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VOLUME XLIII. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. DR- A. H. H/VpTWIG - THE ONLY QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN IN THIS VICINITY. RE ATS DISEASES OF ALL DOMESTICATED ANIMALS OFFICE. 60* *AIN BT. : TELEPHONE 22. WATERTOWN WIS I NFIRMARY, 722 WEST MAIN.BT. i 3B M f:OIQi (dunkley-williams company) In connection with the Michigan Central R. R. THE DIRECT LINE, THE LOWEST RATES TO ALL POINTS EAST. From MILWAUKEE and CHICAGO via SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Leave Milwaukee 900 p. tn., Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Milwaukee Docks and Offices, 222-228 South Water Street. Leave Chicago 9:30, a. in., and 11.30 p. in ., Daily. Saturday 9:30 a. m., 2 p. in. and 11:30 p. m. Sunday lO am, 3:30 p m and 11:30 p m. Chicago Docks and Offices, 7 Rush Street. For further information address G. P.CORY, Gen’l Traffic Manager, Chicago. THE PAHTORIDM. OVER POST OFFICE. If clothes is what yon want we have them and can save money on a snit of over coat made by the E. E. Strauss & Cos. Expert Journeyman tailors. We make your clothes last twice as long by keeping the clean and pressed for 11,00 per month. Agent* far Otto Pietach Dy Work* NILWAVKEB WIS. BERTRAM ® HAHN Props. Phone 112—4. Residence—6l2 N. Wash. St. UNIMENT I I The Quick, Clean Cure . I * JENNINGS, Anakl, Minn. The Watertown Republican MMI KENNEL HU POE TOE HUTR WATERTOWN LUMBER CO. Office and Yards 401 Ciyman Street. W. A. BROWN, Manager WATERTOWN, JEFFERSON CO., WIS., SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1903. W. D. Sproesser, President. J. Tkrbrukggen, Vice-President. ;D. H Kusee, Cashier. Chas. E. Fret, As’tCaßhler. MERCHANTS’ BANK WATmHTOWM wtm. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $92,000 DIRECTORS J* Terbrueggen, D. H. Knsel, W. IX Sproesser L. Schempf, J. Habhegger, Carl Manz, F Schmutalor. W. A. Beurhaus, M. Blumenfeld r^™,i \ DEALER IN r S Fresh A Salt Heats, i SAUSAGE AND LARD. Poultry and Game in Season. £ Nowack, Schmufzier & Cos., FURNITURE ... UNDERTAKING. Htin and F,nrth SU. WATERTOWN, wit. ’jmrr CENTRAL WISCONSIN POULTRY ASSOCIATION Third Annual Exhibition of Central Wisconsin Poultry Association Will Open At Concordia Oper* House Next Monday, January 12 and Continue All Week. The third annual exhibition of the Central Wisconsin Poultry association will open at Concordia Opera House next Monday, January 12 and continue until and including January 17. The premium list which has been extensive ly circulated, guarantees S3OO in cash and special prizes and the show promises to be one of the best ever held in Wis consin. A large number of entries have already been made and the secretary is receiving more every day. Every con venience will be afforded exhibitors and good places will be assigned all. The opera house is well adapted for this display, plenty of light being afforded, and it is expected that the attendance during the week will be very large both from this city and other towns. George D. Holden of Owatonna, Min nesota, has been selected to judge the exhibits and it is claimed that ho is one of the fairest judges of poultry in the country. The association would be glad to have all those who are interested in the breeding of fowl make an exhibit at this show, as some of the best stock in the north-west will be on exhibition and it is only by contact with breeders who know how to care for fowl that you may learn something of advantage for your own pens. Besides the Belgian hares, pet stock and pigeons there are sixteen classes of poultry as follows: Class I—American—Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks, Buff Plymouth Rocks, Silver Wyandottes, Golden Wyandottes, White Wyaudottes, Black Wyandottes, Partridge W yandottes, White Javas, Black Javas, Mottled Javes, Ameaican Dominiques. Class II —Asiatic —Light Brahmas, Dark Brahmas, Buff Cochins, White Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Black Coch ins, Black Langshans, White Langshans, Class lll—Mediterranean —Brown Leg horns. Rose-Comb Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns, Roae-Comb White Leg horns, Black Leghorns, Buff Leghorns, Silver Duckwing Leghorns, Dominique Leghorns, Black Minorcas, Rose-Comb Black Minorcas, White Minorcas, Rose- Comb White Minorcas, Black Spanish Blue Andalusians, Mottled Anconas. Class IV—Polish—White Cresten Black Polish, Golden Polish, Silver Polish, W r hite Polish, Bearded White Polish, Bearded Silver Polish, Bearded Golden Polish, Buff Laced Polish. Senator-elect Merton, of Waukesha, is known to have radical opinions in regard to the present divorce law of the state, and it has been predicted that he would signalize his advent into the Senate by a bill embodying his views upon that question. Inter viewed by a Sentinel correspondent recently Senator Merton said:—The question is really a serious one. It is one that is difficult to understand, yet I am in fayor of doing away with the present divorce laws. It is too much to say that married couples should in all cases be made to live together. Doubtless there are many cases In which the law should provide for a separation of husbands and wives. But there should be no provision en abling such separating persons to marry again, unless the parties them selves decide to re-unite. New Through Car Line Sault Ste. Marie is to come into closer connection with Chicago by means of a new through service that was inaugu rated Dec. 29 via the Chicago & North- Western and M., St. P. and St. M. rail ways. The new service will be via Mil waukee, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh and Green Bay, Marinette, Menominee and Escanaba to Larch, the junction point with the Soo line, and thence via Glad stone, Manistique and Trout Lake to Sault Ste. Marie, The Sou is one of the most rapidly growing cities in the United States. Great wood pulp mills, iron furnaces, steel mills and other manufacturing in terests have been established, and the great lake traffic through the govern ment locks marks it as one of the most notable gateways of commerce in the world. The new connection with Chicago will be hailed with satisfaction by a large part of the traveling public. The through sleeping car will leave Class V—Hamburgs— White Ham burgs, Black Haraburgs, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Golden Spangled Hamburgs, Silver Penciled Hamburgs, Golden Pen ciled Hamburgs, Red Caps. Class VI —French —Honda ns, Creve Coeurs, La Fleche. Class Vll—English—White Dorkins, Silver Grey Dorkins, Colored Dorking. Class VIII —Games—Black Breasted Red, Brown Red, Golden Duckwing, Silver Duckwing, Red Pyle, W Into, Black, Birchen, Cornish Indian, White Indian, Black Breasted Red Malay. Class IX —Game Bantams —Black Breasted Red, Brown Red, Golden Duck wing, Silver Duckwing, Red Pyle, White Black, Birchen. Class X —Bantans other than Games— Golden Sebright, Silver Sebright, Rose Combed White, Rose Combed Black, Booted W hite, Buff Cochins, Patridge Cochins, White Cochins, Black Cochins, Black-Tailed Japanesse, White Japanesse, Black Japanesse, White Crested, White Polish. Class Xl—Miscellaneous Russians, Silkies, Sultans, Sumatrus, Frizzles. Orpingtons, Rumpless, Ermiuettes, Rohde Island Ceds. Class Xll—Pit Games—All recognized varitiesin this class will be judged by comparison and prises awarded accord*- ingly. Class Xlll—Turkeys—Bronze, Nar ragansette, Buff, Slate, White, Black, Wild. Class XIV —Ducks —Perkin, Alylesbury, Rouen, Cayuga, Colored Muscovey, White Muscovey, Black East ludia, Crested White. White Call, Grey Call, Indian Runner. Class XV—Geese—Toulouse Embden, African, Brown Chinese, White Chinese, W ild Egyptians. Class XVl—Ornamental—Pea Fowls, W hite Guineas, Pearl Guineas, Pheasants. The officers of the association are: President, V\. C. Radke, Watertown; vice president, Earl Roberts, Fort Atkinson; secretary. Goo. P. Weber, Watertown; assistant secretary, Joe Robinson, W ater town; treasurer, Wm. H. Statts, Water town. Directors: Theodore Dobbratz, W atertown; R. Harrison, Theodore Noth bohm, Dean Robberts, Fort Atkinson; G. E. Greenwood, E. L. Schmiedemann, Lake Mills. Chicago at Bp. m. daily except Sunday, from the North-Western’s Wells street station; and reach Sault Ste. Marie 10:20 o’clock the next morning. Southbound, hv'A the Soo about 3 p, m. 3 except Sun day, arriving in Chicago next morning at 7 ;30 a. m. Direct connections are made at Chi cago with all lines from the south and west, and at Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Appleton and Powers with train service of the North-Western line from points in Wisconsin, Southern Minnesota and the Dakotas, Council Suspends Liquor License At the meeting of the common coun cil held last Tuesday evening, the mat ter of a complaint against John Kneu beuhler, a saloon-keeper, for selling liquor to Carl Tenwedo, a man who had been posted, came up for hearing and action. The investigation assumed the character of a trial, in which Joseph E. Davies appeared for his partner, Arthur Mulberger, city attorney, and Hon. C. H. Gardner for the defense. The facts alleged in the complaint were proven and the council acting as a jury found the defendant guilty as charged and voted that his license be suspended. No fine was imposed nor was the license revoked; simply an ex emplary punishment administered as a warning that hereafter if the offender does sell liquor to a posted man he must be more careful and not get caught at it. The Milwaukee Sentinel is giving a SI,OOO Accident Insurance policy with a six months’ subscription to either the daily or daily and Sunday editions of the paper. This is the greatest offer ever made by any newspaper to its sub scribers. For further particulars, ask your newsdealer, or write to Circulation Manager, Sentinel, Milwaukee, Wis, —The Weekly Wisconsin is one of the best metropolitan weeklies published in the Northwest, and is devoted largelv to state news. We will furnish the Weekly Wisconsin and our own paper for $1.50, cash in advance. m Gen. Edward S. Bragg expects to sail from San Francisco, January 20, for his new post of duty at Hong Kong, China. Success go with him. The attendance at the inauguration of the recently elected state officers on Monday was hardly as numerous as was reasonably anticipated. The lack of general attendance of member* of the forthcoming legislature 1* proba bly explained by the fact that the ses sion of 1903 will begin next Wednes day and members were busy arranging home matters for a winter’s absence at Madison, and could see no presing necessity for making an extra trip to Madison. The Republican State Central com mittee met in room “G”—the senate judiciary committee room in the cap itol at Madison, —Monday to strike a balance in accounts and to provide for the prompt payment of all unpaid bills. I he balance due on account of unpaid campaign expenses is said to have been only $623, which General Bryant chairman of the committee, paid out of his own pocket and which the committee voted to solicit funds to re pay. There does not appear to be entire harmony of opinion as to the probable organization of the two branches of the legislature. There are several candidates for chief clerk and ser geant at arms o? each house, and each The History of Miss Ida M. Tarbell which began in the NOVEMBER McCLURE’S is the GREAT STORY OF * # STANDARD OIL. “Miss Tarbell’s work is of unequalled Importance as a 'document* of the day. Her story has live men in it; they suffer and work and win. and lose their battles with the versimilitude that removes the tale from the the dry statement and clothes it with the color of human interest and the vivid rainbow garment of human sympathy. ♦ • * The results of her work are likely to be far-reaching; she Is writing unfinished history.”— Boston Globe. “An absorbing and illuminating contribution to The trust question.” —Chicago Inter-Ocean. “The most important announcement made by any magazine.”—New York Journal. For OtKer Great Features of 1905 Send for Our Prospectus y zu 10 cents a copy, SI.OO a year. Send n* the dollar, at lis last tsth Street, New York, or subscribe through your dealer. THIS PAPER ANi The Weekly Wisconsin We have perfected clubbing arrangements when* by we can now offer both this paper and the Weekly Wisconsin for the exceedingly low price of $1.50 PER VEAR CASH IN ADVANCE The Weekly Wisconsin, is a family newspaper unex celled in reputation. Particular attention is devoted to the local news of the Northwest. Its woman's page of matter every week is worth more than the cost of both. NUMBER 18. THE OLD R POWDER AbMluttir'hn THZRE IS NO SUBSTITUTE haa his personal champions who seem to see no likelihood of anyone except their special favorite being elected. But the contests, in each instance ap pears good natured though in real earnest. The public service is not likely to suffer in the ©rent of the election of either of the aspirants. —Wanted Salesmen:—Wo pay SSO to SIOO per month add expeneeo. Wo moan business, no trlflers need apply. Write at once, and secure best territory. N. C, Biachy, Flower Cttr purser ies Rochester, N*