Sbese fellows Gblnft
Umow it HU.
But they will be still wiser
after calling on us, getting our
prices and using our goods. We
do not fear any of our compet
itors. Our prices speak for them
selves. Call and see us and be
c mvinced,% etc.
The undersigned would inform thepublie
.■generally that they nave associated them
elvestogether under tne firm nameof
Nowack, Schmutzler & Go.,
Forthepurposeof carryingron the Furniture
business, and will keep constantly on hand,
atthe old stand of Nowack Bros.,on the cor
. £,%.!
■ cr ::>
- - SJ
A tine assortment ) all kind ol
Such as Parlorand ChamberSets.Cane Seat
and Wood Bottomed Chairs, etc., together
vithCommonFurniture of every description
The firm would also state that they have
urchased the undertaking business oi J.
UDgmaa & Cos. and will ketp on hand a
aried assortment of Coffins, Caskets,
hrouds, etc. Funerals furnished with
Uearseand Carriages on short notice.
Bottled Beer!
Celebrated Bottled Beer
No. 107 Main St., Watertown, Wif
Over Hertel & Hoffmann's Cfothinc Store.
Nothing Sells Like the Dust-Proof In
terchangeable Axle-Box Buggy-
They give the very best satisfaction, and
are warranted to run irom 800 to 1,000 miles
withoutoiling. The parts aro interchange
able, and when worn can be renewed and
made good as new. The axle box is made
from wrought iron with a sleeve properly
grooved to fit the balls pressed on the point
of the box and a cap pressed into the back
end of the box which is made to fit the balls
that are contained in the cone, which is
mounted at the shoulder of the axle. The
nutis made with a cup. There is also a oack
dust cap which screws over the back end of
the box. also a dust cap which screws over
the point of he hub, making the axle dust
proof. The buggy is fitted with double end
springs which make it one of the easiest rid*
ng buggies manufactured.
When you want to buy the best
Baggies, Wagons, Binders, Reapers
Mowers, Fanning Mills, Etc.,
Call and see JOHN F. BRAMER,
No. 1 Windmills a specialty. 4,06 MAIN ST.
Pumps, Tanks, Repairs, always in stock
Lowest prices guaranteed.
Miss Strong..
Vo ce Culture—
The Art of Singing,
For terms, apply at 804 Fifth street.
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Inter*
nal. Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures
and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain.
It cures Burns, Scalds .Tnd Ulcerations and Con
tractions from Burns. The Relief
It cures Tom, Cut or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, “ Runrounds,”
Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or
Scald Head.
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapped Hands, Fev :i Blisters, Sore Lips or
Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet,
Stings of Insects. Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO
Sold by Drujsrists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. William A Job' U.. NEW YORK.
Margaret Fuller Would Have Ex
changed Her Intellect for Emily
Marshall’s Beauty.
Margaret Fuller once expressed the
willingness to exchange her fine intel
lect and all her accomplishments for
the beauty and attractiveness of Em
ily Marshall (who had been her
schoolmate), writes William Perrine
of “The Loveliest Woman in All
America,” in the Ladies’ Home Jour
nal. “Miss Marshall stood before us a
reversion to that faultless type of
structure which artists have imagined
in the past and to that ideal loveliness
of disposition which poets have fanciedi
in the golden age,” was the verdict of a
Boston gallant, one of the fair beauty’s
neighbors, recorded in after life, when
his judgment was unprejudiced.. Such
was the homage which the people of
Boston would sometimes bestow upon
Miss Marshall that one night when
Daniel Webster, then beginning his
career in the United States senate, vis
ited the Federal Street theater the ap
plause which the audience showered
upon him was not greater than the
cheers with which it welcomed the
divine Emily. In New York she caused
such a sensation that one morning ten
gentlemen, at one time were seen in her
escort, and 60 left their cards for her.
When she went to such summer resorts
as Saratoga the crowds at the hotel
would form a lane through which she
might pass as they waited to view her
going - to and from her coach, and it is a
Philadielphia tradition, that when she
visited that city one of the schools was
closed earlier than the usual hour to
give the young girls a chance to see
the famous belle. Indeed, women
looked upon her with an admiration
which they seldom accord to beauties.
He Finally Brought Hl* Novel to
a Close in Advance of Hia
First Purpose.
One of the most popular novels of
the day had' a strange history which
might have been considered fatal to
its success had it been considered in
advance. A New York author whose
books are always sure of a certain de
gree of popularity finished all but the
last few chapters of a novel. Try as
he might, it was impossible for him
to complete the story satisfactorily.
So he put the book away and for two
years it lay unfinished on his desk, al
though the author thought of the
work from time to time without be
ing able to get any nearer the solu
tion of the plot, says the New York
Finally he lost all hope of ever com
pleting the w'ork and decided to end
it at a point several chapters in ad
vance of that at which he had ceased
to write. With this abrupt and unex
pected ending the novel went to a pub
lisher, was accepted and turned out
one of the most popular novels this
author has ever written. One of the
most praised features of the book is
its unconventional ending, which is
said to be just explicit enoug’h to sat
isfy everybody without going into ar
tistic detail. And the author was at
one time so discouraged about the end
ing of the book that he had almost
given up the idea of submitting it to
any publisher.
An English Jnrlst’s Love for Ani
mals Brings Him Into
It is learned from the English papers
that Baron Brampton, longer and more
familiarly known as Sir Henry Hawk
ins, or as “Old ’Arry ’Aw^kins” —as the
good people of London called him at
times —has just celebrated his eighty
third birthday. There is probably
none of Queen Victoria’s judges, either
on the active or on the retired list, who
knows so much of the seamy side of
life as does Baron Brampton. He is
the hero of more stories than have
been told of any other occupant of the
judicial bench, living or dead. His con
stant companion, and most devoted
friend, a singularly restless and clever
little terrier, figures in many of these.
For instance, once when the nervous
little animal was dragging his vener
able master violently along by Its
leash, a member of the criminal classes,
who knew both master and dog very
w T ell, indeed, called out loudly: “Why,
Bill, don’t go it so ’ard, the old ’un isn’t
blind!” Lord Brampton’s excessive
love for animals on another occasion
prompted him to interpose when a
learned counsel had been talking about
“evidence to hang a dog” and to ask
what would be sufficient evidence for
that purpose. “That, m’ lud,” replied
the lawyer, with significance, “would
depend very much on whom the dog
belonged to!”
Cat Fond of Ice.
A tobacconist in South Fourth street
is the owner of a one-eyed tom-cat,
which is an ice fiend. The cat's name is
Jerubbaal. He sits on his owner’s
doorstep every morning and waits for
the ice man, and when the latter puts
the customary cake of ice on the pave
ment. preparatorj' to opening the door,
the cat eagerly runs to pick up the lit
tle pieces which are generally chipped
off. The cat holes the Ice in his
jaouth until it dissolves. On occa
sions the cat mews until his owner
gets the pick and breaks off some
pieces for him. Summer or winter,
Jerubbaal must have nis ice.
Armor (or Soldiers.
On the threshold of the twentieth
century the British war office has re
sorted to armor for the protection of
its soldiers. Orders have been given
for the purchase of a number of small
steel shields to cover the vital parts
about the heart. Th ? shields w r eigh
about seven pounds and in tests have
turned bullets at 700 yard*.
Efforts of Government Agents to
Locate the Much-Wanted
The United States fish commission
Is about to make an effort to determine
as precisely as possible the area of sea
bottom occupied by the tile fish—that
strange and interesting finny species
which was first discovered in 1879, only
to be rendered' almost extinct soon aft
erward by a marine cataclysm wholly
unprecedented, says the Saturday
Evening Post.
The fish commission thinks that an
important and lucrative fishery for
the tile fish may be created, when once
the fishermen are informed at to where
they should go to look for the species,
which is excellently adapted for the
table. Hitherto it has remained al
most unknown simply because its home
is in the depths. There is reason to be
lieve that it has again become very
numerous, and a reference to the his
tory of the famous catastrophe of 1882
shows that in March and April of that
year 7,500 square miles of ocean were
found profusely sprinkled with tile
fish, the number being estimated at one
thousand millions.
The eastern edge of the North Amer
ican continent is overflowed by the sea,
and that is why the water near the
coast is so shallow. To find the true
edge of the great continental land mass
one would have to travel about 80
miles due eastward from New York.
There begins a sudden descent to the
true floor of the ocean, which is 2y 2
miles dieep. A narrow belt of this de
clivity, running north and south, is
bathed by the warm waters of the
Gulf Stream, and 1 here is found the tile
fish. The catastrophe above men
tioned, which so nearly wiped out the
entire species, was undoubtedly due
to an invasion of the belt by the arctic
Cattleman from Wyoming Thrown
Klsiies to Figures In Store
A veracious policeman on a beat that
takes in the swell department stores of
State street tells a queer story of a
cattleman from the plains of Wyom
ing. says the Chicago Chronicle. Ac
cording to the officer’s story the ranch
man fairly fell head and ears in love
with one wax figure of a beautiful fe
male in a prominent show window’ of
Chicago’s great shopping thorough
“When I first saw the cow'boy throw
ing kisses at the pretty woman of wax,”
said the policeman, “I at first thought
he must be drunk or crazj*. But he was
neither. The real truth was that he
had never in his life before seen a
dummy figure of a woman of the per
fect type then standing before him in
the glare of the show lights at night,
and his explanation was that before
he realized the exquisitely attired grand
dame was nothing but a cold and life
less figure he found himself throwing
kisses at her in pure gallantry and ex
uberance of spirit.
“I did not believe him at first, and
started to take him in tow as a possi
bly dangerous lunatic. However, be
fore I reached 1 the patrol box with him
I concluded that although he may
have been imbibing freely while seeing
the town, he was in no way affected in
his upper story. So I tumed him loose,
with a warning that he would frighten
people badly and get locked up should
he renew his ardent and demonstrative
wooing of the wax figures in State
street windows.”
In Chill That Wn.a Preserved from
Molestation of Indians by a
Clever Tricks
When the electric telegraph was
first introduced into Chili a stratagem
was resorted to in order to guard the
posts and wares against damage on
the part of the natives and to main
tain the connection between the
strongholds on the frontier. There
were at the time between 40 and 50
captive Indians in the Chilian camp.
Gen. Pinto—in command of the opera*
tions —called them together, and,
pointing to the telegraph wires, said:
“Do you see those wires?”
“Yes, general.”
“I want you to remember not to go
near or touch them, for if you do
your hands wall be held, and you will
be unable to get away.”
The Indians smiled incredulously.
Then the general made them each in
succession take hold of the wire at
both ends of an electric battery in
full operation, after which he ex
claimed :
“I command you to let go the wire!”
“I can’t; my hands are benumbed!”
cried each Indian.
The battery was then stopped. Not
long after the general restored them
to liberty, giving them strict instruc
tions to keep the secret. This had
the desired effect, for, as might be ex
pected, the experience was related in
the strictest confidence to every man
in the tribe, and the telegraph has
ever since remained unmolested.
Cucumbers In Siberia.
Cucumbers largely take the place
of fruit in Siberia. They are raised
in profusion and when nearly ripe
they are put down for a few days in
a brine made from salt and oak leaves
and then are eaten both in connection
with regular meals and by themselves
as one eats apples.
Yoang Women for South Africa.
According to Gen. Baden-Powell,
there is a future for girls in South
Africa. The situation is realized by
practical Germans, who have already
started a regular emigration bureau
for young women, most of whom are
engaged or married almost as so in
as they land.
Railroad Men at Philadelphia Pro*
tected Miss Helen Gould from >
the Camera Fiends.
When Miss Helen Gould visited the
tenth annual convention of the railroad
department of the Young Men’s Chris
tion association at Philadelphia some
weeks ago the newspaper artists were
bound to sketch her as she appeared at
the reception. To this Miss Gould ob
jected strenuously, but the artists were
not routed until the railroad men
threatened to demolish the photograph
ers’ expensive camera and tear up the
artists'’ cardboards. A score of news
paper photographers and artists ap
peared at the Y. M. C. A. building early
and were informed that they could not
enter with their machines.
A dozen burly railroad men were ap
pointed to smash all cameras found in
side the building and tear up all artists’
materials. The picture men then wait
ed outside. When Miss Gould arrived
with Mrs. Sage a flank movement was
made and their carriage was driven
around to a side entrance.
The men of pictures rushed to the
side door, but upon arriving there
found the women surrounded by over
50 tall men, who formed a bodyguard
clear into the building, shutting the
cameras out completely.
In the crush to close out the picture
men Miss Gould and Mrs, Sage were
almost crushed themselves. They
seemed amazed at the excitement at
first, but soon learned the cause and
helped to deprive the picture men of
snap shots.
Switzerland Will Found a Place
Where They Can Spend Their
The Swiss educators are taking ac
tive measures looking toward the
founding of a lehrerheim, or home for
school-teachers during their holidays,
upon the model of the admirable eisen
bahner-heim, or home for railway
workers, on the Grubisbalm, upon the
slopes of the Kigi, midway between
Vitznau and the Kaltbad, saj's a for
eign correspondent of the Chicago
Chronicle. The hotel on the Grubis
balm, which owes its initiative entirely
to a committee of workers on the
Swiss railways, has now been open for
three or four years. Any railway man,
or member of a railway man's family,
may be excellently lodged and boarded
there at a cost of three to three and
one-half francs a day. The economical
question is exhaustively treated in a
Little pamphlet circulating amongst
the teachers in the Swiss common
schools. If the railway workers can
“help themselves” to so successful a
cooperative hotel and pension, why
cannot their educators do the same?
asks Kerr Walt, the writer of the pam
phlet. The railway workers’ home on
the Kigi not only pays its expenses,
but at the end of the last season showed
a profit of 1.300 Irancs, which is ex
pected to increase as it becomes more
widely used. The German school-mas
ters in Silesia have already provided
themselves with a similar cooperative
hotel and pension in the Schreiberhau.
Rivalry Among: British Soldiers
Upon the Veldt in South
A great rivalry exists among the
private soldiers in South Africa for the
honor of performing the most heroic
deed of the campaign. The most dra
matic feat of the war, perhaps, was the
hoisting of the union jack over Pre
toria, and it is interesting to note that
this was done by a man who is often
described; as the richest man in Eng
land —the duke of Westminster. It is
the first notable thing the jmung duke
has done since his accession, and he
well deserved his reward —a cigar
handed to him by Lord Roberts on be
half of a lover of the weed at home.
The flag at Bloemfontein was hoisted
by Viscount Acheson, son of Lord Gos
port, though the honor has been
claimed for Lord Herbert Scott. The
first man to enter Mafeking on its re
lief was “Karri” Davies, who received
£SO from a Liverpool merchant as his
reward. It is pleasing to know that
Davies is an Australian, as was the
first man to enter Bloemfontein, Mr.
Donohoe, a correspondent. The first
colonial V. C. was Trooper Morris. So
far nobody has succeeded in winning
the £25 offered in Melbourne to the
man who would first lay his hands on
President Kruger.
Are Designed to Traverse a Coun
try Where There Are No
Two new armored trains, intended
for use in a country where there are
no rails or permanent ways, have lately
been placed upon the establishment at
Aldershot. Each consists of a locomo
tive or traction engine, and f our trucks,
all of which are painted the now fa
miliar but ever unlovely khaki. The
locomotives, which are of exceedingly
powerful construction, are completely
cased with steel, the vital parts being
especially protected. An ingenious ar
rangement of prisms and mirrors,
somewhat after the manner of the
camera obscura, enables the driver in
side the cab of the engine to see with
out being seen or in any way exposing
himself. The trucks are built with
high sloping steel sides, which are
pierced and slotted at intervals to cit
able the occupants to fire through
them. They are also provided with
slides at either end to permit of guna
and wagxms being run into the trucks.
The steel sides of the carriages are so
constructed that when necessary they
may fall inward and He flat on the plat
form of the truck, which can then be
used for ordinary transport purposes.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which ha
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatn
—and has been made under hi:
/j: • sonal supervision since its infa
/'CCsCcVcI/Za Allow no one to deceive you in t .
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are h
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health
Infants and Children—Experience against Experimen
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parc
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, i
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worr
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wi
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipati
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates i
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural slei
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bor
In Use For Over 30 Years.
of Berlin, Germany, the eminent Surgeon and Specialist, BRINGS GOOD NEWS TO AL' <•
with any Chronic Disease. GET HEALTH FIRST. Your family physician is very likel
doctor. But you must remember he is uo nigh*- after night and has not the time tc
chronic cases. Therefore your hope lies with the specialist.
WEALTH COMES EASY after one feels well. In fact it’s a pleasure to w
one is in perfect health and, after all, what does wealth amount to when one has l
Watertown, Saturday, JAN. 19, Co^” t ‘
a Specialist
ness, or are otherwise unfitted for business or
study, caused from youthful errors or excesses,
you should consult this specialist at once.
Don’t delay until too late.
A MITTMTI There are thousands of
MAIN XViIN U you troubled with weak,
aching backs and kidneys and other unmis
takable signs of nervous debility. Many die of
this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The most
obstinate cases of this character treated with,
unfailing success.
ATT HTCT7 A CTC of delicate nature—
ALL* JJIOLAOLO inflammations and
kindred troubles—quickly cured without pain,
or inconvenience.
r A T A poisons the breath,
L/11 AAIVLI stomach and lungs and
paves the way for Consumption, also Throat,
- OB f Ist—The doctor gives bis personal attention to each
A POW POintS ■ case . 2nd— All business conducted .m a professional
strictly confidential. 3rd—Names and pictures never published unless requested
4th—The doctor’s patrons are his friends.
- your troubles if living away from city. Thousands cured at home by c
wlr rIXO ence and me di c ine sent no directed. Absolute secrecy in all professions
Address all letters, giving street r.nd number plainly. Send stamps for list of ques
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul.
Passenger No. 56, daily 2:52 a m
“ “ 4, daily 5:22 am
“ “ 34, except Sunday 7:05 a m
“ *• 22, except Sunday 9:32 am
“ “ 26, except Sunday.... 2:21 p m
“ “ 6, daily s:2opm
“ *• 55, daily 6;l2am
*• “ 5, daily 12:38 pm
“ “ 23, except Sunday.... 6:30 pm
*• ■* 1, daily. 10:27 p m
Train No. 7 arrives from|Chicago at 3:32p
m daily except Sunday.
Train No 23 arrives from Chicago and de
parts for Madison at 6:30 p m except Sunday.
No. S3 arrives frem Milwaukee and departs
for Madison at 9:10 a m except Sunday.
Gr, W. Webb, Agent.
Chicago & Northwestern.
i Chicago Fast Passenger i:2oa m
4 “ Mail “ iO-.Mam
A, Janesville 44 .#••••• •••• ®*B2 p m
New Rockford-Watertown train. Leaves
Rockford 6:20 A. M. arrives at Watertown
9-30 A.M. and goes no farther, returning
leaves Watertown 1:50 P M. arriving at
Rockford 8:00
Paiseurer • “
aFreight. 7:ospm
Passenger from Chicago arrives at Water
town 9:26 p m and goosno farther.
i0:57 a m train connects direct with
train for La Crosse Winona, Bt. Paul and
intermediate points- o t p,,,-
6:32 p m train connect direct for St Faua
0:57 am train connects dir act w Dakota
f r Madison, and Minnesota and Dakota
a’ except Sunduv.
Frep M. Newton Agent.
Lver. Heart, Kidney. Blacdf i er
tutional and internal troubles; alf
Piles. Fistula, Dyspepsia, Diarrb
eases of the stomach and bowels *
in advance of any institution in tl
Scrofula, Tumors, Tetter Eczema a
Poison thoroughly eradicated, Itr.
system in a strong, pure and health.*
T A TITU C —lf you are sufferin'-
sistent Headache,P
struation, Uterine Displacements,
Back, and feel as if It wereimposs)
to endure your troubles and still bv
attend your household and social o
There are ruaay women doing th
However, a great many have taken '
of this specialist, and he can refer yo
who have been, cured by him. Give
a call. He can give all the encoura
the world and will cure you if you t
self to his care.
Don’t Be Foo
@Take the genulm
Made only by Ma
cine Cos., Madisc
keeps you well,
mark cut on
in bulk? Accept
weoiiroßATKßiMi tute. Ask your i
w prt-aptly procured, OK HO FU. Send t
® or photo for free report on patentability.
CV to Obtain U. 8. and Foreign Patents and T?
(•) FREE. Fairest terms erer offered t<
(A All bnsiness confidential. Sound advi'
(|) seniee. Moderate charges.
| W £“C. A. SNOW i
Mallsolose at the postoffice c
orth—*2;l6f. m.;9;ouf,m.
South—*lo:l6 a. m; 9;OOf. m
Bast—*B:so a. M.; *2:00 F.M.; *s:o'
West—6:6o a. m.; *12:00 m.; ;€*)f
Watertown and Madison-*8: 0 A.J
Pipersville, Aliceton, Farmigtr
ezer, *7:30 a.m.
Lebanon—Tuesdays, Thuredsd
days, 5:00 f, u.
X Dally ercrptSund v.
DR. Tl