ar 7 GO finn-GENTS WANTFD.MtherLa $0UUU &r or Gentleman lit every town od cetiuty I tu United ttt.-j,tp engtgt l genteel business by which they can make frem $1,01 0L 2,ll00 a year. .For particular adreo, enclosing itimp, ' ' ' ' ' .. ..... S. A, DEWEY. 4- CO.. , ,. ox mi.riiiitiJcipWB, pa. , Mctainot)pcs Ambrolywcs, Spcrco- '. ty, .... . ., ,. Jl'' . ... . .,, ' IFyt wish la g4 pood and lasting Itkehest tell at itlcCorninc Co.' ky und 'Stdw IghtDaguerreBnGoHrry.weBtsid ol the. Square, above the Democratic Reading Room,, tlie pnly l.. vhm 1 1ml naw and bealllillllltvle Of UlOtQre, the Melnlnotype, it taken they havlnfrpiirobwed the right. Give them a coll, examine their various atyles, and then judge fdr yooreelvee. ' Ambre yti. put la Pliw and Locketa with the: freateet are' ITJ'Airibrotvpet taken for 41 50. . . r Clark vllle. Der'-VSGlf - ' ' for rrniVARDL0 .A N D COMMISSION M E RC HAN T S , TRICE'S LANDING, TENNESSEE. Sep it ri DISCLOSURE! pMl :,0' VANCE, por i thaPoWlo wa, a aliorttima aince da onial. ' ep hP '""k"1" ?" ,euK"' v.. r..j .. nraof about him of all tliechar- Kea which wet prefeTfei agamat Mm. Tha charge aiaiitat him or haB opened the moat complete bext and oheapaat rtock of Drugs,. Medclueo fcc. over broHehl toClarkavllle, i abundantly proven by hundrede of witneaaee who hav calle, upon fcim, at hia New Eatabliahmont ai the atore form Kiy occvimed brThomaaqd Warfield... Tlfy all i.ui;c ik.t ha aall better druff. better bargrtum. and waita anon them better than any - one ela ever did before." That he it a akilful- purcliar. ,A iAwm of aZao proven bv the reputation which he haa with tha Erleru Drug riHte of heintt a No 1 buyer, ,They nay there lie bought allhis atock of either the MaMprioTuaaaH orXafoatr, tndthua ceUing them of firm nauds piocureddrugaot muoh better quality, aa Well a m,,phebener than' uaual'. ' K hi atock ia (new TiiaoofiHotrr purchaeed with unusual car tho nrFlbeir Medicinet fbfsh and ruaic.woiiM j iii ..Birnnize. him. Pmvocians. Coustri MiaoHMiTt and wholesale buebs particularly rr to tive him a call,.. at he is coufweril he can ael them tt lower rates than they can b u y this tiite the Eastern marneis. THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. shall rerievehis most particular attention. No one in the tiore will be allowed to put them up Kt .himaelf. Soruuuloua care acouracv ait-j neatness shall be observed in this department and none but drug of the finest quality shall be used in tht composition of Prewsripticns. By riii-ting a bell attached to the front Duor he cau be arous--a . ... Knur of the nichl.' 'is turmsatesix nnatha to nunctual dealers. Liberul discount (or- His stock embraees every ininj usuaiy Kepi in Drugstores, luuduiuou 10 . Prugs, Paints, Medicines, s ' ' Oils, - Dye Stuffs, . Varnishes, Brandiea, Turpentine, Wines, ' Glassware, I keep also, Burnin; Fluidt, Cigars Ic Tohacoo tha but aosortmeut of Blank Books &. Statiouary ia the place Soap1 Looking Glass platea Rouge. Flesh Balls, Toilet Preparations, Gold Pens, Tecket Knives, Verfumery Bruhlua, (ullkiDdt Combs, . ' Pistols, Raxnrt and Strops, Toys. , Fishing Tackle, SuorlihB Apparatus Musical Instruments, Porln'onnuies, ' Game Biten, and Miscellaneous and Fanev articles of every dencription. july2557-ly WALTER O VANCE STATE OF TENNESSEE. MONTGOMERY COUNTY CIRCUIT COUKT. John J. Jenkins, Vi. Mur Jane Bradley, formerly Mary Jaue Joukius, und U. li. tiradly. PETITION FOR DIVORCE. From the bllegntions in the bi'l and ih afliint thereto annexed and It oppearing totheaatisfuction ofl'ie Clerk &. Master, that the riefeiid.ints, are noil resldeiita of the Slute of Tennestue, so that tha orillnary process of law can m l be served upon them, It !s theiefore ordered that publicj. tin 11 be made in Ilia C'luks!!e Chroulrlo.a news pnper publis'.ieii in the eity of CUrksville Tenn., for four sueeessive weeks requiring said non resi dents to make their personal appe-iruiice before tlie next Circuit Court te lie he'd lor the Coiinlv of Moulconiery at the Court House in the cily of Clarksvilln, ou tlie second .Holiday In January next, lHj8 then and their to plead unswer or de "lurto the netltion of the eomululiiant, or the tame will be taken for conftaaed and set down fur hearing eEparte. . CMARLK3 BAILEY, C. 4t M. Oct.9.1W7-4t Torest Nursery, Klkton Ky. "THE under.-lgned wish to call the e-prciiil at tention of ull lulereHled on the subject, of Fruits and Ornamental Trees, to their splendid astorl liient of Apples, Peaches, Pesrs, Plums &c , which will be ready for transplanting in Novem ber. We huve Struwborry plants of the finest varieties, including several extra and new sorts, whiih are now ready for transplanting. Fur further particular ee descriptive catalogue, which will he eeut to ull applicants enc'obing a postage stamp. Trees securely ucked to go uuy required distance. J. S. DOWNER it SON. On !), le:7 riw. 7 Take Notice ! - ' BY virtue of seven fifa itsued from theClrvult Court of INlou g-merv t nnuty lenn., 1 will ex pose tn public sale, to the highest I iilder. for ca-h. at the dwelling unuao oi jo. i . iye, on iMoiiuay the 7ih of Oecm'ier I r.",7 , the proM-iv , to wit: i liiirly Wejrrees, a woman ugeiibout SiJ years- .'I Roys I uga nbint 10 yea-s, I about j f, und 1 u'out 3 years rl.lj ulso I lliroin bc and Uaruecs; I Hugiiy aui llarne-s, ami a quantity nl llouaeliiilJ Furnilure, l-vl-d upon ns the property of Jo. M. Dy to utisfy sniulrv ex-'eulinni-; o e , in I'uvorofW. D Uuyor. one in favor l F. A. II.iiiiiiiiii; one iu favor of the Cnnniiereial llai k of Ky.. and -1 in fuvo. of the Hunk ol T"n-. against the said Dye. )'nle wilhiu lav. ful hours, j 1 una. li A mi. I . iierni October!), lP.s7 3w pr. fee $'1-10. - BUKCKENIUDCU (AL OIL. ' It' I", have Uf agency of tin Brevkeuridi!" Coal Oil an, I Lauii lor M,inlomery I'o., and will ill a few -Aeeks bs pn p in d le furiiikh il ws'aaale or retail. It is dei i lcil y ill" innsl hni liiuil light yet (ilFereii to tlie pu i . We invite ev ery one tu call at our l-irn and e ll b irn, T1IOMAS it UKrtTHF.R. BEAUUIFUL BUILDIXO LOTS. Every bo iy can have a chance to buv aiuluuble et iu Hie neai t oi I is town, an,i wnere urn nu-i Beat must ineviiitl" go. .hey a e allll ! I T I . . I,l s,,,l, ...... .... - - -. - - btcie fot U ... . !!!...-.. 1 .. -..!.. 9411- , W I I UP (III I WI '('H WKaill a Sr p aawilliaat (1111,111 auclian et y a e will bout puUllu eucliou I t l Ipr.J iiiirt i I ' t S:.T1RTLIN.G ON MANHOOD, : And Its 1'rcmrttare Occline. 1 Jast Piblisacd,jfirMli,hlie'20ih ! A lew worueon tne ntuDim vohhwhs SVIVieuuwa M'iclne,ef Spermatorrhea or Local Wenkneaa, Notturunl Emissions, Genital nnd Nervous Debili ilmpolAioyiaivi 'ltirdiniemsie' iHin'i-ragis pen- erajly. itf K.'V Vwyi ns.- I- im lanpaviini fnr.l that llteTh'a(in(ntfcooti4iiia,OrkrinU til the ImprTiiH-nUe KodolitMdovotyojih,rtniiy,b aally removed wrrhoCt Mr.oicrsiit, it in tins small 'trar.t, clearly demonstraled; and the. entirely new ana highly succswrtut treauuet r, ns aaopiex. ny me Atltlmr, lully explained, by means of which every out ia enabled to cure himufu perfectly and akthe least possible lost, therebyavoidlng all, the adver tised nostrums or the day. " Ci tn anv addraaa. crratta an! noat free In a sealed eiit elapti by reiiiluTnp fpostrald) two! pjbaW Bcestanrpslt)' DKB PKLASKYA - I II llfpennra Direct, inew loravuy. decemb-r 19ih. 1650 Iv. I' l 1 1' T T 'i IJhudri' Dcale rf ftnd J NcfchitniM A,odiiplfciaWmen jbf ttjeJOil JneCBasarvj t muW and flavoring every rri6fyof 1ldor, and directions for making cider without apples, ami for convert ne: tbe. cldef to Bjli kiiict of white and red wines, Climpalirn, &.c, and a package of the a tides. used for C'ving rtiljcl;il .iirenpUi. to llrfuors (converting J gallons of whiskey. to 100 trillions,) and every article necessTiry to corrirn'ehce . ' .1, i r il 1 e J.O " a i a Litquor More will fe lurnisneu iuf f vino all the inlorrntitloit Tlereary to ROAduct thch an dainlillvhm. nt. thus en ililinir the new beelnner to succsMloJijI JKMPpUe; W'th Ui f ilea. UquOf lVU P ert. Address through the rom mnee. I.ACUUll, New Orleans. 4 'Lacour'tMnenntJa'tea1 Celif for Inliiiig Vine gar,: ia put! 9 gallou. .iokugeijal$5jpackage Quit liiiiklns . poisoneut Ljquotfs. : -Patent Improved process for m iKing all Rinds ot Liquors and Vinegtir, instantly, oy me a mo oi lm rour'i Efsential Oils. These oils are obtained by dislHhtion et lre.Chmicl,. i,e(ionary, Parisb, of Jefferson, of I'lerre L,acour, autnor 01 uat-our t rkmlcal Analysis. Lacour't Cheminal Munipula tibns. Laeout on the Manufacture of Liquors- &c. Purchasers nre particulurlv requested to return the flasks and rettira their ., mouey, if the Oil does riot give perfect salisf ictiou. Laconr'sOII of Cogillao coaverts neutral spirit in n annerlur Imitation of Imported Brandies, viz: ntavii.s;ir;iev,Marptt CdgniacJ Po.ltuay.igncU, United Vii'eyaru rroprieio s, asiuiion uuu uon dn Doek Broiidics. .Uhese li.(Jiipr will have a fu'l frtilly flavor, nnd a beautiful sparkling color. Com mn wctiM Whiskey ilj bo changed, hv the use of he oU p..i50giii to jwyorlt BinndfjJ'liia Annie Brandv, Ac. , I.iieoiie's Oil ortfve, ehart?e rectified 'hi"kev i Mononir. helii R vVVUI.kv,.Qli Yirgiuia Malt Whlkv. Hourten Wjiisky,i4-.i? f ' ;' i ' nil ol retir-11. cliunees rectified Wliiskev to o'd Irish Mult Whiskey,-, and ,1 superior , arUcle pi Scotch Whisky. I till of Peach, changes common Whisky to Vir- p nia Peach Rrandv. Ac. Oil of Peach and Oil of Oogni 10 will couveitcounmoU-Whiskey to Apple Brundy. Oit- of Ginr oonverls the poorest Whikey to Holland Gin, ?ch- i.iiim Schnapps, RoseOin, Swan (Jill, fiipiiu WlllllW., ... .. , Lacuur's Conentruted .cid, Will 'in five hours after lielrg, mixed, chango.fivo,iioilars of good vin egar and twenty live gallons or water to thirty gal lons of the most uend vlnegui that can lie fob lid 111 the market. By the use of Laconr s t,oiicent rated At id JYinegaf cm) be lniulefor onetloliar and six ty e.tBtsi hnfr'-el. W 't- h. f For making Liquors, -Luoour's Oils require no preparatiopT-on'y pour. the' oil. into, the .whiskey unit sha e-well.! Tha liquors thus-aisda will have a fine uaturul oromu, a full rich oily taste; a beau- t'ful trans n re nt color and a hue bead. Lucouj-'s oils extract three distinct properties, in converting euinmon whiskey to brundy, gin, Sea. Tho first propi rly combines with aud su'isies in me lorm of tiooH'ent parllclet the wuoicoi tne grniu in,( nm- y lie Alcohol.. . I he whiskey is thus deprived ot that pecliur irritating and burning tiste, und be enmeaa ueutrul spirit; the second property con-si-ts in an oily mucillagii pus taste imparted to the liquor, which renders it oily and imparts ail' sppeurutice of gre.H S'ej the third properly Is et-1 hibited in the ricli vinous uulty oilor tluit is iuipaW' ted to the liquor, which renders distinction' Lroia the genuine bruniln impossible. ., ' . ' Tlieae oils are put up in quart flasks,' eneh flas i contnins sufiiciont oil for making three hniv dred gallons of liquor. Fu'l und comprehensive directions accompany tba bottlf t, ... Price two' dol lars mr bo'tle. , , ' , . ' ; For tale at the coiner or St.'.Chartes' and P07- dras slreeta. 1 One hnlilrtof ihse(,ils. five- in nmu'ier.. will serui-elvniiCked utii? shiftnefl sith hil l!o hiditiff, to any paet of 1 he country, upon the receipt of $10 to , lt ftl , I. ,AI.I Ull. .Janlri. l!?57-lv . ' New Orleans.'1 1'urcliusurs aro r.nuested .as a cuarraiite'i of good f.itl'. to furnish' us the name ,o. shy house. iu Mew Urleaiis, auu wq will si'ip ipepi a pacKaga of the oi's.,, If lliey do not perform an tliut is ol.iuivd for. thom, they will cost nothing- Jack's Here! At the same old stand, Strawberry' Allf v'. pay Ing license for a Second CIhhS Hruse, I thitik belter than soine houses Call, 1 will wait oi vou as no'ltelv 4 I can to Sherry Cohlers,' Pjrt und Clnrel, Fancen es, l.errtdnafles, Ale; Tdbuti o. t'iours.ic :. other liqddr by tlie qinrt Ale anil Wines by the drink, and Aro naib; Bit ters bv Ihe drops I am mil Irving to show big in comiiKiiv. You .ull .fcfow PI I Turner. If anv one I ket the Hhov melitt mad artu h B well enoiiglulo 'all for them, pleura ; , avithe rinttliiu lili ii,hs i nave a particular ' cv in iria w,ay of doing biialness. joiin w.u.iL,r. July 2t, I"!i7-3m ' " - ' HUGHES 3c CO, Pl.'CCKSSOJt.'t xo. J. OTTIEKFOr.E) &CO . , , ri Eii V 0 XT L E It'S II A L t, 4 doori above the Post Office, t ....! C I.ARKSVILI.K TKNM Have colislanlly on hand a laijjti ussurtn ent f Druirs Perfuini-riei,, r.iiuU, Oils, Window tjluss llyeslnfTs., Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobarco, Sur I'lc il Iustruin-iiti. ad every other article usual ly ki-pi in a first class Diug Estubllbhineut. . Rem I' ed by the lust boat, . ., , 800 k-L's 'Mule I. 'ad, . .. , -, 300 do Snow White Zinc,..': v. ,;., I'O lbs Cliroine Gre-ii in cans, .. .- ,. IOO do Pads d . i do , 100 do Chreme Yellow do - . , .. ,' , , 51 (.o Vauiiyke Itrotvn , do , , 10 do I'rus-I ill llliio. ... Also a li re- assiiriiiiani of Paints anil Yuruuh rt, li. usl e. Gold Leaf, & i . ,j , , . Mnifjene & Gomliuv's Extract for far tl llamlkere' le tare ark nowle iedtfeit t- ho Hl'ienor to ui,y i f the iinp irie ( 'I'liey Are diaiilhiU with the n . an ' e re, m.d w III I"- loi nd to retain lln i lieifu iiA fur a luuit tnueY- W have bva an eml let,, vurley t,f p if Hints', (lie principiil of'whiuh -e Joe v f'lnh Verbena Miel . He ii Irn ie New Mown Hay Kw el ll PpperTau. .' West F.llJ A!m u lit' it" var ely . , '., Mouaelu,vj;t- M 1 1 ll o ia " . Vb'b't weet Clovei of Tooth p.-ste sn I Powder in,i btlu-r ail.i les for the toilet, 'or sale bv HL'GHES i. CO. March t'i, lC.'.-.lf. New Music. I'li'.'liis &. Co. respei-tfiillv inform Oie nnblii ' ' " j"-. . a rKI vai,-i , iii-w . '"""''".'-" V. u l r I .ri,iC - ,J ..a.v I,, .r 1.- . ,., r. v L...I I. ' --- la - ".'. ,.i ,u-u I); . . . . . -- r--- - - - - J0"' A ure a ...ruiieu. ,-,a.,ot r j the pr locipul luuuutsxturtiw, ttt1 It CO. AGRICULTURAL BROCK MAN. FAM. BROCK MAN . IlrnrL-iiinii FIREPROOF B Y fTi If'i .A,vWfVn 'JSW riM" wrJ I V In hn CI. A RK VI CLE, We il f mieTtieeti, Snedsn&.o , hic)i V ill sell I.. in Knii the at entiMn 01 aariners i eullnial West, lk&tiug of ij ij Avery'a Cast Plows, nil kinds, Peieock's Caleb-rated teelPlow. ty !t jler, Win'gn ivCo.i 8tel Plew U..H Ar Cr.u-r'.Sll I'lnwa. r." ,U-;-rT Xr;T .cltivaYors. wn . SModa'aStBirt Tirbth Cultivator. J -- t f . STRAW Smith's Patent Levw Knife. J Sanford's Patent Straw Cutler, Slraub'a Mill, ,'aHteet iVlll. MILLS. i,-r loice'a Star Qorn 4, Cob Crushers, restsrn Corn Khelleri it R It itnitl.V !rrtl ShelW, ? 3 J J i I Wukefftld't Corn Planter, Steptoe't Mori UaAIN Vowing Blades, Briar bcythea, . Long and 6hort htatdleU ShoveIs,, f Grain licoepa, K ' U Clover Peed, Millet Seed, Osage Orange Seed, lue lrutoeo, thlneS BnaHing l fork.."' 1,,J; '"-'-N"" I Illi'-I r( ailj 'n -t.O Apple Pearers, ( lr f ;1 M1, liir gea, Church Bells," -tll i h.n. I j I . .Laaia -luaM Mt II t I W f Tt Vi iiniiiriiai CARRIAGES. RdCKAWAYS. BUGGIES.. .,r ..- ib..fl,!A. rritmihh hst rrianufaOtUreTs.Hlsit Wond'Ax-es:-""-' .. " ,; . , ' - " .sewing w-is. Tht for J. M. Sinircr Co. celebrated Sewum Maclnnof, stid will rurnlsti any kite at manufacturer't price, with freight.. UJefl, - A . TrtA, Rf Aktr-Hlrf.niWhai?10oSb0 pouaJ cUw U.rkat nrlceiu cash or barter . Jl '..!,' ft ..iS-RE-D B Just reelved,'jOO biisdela fcagUah,Ay.litef, .jBarley, uper;or,:WUcle.ilfoj plater gracing, and. .very prolific' . 1' Vi Sis-e! r-Ht'l . .' :';?nw I? 'rl0 v. CUrksville, .Tenueeaee Jtfay 27V57 -J Hr-fl '-f W. . at arv.MeLns,..JAt. M..ewirT..,wM,, UssfcRY ; C. EAGLE PLAINING MILL, i i .iv, . 'CLARKSVUXEr TENN ; ! W.-S, M'REYNOLDS So CO,. ' The above Mijl and Carpenter shop it now-iu fill operatioSi auf We'are prepard. t6, jfurlish Dressed Flooring, Dressed .umber,. Oo)ri, Sash, Blinds, and everything usually MauufacM red in tch-Shopsowlho shoctest noticeaud i the niet w.wkftianllke' maimer. , We have- aecared tbe serviceaof. Mrt E. M. Clark, whose name it .,inmnm with s-ood work, as a foreman. - . ..-, I. ... All peraouJ wisniug fur ouii to giva ua a call, aa. we. are( determined to worlf clieap.1,1, -in, .1 ,t i m. . No work or lumber taken from the shop or vara until paid for, unless by special contract. ' i H w M.&. McREY NOLDd & CO, , i April 3, 1857-tf., .... ,, Jr ' O IInk'msvillei' Mercury nd ' Rusjellvillj Herald touv 2mo ami sand bills to subscriber. Watsoa's T?n DoUarcjvlngMacIiIne I WnrnirHTto ihe Public f This' machine, i)s staled, below "is a couhferfeit, ...l .11 uninii ere hereby eautienert epnnsl sel' lin, buying, ' or using themi ' WheiieveruuH wherever tliev ere louna ine raw win oe airiuiiy nfoneJ. 'All parties tiling tuee maciunea, as well as those who vend tl.em, maKe tliemaeivee liable for dumatr-s. ' ' About tha anihday of. Aujnat, lfpb. I wat mt)lced bv MeR-fst Vi4laonr Wowtei & .Co composed of Wu C .Watson, Morris Kuiglit.and Gee. 11. Wos-ater, .10 manufacture Sewing jWa, hines. wi.ii h were known as the"Wutson I en Dollar L etting M tchilie." That ' thereafter I re ceived a nuti- e from the counsel of U. B rotter nd N. Wheeler; mentioned In tho annexed copy of Injunction; iafarmingme that these Machines were an Infringement upon Letters Patent which th ownedn and tlmt suits would be instituted gumtie unlas I stipuld otherwise tettie with them. "1 h s nr.rico t handed to iur.' it oosierue of mv employer!. 1 i ' ' ' "I t . A I . then made invuBlienioii m unrerinui mo factsi and found that suid Muchltie, ns I believed,, was tn infringement ol seid Fateut, nd I lu-. formed said Watson that such was oiy opiniou.i , rusbsequeirtly a suit ws. commenced gaiust s bv said Yaii-i nkid Wkeulee, and fntmsijiiitely hereafter I so informed Mr Watson, and reques ti'd'hhn to t ike charge of the defence ;6f h same, and h" rt-fjsento do so, and I then told him that I would have uothitif mora to do with It, and I then cased to make 'the Machines; and the in ilinetion. a copy of hich Is heeetn'annexed, Was I sued anil served upon me. ' JOEL CHASE. Dated New York. Keb.-Hth, lr57. " In presence nf Mile t B.'Aiidrns'." ' " '( -: I do herebv certify that the above Statement, subcriuea by me, Is correct and trite, t H J IAL-1 i'lllQP. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CIRCUIT COURT OF THE U.- STATE?, SECOSD CWCJT,, FOR. tf SOVjntiVvl BI 1 , .1 .THICI OP NEW ,YORK. ,, .. .1 ,. ! r: JN EQUITY. Tht rrcMent of Ihe United Stjtti nFHinf'ririi tn Jon; Chase, Alt AMwneys, irpants. Ajtttft, ana WorllmrB, and tarn and reefy of Mem,- GREETING- e, .- . r. Whereat ittiTitli-been reprrsented- to ut m our Ciiu'if Court of the I'nied fates, for the Soiitherti Districiof Naw Yprk, fitting 11 a Court of Equir tv, ou the part of II. Potter "lid N ithaniel Wlieeh r, Coinplulnan't. thit they, the said Or lando n. rolteraiiri ISethnnlii wn-eler. have late ly enhibiied their Bill of Cnnihiint agaiusl oti the sii'i Joel t'l use, the defendaut, to be reliev -'l touching iiiatlrra then In rouialued, In which bill it is, among oilier things, set forth, that you, the .iiii deei duut, are violutu g en. I threatening to violate certain exc'u'ivo riclits and pnvileget vt'sti'd in sa i complainants, for coustrnctiug, making, u luz. and vending 1 1 others to bo used, ceruiu improvements in fewintr Mui hines, and thut the actings mid doing 01 you, tne said de fendant, aro contrary to Equity and good eon- rieuce ; we, iher. lore, in consideration of ti e prriuUea, 1I0 strictly, and until the further orders i,f this Court, enjoin auu command yon, the suid Joel ( li ise.unj ynur At tome) t.Servtnti, Agent-, ami Wnrkiiieii, and esch and even one of them, ui dor the peua'ty tint may full tlu-reont that you, and each of yon. do from henceforth, altogether, eb-olute'y and until the further 'order of thit Court, desist and re rain from directly or indued, ly, con-lriicting, making, woiking, using, aslliiig, or puttipg Into practice or oirrotion, pr in any wi e connti rfeitiug or itiiitaling the invenliuu or improvement beloi.gti'f lo suid coniplbtiianta, and le-icri'ied, el .lined, and eel forth iu certain Let ters Pal tent of the United Stales, rn-ifsiied to A B. IVilsnn. and b-aring dale the ii'd day of Jun uary, 156, and now owned by theeompluinaas, and from in any way er manner interfering with the rifhts of said coinplaluauts uiulc-rsaid Pal- rut, and from in any way or manner violating or iufiiiigiug sniij Letters I utent, orauy part thereof. . . UiiiM-ss the lliw. Koueb B Tankv, S. ) Chief Justice of th Si;irnie Court L" 'he Unid the t it y o Nw Veik, in sail Dlatrirl, this the 27 lit Day of Septemiwr, lu the )e. r of our Lord ou ihei mad eight hundred aud fiftv-tix. ,, f - rony.l KENNETH O. WHITE. Clerk. GFO. GIKKORI. Solicitor and .of Coupsel lorCouipl 'iiiaiit', J7 Wall ttieot, Now Yotk. fcept 11, 'l7-9m '-, flS-Si-SCM WAREHOUSE.-- -- 1 ' " " Pi H. PORTEfR. Sc Porter. such fBUILDIlMC, r.: :i w A'irn stpvphs TEN ESSEJE. , , , ; ... . . . ia oinrrn i in i muioiwu cuminiuo i r.- oa aa joid lerma, aa caa e purchased In to O.I 'lei HI II :i I! T Avery'a. Plow Points, all kiriilt.' .., BrinJey'sCelebrated SteelPlowa.,, Ptubbln&. Duihitiil Steel PloW1 Ehryock's Kentucky Steel Plows VCrinieWStwl Toitri Cultivator f CUTTERS, Trurobull's Potent Stiaw Cutter ' .Cuiiunings Patent Sir w Culler, ' iiinjngs : BurroWVMilK .'iM. , u) . Encelsirr Corn Cob Crashers ,7 Kentueky Corn &. Cob Crushers 'South' Western Coin Shelter, Randnll & Jones' Corn Planter, al Charlton Cera Drill, i , : ., y Ida Maebiue, ,.7 ;.j(.'i i.ub a-. -..i -;..'r wlvA villus. vr.v, A - ,. d,. ; i ii Scythe Blades,:, , (j 1 j.,-, ' l it iBtlar Hooks, .1 i .':.; , w., -1 tttiT l,ong and Short handled 8padi(, ; ,- iiHav and tiarden Raket. ,. ,, . . Tirholhy Beed. V ,J.I . ' .a . vaanaa rroiinc uoru, . 1 :..,'. u.w JietdaJaraas Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, Japaned WateOCooIers, ' RefrliretHtrfi-iti A-'-'l1 -,-rS ,l.w g""?8 Jfaket, .,. , M -.11 . h.;i. i.r:. -'.:;-w t.? ' a iuuuuri . ww,, uii,i ,, - aLsni4 I tl T fTA i r V ei ' el r ijl two. four and six hsnre Vlrginfe Wtgon. Trsn and -.:.-- 1 , ,.i BltOCKM AN PORTER. AVAacnines. - ' . " ' 1 ' y" " " for cat only. . j . .UHUtAlllAll OC iuil,ll, ' ' ' ' ' 'J 'S 1-1 ( J I. . . washej Wool for which we'will pay the highest Wl 1.: l.BRQCKMAN. & PORTER, ' A, E..L.E Y-, i. i ' .. ..'. .. , id i ;if i a-ul; 'ki i! a ii.1 . "' ".! 't ."; t t, D. UORCAft.I. .o:j.ClirEY4.,.tT. C. M. MOROAR, - '. wi! ' I. 'IP ll ., I m (i I ! ,. .1 (FALL IMPORTATIONS! '.tMPORTRBt AWB PRAI.KReJrS.' STA PLE-A ND FANCV IIi Y GOODS TST.r.aO. !!oiisi-.NASfIVIH.E.- ' We have the pleasure of Informing our custo Vnera.and the .trade generally, that we are-, now j , . 'L ... i ! i i . li . .'-.( ' ouy reci lviug ana opening our usuui ran . ucai which will be ready for exhibition by the SOthi'iuat We invite the attention of the trade to tho ex amination of this mock as we feel tint with our long experience and the facUiUet we,njoyr- we, hive succeeded ill bringing bbV tffi as BnTtiiiferit of goods which chnnot failto' please,' ea 'regards styles and prices, hit -Who1 may lavor ns wiin carelul ejtamiualiun ot it. - , , ! MORGAN CO. Nashville. Ailr. 14. '5T'!,J .'.'. li,'W , .r-,. t f I GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!-! The greatest offer in go d potisj gold jfleueiJf: golc cliaius, and goid walclws.tvct jpada, ,Eeu4 tii foilowiig: ...,) . -, ;'. -...t . A SffcttlO UULU .i'h.fcUJ.UM worth, irom five to one hundred (lvlUis.posilivtly given to uuy person who san spare iy iu a week, or ue hoyr in a day, geUiug uplubs of. subscr.ber in bis own and adjoining ne:gliborhoo4a, for tha bet aud most poular Family newspaper now published. No expeu-e, Outlay, liocapital required of ageuta,. A n enlir" new plau is proposed, by which any person can succeed in making It a paying busi ness, who will undertake tho agency . A private, circular, for tlie inspection of aeeuts only, with' full list pf'premUiins, wift be sent to any one W'ho desires it, on receipt if a stamp to pay return postage. Some agents have earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one weck. .. . Eveiy family should read at least one riewspa' ppr.'.froui New York City,' without interftrlng wlth'lheirl,ocal Papers', which, of course caunot, nnd should hot, bo'" dispensed With. But New York being the great commercial and centre of this Continent, no farmer, mechanic, ptofesBionsjl man, or merchant, Is properly pre pared for the emerffehclea of hie culling, unless he la "in communication with New York City, by means' of one of Its fiiet class Newspaper medi ants;' Sttch a medium is our LEDGER," aeu- tral in polhics, bit giving- ail tbe fne'e,- ieme of news, and thrilling incidents worn xuowuig throughout the eoni trv- i -t " "A-VALUABLE OIKT.'Eiich new tubscriber will receive with the first No. of hit or liar woer one of I lie new and beautiful glass pointed indel ible Penciis, rct itirportad from Europe, eud for which we-have obtaiiied the evolutive uganey for this country. This is the most ingenius and use fut little improvement of the present nge, and is the oitty peud lever made that will write Willi UiXy maktngMltjolh a' esji n4 a pencil of -1sokfia-t quality at tbe tame time, It will last lor years, and for pracirnl use is worth morejhau any gold pen in tlie piarliet. ' -t ;H ArLU Si VVEST, PublisVrrs', N. Y- City ''!THtse Pencils BirpplieA to the trade at a profi' .Ui rll.i.ana" -V ' -' . - ..'.' , sepuU857;.. :;;'" .'"?'''"' " LATE A R III Vit ! '.;! ' npn v: i i i . il . , ; '!at b. pIcsser &, to. .'. ., , . ITIiLIC BQCARF., ( LAKKSVILLK TKNNE8- .. - -, , i -'gtr.. ' tit" We wriuIJ respectfully iuvite tho atlqutiuU of theilizeut oft biiksville, and surrouudiag coun try to the large aiork of Fall A Winter Clothing, wjikh we rVcety'd l itelyiaiid I'ava for talulnirw Besides yedthscrolliiiig, Hats, Gaps.-Boolat Sltoei. Truukt, Valitea. Uvnt't furnishiiig .goods, rvrry artii le usually kept lu a clolhiug .lurv All ef whioli we wijl toll far ea U at prices that canuol fail to give entire satisfaction. , ... . . , , Cash buyers are paiticauuly invited to try lis be fore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined not to be undersold by anv house In ihe Mate. . , , Respectfully, (5. 'LOOSER, Co. Si p. 18, '57 if. ., , . . , ;.. .f B. 0. KEESEE, V RECEIVING, rOUWARDINO AXD COMMISSION MERCHANT, " , . KEW .KIRB-l'ROOF BOL'SB, s. 1 ' -''- Frfintitig- the Tarf. AN business intrusted to my rare wrll receive prompt and careful eueulioa. Uooda forwarded witkeul doly,-i i , , , ,m j - Soft,' AO Cypress aad Peplar shingles fcn tiand ana ler se . ,, KbtstL, Claiksville, Te Apr- S4, .'S7-ly . Extra "nour-Dest Brands. I am prepared to il' liver, at shorXPotice, Batra Hour, ol various well known brands, In lots from J to, 1 000 btrrvlt le tail iiuri'liaeart. at ret oaable prises. , B. O. AEB.-Khi i. ii Brkk buiMiug, eu tlie W Uarl. TO WHISKEY BUYERS I dou't sell Whit key now, nor huve 1 1 ild any since the 1 5th of April last, eituer ou my own account or on com uiUsiou, Aug 7, '57 -3m HOWARD . ASSOCIATION, PIIIL'a l f Important Announcmtnt, To all persona afflicted With Sexual Diseases, as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weak aess, Im potence, Gonorrhea Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism, or Belf-abuta, oiij.- . . " . The HoTvard Association, In view of the twfut destfuMirlii ofhuinaB Lie, caused - by sexual dis eases, "and the deception! practical upon the un fortunate victims of such diseases by .quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, asa char itable act worthy ol their name, to give medical advice gratis to all persons thus afflicted who ap- n v bv etler. with a description ol weir onsiuon, (Kge, oocupation, habits ol lite, oco.j ana in case of extreme suffering and poverty aud suffering, to furnish medicinet free of charge. . The Howard association it a benevolent lnstitn ttoa, established V special endowment for the re lief of the sick and distressed,. atHicted wi ,h "V ir- Inntand t'plJomio Diseases, It.lias now a sur plus of means, wnlch the Directors have voted to exaend In advertising the above noliee.' If Id need iest to add. that the Association -commnrnds- the highest medical skill of the age, -and vu furnish the most approves modern irratmeni. .. . in.i m,h laiaii hv mis Atfaeeinf inn. a rsnort an ?nermatorrhoia,or Seminal Weakness, the vice of , t . l....: air i. .. j .. 1 1 1 1 nanism,' musiuruniiua, ur oeik nuuiw, biiu nim diseases of the.' aevual rgons, by' tlie consulting Sureeou, which will be sent' by ninll In a Benled envelope, free of chaige .on , the, receipt of twe ..Address iJK, utitj. ualiiuuji, Lonsttmng Surizeon, Howard Association, iso. rsgutlt XVinlh Street, rUHrOelptiia, ta. v order oi, me mrect- ors. r.ZKA v. llrJ AKTW KLL, rres. j : ' -GEO, FAlRCIIILlJ.Sec, ' ru U v 1 1 a j i " . r . , . ... t ... ,. .... . ... Wnlches' and Jewelry r , fJ i . i . l HAS just 'received a new' supply of Watlie Gold. Bsmeo." Moeaic and JeU settt, beabtiftrl stylet,) Gold Bracelets, Bands, Breastpins. Finger Rings, Earrings; &e.&c. which he wilt dispose of upon reasonable terms Watches find Clockt .repaired aud wutreuted... Silver ware wade to or der- ..... i . i, , . A ScotcU vebblc SjpccuicU'S v v i.. uf..,u.... '.t..,ui ik.i v jV W W O a WUUIU iu alia iiiiutiu I r uumiv t hu -i iTi V " T ' l ,u .T ":r:rU live yitionare,.Tequeated looalaud fjtammf Jullreonestrdtoall .u..Bllla.. i . .;. .., iiv ii,Bi,r.iTr.,tHiViHW ,v p a.a.,cwvv- ' . J .. . " .. .. ... June t-'itH-lt. -e..T.,. -t: ri.. k .1 .' r .-t4 k'3TjsfiWv;l!' 1 li'TjitiSi rV eh Is? 1 1 nnd II itm knon d, rmj corr Ann buret irosi wobkkrb, - 1 ' 1 -CLAFKSVlLLt: TESXEiSStiE, J, jy. JJeblettJiaving removed to the build' Ml IT ibwsm T siia.BUu us ii. r. uurri,, uu Franklin Street, and awsociated with hirnth fhe businessi Afr.Wm L.' Hemmoniran txrwrietteed workman is now furnished with greatly inf reateu facilities, for subplvtnglhe wants ot his customers. 7 he public will fire atthia estnblishment a Inrrtp nd very Bplendid stock of Tin Sheet Iron Wane, Sic.', which ttui always be bbWiined' upou tlie most fcasoiiuble terms. A lawbook StoVta of! various patterns. Every variety of Parlor and Office. Sievet. OastiHg. Uut tennr and rousa Knonuguone ni anon uuuca, .., 'Thankfut'fer past patronage he sJioita aeontiu-. naur-e of public favor, tad llatlers himsvi)., oi stridt attention to business, lurompt exeoutiuu, ol orders, and moderate tirioef to deserve it. i :l-': 'All work ereilrsd will be promptly executed one inawtvte wtrranted to five aatialae.tiun. --. f Old eiw.por, Pewter, Feathers St, BcemvajE, takes in exchange for work. .i Feb. Si) .ltfbb tt Hill Land, for Sale!: v; The sutii-criber offers to sell, at private tale,'" ! beuuliiul aud highly improved Tract of jLentf, EIGHT . HUNDRED .AND FIFTY. AQRES, In : Moultfomery County, Terin situated Iramr lintety on the little west foili ol Ilea river,; auout 6ffinrlea from town of Glarksville, and about a rriIiv Bf iUa turnpike load leading from said place teflonkinaville. Thie .twet it beautifully. situs led. lies for the most pert level, or sra-tusUy undu lating, and ia welt ed ipteel to the utureti uie different daona of the country,: particularly oi W heat, and it aotitlguout to six goad I louring If ilia, in tiie distance of from ouM ' fou mil, I r- The land lies ia the form of a pi rallelograru. its sides running North, South, East aud.WeUuo from "Its rectangular foim. tlie proprietor nas peen euabled. in tlie arraiigeiuent ef all lots, fields, 4 c. to adopt the highly advantageous) lilun ot nnvtng all tlie divisions laid off, with little exception, in parallel lina- ai'dmg ereutly to the nealuttt and suenrat Ol cropping. le.t T'.' ,'.' ;;!'..! ") Tlie frm is fil) arranged for- :r : . RAisfN(i,sTp .:r i , 4ft6 BCrrs rieln? clejifedani under ao.o'l itakednd ridered fence. and lilt) balanfe 'Stall timbered, hav inn- iu the cerilral part uf the plantation a large never fgilinr lion J, to which noerst is, bail firmi nearly all the tielils. .Tbe ImprpveuieuL- i in re gurd tn buildings, ore. yery . good j tlie dwelling I ron it 51 feet, two stories, with a pa-is?" ad six robins wilfl fireplaces, besides bas merit rooms' All other boll, tint's are good and ample, Isu'oh as n.-cro houses, baniB,' stables, ice-house, i alry and sheds fjr various kii.ds of atock, Ac. i hure is a well of never liiUiug wat, r with a pump; several orchards o peaehea und apples, aud'a gurduu of an acre and a hall, hamlaomrly laid olf into squares and side beds ornamented with flawers, shrubbery. &0. 'The- tubseribor confidently believes tha this farm would plitase any eeienlilin agriculturist, be- Inf fully impressed with the avantatree ,n nis high and healthy location and the superiority ef his arrangement!. ,; .11 ' Jtlf fcl 11 M. fAUJN ll.f.rilir. IHTN. B.-The land coo Id be divided' luto two good find conveaient fariut. . ', ' AUg. 14, "31-11. : -I, i i r -.i.i 'Hnnv Mevuurv eory one month and forward account te me at Ringgold. Ttnn. i , v Lost. On Wednesday tlie 23d, a small, pocket book contafnlng a an iii df money, and a lew puners, for w! Ich Ihe' fiuder will bo suitably rewarded by Havipglt ot the , residence Of If. COOPER.' ' 10c.2 l, , . TO THE PUBLIC; ' B. O. Keesee. ij authorized to receive ull gondt consigned to Kee, Week man. V Co. KEESEEv BLACKM AN. & CO. - . -- by O. M. BJ.ACKMAN. .- I also give B. O. Kesee authority to rocuivt all (rnods roualuued lo uie. . ,, , May 1, '67. O. M. BLACKMAN.J, ' I have a large aud commodious avarebouse, frentinf the. wliarJ, where I apt ready to ftti f and store every deacrlptl n of goods, and to this-sliita, Spt 18ih. I have received a liberal show ef pal ran ape, and 1 will eud-avor, as here tolore to give geuerel BJtisfctia. ' 1 B O. KEENER. ' Russellville Weiald copy, aud chart') B. O. K. Sept. 1st, '67 3m. STOCK FlOLDEKS. 51. C, tL. BlJ, Au sdditioiialeall of 5 per caut. payaUa v thit first of ) tuber and a rail of tame iTuivuul pay able ea the first of November, has beta ordered by the Hoard. . W. B MUNFORD, rres't. , t?el.t.U,07-lf. ' ii-. r . . t : , ..... .,;f , V- ; : I . .7,V5 ISiT rt"- a''aaBLrJ rvs"TJ, " SWAN iV cO.?S LOTTERIES. I KEW AND BRtLLiANT SCHEME It CAPITAL FUIZG SCo.OOO 1 1 -1 TICKETS ONLY 810! iThe following Stheme will be Tlrawa by 8 3wAtt & Co., Mahage't of tbs Fort Gaines Acad emy Lottery, In ea hot their L'tieihs fi.r Octo- . . ... . . . . rM i ,t 1 . r . i . . l. . ) , . ber, 180, at juiiijo i n, eo-gia, in wna.ii a,iy f ey liave removed Jlielr frncipal Office. , ' . . v. .. , ,c.l,a s s 5c.: . Te be drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, In FUUIIU V M . ... . . . .a.tS w . -my i r. ..A Aes.. I 1 1 .. ,..'t .'. , , 1lltW -.. ! . I , It m r . .l . . To be drawn in the City of Augusta, oeorgla, in public, on I ' ' ' '!.''? !' .!'' :.' ' t ' ,ii Sittorflay, uct. ium, is. .. ... : , ,. .. CLASS 59. fobedrawit iu the City of Augusta, Georgia, In pabHe, ) I -' -i t 'j,, . ' lf.. SAX L Ull A X ,ucK)Dcr a i,u, in . ' '' ' " '"" CLASS 50, ' ';' :;" v To be drawn In the 'City of Aoguetai Georgia, lu pabl c on SATURDAY, OctoW 'lthj 1857.' ' C L A B S CO, ,"-u-L .-, To. Hs'drtwnlu Via. City of Augusts, Georgia, lb public, on ... . . SATUHDAY, OCTOBETi 3l ttt, 1857. outhe Tien of SINGLE NU MBERS! -,; 5,495 PHIZES! iNear.v one Prize to every tf-Tickets. ... n MAGNiriCENT SCHEINIE ' I st-i 'TO BE WAWN '. i .. 'v .' ' EACH SATUlifAf iN UC;T0.C1IU v ,1' Priiea of.1,, 90tl i i 1 ttt,.,f..aa,iiot i .. : .12,50 .800 "00 T. a ;.'..7,IH.O A.. -600f l'V. ..5.t (!0i 00 3,50! 4 .0.! Mi . - Mi,.!.iiA.;l,600i 150 1U0 10 i f t..-rJ ,0011230 Approxlmntlon Wizen 4 rrizet ot J apxmgio sou uuurnzoaresi oun . .,r k. 'i- r . . rf r . . - n mu-v r .:M2ooi-.i ... too 1 i ''."in'o lw''1'iOori ' '''""JoO it, a- ert it , en I li. I, am r is.i . a. . l ' t !T t,n. ,)-';::, fLVl - w ,. ., -rim i '. , .... ,. . '..,495 'iPrnea ejrioantiBg,to,.,,.l....$.120.,00, H'holc.Tickt $10 ITtulvcs -r ' " ' Vit'RTKR V 311." ' . i .j nan oi ine ijoiiery-i s The Numbers from 1 le 50.000, qsirrepontiug I'wl'lt 'hose Humbert on the Tickets printed On 'ij separate etipt f p4iertre enciro'.ed with tmull Uu lupes e.u-1 p" i'1 o ,u ," ...... i The first 4(7 Trizet, similarly printed and en clri-led. are nlacsd In another Wlieet, im .s. ," i Tim wheels are then revolvfd. and a number is Jrawu from the Wlieelof Numb- rs, ati 1 at tie suuie time a prize drtwu from the other wheel 1 he No ind' prize r.ruwu out are openea and cxiiii ited in :ie audience, and registered uy in" iommiisiuners tlie Priza belue nlaced cainst the Number drawn , J'his operation it repealed until all the prizes are JraWA out. ' inniinsriinnflon Pi Izrsj. 1 Th two pissceding aad two ' tnocetdlug Nttir,. Hers tjs thoirf drawing the Jirst ( J Tiz t win oe ea tiled to tha aa Approxlmuliun frizi-s. rorexatn pie: r4:cilUM) arawsT the 9tittHlt J-nxi', these l lcketa, bdrpbered l24d. J1V49. 11251. 112.12, will each k enlltle.! to $11'). ' If Ticket No.:5o0 'draws the $10,0 t Pr iX, hMW.Tic'ti'ls nainber.d 48. 519, iol, 5j2, will each ue entitled to $:10J -tiici ton sconrdiui to fie abnve scha'ii ' I 3 UOOl'rizos ofS'JIIwi 1 be dMeriiitiied nvrne last rlure'of Une Number that draws sull.OUU- l'riz- t or exauipl--, if the ISun berdruwing tho abti.uiiu Prize ends with No' all the Tlnketa where the i ninlier nnds Ui ) wl I be enlill kI tu -2 ). ,. If the-Nnailierends, it)i No 2, then ull the. Tick l here' tlie ' N'niilhi-r edd't with 2 will be entiMed to iii). and sa on tut), 'i il - M ' . 'I .,! Certihcutes ol r ncKnres will ue sold at tlie lu low ins rate which Is tl.e'Hskt ' ' Vorlificaie ef Package 1Q Whole TickeU, $8ti -. ' . 10Hiif. "J.V "' '10 Quartet" SO r ill ,i ii ; :.. . . 10 J-hihtb : ,:ii 10 IN ORDERING T'CKETS OR CEIlTfU. t - CATE-s -i Enclose tip) mnnev, to our address1 for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which tiey wilh forwurded by first muit.-ri-l'ilrcKiiters can have lluket ending iu Buy. figure they ifiiiy uyeitMie, , . ' i The list of drawn numbers ami prlz'-s will be sent to pbreliw erit iilimrd'iilely after 'lhe driwlag'. i i ' Pur:huseia will;p'euje wrte. their . siguuturoe phiin aiid give their'post ofllce, county and Stlite. ' tLn Kemeinuor that every I'rixe is drawn, sua payable. in lull without rii-iliirtioii. , , nLT All 1'rizesof 1 1,1)1 tl.uU under, paid immetii- ately after thedrawiug otlmr Piizeaut tile Usual lime ol thirty days. . , ,. ,'(.., ( Allcoinirtunlcations strictly conh lentlnl. Address orders for Tickets, or Cerli fiete ui S. BY' 4N fit CO,, Augi a a Ga, I .' IPTA list of ihe pumhert (.hat are tfrjwn rini the wheel, with the anion nt of the1 prize tliut ruth one It Pntitled to, will bo publislnd alter every driiwing, ill thq lollowing. pajicr:--IM I . Delta, Mobile Register, Churlertoii S'tam'ftrd'; N.-shville i Giiiet'e, Atlanta lotvlligeneer. N Y ii VVekly , Pay Bunk, Savanuli Morning News und Hicli muiid Disjrilcri; New Yor Dispatch and Paulding (Mjaa.) tllatiea., - i ..; !B . i ; .i I -;k ( , If TO TURNPIKE CONTRACTORS -Tbe und-'reigned luvies tmmflliiite piopo-alsSfir grading si(l iiiacadaml Ing Col'epn Street froni Front tftr- et to the City limiisf and al -o for the couBtrsiuJlos, of a i ft it-fie: m acadanilsrd street from the foot of Commerce street along the heart nf Union Wharf to the foot of College street College street it the one tliut rum out from the lower ti le of Smith's Purk house, iu front of Stewart College, to the C Ity limits ,T T lie hist roil Sr ef nit lalier An College street muat be 30 feet wide and ii Im lies i a sec ond course i j leet wide and b inches i'eep. i he grad to be that laid down' in the cily leap of. grades, wliich.may be teeu at the liecordyr's otTice. , , ' . . The work' required on Front street ,l the let-' ellisg of a wagon-yard about 20 feet "ul- Willi cuurre oi inetiiiii g i j locl es ceoji. I he terms ol . lujymeiit will be at'd-d lo tins tiivertl'Sniroi in the next paper In the u eantima the atb uUou or contractors Is aikrd to thr i'rniosed'ok: ;,) -.; , ( . . CIlAKIit' JVf. HITCR.:, i , . ,. . Maypr uf, CJurksville. , , iAog.ff8,'57-tr' '"' ' J - "' ' '" i j ) ', .'t 't l:0r5 : I.V Medicinal Preparations, for the care EV ERY.'i KN OWNDisEASE.' THE unil-r gned. having been apprinled sole Agenis for Cl irssvillo, for the tule ot the M die. iuul Preparations reeommviidrd in Dr, Freese'a "Combined Sjstem of Praciiee for Phisicl ,n and lainh es," would reaueoifurty 11' r then) losuth of our citizens is need a reslnratjuu lobealth. -These prep,iralinna are eenipeunded from the recipt of the liintt celrbrui d fysicuiiit aud Sur geons o1' Europe and America, sun uiil ixhx v ar Kinoea ui.tsi il,at iaat a0 ' within the rent-h of remediet ; TlUy hsve beeo t-tied fee years by Prof Freese, aud other eeh-braiid hys i ians, iii their dsilv practice, and have been fuiind iuvarl ably effectual. , For luther parliculsrs, see Dr. IVeese't ' Com lined Syitnm of practice" tog-iher with curus, pesters.elo.' , J ' i Bo III lbs bonk. Medicine tnl Chests, may be bad of Ihe uiiders vue ', at ther Drug-store. liRVAKLY Sl Mi CAU LEY, Franklin Street, Clurluville. Teuo. Junt V, lS57.tim LOOT AND SHOE DEPOT At (he old ostoSke stand WrsTSlDR OF THE SQUARE, Clark fcvtlle, l eAkiwee; ' T HE rnderrlgned would most respectfnlly calf -the ' ntlentloa ol gentlemen of thii city and conn ' " trj , te hit tin stock of BOOT & SnOKri miita. ble for the preBcnl so ison, rf his ovnmanuhic- t tore, consisting of the most fashionable stj lea, and of best material, and of workmanship superi. . or l an) In this or adjoining counties, which I will warrant lu all reBpetjts, is h-presented. M -'" stock embraces the finest French and rhiltdelpMa ? calf skins ever brought to this market. I invi'.l' and solicit 'art xanilila ioa of shessme. cinftdent rv as I am. thnt it-will Vr the tTlctest tcvatlny and. will please the most fastidious. Ail work made to "ler, fooin the rt'htcst In tha heavii at beats ninS ho-. . 1 keep renstunlly on hand, the bet French . and Phnalelptila calf skins, and oak Untied tele '-' leather. Terms, cash, irvatlublvi-"'' ( n--i y!.!t , . JOHM M1DDLET0N. , Ma'chl837 . 1 "" - ' C ' ' i i i. i ., ,, ". , ,,"i,,.iivi'i -fcr-n ,t .'; ' ' CELEBRATED ' YE R- M.I F, U G,E;;,; It MVEK Pii.i. : ;':; Twe of tbe best PrepataUont of Iha $,-. !T ;.'j V.t ' ...... 4v k !f,1 I mended -a& s UniversaL i'i Cure-alH, but 'simply1 for1 h .-.a,-.t v..i- a ,.v .t ,.rt..., 4 -i .f ,-i,ir what i-.their.r, name , pur-, . pOrtS. " T -( v! i'.!irirr ,d) mnr.-i Ine .. Vermifuge 4 For Worms o from,7 : the " human!1 iiytem, ' ha' ",I also, been , admmtered.,;, with the m6st satisfatttdrv'i. ft''''T s J ;:ri - rr 'r-T,'-,i ,ffi!.- . j Wormsit" -Th' Liver ' Paisforr . ',, I 1" '' ' t'l- il H ,l'.ll ill- ; tne ..cure ol f Liy;ER,;CoM7.'i( plaint. 1 all . Bilious'?: Df .RANGEMENTS,, SlCK HZfiD-fr 'ACHE', &c.'i .it. l: .s. u di a:a-;,u ; Purchasers1 will rt hlease1'. bev particular, to askv for n ! Dr.' C, McLane's' Gele-; : , 'ii lii'l . '-f i !- r tli"V STlt brated ; Vermifuge ,,aia)l Liver! Pills', prepared' by '-i "";$:,,i'!1wft,' ,",'"vx,' .''v.v-.mAU ItnWlAiUO 'j i.hff (ii! ( I ri! . 'li' i,,.!,,'H '" ;iajl SOLE proprietors,- Pitts- i bvfghi5' Pat; v and'4 t&eVhb:ft other, as there art? various, .. other .preparations1, now' ;T' before the public, pur-( porting .to be Vermifuge and : Liver ; Pills. - All ' others, ' in comparison ..with Dr. McLanes, 'are;,., 'worthless;: ' -''"''''i 1 he genuine AlcLantt s, vV5rnifuSe, .." and; ;, reiver, ' iPills can; now be ; had rati, i all '!''resDect'able "Jl i.-i "'-1 Hi' : .tl ll;. .J'JOtl-i btores,',.. , . ,;.n .. - FLEMING BRO'jS, yviv i!T - 60 W6or' St.; Pittsboroh,' PAj '" ', t -t T ri .' ' Sole IM-bprletorfV'h Pnld by Fcovil A. Meiid.'l l'i f Chest nut ttreet ' F" .Q.I. 'a us, Ceueral Vbvlrlt geutt; ;, . lty John Shillitoft5if Co; No's ioi, lOJ and i( 5 itert Pourih Strei;'"l ;-: ! CINCINNATI) ' I.- .-r f -i ; I I- i i i ' i a i "j.y, J.iKi ,ivm Importen of, Dry Qmdt -und' CurjHting.t Respectfully ea'l the attention df theii1 oilsl. Jiff,, eis and Purchasers generally to. th opei-lng of their Now Store, tin Monday , tho '3M lutti, tvltli' tu extensive and Vliil.'d ascoitment of - Dry ftoo!s,farpc(ins, Floor oil Cloth 'Families, Merchuutv, Hotel keepers,' 8te.a-5 bpat owners, sn i rlraugerH aiay d 'peud upon find-j log the beat i-Iubs of goods, wlio'esalp and retail, nt prices as low as Ihey can be purchased lu the)' Ejstcru rl let. " . ,, ,. . .,, . ;,;., Aug. aa, '57-2,i.s' ' . ' Sewing Machinea. ' WB ha. e Accepted the ageney ot1 drover 'il Raker's p'ewfng Auchines from !'. H, lire Kwsry or iM'Bhvi le, sole proprietor of tills Mle. 1 hi is armlit'd to be the most prai t cable bf any yet' ofleri d to the public. - We sa-ll at the rime rice that the ,ropr lor does BlNhlvilV tbute bp ) ing Torn us cm nuvelieibts to this.pd, t., I tin w interrst'-d In having ; work done with dl-ipatrrr will plvaie rull uud tannine tha iiiacliisej ,i v,,i do ipore work, in three home than the best seam stress ean ill a week, -- Teims. cash enlv. I il TllO.MAii &,,lItUTaKU 's4u'gaf,'57 no Oh ,. ,,ili it ill Utlll.lULti lihMUtiML 1MH MLbrf I orTer for aala the hous ' and lot where I reklih'a part of Ihe Building Is marly new, a I'uubleKiti liJ en sod sepsrste room fur servants, Bilck emukvl lioiise, a woo l house i'iid ' new stoblo, built tbit sp. Ing, ps ssessiuii can bs given by Ihe first or fit-' teeth uf November. For Terms apply le uie., hi BAM'L. bIMPriON. sepsis, -ci-if, , ... ,.! vi i, n All Persons' having Vatohes ia my, rhop, left; lx tnoatlie and over are requested to uali aud got, ihem away by the first ot October, i. - ' i t . 8. SIMPSON.! II1L1I II I 111 n liririkii(',n s.wk Dissolution of l'artne rshlp, 5 THE firm of Bo.' tee, Wynus Sl Mm kbee.'fori mrty per i a rt in the manufai lure of Pig Metal tt Eclse rumors, Ru-warl County Tennis ri was oil the U th i f bepti mbtr lb.'7 ditsolv, 'd. The uuiirtsigiied havii't sold out his I uteres I tn laid euucarii. ai d having to further ouuutctiuu (SrhMlavv a-l.t. au... ' JOIIK T. MOCKBEE. Orti.lier 9, l7 3w 1