Newspaper Page Text
She' fikitftt ItttlMitt HAIKU. ILLlflUlO. oAIUlvlAI, UVbJlDEiK 10 M JOHN II. OBBULY, PROPRIETOR. telegraphic First Edition. MISCELLANEOUS. Consciously and Peacefully, He Breatnea ins Last. President Grant 3Iftnifests Marked Respect for Defeased. MUCH SYMPATHY EXPREsSEUi IN HIS HEIIALF IN WAirllLNV.TON. EULOGIES 01' THE PHK&5 Mil. GHEKLEY. ON REMARKS OF THE TRIBUNE UPON THE DEATH OF ITS EDITOR AND FOUNDER. W kl 1 r . liTU II I II I' V I I 1 r AT Till'. BANQUET TO MIN ISTER WASHBURNE. ETC., ETC., ETC. Reported Especially for the Bulletin. MR. OREELKY OIWWINO WORSE. New York, Nov. 'JO. Mr. Greeley's u pinfcteJ moineniarllv. bom ny .1. ..I.f.n.llm. M Vl t in, U tl . Tift ii. raiHLiEB miu n . . . 1 1 u I l . ' -. f Dr. Choatu in Tarry- . I 1 -1 t 1. III. 1 I a . n.Uul., In i If. J . I It- Ut.. lilt se j nta Hp Hurnrnnnd. one of hit tihvsi ianiiftiM: I doubt If he will live forty- t Ue I,,... ..( 1 iVw-tnlit tint u kiirnriiml o hr of Mi death to-night. While I wm t tha bediido'' added tho doctor. Mr ... . . i. t n. and wiio lik? to let; ur. urreiov. ri w . t i . .1.. ,.... l in i r . i riH'it v. uu uu nuun Veed? Mr. Greeley stared vacantly,' i . t i. uu answerou, i ne.ur uiei mm uciwiu " it life,' and then said ' I nevor heard escribed Mr. Greeley as talking incohcr- .... .r . 1 t. - l...t- ntiv all icm Hint, nnu cuinc uuu-j umu ate. Ul DOM SOT KNOW HIS DAL'OHTER. He doci not know hit own daughtor. LATER. Tbe latest advices received at the Tri une office regarding Mr. Greuloy's con ltlon thit morning, statu that he failed ery much during tho night, and is op- erently linking rapidly. H is sleeping uletly. UH. ORRF.ELKV BINKIM). New York, Nov. 29, 3.30 p.m. Mr 1... Ilk u a tat ii tr tlmnt tl I.. O tl. el.tV m IIIIL'lllllCIUllrXlUra BIJI.l V w iwvn t-nr i in. ... ti.A Mti tc tti.: aril in lt. iiim uu 3c rk kiiv tip erceptiblu, unit hi. itrengtn iteauuy .., t. r.. i;nl HE UliRATIIES II H I AST. New Yoiik, Nov. 29, 7:30 p.m. Kor ea Orooley died corudous and puacefully. t 6:60 p. m. bVMPATIIV foil nUKKLKV. VASMNaTO.v, Nov. 29. Frequent In- ulriei were niadu to-day by ull rlaiset in eirarJ to Horaea Oreelev'. health, und 1. ... .MnE in till )ll If A rnnnrt of )iU dimlh LeltlL' in Cif ulation early thu oveninp, and having ached the preeident, hu and Ills family,1 i . token of re. licet, did not attend the, eception of tho diplomatic corps given by be iecretarv of Hate, and to which he wa nvlted. but sent a note explaining the . i. . ..i auie oi vueir nu;enee. TUK IIEKALU'8 KULCQT. The Herald In its (ditorial to-morrow,1 peaking of Horace Orceloy, ay : "From ay today for a week tho news of air. ....(.,-. k.A l.r ....! be country not wholly unprepared for t If I...! 1 . m u uu unuiii nnu uk no ii ov u tf LI f tl.u tlw. r,,... - r,r 1.1- ,..... I. ...Ill i niiuiciii iunt t ii u o n w ui. ULiihii n 11 1 AM.(Mnn aim rtmtnln lltfn Irirt iniiinl ..f' be fall of a giant plno in the stlllf.cin of ho woodi, lie Inn in a mistaken asplra- lon for a higher Hold of use Hen a ncrlfico to hit political ambition n muiu lu nuuiL-uiutu luu kuiiitiiniiuiiii. fr- ...1.1-1. I. I 1 mm,.A mAt-Inn lrmrnHiiit. nnu lu luavlui? It to Hrnnnad thn ubitianrA far ii Ah ado W of a .11. A I !..' IK l.l.ln.i nd "ondurlng roword, (Irceley'i Indiu an iionorcu imino i.tiiitin, aim a iugn re- iWnrd of it n cti(.iiuriiilng examplo a an lAtnerlean jourmilitt and lulf-iiindo iiikii, (Til V. TKIllUNK ON TUK DKATII Of IIOllAUU OHKKI.KT. New Yoiik. Nov. ly. Tho TrlLuiiu of lo-rnorrow : "Tlio niolanchoiy an nouQcement of tho death of tho editor and foutidor of tho Trihuno, though for a few dayt it hat hiD ux peeled by hit fum ily and intiuifi'U frienda, full" upon ui with all the ihrck of a Hidden calam ity. Ho had rosched Indeed, a rlpo, old ge, but tltno had not laid in withering touch upon him. His ipleiidid constitution easily bore tho st-ain of enormous labor Ilia mind was a froth, Itrong, and sugges live as In the prime of life; his generous impulses were unchlllcd by disheartening experience through tbe trying campalgi which has just closed; his physical vigor, his tact, bis intellectual actlv. Ity surprised oven thoo wbo kn-jw ilm bst, and scorned to promise niany lyears of iisi-fulneM. It is certain that no history of the most critical period In our national life can ever be written in which Koruce Greeley ihill not bo a conspicuous Uguru, but thu noblest career in his eye was that which is given up to others' wants. The tues.lul life was that which Is work, und in conflict with wrong and oo. The only ambition worth follow ng was tho ambition to alleviate human misery, nnd leavu tliu world a little btter than he found it. That lie bad done this was tho consolation which brightened his lattdays and assured him he had not lived in vain. It i not fur u. in our drt hour of Ion to paint his char acter or catalogue hit virtues. Although fur several months we have mined the in splration of his pretence and the guidance of his wito counsel, his spirit bas never Ceased ts animate tboie chosen to continue bis wurkf, and tbe close bond of sympathy between the chief and his assistants b.s never beeu broken. We leave bis .praises to the poor who, he succored; to tbe lowly whom he lifted up; to tbo slave wbose back he saved f om tbo lasb; to the oppressed whoi wrongs he made bit own." OKK I'OKTEH, V asiuvotos, Nov. Gen. Horace Porter has been elected Vice President ol tbe Pullman Palace Car Co. Heacquaktkwi, N. Y., In caso Gen Porter accept, wbtch Is probable be will Gen. Bancroft will bo atcigned tbe post' lion of secretary to the president, THE WAMIIIUHNK UAKQUKT. Nkw Yoke, Nov. 'J9. Mr. Win. M, Lvarta will pretidii at tbo reception to Minister WathburnH, by tbe L'nion League club, Wednesday eight. vroouut'LL. l lie application to Unit. l btates au thorities to roduce the bail of Wondhull ii Clallin, was refuiod to-dav. OLD. St I.oi'is Nov. :n Tho weather yes- terday and to-day win the coldest of tbe season, the mercury this morning fell to flv ubove zero. Tbe river is full of sharp loo and navigation is suipended. The Underwriters r"fue to place risks on car goes until further notice, and inot of the steamboats have gone to the banks and dis charged their crews. CASUALTIES. itAii.itAAii thaiv tiihown J FROM THE TRACK. ENGINEER BURNED TO DEATH AND FIREMAN FATAL LY SUALDED. POLITICAL. TRIAL OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY,! UOUDKK COMMLSdlON'S REPORT. I'.r.I'ORT OK GEN. SHERMAN. Ili-iotled K-poclally for the Bulletin. SLAN B. ANTItO.N V. Rochester, Nov. !). The examination of ftu3nn B, Anthony nnd fourteen other females charged with voting contrary to aw was held this morning bufore United States Commissioner Storrs. Mr. Pa und appealed for tliu government and Judge rfeldon and Mr. Van Vorl for defend. ants. Tho inspectors and other olHten connected wiui tuo uiectioa were sworn bh to wbut transpired. Tho defendants ad. mittcd the facts to bo us alleged and in pica claimed that they had a right to vole under tho Fourteenth amenement to the federal constitution. BHEKSiANB It I POUT. WAsni.VQTON, Nov. 29. Gen. Sher man's report shows the actual forco of en. listed men in thu army 29,330; coinmili- sioned ofllcors 2,104. He submits with ro- poit names of those of all oUcers com' manding military department and di visions, which am so full there leaves him hut to submit them with approval, H0HDKK COMMISSION. New York, Nov. 9 It Is said tho Mexican border commission demand that Gun. Cortina be cuurt-malialed. and that Mxi'ans be held rctpneiblu for damages i also that the Texan frontier be patrolled by soldiers. CRIME. SEVERAL PASSENGERS SERIOUS LY BRUISED. EXPLOSION OK A POWDER KAC TORY FOUR PERSONS KILLED. ETC., ETC., ETC. Reported frpeclaltyfor the Bulletin. Cleveland, Nov. 1!9. At about 1 clock this morning, tbo Cleveland rol ling mill companr, spike and cut factory. foundry, pattern shop and office, located t Newburg, Ohio, was entirely destroyed by Arc, Loss IOO,000. Insured for 100, 000. Sykiccsk, N. Y., Nov. 1!3. An engine, baggage und two paMengitrs cars on the, Bingnamptotn road, lnt night, ran ofl the track over an cmbaiikmeut 15 feet1 high, near Jameivillo. Engineer )Ichan burned to death, tho fireman was fatally fcnldi-d, nnd all thu cars and pngino aro a otal wreck. All tho passengers were' bruised hut one; throe or four seriously, factory Kxn.oiirs. Ml lwai'k ee,Nov, 29. Commlngi' Du. alit.o manufactorv, three or four miles. north of here, exploded yesterday eve. ning killing four persons and badly' wounding a fifth. bTEAUEB WRECKED. New York, Nov. 29. By the arrival of the steamship South America yesterday from Asplnwall the 18th, Information it received that three boats of the steamer Gautamala, wrecked on Tonela bar Octo ber 13, succeeded in making shore, but the fourth boat containing Chief Engineer Bartholomew, First Officer fcmith, one passenger and eleven of the crew, had not been heard from at latest advices, and were believed to have been lost. TWO BOILERS EXI'LOtiE. Cuicaoo, Nov. 29. About 4 o'clock this morning two large boilers In a rolling mill near Springfield, Illinois, exploded instantly killing Thomas Robertson,! fatally injuring George C. Miller, tbe fore, man, and slightly hurting three others An insufficiency of water in tbe boilers is said to have boen tbo cause of the ex plosion. BURNKI) AGAIN. New York, Nov. 29, Woodruff Robinson's stove bouses damaged by Are' a week ago, suffered anotbor $10 000 lots to-day from the same cause. HOTEL AND KERRY-DOCK HURXID. Pollocks hotel Guttenburgb N, Jersey,1 burned early this morning, tbe flames communicated to Ball ferry-docks and wore all dettroyed. lxn $40,000, Insur ed. Believed incendiary. FOREIGN. LERDO DE TEJADA TO BE AUGURATED ON MONDAY. IN- PARDON OF GEN. TRINIDAD. ETC., ETC., ETC. A CONt'KSSlOV. Lawrence, Kit., Nov. UO-The Journal! to-morrow will contain a confossion of Webb, one of the men who murdered Dr. Girrison, employe cf the Kansas and Pacific railroad, at Monicie last week. Wvbb and a man named Hart waylaid rob him ; rloui and uielul caroer is full of tncour. uarnson w mm , uarrison fan ..muni, tn vniinir whii. withmit nr " wh.n attacked and Webb shot klllinr. lilm Ul. Influence or powerful friends, nave i Instantly, Tbo two murdtrtrs are now! Utile of life before tbem, He leavesln jail at Wyandotte Keported Especially for the Cairo Bulletin.! ILEKDO TO HE INAUGURATED ON MONDAY. Mexico. Nov. '.!. Presidont Lerdofc will bo inaugurated December 1. Astonish ment is manifested in political circles atl tbo persUtanco of tho new prosident Id retaining in high offices appointees of lb el lato President Juarez. Tbo cabinet offi- leers are said to have resigned but a now cabinet will not bo appointed lill afterr the inauguration of tho incoming presl4 dent. Sonor Rugo, new president of con-. Igress, Is u Juarist, and Senor ZamaconaJ new vice-president, is nn adherent of Gon.l Diaz, who is now on his way to tho capi tal. I-ARDONED. Congress hss pardoned Gen. Trinidad Cadena, and restored him to a seat in theirs body, which hu left to join the insurgonts. MARKET REPORT, New York, Nov. 29, 12:16 p.m. Flour dull. Wheat dull, nominal $1 43-1 ml 63; red $1 G&1 70; amber 9l 7 0((t,i to. uorn uuu ana notn- line uoine oj(aiJC. uats oui- "be. Keceipu: f lour li.wv. wueal 10,000, cum 64,300; Oats 40,000. Ms! pork quiet at $1C. Lard quiet and steady,1 at 81c; quotations nominal, Wbiskoy Idull and lower, nominally 02)93c. (JlllCAQO, ov. 29, 1 1:10 a.m. i,tvo hoc receiputo 11 a. m. 9,873; 100 to 125 cars tock to arrive; official yesterday 25,070; ilow of tales; packers buying sparingly I0(nl2)c: higher extreme range $4(u4 26; buiK tales $4 104 16. OaUlo receipts 1,068; fair demand and trifle firmer; sell-; nig $4 87"(u,0 '.'6 for shipping; $4 j for Ichoicu buiohers' stock; bu-j &ii for Icommon: $2 dOcjIj 75 for Texas. unr iorx, nor.m, r.':iu p.m. uoia 121. U S sixes of '81 16310); coupons' lol(a"l7; 5-2US 'Oi Ui'OS -tHj; oo JJJ new '05 15tl&l; 67 1C1C,; coupons '08. l&lfa'l&l; lo-40s til; do coupons 81; curren- cy sixes 114 J; sterling exchange 8(g,9j;' new nvei ujiuj. new uklkanIi jxov. sn, Arrived: Sam J. Halo and Colossal. Departed: C. B. Church. Receipts: Pork 443; Flour ,- 90S; corn 2,007; oats 139; hoy :&; Y liiskey 285; bacon 408 casks; bacon Ui boxes; ham 201 tierces: lard 130 tierces; lard 236 kecr: cotton 4,321. Flour dull, low XXX $0 50 7j good 17 ?67 60; choice $7 768 25; choice extra 98 2 5 9 25. Corn Tn fair demand &900c. Uats quiet llghtdemand 44c. Branll 02il 06, and In good de mand. Pork dull and nominal $14. Ba con dull 6ia9i9c Cotton fair demand 19c. Uteritux es . oiani oiscoudx. HIW yobs, ot. . joney nra m 7 to 1-32: itock firm and quiet; gold dull at 12gl2); governmmta dull and firm, state bonds dull aid steady; Pittsburg 871; W. M. 77J; 1'ac 861; Adams 92 KariM Ml: American 7U: U.S. 78): S Y. C . 051: Erie 63. pfd 721; Panama 135! U. P.. 3: Laku Shore 9;.N. W 8iJ; pfd 90; C. U. and (J, 69; Kock Island UOi; St r. u'J-; nfdlSJ: Wabash 091: nfd 72: Ft Wavne 2j; O it M47; Del & Lack 9!; Hart A ttrie 7); ind Uent 31; iiur a.uincy mi; Han & St .loo 32i. Cincinnati Nor. 29, Flour firm at $7 26(7,7 60. Wheat quiet but firm; old $1 60(5)1 67. Corn firm, old 4267,43c; new 39W40c. Oats quiet at 27&35C. Cot ton quiet, mlddlioc 181c. Whisker firm at 89c. Pork dull at $121. bulk dull, boulders 4c ; clear rib 6c-i deer C(7 o. uacon dull, shoulders ojc. clear ribs c. clear 01. Green meats dull, sboul-1 ders 8J:Jc.; sides 6c; hams G",ft ac wording to welaht. Hoes steady at $3 7! 4 90, bulk sales $3 763 82. Receipts' or forty-eight hours 25 248. i.ard cat ter; steam 7171c: katllo llCl'lc. st. 1.0U1S, dor. 29. k lour unchanged.; Wheat firmer. No 3 soring $1 17: better, than No 2 fall $1 90. Corn quiet 33c Oats better 24c. East track rye firm 59(51' wo. Uarley unchanged. Whiskey nrm 90c. Pork steady $13. Dry salt in good emand; packed lots 4I(7Ci(7;oic. Green hams from block 74c. Bacon dull; clear sides 01. Lird nominal 7c UHICaoo. iiv. 29, 12:20 p.m. Hour toady. Whoat active and higher $1 09 ash; 1 cnl December; f 1 10 January No 1 $1 17. Corn quiet 3IJ(S,3IJc cash "November and JJecem ber: alio Janunry Oats quiet firm 24jfS.211c 'cash; 21 Jc De .''in; 24 'c January, llyn strong and -tlVritig light No 2 6Cl57c. Barley fair demand and lower Cuo spot and De- ember. PnivUlons quiet, held higher tnd nn sales, l'ork nominal 12 50 spot; 12 25 February; 312 10 D'cember, Lard is saleablu at 71c cash; "Jo Novem ber. S P hams quiet unchanged. Cut! meats arn held at 4 higher. Whiskey arm stn8Bic, BULLEThN BUILDING WASHINGT0N-AV. Homo Advertisuuients. M Homo AdvnrtiAmniu - "-vwiltvilUll NTRAMIICSATN. tllKOU .Alt CAIRO, PADUCAH EVANS Sll.l.t, 3t.-ni-WISKKI.T U. fi. MAIL PACKET. TUc I'm! tnd Elfyant l'tcUr H(Mint IDLEWILD: Jack Orammer, Manter. Et. Thomas, Clerk. 3" Leatca Cairo for Paducah and Kvaa1 . ' V',er3 Thursday and Sunday evening, v, ., nun. ruuni'ciing i r.vaniviue v.1111 the Louuvll h anil CMm lnii.ll i...k.i. f. it . " ' f . Bircigm or pasoage apply to JAJiKMiiiuusi'Asscnger Ag , iKLUULAJt CAIRO, PADUCAH EVANH. VILLE SEUJ. WEEKLY PACKET. The line Passenger Packet IMablUhed, November 18, ' CAIRO .CONSEJIVATOHY OK MUSIC. ftOu Hie eorner of litb street and Washington Btemie, ojiposite Bulletin office. ARKANSAS BELLE. BEN. HOWARD. l.'Mil.KV IIUIUI... i:iitcil (Jlcrkl JfLcavcs Cairo for Paducah and Lvanvj lie ecrr suesuay and Friday evening at clock. 1-or freight or passago sppR- t )ard or to .on Jamks Biogs, Passenger Ag't. llthODLAK CAIRO AND KVANSV1IJ.K1 Jii.iyrj,iu, JIAIL, rACKhr. The fine low pressure Psnenger Packci W Weather very cold; mercury ffLeaves Cairo DAILY, (Sunday excepted), at ig tunk to fir above. RP;mi or freight orpanage apply uu buarc RIVER NEWS. St. Lovit, Nor. 29. Arived: St. Luke, Memphis. Departed- Mary E. Pop,' huemuni: Atlantic and barirfs and ilel- Ifhsl, New Orleans. Blver falling fast and tun oi tnarp tee, and navigation virtual Ii v tuspended. Boats are here from tbo North and the most of them have left for line South, within two days have gone iio nan. w this morninc Louisville. Nov. 29. There it 3 feet i inches in tbe canal, and 20 inches in the :hute. eatber clear and cold. To-dav is the coldest dav of the season, with the mercury at 5 at 7 a.m., and 12 at o p. in nd sinking. Departed: Palo mac, Cincin. Inati; Andy Baum, Memphis. The Baum was delayed by wind. Tbe Mary Miller h beeu put on tbe canal docks for re HKnr Urleans. ov. 29. Arrived, tc postal from St. Louis. Departed. Indiana. Itnd C. B. Cburch, for Cincinnati; Mary rorsytbe. ealher clear and cool. tVASiVILLU, ov. 29. Cleared up be- Ifore midnight, nnd very cold to-dy, mer cury 8 to 14; river fallen two inches, and the harbor is frozen over. Down, Arkan las Belle at 5 a. m., Camelia at 12 m. Cincinnati, Nov. 29. Fallinz, .with 6 feet 8 inchet in the channel. Arrived lAnei, Wheeling; Potomac and Nick longworth, t'ortland. Departed: Wild Cat, St. Louis. Cold und freezing weather. A continuance of tbe present temperature 24 or 30 hours it Is believed by some would cloic navigation. B. PENNINGTON Ma 3TTcae. Cairn nrcrt- Al'.iln.,L v .n.. Saturday evening at 0 o'clock, for Padu .ah and Kvanivllle. For freight or pa-aL'u ui ply on board or to i JAMES moos, Passenger Ag'l CAIRO AND PADUCAH MAIL BOAT. TLe spltodlil tteamtr J-A-S. PISK, Dick Fowler, Captain for to (Jan atf J as. Malluky. Air't. WUOLENALK CHOIKKS. 11. M. HULKft, GROCER and CONFECTIOK MEECH.A Aud Dealer in Foreign Fruits & Nute, No. 134 Commercial-avc, Cairo, Ills. JOHN SIIEE1IAN, RETAIL GROCER Aad Des'.cr lu VEGETABLES, FRUITS, EGUS, MttSU JSUTTKR, ETC. LARD BUTCH Ell SI. 11YLAND & SAUER, BUTCHERS AND DEALERS IN CHOICE FRESH MEATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Corner 10th street and Commercial avenuj next door to tho Uyland saloon. t3T All Goods warranted fresh, and aolr iti uie lowest prices. Corner 9th St. andCommerclalAve 7-23 tf. 11-10 tf. CAIRO, ILLS. JAKE WALTER, BTJTCHBB iso nulla l FRESH MEAT, IEioutu Street, Between Wasiiinoto AND COMMERCIAL AVENUIf, AdJolBlsiB ltl'.testttoaae stad llanny'. KfD the best or Btel. Pork. Mutton Veal Lamb, SautaR. etc., -nd arc preparod to (etT lemma in inn mn.i vrnpimMn m.nn.r CHEAP GROCERIES the intew system:, QKOCERIEt RETAILED AT WHOLESALE rRICES FOR CASH. AT H. O. THIELECKE'S STORE WAIUINOTON AVENUE, BETWEKV TENTB AND ELEVENTH aTKEBTS. 50 lbs. drt Cuba Sugar for is " 6J tbt. A coffee Sugar, N. Y. Std. 4 " Prime Rio Coffee for - 3 " Choice " " 3 ' Old Government Java Teat and other staple and fancy Groce ries equally as cheap. uoods new and full welgbt given. UaU and try. $5 0 1 00 i oc 1 oc i oc i oc NTOVKN. T1NWAHK, KTV, A." II A L L e"y DEALER IN STOVES, Ha .nit Hollow War. Clotht.1 WriDerH Toil War, Coal Hods, FireHhov, Air O.U. savricTcua or HN NEW LIVERY STABLE TENTH STREET, BETWEEN WASU'N AVENUE AND WALNUT I 13 r. B. r. Fields larorms to public that be ha openea a L I V E R T STABLE, Eon the northwest side of Totb strel as naae Sllla SUliles will be furolstied witn neae dui in BEST HOBSBS AND GOOD VEHICLES. fsnd the public may be accommodated at all hours of the day and night with safe teams on the lowest terms. I Dr. Fields asks a share of public patrouage and will endeavor to merit It by fair ueaun auu strict attention to business. BOAT HTMRCtS. SAM WIL80N, ZINC, COPPER AND SHBB1 Iron ware. 166 Washington -it venue CAIRO, ILLINOIS. -RoofluH. GattriDg. and all ktads oflo i.nioiT Ivotk ilnnoal nolle f UMICidA-Sir TIOKSXTH IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) KorBal. yoit SALb, ' I KcrSalel COR SALE. J ForbAle I FOR BALK Fare from LiVBRrooL, Fare from Londonderry Fare from Glaboow, Faro from Quebnstown CAIRO, ;::::::: $ 4 8 TO 2f Will open MONDAY, NOVEMBER lh, 187 Tuition Irom ti tn t20 per lenn. IN CLASSES OF 1 TO 4 EACH. No paint will be spared to make it PLEASANT, PROFITABLE, AND SATISFACTORY to all concerned, N. P. CURTICE, Director. ,ieacUcror ocal, Organ and Piano .Musi J. M. ROD KN HA UGH. icaciier orim and Strlnit In ruments (See clrculat.) j.14 tf, UNITED STATES .MARSHAL'S SALE 111 Admiralty. Ily vinuru ora writ of unit. (i!il ..ul .i ; the district court ol the United States, for E " nuuuicniui.iricioi iiiiiioi,in ilillliiraltv, . I n. It... ri. , ...... .. . . . . r. A. . . . c lls ol -o t'liioer, A. ii. ;io.j, mii be wild at public talc to tbe .lifirheiit anil lni.t liiiMni fnrn.i. . rniA - t. , - .... v-. ti. v.ll U. In Mid dl-trict.on tlicSotlidaror.Vntrmher, !A. D. 1871!. at 10 nVlnck .m.. fl. r.,ilnuin .. IIIULiLIIII. i Tlie steamboat Ulangow, her boabi, tackle, r.nhqfnl an. I Aim.!...... ' ' . "i l 1 f,,"l III llll III U. The same tuning been condemned and (uiucreu ny me rourt to be sold. EDWARD R. ROE. , U. S. Marshal. pungnciu, ins., .oenil)erCth, 1872. 101 HOOK H1NISINM. PATRONIZE laiOIMEi TBADE ! BOOK J. C. H U EL S Late of St. Louis. BOOK BINDER AND BLANK MANUFACTURER, BULLETIN BINDERY, Corner Twelfth street and Commercial Ae. BLANK BOOKS of cverv deterlntlnn Aanm with neatness and dispatch. All kinds of nuing ooue at snort notice. Bibles, Music, Magazines aud Periodicals bound neat and aime lowest po.sibie rates. County work, such as Records, Dockets, tee Books. Blanks, etc.. made a speciality (Boxes, Pocket Books, Envelopes, etc., uaue id oruer. 11-.1 if. STOP AND READ! GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY A place where you can buy as much for OISTE DOLLAR at you can elsewhere for ,ONE DOLLAR AND A QUARTER daHorri, Morris M C BOAT B70BBB OIOOIIIII, PROVISIONS VTC. s Us) Isavn OUBO. Ut "STrOilARLES HOTEL. If. Di HEXrORU, - Croprlet' Cok. Ohio Levee & Second St. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, KarBeggage conveyed to and (torn hot fr. dMl PHIL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, Wljr MsUUauU BsuskBeUltUssR. aavBpMial atteatioe paid ! orders trem steaa ais (dual es dav Tbe undersigned would reipectfully la- form tbo public that they have fitted their now store bouse on Eighth street with tbe finest and best assorted stock ofl general merchandise ever before brought O' this market, and in order to secure a large portion of the patronage of the public, WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL OUR GOODS AT LOWER FIGURES THAN ANY OTHER EST A B- LISUMENT IN THE VICINITY Our stock is entirely new, and bought expressly for the coming fall and winter trade of this locality, and consists of Ladies, Gonts and Children's DBY O-OOIDS. BOOTS 5c 8HQE3, CLOTHIXTO, HATS &c CAPS. And all other articles to be found In first class dry goods and clothing establish ment. We call especial attention to our large assortment of dress goods, shawls and cloaks, which department Is complete in all its details. Our stock of FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CASSAMERES, JEANS, ETC. is tha largest in tho city, and we are en- Tabled to offer special inducements to pur chasers, In Gentlcmens' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and furnishing goods we are fully prepared to meet all do 'mand at prices defying competition. As it It to the Intorest of every one to buy whore goodt are cheapest and best .. .i . f-ll llm mVltj we cordiany " to call and examine our slock before pur- chasing elsewhere. Our establishment It located on the east tide of Eighth street, between Washington and Commercial avenues. Blum & Ambon. a ins i:i.i,a.mii:si. WAj .MANUFACTORY. i-or :it Wlioloiile or Retail. COKNKR ;I2D.HTRMT AND OHIO IJEVKa Cairo, Illinois. DOTlttl r.UAstiui LIME I CEMENT I JAMKS ROSS, CAPE GIRARDEAU AND ILLlMn LIME! Comtnercial-av., Foot of Kleventh-et. Bost quality of Lime and Cement a), ways on band, and for salo at the very lcit 6cur for cash. DANIEL LAMPERT, FASHIONABLE BARBER FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHTLDRKV, Eiohth St., Bt. Com. & Wasii., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Has Just ooened a new ami trll.k ..k. .sbment. fully ud to tbe tlm.a. ami Ibvisu ld customers and new. Udlta. i hll.l HI, to favor him with their patrons. E7AU work done In tbe Latest Style. FRED ROSE MEJIiCKCAlSrT T-tVIIiO-R No. 104 Commercial ArawuE, Both French and Scoth eaaalmerea a colors, Beavers und Bread-cloth constamtl on baud, aud all goods warranted. DYEINU In all Its brandies also carried on 10-1-Gmd IDLE WILD MILLS Corner Twenty-second street Levee. and Ohio SUPERIOR STEAM DRIED CORN MEAL Always on hand, and at the lowest Stark I price. Aino a good article or OOW FEED Very cheap. Leave orders at HALLIDAY BROTHERS, or apply at the u-Ul. 10-4-dtt. WJUD I WOOD I I WUUD I I Th uadsrsWDM still furnish HARD AND DRY VYOlD Aa CliMtp.U ssl CkHr bad any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave ordr on the slate at the Postofflce and at Kosa coal yard, on Commercial avenue, between ITenUi aud twelfth sueets, Cairo. IUlneis. 1 eive irood measure and will cord Ike weed up if desired. aniri-ii uiuvNia ualei, XAtM CAIRO CITY COAL COMPAISTY. I s praparrd to ui'llj cu.n.iun quitln; of rh lb PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS OO AT i. ORDERS left at Ilallldar Bros, office. 7 oiuo levee, or at the Coal Yard below tbe St. Charles Hotel, will receive prompt atten tion. The TUO "Montauk" will brina- coal alonifulilf to steamer at any hour. ATTENTION! Mr. R. Jones on Commer cial avenue, second door wett of Tenth street, is manufactur ing Boots and Shoes of the best material in the market and is prepared to fill all orders on tho shortest notice. He guarantees both the work and material ; his patterns are of tho latest styles, and his prices lower than any other shop in the city. Confident of the excellence of his work, 10 invites the patronage of ;he public. imm . You can buy six and one-half lbs. Durant'i A Coffeo Sugar for One Dol lar: Seven lbs. New Orleans 'Sugar for One Dollar; Best three and one-half libs. Prime Rio Coffee, One Dollar ; Beat Imperial Tea, Ono Dollar and a half per pound ; Best Gun- pc-wder Tea, Ono Dollar ana Seventy-five Cents per pound ; Young Hyson ana uoiong iea, One Dollar per pound, and ev- . , . 4.!.. .1 iT WILEY ABIXBY'S. .M-tf.