Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. Wood for l per load nt tho box fnc tory. 10-&-3m. Cam. fllid oxntritne tho pianot nt tho Hnv. It. II. Thayer's and S, I'. Wheeler's. St. liouli boll I roll o manufacture. 11-21M. N. 1'. CuitTicr, Agent. Stkvk, Him, lins opened n tlnn saloon In I,"Uis Jllnllcitu's old stand, whcrocnnbo fonnJ, nt nil limes, Stovt servlm? his customer with t lio best of drinkables. II-iiMf Mk.Oko. Stki.viiouhK, barber and hnlr inner, corner of l'.lg,hth Hitct urn) Com. morcial HVetiurylcslrei In cull the attention of the bearded co mm unity to bis m-ally rr rf,nr;od saloon, nnd the. fuel tbnt be is mbs tcr of bis profusion in till ltd brnnches. Ho bus boarded many n lion In bin don, and culls for more. f Tun St. liouis bell treble piutios nro in durable as ntiy piano In tbo market, and tho sweetest-toned lb tit you' over listened to. N. V CfnritB, Atfl, Coniervntory, cur. Twelfth A; YVath. ll-'JMf. Ton Hale Ciikai- vu (.'ami. Tho valuable residence property, known si tbu "ltunkln Property," situated between loth nnd ICtb streets, Is ntl'ercd fur subi cheap, for c.kb. Tbls lino property consist of four good lot, with three dwellings. All Q ctcatlvnt otilcr. Inquire of (Jkohui: J'ldiKit, 11. fj tf ht lb.- Custom House MLiuiiAKrN clerks. or any oilier who wish to wear fine boot- cither calf, rnoroc co, kid or patent leather of the very latest style, go to Win Khlo.-'s, on Twentieth htrect, 1" I'Jtf. Foi! ii two-story business house on Commercial avenue, between High tcenth nnJ Ninetcnth streets. His well adapt- I for buloon nnd I'.oirditii; house A lea'! fir tw He months will b.) given Apply t- John IIixiaiitv, No. 0, Ohio Uvo. IU-l-dlf. To ANY of our friends who dcslro n first-cl- s article in the line of l.oots, shoe or jailers, made to ordor, of tho bt stock, and in tu y stylo or pattern desired, we wi ubl my try Wm l!hter' before going oliewhcrn. 10 19tf Homk AoAi.v-.Mr. Goid-tlnc, of the j firm of Ooldtllnu & llosutiwiilcr, lm re turned homo from Now York, wheru bo lias been making largo purchases of win tor dry goods, clothing, cti. Luckily, .Mr. Oobldino bud eoriiplote.1 nil hi purchases bu'oro the lloston fire, und thcrefo-o be foro Ibo late udvanco In prices. Moms. (JotdstlnoA; Hruenwalcr can, coritequchlly, sell nt prices (xiiedlngly below tlmta now rurreiit in tliM market. They ink the public to call nnd Inspect their ioud and ascertain their prices, being rat-fled tlml no nnu will go nwny from the alore, leav ing behlnJ thorn tint bargains Hits firm nro prepared to offer. if CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, NOVUM I'l i: :, k, Mm. As.ti I.ano. Kigblb street be veon Commercial and Washington ave nue", I nft revived 11 largs and varied stock of full goccl". and desires to call par t..Jar Attention t' her liHtid'otm' aort mcntof nnd children's underwnr, cmctblng new in this tnvkel. Her woolen drawer and lejgins combined are alio f jrr thing new and thcrnoH eomtort tkhU thing f r children in cold weather . ver dcvifd. Mr. Lang al bus a well lected aiortmrnl of hut, borinM, rib bons, Sav.ers. nnd notion of all sort', all t f which will l fold r.j cheap as can xi J found elsewhere in this market. 1 10-3-lm i II ICIMI 0 FK KHUN ITU KB FA CTOIlY Wm. KlehhofT baipur( Iiasixl tho Inter ct of bU brotburs in the nbovo establish ment in Cairo and in now proueutlng til" Furniture manufacturing btnitiejs with great snrocu. He has n full tt(;k of cxlrn leasonud lumber on lumd, nnd run war ratit every nrticbi tie tniimifiicfjres. He has hIjo a full f.ock of HtJtteada, (Jlnirs. Tabb., Ilurentis, Desks, ward robes, mat treises, etc., nlways on banil, ana nit prices defy competition. Salesroom at tlm fac tory. C-20tf. ATTENTION. Koreived daily by expreis at Winter's grocery in Winter' block, tbo following good kept n Ico: Fresh white llb, taltnon, bas nnd penb; freb oynters, ilirect from Uallimore, by tho can at 0e to families, wnrrnntcd good; nlo New Yotk sounds, by tho quart; clam t.nd fresh Inbtlers; Kjurrre!, docki and other game; celery and fresh Ohio butter, alwiyj on hand; alo ull kinds of vegetable! and fancy groceries, sliced bnrn, iVc, besides n variety of other articles, including oranges and lemons, nil of which ill be sold at 11 fair living profit. 10-10-tf. Tin: 111 Oi: AND FUIt Tl'ADIv. Ifelow will .i found tho corrected Hit of price, by II. Levi for hides, fallow, feathers, etc. H. Levi docs n very largo trade in liU line, atnl It i 11 well known fact that lie always tuy the higbest prices to be obtained in tbU tnatkit. Ho Is pay ing for Hide", drj lint 'fJ li I ft to 17c Hide, creen mltod I1 lb Bto'Jjc Deer fkins f V.i 20 to Sic Tallow V lb 5 to On Fctthori. lb Jo to CSc 10-ntf. Our Home AdvcrlicM. 1 11ALL1DAY JiUOTIIKKS. CUNEUAL AGKNTS WINTER ROOTS SHOES. AXD I'll 1 1 c vstcr reoeivl dnily and silo by the whole or half can nt I'hil haups" lO-'JJtr. Notki: cr Hkvoval. H. Sayers lia rotnoved frmn No. OT to 91 Ohio I.evce, where be is paying tho highest prices in caidi for scrap iron, rag", ropes, copper bras, lead and all Mr.iW of obi metal". Als-i, ti e I tghct prices in tho city paid for bides, furs, feathers, I eowax, ginsrnir, tallow, gren'-e. etc, etc. Remember tho placo, N" 05 Ohio Levee. 11-7 tf. JNIIrond rnn, fnr-.;er, draymen and nil others wl.oo biisine s lay out of doors, 1 and who fur tbo pvservntun of health nnd good temper ght to wear good, benvy water-proof boot", can get just what ' they want by calling on Win. Khlr. He makes French ctilf or kip boots, warranted to lit well, wear well and gite general sat 1 l"fkCtion. 10-20-tf. For. sa'li: : A one lory brick botio ; with a lot 33 1 feet front by 100 feet deep. Tho hnui for I contains three room and kitchen, hsi two balls, also a cistern alt inched. For terms apply on ihe premise", corner of Twen tieth and I'oplar street", Cairn, lU. 11.23.1m. .Iamf.s A. Frtv. I'iakoj $1 .'00 11-2'J-tf. and ori;an for from i'A) to N. I'. CritTtcr, Act., C r. Twelfth & ave. Loch l!l tteai', wl-otn everybody knows, an 1 who It the friend of every body, is now fully intlled in bis new j quarters on K'ghth street, between Coin menial nnd AVinbiiigtnn nvenue. Hoof f.irs to tho public the b.;t .St. Lnuii Ix'fr llio choicest bran. ! of wine and tlm purest liquors to bo f-'und in the city, nnd hopes that tlieic, civil treatment nnd n cordial reception, will Insure to him a gencroi'i. sbaro of puiJic patronage. Come and seo Louis in hii now homo. He has n wel come for everybody, nnd for you, reader, n cordial one. tf. Ot Good Nkws -One of tho large't and I most complete stock of ciiftoin-niade bouts nnd shoes ever brought to this market, has Just hecn received hy .Messrs. naruy iv Grecnwo'd, No. 105 Commercial nvo. 1 These gentb 1111 n are both prauiicnl work- , men in tho boot and shoe btisine-s; Imve hnd n larger experience, and cannot bo dc-; coived into j .ir.-' liking unything but the i very best ttiuk. They cmp'-.j a r umber of firtt-elms workmen nt their 'tnblbhmcnt, and nro manufacturing m ki:v vakiktv and1 bTYLB of I.ldin and Ml'fei' shoes nnd gaiters at St. Lmn price", and guarnntee 1 Fiitisfaction. Tin y mako these n peolalty They also make to order nil kinds of tlnn calf, kip or leather boot", in ttylo and price tnat defies competition, either in Cairo or in tho West. All goods warranted to be , us represented, tf NoiioiiY donies that if you would hnvo oysters by thu plate, stowed, fried, roasted ! ruw or on tlm linlf-sholl, by tho dozen ! can or barrel, thorn U only ono plnco in tho city where you ran got tho freshest,, , juiciest and best. That pltisoby common consont U thu Thnlla Oyster saloon, nt 1 tho corner of Twelfth street and Wash ington avenue, nnd, whiln there, if jou (hould chance to call u glarn of St. Louis lager, a rl:is of wine, mulvo or foreign, or something of a stronger kind, your own good taita will testify that Jacokol keeps tho best. Then go to tho Thalia, call for what you want to eat or drink, and If you are not tnoro than satis fled, everybody will my that you must shnrgo your dissatisfaction to your own depraved taste. If Tin: reputation of the Stein way piano is known nil over tho world. ll-:2tr. N. 1 Cfunei:, Agent. Fbatheiw In largo or tmull quantities at very low figures nt U. ,Lovl' hldo itortj, on Ohio Levee. 10 18dtf ' a .1 KWKL. Sozodont purifies, Ki.dont behutiUei', So.odint gratifies nil who uiu it. Sold bv druggists nnd perfumers. ll-'-MdA-wlv. Have Yot' Skks Her' A lady viio j for tbolatt flv.) year hi ticn a leader of ' fa-hion ill Nov York, nnd who may lo seen twice 11 week in her elegant culecho driving a pair of superb ponie, in Central l'ark, 7ia recently slatrd. in the seWet cir cle to which she belongs, tiiat the only ar ticle in existence which impart beauty nnd luster to the complexion without ulti 1 mutely impainni: tho texture of tho kin. , ktid riiufiiii: it tocolUp,o ur.d wrinkle, is I ll'igaii'i, Mugnulbi Halm. Tho name of tho distinguitbed member of thu beau momlit who made this dccbiratinn cannot with propriety b given, but it may ! mentioned en piwint lliut she lias spent jear- of bur life in Kuropn and is familiar with all the art- and preparations ' employed by the court beauties of tho old world to enbnnco their charm. ll-24-iK:wlw. i'AKKKII !i It LA UK, I in WALL RATER. TAINT?,', lienrlltc. Chsollne, WINDOW iIAI)E-i, A i.' I tlie fpehrste. llllnillir.tiri AIJIIOHA Oil-.. 1 ttl'.i!-s' 1 UILIilN" AF 11 Til ST. y.GKClAU A V., , CaDIO, .... lLI.NOlH. tf INMA-N LINK l,l?r'Oo New.toiU atet rhtlail-lchis Steamship Company, 1 1 i'oi.n comuoi wnn cmtsd (this ami tmini OOTEUMIiNTS 1 Kr Csrrjini; tno JIaite U OR PASSAOK TICKETS oft ri'Hiiitu isruautTioa j Al'l'LY TO JOHN O. DALE, AciT, I ' 15Hroila, Nvw-Yurk, orl 1 II. II o 11 ji , 7i.ilnut'.ii Afnue, I'sirn. rni-. si l!'OUViAItDI.V; and COMMISSION M IMS t! II A A tft. DEALERS IN FLOUR ; And Agents r,t mio Ktviitt am i;akawha tQ Ohio Lkvi::-:, I'ui'o Ir.uvoM. C. CLOSE, GENERAL CO.AIM I8SION MF.l'.CHANT A Ml XDETV.XilUK X2ST XillMrrE CCMKST, 1'l.AfTKr. l'AMci, I L A .S T E R E R'S II A I R, NO. 71 OHIO i.bvei:, UNr'KIt CilV NATION Al. HANK. SSTFor the punose o( building up a ivfioteralu trade In Cairo, I will el to ileal erx nu) eontrjctor in lot or .V) barrel- and iipwurd, at manufacturing price uddlug ireiclit. Cairo. Aiii1ift 13. 172. Foreign Atlvci'tisomonts. ..'. aw 11 i.ntoi it.. O'.'ol'SMiTH, .it smi bitsil iiDiiLn 11 .1. M. IMIILLII'Sst CO., (fS'iecoori to K. II. Ilnidrics A Co.) Forwarding ami Commission MERCHANTS, AMI WHAKIMJOAT I'ltOl'KlLTOKS. rs--j Literal meals male r-fs iij.oi, CiiijU-Dinents. tiSshi Are prei.r-.l to tfwr. store s-nJ torwrl fr'fiihie (o alt jKiints ami buy sni sell nu coicmosion, nu-itie sitendei to i rninpilr. WOOD KITTEN-HOUSE ,V DRO., FLOUR General Coi:iniision McrcliantM 13.1 OHIO Ll'.VKK, MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COJIMISSION FOl'.WA It DIN O M EI'CHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc., AGENTS rim FAIRHANK'S SCALES Ohio Levee. CAIUO. ILLINOIS. FOR SALE. ON EASY TKItMSI A vallialiln f:irm within even iiiIIpj n Metropolis, on thu lotioboro Itoad, consist- or,' 01 sou acres with m itcrc eieareii aim other Improvement-., now owned and form IMt.Mft. Oiie-ioinil, (lown-bal.inri) In one, two and three yearn notes secured hv '"'"J'nO. with per cent. Interest. .S.ll. Iheliiiiberisttood nm ln never been culled and 110 timber will lie periuittei' 1.1 be cut or ii.e.l, except what U nei esnin lor the wear mid tear 01 the place, until aflej the second payment Inn been made, For information apply to J. T. ItKNNlE tl-8-tf Culroll, !!. A. 'JUNNINr.IlA.M, GENERAL COMMISSION' MERCHANT ANI liUAI.KIt IN oats, coa AND MILL FEED. CAIRO, - . . ILLINOIS IWJftES AND L1QU0I1S-1 1 f And proprietor of ne1- and spendM No.7.'i Ohio Li:vi:i:, OA 1 110, ILLINOIS, Keep-, constantly on baud tho choicest nl Widen mid I.I(tlori, which lie will sell at the cry lonest llurus. Cull and examine. 7-tidly R. ,f5M VTM & CO. V HOLKSALB 0 1 10 C K US, u 11 in lkvt. k V A I It li. I I.I. I OH, AIo, Uriip Wibsbu;tlr en hand most ir ni lilntt. 'aWa lit mtcii axii initji '.vmaKira ( 1 r k. Port, Madoria, Sherry t.nd Catawbu V. ine R.iHVTH A OO. s.ll ..iltiiTMy lor rt,h, In wlo.-li they inrite thi lnn- en l el. lwfi?Min litisff. V. M. .STOCKFLETH, see's--))! 'i roatz srei-sriSYM lteeitr'.-r (Mitt IihIsIh i o.vlKH niv.t i:utitili WINER AND LIQVOR.S No. iJJ Ohio Li'V 1 , cimo, ti.Li:-o!a HUke-rsnn li"itl eiii'.iin'r ,u'! .Ol.l Konl-ii I. it ll'i-rl-'-n. Kv- n-l "t i-iialu ii V.-hi'Vies, Krnch lrv. V, n,,- Ut.'l fiy Foreign Ailvi'rli- finonls. l.tll'UM.. rx .NAI.OO.V.S. CRYSTAL SALOON and I'.EA DINC ROOMS. MICHAEL COYNE, I'rojirie'or. (Ot.Ii I'OIT OITICK IT.IMM Corner Sixth street and Ae. The liet brands ot Clear, cholrp Wines. Liquor-, ete., always on hand. SSTOpcn day and nl-.'ht.nt OLiriTliLMONICO F ENTEBPBISE tiii: only ni:i.r.u:i,h iiitt lit.sTitiut- tiok i:i nu. nii;r.Tnv! NllleU-elith (iljin l NNl'AL JJI.SI RIRITION, 'w ,!-.. inr, . .n.i ,.r I ,17 1. $200,000 OO IN VALUAULE fJIK'ib CUn roo IN A Mr; III CAN OOI.D! '10,000 IN AMERICAN SILVER! Five J'rlws-yi.OOO f 2. ! (IiEKNI!AflK. Ten Frists COO Due span of Malehcd ilore. lth FjiiiIIv i arnaire mid Mlver-JIouuti l Hat. ni-i. M'nrtii ii.non! I'hc Horse- and I'.llifirle-'. Willi Silver. MoiitciI llarnex. u-orlh Potln ' Five I'ine-lilied JtoevmMl I'lanoi., worth tVS-l eneli ! 'J." Family Sewlmr .Maehiiie. . . vmii. 17 1 no eaeli : 1,V (Wild ami sllu-r I.'-ver Iluntlmr '.V- i.-l,. ( (in all. 1 worth n-inii .-in i w.-m .. .. 1. (iold Chain, MUer-uarc. .Ih-.mIh. , i,- Mllillier 01 jtlfl- iVisxi! Tlekel- hiii-nl to,) ! AOESTs WANTRI) To m;li, n, icj.i . lownom i.iiierai l'remiiims iv II l.e t.1 i. SInHe TIcketH S: -lv Tlekot ;10: ' ,v riritlfar-'nntnir. inv- f. 'I l..i - i . inri tio-i fi. t-miD-r' ila,-nv sn i oi r niiurinalinii m refill ii- t. 1- tin-ili- tit.n e, l.o s-iit ft ii-it i.ii" n. it ri" ii..-. in-'-t ln Mn s-if-lto I. 1 1 -:f, " x - ni.v nrii- r. 1 .,, nu .i - - t .,. , , Foroian Advert isomcntt. li:.m: and" IlARMLEfcjri AS WATEll, mm. discovkiiv for 'iiik JIAIIt. A prrfeetly clear preparation In me hot. tie, as easily applied as wad r, for restoring to j-ray haft lu natural color ami youthful Nppciuiiliee, lii eimlieiite mid pre! cut ilaml. rilll. tri iirntiiotn llm u-r.itt-11. .,t tl... .....1 li'lj llii,.,u,out. ft I. entirely harmlc-.iind pein-el In ririlll UIIV Kllsollol Ulll-lnll-e i-i .1 -ii. 11,. ie:nre. fine tlie pin, m H R. liny iof,l.-,i.Hnt mm I"-. iii!ii rou leslltn ,1,1 I u rroiii 1 m-iiiy of pur mo-t prumlneiii ei i .ens. In eerjhliiL' In whl.-h the aithi.-s now In iim are olih-etldtiul.l.- 1 im.tu DISCOVKIIV. Is norr.-et. li i cuiiihiii neiiner .-uirar or I.e.,-1 Nitrate of Ml er, it lique t s- ; or -enip. I ai' peril, v one 01 Ui- In -t !:-i .',1, . 1. r iii It ri'-'-it--- t'ii- 1 1. 1 -,. i i feet noil i-.iilr-iimh n.,,,. ,,, , ,., tfol1,"nilll llltV.'.K ilins s-. It-. ten ilayi. ifriiiaili lee.lln tin 1 Foreign AcIvorti?pincnt3. -iij.' in. i' . . I-M-l III !, 11 III ill I''. 'Mm r 1 ' I T- .. r.l- 111 llir-e lo .) tolll. ,1. nonriMiilii iii.illlies neees-an- lo lt en'iwtii anil healthy entulltloii: it rclo. the .! . e-tjeii nnu imiiiees a new (,-rnwlli ,,f t!,. mure iio-IHm-Iv itinu -i.viki,,. ..1... The uM lIeatlon of thi- v,.i,,!,', r,,i ! crj- ul-o ,roilili-( a plen-i-nt mil e"iihnr eneit mi the eBlp and sritct iiu- Hair a ile-liiir and otesrant Mppi-Hranee. Call at your ilntpMi'l Tor H un-l t ike no oilier. I he lia Hot not It let 1.111,1,1 I. r ,1 I'rlcc 1 per Ironic, AliTIII'Il v ITT 1 VI Inventor nnd 1'rinrli-tor, Whlmm ;t..-i .miii-- ru.. iioi.i.owa i ' . ( Ast-ntii, ri-il.olri lua. .i.vo. V i i:ni:v ami I--. c it i-i .. NOW Yolk. I'll 'cl he hull nl U dn l'kIK 11 1 . v . j. . 11... ,t LtCli TO VO'Jn CHlLDHuN ! SYRUP. KHNTITKY STATE LOTTERY. l.ej.ilied by an act of Hi,- Lelslaliil e. Lot ten ever drawn. (! 7,1 in llekets and .'l.oi'i pric-?. 'lo be drawn Noi.IlO, 187i.ilH'olnlon, Ky. One Capital Prize of 820,000. It Triesof. ) l'rlzes of . . li 120 I'rizes of . . 'jo 1 l'rle or .sf.-i.OOO 1 l'rlze of. . i.l.Vl - l'rizes ol ... 1,'sm - rrl I aou 2,0m l'rle- of. . ii :t,0501'ric-, aiiiountlli to tull.-JiU Ticket, J12. Hatves, fri. (juarter- .Mifinv tti lHMnivn irtfi'c ' Our I.otterteH are eliarten'd hy Ho-state. ( ;ALUUA IuiAUI.Mi KUU.n and drawn at the time nameil, under the su- , ! porvi-lon of -worn eouuni-sionrr-. . -. - The ilrnwlinri. will he pulilWied in the ' corner .111 f tree anil wiNTIHt'S IILOCK. New York. Chicago, and Luii-wlle paper-, j Vi e wi.l ilraw a simitar seliem.- tin- l.i-t 1 I sattirtlai of eiery mouth during th- ,M-nr- 1 isii ami Cotntuereial Av. PARKER & MONTAGUE f c-tr - n liowrl". lilt, I. : tli prwm ot 'ir ,1 r f n',i!nss C-nrnWcn ntil ertr- I ZZTrL-f rr"ti all 1' sasi InriiJcDt to r wh it c 0 rfi Bjs I!rr; v V;c rr"sr(s j-itn, wm)!rsi cr c " hau--i-in 15 crlMinii.iitn, r'r- 213 la; t-.:.uauJi.otr tjlLosjdeai. J Jt l tti Infants' nntfhlMren'( (.rrtt ."-i'..ii 3 P.i-mcjy, In all difur-jirs truugtit on L teclLiiiii; ur iiav iittirr caioo. I rurtlcuUr In cnlllnir far MRS. vni7C0JIlT3 (SYMT, suil taVo ii 1 1 lh-r. I'ra;,arrdby tl.i l.KAflO'- JIEDKIXH CO . FI. Lulls. Io. Fo!. t,y UruggUts su.l CcaL-rs la 3 Irdi ttrfi -TPi-ywl.eri. BUY ME AND ILL CO YOUC-OC D TO) s a VT srt I'rui'ritt'.rr. fdTThe bc-t brands of Cigars, cbolc. Wlues, Liquors, etc., always on baud tl EL DOHA IO I'.TI.MAKli SALOON ANJ li.1. It KOOM. J!(.' J VrV.S. t'rniirJet'ir. Hl Cnnrmn.:il Atcd. t'AtKU, II.I.INnI B.l hrsnJ of Clifo istX'sri" m r-ri.., IIILI.IARI) saloon furnl-hed with the best ofuble : and hir-upplled wl'li wines, Uqtiot' and elL'ar. of theiie-t hpt" . Itelnit at our rl-k bv I'ci-!-iii)tee Mouei (u- der. Registered Letter, Dralt or ICxpn- . r3T-send lor a circular. Address SM I'll I, SIMMONS li ( (1.. II'jx ys; Coviiiirtiui, Kv. I0-g.Vod.twIv. S3do,dl,o:" MISSOUIU STATE Y. Lr.0AL!7.f.l 1IY StXtK AUTHOBITV IV!- . Dkaw.v ;n J'ouhc i.v St. Lovi. (Jtand iSitixlo Nutubor olicmo. TiO.OOO .vujiiiEftfi. Ci.m L lo iik Dkaw.s Nov. SO, If 72 5,880 1'rise, Aui'.untinc to SSdO.OOO. i t l'r1ef.. tVl.Msi 1 " of. ii .! 1 " of . le.K-i 1 " f :,rw 4 " of....., f.ix 1 ot : nisi 1 .v VI) " if. I,il I M 0--1 l-rlsn i r. $ I 1 "11 I, '' ' el if-, 9 ' i.f .'-si ! ' . . L'Ml of. tn of .. IV' Z. II. MATIIVSM.. K. 0 .UIIL MATIIUSS i UHL, AM (ji:.m;..j. Commissi on it it c Hants IT.AI.ER.S in' 'x.o'crK, Q-xzsxisr. I AY AND WESTEIt.N PUODUCE .i iiuini 1 vvi r. STJtATTON li BIRD, (Huccensort toStrstton, Hudson A Citrk,) WHOLESALE GROCEKS 1NII COMMISSION MEltOIUNTS, 57 Ohio Lovco. Ciiiro. Illinois. JOHN ii. piilusT SON, (Buccessers to J11I111 M. I'lullh,) GENERAL CO.MMISSION A Mi FOU WAHU1 N 0 .M KUCHA N'l S DEAI.E11S IN HAY, (JOHN, OAT Flour, jIcal, liran, &c, Cob. TENTU-BT. and 01110 LEVE OAIKO, ILLI. LITTLF KESTUCKJAiN S A LOON A. Nil SS'T-A-TJLZSTT . (Open Day and Nljrht.) .1. E. l'AHKS, Proprietor, Ohio'c. bet, lib and (ith -tn-i.t-, CAIRO, ILLS. .MLAL AT ALL IIOCH. A line new Iilnlnsf Hall witli'evcry con-veuieiK-e Iim been addeil to thi- popular Itestaiirunt, and the pte-t- will lln 1 every requl-ite lor thelraccomodution. Tin: hill ok kaih: consists of every suli-tantial and delicacy of the season. THE BAB is supplied with the CHOICEST LlfiUOllS.WlNKS &C1GARS iSTMIxcd drlnl;- prepared with rare. 11-10 tf. M " of Mm Mao " o( l'e 40 " of SW 800 " if. 10 Ticket3 $10; Half Ticket, 5: Quarter 1 J idiots, 5! &n. Our Inllmea nr cl.srltreil hjr it i ! orrtwn l ih uniB nain.l, an'etl -ti j Inpsarf nn ler the eupiTisi a t.f n- nn .m I inli-lnnrrH. I The oRiei.i) ilraoixi Mill 1m il!.ei .1 in ihe I 'I. Iail- - r- . 1 . ouj.y ot tfwin nrm to I -iireli-ei- f li' kt. i WeuillilrKii aslmiUr SPher.iolie Ust i ny of I etf rjr innntli ilnnnz ti ir I Romt'nt our ri-h l-v )osie!ri.e m"i.e -r tt. rpt.tMip.t If-tri-r, !r.i(t er exen si - I ' r i-ir I cu.r A'Mr-i, MUKKW, MII.I.K i I O , I T. ". h-.x 3li-. -t. I oin, Me. j MMhwIt j T 1 1 K E N'lTC IC Y LIHKAliY GWJ COaN'CERT. GIFT rONJS' ALL IT. i ?,vsi,(s IN 1JANK To I'A V ALL (ill'TS. A Fl'1.1. UltAWIMI IN' Sl'ilir. $100,000 I'd It ONLY ?10. At tho ccotiil (irciud (ilft (.'oncert autlinr Ir.dl by speei.d net of tlie h-UI.ituii-. In aid of the I'.ilillc Library ofKeiitiu-l.y. un:toiil ably posponeil I rum t-cntrmbur is to lie ceuiberT, and whlelipo-ltiwly and unciUiv oc.'illv oi-eurs in Loui-vllle. Ky. pei-emher 7, 1st withouf further delay o'n any aecount wlmtocr, the following cah gliL are for iltstiiiiuitati ny lot anions ncuei noiuers: ONK OIIANO Oll-T. C.sH $m.(M O.Ni: (iltAM) lilKT .'.O.ihKl I:yr1fnaflnrilil''''0lfl' 1 trlns llir Vtt ai l Fri.r orir-in M e Ii -. 1 n--.un, IT. 1-m.i.t I Koot an 1 l'lant I'ill" n:n l iiuy c- riplainit vrl..i-b' 't not I siii-i"---. I t'lty eoul.l rfacli. e '.. m Zli-nilnclic, J'.tIii iti ic Hide. !Viii!il.. licrii of tUC IlniJil!! a:nl Toi-i. ltiillzn ., Clitlliiesi. lUifi.null'iiii, Nonralcln, I.ns-s sir AppoiUo, Ciilloii'i li lenti-rv, lil.iney AiiK iiiiiis, CuMtiutK-:i, Ij.--1)1111 V, rv.rvt t- ull )iin-, irj-pp;. nln, .JnuiKlire, r. 1 t 1. ti mpi .li.:i cr.kir.- Iruin Ijw fcu.u 1 1 iLn L tjj t cw.uuvt...u if Its fill' t'.'-llS. r.t.lnn r.i-o I.- ri llsrtury fto-t rlhor pM-n tVj mn b4 l.ilt- n -.1 1 11 liaiiH auJ oii-Ur I.U cir- tihisUu ii i. i - i tj diet, l.nnwis or pleaiiire. luii ;i llio waid le d tn.t d -irn,; ore I 1 iris inM 1- -.' 1 y iv ilo-t, , Ivin- ihem strength t t-l'nrils.itt t-Wi-" met t. -t-v.-T thuiilisiitKtlons s.ii., h 8-0 till 1 r-t ruj of ii' -.-, srilliotiC jirn.lisclugr e.(UcitiiiU'e or ffrlplii(r. All liciry i.u.l urjt-y v.Tm'h tr-i tho f'rrunors cf il'rs(l 2!tcs an; n A iui!o!c v. J'ai-nl.vllolitrolieis.Ar.asc t ffectiully wuded e:r t-v a lsvr d'-ri uf tarsA sSM-iblt. 1'ilN. r-.-imrtlMnii-wwl rh boi. iu.ujJw. UuL.m, rrtotU S0I bnlrh. lflc Ji c -'-I 1 n. I"i'rnlfcr Hi- O-'-'i ".'-11. ".eft... Ft L-flli. !'. Ccl 1 1 r lirustfUl ..ii ilwUjlaj titt) -btr. l'liU.'sriXTCS KOIt 1ST.:. -1XT11 Yl'.Alt T 11 E A Ij 1) I N E, An Illustrated Monthly .lournal, univer-ally admitted to be the Ifiinilvimest i'trlod leal In tile World. A ltepn-enl i llvc and Chamiilou of Amer-li-iui Taste. HOOK. - ii 'U i i o o r r b M s , 5- s-, . - S ) Z g 5 ?. 1 W; .'S'S -i-j ) 2! Si M -2 ' ia.s t 0 -a 'a I a .3 pa i 0 Tl Z s ? w w M r 'A 'A 1 O O ) r1 .- p "2 f J u WOT a j t Cash (hii 1 Call) ('.lit ... 1 Cath Gilt .... 1 Caih Ij f I 'Cash (iiit .... 1 Ca.h Celt t Cash Cift .... 1 (ash Gift.... 1 Cash C.lft ... 1 Caih (Jill .... I Cj.1i I. Ik . .. I.AWYIIIIS. IjirEEN"iT(j Uli KW'V," ATTOUNEY.S ail. COUN.SKLOHS AT hV, William II. (Sreen, 1 William 11 (lilbert, CAino, ILLINOIS. Mile F.ailVert, J BVriptei. atUotlon glrea to Admiralty aad ttmhuat biislnesa. 0H UJUO LKVI, ROOUB 7 AND 6 OVf.Il C1TT NATIONAL HAVK. jiimi 1 1 .tin lilies. i.i-r.en i:.,ixi n Casliijif.s. I'aica'.h lei-si, !l In.hCifu. Mic.rh i,ii, iffl Cash (iifli. 7i'ra(h s.MHi .I.'. U.liCifu. msii-:.lI) 7,ii ir. (VhCifis. risica.h li.iim! Ui LailiCifi-. 4uiic.ah 5.(i ! ii' Cash (lift 1 "e.T.h l.'O jllii (a.lif. visi.a h :i.iM .IJ I ahl...u. TOTAL. 1,000 (HIT.-, ALL CAhIL.lf-VHi.OtO The money neivar to pay 111 lull all II e ofTercd nil" s- is now upon depo-it lu Lie l-'nrmer-' and Dnncrs iian!;, a- will be -ten by the following ccrtllirate ol the ea-hler: I'AitJtr.iiM' ami HitoviTb' Hank, 1 l.oi'isvu.i.i:, Kv..;-;cpt. l.-.'i. j This is to certify that there Is tt-iv on it-po.-ll in this bank over a half a million m dollars to the crcdl ot the Pi I ft Con eit l-'und, $.V"),000 if Willed I-held by till-li-u.i. as Trca.-n er of the l'lihllc Library of Ken tucky to pay oil" all gills to be awarded at Ihe draw in-,. I!. S. VKACIl.Ci-hler. 1'ltlCK ill" 'Hl'lil.Tn. Whole ticket-, $10; halve-, $.1: oualtct-. fi.Wi II whole tickets- for gliKi; 8 lor S'JSft; Oil for; 11.1 for I.Oi)ii; '.'S."i for 42,NXi: hi'. lor t.'iiMsi, No ilisciiunl on le- than $vi wot td n tickets, at a time. The drawing will po-lllvely ami nncipilv ocally take pl.ico Di ccinbor 7. A;uits arc pcremptorillv reindict io ilosc and make ret til n December 'i In onler tot'ie amplu time lor the llnal .itinns'. im-nts order-lor tickets or tipplballiMis lor i-in iiliir should bo aildri-'-cil to oov. tiius.i:. ri:, Atrent, lCcntucky i'liblle Library, I'u'd Ittdldlnif. LoulsUlle. Ky A COOK FOi? THE MiU.i Jil I .Vol for finli- In Ilooli in- NVn-i hlotos. AUT I)i:i'Ai:TMi:.N'T. Notwlth-t.inilln the iiu-rcu-e In Ih" price of .-uh-erlptlon lat lull, when the A Mine as--Mined it-pren-iit ii'ihle iii-iiinrtlon-. and rep reentative eh.iriicter, the edition wa- more than dotihlo the a-t year; piolnr that the America i piihlic appreciate a tilii-cro ef fort in the c:iii-i-ol Alt. The linbll-hei, aiislou- to ju-tily tlie ready contldence llun ilcmoustr.ited, Iihm' exerted them-elvcis to ihe iitmust to ilevelop and imploe the work; and the plans lor the coming year, as tiiilol-b'd by the monthly iue-, will a-toui-li and deliuht ieu the most sanguine iricmls of the AUIIue. The Ahlinc will reproduce examples of Ihe bet forcU'ti ina-ter-. helected wild a lew to the lil-hest artl-lic siiece--. and lrreate-t '-cnerid interest : iivoidin- siieli a uaM- liccome latulliar, tliruusli photeyiaphs or cipk- oi an i.inu. The quarterly tinted plate- for 1S7.1, will reproduce four of .lohn s. O.nls' inluiitahle chllil-sketi he-, nppripriate lo the four se.i--mis Tliee plates, appealing In Ihe lue for .laniiarj, April. July, and October, would lie aloiiL- uoith the prie of a year's -uh-cripliou. iMiLMir.M cintn.Mo For. istx Kvery nibsenht-r to the Ahllne. who pays III acittii-e lor Ihe year lti73. will l'i)ccie, charge, a pair of beauti lul oil ehrouio-., alter .1. .1. Hill, tho eminent Ilnall-h painter. The pictures, entitled "Thu Village Ht-llc," and "Cio-sIhk the .Moor." are 14.20 inches-are priuleil from -.'fi iliiit-n iit pl.tte-. ivntilriUK i.i luniics-loii-nnd tints lo perfect i-iu-h picture. I In- same ehroinos me sold lor Ul per pair, In the art More. A- It is the determination of its eon-din-ton- to keep the Aldiliu out ol the reach ol coiiipelitiiiii In cery department, the chmmo. will he lound alieud ot au that can he olterc-1 ! other periodical. Kicry iihei' will riiei'hr a eertlrliate. uci the iKllalure of the pithllsheri-. iiaraiilcein.' I that the chroiuos itellw-reU shuh lie eipiat lo tin- samples I'llllli-liod the iiirent, or the money will bo refunded. The di-tributioit ol pictures (ifthis unide, lieu to the -iili-crihei-to a iln dollar perl nilical, will nmik an epoch in tin- hl-tory of Ait; und, ciiii-idcriiijr lh uniireccdentcd chc.ipnc-s of the price for file Ahlilie It-ell, theiuarcl tall- little short- ol a .nldacle. vL0 .' r tia.m' Proof Spirit ani .7.cfJ?? li?.'. tl0"rtd. spiced, and twettened to the taste, called "Tonics." "Appetuen," In A'.0.".' I .c- lhM lt!Ui tno UPP' " w u rank cnnc3 and ruin, but are a true Medicine, raadt from tho native roou and herb or CalUornla! tree A!SohIIc stlmutantss. They arc the Great n0'"1 n '-"e-Bl'ms Principle, a Perfect ncnorator and InviRorator of theSrftem. carrylta pj all poUonotm matter and rcstortni the blood io a healthy condition, entlchlne It, rcfrestiinir and luvizorjllni: both tnlnd and body. They are catr of ndmlnlstratioD. prompt In their action, certain in their results, aaio and reliable In all form of disease. i? u".?n ",,al hes Dltter accord. IDff,'" ,'llrecttons, and remain lontr unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison nr other mcarn.and the Mtal ergam wasted beyond the point of rcpnlr. ' Dyspepsia or Initlttestlnii, Headache. Tain in tno blioulders, Counln, TiKlitness of the Chest. Ulzziocss, Sonr Krnctatlons of tlie Stomach. Uad lastc in the Mouth. Ittllous Attacks, Talpltatlon of the llc-ait. Inflammation of the I.tinira. i-aln In lh HRlun of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these coin, .nuts i. ima no equal, and oue bottle will prove i better cnarnntee of Ha merits than a l.'L'.hy ndicttl'cment. l-'or l-'emnle Coniplitliits. In yonng c old, rnanif-l er single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or he turn ef life, theso Tonic Hitters display so de Mded i.n niHiicnco that a maraed Improvement la "nu perceptible. (or liiilnniiimlory nml Clirnnle Tllien innil.iu and dour, Uyepcpsla or Indlge-sllon, Ull I jus, Kcmlttcnt and Intermittent Fevers. Plsrasc i f the liioo l, I.lvcr, Kidneys nnd Iiladdcr, these liltten have been most successful. Such Diseases i t - r - - - by Vitiated lllood. which Is generally IT".l,:e d by dc rangement of the Digestive Orran-. Vlieyiuc n Grntlc IMirRntlve m well n n I onic, posiesMng also thu peculiar merit of act iim n- nrrrmi agent In reheMng Congemlon or lu; . u i cm of the Liver aud Visceral Organs and id I , is Ultcasps. I'm- Melu Dlsensrs, r.roptlons, Tetter, Salt I ii .uii. I.mti hes, spot, pinuilcs. l-ustuics. liolls, e .i''-u.i-';cn, Rlug.Trornin. bcalil-IIead, Sore r.res, I r -lp- Ik a, .scurfs, Discoloration of thesUn. . . . ri --i-i Diseases of the siin, of whatever li: i r t.a ere, are htcrahy dug up and carried I itcfi'i- -'.-nt in n Miort lime Ijjt trio nc of theso I lift. 0: i Ihji twin such cases will convince tho most ir.rri luluiw of tra-ir curative effects. I'lrnii-.e the Villnleil lllrinil whenever you find Its n am ies bursting through the i!n in 1 linptes. Ktupllen.". or Seres ; clcauo It when you Cud It e bou-uctcel and sluggish In tho veins; cleanse It when I; H foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, nnd the hcalla of the system trill fill ne. Ciutrinl Tlioiisnnils proclaim VtsEOAit DlT Teas the ne 't irondcrrui Invigoraut that ever tus-talne-1 in nii'sui.f system. I'ln, Tape, nml oilier 'Worms, Inrlilng la iho iisf.u nf -to many thousauds, are citcctually iljsireyol arj.l rc.uoved. sajs'a distinguished physloio. nt : T-.i-re is scarcely an Individual on the Lire of tun earth whose body is c.vcnipt from the -, r- srnr of worms. Iv H not upon ihe heaimy ciiMnMcs i f the bo-ly that worms exist, but upon tin- i.iu .ucd huuuirs nnd slimy deposits that bleed ili'-e In 11.7 laonsi. ij of di-ease. No system of i.i.v.i liiu, no vermifuges, uo antlielinlnlilcs, will ireo ih- system froin worms llko theso timers. Jlrelinnlrnl lilscnsca. Persons engaged In l'..! it.s aid Mineral!, sunli as 1'lumbern. Type- 'u r. i.iild-beaiers. and illners. as ihey advance : i 1:'-. e.-o st;i);rLt to iiaralysis of the Uowels. To truant against tins. IiU-j a dose of WaLSEu'3 Vim in 1 1 km twice a neck. lilltoiis, Itcinllleiil, nml Iiitrrinllleiit i'eti-is, nmcii aro f prevalent In tho valleys of gnat riviri throuirhout tho United State, esreii..:.,-li.o-wof Iho Ubslaslppl, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, i.-.u usee, t'umberlaud, Arkansas, lied. Colonel-). lir.irn. Uio (ininile, I'carl, Alabama, )Iobil-, --uvanuau, HoanoVe, James, end many o:.i(n, ni''i vast tnbutarlis, throughout our cntl'e i ij-i.ry during the bnniiner and Autumn, and r--.iiiKibiy so d.inngseasous of unusotl heat a jd dryness, tiro luvjrl.iuly accompanied by ezten-blteili-rangciiicutjof lua stomach and lircr, anrf oilier u'l lj nliial vUccm. lu their treatment, n iwrgm I cxrrtln j a powerful Influence upon Ihcsa varu. s i-mans. is csK'ntlally necessary. TUero W i.-ji ml fur ties purpose equal to Da. J. Wsi.g. I s isr uii llin-r.Ki. as they will speedily tcMove iboiUili-cxicrctl lscld mutter with whicn i lie i- in nro at tho same tlmcstlmulatug i i -. i. ii imi.i tiio liver, and generally rrstunnz i:u i. j-'in idurtluns of the digestive organs. SiioliU.i. or Kln'j livll, White riwcllluus. I i. .a--, I r. uiolas, bwcilcd Neck', Goitre, Scrofuluu- ,.i 1 1 -i.u: - i-i, l-.iil'ilctit Inilammatlons, Mercurial .e . ioi . : i seres. Eruptions of the Skin, Som I ji-i : -.. it -. tu these us 1-a all other costliu. '.jt...'. iMsc-i- i, WalilCi-.'s Vts'r.UAit HiTTEia have l-u-. -i i! .r great curative powers In thu most ai'i -.t' - ft I liiiract.iblo caes. Dr. Wiitlicr'n Ciillfni nla Vltu;nr lllt icis ..c. on all thiol- cites in a tluiilar laauncr. li.- i'i-i..I;it Hi-; 1:'. '1 they remove ihe catiM-. and I y iv- .l.lug turjy lie- ein-cts of tho Inflammation I tie n . i.M'.aril isilts) thu aitcited paits rice-lvi l.i-n'f, u.i I a pi-iniaacni cure Is elected. 'I'll, piupiitlri of Dit. Warden's Vincqik niTir - u.- Ai'-neut. Diaphoretic, ("arcilaatlve, Niitrj i .ii. I.a.vune. Dluri'ilc, sedative. Counter IrrlUi.t, -vi-ljna Ai'i-Mtive. and Aim-lU'.iou'. 'J'hu ApciiriU un-l mi:. I !..i..ttiie properties of D.:. iiMiiis llirn.iui are tho best mfo-guanl In cavs of eruptions und malignant I.ict-i. 'ii ur balsauih', hcullug, and suoililug pro p.'Mes j-roi- et I'm tmaiors ef the fauces, their bfld.iiivu proiKrti" nl'.ay jiaiti la tho nervous sys-ti-m. kIiiiiiu a. uud bewi-bi, from Innamiaatlon, vrln 1. c .1 . i r.impi. etc. . Tlirlr Ci-iiiiu-i -Iirllntil Infliiriire ex tends Hiro.i -it tne f ii-tu. Tlu-ir Aiiii-UIUeos i re-ii r i i .,u line tho hvcr. In tho secretion of Uii ....I i'h ui-. iarge-1 throiigh the buury ducts, nud.r mj-1 -r 1 1 1 '.I remedial agents, fjrthocurj of it. , .sit -: , l - cr and Ague, etc. I'niiiry Uiu lioily iiKitlnat disease by puiiijiiU 'l " timds with isno.n.lurTi!iti. No ipl-h-nii: - nt .ielteild of a system thus fore-armed. Direction- Take cf the Hitters on going to bed at ulglit from a half to one and one-half wine glassful. I'.ai gond nourishing food, men as beef tteak, mutton chop, enion, roast beef, nnd vege table., m.d take oui-il-.or ewrclsc. They aro eoniiused of purely vegetable IngTClieuts, and contain nu spirit it. II. :cD(I.VAI.D &0 Dniggi'ls and Ccn. Agts., han franctsco. Cat., & cor. o( Waslilugton and Charlton Sts., X.Y. SOU) UV ALL DUL'UUlSTa k DEALXItS. INo Ws. lleiirj'K AVorld'si Tonlo nnil IIIoimI I'lirlfler. :t Uthogrrat household remedy, pleasant to a'.-, yet potent for Ihe prevontlon anil euro of i lse.ues. It Is bettir than rt'tters, Cordial, ."itchtiorSarricparlUa. Sold by Urusglsts Ur. Hoiirj '.i Koot unel I'lnnt PHIs. Mild yd thorough no nausea or griping n lulyvtgclabl? gt eat liver jemcdy. l"TlceSJ :ent. Sold liy DruggUls. ZIri. Wliltcoinli'u Syrnp. Tlie creat soothing re-medy. Trice only 23 :ruts. GIro-5 rest to tho mother und health to .he child Sold by Urugststs. ' riarrlnso fin III c. i Intcrtnttus W'oiU, Knlarged Edition, New EiyiavingJ, Two-hundn-d and tlity Pages, PitcoMex-nta. weMrest Dn. IlrrTs' Disrrx- I unr, li north Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. I I e Advertisement. AGEiT.8 WAIN TED TllR 31ASTU11 Sl'IHITSOFTUE AVOIII.D, AM) Tin: TitnAsritK Housk or Amemca. THIS illtEAT HOOK OK TUB VKAK. Agents repott sales of 2.'i to 10i copies lu a lew hours ordtivs, rito.sriiCTt'i Kkkk A 1 tress J . AV (jOl)iSl.K!. even to tho-e ln -t timpidiuti'd itl the New Yoi', thi-MIJ t'inciiinoll, St. I.oul si . . ; . . ...1. 1 ... v ' 11 'Iti'llm- A I'rlvntof'niinsi'loi; In- 4Sc Jlnrrfo-I cr thoiKBliout tu Many, em the l'hyiiinriu-n i , lories and levolutluusef tl.esi-xud aystem, i 4 litest discoveries In producing end pmveullint uR. rrliijr,iireiervluglhoroiiiploiiou, 4e This It ao I :iM.tii(; work of two ii - Ired wi t sli ; y I'ases.wlthijuuieroujeugratings.aii.Uiiul.mi, valuabl Information for thosu who aro marrio-l or eoiitomplato marrlaf 0; still It Is a Isx-lc thit ourlit to bo under lock an I Lay and not laid about the hou-a, nf Tf..'0 "", "'" Ccu. .1 Irw, jtwies :o A?r:::::3 urs. vurcsrwATr. CJ USKJSI tt-'l Ullit l'nr.Mi Ijoriil -Uu.IkiiIi. Is ftiuu wnn, cr uiu( in; osackllriUL-JU. iirui Pr. Psiu' vork.asiaalut vbilyuiirdlMSMla ir bow aplorsblo rtr sswaiuon. Pb. Bum noli eoutuiifil, iwmiaalir er by unit, a L CImsu. m.alloi,l la bit wurts. omc. K. 11 SmU 11(1,01 Di-tti, bi liuiii ul Cbnam, m. Usli. Us. llililcvcllll-llls ol lllcllill l.1 111 Us and 1111 pi in c.i liiechaliieal appliance-, il'or illu-. nations of liieso cliiouio-, co Noveinlar t lie ol the AldillC.) tiii: i.ii'ut.vitY i)i:r.n tmi:n v will continue under lln- care ol Mr. lil -h-ii-i llelif) Modd.ild, a istod by llio liesl wiilei all. I n'oet- of tbc tlii, w bo will strive to Ii i'c tbo literature ul' the Ahllne ubwiv- In I.' - I'ln- with itsarti-licatlliiclbiiis. le.'i per anuiii, 111 'I'd'a'nc'e, ulth (HI Chi"- '"'nie Ablliie will, hereafter, bo olitainublo emly In nilicripilun. TIuiv will he 110 re duced ur club rale : e.-.-h lor lp ion-inii-t be -cm t" ile..uli-hers dlrect,or li;iii. ded to tin local went wltholltresiiuli--l!.illty lo the ilhllliels. cM-ept ill c.i-cs wnctv Hie ecillllc'ilc f' kIvcii, beitrlliif llm iiic-.-iniil i.nallii'c ol .lame Mltlon A Co. AfSIiN IS AVANTKlb Anv !cron wi-l.Int; to net pcnn.inentiy rs a luctilugcnt, will rcculwi lull utidpiouipi In loimntlou by apt it yi iij,- to ,JA3IE!s btrri ON & CO., IMblishcrs, " WaiRtdmi l.iiiie.'A'iiw' lork. N.drleiins. IMWKIW EVER Y BO DY u VaNTS TO KNOW nmcn is tuii uiihv MAcnnrai THP "LIGHT nUNNING"A-A a . .. . if vaxri I TAtswen tbU r.seitlea! tsi j-rsteats a 19 cori cf sa:sMJ anraralleloJ fa ths Listiry ef th. luTBtloa. Arcnts wanted . eterinberc. V DOMMTJO'U, Oo.J(wYHU