Newspaper Page Text
bulletin. JOHN II OBERLY, PUBLISHER CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1,1872. S own CIIUKUHKH. I'ltKSHVTKIllAN-rTTSv'i ftrt-ct. I rn-achlnj;, Sabbath nt )j u.lii. and 7) p.m I'nivcr inci ilin.', WcmIiii'mIiiv nt7J p. in. Sabbath School, ;i p.m. .). M. I.ansdcn, Su-pi'iliiti-ndi-nt. Kkv. II. Tiiavkii, 1'attor Sli:THOI)IST.-Ccir. Klfrlitli ami Walnut SU. I'rcncliliiir, Sabbath at 10) a.m., and 7 p. m I'ravi-r nicrtliiL, Wednesday,") p.m. Sabbath .School, :). p.m. 1.. V. fctlllwell, Superintendent. Kkv. I". I THOMi'so.f, l'ator. cni'itui ok Tin: i:i:di:kmi:ii-(E)Ii)co- pal.) Mo ml Hi; prayer. Sabbath 10) a.m. Ilvi'iilnif prayer, 7) p.m. Vibliath School, tl a.m. II.... L WASHINGTON LKTTKK., ; TIIK mKSlDKNT'M MKSSAUK. f Washington, D. C, Nov. 20, J87i'. The president in his forthcoming message will urge congress to take such uctiou as will tend to restore our com merce to ita former prosperous condi tion. The secretary of the treasury will devote considerable space in hi re port to the subject of American bhip M". I'A'ritlC'K'S r;it:il('ll Nlutli St. and i building, the means be recommend to u-uinvioii wi'imu. Public .crtlc..-, Sabbath 8:10 and 10) a.m. Vcmur. 7 n.lii. Sabbat It School, 2 p.m. mli:n t-ti-ry day, 8 Kkv. I. .). ij'IIai.loiian, 1'rlcit. !T. JOSEPH'S rill t(.II. (dennnu.) cor ner ol Wii tin it and Crus street. .Ma, r-tc-ry abbath lit 10 o'clock a. III. eper, 2 p. in. Muss ilurln week ibr, .i o'clock a. in. Ki:v. i.'. I Ion m an, Priest. (iKK.MAS l.t'TIIKItANCII('ltUll-13tb accomplish bath not transpired..-.The jolly secretary nf the navy will utitto in hi. report that it cots more to repair old vessels than to build new and im proved ones j and our navy is go inef ficient now tbat if not completely, re organized will soon wholly pan nut of existence an an nrin of our national TIO.V- id-srmar meeting mcoihI lomlay iucIi inontli at tliclr room ocr Hocktvt-Il V Co'- liook'toiu, (.runmerclal arnui-. Wci-kl) 1'rayir iiicvUii, Friday, 7j p.m. at tin- room, I.. V. Stii.i wi:m I'reildent. nWONI) Jlls.-IONAKY KAI-riST ( lll'ltt II. -Comer -teamnre mid Fortv-Xir-t Mud-. Preaching s.ibbath at II o'rloLk a. m. and :i o'clock p. m, Sunday m-IiooI I o'clock p. in. The clililcli I-coimcctcil Willi th" lllllloN A-'Oi lallnn, liy Hid I'lr-t Mi lonaiy Hap-tl-t h in li oil ami. Iti v. Solomon I.konwih, 1'attor. FltlCAN MiniiODIST. Fourteenth, be Ween Walnut uml ( Vilar. irtius..-abbath, II ii. in. Miulh school, I) p.m. .a meets nt .'I p.m. r:(ONi nti:i. wii.i. uaptist Kir- rtrcct between Vii"liliiKt"ii Ateiiue nlid i i. mill .irfini Pn-achin; Sunday murium; at 10 o'clock, power. Interior Delano will puff Grant's .-ahlMtli Mhool ill 2 oVIock p.m. II. C. ' ' i iiirifi-ke, ftupt-riiiiciiucin. ( i iiiuiiiii poucv nugeiy, nun rccommeou l.r.v.ii.fli I. in... i u.iui , . . , n, , VOI'NC MKN'si cilltisTlAN ASSociA-1 ,,mt xt bc continued, lrcasurcr fepin- tier hays tbat tbe conscijncc fund was increased last year by 82,977 42, und now reaches the sum of $120,121 77. The treasurer recommends that nt the cloe of oacb fiscal year there shall bo published a list of unclaimed balnucci due from the government to individ ual, htating the names, of the pcrxon and the nniounU due to each. ' "noon knouoh." In the appointment of Hrig. Gen. Irwin McDowell to the major general- tilth street., hctueen VV.iliiiuaiid , ,;., ma,ju va(.arjt )V ,e (icat, 0f Gen Scnir i Mthhatll, I ) Mild " p. III. 1 ur.v. . hicks, ractor. Jlcaile, the iireMdent has Miuply car- nun: wii.r. iiai'TIiT iiomk .mission 1 . ' . . . . . SAIIIIATH sellout.. -Corner Waliiut "C'l out military usage winch bc vio ahlh'schooirna..,.. ' '" ' appoint ne..t of Sheridan rli:T Htl.I. WILL I'.Al'TLST CIll KCII ' l0 )C icll,ctiatlt i,t.Ia-r;.l. He ha. aluo -t urrj ' Itarnck-. scnlwr.iahiiath 11 A:7)p.iii. i jipplicd the spirit and practice of the lli:v. Wm. M:i.u:v. I'a.tnr. t ' 1 ' KIKSTMlsslONAKY'Tl.-T Cllfltcil. civil-fcr ice ru!e.s to the army, which ia.';:iX.i1"'!o)"i ' " "f - termination to adhere Prayer mettliii-. edncMlay earning. to them be could not consistently do I'erachlnir, 1 riduv rtt-ulu. ' sJahtuili School, 1) p.m. .lohti Vanllaxter otherwise. He Grant's motive what aud Mary Stephen-, ijiipcrlnteiideiit.. !ti:v. T. .1. Siioiti:.-. l'n'.or. ! thev may, the above promotion and the b CO.NU UAI'IIM C1IL ItCII-l olllU-entU k;,M,,M. nf r.,;nr r:..ri Il-nu-npl- atrcct. hetwccii Cedar and Walnut. The alignment ot .M.ijor len. Hancock, only IUptit church roSnUd by the A.- , tle en50r uiajor-general, to the com- ftcrvicNSahhath, lli..m. 3p,in.and 7 p.m. ' Uiand of the military division of the Kkv. Jacom IIuaiiixv, IJdcr. , ' - - - Atlantic is commenablc when we rcmem SKUKKT OUDKllS. . ,. , .. , f , e 1 ber that Grant never forget nor for- AIKO COMil A.N'filfliY," No. IX-Sutcd ; Kive.", and he has had personal differ-Ai-omlily at thf A-)liim Jla-onlc llall, tir.t ;.i i ,t MoDnwi'll nnl llin. and third Saturday. In each month. ' twin uotn .McDowell anil nan- CAIKO COi;NCIL'No.2i -Keular(Vpy.i. cock the furmer of whom would have ration at Mauie Hall. Iho ni-cuud h ndat In each month. ri?-!"iiiil hail he a-'aiti Ihtii ni'cr. CA1KO CILU'TKK No. 71.-Kcsular Con-, , , . c . yocatlon at .tla-itile Hall, on Hie lliiru l,-iugllC(l. I llf-e appotntmcilIS gIVO CAUIU LulKii:, No. 2.J; l'..t A. M.-IU-ku- t general satittaction except to the "ring'' CoimiiiimcalioiM at jiaoiuc nan, me . , . . . . ceoud and fourth Mondays of each month, ttb j desired tbo appointment of (n-u. Tin: oiI)-ki:i. lows. m. t t... c:., ii,...iu i,n ALKXANDKK LOllOK, --Ji-.MecU In Odd- - c l-cllowr' 1I:U, In Artcr'i-iiuiiiiinjr, eei) tiimIc quarleruiaster general lor :-pe-Thurday evening at tt o'clock. uiui Mirjiui;-. STATU OFPICKItS. ClVII.-sKHVK'K ItfLKS. To judge from the earnest manner, black looks aud muttering of the m embers of congress now here, while 'leaking of the president's desigu of Oovcmor .John M. l'almor; Lk-iitcnant-tioM-nior .lohn Dougherty ; Sccrctan of SlateIMiiiiind Kiimuiel ; Auditor ol stale C. K. I.ippincolt : Stale Trea-urcr K. N. Hales ; snpt.ruMic Iintniction-Newton Ilatcwan CoNti'KlSsMKN. Scn.itor-Lym.iu Triniihull and .lohn A. ,1pllrPi,1 ,l,n snriii-n mlr. ilmro iLoan. ' will be a jollv tunc when all the dis I L. Ikucrul-c. KeiirL-enUitlve ThlUecutli Dlftrict .lohn coutcntcu ones vol toL'ether. J he?e M. Crcl.. I , . . ., . ,, . ... . MI-.M.inKS OKNKKAL AsSHMKLY. S-'P "M gl.o.y Seiiiitur. Kir-t DUtriet T. A. K. Ilolcomb. i about the "rules" iuterferinir with their f L'nlon, ami S. K. (iib-on, of Uallatln. .... , '. , Kciiictnta!lte, Kir-t Ul-trlct u. tval-on -preiigauve.-, just as uiougu ine cou- tvooo. I stitution or the law made them the ap pointing power instead of thn president. COUNTY OK1TCKKS. cmrt'iT roiT.T. .ludee-D. .1. linker, of Alexander. I In answer to an application from one l'ro.cclltlnx Attorney .1. I. McCartney, . 1 1 lof Mai-ac. , high in the. Radical church, yesterday Shcriil A. H. Irtln. i . ., , , , , : Win. Martin A 4or and Trcaurcr. 1 Hie president slated that no othee-hold- Judge 1 llru!'T C0L'UT er's would be remuved except for iuef- A-oclatc .1. I.'. McCrlte and s. Marchll-1 :.. - ,.,ir,...a.inn. i ,..,,1 l.lon. ' " - Clerk .Jacob fi. l.ynch Coroner John II. (!oiiuin. Mt'.NICll'AI. TiOVKKNMKNT. Mavor John M. I.anden. Trea-urcr It. A. C'linniiiiiham. Couiptrollcr C. A. Iluruull. Clerk Michael Howie). Miin-hal Andrew Cain. Atlnrnt't I. II. Tope. 1'olico MaUtnileh 1 Ilron aud II. l'"V-ry. cmci oi rouce I., n. .'ivurs. si:i,i:cm coi'NOii.. Mavor .lohn M. Lun-den. Kli'-t Ward r. (i. Schiih. Second Ward ". K. Woodward. Third Wuril-Jnn. Wood. Fourth Ward S. Slant-. Taylor. tourlli tt aril s. Slant-. lavior. I ,.;.o ), nnlitifi'iiw Clty-at-lirKe-NV. I'. Halllday and I). I ,rlUs 01 u politicians urtf. I nnnn. Illur. nOAKIl Or Al.KKUMKN. Fiit Ward -.lame-. Kcardcn. A. 11. Saf- I lord, Imiiiu Waldcr. Second Ward It. II. cunnliigliam, K. Uu-di-r, Q. Staucel, Jaim-n Swayne. i mm tvarii tt m. siraiion, ,i. n, i-niuix. Fourth Ward-.lno. II. Kobiiison. ti. 11. ISea-e. J. II. Mctcalf. I'll VNM that all vacancies would he filled in ac cordance with the civil-service regulation-. The examining board yes'erday held a session in the treasury depart ment to examine such clerks in the auditor's otliee as tvero candidates for promotion to till five vacancies. The work goes bravely on, but grave doubts are expressed us to Grunt's mulcishncss being a match fur the Wo shall ee anon MO.MIV SCAltCK. There is a devil of n time here owing to the scarcity of money and ttio high rate of interest that it commands, r.uiging from 2 to 10 per cent, a month, which no business can rtund. The sufiering merchants und business men U.S. 11 It I ti 1 1 AM, M. D., Illotiicnnathle l'hv-lclaii and Siii-lm-oii. Of- Itlcii KM Coinmcivlal atcnue. Kc-ldeiice on i n,iriit it t l,itiv,,IU's nnliev of riVnili street, three iloor west ol C. It.1 Woodward. KRi.vjm. , r-nntraetinir the curreucv. and tbo PH. 11. U. TAHKK, Will reMlino the ti'riirtlce ofhU m-ofi-thlnn lullli csiieciiil relcrence to thu elucirien Ittcutnifiit ol ilicas(s In all the new and lin protcd iiit-tln-ilK nfiipiillcallou. I in an cu-es oi comiuainin a lauy will be ill attendancii. Olllcc, I2.S Commercial at f line, up Ktalrn. WILLIAM H. SMITH, M. I). t KSIDH.NivK No. 21 Thiriri-nili tret, be IX twe oci Wm-hmgir'ti apnuaml WhIiiiiI ntrert. JlHoe UiOoiniiienlilavc-DUe, up kIhIth. U, W. DUNNING, M. I). lljKSlIiKNCB-coriierNiiilh and Walnut Ht, lAXOlV'-e i-oidoi nuth el uu I Ohio lee. lOlfne hour from a.m. lo U n-., ami imii II. WAHUNKH, M. I). RHluKN'CF.-Corner Mnetienlh nlrret anil WaHlilnL-lim avemie, near court Ikiiih-. ()! Ihcn oyer Ar'erXiro-'i-ry Store, Oilic lloum trom la I'J in, nml '-oni 2 nil n. m. 1)11. 11, ULU.M, .Suicon uml Mechanical lottlce, Commercial Avenuo between Ninth d ii corner grocer, as ho is called, is cursed iu the- plainest as well as in the most classical manner according to the tastes and ability of tlio cus.,cr. IIOTKI. IMPHOVKMK.VrS. During the past Hummer our hotels have all been improved and re-decorated. The onotthero wealth and fashion centres, tbo Arlington, has for the third, timo in thrcp years under-gone a thorough embellishmont. Tlio Messrs Koossle havo dctorinined to make this lite, hotel of tbo country and they certainly have succeeded. It has 'just been uuwly painted and thu walls of all tlio chambers coverol with the new und beauiiful style of gold aud sil ver corruscated papor which adds great- comfort, convenience and luxurious magnificence, but is celebrated for tbo excellence of the chiihv. It is one of the institutions of the capital. . PAIIDON OK MAJOH IIOLMJK. V The president yesterday pardoned Paymaster .1. II. Hodge who was con victed about a year ago of embezzling about a half million of government funds. On thu trial he acknowledged his crime, and voluntarilly turned over to tbo government his private property by way of reparation, his wife insisting on surrendering ber individual property for the same purpose. Hodge is now a broken down ruined man, thu victim of New York brokers and sharpers who ucd him. To a man whose previous character was so high ho has indeed been severely punished by the degte datiou that bo has brought upon his innocent family. It is reported that the government intends to use him as a witness against certain New York brokers who knowingly specula ted with government funds furnished by him. The government has nerer been able lo convict in any similar ca-i! anil now intends to make an ex ample. PHOMPT. The British minister has oflicially notified this go eminent of the evac uation of the disputed territory on San Juan boundary by the Hritish troops and its Mtrrcndcr to the United States military authorities, who jointly held it. This it iu accordance with the terms of the Washington treaty iu this case. Ol' cot'KSK. The 1 ouse committee on appropria tions havo reccitedall the department estimates, and with the exception of the navy department, and Indiau Bu reau they are larger tbar. last year when for political purpotes they were made fpuitc low. PEllSONAl.. Geo. W. Childs of the Philadelphia ' Ledger ' ani A. J. Drexee. banker, of Philadelphia, are the guests oi the president. The jolly tea-dog Secretary llobcsou gave a dinner to Grant, Fish, and Boutwell on Fridav evening, and Admiral Porter's yorrcl pony died of epizootic on Sunday. AGRICULTURAL. PHKPAItE FOB WINTEIl. " lu time of peace prepare for war," is an old and wi-e maxim. It i often too late to prepare for a conflict when the emergency has actually arisen. tVnil o iu all matters pertaining to the farm, time must be taken by the fore lock and preparation untile for the fu ture, or he who neglects to doit will find him-elf among the unfortunate. Fanning, from the beginning to the end of the year, calls for forecasting as much a for bard work. The mechanic may put off his work to auothcr week, and suffer no loss; but iu farming everything must bc done at the right time, or the opportunity is lost for the vear ; and many things must be done before the time of need actually comes, or they cannot be done at all. This is especially true of work to be done iu anticipation of winter. During the month of November, even to the last of the month, wo usually have a great amount of pleasant weather ; our second summer, the Indian summer, with its bland, smoky atmosphere, induce a dreamy earelesMu-ss iu regard to the future ; but these nro the very days which Providence has set apart iu our climate for preparing to meet the "tern rcaliiie' of winter, and they ought to ho diligently improved in getting thing- to rights and iu proper condi tion for thu frosts and snow. Just as the soaiuau, iu anticipation of the coming storm, or when gnin- into a turbulent sea, calls all Lands to put the ship iu trim to meet rough w.eather, so the farmer should at once look oround him and see what remains to be done before winter fairly sets iu. If any crops are still out, they should be housed or tuljeti care of at once. Suitable provision should bo made for taking stock to a good shel ter at the very tlrst appearance of a cold storm. Cattlu and sheep and other stock, should not be left exposed to the first and most trying blasts ot wintir weather, which often conic .sud denly. The first cold storm may pinch them up for a whole season. The fanner's own homo may need looking after. Now is the timo to make the needed repairs, A little attention to tbo shutting out of winter will bo moro effectual, or at least much moro eaily accomplished now than when the win ter storms are beating. There are many things round about the house and bams that should bo attended to at once. Prcparo for winter, should be the watchword on every farm, until the proprietor can sit down at his firo side at evening and feel that every thing is ready, aud let the stormy winds blow to their heart h content, without having his turbed. short born bull, and tlio best native cows thev can 'obtain. Tbo farmer can maku steers ot the bull calves, and sell them for beef, and tbo best of the females he can rcscrvo for breeding purposes : and as they come ot sum cicnt age, he can work off the old cows to make room for the grade heifers, and their female calves he can raise to to take their places, and so on, always using a thoroughbred bull, and females an near thoroughbred as he can get them, and in a tew years lie will have a heard of cows which will bring him an annual crop of calves which for beef tmrnofc will t)osess nil the excellen cics of the thoroughbred. He says : " 1 handle a good deal of stock, and my business takes mo into different paitsoltliu country, and in contact with farmers all the time, aud I am as tonished ut tie lack of correct infor mation on 'the udvautagc of good stock over poor which prevails among well to do fanners, who, on nil other sub jects, arc well informed and wide awake. I have bred cattle and grazed them, though, iu breeding, 1 never got so far along as to make a special busi ness of raisins thoroughbreds to sell toother for breeding purpo-es. But when it comes to a matter of cattle for beef, I think I know my bu-iness, and what I am talking about. When I was "razing, I would give more per pound for n yood, grade, hhort-horu steer or calf than for n common one, (nnd I noticed they alwayn weighed more, too, at the same agej, because I could fit them for market earlier, be-cau-c I could put on more pounds of beef to an aero of pasturage, aud be cause I could always seel it for more per pound. ' Now, a :i cattle-buyer, I will give more for the same class of stock, than I will for common stock, because I can always find a ready maiket for it, and can realize the best prices, an l because 1 find there is less risk In it. When the market is Over storked ; when buyers from the Hast are few, and holding off, prices droop ing and drovers blue, 1 uotice iti-, 'al ways the inferior and common stock whi.-h feels the depre?ion most, and to the grcatc extent. I have often no ticed, that when I bad several lots of good common becres iu the market, I had to accept a very marked concession iu prices in order to secure a customer, while around u lot of high grades iu an adjoiuiug pen, the buyer would swarm iu troops, each one eager and anxious to buy at full rates. And when prices have dropped, I have noticed that more than half a cent ou .common stock was i ot followed by moio thau half a cent on high grades, aud when prices advance, the best stock always tcels the advance the earliest. Fur this reason, I prefer to handle this kind of stock to common stock, aud al ways expect to pay more per pound for it, aud can make money by doing it. It is with this, as with everything else, there is always a strong, healthy de mand, more buyers thau sellers, for a chniri article than for a common one, aud the fanner will make the mo-t money who endeavors to supply the best. " Another thing I have noticed, and I have handled a great many cattle, and this is, that high grades become good mature beeves, aud can command full prices iu matketat an earlier age, than commr ii bu locks, and when 1 wis run ning a firm, I confide ed this as a grmt advantage. There is uo (jue-tion about their maturing earlier, about their fattening more readily, and about their telling for a higher price." JISpBLLANEOUS. POL AH EXPEDITIONS AND AH TIC EXPLOITATIONS. The Northwest Passage was dis covered by Englishmen. Iu 1830 Mc Cluro and Collinson tailed through ueiirmg mraus ana steered duo cast own. Doubtless the matter is not one towards Mel villo Sound. There, locked ' '" w,,ich a economical chancellor cau in. i. be cxpectid to take nnv float iiitciL-,t. t..:i.i ,.. .. i i i it . . I . a... u! jears. is sue i a ucit-at to I (Hero lives nnd dominates n .selfishucss u.m ... u,u j-iigiauu oi jyruKe i that is hideous and hateful. aim I-robi-ilinr. nl IliiiUm. ..,.) K..ii:n ... i i . . ,. , , ' ""'""!' -ts we are in uiu nabit o pta s nt; ... . .......,. vfsuoni i , in tlio Habit ol cureiy uic giory oi iiiscovering this open .Northern sea ought to be speak i in; vcrv con teinptouslv Ot the liianneM nf the our i characteristic American. That iu the in the ice, they were picked up by i.eicuer, who uau made lus way up in lo uic sounu tiirougli Urcciilaiid Cntri r ud Uafliu's Bay. Thus. then. Me s,0" SC!""Ch Expedition, that the case Mr. Lowe would probably reply, as be replied when asked to aid tbo "Living- onlv bed Clurc aud lus company are the navigators who have ever accotnplis the Northwest Passage, and who have shown that it is possible to sot sail from Liverpool, aud to, leaving Green land ou the right, skirt tho Great North Amcricau Coutincnt, leave Kamchatka on the right again, and east anchor in the waters of tho h ono eminently suited for private en terprise, and to which, so long as it is lower tonus ol American social life ft.-.... ! -. l. .1. . . , . iii-jiu is iiiueii iiiji me ruue and un couth U admitted ; but it is claimed mat, in some re-jieels, tb American is the best-mannered man liviusr. Ho is never quarrelsome, his whole educa tion ha made him careful to rcsp-ct inu rigius oi uioso around him, and i! . s. . "I '"'" 'V, l'm!UL lu,n " 1 6V,Ct,t' ' U! -"''' egaril for woman which ...... i -iv,m .si.uu. Dm is i me characteristic representative of no tllltf tile U-tlV ullnli ft .,.,. ... ..-.t. . , .. . v " ' " "'v "" (! sii-.u (i-ncr namm shares with liim, The as oiirowu-the .pieei. of the ocean theory on which the institutions or his he mistiess of tbo seas-ought to country are founded, aud the influence u.-u.-iiiu uci umii-i. iii uiu nays Kings 1 ol Iho: and emperors, had wider and broader insulin o s tinon nun mipn thu day of his birth, aio favorable to Mikado. Great as the dueoverv is. it ! v.,c"' 1 llc records of the H.-ickluyt the development iu him of thm t,n, ttuii narrative alter liar- for the rights of nil men which is cs- thoughts dis- GOOD CATTLE ON SMALL ' FAHMS. Tho (uestion whether small farms cau afford to keep thoroughbred stock, is being discussed iu tbo ' National BUYING A HOUSE. First, acquire a knowledge of horses, as to know a good horse wheu you see one that is a model. There is more money lost, and more honest men are defrauded, in buying and selling of i hor.-es, thau in any other product of the farm. For the last twenty i years, I have had all sorts and shapes i of horses, from the pony to the Shan ghai, aud thu greatest weight iu the least bulk is the animal tor service. A i horse .weighing from 1,100 to 1 .100 pounds, is largo enough for farm work. You must understand what you waul an animal tor, before you go to buy. One minute is long time enough to ex- amine tlit- standing points of a horse. These are: A good litely eye, iu ! eliued to hazel, and u pleasant couiitt- uunco ; a flat leg and open foot ; shoul ' ders set rather back, and thin at the 1 withers ; a short back, and no objec j tion if it is slightly arched ; the proper , shapo of the hinder parts depends ou what you wish the horse to perform. The prevailing blemishes are blind ness or weak eyes, ringbone, spavin, t hoofbouud, curbed or thorough-pinned, stifled, tic, all of which an expert ob , server will delect iu no minute s time. he heave is the most difficult to tie ; tect, as that depends, upon thu treat- uient the uiiimal has had for tho week previous. 1 uu mumps, or palpitating of tho heart, may bo delected easily! by moving aud exciting tho horse, and stopping him suddenly. As to tho age of it horse hurting him, it depends upon how he has been used until he is six years old ; if sound then, he is good I for ttvelvo or twenty years service yet. judging uic age oi u norsu uy his mouth, is very uncertain. You can tell to u certainty within one year un til ho is six years old, then you must judge from general appearance. Some judges rely on tho tusk, but some horses noyer have any tusk about the same number of inures havo tusks as horses that have none. Some men will tell you that they know tho ago of a horso by tho jaw, or tho wrinkles about the eye or by tho joints of tho tail. You might as well say that you know tho age of a man by tho wrinkles in his face. 'Hie wcariut: of the tcoth depends upon the general health and lungs of tho animal. vet is ueless. We have out Hue i I Society teem rami.- oi expeditions sent outat the ex pense of the national exchequer. The outlay of nionev that such undeit.-ik. may soon perform :t similar exploit at Panama. 'J he Cent ml Pucific line binds hau I rancisco to New York, and before another generation has passed away a continuous road will stretch from Table Bay to the Mozambique Channel. lint another problem awaits us, more important by far and more interesting than the discovery of cither Northwest or Northeast Channel. We know that Noith America, with its huge pendant of the Southern Conti nent , that Asia and Europe, aud to add yet auothcr continent Greenland. aro but enornnus islands; that Bcbring straits, the Gulf of Greenland and the open sea between Spitzbergen and Nova .cnibla are all iu tree communication with one anotltcr. But how about the Polo itself, bow about tho mystic space which lies laud-locked between these continents? The general theory, and one which facts strongly support, is that toward the North Pole sets a con tinuous umUrcurreut of warm ea water, which -ising at the Pole itself, forms a hugj fiee Arctic Se.i, sur rounded by monstrous icebergs and in- tinite floes, wlile itself is uuruftk-d by winds, untouched by tempest, teeming with life and ever open. From its centre the cuircnts set southward, and soou the chill brine is converted into huge mas.-es of ice, floating towards the Equator, block up Behring Straits nnd Baffin's Bay, and cut off all acce-s to this noble Artie ocean. It is the old story of the Hyperboreans over again. We hate to gel well behind the north wind, and whet: once behind it we bicak upon the scene w hich old Lucre tius paiut-. Wo see the glorv of heaven, the quaint dwelling where uo winds rattle, uo rain drops, no hail, uo snow, no hoar frost works its cruel will but n cloudless sky, unflecked, laushs with wide flood oi' light. tt ho is to bc the first to break into this silent sea ? '1 hat it is there that it lies in all its open glory under the Polar sky we know as surely as we know any truth of science. The great warm Gulf stream is ever flowing toward the Pole ; it is ever rolling back, converted into huge and hideous blocks und hummocks aud bergs. More than this, tho process has of late years become nior.1 rapid. Greenland is now one vast thriliiug region of thick-ribbed ice. Tlio Gulf of Greenland used to be navigable up to Grinnull Land aud Kane's open sea. Now it is blocked with an immense flood of crystal, which comes rolling down, crumpling up before it all that comes in its way, as a railway train would crumple up an eg'. Parry keenest, truest, most chivalrous of our Arctic voyagers did his best to reach tho open ocean upon sledges. Tho ice, with him upon it, traveled faster to ward the south than he upon it could make headway toward the north. He found himself, as it were, upon n huge glacial treadmill. The fates were airaiiist him, and he bent hi wiy sadly back. Hut where one, through no fault of his own, has failed, others cau win, and it is certain that this glorious open Northern Sea, where the whale wallows and tho seal aud walrus head, will yet be cut by Lnrnpean keel. Iho Austrii'tis havo an expedition at pres ent wintering in the Nova Zcinbla Ocean, under Woyprceht and Paver. A Swedish expedition, ruled by Inlan der and Vordeuksiold. will eatly next 'spring attempt to cut its way northward in light sledges, drawn by fleet rein deer. The Danes are sending explor ing parties toward the ultima Tliuk by land over tho extreme Polar bounds ofwastonud barren Greenland; and even tho Freuch, amid all their troubles from within and without, pro pose to dispatch an Arctic expedition under Ambertand Mick, though for the pre.-eut it is postponed, owing to some obstacles which stood iu the way. Nor is this all. It is also understood that Prince Bismarck and Priuco Ho liculohu take much iuteiest in these discoveries, nnd that it is not unlikely yet another German expedition may bo dispatched next spring to follow up the researches already described. Where is Knglaud amid till these ex peditious? Ought sho not, too, to hold her own ? Where so great a problem is to bo solved, ought she alouo to hold back and tin-usurc tho net value of the Tcsults of such it ti undertaking against its net cost ? Grant that tho discovery of tho opon polar sea will lead to no real good, will not add a penny either to our imports or our exports; that the wretched images who live on tho ex treme northern fringo of tho world's two huge contineutH have uothing to offer us for our beads and cutlery save seal skins and walru ivory, nnd that, on our pa-t, it is cheaper to procure ivory from Central Africa and Fcal skins from Alaska than to despatch vessels to tho terrible Northern Sea. Even when all this is admitted, the broad question yt remains behind of our natioul glory und credit : Is Eng land to once oeain allow herself to be outstriped in tho race? While wo wcio lio i tig involve is a mere bagatelle. The reults in which ihey may end, and often do end, arc incalculable. The discoveries of Livingstone and Stanley supge-t to ii. a possibility of a great line of rail running due east and west from trom Congo to Comoro, and ren dering unnecessary tho tedious pas-age round the cape. So. too. it would sei tial as Hie basis of good manners In no country but America can a wo man, unattended, travel wheresoever she will without insult, or thu danger of insult. J here arc uo countries in the world in which a woman travellingalonc would travel iu so much danger as iu tin so most noted for fine manners. American society is comparatively new. We have very little among us that is traditional. The. national stvle of manners is iu a formative state ; but seen, that the Nicaragua Canal ought , wo certainly possess tbo basis foi good to .have been discovered years ago; j manner iu a formative state ; but' wo that, in short, it is thcf iult of our gov-1 certainly possess the basis for good eniineiii.-i mat we Know so little as we do of the earth's surface. "I believe," says Socrates to his pupils iu the "l'hiedo,""that the earth is very vast. and that Phassis to the Pillars of Her cules along tho borders nf the sea are just like unto frogs about a marsh, and inhabit n small portio.i only; and that manners in a preeminent degree. We . arc a good-natuicd, facile people, not j ungraceful, and certainly not lacking iu self-possession. We have need only to lespect ourselves a little more, ccasu looking across the water for models, and give a graceful an expression as wu i-nu io our senutncnis toward urn. nnd woman, to become the many others inhabit like n ares." I Inn- 1 ....... -- i , Hid i ,iui ! . . i- , . i .i I iuns;aru woio nx ouruesircs ovtnecartn i aoknow ei Wmii i which we know.' It is possible that 1 r.orx. Englaud is to yield up her own place I Fine manners ill . l,,,,,,,. :. dnd to allow the world to be manned I VPfs.'ll mill nlfirntfarSuiwt r.l1 Ai...!flM.. out for her by others I (.an it bo that I life, for immv Tl, i.t.,...,;.. . J j . ..v. Ul."ll fltlUII what Mr. lot thu American mind in the develop lieutenant I ment of the material re-ources of the country, in the prosecution of its indus wo have already forgotten Stanley's chief said to his wheu the discovery ot J.iving-tone was at stake? "Draw for jL'IUOU; if that will not do draw for 2000 ; if that will not do draw for .C3000." Is Euglanu Drake's England to be outdone by a New York journal ? Ought we not at once to send yet another expedi tion northward, with orders not to re turn until it has broken into the re mote Polar Sea? If ever our national prestige will be lessened, it will betcken another nation, poorer titan ourselves, snouiu snatcti trom in Itic glorv ol solv mi trial interests, and ui the nursuit ol wealth, forbids that .esthetic culture whose natural outgrowth is fine man ners. Good manners, which we already possess, and for which wo hold thu only legitimate aud reliable basis, need simply to be refit.ed. The refinement of good manners will not come to us through tho pursuit of " fine manners as u line art, " but they will come as a natural outgrowth of general tcsthetic Culture. As the lift till 11 lirttnmnj i..n,t the great mystery of the North. ' refined, manners will be onlv one of tho forms and modes through which t ho growing idea of that which is grace ful and beautiful will express itself. Tho man who feels lin ly will act finely, ,.... uu milieu; miuii'ii'iiu v in so ciety to act freely. There is I.o value in nuy form of fiuo art without line feelii.g, aud there must bc souilthiug better than the character of the typical Latin ou which to base a style of man- do not propose to criticise it, and we I ner worth possession or emulation, allude to itonly to point outuud enipha i Manners pursued as an art, for their size the distinction between good man- own sake, will become artificial, and ners aud fine manners. A maimer ma' i thus react upon character iu a very dis- be Hue without being good, and uood i ngrceaoie anil Uangerous way. Ur. r. U. llollaud. iu benbuers tor Decern. .(inon Daily TtUgraph, Oct. 21 GOOD MANNERS. Mr. James Jackson Janes, iu a late number of the ' Independent, ' bus an exceedingly interesting and well-writ-ten paper on " Fine Manners as a Fine Art." It is written from the stand point of an artist, and relates mainly to the icsthetic element iu manners. We without being tine. It may also be good aud line at the same lime. The mauuer of mi aristocrat, who looks down upon ever nine persons iu tun whom he may happen to meet, may bu flue, but it is not good. The mauuer of the Frenchman a member of the Latin race, which Mr. Jarves praises ber. WINTER ORNAMENTS HOME. FOR We'll nofsay anything of the livinc plants and flowers, but if you took the may be line, but it is not good, becauso j ' .V"rl'r ' advice, and piesscd plenty it is not based in that profound respect tor whom without which all tine man ners exhibited in his intercourse with her are no better than an insult. of ferus last June, and saved brightly tinted autumn leaves, and great ruddy boughs of o.i k iu the fall, this is what you cau do with them. Your ferns, gathered in June, are so flexible, with And this brings us to the only point ' rta'.-'rei in June, are so flexible, with wo choose to make in this artie'le. A I tluj,,r hrcad;liko steins, that they wave catholic love of humanity, and a genu- I ?ml .MV!l Wllh B 1 "t?1" "owtl- ine respect for its rights, is the only sound oasis for good manners. A ten der aud pure legard for woman, added to this among men, furnishes all the spring aud impulse necessary for the best and finest forms of politeness. It is not necc-sary to go to the Latin poo pies, with their traditions of art and their icsthetic culture; it is not neces sary to see countries whero classes are recognized and manners take the and are shaped to the arbitrary rules of etiquette; it is not necessary to stu dy manuals of social usage, or sit at the feet of Mr. Turveydrop. in order to learn goon manners, provided a man ing in ti vtvso spoils the uracelul effect : but fill your vases with dry sand, aud you can group your ferns airily, and they will keep their place, and "not bo easily upset. If trees were scarce, aud you have only single leaves of maple, . put long stems ol Hue wire, sucli as is used iu wax work, and you can J twist them in clusters, or arrange just I where you want. Spaces behind pic- c.r.,, tl'' are tiuely tilled with boughs of 11.11 7 1 .1 I oiik. tviiicii iioHi uieir leaves through I the flourishing of a feather duster, and i form :iu admirable background to a ' bright ehroino. Somewhere you waut ! n bracket, and if you ktiuw how to 11.1111 UllWM 11I.II1IIWI .-, IflUtlUllt l Ill.lll I , . ., - , . , thoroughly rcpect his lo low, and finds I ,lr'vo "" ean make one from half himself possessed ol that soutiment to- " b,:n'T lic;'ld, I,n,,d P0I " ';;,ul:d suck oi woou i icavc inorougu uark on; ward woman which makes her his ideal and his idol. Without this respect and this love, there is nothing more hollow and woithk-ss than fine manners. They become, in this case, simply tho disguise ol an egotist moro or less baso aud contemptible. Wn L-iifiu tliMf it t mitre nnunnnii tA attribute flne'manners lo the Latin poo-1 Ka'on l)r"w"' Ky ", ami Jjtch plo as a c'haracteristc. That their I ull H,eh . . )'nn 1,,;,.-v fiet, irom forms orpolileness are graceful aud , "mjm, anil u Ugs, ami lau lences. ;,-l,ir..Sf ... is not tn l,e denied,. A "W ot shell llko lltollCUS should till- two or three bits of barrel hoop nailed (curving inward) from the bottom of your round stick to the outer edge of the top piece. Then another strip ot hoop flat around outer edgo, to conceal all the upper cuds of the supports, and glue over the whole affair is more of tho show of courtesy among the common people, and more of what may be called gallantry iu the treat ment of women, than among the Saxons and the Celts ; but a form of courtesy which is u form of fawning for a pur pose, and a gallantry which originates iu sensuality, ure neither lino manners nor good munners. The French havo been for many years regarded as the politest nation of tho earth. The French capital is looked upon us the very homo and high court ol'liuu man ners ; yet thcro is prdbably not u city iu the world that entertains so little re sncct for women as Paris, or that is so thoroughly permeated by distrust. Tho Frenchman docs not trust the Frenchwoman, nor docs sho trust him. His treatment of her, though fine iu its iiauuer, is dictated b;, that which is base in him. It has the look of gold, but both ho aud she know tbat it is only la -quer. France is lull oi lino munners, but tvo should handsome pine imports. Set a ish tho edge, and a cone the bottom of thu pot of iff or a L'reat vaso of ferns and leaves on top, and it is finer than any thing the eaiver ever made. Beautiful transparencies may be made by arranging ferus aud grasses between two panes of glass, fastened to gethcr at thu edges by a ribbon, glued over them ; and exquisitu brackets and wall pockets may be made from cigar boxes and ornamented by ferns and bright leaves glued carefully on in bo quel and wreaths, aud varnished with sliullao varnish. Tho top of a little stand, or a work-box, may bo turned into lino lacquered work by paiuting with several coats of black paiut, rub bing to a polih after each one, and then ornamented with leave, glued ou aud varnished, Little Corporal. To Ockan Paint. Use but little water at first ; keep it warm aud clean hf i-hant'iii"- it nlieu. A tlanncl elnt "Woou fJ lory. Thk repJ known nil i ll-J2lf. FcATtml at very lc toro, on ol by thJ Saup'i. l'U.NOJ SI.'.OO. 11-2'J-tf. JlEKCH.t tviili to weal co, kid or pu Uyie, go tJ street. Call and iiev. II. II. 1 it. Louis toll ll-2'.'lf. Stkve, llil line saloon id whero can brl serving bis drinkables. Tn i vv flnt-class srtj or suiters, mil and in nnv would mv trfl 1 uliowhere. The St. La durables as nl tho sweetcst-d to. Conscrvntl n-'j.'-tr. I'on ItBNT.I on Commcrcl tecnth nnd Nl tdnpted for A lessa for tv Apply to Joll Levee. Mu. Geo. Si lressor, cornel aiercial nvent of the beardodl -r.nged snloonj tor of hit prij Uo hat besrdel calls (or more Foil Sale vhIuhMu residJ "ltankin Prop! nnd 10th street for ca-h. Thil four good lots,! in oxcellcnt orl 11-8 tr. Notice ok ro moved from I where he it pu cash for fcrnpj bru;i, lead until Also, the highti for hide?, furs, tallow, grease, place. No. 'J'jI Mrs. A.i.v.d ween Commerl nuc, tiAs lust rJ itOCk Of full glH liculnr Bttenliol ment of ladici ioiucthing nei woolen drawcri nlio something-1 Mo thing fori ver deviled. Wcted HSiortnl bom, flower;, al of which will found olfuwhurl 10-9-lm Louis Bl.vJ knows, and wl body, i now fl quarters, on Ei mercial and WJ fers to thu pub tbo choicest brnl liquors to bo fci-J Unit these, rivil reception, will ihnro of puhll leo Louit in hill como for every! a cordial one. Noiioor denJ oysters by tbo raw or on tho J ccn or barrel, l tho city where juicioH and Ih-sI consent U the thu corner of ington HVeuue,! ihould clittnco Louis luc,? r ; loruign, or soinl your own god Jueokul keeps Tlmlla, call fori drink, nnd if icd, everybody :lmryo your Jepmvcd Uito.l Sozodont er Sold by drl Il-.'IJJtwlwJ Have You i for tho lust tlvu fnthion in Nov -cri twicH wl drivin" a inlr i'urk. hm rt-crd cle to which Mill liclo In ftiutal and lutr to til mutely impulrll anil cumins u Hoi;an Mbi;i