Newspaper Page Text
r HE UA1U0 DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, KOVKMBER 30, 1872. i c tl ( I I r o r i c r ii THF, BULLETIN. ra chu'ch nntl lay the cornor stone. A col- ectlon will then bo railed for tho benefit of the church. A. general Invitation It cxh Dibd. On the 29th Imt., at hU late rctldcnce, corner Twenty-eighth and ..1 , t . t T a S a .rtd AQbH .... caMaa I"nsst """""ajcumore uretir, tfuu.-. tended to nil who are friendly to ttie caus WMblMi" AJ"- lyeart, of pneumonia, after nn lllncst ot,f Bnj tiumanlty to como and help ui M...,.lf.,i1.,nt.. ,t.. Funnel isrvlo, at St. Pat- WM JacksoK, l'atior. CHCICC mCH pora aim ""- sm J at Parker Axley's. 11-19.31. tcj Catholic church, to-morrow (Sun J. It. Cunningham popular esprcts linn tttailn cAnnppllnn with tliA first train . . - r . i. .,m , .... i. . I f .. - . nnn'n nitL' I nn i imii'ibi . . ... . ... , MARRirn. At tue parsonage ui immyj m um i..-ww-. from Cairo to Vienna, on tun umro ana procession will leavo tne iste rcsiucnie "'vincennes railroad, yesterday tiiurning.1 tlm derentod at lmlf nast twelvo o'clockM.rrvlnir Mayor I.ansilen. JuJce Bros The remain! will bo hurled in the Cstho lo rcmetcry at Villa Rldgo. Friends and !uiUft1nlancc nr respectfully invited to attend n. Vathcr O Haloran, on Sunday th ih Imt.. Mrs. Margaret A. Swandr o thli citr. and Mr. N. U. Jackson of Ken tucky. Mrt. Jackson, who is well -known In Cairo, having resided in this city a numbor of year, will take with her to her "Kentucky homo' the good wishes of i. large circle of friends for her futur. pros- perlty, In which good wisncs nit ui-ul tin heartily ioln. CKAXOEHKIE.', pigs feet ulid lillnCf meat, and an assortment of canned f"llsl(tjaturdllV) evening in its hall, at half- Sr. Patrick's Bknevolkkt Amocia-1 Itiak. The members if thl society aro Ihurebv notlfled that n meeting ol Itliu association will m held this! at Parker & Axloj't, corner of Tenth urn) Walnut. 11-30-31 Waxtku. A woman to do guneral houiowork tba best of wages paid. Ap ply to Mils. SlIKI'IIARI", Cor. of Second st. and Com. avo 11-29-31 Ir you want tlx and out-half pounds ol "coffae A" augar; or eight pound, of Now Orleani lugar; or, four andj onc-quirter pound, of coffee for one dollar, go to Par ker Alley'. lMIMt. PftirARK roa Cuhiktmah, New and elegant jewelry,appropriato for Christmas! glltr, may bo found at 11 u dor Brothers, tf. The Bclletix Dis.nek. We flattoi ourself that our Thanksgiving dinner, in compliment to our employes, twenty, eight in number, wi a success. Slity-Uvi persons sat down to tho tublcs. Our lim ited bouse room circumscribed our invita tion, to fellow craftsmen of tb city and i few intimate personal friends. Our neigh bor ol the 'Sun,' in his Usu't of yesterday evening, says : The dinner tendered the employes ol the Cairo Bullkti.v yesterday evening, was one of tile most enjoyable all airs th a has ever taken pluce in this city, and re garded from whutovor stHiidpoint, w h success. Indeed, it could not have- been otherwi.e with Mr. Oberly us uinkler ul thu feast, and his uccomplistiod bottcr-luli as too goua jjenius itiu jtowur ueuinu uu throne who superintended its iircparu- tlons, even to tho minutest particular, mid contributed by her presence to me comiori and happiness of tho company. At tho hour named, (!) p.m.,) quite a larce number of the representative ol tho ''Art Preservative" of tlio city, a well a other invited guests, In all numbering about reception l-reeled i showed his ability to co through tho hand baking process with commendable uavlt j and elegance, and a vigor Un.t would d credit to a county offlciul that we wot of Aftor cougratulalions it was whispered that tho county attorney elect, who was present, wa to be joined to tho young ChaDDaaua Chief in indUsolublo bonds by the county judge, who was prepared for the work "beforo him, but while the coj maiden was waiting for the sacriucc, u distinguished and prominent gentleman who is a representative of tho great stati nf Illinois in an Important aisemblace at SDrinefield on Wednesday next, mado hif appearance, and the ceremony was not performed. We would not however inti Mmate that he had prior claims on the generous host, hut it is certain that trie moment of his arrival was a signal for suspending the ceremony, much to the chagrin of the entire company: soon after, dinner was announced, when all present repaired to' the dinnlng-room where tuch a display o rood thine, met their view three Utiles groaning with dainties and substantiate,' the room brilliantly lighted and bung with festoons of flowers itnd evergreen,, while the walls were adorned with cem, of art. We won't try to give the bill of fare; it would be easier to tell what was left after the company had ditcuued the subitantials and delicacies before .them before engaging in this very interestinc and prontahle exercise, ilr. Oberly hand somely welcomed the company and an nounced that he had receWed letters from several of hi editorial friends who could not be present, one of which he begced' the permission or reaSKis. itwasasioi lows ThsnKhKlvlut' tay, 1672. J Ipist foven o'clock, t'J mako arrangements! I to attend tho funorul of our ltt brother John D.J, (Jalmoas, President. Fink family groceries cheap tit Parker Axles. ' 11-30-st. Jocal IIkkvities. i cold; it fjold; It IS COltl! County court will meet on Monday. Mr. Thoma Halllday is on his way to New Orlcnn. Business Tho Du Quoin 'Tribune' calls our neighbor ol tlm 'Sun' "this opaceous edi tor." Call tho 'Tribuno' man another, Davis. Tom nnd Jerry aro in tho city at all tho s.iloon. Tboy aro always takon to gether, 1 iko tho Siamese twin. Mr. William Smith, who is out with lnnting party In Missouri, 1ms oui thanks for a h ilf doz jn of flno and fal wild ducks. Tho Merchint' whurfboat of Vick burg, hai been piireliHsed by llHllidaj Bros, and will bo brought to Cairo fur tut by that firm. Tho tcim fire engine wn taken out on Thanksgiving day, to pump full ol water from tho river tho Sixth street cis tern, but It wouldn't work. ttcntion Is culled to tho government sale nt Mound City, of which odvertise- mint is rniulo in another column. .Mr. Swunder, who luttly became, Mr. Juckinn, offers her millinery goods 'at cost. She is going cut of the Lujinetf n which she was very successful and poj: ubir with tho Cairo public. Wo have had, tinco tbo conclusion of tlio Inst Thanksgiving icast, symptoms of but not forty perous, had ussombled In th'lth,, now fashionable horse dlsense, b Ion room, where t ho 'Bulletin chielH . ,i'. id all with a pleasant word, ndit'-no. no, Doctor Ilulte, not bots Gazette Ofhce. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Oberir ; Bespected Couple I acVnowledce thr feceipt of your elejrantly printed invitation to kliare witii you and the employe of 'The Bulletin.' a Tbanktrivlmr dinner : the more gratefully becauie you were thoughtful enough to K-ud the invitation In a lnrr-e basket, by the hands of a small boy. I regret to sav that I thall not be present Not that I hesitate to "samnle" oyster-stun dturkev ortojourout een an a' .ilanche of thanks; but because I have no good clothes, anu, being tneeuitoroi "tne omv nomorratle timer In Cairn.1' I cannot tier made myself to ajipear among you in pleblan attire. I I charge you and all of you, however, to give thank. Give thank- that, In procure of a bountifully spread board, you aro not. lootuiess. line maiiKS, wnue your viami are gUlm; out aavory odor, that bad colds uonoipiugup your nostril; uuu jrive c. pecial thank tlial you and I and nil of u- nave escujjeu iiiu epizuuiie. Krom a contemplation of the scran of my noon-dav meal from the eomli-llko rem Hint or the mackcrul and the odorou hull of the onion that I could neither kIvl- thnnk over nor devour, I pa!-, in imagination to a seat at your geucrou board, and cur-u these pantaloons that ure no longer new. tliU coat that sen Ice has made threadlarc, the old hat brushing' will not restore, and. mav I hat- It, the neighborhood poverty tint renders borrow ln out or the question. I lu conclusion, permit me to cmnlor the usual protetatlon of liljili regard, and to uucnuu iu)eu, nun n Mk'n, Your ltegretfiillv, M, U. IIaIiiiki.!.. This was received with roar ot Uui;h Ur, altar which tho dinner proceeded in' regular order. Alter tho close, tho guest. ttiucu o mo. recoption room, where .ii, tucurr, clears, wiust anu clears,! ana other familiar aln, weru the order of tne ertning. At an early hour the com- piny returned to their homes with a hlirli appreciation ot 'Iiik Uulletiv n.i ft coadjutors, as well ns tbo "fi-mt of reason ana now ot soul ' that Iik1 been enjoyed. Uico's minstrels, having met wltli misfortunes, left Cairo yesterday for Mil unci City in an impecunious condition There will bo n grand free lunch nt tin! Kontuckian saloon to-night. Tho propri etor intend to mako it tho big thing o tho season. lien. Winslow, Chict Engineer Bice,' md Inspecting Engineer Brown, of the Cairo & Vincennes railroad company, ure in the city llarrel's declination of our invitation to dinner i funny Wo wish ho had clothes, and with him wu curse hi panta loons. llobt-rt Mackie, colored, who lives on Fifth street, stole the cover from onu of the manholes of the Ffth street sower. lie whs arrested bv Cain and taken before Sbntinossv, who fined him $5 and coits Bourbon'.c Bots Hulso is now the great leader of tho Blanton Duncan party o Cairo, the stand-still men of O'Conor sympathizers the great unterrified. Tho Johnson County 'llerald' copies our suegtstion on the opening oi the uiro Mid Vincennes railrot-d, and ss "Kigbt. Mr Bulletin. Something of the ort should txs gotten up somewhere, asd w know of no better pluce thun Ckiro to dt up a nice jjb of this kind. L-et the ball move on. Ilulse, the charm compounder btid borst doctor, wers bis hat s-o u to cooc-k1 hW right eye, which was marred by the good rigbt hand of the badly treated Thomas South, out of whose bands this borso doc tor thl ywr hoise doctor got a tadd and bridlu shop worth six hundred do- ar. A phfsenger on tho Bismurck bad oc- casslon to atteud to some duties Thanks giving morning at 3 o'clock While out ol bis room, which be thinks he left locked ;iomestne entered it and took $170 in green backs and a gold watch, llestated his case to tho police, but they being unable to' do anything no arrests were made, Sheriff Irvin, aftor diligent study ol tho laws relating to bis otllce, has como to tho conclusion that he is required to make' report every fifteen minutes Judge Councilman Hurd and Col. Wood, th able superintendent of tlm rosd. The Colonel had pruvhW a locomotive and caboos?, which were nw!ting tlm arrival of Ciinnltirthatii txpres til the (nw pond trcMln. .1. H. li'ii-M Ins pnn-ungurt. l"salo and ouml " and co!l ai loc, nnd tht trln ininu-diiitely left for Vienna. Ico was running past this city, in th Miisissituii river, all dy vostonlay. Steambontmcii express thu opinion that navigation between Cairo and St. Louis bus closed for the season. Cairo still stands at tho hcid of navigation, summer and winter. In summer sandbars rise ti in declaration of our claims to thi title, md in winter ico makes loud proclatna tior.s of tho fact. A good man named I)als, who lives in old Missouri, came over on Thursday to thank nnd so so ; but, unfortunate fellow, ho cot decidedly mellow, and refused in his frenzr to pav for the liquor. Ihe bar nun, a rule had, to not allow such men t run their hard face o have tick o Credit, and so he called loudly igain until .Mr. mvn was g Cain. Then that monter of justice. Justice Fred Bros, fined him "five," which he paid, and which, you can set was our gain and his loss. A rumor on tho streets, ft rumor woll-authenticated, says Dr. llulsc, the llstingulslicd love powder doctor nnd hot, iharm cheat, has deserted tho Republican pirty and becomo sn lntcnso Democrat It is now said h will bo tho btraigt can Ilduto for rmiyor, nnd that he has promised tlio great Democratic leadurs of Cturo- thnt brilliant body of brilliant municipal ititosmen. that ho will convert to the party of "prlnciplo" three-fourths of the' loirrotn of tho cltv. Wo presume Uulst- will now practice the " Go Bots negro con vorting charm " in concert with the Intel lectunl giants of this city who engineer tho Bourbon party u party, rny dear sir, not of numerous membership, bnt respect- iblo, sir, and high-toned, sir. A negro man, named Albort Hamil ton, well-known in the city as a loafer nndl vgrnnt, stolo a lot or scrap iron out o llallidny Bro's. warehouse on Thanks giving day and told it at n junk shop. One of the employe of the Hallidayi dis covered the theft and arrested Ilamilton tho Hct of el line the lot. worth nt Tnntlrce lunch over spread 1nl Icalro will beMtout at thu Little Ken-I tucklan neit Saturday nlghu Oysters inj ITry ityle, shrimps from the Atlantic! r.n thA Bulf. crabs from tne raciue, S B---I - . . ffVnm tho Rockv Mountains, roass ,mK.i - w toll! ham, etc., etc. a OitArnn ior Oiuls and Hot). ho eccentric old gentleman, Santa Claus, t.ran saint of all uood children, w nrcent and lent bis valuable MUtsncr when tho bcwlldcrinL' slock UkIs. Jusl opened by Phil Saup, wms se llretnl. No ne but St. NcU Wiu- solf could have grouped together men i oollectioti of toys and plaything. Wber h n.n.lowii on his list those cunning ex r- ... ., i i nr.,.. n-nif.itu wh Ch are U1C woimer i' " ... ... .ii. .it.... Ililit ot hvs of all aires UO was xuu,n,uf jf tho giHHl boy ie, who tells M school.l never rnn aW.tV iroiil n..'r hues his mittens and who Is suro tt set one of theso wagons for a Christmas Ift. When he laid uslde vnai oeaumu. baby which adorns the show window and which it the magnet of attraction lor cverj little girl who passes tint way, ho had ll his mind the good little U"' " M,n to get this d-.ll or mother jut llko it fot hr Chrlstiiins gift. Tho willow rocWs tho chairs th.i hobby bom-., ar.d Hit imnlL-r tovs too tiumorous to mention. need onlv to be seen to oxcitn a dctermiv atlon in the minds or all tho ntiieioiKs to have as many as they can get. Wo in- Ln. .r-,1 rlrlt to rivo fnther and 8in,nJnother no' till Phil Saup has bcerl iobbUd byTlUed( hi ltock in,pCcted and Sant.l Claus Informed what to send to the littiil folk,. t MARKET REPORT. Brost incline to the opinion that n report must b mado every ton minutes, Sunday excepted, Tho judge and sheriff will probably allow u to effect a compromise ion twelve minutes and a half. If a firo were to have happened on Thursday night, Ciirojwould havo been in Ushcs. Where U tho water for the use ol lour lire engine,? Somo of theso day we will be treated with the spectacle of the Mayor and Council rushing In frantic haitn to lock the stable door, after the horse has been stolen. -The Cntorlo party at tho St, Charles, hotel, Thanksgiving night, was n brilliant hiiuir, lno larue diinnc-room was crowded with tho youth and beauty of the city, uml all enjoyed themselves. The Coterie has roxson to bo proud of its suc cess, air. itexioru, initio Host, spread a Christmas im Comino, lluder Broth-lCn6 ,uI'Peri f which the largo compuny rt have mado elaborate preparations fnrlr"0"1 with great zest. Christmas In the way of filling their hand ome ttore room with now and elegant jewelry, gold and silver watches, plated nd tilver ware of the newest patterns, ttna a one ttock of pianos, organs and other musical Instrument,. A look through Buder Brother1! stock will leave no one ut ... i . i. . t . ... mi iu uw aitiukiiiu oi tt wurittmat present for tt friend. Every urticle in1 their lint) It placed beforu tho put chaser,' and tie can select an elegant and appro. priaU Obristmat present for a big friend or a little one. male or female, wife daughter, titter or tweet-heart, at a pricu ulUd to hit purse and inclination. The Budari extend a cordial invitation to the1 publlo to call and cxar.ilne their Christ- atoek. Hov. Mr. Thayer prcacliod un oloquont sennoti TliankgiviiiK morning. He open ed hi heaviest guns on thu Coterio and its Tliankiglvltig datico, and very proper y clialised The Bullchn for pulling' the (ianco. After wo heard of tho norruoii1 wo attended tlio dunce to cuiitemplntii it henlous sitifuliinsi; but, by our truth, we liked it, and saw nothing sinful in It, and we tire, we flatter ounelf, ono of thu best' Judges of sin, In the city. Bishop A. W. Woyman, ono of it. least $10 for $-2 60. Judgo Bross bound tho light-fingered "Don of IIam"overih Isum of $100. lie is now reposing, under 'the chargo of the Bourbonlc Fitzgerald, Id tho county jail. Three strangers to Cairo our resl ont citizens do not do such things by somo book or crook or mistake became ruuk on Thanksgiving day; and, like Paducnh men, wero nt noisy as escaped Bedlamites. They were urrutlud by two of our lynx.oyed policomen, who neve fall to too through a mill stone if they look at it and it has a hole through it. Squire Shannessy, who evidently believes it to be the duty of a good citizen to gel Irunk on Thanksgiving day, fined the in ibriated triplet only $1 and costs, which thev paid Deserters from l'aducah come int Cairo every Jay, good rnen who are seek- ng tbo bustle of a live city. The lust ac cession to our population :ro:a ra ducah Is a cntletnn by the name f Bradlev, of whom the l'ducth 'Ken uckun sav, '-Yesterday we met Mr W. II. Brad.ey, witb crjet-tck ia band on bis way to Ciro. Hiving retectlj old out bit interest in tbe mill tsd feec tore of Brtdley 5c Terrell, be bat determ ined to cbsnge Lis locstion end open t business bouse tt Cturo. We commtuo Mr. Bradley to our neighbors at Cairo at a genial, clever gentleman, and a rouble ictive. energetic business man." If it is true tht a doctor who tells a rocelpe for a so-called lore powder, pre- tending that the giving of tbe powder to woman will place her in tbe power of tbt ,'ivtr, it a humbug, then Doctor Unite it humbug of the first waler. Such a doctor may impose upon the ignorance of torn colored people, but he should b held ii leleit&tiou by everv dwent intelligent person, black or white. It is our opinio!. that any man who profetses to co a doctor nd proclaim, hi, ability to cure disease m hones and human beingt by charm A'ovon faces, waring hands, mysterioui words and strange medicine, coinpoundec oy weerd processes Is not "square," nc would not hesitato to capture in a ''logal' way, u saddle and hurnes shop or any thing clso. But it Hulso tuch a doctor? Heaven forbid I The good peoplo who attended thl Coterie ball on Thanksgiving day night, wero asfaultud by a cold wind that came out of tho North from thu region close tt ho rule, It wn u vindictivo wind. It nearly robhedour head of our oars,and toot mr noto off our bountiful lace. Thu wind no doubt, was a judgment upon Thank giving day deccratcrs and wordly p?o plo like thoso of the religious Bulletin who will, nolhwithtanding tho phillipici if tlio pulpit, twirl tho light fantastic toe in thu morning, Bev. Mr. Thayer, In cl- bquont term,, told thu Coterie, tint it wa wrong to dance that evening, and struct the Bulletin u blow over its delicate knuckles for puffing the proposed dance r-r twonty centt it line; und yet about twi hundred peoplo of both toxet, dressed ii fashion tho ladlct us beutitilul, most "I tlioin, as at Hubo (if that is tho mode) beautiful woman's namu), turned oul'intlu evening and attended tho party I Ni wondur that confounded cold wind got af ter them. They have reason to he thank ful it did not whisk each of them off ti that mysterious place where the wicked tease from troubling and are troubled, and b'shops, will preich nt tho African Metb.lnoeoW winds blow odlst Episcopal church, on Fourteenth l'iior. P. "W. Maley, the man who tool. street, between Walnut and Cedar slreets.Bthe gold medal from Sm Oelytr, will at 10 o'clock, WmorrowKSunduy). AfterBwlng the. Kehoo clubs. A Ireo exhibition services at tne church, the bishop andHst the Little Kontuckian free lunch, Sat congregation will proceed to the newBurday niitht. 2t TllUItSDAY EVENINO, Nov. 2Sth. 1872. Tbero ha been a better feoling for tbt past two or three day in tho general mar kct caused by the scarcity of receipt and the Increase of the ordnr demand for grain specially oats and corn. There i, how- Lver, no speculative demand for anything Tho market pricoon grain being held urn hero at prou quotations in the ico oi general dccl'no at uw Or.lcons has ten Ip.1 to drive sncculalor from tho field Flour it unchanged In price but the de mand bat improved and everything Indl 'cates the advent ef a heavy teaton. Meal, it firm and in good demand. ata('nrrDondentt should bear in mind that our quotations represent prices for round lots from firm hands, unless othcrwlte stated, and that In filling smal orders higher prices must be paid.t FLOUR The demand bat improved tnd wholesale dealers have done a moder ately heavy week's butlnet. Round i lots from first hand range In price according quality $4 00 to J 50 which is tho out ide price, small lots have been told nn or ers at a shade higher figures, these can ot ha nuoted as the market. We noU ales of 800 bblt choice XXX Winter, tc rrivo $8 75 ; 600 bbls do from storo 8 "G -, bbls various grades 4 25 to 9 50; 10 bbls XXX Spring 0 50; 200 bblt various trades 4 60 to 8 GO ; 2 car load super t fancv family 4 60 to 9 25 and 500 bbls r - Various grades on order 5 60 to 'J 76. HAY Tho market it fully tupplied nd very dull. The lato rise of the rivers let large quantities out ot the Ohio and flooded thn southern market. A few ex tra 'fine cars sold in order lots at T U and as high as 21 50 but these figurers tro above tho market the ranpe beinpj frem common to choice 15 00 to l'J 00 de livered on board. We note sales 0 cars omraon del at S15 00 ; 3 car mixed 16 ti 50; 2 cart choice mixed 17 60; 5 cars prime tiuiothy IB 00; 10 cars cboico turn ;bv 18 0n18 60 all delivered. CORN Prices hold firm at previous quotations. Receipt have talleti otr, and tbe stock it reduced, but there is still sum :ient to mett the existing demand. Spec jl&tors are out of th market. BULK COK.N Sales comprie 2 cars white 34c, 5 cars mixed 33c; 2 cars whit1 ITcj and 5 cars white 37(3Sc. CORN IK SACKS Delivered. 10 tart mixed Htc ; 6 cars while 46c; and 7 :ars yellow A3;. OATS The market continues firm and! inchanged. Receipts have fallen off and' Italer bare experienced some dificulty in 5111ns orders. Advics from the country bow, that there i a full supply on the rosd tnd the mark'.t will by fully supplied be fore the week ends. Sales; consist of 8 can .2Cc; 3ctr at ICc, and 2 cars st tbt ume pricf-, all in bulk on the track. Sales u sackt delivered comprite 0 cars, 2 cars I car and 4 cars at 82c. CORN MEAL The market is steady ind firm. 300 bbls kiln dried sold a1 (2 40; 200 bblt it cam dried at 12 35; 2i ibis kiln dried $2 40; 200 bbls Bechsr'i Taiorie on P T, and 400 bbls "evening ,tar," city mills, steam dried $2 60. B UTTER Choice it in fair demand md tbe market it well supplied. 6 boxes ;boico roll brought 25c; 5 tubs, solid packed, choice, told at 25c; 100 pounds choice roll 25c; 2000 poundt do 21g,26c,l tnd 200 poundt common sold at 16c. WIIKAT 2 cart red, Winter,! sold v SI 40, and 1 ordinary red $1 35. EGGS The market it pretty well docked and catier. Recelpti find ready ale at 30c. Sales wore 7 boxes at 30c, and 1800 dozen shipper's count 30c. PORK Dressed bogs are beginning t ;otno in ami tell at 66c, according t iizi) and weight, 48 weighing from 150 t i50 pounds sold at 6J5 j0 per pound POULTRY Kinds very dull talc The market is glutted with dressed chick ins and turkeys, and tho supply of live poultry is largely In excess of tbe demand CHICKENS 3 coops told at S2 60 per lozen, and 6 coops at 1 60S2 00 per dozen. TURKEYS Three coopi of live tur- keys sold at $14 ; 300 poundt drcsted told 14c; 200 pounds do 13c; and 400 poundt lo HQlGc. POTATOES. Tho weatber hat turned old team, it freezing hard and is very unfavorable for handling potatoes 200 bblt Galena peach blows told at $2 25;' and 200 bblt peach blows on orders for $2 73. APPLES. Cholco it in irood demand at' uotationt, the tupply it very limited. 200 bblt choice told from $3 to i 00; and 160 bbls large red sold on order $4 00 to' 4 60. GAME. There is an actlvedemand for 11 kinds, and none comlne In. A few oisn prarie chickens and quails have rrived but wr takta lnmd!ataly-f4 60 for tbe chickens, and $1 76 for the qtinllt. jobuimo rales. PLASTERING HAIR. 36c V bushel LIME, In lot II 26 to 1 60 V bbl OEMKNT. At wholesale $2 Ot 2 25 V bbl. ONIONS-i'or bbl 2 60. POTATOES Per bbl $'.' ('2 60. . "WHEAT. Thn pneo to-day, rpportod by tho City Mills, nro No. I White 11 76; No. 2 While, l 6..; Ilod bj Lantpb-, 1 60 to 1 CO; .Meditf rMncar It 3u to I 6'1. Damp or tough wheat ii unsaleable. SACKS. lii-sowM Gutmiis IxIfTtlOJ Corn Burlnps 21 Hu. Ib cl. Im proved (iiintu'o', 21 Buslul, 21 els Otb Burlnps, 6 Ruht'l 211 cts. Cotton seam less bans MA to 38 ctl each. PROVISIONS. Sugar Cured Harm plain V 10 to 17c. Shotildur UaeotiHj.r; Clear Sides Bacon, 12f 12Jo Breakfast Bacon, I3llc. LAKD-l'rimo leaf lurd, in tleroc n, OJdv IDe.j In ke ft.. 10 lo into. TPASIim.i-rirvl. 7.V.11 26 : (Jlltiliow der, 7,'a,l 26 ; B.nek, 71 W Voting llyn. i wt,i w. CHE1K. New York Kaetory, new, Vtt ''I'ill'P.-i-rholcc V gallon, tiic(iM W New Orleans. TiKasoe. SKK1W. Millet t hui-hel. ti nf" ! Timolhj 1.1 75. BcilTopei 73to2 0). Clotel ST Ml. CUr f r.r; .ISUI, i i.anavra, ..l G.'IM. Hln. I'rlnie to rbolce. 22Ho 2-1le. I HHODJth. t oioiiiiin uotie y uozeii, fit V); Choice to Extra, 55 VXai .- ; n. Ii. e x ' 00. 1 ,, 1 --- It- 4 V U M. -Ii., SOAP. SchucJer' ( mettled 74c; Champaign soap, ic. TALLOW, 'ri m ;c. SUOAll-Coaee a. iuc; to mcj Crushed Powdered and (traimlated Sugail 15 to 16li-. FREIGHT. COTfoN, Compreo-ed, tel Sew YniiK. efic.! to BoT(S 81 (). Un I coniprced, lo New Yohk, f 1 II; tollosl ro.N. i. KltKKillT TO MmtMIIS.-yi.iill. )c : Hay, g.-i CO Tern V owt., J7je. : O.Ul 17ir.l I'outoe. kbl.. iw.i Arr'ss. sov. ; mru Ifs. : Whl-k. r.t,.c; l.uiiibci. W M. t7 tvi Heavy frelgiit V rwt.. 17'c. BAROLA-Y BROTHBRS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, j&JT 74: OHIO LEVEE. lititni! mill J'ro.icnption, Corner Washington :iii'! Eighth street. Ac. CHE1VIICAL.S 2 5 H BRUSHES El STUFFSjHI D ffiMyj ROTHERSJ I'HKSTPHOTKCTOIIS, Of ehainol and rabbit ikln, for weak lung. At BARCLAY BROS. 11 LOB ATE LOZENGES roil SOUK THROAT, I'ri'purrd nnd told BARCLAY BROS. msm mm ii-u-tr. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS. MARGARET JACKSON Formerly Swander, Intending to remove! to Kentucky, delrei to dlspoic of her large I and eleguut ttock oi iinmclhitclv. Ill order to laclllit.itc the sale! of hergooifs, Mrs Juckou lias determined I to oiler tlie ENTIRE. STOCK AT COST And Invite"! the ladles of Cairo and vicinity locallon tier If tliey Ue-ire goon oargainn. Mrs. JacKson'it GOODS AKK ALLNKW The tno'tuf them haln3 been sclecled froml tbe late tall t-tlc, heni i- the ladles have ul rare opportunity to purchae iiew and lsh-l (inn tie mi ni nerv ai eoi uricu. inn i eoniunf bats ribbon-, flowers, hosiery, ladle underwear, etc., etc 11-30 tf. SAVK TIME AND MONEY 1 By lettin; your wants be known at the CAIRO OFFICE Basement No. 7U Ohio Levee. Ifvnn want emiilovmt-iit. L'O to til e Olllce ; if von want help of nny iletrlptIoo, go tol ,i,: i-uii,.,. ir win want to titivor sell any! article, go to tne unice ; wncrcyou can ivar i who will M-U or who win uuy, orwuo muii hire, or who will work. Call in and leave! vour want" and order-) Now, fur " 1 line Ii J Money. lUVEil aNJ-:V.S. ARKIVKIl. Stoamcr Emma C Elliott, Memphis ' Eml in LaBnrge, Si Lot-is " .1 I) Parker, Memphis " Glasgow, St l.oul " Idlewild, Evansvilla " Illinois, Columbus. DEt-AnTKD. Steamer Emillo LaBargo, Vicksbtirg. " Bismarck, New Orlnans it n a .t. ? . . f cCit v'k'ou n.w oneansiSELLING OFF AT COST! " Glasgow, New Orleans " Idlowlld, Memphis 11 Illinois, Columbus. IilO MUDDY COAL. Steamboats supplied at any time, both lay ar.d night, with either lump or chest nut ccal, in any quantity, and on usual terms, at the yard at grand Tower, Hit Special contracts otforvd on favorable terms upon application. H. V. Olymiant, 1). A Bo Kir., Gen'l Supt. Saks Agent. 3-15-ly II0AT8 LEAVINO 10-J1AY. The elegant anchor lino packet Emma C. Elliott is the regular packet for Mem phis and all way landings, leaving this ivenintr at 5 o'clock promptly. Tbo fine .twiner Jim Fisk, Jr., will leavo at 4 p.m. for Paducah and all way landings. Th Illinois is the railroad stoamer for Columbus at 4 o'clock p.m CONDITION or THE HIV ICRS. Tho first ice of tho season made its ap pearance in tho Mississippi and Ohio riv- rs at this placo yesterday morning. ThatHITELLlG-EfJ'' in tho Mississippi river was Coating past in largo fields, but was not very heavy nd the ico in Ohio was conMued to the bore. It is apprehended that navigation1 bat been suspended between here and St. Louis for the winter. Thery U scant four feet at Devil's island, and It is possible here will be but three fi-A thoru iu a short time. The water between hero and Louisville is gutting down low, there is. ulv four feet st Henderson bar and the river is falling steadily all the way to it ruouth. This season promises to bo a re- markablo one for low.water and ice. Low- water it certainly the bano of a a team - tjoalman's lifo. There is but six feet be tween here and Memphis, and Point Pleasant is tbe most troublesome place. BUSINESS AND tVKATIIER. Business wat good un the landings and ontlderablo freight was handled, not withstanding the bitter cold weather, Thursday night tbe wind blowed a gale which hindorod navigation. MlfCELLANEOUfl. The Idlewild was aground about twen ty hours at the head of Grand Chain. She brought aU tbe could on tho WHtor, and Sited out her trip here. She rubbed bob torn nearly all the way out. Slio reported four feet on Henderson. The "Mollio Mooro" re-shipped her trip on tbe Carrie V. Kounu, and started back to St. Louis yesterday morning, but returned on account of tho Ice, and has laid up. Tho Bismarck departed early yesterday mornini: with all the could carry on the water. Tho Carrie V. KounU left for New Or leani with a good trip yesterday. 'I he James D. Parker for Cincinnati had a fair trip of cotton. The Joe Fleming and two barges of logt which the hat in tow, are aground at Devil's island, and there is not enough water there to let her over unless the lightens her barges considerable. Charlie Parton, met the La Bargo here, and accepted tbe second clerkship on her. The Elliott from Memphis brought up a light trip, and is now loading for Mem phis and will leave this evening. The sale of the tternwbcol Glasgow, by the U. S. Martha), takes pluco to-diiy She lies at tho foot of Sixth street. The Belle ef Shreveport left for St Louis, where the will go out on the docks for repairs, Tho Utah and Ilabago and barges had not arrived late lust night, and it It thought that they are having trouble at Devil's uland. The James Howard was landed nearly to the water, and was expected to leave at a late hour last night. The Gloncou is reported li'ird aground at Point Pleasant, where there it but six 'eet of water. The Bee will leave this issornlng with a tow of bargst lor New Orleans. HOUSE AND CATTI.K MEDICINES And Dltlufi'Ctantd lor .Stables, At BARCLAY BROS. FINE CIGARS, " HONEY BEE." "VOl'NO AMERICA," And "l'tiher-al Standard." At BARCLAY BROS. THE LITTLE KENTUCKIAN. GRAND FREE LUNCH I ILVL O -EO -1 THE LARGEST AND FINEST EVER GIVEN IN CAIRO. SATURDAY NIGHT. NOV. 30 EVERYBODY INVITED THE LUNCH will he composed of anything and everything that can be enumerated, from a SHHIMI' to a HOILED ELEPHANT. EISEN BERG'S STRING BAN I) Will be In attc-ndancu and enliven tbe ban-' rjtiet with unrivalled music. PROF. I W. MALEY HAVE BBEET fcsJj.J- They have given G HEAT Kit S ATISF A (T I OX They Have done MORE & BETTER WORK Are More Easily told, Pavini n Better Profit to tllti Dealer j-"r - .I. i ...... ii,,. . v. H Ul ,IUI HI Ull. CIIJUI IIICIH.1 Ul hi, , -J -," l.v n itt.nlut- nf L-vimiatli nveri-Ues wltlitbu I H b A V V K, I I J I J ft fljl Kchoc clubs. Than any Cooking Stovn I2ST TECH MARKET BOLD II V EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO SAINT LOUIS. Wholesale dealers In all kinds ol KNEES' S T O C K.I AND BY ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS, LIKE 0. W. II E N D E It S O N 100 Commercial ave., CAIRO, ILLS. I ICOEEI I COMB I There Is room for all. TI PHILHARMONIC HALL. HENRY II. MEYER, HXOBLSIOE DECORATIVE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL IF-A-HSTTIEJIR. GRAINING. AND HARBLIKU ot every Description. DECORATING AND GILDING in itverv stvle. nlaln and ornamental. f . , .. , ., .... r 1, . 1 1 I A anicuiar aiieuiiuii imiu iu umea vihiiiiiv Orders solicited lor bcenerv. ! lescoo anc Banner l'alntlnu. FANCY GLASS SHOW CARDS sundav Evenino Decemuek 1st, For tho Benefit of THE THALIA SOCIETY. Qllt, plain and ornamental, AU wotk ( .- trusted to my care will bo promptly ul' isnueuio. auop in rerry uoue, comer CoMsrclal aysuue and Eighth street. MMatf. Merriment, mirth andlauKhter, embracing science and mystery. The miinuKir takes crest pleasure in announcing that they nave engaged l'rof. V. Whitney, the great All- traliun wizard anu cnampton vemnioqum u the world. , , r , , The (ollowlnir selections are from his ex pensive ivpertolru of experiments t "Msgm Growth ol Flowers," PUappearlnjr Irtrd Caecs," "Flouting head," ' Uowlt pt i Ish," " Inoxliaiistablo llat," "Charmed Canan Birds;"' the "Mm-lcal Banjo" tloatlng lu mid ulr, und others. Tho manngemciit begs leave lo say to uiu imiuir, ini u i i -' tcntloii to give to the Cairo public an enter 'aiinnoni (Tint pan tint lio nxi-elled ill the art ! of inagli', as the name of this great perlor- nier win snow loriiseu. Doors open at 7:U0. l'erfonuauce at 6. Tickets, 26 and CO eis. Leo lcVU, Mansfar. ii i i