the door of his father’s home and rang the bell for admission. Offers Big - Reward. Late Thursday* night Air. Cudahy an nounced he would pay $25,000 reward for the apprehension of the abductors of his son, $5,00€ for one and $15,000 for two of them. Cats Down Its Force. Houghton, Alich., Dec. 21. —The Calu me . and Hecla mine has made large re ductions in its force during the last 90 days. Local estimates of from 1,200 co 1,500 men let out are probably too high, but it is believed that the force of the mine has been reduced by* nearly 1,000. Famous Painter Dead*. Berlin. Dec. 21, —Prof. Carl Becker, the German historical painter, whose eightieth birthday was celebrated De cember IS, and who was then the re cipient of a congratulatory address from the Berlin academy* of arts, died Thursday of influenza. READY TO INSURE ROYALTY. No Discrimination in American Com* panics Is Made Against Potentates. In a cable dispatch printed hero recently it was stated that some in surance companies in Europe were refusing- to accept risks on the lives of reigning- potentates of the old world, owing particularly to the men ace of anarchist violence, which had been brought pointedly before the view of insurance company officers by the tragic death of King Humbert of Italy. According to the cable ad vices, one company which found itself compelled to pay $600,000, the value of a policy on Humbert’s life, recently refused to accept a risk on the life of Alexander of Servia, who sought a policy for 10,000,000 francs. The cable dispatch intimated that insurance companies doing business abroad had no more use for royal patrons who might desire to insure their own lives, says an eastern exchange. Inquiry among officers of some of the insurance companies of the Unit ed States which do a large foreign business developed the fact that there is no discrimination against royal applicants for insurance in the Amer ican companies. Each application for a policy of insurance in American companie is received and acted upon on its cwn merits, without regard for the accidental fact that the ap plicant is a royal personage. “There is no discrimination against kings,” a high officer of one of the largest companies said. “We do not boycott those seated upon a throne.’* He said that the danger from an archists might be considered in con nection with an application for insur ance, but that it would be considered exactly in the light of certain quali fications of various applicants in classes familiar in this country; that it would be considered among the moral hazards, but that merely in itself it would not operate to bring about the rejection of the applicant. The occupations of various applicants for insurance carry with them vary ing moral risks, which are taken into consideration by the insurance com panies. The moral risks of certain kingships would probably be reflect ed in the premiums exacted in the case of accepted kingly applicants, but the accident of royal birth or regal place would not, American in surance men say, deprive a potentate of the privileges of insurance which he would enjoy if a private citizen of any of several w-alks of life. UTILIZATION OF FURNACE GAS Waste Product in Prussia, to Be Used in Running: Big: Elec tric Motors. Vice Consul General Hanauer, of Frankfort, writes, November 3, 1900, as follows: On October 30, 25 repre sentatives of the largest iron works in France and Belgium visited the Horde Mining and Rolling Mills as sociation, at Horde, near Dortmund, Prussia, to inspect the electrical cen tral station for utilizing the gas com ing from the months of furnaces. This new method is considered one of the wonders of modern technics. The plant, when fully completed, will have a force of 6,400 horsepower. At present, three twin motors of the Oechelhauser system are run this furnace gas to produce an electric current for supplying power and light for the Hermann rolling mills. A fourth motor of 600 horse-power and four others of 1,000 horse-power each are now in process of construction to serve like purposes. A Wonderful Old Lady. Lord Rosebery’s mother, the duch ess of Cleveland, is a wonderful old lady. Though she is in her eighty-first year she is full of energy and is a de lightful companion. The London King mentions, as an illustration of her ac tivity that she did not indulge her love for travel until she was over 70 years of age, and since then she has made many a journey, including a tour to In dia. the West Indies and British South Africa. The duchess was married o the late duke of Cleveland in 1854, three years after the death of Lord Dalmeny, Lord Rosebery’s father. THE MARKETS. New York, Dec. 22. LIVE STOCK—Steers $4 00 @ 5 00 Hogs 4 90 (oi 5 20 Sheep 2 25 4 00 FLOUR—Winter Straights... 340 (a 305 Minnesota. Patents 3 90 (u> 4 3o WHEAT—No. 2 Red 76%(0) May 78%(o) 79 CORN—No. 2 45%@ 46% May 42 (y) 42% OATS—No. 2 27%@ 27% BUTTER—Creamery 17 0 25 Factory - CHEESE 12 EGGS 20 # 2b CHICAGO. CATTLE—Prime Steers $5 85 @ 6 10 Texas Steers 4 10 (jo) 4 90 Stockers 2 25 (g) 3 30 Feeders 340 @405 Bulls 2 10 @ 4 30 HOGS—Light 4 65 (cv 4 92% Rough Packing 4 6o @4 82% SHEEP 3 30 0 4 25 BUTTER—Creamery 15 @ 23% Dairy 1° @ 20 EGGS 15 @ 21 POTATOES (per bu.) 36 @ 4o PORK—January 12 27%@12 37% LA.RD —January 6 87%@ 6 90 RlßS—January 4... 6 32%@ 635 GRAlN—Wheat, December.. 69%@ 70 Corn, December 38 @ 40% Oats, December 21%@ 21% Rye, No. 2 45 @ 45% Barley, Good 52 @ 56 MILWAUKEE.. GR-AlN—Wheat, No. 1 Nor’n $ 72 @ 73 Oats, No. 2 25%@ 26 Rye, No. 1 51 @ 51% Barley, No. 2 60 @ 60% KANSAS CITY. GRAlN—Wheat, May $ 66 @ 66% Corn, May 34 @ 34% Oats, No. 2 White 24%(5t) 25 Rye, No. 2 46 @ 46% ST. LOUIS. CATTLE—Native Steers $3 25 @ 550 Texas Steers 340 @ 4 £0 HOGS—Packers’ 4 80 0 4 90 Butchers’ 4 90 @ 4 95 SHEEP —Native Muttons 3 50 @ 4 25 OMAHA. CATTLE—Native Steers $4 20 0 5 40 Cows and Heifers 3 00 (fi 4 00 Stockers and Feeders 3 00 @ 4 50 HOGS—Mixed 4 80 @ 4 82% SHEEP—Westerns 3 65 @ 3 90 Fire a Shot 20 Miles. The United States will fire a thousand pound shot twenty miles which will be a. record breaker for the distance. The gun from which it is to be fired will be a mar vel of American ingenuity, and workman ship. Another marvel of American ingenui ty is Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. For fifty years it has been the only medicine to cure constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia, bilious ness and by its direct action on the kidneysl - rheumatism. Our notion of a brave girl is a girl who keeps right on spending two hours a day curling her hair after her heart is broken and she has nothing to live for. —Detroit Journal. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale' Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall s Catarrh Cure is tak_n internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonial® free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. A woman’s faith in her husband is built: on a solid rock if a visit from her mother for three weeks fails to shake it. —Atchison Globe, Best for the Bowels. bo matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. Cascarets help nature,, cure you without a gripe or pain, produo easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. Fair Helen—“l hear you have a secret.” Fair Grace —“Well, I did have one, but it. wouldn’t keep.”—Syracuse Herald. Excursion Sleepers Via M., K. & T. Ryv Weekly Excursion Sleepers leave St. Louis, via Katy Flyer (M. K. & T. Ry.) every Tues day at 8:16 p. m. for San Antonio, Los An geles and San Francisco. Weekly Excursion Sleepers leave Kansas- City via the M. K. & T. Ry, every Saturday at 9:05 p. m. for San Antonio, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. He that will not look before must look behind.—Gaelic. Try Graln-O! Try Grain-O! Ask your grocer to-day to show you a pack age of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult., All who try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it w-ithout distress, i the price of coffee. 15c. and 25cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. The Commercial Instinct. Mamma —Tommy, do stop that noise. If you’ll only be good I’ll give you a penny. Tommy—No; I w r ant a nickel. “Why, you little rascal, you were quite sat isfied to be good yesterday for a penny.” “I know, but that was a bargain day.”— Philadelphia Press. They Wouldn’t Rip. “What do you call these?” he asked at the breakfast table. “Flannel cakes,” replied the wife of his bosom. “Flannel? They made a mistake and sold you corduroy this time.” —Baltimore Ameri can. Her Pointed View. Chappie (blase) —Don’t you think society is an empty thing 1 ? Miss Fuller —I think there are lot? of empty things in society.—Cincinnati En quirer. From Bryan’s Own City. Comes a Startling Story. An Open Letter that will Cause a Sensation. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 24, 1900 (Special),. —At No. 2J.15 O Street, this city, is the B. & M. Wall Paper House. “B. & M.” are theinicial letters of the proprietors, Mr. A. C. Bonsor, and Mr. O. E. Myers- The senior partner, Mr. Bonsor, is a well known and highly respected citi zen, and no one has ever doubled his truthfulness. It- is, therefore, the pro nounced opinion in Lincoln and the State generally, that the significant and very strong statements made in Mr. Bonsor’s letter will go unchallenged.. After explaining his willingness that the matter be given the fullest possible publicity in the public interest, Mr. Bonsor proceeds. I have suffered untold misery and pain for over ten years. My kidneys were diseased. I tried many so-called remedies, but they did me no good. I, saw an advertisement of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and I bought some, and com menced to use them at once. I had not been taking them three days before L began to improve. For years I had not had one good night’s sleep, and be fore the first box of the Dodd’s Kidney Pills were all used, I could sleep all nigjit without pains. lam now com pletely cured, and have not a pain or ache left. I cannot recommend Dodd’s Kidney Pills too highly, for they are* unexcelled as a kidney remedy. Yours truly, A. C. BONSOR, No. 2115 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure,- 50c. a box. All dealers. It Cures Coughs Colds, Croup, Sore Throat, Influ enza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. Tou will see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Pricey 26 and 50 cents jer bottle.