JR. iv;...-; ts50(a CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 187. CAIRO (JLk iubl(iher onx n. oiiKiu, Edita LETIN i TIJMSOFTIJ DAH 23 On week, by w,tt. . .ie ..... . 10 00 One year by carrir, Ir p ild In On rwbr carter, 12 00 Advance .... 1 00 ttoe aonth.hrm.il ... 3 oo fnree month.. ., 6 25 Six month ' io 00 yo year. ihti.i.vtin TDK DOLLAre ilnrrd the mhncrin John U. obKKLY Cairo Bulletin oa price of f annum, making It the One DolMlshcdln Southern Illinois. cnepet p Our Home Advertisers. L.VMBKR. Home Advertisements. OHBISTMAS 1 miNTIXO. -JKCB PUBLIC. Ipetlnj a decline In prices of PETER'S STOCK .11 kind! and desirous thtt our eus fen should know we are determined carrr out our promises of cheap printing it feel It our duty to make a KEDUCTION IN FORMER PRICES believing that a steady Increase of buslne will be an equivalent. With our long experience in builncts and INCREASED FACILITIES together with our advantage! In the purchase and (election of stock, oui cuitomeri mar rest assured wo will try to merit a continuance ol their t err liberal patronage. We invite your attention to the following revised list of PRICES FOR JOB WORK. BILL HEADS on rood 14 lb paper, neatly executed ac cording to size peril ( SOtoO 50. For other qualities add tbe difference in the cost of the paper. STATEMENTS on 14 tb paper, Flat Cap or tame quality of Folio Post, perM ft OOtoC 00: per one-ball li2 60 to 3 60. POSTE full sheet, half sheet, quarter sheet, eighth heet and sixteenth .sheet at from $3 00 to 50 00 per M. By a careful examination ol the above list our patrons will find that our LETTER HEADS per M OOtoT 00, according to sice and quality of paper; per one-half M $3 00to4 OO. NOTE HEADS on ordinary siie per M 4 00to5 60. accord ing to style and quality. Commercial per M 94 Wto5 60. BILLS LADING per M. according to size and weight, $3 OOto 7 uu: per one-nan ai, accoruing to sue anu weight, 3 00U4 00. DRAY TICKETS per 3i 93 OOto 00, according to order. ENVELOPES urnlshed retail at wholesale prices. Chaige or printing, 91 OOtoS 60 peril. SHIPPING TAGS PBICES AEE LOWEB than those oi any establishment ol the kind In St. Louis, Cincinnati or Chicago. ADVBRTISI1TG Business men will find the Bulletin the best advertising medium in Southern Illi nois. OTTIR WEEKLY (sheet 20x40. 8 columns) is furnished to sub- scnDers at ine low rate oi OKE DOLLAR PER YEAR and now has a laryer subscription list in Southern Illinois, StUsouri and Kentucky than any naoer ever betore published In Cairo, el new clubs are coming in every nay. OO TO W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13J TBKTH STRUT, FOB Uten, task, Bliada, Mealaiais. Kavc a sitter, (weed) Window aad Ieor rresaee, Floorlstf;, lth, ShUsalee, Glased Hak, Glased Hide Lights, Ulased Trsusaotna, Beats WeLrata, Issk Palllra nasd Cords ntlssd raateaisssr, Btoeaasj rslt, ImIsi Oatatt Plasteriat Paper, Carpet Tell. Waste Lad, 1.1a Md OU, Asaerieaa Window Ulsusa, Ensjllnh aadrreaets Plate Olaaa, Pally, l!sir's PoiaU Hewer Plpee. Patent CblmBejW. Etc, Xte., Kit. AGENTS lor Rock RItm Paper Company' Hheathinjt Felt and Quarts Cement U, W John's iojjproTrd Roofing always on hand. USTIEW YEAR PHIL H. SAUP, Emporium of Cairo Box and Basket Co., Manufacturers of and Dealers in POPLAR, ASH, CYPRESS OAK AND WALNUT LUMBB IR,. Having the sole richt in this city to use the FULTON DRY KILN, the best Patent Kiln extant, we are espe cially prepared to furnish at all times, on tbe shortest notice, THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER. Attention is called to our stock ol WAXj2sTTTT, ASH AND CYPRESS FLOORING Lumber delivered to any part of the city Urden received at the oulce of S AFFORD, MORRIS ft CANDEE, at that of the company, corner of 3th treetand Ohio levee sug2.d3m. TIOIYISK Our Home Advertiser!. IMBOBAIICaT. FIRE AND M ARINE I ICT S TJ IR, .A. IT O B ceaPAME. NIAQAEA, V. T. Asset.... Asset. AeU Asset.!.. H.iM.MS OBBMAXIA, X. T., i.om.tii : HAKOVBB, K. T, BirOBLIC, M. T, ..TU.S CD ...471 44 Si Comprising the UaderefiUr Aasney YOKKBBS, . T, Aiaetl..... ...- ALBANY C1TT, Asset -" a,'" TIBIMBX'S f CUD, ?S SOO Of Asset- .... ICTJBITT, X. T. MAB1MB, tsMts.. - ...M-..t,4M,4 titarea Dwllln, rurolture. Hulls aad Car rOniuVS Till I r5T a (avrrabl. a stand. r- "r?rl!lVTML':fUe.UMn. ol Cairo, sharrof thtir palronat. , ajn FANCY GOODS FOR THE TEUTONIA LIFE INSURANCE OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ASSETS, $600,000. JOHN A. HUCK, - President. U. KNOBKLSDORFF, - Becroury. OBS. Jhas. Rbits, HlBBT Wbbbb, A. C. KBIWO, A. JIliCH, UnAB. WBXTH1, CHAi. VtBOHA, r" bakcis Lapkmbb, Chas. Da bo li ho, V. Hibbcb. Wu. Rbimhabot, JOBX FXLSKAUr. Ths bl organised and aeenreat companT In Ilia nonnvati. intontorapui ante a cub inmndtr vala. CABL L. THOMAS, On. Ao't, IMIt fer Cairo aad ylalal tr Our Home Advertisers. sbbbbBsbv TABER BROTHERS, MANUFAOTUBIMO J-BWBLBRS Special rspairars of flat and dlfflcuJt BATCH AKP CHRONOMETER WORK W. H. Menu, Notary Pablic H.H. CaadM Mo.Pab. and U.S. Com of The Lava, Olass and China ware consists COAL. S. WALTERS, ttALsaia HARD and SOFT LUMBER o Try drtcrtptlon, FRENCH VASES, JEWEL CASES, CIGAR STANDS, TUILKT SETTS, CARD RECEIVERS, WINE SETTS, STATUES, BUSTS, DOLLS, &c USTSTTIREJ. FIRB, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK AUUlUXiX A, All JTTMA, HABTFORU, .. fi,U,U VI KORTH AMERICA. PA., .W,7i,oeo oo HARTFORD, COMN., lSSU-- .... H, 7 PBONIZ. HABTFOBD, 41.TH.t4S U AsstU... AsstU.. ALSO MADS TO ORDER. JBWBLBY OF A2JY FORM OR PATTERN Our Home Advertisers. BRUOM. ( P. Gh Schuh. i H a w o 3 8 GO 0 0 00 r w c QlS: H C w Railroad Advertisements. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R 1M Mice Ike Mserteat Hob to ElclslrtMlleeUieahertMt Roate TO ST. XjOTJIS NO 0QANOE OF CARS FROM CAIRO TO ST. LOUIS OR CIHCAGO. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF OARS UM CAIRO TO Cincinnati, i- llsnspolls, Toledo, iroii, uieseinna, nianara Ft Us Uuflalo, I'ltlslriiis;, Wwhlnnton, naiiimnre, rnnaueipiiis, mm York. Doslon and all points east. Mllwaukle, Jan?llle, Mdl(oo, Lacrosse, HI. Paul nd sll points north. Ihis n also (he only direct mute to plur, Illnomlngton, apnn.eld, IVori,. QutncT, Keokuk. Hiitungioi, Knck Itlind, 1 Halle. Mrndou, IMton, Kreport, Liaiena, Unbuque, r-luus Lily, 0 Elegant Drawing Room Slccpinir C On all Night Trains. Bs(k Chrcked io all Important points. .-y ror tickeis and Inrormtlino, apply to I. C. R.K t I ilepot-l airo; on board Ine transit ilmr t 1 J tweu Columlici and Cairo, and at In prlncli iMiTuiiiciriniuc-H iiirnuBiioui ine aoum. n. r.juun-iif,. un i rast. ag i, iMcaio. A. HttCMSLi, Gen'l hup't. Chicago. J. JOUNSON, Ag't. Cairo. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOB SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 24th, IS! trains win run as ioiiows: H0RTUIBN DIVIBIOK. iaits ooiao aociasasT. Mail. Eiprei Lea? Vlrilnla. e io a. m ....1:11 p. n otiriD(nri(iH...., v:v m.w TatlorTille 10 & & " Arm at rana. 11.44 S.17 1 tasixs oomo aoitnwi.T. Express. Ma Iav Pana .. a. m J 31 a. . " Tatlor.MI- 4 ) 4 8 ArrlTatHpr-(r1ld..6.1V " ....till Leare Hprinsflcld. 8.6 ' 10 Arris at Vlisjinia s.S ' . S.15 BOUTItBRK DIVISION. TSAIKS OOIII SCTIII1ST, Lt Klgood .4.S0 a. m. ...10.10 p " Flora S& ' 11.40 Arrl at Hhawtt'n .M " 1 ItlLLIAKUH. iIia Ama ssAfniAir T'Airkti m rV1 m AIFV t UI1S IINU1IIUVUI A vaiwi Maav . eja Busts, Statues, etc. The foliowinj are setae I 1HTKRMAT10KAL, W.T., ..H.U,W " Hav alio on hand LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS of the vOadplt wood toys : DOORS, SASH, BLINDS orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on aborttst notice. Comtnercial-av, bet. 10th and Hth-gts., Gallopino Hobbt Hob&zs, Rociino Uonnv do as as, Fancy Express Waoo, Gibls' Doll Cabiaoxs, "Willow Chairs, Pablob Setts, Sleioiii, die. Fine Stock of Jewelry, CAIBO ILLINOIS. aiasikb. CAIRO CITY COAL I prtpand to tspol tstwit-r wilt, va PITTSBDRG AND ILLINOIS COAT.. ORDEP.S left at Haaidar Bros. oee, " OHIO LBVEB. or at the CoU Yard ttViw tht Bt. Charles Hotel, will revive prosin iiv.tr tion. The Tco "MoyTACE" ia BrUr v,xl aloturslde to tttiatn at is isnt. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Clsarlered Jf ereb SI, 1MB. OPFICB or CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO OFFICERS : A. B. SAKFORD. President ; S.S. TAYLOH. Vice-President: U. HYSLOP, Secretary and Treasurer. tiitacToaat P. M. litacur. Cats. Gaukia, P. H. btocarirra. Pan.G.hcaca. R. H.CrutM, U. P. JUu.ii.il, OepoaiUol asssyAsssoeBtltctTedlsresB ! a em icau L p srarua. ITtKEST paid on de;KislU at the rat of six prcnt. ytt aanam, Hach Utaad bpit- dlaulj totte pnLtipl of tr. depoilu, U.ert) liABBIEO W0ME5 A.VO CHILDBEiT MAT DEPOSIT MOKET TiiT 3 cria sua ti auw rr. Opa trttj b3tis ij from a. in. to I p-ra., aad bnatilmj i-aiax tor HAVLNO LZPUilTt oi. j, rrora m s o'ciwrc. W. HTd LOP. Treat orr. rUTflAM.HAKTFOBD, Aaaet ...fiUi.sJi CLEVKLAWD, CLEVKLAM7, Ast - SBia.cia w nOME.OOLCMBUS, Asstt l,ns AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., AsstU - - ssoo.w V I CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. LIFE. or thiir own and other Maaufacturei. AaU .W.ow.ou; oo TRAVELERS', HARTFORD, LIFE AMD ACCIDENT, Assets . W RAILWAY PASSENGERS A-SflUKANCE M G K ST. NICHOLAS j UHruK. JDJEVTJQ- STORE. BARCLAY BROTHERS, 0 H H b Si p. H M I Q t O ii It) H i- m hi IS1 CO., HARTFORD, Vaset - - ......BSW,W0 w ISDEPBSDBIIT, BOIT0V, A'set - w.aw w BAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Okie Utn, CLOCKS OF ALL KINDS. CUT National Bank. CAIRO, ILL. on y uuunn. SOLID SILVER WARE abKsbBbA H1LLLIAKU HAL HARRY WALKER A CO, Prop'rs. ezceueni BILLIARD TABLE And two On JENNY LIND TABLES PLATERS. I) ran tls oi WINES, BLTCIletM. HYLA.ND & SAUER, BTJTOHEBS AND DEALERS IN CHOICE FRESH MEATS OF EVERY DESCUII-nON, Corner 10th street and Commercial avenuj ocxvuuor io iuu iiyianu saloon, 11-10 tf. CAIRO, ILLS. JAKE WALTER, BUTCHER aid paaasa in THE CITY NATIONAL MECHANICAL TOYS, Ayx UA1UO, It.I.laoIH CAPITAL, - . 100,000 COMICAL FIGURES and MASKS FRESH MEAT, EiontH Stbbbt, Between Wabbivotob ABDWOMMEBCIAL A VENUES, ejetsaisssj BUVtaatioaae mH Ilaatn'a. p the best or Beel. pork, Mnlton Val. Lamb, Bauaa;, t., nd are prepared to tre eltisena In the moataatentahle manner. JAMES KYN ASTON, Butcher and Dealbb m all Kinds o FBun Meats. CORNER NWETENTH AND POPLAR BTB., CAIRO, tLLLNOU. Buys and slsu(hters only the best caltlr ttoc and sheep, and is prepared to fill an) Msusd for fresh meaU fitoa one pound tc UB tkoiUAsd peuedi. W. P. 11ALL1PAY, President; UKNKT L. HALLIOAY, Vice-Preslasm A. B.UAFFOK1), Cashier; WALTER UTSLOP, Assistant Caihier. nascroasi it l,,iT' Ttl0' Rossat n. CrmiiBAi, ...... iiuuBu, w, r. uaniDAT, Qso. V. Wiluahsor, Btifhsm Bia A. B. Hirroao. A larce selection of Musical Instru ments, such as BRASS TRUMPETERS, BRASS BUGLEb, FRENCH UARPS, IRISH HARPS, TOY VIOLINS, PIANOS, 4c. '72. FALL AND WINTER 73. C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TICKIITOS. CHECKS, AST STRIPES, KEBTOCRT JEANS, FZTBA, CASSIMSRS, BLACK ALPACAS Asa LUSTERS, GROS'IRAIN SILKS, ropLimi. or THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FINISH. And many unique and attractive patterns of SILVER PLATED WARE At pricei that defy competition. Our new RETAIL A'D PRESCRIPTION IDRATG- STORE. lis BUDBB'S BLOC3C Cer. WstalilBKtess At. assI Elgtatb SPECTACLE LARGE 8TO0K OF CARI-STING WARRANTED AS REFRESENTED. LIQUORS, and (JltrA Fa rnmnn lniirn in nil iiiijvl iiiiiiuicu as. on uanu UI1Q rWU Ul COLD WEISS BEER, LANDHEKKIKO. REFRESHMENT TABLES are snrcAU morning ana evening at Date frro of cnarge. S-1S ii Art S'1'1 Kit.. U,tTuEKOULD; OlXfiVlU AiM.lv UtaO ril ajj USALSa II UAH aIXTUHEN, putnj , Rlob ana angle Tans, atop cock, check TalTs,tc. AUO ADSIT roa . f . -i m - m m i n 1 I . I .11 . " ' - . . , i.ji..in. ...i ku.miv v w . inr aieam uoiier BlBIBBSBBlBlBlBK4StBf Is now Where we will keep O-AMES RaebanBC, Colu end DBltett Mtelee ttOBUa Bousht susd Held. of every kind for tbe Children. Alio, "?. Sr.1."'1' Md n"1 Unkl SPEAKING DOLLS, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OIL'.OLOTHS, MATT1BO, Wtstdew hsvsUB, OILT BAWDS, NOTTINGHAM LAOS DAMASKS. UU Satire leak AT VERT LOW JIOUREa.' SINGING BIRDS, oobbbb 6th bt. avd oomnsMaAjAT, COMPASSES AMD- FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOHJST ARTICLES, FINE FERFUMERY, 11RUSUES, COMBS HICK-BOOM AND .NURSEUT APPLIANCES, A ICS COLD: Our Pure BPARKLINO SODA WATEU KKAA. EWTATt! AUEWC1. C. WINSTON & CO., rlrJA 1 j fiBlAi Xi HKXJli OF CAIHB. DANIP.L aVUV, Vruidcnli ROllEKT. MIL1?!. Via.pf esHent O.N.uuuiIKS.CasaUr. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. I t Uslereet Allewetl ess Tlssie tsessoeiis. WAX & RUBBER DOLLS, CRYING LAMBS, And a million ofher articles toe numer ous to mention. CALL AND SEE. septltr Cadre, Illlssela. And arery thing in our lint of builnei CALL AND SEE. AUCTIONEERS, 74 (8EC05D TL00B) OniO LBTEB, CAIBO, ILLS,, Bor and Sill Real Estate, PAY TAXES, VTJlUlllfi DAIVA1UW" , , ... And pecpare Consajanee of Kind.' AND SPY-GLASSES! genuine fruit syrups Can not be excelled. W also draw the and BLUE LICK WATERS NEW YORK STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LABOBST TABIBTT STOCK IB TBI CITT GOODS SOLD VERY CLOSE. ino rniniruni t t !., u- vu.nwnivviAh AVCNU, Cersser ef laetoeetk afreet aad Cea ssseresaa javassae, CAIRO, ILLS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. U.O.FAIXJO. BTUV1M, TIN WABK, fcltJ, DEALER IN STOVES, n it.iijt.. ura Olftt hi Wnnipapsi To Wr, Col ilodi, PlraShOTtJi. Air GftMt, ukMVtAvrvmx or a lu. a, V.Isk lAt nf CAcrarm nf ATTTbV flUM Alfvi VNWive w n" l w " " - I.. mfA a sAeainiill ttHosftl. Olir " - wW a VW ST 1 Bill I sV M. I amii Nil H. PRESCRIPTION DEPAliTUISiN i IKON wabb. i . . iuu fruouiimivu-avcu WIU Uelng I receive espec al attention ind cue g at all hours in charge of competei.l Si O careful parties. Prescriptions earelullv and careful parties, rrescnpuo" MmnntimietTat all hours day or night. SHONE BUT THE PUREST AND BES1' ytCDUIDlEe DlSFEKtED. CAIRO, ILLIB0IB. WIIoosbb. SatMnna., a& maslMrtMBiUM, and all suad ef